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2017 English I Pre-AP Poetry Extra Credit


1. Print out the lyrics of any song. It must be at least 4 stanzas, and IT MUST BE SCHOOL

2. Identify (highlight and label) TEN (10) poetic elements in the song. You may identify
figurative language and/or sound devices. You may NOT count more than two of one
element. Ex: The first two examples of alliteration identified will count as two of your
ten elements. The third example does NOT count as one of your ten.

3. Complete a graphic organizer of your choice – may be a 3-Column Analysis or a TP-CASTT

– of the song.

4. Write a one-sentence focus statement that includes author, title, literal situation (context),
tone, and theme.

A copy of the annotated poem and the graphic organizer/focus statement must be turned in by
Monday, 12/11. You will earn 10 points extra credit added to a minor grade if this is completed

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