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Laplace’s Law: What It Is About, a sphere has little in common with the
original shape.

Where It Comes from, and How It Is Another simpler form applies to spheri-
cal bubbles (typically, soap bubbles) with

Often Applied in Physiology a wall of negligible thickness; in other

words, it refers to a film under tension, the
so-called surface tension (T), which is de-
fined as the tangential force (tangent to the
By Max E. Valentinuzzi and Alberto J. Kohen surface) applied perpendicularly to a unit
length segment lying on the surface. How-
ever, if we consider a membrane separat-
Have you ever seen a birthday party balloon will discuss a few epistemological puz- ing two spaces of any shape with tension in
shaped as a bunny rabbit or a teddy bear or zling aspects. Altogether, Laplace’s law it (as the bunny rabbit balloon mentioned
Mickey Mouse? Sure, you have. Did you know will be covered in three notes. Surely we earlier), its curved surface can always be
that Laplace’s law governs the mechanical be- can anticipate that Laplace was not the decomposed into many elements (kind of
havior at every single point over their respec- first who ever cared about the heart, ves- caps resembling a parachute), each defined
tive surfaces? Ha-ha-ha… a healthy laugh sels, and bubbles. Somehow, someone by two mutually perpendicular circumfer-
comes out, ‘cause it sounds like Alice’s little in the middle credited him with the law, ences of respective radii, R1 and R2, which
fancy joke! Imagine… His Honor, Le Marquis which, incidentally, is not usually taught are called the principal radii of curvature (be-
de Laplace, playing with puppets! in regular physics courses. The subject Le cause they define the curved surface ele-
Marquis did study was surface tension of ment) [3], [4]. Inside the balloon, the pres-

here are two beautiful laws contrib- liquids contained in capillaries. sure P (actually, the difference between
uting to the mechanisms associated the inside and outside pressure, which
with intraventricular pressure build- What Is Laplace’s Law? most frequently is the atmospheric pres-
up. Both are significant in cardiac physi- The relationship is often and tradition- sure, as stated earlier) is given by
ology. The first one is physiological, born ally found in physiology textbooks when
P5T c 1 d
1 1
around 1914 after a series of experiments referring to hollow organs such as the (2)
R1 R2
were carried out in London by Ernest cardiac chambers, blood vessels, blad-
Henry Starling (1866–1927) and his col- der, stomach, uterus, lungs, or the like. where T is the already mentioned surface
laborators, while the second one is physi- It states that the intracavitary pressure tension in dynes/cm and R is the radii
cal, found in a monumental opera, La (Pic), more precisely the difference with expressed in centimeters. It is easily seen
Mécanique Céleste, authored by the French the external pressure (which frequently is that pressure is measured in dynes/cm2.
mathematician and astronomer Pierre Si- ignored as being constant and is usually However, (2) incorrectly assumes a uni-
mon Laplace (1749–1827) and published equal to the atmospheric pressure), is di- form tension value all around the 360°
in several volumes between 1790 and rectly proportional to the wall stress (Ws) of the studied point Q (Figure 1); more
1825 [1], [2]. and inversely proportional to the equiva- realistic is to consider tension T1 and T 2,
Here, we want to deal with the lat- lent radius (Req) or respectively, corresponding to each prin-
ter, first saying what it is all about, and cipal curvature radius, i.e.,
thereafter briefly searching in the regu- Pic 5 k Ws h/ Req (1)
T1 T2
lar physiology textbooks for its apparent P5 1 (3)
R1 R2
background and/or origin, and finally where k is a constant and h is the wall
mentioning its applications to better un- thickness. Another convenient way of and we will stick to the latter from now on.
derstand some pathophysiological behav- expressing it is by stating that the prod- When both the radii and tension val-
iors. Another note will tackle its math- uct PicReq is proportional to the Wsh (wall ues are equal, we have a sphere (such as
ematical derivations, for there are several, stress and wall thickness) product. The a bubble), and the equation simplifies to
including their historical chronology that equivalent radius is a concept trying to
brings to light the question of who first reduce any cavity shape into a sphere P5 . (4)
really found the law, while a final note (quite a reduction, indeed, but models
always simplify things out); hence, you Figure 1 graphically clarifies the concep-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPUL.2011.942054
as a reader must work out a procedure to tual framework from which the spherical
Date of publication: 21 July 2011 do that and, obviously by and large, such and cylindrical cases are easily visualized


by stretching the parachute in the longi- The latter short paragraph is a quote Where Does the Law Come from?
tudinal AB direction (to become a cylin- from [4]. The radii fully characterize the When one of these authors (Max E.
der) or equalizing both AB and CD arcs curved surface element. Valentinuzzi) faced the law as a gradu-
(which is the case of a sphere). Also ob- To complement (6): Wall stress is ate student in the physiology courses,
serve that the tension T 2 along CD tends an extremely important concept in he tried to remember in which physics
to zero as the radius R2 tends to infin- cardiology. Excessive stress causes course he had seen it before as an engi-
ity, because the cavity is now a cylinder; injury to the cardiac tissue and neering undergraduate; however, there
hence, the equation becomes even sim- the latter, in turn, may end up in was no memory of it. His colleague (Al-
pler, or P = T1/R1, which is precisely the lower contractility and consequent berto J. Kohen), an active physics lec-
case of a blood vessel. insufficiency. One clinical strategy turer in engineering, did not recall it
Thus, if the latter equation for the sphere aims at reducing wall stress, which either. We both consulted with a couple
is compared with (1) by equating both the acts as an internal load to the heart. of physicists and checked several physi-
right-hand terms (because the pressures in- Remember also, this is mechanical ology textbooks, and the results were
side are the same), it comes out that stress, not related to psychological disappointing. The physicists had no
stress; the former refers to a possible recollection, and the information found
k Ws h 5 2T (5) physical rupture while the latter in the textbooks ranged from very poor
may be interpreted as an emotional (or even wrong) to right but incomplete
or rupture risk (the so-called nervous or limited and far from being indisput-
breakdown). Nonetheless, the latter ably convincing, both historically and
Ws 5 5 5 , (6) can lead to the former. Thus, be- mathematically speaking. Let us review
kh h d.h
ware of the boss, spouse, or money a few, after browsing original copies
clearly showing that wall stress is pro- issues! resting in my (Max E. Valentinuzzi) per-
portional to the surface tension sonal library over a period from
distributed over the wall thick- 1914 to 1993.
ness. The constant K 5 2/k can Q The first mention was found in
eventually be equated to one, F a Spanish translation of a rather old
while d is the unit length over the textbook published in 1926, which
d D
surface to which the force F acts was used by Max E. Valentinuzzi’s
perpendicularly and tangentially B father when a medical student in
to the same surface. Observe that Buenos Aires back in 1928 (Gley
the product d.h represents a small [5]). Laplace and the Mécanique
rectangular cross-sectional area C Céleste are briefly referred to but
over which a perpendicular force not in regard to any of the expres-
F is applied. It must be underlined sions described herein. The author
that T is equal all around the sur- vaguely refers to the respiratory
face point Q only when the cavity R2 gas exchange studies that Laplace
is a sphere. Besides, a uniform dis- apparently carried out with the
tribution in depth can be assumed chemist Lavoisier. Neither the sec-
over the wall thickness, h, at each tion was devoted to the cardiovas-
level; the latter situation, howev- cular system nor the thoracic cage
er, is not met in practice, as ten- or the lungs (seen as compliant
sion shows an increasing gradient cavities) recalls such law.
from the inner to the outer layers. FIGURE 1 Parachute-like shape of a curved surface ele- Almost 40 years later, a small
ment cut from a complex irregular volume (e.g., a bunny
Regarding Principal Radii: rabbit balloon). The membrane thickness is negligible. but outstanding book by the fa-
“At each point on a given two- There are two segment osculating curves, AB and CD, mous Alan C. Burton presented
dimensional surface, there are each part of a circumference and perpendicular to each the law as in (2), discussing and
two principal radii of curvature. other at point Q. Their respective radii (called principal obtaining excellent and useful
radii) are R1 and R2 with centers O1 and O2. At point Q,
The principal directions corre- force F applied perpendicularly to the length element consequences applicable to cir-
sponding to the principal radii d pulls tangentially along CD. Another similar force (not culatory physiology. However,
of curvature are perpendicular shown) does the same along curve AB. F/d is defined as no lead was given regarding its
to one another. In other words, the surface tension in the CD direction, while the other mathematical background, and
force divided by the perpendicular unit length segment
the surface normal planes at d defines the surface tension in the AB direction. In fact, the concept of wall stress was
the point and in the principal the tangentially applied forces should be named F1 and lacking [6]. Close in time, the tra-
directions are perpendicular F2, respectively, to be precise. In the case of a sphere, ditional 19th edition of Howell-
both surface tensions are equal. In the case of a long
to one another, and both are Fulton [7] textbook explicitly re-
cylinder (CD becomes a straight line with infinite radius
perpendicular to the surface R2), surface tension is only radially defined, i.e., along fers to the law when dealing with
tangent plane at the point.” the arc AB. vessels and the heart. It mentions


other authors too, and quite interest- T 5 F/ 2pR. (8) a paper on A Few Applications of a
ing numerical examples and illustrative Physical Theorem to Membranes in the
graphs are given, but the mathematical Solving the two equations above for Human Body in a State of Tension, a
expression is presented again in the sim- F and equating both results produces copy of which I now enclose, where
plified and incorrect form of (2), with- PpR2 5 T2pR, from which P 5 2T/ R is the same experiment was described
out any derivation [7]. Soon thereafter, easily obtained, identical to (4). However, in the same connection, with this
we found that the textbook by David although its mathematics and physics are difference, that my paper treats the
F. Horrobin [8]. Several times the law correct, they are restricted in reach, lack- subject mathematically. Both Dr.
is mentioned along with its applica- ing generality. Samways and I have shown that a
tions in cardiovascular, respiratory, and To finish this quick tour along time small contracting sac has a mechan-
bladder physiology, but once more no through several common textbooks, let ical advantage over a large one, but
good mathematics is given, and even a us go back to 1914, almost a 100 years he pushes the matter to an absurdity
historical error shows up when Laplace ago, to browse Leonard Landois’ Span- when he contends that the left au-
appears as “having studied the relation- ish version of his physiology treatise [15]. ricle by its contraction sends blood
ship between a vessel radius, tension in It does not mention the law. Thus, the into the contracting ventricle. There
its wall, and the pressure across it.” No, conclusion is that Laplace’s law has been are no valves between the auricle
to the best of our knowledge, he never referred to frequently but poorly in the and the lungs, and therefore raising
did that. In turn, Mountcastle, in 1968, regular physiology textbooks, and even the intraauricular pressure during
came out with another well-known errors are detected. No good and convinc- contraction of the ventricle could
textbook, where the law is barely and ing mathematical derivation is given, and only result in the blood following
poorly referred to [9]. No other com- no clue seems to be found regarding its the path of least resistance, name-
ment appears as pertinent in it. first inclusion in physiology—indeed dis- ly, back into the pulmonary veins.
Skipping over a decade, we found appointing. To add another reason may seem
two of the mostly used textbooks in Thereafter, we established a search in “wasteful and ridiculous excess,”
medical schools—that of William F. Ga- the regular and more specialized scien- but it will be found that the mean
nong’s and Guyton’s [10], [11]; how- tific physiology literature, where better and radius of curvature of the contracted
ever, the information in them regard- more detailed information could be found. auricle is nothing like small enough
ing the said law is extremely poor. By The first application of this law in to enable it to raise the pressure of
the same token, the Spanish edition of physiology we could find, and to the best its contents to anything approach-
a huge treatise by Lloyd H. Smith and of our knowledge, was that of Robert H. ing that of the ventricle when the
Samuel O. Thier, barely and even al- Woods [16], in Dublin, Ireland, back in relative thicknesses of the walls are
most as passing, mentions the law and 1892. In fact, later on, this author pub- taken into account. By taking the
the simple equation (2) form, adding lished a letter seriously questioning some formula given in my paper (p. 367),
also a few other minor comments [12]. concepts previously made public by Sam-
Very meager in this respect is the discus- ways [17]. Let us reproduce almost verba- P 5 t 1 1 / r1 1 1 / r 2 ,
sion offered by the traditional Best and tim that letter because it is enlightening
Taylor in another Spanish edition based indeed. It indicates two sources for the where P is the pressure of blood,
on Brobeck’s version [13]. In Argentina, same article, while it clearly shows that t the thickness of the wall at any
the traditional Houssay’s physiology, in a complete understanding of the subject point, and r1 and r, the maximum
its 6th edition, gives a good discussion had not been yet reached. The equation and minimum radii of curvature at
of all cardiac biomechanics based on given seems to include the factor t for that point, and applying it to the con-
the modern concepts of the pressure– both thickness and wall stress, although tracted auricle and dilated ventricle
volume diagrams [14]. Laplace’s law is the author only mentions the former, in question, its value will be found to
given in a simplified form, where two and the equation is not fully correct, as be greater for the ventricle than for
semispheres are the reference shapes already explained earlier. the auricle.
when trying to pull them apart by the In the British Medical Journal of 23 Robert H. Woods, M.B., F.R.C.S.
pressure P inside. Such pressure can be January 1897, there appears an ar- (Dublin, 30 January)
expressed as a force F over the sphere ticle by Dr. D.W. Samways, in which
cross-sectional equator area, i.e., he details a series of experiments Máximo Valentinuzzi, Sr., retook the
with two bags of different capacities subject many years later in regard to the
P 5 F/ pR2, (7) distended under the same pressure, human uterus, having carried out mul-
and applies the conclusions drawn to tiple experiments in vitro and in bal-
and the tendency to separate both halves the working heart. In the year 1892, loon models [18], [19]. For historical
apart must be counteracted by the surface I read before the Royal Academy of reasons, he called it as Barrau–de Snoo’s
tension T generated by the same force, but Medicine, in Ireland, and published law, instead of Laplace’s law, since Karl
applied perpendicularly to the equator both in its Transactions and in the de Snoo, in Utrecht, The Netherlands,
circumference, i.e., Journal of Anatomy and Physiology [16], had also studied the laboring uterus in


The Netherlands in 1936, while Barrau, thickness. The study included canine, Also notice that surface tension (in a
a mathematician, verified and apparent- cow, chicken, and human hearts. thin film) appears as loosely and con-
ly simplified the calculations [20]. These Concluding the second part of this fusedly mixed with the concept of wall
latter authors stated the law by saying section, the specialized literature displays stress (where thickness plays a role).
that “tension on a given surface point a good deal of experimental tests, and a A few numerical values illustrate this
of the uterus equals the product of the mathematical demonstration was located (given in the table below).
intrauterine pressure and the curvature (which is left for our second note dealing An aneurysm (literally meaning wid-
radius at that point,” which is similar to with Laplace’s law). Probably, there are ening, from Greek) is a sac formed by
the statement given earlier after (1) but more reports testing it experimentally, the dilatation of the walls of an artery
simpler; however, they did not seem to but we think it would not add anything or vein. The elastic properties change
have recognized Laplace’s long-standing of significance. dramatically so that the walls become
priority. Nonetheless, first, de Snoo and more compliant and, thus, mechanically
afterward Valentinuzzi repeating it, a How Can the Law Be Applied weaker. Since surface tension in a cylin-
geometrical and ingenious demonstra- in Pathophysiology? der appears only tangentially and along
tion was offered [18]–[20]. It will be de- The simplified version of the law, as in (4) the circumferential cross section, as the
veloped in the second note of this sub- for a sphere or as in its cylindrical version, vessel weakens, a dissecting aneurysm
ject when dealing with its mathematical is good enough to make qualitative predic- (wall rupture) only occurs longitudi-
foundations. tions giving the basis for the many good nally, because the pull is perpendicular
In a short communication, Martin physiological discussions found in the text- to the vessel direction. The law predicts
and Haines [21], from the University of books. Let us go back first to our birthday such behavior, and clinical practice dem-
Oklahoma, performed an experimental balloon; when air is blown in, a certain onstrates it.
study of the left ventricular thickness volume needs to build up before a pres- Consider now any of the cardiac
and radii in calf, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, sure gauge would detect a small pressure chambers, say the left ventricle. A dilated
hog, and rat with the purpose of check- value, in turn developing some counteract- heart shows a larger equivalent radius,
ing how well the numerical values fol- ing surface tension. As more air gets in, the while its wall becomes thinner than nor-
lowed Laplace’s surface tension law. As- pressure inside increases, and the surface mal. Thus, the myocardium must devel-
suming blood pressure to be constant (= tension also increases. When the balloon op a greater tension during contraction
C), they rearranged the equation as in becomes too big, simple finger touching sig- to sustain the required pressure, and in
(2), but replacing T by t and defining the nals a large surface tension and, therefore, a the end, poor ejection of blood may oc-
latter as ventricular thickness, i.e., quite possible rupture risk. All these phenomena cur. Conversely, if hypertrophy takes
similar to what Woods presented in 1892 are static in nature. place (say because of hypertension or
[17]. Their results gave an average C of William Ganong in his well-used excess physical training), the ventricular
0.737 with a coefficient of variation of textbook [10], or in earlier editions such wall gets thicker, partially compensating
22%, whereas the heart weight varied as the 7th edition of 1975, explains the for the necessary increase in wall stress.
767 times. No units are given. Thus, this case of a blood vessel using the equation We do not enter into the etiology of these
article does not add any significant infor- P = T1/R1 (see above): the smaller the cardiac pathologies; we underline only
mation to our search. vessel’s radius, the smaller the wall ten- the law that explains the behavior.
Another experimental set of measure- sion to balance the distending pressure. Another example: anatomical obser-
ments was run by Valentinuzzi et al. in Moreover, when pressure in a small ves- vations in normal ventricles showed that
1987 [22]. Burton’s predictions were sel is reduced, a point is reached where the radius at the basal region is larger
found to be correct, i.e., the left ventric- blood flow becomes zero, although the than at the apical zone, thus approximat-
ular wall is thicker around the middle pressure is not zero. The latter is called ing the left ventricle with two superim-
region and toward the base. However, it critical closing pressure (see previous para- posed spheres, an upper and a lower one,
was also found that the law held only for graph when a balloon is inflated and as Valentinuzzi et al. did [22]. Since the
hearts in systole and when the papillary compare both statements, as the latter pressure inside is the same, Laplace’s law
muscles were included as part of the wall phenomenon describes its counterpart). clearly explains why the wall is thicker
in the former than in the latter. Besides,
the right ventricle develops a much lower
Vessel P (mmHg) (dyn/cm2) R (cm) PR 5 T (dyn/cm) Wall thickness, h (mm) pressure than the left, and as a conse-
Aorta 120 200,000 C quence, its wall is thinner.
160,000 1.25 170,00 G 2.00 The law also finds a place in respira-
Vena cava 8 16,500 C tory physiology. Alveolar surface tension
11,000 1.50 21,000 G 1.50 is controlled by a substance called surfac-
1 mmHg 5 1,333 dyn/cm2. The fourth column was calculated with the simplest equation (2) in its cylindrical tant, and T is inversely proportional to
form for vessels. For the aorta, we have taken the systolic pressure; for the vena cava, 8 mmHg was accepted. its concentration. Surfactant molecules
Check the figures of this table with others reported in the literature (as a little exercise). C means computed
with PR 5 T; G means data from Ganong’s textbook. are spread apart as alveolar size increas-
es during inspiration (concentration


gets down) and move closer together at Pierre Simon de Laplace: A noble- record by just letting an arterial blood
expiration (concentration goes up), thus man carrying the title of Marquis was jet to sprinkle the surface of a rotat-
adjusting T during breathing. Were this born at Beaumont-en-Auge, France, in ing drum. Its dicrotic notch was clearly
not the case, the alveoli would collapse 1749, and died in Paris, in 1827. The so- depicted.
at expiration because of the too high lar system for him originated in a rotating
surface tension. Another interesting and nebulous formation. He heavily contrib- Max E. Valentinuzzi (maxvalentinuzzi@
significant phenomenon is that a small uted to probability theory. The Laplacian or
alveolus connected to a larger one emp- operator, is with the Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica,
ties its air content in the latter, simply University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Alberto
'2 '2 '2
because its surface tension surpasses D 5 =2 5 21 21 , J. Kohen ( is with the
'x 'y 'z 2
that of the bigger alveolus. Atelectasis Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica, University of
and hyaline membrane are the two clas- also called nabla squared, remembers Buenos Aires, Argentina.
sical examples to illustrate the impor- him. The celestial mechanics (La Mé-
tance of alveolar surface tension in the canique Céleste) mentioned earlier was, References
respiratory act, both directly linked to without doubt, his opera magna writ- [1] M. E. Valentinuzzi, Understanding the Hu-
Laplace’s law. ten over a long span of time. In it, sev- man Machine: A Primer for Bioengineering.
Micturition is a physiological function eral subjects were dealt with, going Singapore: World Scientific.
usually studied by cystometry, which re- well beyond the field of astronomy. [2] P. S. Laplace. [Online]. Available: http://
lates intravesical volume with intravesical Its reading is rather difficult, because
pressure; hence, a nice situation to look the author was not a didactic writer ple/Laplace/RouseBall/RB_Laplace.html
at through the law. A normal cystometry or too clear in his style. In theoretical Taken from A Short Account of the History of
shows a middle long flat portion indicat- physics, the theory of capillary attrac- Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball, 4th ed.,
ing volume increase due to vesical fill- tion is due to Laplace, who accepted 1908.
ing but constant pressure, because the the idea that the phenomenon was [3] Mathematics illuminated, Section 8.6: Cur-
radius of the cavity increases with surface due to a force of attraction. The part vature, The kissing circle and curved sur-
tension, thus compensating for the en- that deals with the action of a solid faces. [Online]. Available: http://www.
largement. The micturition reflex is trig- on a liquid and the mutual action of
gered at a critical high volume and sur- two liquids was ultimately completed units/8/textbook/06.php
face tension. by Gauss. In 1862, Lord Kelvin (Sir [4] E. W. Weisstein. Principal radius of
The pregnant uterus appears as anoth- William Thomson) showed that if we curvature. From MathWorld–A Wolf-
er example where the law is very handy. assume the molecular constitution of ram Web resource. [Online]. Avail-
It shows a behavior similar to that of the matter, the laws of capillary attraction able:
bladder because surface, or better, wall can be deduced from the Newtonian PrincipalRadius ofCurvature.html
stress accommodates to the slowly in- law of gravitation. [5] E. Gley, Tratado de Fisiología [in Spanish,
creasing volume [18]–[20]. Laplace was vain and selfish, a fact Treatise of Physiology]. Barcelona, Spain:
not denied even by his warmest ad- Salvat Editores, 1926 (Transl. from French:
Conclusions mirers; his conduct to the benefactors J. M. Bellido).
We have presented the law as is cur- of his youth and his political friends [6] A. C. Burton, Physiology and Biophysics of the
rently found in the regular physiology was ungrateful and contemptible, Circulation. Chicago, IL: Year Book Medi-
literature and recognize certain flaws while his appropriation of the results cal, 1965 (see pp. 76–83).
that seem to project from decade to of those who were comparatively un- [7] T. C. Ruch and H. D. Patton, Eds., Physiology
decade. Its mathematical derivation is known seems to be well established. and Biophysics. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders,
specifically never given and even one Of those whom he treated, three rose 1966 (see pp. 536–541). 19th edition of
equation often cited is incorrect, as it to distinction (Legendre and Fourier, Howell-Fulton Textbook.
assumes the same surface tension on in France, and Young, in England). It [8] D. F. Horrobin, Medical Physiology and Bio-
both principal circumferences charac- should also be added that toward the chemistry. Baltimore, MD: Williams &
terizing the curved surface element. A close of his life, and especially to the Wilkins, 1968.
couple of publications in this respect by work of his pupils, Laplace was both [9] V. B. Mountcastle, Medical Physiology, vol. 1,
de Snoo and by Valentinuzzi, Sr. seem generous and appreciative [2]. 12th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1968, pp.
to be an exception. Its historical origin Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier 1054 (see p. 108).
appears confusing at best, and proper (1743–1794), founder of modern chem- [10] W. F. Ganong, Review of Medical Physiology,
definition of the important concept of istry, tragically ended his life in the guil- 10th ed. Los Altos, CA: Lange Medical,
wall stress is usually not clearly given. lotine during the terror period of the 1981 (see p. 457).
The next note on the subject will offer French Revolution. [11] A. C. Guyton, Textbook of Medical Physi-
the several demonstrations we have Leonard Landois was a German ology. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 1981.
found, which simultaneously indicate physiologist (1837–1902) who pro-
a historical enlightening chronology. duced the first faithful blood pressure (continued on page 84)



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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPUL.2011.941461
their importance. As the Reynolds University of Texas at Austin
Date of publication: 21 July 2011 number is one of the most important

RETROSPECTROSCOPE (continued from page 81)

[12] L. H. Smith and S. O. Thier, Fisio-Patología, body in a state of tension,” J. Anat. Physiol., Med. Sch., Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina,
3rd ed. [in Spanish, Physio-Pathology]. Bue- vol. 26, pt. 3, pp. 362–370, 1892. 1950.
nos Aires: Panamericana, 1983. [17] R. H. Woods, “The influence on the action [20] K. de Snoo, “Die Bedeutung des Span-
[13] J. R. Brobeck, Bases Fisiológicas de la Práctica of the auricle of variations in its capacity,” nungsgesetzes für die Periode der Aus-
Médica, 10th ed. [in Spanish, Physiological Br. Med. J. (Correspondence Section), vol. 1, dehnung,” [in German, Meaning of the
Bases of Medical Practice]. Mexico City: Pan- no. 1882, p. 627, Mar. 1897. tension law during the mechanism of the
americana, 1983. [18] M. Valentinuzzi, Sr., “Sobre algunas no- dilatation period], Zentralblatt für Gynäkolo-
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