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CHI MING TSOI vs. CA in the country and to publicly maintain the
appearance of a normal man.
FACTS: Ching married Gina on May 22, 1988 at the Ching’s version: he claims that if their marriage
Manila Cathedral, Intramuros, Manila as evidenced shall be annulled by reason of psychological
by their marriage contract. After the celebration incapacity, the fault lies with Gina. He does not
they had a reception and then proceeded to the want their marriage annulled for reasons of (1) that
house of the Ching Ming Tsoi’s mother. There they he loves her very much (2) that he has no defect on
slept together on the same bed in the same room his part and he is physically and psychologically
for the first night of their married life. capable (3) since the relationship is still very young
Gina’s version: that contrary to her expectations and if there is any differences between the two of
that as newlyweds they were supposed to enjoy them, it can still be reconciled and that according
making love that night of their marriage, or having to him, if either one of them has some
sexual intercourse, with each other, Ching however incapabilities, there is no certainty that this will not
just went to bed, slept on one side and then turned be cured.
his back and went to sleep. There was no sexual Ching admitted that since his marriage to Gina
intercourse between them that night. The same there was no sexual contact between them. But,
thing happened on the second, third and fourth the reason for this, according to the defendant,
nights. was that everytime he wants to have sexual
In an effort to have their honey moon in a private intercourse with his wife, she always avoided him
place where they can enjoy together during their and whenever he caresses her private parts, she
first week as husband and wife they went to Baguio always removed his hands.
City. But they did so together with Ching’s mother,
uncle and nephew as they were all invited by her ISSUE: Whether or not Ching is psychologically
husband. There was no sexual intercourse between incapacitated to comply with the essential marital
them for four days in Baguio since Ching avoided obligations of marriage
her by taking a long walk during siesta time or by
just sleeping on a rocking chair located at the living HELD: The Supreme Court affirmed the decisions of
room. the trial court and Court of Appeals in rendering as
They slept together in the same room and on the VOID the marriage entered into by Ching and Gina
same bed since May 22, 1988 (day of their on May 22, 1988. No costs.
marriage) until March 15, 1989 (ten months). But The Supreme Court held that the prolonged refusal
during this period there was no attempt of sexual of a spouse to have sexual intercourse with his or
intercourse between them. Gina claims that she her spouse is considered a sign of psychological
did not even see her husband’s private parts nor incapacity. If a spouse, although physically capable
did he see hers. but simply refuses to perform his or her essential
Because of this, they submitted themselves for marriage obligations, and the refusal is senseless
medical examinations to Dr. Eufemio Macalalag. and constant, Catholic marriage tribunals attribute
Results were that Gina is healthy, normal and still a the causes to psychological incapacity than to
virgin while Ching’s examination was kept stubborn refusal. Senseless and protracted refusal
confidential up to this time. is equivalent to psychological incapacity.
The Gina claims that her husband is impotent, a One of the essential marital obligations under the
closet homosexual as he did not show his penis. Family Code is “to procreate children basedon the
She said she had observed him using an eyebrow universal principle that procreation of children
pencil and sometimes the cleansing cream of his through sexual cooperation is the basic end of
mother. She also said her husband only married marriage.” Constant non-fulfillment of this
her to acquire or maintain his residency status here obligation will finally destroy the integrity or
wholeness of the marriage. In the case at bar, the
senseless and protracted refusal of one of the there is no collusion between the two. Leouel’s
parties to fulfill this marital obligation is equivalent petition is however denied by the lower and
to psychological incapacity. appellate court.
While the law provides that the husband and the
wife are obliged to live together, observer mutual ISSUE: Whether or not psychological incapacity is
love, respect and fidelity, the sanction therefore is attendant to the case at bar.
actually the “spontaneous, mutual affection
between husband and wife and not any legal HELD: No. Before deciding on the case, the SC
mandate or court order (Cuaderno vs. Cuaderno, noted that the Family Code did not define the term
120 Phil. 1298). Love is useless unless it is shared “psychological incapacity”, which is adopted from
with another. Indeed, no man is an island, the the Catholic Canon Law. But basing it on the
cruelest act of a partner in marriage is to say “I deliberations of the Family Code Revision
could not have cared less.” This is so because an Committee, the provision in PI, adopted with less
ungiven self is an unfulfilled self. The egoist has specificity than expected, has been designed to
nothing but himself. In the natural order, it is allow some resiliency in its application. The FCRC
sexual intimacy that brings spouses wholeness and did not give any examples of PI for fear that the
oneness. Sexual intimacy is a gift and a giving of examples would limit the applicability of
participation in the mystery of creation. It is a the provision under the principle of ejusdem
function which enlivens the hope of procreation generis. Rather, the FCRC would like the judge to
and ensures the continuation of family relations. interpret the provision on a case-to-case basis,
guided by experience, the findings of experts and
Leouel Santos vs Court of Appeals researchers in psychological disciplines, and by
decisions of church tribunals which, although not
Facts: Leouel Santos, a member of the Army, met binding on the civil courts, may be given persuasive
Julia Rosario Bedia in Iloilo City. In September effect since the provision was taken from Canon
1986, they got married. The couple latter lived with Law. The term “psychological incapacity” defies any
Julia’s parents. Julia gave birth to their son in 1987. precise definition since psychological causes can be
Their marriage, however, was marred by the of an infinite variety.
frequent interference of Julia’s parents, as averred Article 36 of the Family Code cannot be taken and
by Leouel. The couple also occasionally quarreled construed independently of but must stand in
about as to, among other things, when should they conjunction with, existing precepts in our law on
start living independently from Julia’s parents. In marriage. PI should refer to no less than a mental
1988, Julia went to the US to work as a nurse (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be
despite Leouel’s opposition. 7 months later, she truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that
and Leouel got to talk and she promised to return concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by
home in 1989. She never went home that year. In the parties to the marriage which (Art. 68), include
1990, Leouel got the chance to be in the US due to their mutual obligations to live together, observe
a military training. During his stay, he desperately love, respect and fidelity and render help and
tried to locate his wife but to no avail. Leouel, in an support. The intendment of the law has been to
effort to at least have his wife come home, filed a confine the meaning of PI to the most serious cases
petition to nullify their marriage due to Julia’s of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an
alleged psychological incapacity. Leouel asserted utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and
that due to Julia’s failure to return home or at least significance to the marriage. This psychological
communicate with him even with all his effort condition must exist at the time the marriage is
constitutes psychological incapacity. Julia filed an celebrated. The SC also notes that PI must be
opposition; she said that it is Leouel who is characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical
incompetent. The prosecutor ascertained that antecedence, and (c) incurability. The incapacity
must be grave or serious such that the party would ISSUE: Whether opposing or conflicting
be incapable of carrying out the ordinary duties personalities should be construed as psychological
required in marriage; it must be rooted in the incapacity
history of the party antedating the marriage,
although the overt manifestations may emerge HELD:The Court of Appeals erred in its opinion the
only after the marriage; and it must be incurable Civil Code Revision Committee intended to
or, even if it were otherwise, the cure would be liberalize the application of Philippine civil laws on
beyond the means of the party involved. personal and family rights, and holding
In the case at bar, although Leouel stands psychological incapacity as a broad range of mental
aggrieved, his petition must be dismissed because and behavioral conduct on the part of one spouse
the alleged PI of his wife is not clearly shown by the indicative of how he or she regards the marital
factual settings presented. The factual settings do union, his or her personal relationship with the
not come close to to the standard required to other spouse, as well as his or her conduct in the
decree a nullity of marriage. long haul for the attainment of the principal
objectives of marriage; where said conduct,
Republic vs CA and Molina observed and considered as a whole, tends to
cause the union to self-destruct because it defeats
FACTS: Roridel Olaviano was married to Reynaldo the very objectives of marriage, warrants the
Molina on 14 April 1985 in Manila, and gave birth dissolution of the marriage.
to a son a year after. Reynaldo showed signs of The Court reiterated its ruling in Santos v. Court of
“immaturity and irresponsibility” on the early Appeals, where psychological incapacity should
stages of the marriage, observed from his tendency refer to no less than a mental (not physical)
to spend time with his friends and squandering his incapacity, existing at the time the marriage is
money with them, from his dependency from his celebrated, and that there is hardly any doubt that
parents, and his dishonesty on matters involving the intendment of the law has been to confine the
his finances. Reynaldo was relieved of his job in meaning of ‘psychological incapacity’ to the most
1986, Roridel became the sole breadwinner serious cases of personality disorders clearly
thereafter. In March 1987, Roridel resigned from demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability
her job in Manila and proceeded to Baguio City. to give meaning and significance to the marriage.
Reynaldo left her and their child a week later. The Psychological incapacity must be characterized by
couple is separated-in-fact for more than three gravity, juridical antecedence, and incurability. In
years. the present case, there is no clear showing to us
On 16 August 1990, Roridel filed a verified petition that the psychological defect spoken of is an
for declaration of nullity of her marriage to incapacity; but appears to be more of a “difficulty,”
Reynaldo Molina. Evidence for Roridel consisted of if not outright “refusal” or “neglect” in the
her own testimony, that of two of her friends, a performance of some marital obligations. Mere
social worker, and a psychiatrist of the Baguio showing of “irreconcilable differences” and
General Hospital and Medical Center. Reynaldo did “conflicting personalities” in no wise constitutes
not present any evidence as he appeared only psychological incapacity.
during the pre-trial conference. On 14 May 1991, The Court, in this case, promulgated the guidelines
the trial court rendered judgment declaring the in the interpretation and application of Article 36
marriage void. The Solicitor General appealed to of the Family Code, removing any visages of it
the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals denied being the most liberal divorce procedure in the
the appeals and affirmed in toto the RTC’s decision. world: (1) The burden of proof belongs to the
Hence, the present recourse. plaintiff; (2) the root cause of psychological
incapacity must be medically or clinically identified,
alleged in the complaint, sufficiently proven by
expert, and clearly explained in the decision; (3) the marriage void ab initio, whereas a defect in any
The incapacity must be proven existing at the time of the essential requisites shall render the marriage
of the celebration of marriage; (4) the incapacity voidable. In the instant case, it is clear from the
must be clinically or medically permanent or evidence presented that petitioner and respondent
incurable; (5) such illness must be grave enough; did not have a marriage license when they
(6) the essential marital obligation must be contracted their marriage. Instead, they presented
embraced by Articles 68 to 71 of the Family Code an affidavit stating that they had been living
as regards husband and wife, and Articles 220 to together for more than five years. However,
225 of the same code as regards parents and their respondent herself in effect admitted the falsity of
children; (7) interpretation made by the National the affidavit when she was asked during cross-
Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic examination. The falsity of the affidavit cannot be
Church, and (8) the trial must order the fiscal and considered as a mere irregularity in the formal
the Solicitor-General to appeal as counsels for the requisites of marriage. The law dispenses with the
State. marriage license requirement for a man and a
The Supreme Court granted the petition, and woman who have lived together and exclusively
reversed and set aside the assailed decision; with each other as husband and wife for a
concluding that the marriage of Roridel Olaviano to continuous and unbroken period of at least five
Reynaldo Molina subsists and remains valid. years before the marriage. The aim of this
provision is to avoid exposing the parties to
De castro vs De Castro humiliation, shame and embarrassment
concomitant with the scandalous cohabitation of
FACTS: Petitioner and respondent met and became persons outside a valid marriage due to the
sweethearts in 1991. They planned to get married, publication of every applicant’s name for a
thus they applied for a marriage license with the marriage license. In the instant case, there was no
Office of the Civil Registrar of Pasig City in "scandalous cohabitation" to protect; in fact, there
September 1994. They had their first sexual was no cohabitation at all. The false affidavit which
relation sometime in October 1994, and had petitioner and respondent executed so they could
regularly engaged in sex thereafter. When the push through with the marriage has no value
couple went back to the Office of the Civil whatsoever; it is a mere scrap of paper. They were
Registrar, the marriage license had already expired. not exempt from the marriage license requirement.
Thus, in order to push through with the plan, in lieu Their failure to obtain and present a marriage
of a marriage license, they executed an affidavit license renders their marriage void ab initio.
dated 13 March 1995 stating that they had been
living together as husband and wife for at least five Carlos vs Sandoval
years. The couple got married on the same date,
with Judge Jose C. Bernabe, presiding judge of the Facts: Teofilo Carlos and petitioner Juan De Dios
Metropolitan Trial Court of Pasig City, Carlos were brothers who each have three parcels
administering the civil rites. Nevertheless, after the of land by virtue of inheritance. Later Teofilo died
ceremony, petitioner and respondent went back to intestate. He was survived by respondents
their respective homes and did not live together as Felicidad Sandoval and their son, Teofilo Carlos II.
husband and wife. Upon Teofilo’s death, two parcels of land were
registered in the name of Felicidad and Teofilo II. In
ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage between August 1995, Carlos commenced an action against
petitioner and respondent is valid. respondents before the court a quo. In his
complaint, Carlos asserted that the marriage
HELD: Under the Family Code, the absence of any between his late brother and Felicidad was a nullity
of the essential or formal requisites shall render in view of the absence of the required marriage
license. He likewise maintained that his deceased filed in the regular courts. On the other hand, the
brother was neither the natural nor the adoptive concern of the State is to preserve marriage and
father of Teofilo Carlos II. He argued that the not to seek its dissolution. The Rule extends only to
properties covered by such certificates of title, marriages entered into during the effectivity of the
including the sums received by respondents as Family Code which took effect on August 3, 1988.
proceeds, should be reconveyed to him. The advent of the Rule on Declaration of Absolute
Nullity of Void Marriages marks the beginning of
HELD: The grounds for declaration of absolute the end of the right of the heirs of the deceased
nullity of marriage must be proved. Neither spouse to bring a nullity of marriage case against
judgment on the pleadings nor summary judgment the surviving spouse. But the Rule never intended
is allowed. So is confession of judgment to deprive the compulsory or intestate heirs of
disallowed. Carlos argues that the CA should have their successional rights.
applied Rule 35 of the Rules of Court governing While A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC declares that a
summary judgment, instead of the rule on petition for declaration of absolute nullity of
judgment on the pleadings. Petitioner is misguided. marriage may be filed solely by the husband or the
Whether it is based on judgment on the pleadings wife, it does not mean that the compulsory or
or summary judgment, the CA was correct in intestate heirs are without any recourse under the
reversing the summary judgment rendered by the law. They can still protect their successional right,
trial court. Both the rules on judgment on the for, as stated in the Rationale of the Rules on
pleadings and summary judgments have no place Annulment of Voidable Marriages and Declaration
in cases of declaration of absolute nullity of of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages, compulsory
marriage and even in annulment of marriage. or intestate heirs can still question the validity of
A petition for declaration of absolute nullity of void the marriage of the spouses, not in a proceeding
marriage may be filed solely by the husband or for declaration of nullity but upon the death of a
wife. Exceptions: (1) Nullity of marriage cases spouse in a proceeding for the settlement of the
commenced before the effectivity of A.M. No. 02- estate of the deceased spouse filed in the regular
11-10-SC; and (2) Marriages celebrated during the courts.
effectivity of the Civil Code. Under the Rule on It is emphasized, however, that the Rule does not
Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void apply to cases already commenced before March
Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages, 15, 2003 although the marriage involved is within
the petition for declaration of absolute nullity of the coverage of the Family Code. This is so, as the
marriage may not be filed by any party outside of new Rule which became effective on March 15,
the marriage. A petition for declaration of absolute 2003 is prospective in its application.
nullity of void marriage may be filed solely by the Petitioner commenced the nullity of marriage case
husband or the wife. Only an aggrieved or injured against respondent Felicidad in 1995. The marriage
spouse may file a petition forannulment of in controversy was celebrated on May 14, 1962.
voidable marriages or declaration of absolute Which law would govern depends upon when the
nullity of void marriages. Such petition cannot be marriage took place.
filed by compulsory or intestate heirs of the The marriage having been solemnized prior to the
spouses or by the State. The Committee is of the effectivity of the Family Code, the applicable law is
belief that they do not have a legal right to file the the Civil Code which was the law in effect at the
petition. Compulsory or intestate heirs have only time of its celebration. But the Civil Code is silent as
inchoate rights prior to the death of their to who may bring an action to declare the marriage
predecessor, and, hence, can only question the void. Does this mean that any person can bring an
validity of the marriage of the spouses upon the action for the declaration of nullity of marriage?
death of a spouse in a proceeding for the True, under the New Civil Code which is the law in
settlement of the estate of the deceased spouse force at the time the respondents were married, or
even in the Family Code, there is no specific
provision as to who can file a petition to declare Issue: Does abandonment and sexual infidelity per
the nullity of marriage; however, only a party who se constitute psychological incapacity?
can demonstrate “proper interest” can file the
same. A petition to declare the nullity of marriage, Held: The evidences presented by the respondent
like any other actions, must be prosecuted or fail to establish psychological incapacity.
defended in the name of the real party-in- Furthermore, Article 36 “contemplates downright
interest and must be based on a cause of action. incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to
Thus, in Niñal v. Badayog, the Court held that the assume the basic marital obligations; not a mere
children have the personality to file the petition to refusal, neglect or difficulty, much less, ill will, on
declare the nullity of marriage of their deceased the part of the errant spouse. Irreconcilable
father to their stepmother as it affects their differences, conflicting personalities, emotional
successional rights. immaturity and irresponsibility, physical abuse,
habitual alcoholism, sexual infidelity or perversion,
Republic vs Iyoy and abandonment, by themselves, also do not
warrant a finding of psychological incapacity under
Facts: The case is a petition for review by the RP the said Article.”
represented by the Office of the Solicitor General Finally, Article 36 “is not to be confused with a
on certiorari praying for thereversal of the decision divorce law thatcuts the marital bond at the time
of the CA dated July 30, 2001 affirming the the causes therefore manifest themselves. It refers
judgment of the RTC declaring the marriage of to a serious psychological illness afflicting aparty
Crasus L. Iyoy(respondent) and Ada Rosal-Iyoy null even before the celebration of marriage. It is a
and void based on Article 36. malady so grave and so permanent as to deprive
On December 16, 1961 Crasus Iyoy and Ada Rosal- one of awareness of the duties and responsibilities
Iyoy married each other, they had 5 children. In of the matrimonial bond one is about to assume.”
1984, Fely went to the US, inthe same year she
sent letters to Crasus asking him to sign divorce Marcos vs Marcos
papers. In 1985, Crasus learned that Fely married
an Americanand had a child. Fely went back to the FACTS: Brenda B. Marcos married Wilson Marcos in
Philippines on several occasions, during one she 1982 and they had five children. Alleging that the
attended the marriage of one of her children husband failed to provide material support to the
inwhich she used her husband’s last name as hers family and have resorted to physical abuse and
in the invitation. abandonment, Brenda filed a case for the nullity of
March 25, 1997, Crasus filed a complaint for the marriage on the ground that Wilson Marcos
declaration of nullity alleging that Fely’s acts has psychological incapacity. The RTC declared the
brought “danger and dishonor” to the family and marriage null and void under Article 36 which was
were manifestations of her psychological however reversed by the Court of Appeals
incapacity. Crasus submitted his testimony, the
certification of the recording of their marriage ISSUES: 1. Whether personal medical or
contract, and the invitation where Fely used her psychological examination of the respondent by a
newhusband’s last name as evidences. physician is a requirement for a declaration of
Fely denied the claims and asserted that Crasus psychological incapacity.
was a drunkard, womanizer, had no job, and 2. Whether or not the totality of evidence
thatsince 1988 she was already an American citizen presented in this case show psychological
and not covered by our laws. The RTC found the incapacity.
evidences sufficient and granted thedecree; it was
affirmed in the CA.
HELD: Psychological incapacity, as a ground for when she started spanking their son when the
declaring the nullity of a marriage, may be latter ignored her while she was talking to him.
established by the totality of evidencepresented. The Trial Court convicted him for slight physical
There is no requirement, however that the injuries only. A new action for legal separation was
respondent should be examined by a physician or a granted by repeated physical violence and sexual
psychologist as a conditionsince qua non for such infidelity. Filipina then filed for the declaration of
declaration.Although this Court is sufficiently absolute nullity of their marriage citing
convinced that respondent failed to provide psychological incapacity.
material support to the family and may The Trial Court and Appellate Court denied her
haveresorted to physical abuse and abandonment, petition. On her petition to this Court, she assailed
the totality of his acts does not lead to a conclusion for the first time that there was no marriage
of psychological incapacity on hispart. There is license during their marriage.
absolutely no showing that his “defects” were
already present at the inception of the marriage or Issues: 1) Whether or not the marriage between
that they areincurable.Verily, the behavior of petitioner and private respondent is void from
respondent can be attributed to the fact that he the beginning for lack of a marriage license at the
had lost his job and was not gainfully employed for time of the ceremony; and
aperiod of more than six years. It was during this 2) Whether or not private respondent is
period that he became intermittently drunk, failed psychologically incapacitated at the time of said
to give material and moral support,and even left marriage celebration to warrant a declaration of its
the family home.Thus, his alleged psychological absolute nullity.
illness was traced only to said period and not to the
inception of the marriage. Equallyimportant, there Ruling: The date of celebration of their marriage on
is no evidence showing that his condition is November 15, 1973, is admitted both by
incurable, especially now that he is gainfully petitioner and private respondent. The pieces of
employed as a taxi driver.In sum, this Court cannot evidence on record showed that on the day of
declare the dissolution of the marriage for failure the marriage ceremony, there was no marriage
of petitioner to show that the alleged license. A marriage licenseis a formal requirement;
psychologicalincapacity is characterized by gravity, its absence renders the marriage void ab initio. In
juridical antecedence and incurability; and for her addition, the marriage contract shows that
failure to observe the guidelines outlined inMolina. the marriage license, numbered 6237519, was
issued in Carmona, Cavite, yet, neither petitioner
SY v CA nor private respondent ever resided in Carmona.
The marriage license was issued on September
Facts: On November 15, 1973 Filipina Sy and 17,1974, almost one year after the ceremony took
Fernando Sy got married at the Church of Our Lady place on November 15, 1973. The ineluctable
of Lourdes in Quezon City. After some time, conclusion is that the marriage was indeed
Fernando left their conjugal dwelling. Two children contracted without a marriage license. Under
were born out of the marriage. Frederick, their son Article 80 of the Civil Code. those solemnized
went to his father’s residence. Filipina filed for legal without a marriage license, save marriages of
separation. exceptional character, are void ab initio. This is
The Trial Court dissolved their conjugal partnership clearly applicable in this case.
of gains and granted the custody of their children The remaining issue on the psychological incapacity
to her. of private respondent need no longer detain the
Later on, Filipina was punched at the different Court. It is mooted by the conclusion that the
parts of her body and was even choked by him marriage of petitioner to respondent is void ab

initio for lack of a marriage license at the time their The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) in an
marriage was solemnized. evaluation report dated, August 11, 1998 found the
respondent Judge “…committed non-feasance in
BESO VS. DAGUMAN office” and recommended that he be fined Five
Thousand Pesos (P5,000).
Facts: Judge stands charged with Neglect of Duty
and Abuse of Authority by Beso. In the Complaint- Issues: (1) Whether or not the respondent
Affidavit dated December 12, 1997, the solemnized a marriage outside of his jurisdiction;
complainant charged judge with solemnizing (2) Whether or not the respondent committed
marriage outside of his jurisdiction and of negligence by not retaining a copy and not
negligence in not retaining a copy and not registering the complainant’s marriage before the
registering the marriage contract with the office of office of the Local Civil Registrar.
the Local Civil Registrar with the following facts:
(a) On August 28, 1997, the complainant and Held: (1) Yes. The judge solemnized a marriage
complainant’s fiancée, Bernardito A. Yman, got outside of his jurisdiction. Article 7 of the Family
married under the solemnization of the respondent Code provides that marriage may be solemnized
in the respondent’s residence in Calbayog City, by, “Any incumbent member of the judiciary with
Samar; the court’s jurisdiction”. In relation thereto,
(b) That after the wedding, Yman abandoned the according to Article 8 of the Family Code, there are
complainant; only three instances with which a judge may
(c) That when Yman left, the complainant inquired solemnize a marriage outside of his jurisdiction:
to the City Civil Registrar to inquire regarding her (1.1) when either or both the contracting parties is
Marriage Contract. The complainant found out at the point of death;
that her marriage was not registered; (1.2) when the residence of either party is located
(d) The complainant wrote to the respondent to in a remote place;
inquire and the former found out that all the copies (1.3) where both of the parties request the
were taken by Yman and no copy was retained by solemnizing officer in writing in which case the
the respondent. marriage may be solemnized at a house or place
The respondent averred with the following designated by them in a sworn statement to that
rationale: effect.
(a) Respondent solemnized the marriage because In this case, non of the three instances is present.
of the urgent request of the complainant and (2) Yes. The judge committed
Yman. He also believed that being a Filipino negligence. Pursuant to Article 23 of the Family
overseas worker, the complainant deserved more code, such duty to register the marriage is the
than ordinary official attention under present respondent’s duty. The same article provides,“It
Government policy; shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the
(b) Respondent was also leaning on the side of marriage… to send the duplicate and triplicate
liberality of the law so that it may be not too copies of the certificate not later than fifteen (15)
expensive and complicated for citizens to get days after the marriage, to the local civil registrar
married; of the place where the marriage was
(c) Respondent’s failure to file the marriage solemnized. Proper receipts shall be issued by the
contract was beyond his control because Yman local civil registrar to the solemnizing officer
absconded with the missing copies of the marriage transmitting copies of the marriage certificate. The
certificate. solemnizing officer shall retain in his file the
(d) Respondent, however, tried to recover custody quadruplicate copy of the marriage certificate, the
of the missing documents. original of the marriage license, and in proper
cases, the affidavit of the contracting party
regarding the solemnization of the marriage in a to him in the afternoon of that same day. When
place other than those mentioned in Article 8.”. they failed to comply, respondent judge followed it
The recommendation of the OCA stands. up with Arroyo but the latter only gave him the
same reassurance that the marriage license would
ARANES vs. OCCIANO be delivered to his sala at the Municipal Trial Court
of Balatan, Camarines Sur. Respondent judge
Facts: On Feb 17, 2000, Judge Salvador Occiano, vigorously denies that he told the contracting
Presiding Judge of the Municipal Trial Court parties that their marriage is valid despite the
of Balatan, Camarines Sur, solemnized the absence of a marriage license. He attributes the
marriage of Mercedita Mata Arañes and hardships and embarrassment suffered by the
Dominador B. Orobia without the requisite petitioner as due to her own fault and negligence.
marriage license at Nabua, Camarines Sur which is On 12 September 2001, petitioner filed her
outside his territorial jurisdiction. Affidavit of Desistance dated 28 August 2001
When Orobia died, the petitioner’s right to inherit confessing that she filed the complaint out of rage,
the “vast properties” of Orobia was not recognized, and she realizes her own shortcomings. She
because the marriage was a null. She also cannot attested that respondent judge initially refused to
claim the pension of her husband who is a retired solemnize her marriage and that it was because of
Commodore of the Philippine Navy. her prodding and reassurances that he eventually
Petitioner prays that sanctions be imposed against solemnized the same.
respondent judge for his illegal acts and unethical From the records, petitioner and Orobia filed
misrepresentations which allegedly caused her so their Application for Marriage License on 5 January
much hardships, embarrassment and sufferings. 2000 to be issued on 17 January 2000. However,
In his Comment, respondent judge averred that he neither petitioner nor Orobia claimed it. Also, the
was requested by a certain Juan Arroyo on 15 Civil
February 2000 to solemnize the marriage of the Registrar General and the Local Registrar of Nabua,
parties on 17 February 2000. He was assured that Camarines Sur has no records of the marriage. On
all the documents were complete, thus he agreed 8 May 2001, petitioner sought the assistance of
to solemnize the marriage in his sala. However, on respondent judge so the latter could communicate
17 February 2000, he acceded to the request of with the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Nabua,
Arroyo that he solemnize the marriage in Nabua Camarines Sur for the issuance of her marriage
because Orobia had a difficulty walking and could license. The LCR informed the judge that they
not stand the rigors of travelling to Balatan. Before cannot issue the same due to the failure of Orobia
starting the ceremony he discovered that the to submit the Death Certificate of his previous
parties did not possess the requisite marriage spouse.
license, thus he refused to solemnize the marriage
and suggested its resetting to another date. Issue: Whether or not the Judge erred in
However, due to the earnest pleas of the parties, solemnizing the marriage outside his jurisdiction
the influx of visitors, and the delivery of provisions and without the requisite marriage license.
for the occasion, he proceeded to solemnize the
marriage out of human compassion. He also feared Ruling: Under the Judiciary Reorganization Act of
that if he reset the wedding, it might aggravate the 1980, or B.P.129, the authority of the regional
physical condition of Orobia who just suffered from trial court judges and judges of inferior courts to
a stroke. After the solemnization, he reiterated the solemnize marriages is confined to their territorial
necessity for the marriage license and admonished jurisdiction as defined by the Supreme Court.
the parties that their failure to give it would render An appellate court Justice or a Justice of this Court
the marriage void. Petitioner and Orobia assured has jurisdiction over the entire Philippines to
respondent judge that they would give the license solemnize marriages, regardless of the venue, as
long as the requisites of the law are complied with. that they had lived together for at least 5years. On
However, judges who are appointed to specific August 1990, Jose contracted marriage with a
jurisdictions, may officiate in weddings only within certain Rufina Pascual. They were both employees
said areas and not beyond. Where a judge of the National Statistics and Coordinating Board.
solemnizes a marriage outside his court’s Felisa then filed on June 1993 an action for bigamy
jurisdiction, there is a resultant irregularity in the against Jose and an administrative complaint with
formal requisite laid down in Article 3, which while the Office of the Ombudsman. On the other hand,
it may not affect the validity of the marriage, may Jose filed a complaint on July 1993 for annulment
subject the officiating officialto administrative and/or declaration of nullity of marriage where he
liability. contended that his marriage with Felisa was a
In the case at bar, the territorial jurisdiction of sham and his consent was secured through fraud.
respondent judge is limited to the municipality of
Balatan, Camarines Sur. His act of solemnizing the ISSUE: Whether or not Jose’s marriage with Felisa
marriage of petitioner and Orobia in Nabua, may is valid considering that they executed a sworn
not amount to gross ignorance of the law for he affidavit in lieu of the marriage license
allegedly solemnized the marriage out of human requirement.
compassion but nonetheless, he cannot avoid
liability for violating the law on HELD: CA indubitably established that Jose and
marriage. Respondent judge should also be faulted Felisa have not lived together for five years at the
for solemnizing a marriage without the requisite time they executed their sworn affidavit and
marriage license. Marriage which preceded the contracted marriage. Jose and Felisa started living
issuance of the marriage license is void, and that together only in June 1986, or barely five months
the subsequent issuance of such license cannot before the celebration of their marriage on
render valid or even add an iota of validity to the November 1986. Findings of facts of the Court of
marriage. Except in cases provided by law, it is the Appeals are binding in the Supreme Court.
marriage license that gives the solemnizing officer
the authority to solemnize a marriage. Respondent The solemnization of a marriage without prior
judge did not possess such authority when he license is a clear violation of the law and invalidates
solemnized the marriage of petitioner. In this a marriage. Furthermore, “the falsity of the
respect, respondent judge acted in gross ignorance allegation in the sworn affidavit relating to the
of the law. period of Jose and Felisa’s cohabitation, which
Respondent judge cannot be exculpated despite would have qualified their marriage as an
the Affidavit of Desistance filed by petitioner. This exception to the requirement for a marriage
Court has consistently held in a catena of cases license, cannot be a mere irregularity, for it refers
that the withdrawal of the complaint does not to a quintessential fact that the law precisely
necessarily have the legal effect of exonerating required to be deposed and attested to by the
respondent from disciplinary action parties under oath”. Hence, Jose and Felisa’s
WHEREFORE,Judge Salvador M. Occiano, marriage is void ab initio. The court also ruled that
is fined P5,000.00 pesos with a STERN WARNING an action for nullity of marriage is imprescriptible.
that a repetition of the same or similar offense in The right to impugn marriage does not prescribe
the future will be dealt with more severely. and may be raised any time.

Republic vs. Dayot AÑONUEVO VS. Intestate Estate of JALANDONI

FACTS: Jose and Felisa Dayot were married at the THIS CASE IS ABOUT LEGAL PRESUMPTION OF
Pasay City Hall on November 24, 1986. In lieu of a MARRIAGE. BIRTH CERTIFICATE STATING THAT
marriage license, they executed a sworn affidavit ONE’S PARENTS WERE MARRIED ESTABLISHES THE
The ruling of the Court:
PETITION FOR ISSUANCE OF LETTERS OF The second argument of the petitioners is also
ADMINISTRATION. ANONUEVO ET AL without merit. We agree with the finding of the
INTERVENED. THEY SAID THEIR MOTHER SYLVIA Court of Appeals that the petitioners and their
WAS DAUGHTER OF ISABEL AND JOHN. BUT AT siblings failed to offer sufficient evidence to
THE TIME OF RODOLFO’S DEATH, THEIR establish that Isabel was the legal spouse of
GRANDMOTHER ISABEL WAS THE LAWFUL WIFE Rodolfo. The very evidence of the petitioners and
OF RODOLFO BASED ON A MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. their siblings negates their claim that Isabel has
RODOLFO’S BROTHER OPPOSED THEIR interest in Rodolfo’s estate.
INTERVENTION BECAUSE THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE Contrary to the position taken by the petitioners,
OF SYLVIA STATES THAT ISABEL AND JOHN WERE the existence of a previous marriage between
MARRIED. THEREFORE ISABEL’S MARRIAGE TO Isabel and John Desantis was adequately
RODOLFO WAS NULL AND VOID. ANONUEVO ET AL established. This holds true notwithstanding the
HOWEVER ARGUED THAT THE ENTRIES IN THE fact that no marriage certificate between Isabel
BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF SYLVIA COULD NOT BE USED and John Desantis exists on record.
AS PROOF THAT ISABEL AND JOHN WERE INDEED While a marriage certificate is considered the
MARRIED. FURTHER, SUCH STATEMENT OF primary evidence of a marital union, it is not
MARRIAGE IN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS JUST TO regarded as the sole and exclusive evidence of
SAVE FACE AND IS CUSTOMARY. marriage.[3][47] Jurisprudence teaches that the fact
of marriage may be proven by relevant
ISSUE: CAN ANONUEVO ET AL INTERVENE? evidence other than the marriage certificate.[4][48]
Hence, even a person’s birth certificate may be
RULING: NO. THEY HAVE NO PERSONAL STANDING recognized as competent evidence of the marriage
WHICH SHOWS THAT ISABEL AND JOHN WERE In the present case, the birth certificate of Sylvia
MARRIED IS SUFFICIENT PROOF THAT INDEED THEY precisely serves as the competent evidence of
WERE MARRIED. THEREFORE ISABEL’S MARRIAGE marriage between Isabel and John Desantis. As
TO RODOLFO IS VOID SINCE AT THAT TIME ISABEL mentioned earlier, it contains the following notable
WAS STILL MARRIED TO JOHN. BEING NOT entries: (a) that Isabel and John Desantis were
MARRIED TO RODOLFO, ISABEL AND HER “married” and (b) that Sylvia is their “legitimate”
DESCENDANTS HAVE NO SHARE IN THE ESTATE OF child.[6][50] In clear and categorical language,
RODOLFO. Sylvia’s birth certificate speaks of a subsisting
marriage between Isabel and John Desantis.
WHILE A MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE IS CONSIDERED Pursuant to existing laws,[7][51] the foregoing entries
THE PRIMARY EVIDENCE OF A MARITAL UNION, IT are accorded prima facie weight. They are
IS NOT REGARDED AS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE presumed to be true. Hence, unless rebutted by
EVIDENCE OF MARRIAGE.[1][47] JURISPRUDENCE clear and convincing evidence, they can, and will,
TEACHES THAT THE FACT OF MARRIAGE MAY BE stand as proof of the facts attested.[8][52] In the
PROVEN BY RELEVANT EVIDENCE OTHER THAN THE case at bench, the petitioners and their siblings
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE.[2][48] HENCE, EVEN A offered no such rebuttal.
PERSON’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE MAY BE RECOGNIZED The petitioners did no better than to explain away
AS COMPETENT EVIDENCE OF THE MARRIAGE the entries in Sylvia’s birth certificate as untruthful
BETWEEN HIS PARENTS. THE REASON “FACE statements made only in order to “save face.”[9][53]
SAVING/ CUSTOMARY” IS WITHOUT MERIT. THE They urge this Court to take note of a “typical”
practice among unwed Filipino couples to concoct apparently in marriage are presumed to be in fact
the illusion of marriage and make it appear that a married. This is the usual order of things in society
child begot by them is legitimate. That, the Court and, if the parties are not what they hold
cannot countenance. themselves out to be, they would be living in
The allegations of the petitioners, by constant violation of the common rules of law and
themselves and unsupported by any other propriety. Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio.
evidence, do not diminish the probative value of Always presume marriage.
the entries. This Court cannot, as the petitioners
would like Us to do, simply take judicial notice of a Facts: Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado died
supposed folkway and conclude therefrom that the intestate and without descendants. Guillermo
usage was in fact followed. It certainly is odd that outlived Josefa by two years. Petitioners and
the petitioners would themselves argue that the respondents are their respective relatives claiming
document on which they based their interest in rights to their intestate estate.
intervention contains untruthful statements in its
vital entries. The petition for letters of administration stated
Ironically, it is the evidence presented by the that Josefa Delgado and Guillermo Rustia were
petitioners and their siblings themselves which, never married. According to petitioners, sometime
properly appreciated, supports the finding that in 1917, Guillermo proposed marriage to
Isabel was, indeed, previously married to John Josefa. Josefa and Guillermo eventually lived
Desantis. Consequently, in the absence of any together as husband and wife but were never
proof that such marriage had been dissolved by the married. To prove their assertion, petitioners point
time Isabel was married to Rodolfo, the out that no record of the contested marriage
inescapable conclusion is that the latter marriage is existed in the civil registry. Moreover, a baptismal
bigamous and, therefore, void ab initio. certificate naming Josefa Delgado as one of the
The inability of the petitioners and their siblings to sponsors referred to her as "Señorita" or
present evidence to prove that Isabel’s prior unmarried woman.
marriage was dissolved results in a failure to Josefa was the daughter of Felisa Delgado by one
establish that she has interest in the estate of Lucio Ocampo with five other children without the
Rodolfo. Clearly, an intervention by the petitioners benefit of marriage. Felisa had another son by way
and their siblings in the settlement proceedings of Ramon Osorio who is Luis Delgado, one of
cannot be justified. We affirm the Court of the claimants in Josefa‘s estate. But, unlike her
Appeals. WHEREFORE, the instant appeal relationship with Lucio Campo which was
is DENIED. admittedly one without the benefit of marriage,
the legal status of Ramon Osorio’s and Felisa
Dela Rosa vs Heirs of Rustia Vda De Guzman Delgado’s union is in dispute.

Doctrine: - Although a marriage contract is The question of whether Felisa Delgado and Ramon
considered a primary evidence of marriage, its Osorio ever got married is crucial to the claimants
absence is not always proof that no marriage in because if Ramon Osorio and Felisa Delgado had
fact took place. Once the presumption of marriage been validly married, then their only child Luis
arises, other evidence may be presented in support Delgado was a legitimate half-blood brother of
thereof. The evidence need not necessarily or Josefa Delgado and therefore excluded from the
directly establish the marriage but must at least be latter’s intestate estate. He and his heirs would be
enough to strengthen the presumption of barred by the principle of absolute separation
marriage. between the legitimate and illegitimate families.
-Every intendment of the law leans toward Conversely, if the couple were never married, Luis
legitimizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together Delgado and his heirs would be entitled to inherit
from Josefa Delgado’s intestate estate, as they less than Guillermo Rustia that he was married to
would all be within the illegitimate line. Josefa Delgado and the titles to the properties in
the name of "Guillermo Rustia married to Josefa
Issue: Whether or not there was a valid marriage Delgado," more than adequately support the
between Guillermo and Josefa and between Felisa presumption of marriage. These are public
and Ramon. documents which are prima facie evidence of the
facts stated therein. No clear and convincing
Held: The marriage of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa evidence sufficient to overcome the presumption
Delgado of the truth of the recitals therein was presented
Rule 131, Section 3 of the Rules of Court provides: by petitioners.
Sec. 3. Disputable presumptions. — The following Second, Elisa vda. de Anson, petitioners’ own
presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, witness whose testimony they primarily relied
but may be contradicted and overcome by other upon to support their position, confirmed that
evidence: xxx xxx xxx Guillermo Rustia had proposed marriage to Josefa
(aa) That a man and a woman deporting Delgado and that eventually, the two had "lived
themselves as husband and wife have entered into together as husband and wife." This again could
a lawful contract of marriage; not but strengthen the presumption of marriage.
In this case, several circumstances give rise to the Third, the baptismal certificate was conclusive
presumption that a valid marriage existed between proof only of the baptism administered by the
Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado. Their priest who baptized the child. It was no proof of
cohabitation of more than 50 years cannot be the veracity of the declarations and statements
doubted. Their family and friends knew them to be contained therein, such as the alleged single or
married. Their reputed status as husband and wife unmarried ("Señorita") civil status of Josefa
was such that even the original petition for letters Delgado who had no hand in its preparation.
of administration filed by Luisa Delgado vda. de
Danao in 1975 referred to them as "spouses." Petitioners failed to rebut the presumption of
Yet, petitioners maintain that Josefa Delgado and marriage of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado.
Guillermo Rustia had simply lived together as In this jurisdiction, every intendment of the law
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage. leans toward legitimizing matrimony. Persons
They make much of the absence of a record of the dwelling together apparently in marriage are
contested marriage, the testimony of a witness presumed to be in fact married. This is the usual
attesting that they were not married, and a order of things in society and, if the parties are not
baptismal certificate which referred to Josefa what they hold themselves out to be, they would
Delgado as "Señorita" or unmarried woman. be living in constant violation of the common rules
of law and propriety. Semper praesumitur pro
We are not persuaded. matrimonio. Always presume marriage.
First, although a marriage contract is considered a
primary evidence of marriage, its absence is not The marriage of Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio
always proof that no marriage in fact took place. Presumptions of law are either conclusive or
Once the presumption of marriage arises, other disputable. Conclusive presumptions are inferences
evidence may be presented in support thereof. The which the law makes so peremptory that no
evidence need not necessarily or directly establish contrary proof, no matter how strong, may
the marriage but must at least be enough to overturn them. On the other hand, disputable
strengthen the presumption of marriage. Here, the presumptions, one of which is the presumption of
certificate of identity issued to Josefa Delgado as marriage, can be relied on only in the absence of
Mrs. Guillermo Rustia, the passport issued to her as sufficient evidence to the contrary.
Josefa D. Rustia, the declaration under oath of no
Little was said of the cohabitation or alleged contract that they are both “separated” is an
marriage of Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio. The impediment that would make their subsequent
oppositors (now respondents) chose merely to rely marriage null and void. Just like separation, free
on the disputable presumption of marriage even in and voluntary cohabitation with another person for
the face of such countervailing evidence as (1) the at least 5 years does not severe the tie of a
continued use by Felisa and Luis (her son with subsisting previous marriage. Clearly, respondent
Ramon Osorio) of the surname Delgado and (2) Luis Judge Sanchez demonstrated gross ignorance of
Delgado’s and Caridad Concepcion’s Partida de the law when he solemnized a void and bigamous
Casamiento identifying Luis as "hijo natural de marriage.
Felisa Delgado" (the natural child of Felisa
Delgado). DIÑO V. DIÑO

All things considered, we rule that these factors DOCTRINE: Article 50 of the Family Code does not
sufficiently overcame the rebuttable presumption apply to marriages which are declared void ab
of marriage. Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio initio under Article 36 of the Family Code, which
were never married should be declared void without waiting for
the liquidation of the properties of the parties. In
Borja- Manzano vs. Sanchez this case, petitioner’s marriage to respondent was
declared void under Article 36 of the Family Code
FACTS: Herminia Borja-Manzano was the lawful and not under Article 40 or 45. Thus, what governs
wife of the late David Manzano having been the liquidation of properties owned in common by
married on May 21, 1966 in San Gabriel Archangel petitioner and respondent are the rules on co-
Parish in Caloocan. They had four children. On ownership.
March 22, 1993, her husband contracted another
marriage with Luzviminda Payao before FACTS: Alain M. Diño (petitioner) and
respondent Judge. The marriage contract clearly Ma. Caridad L. Diño(respondent) got married on 14
stated that both contracting parties were January 1998 before Mayor Vergel Aguilar of Las
“separated” thus, respondent Judge ought to know Piñas City.
that the marriage was void and bigamous. He On 30 May 2001, petitioner filed an action for
claims that when he officiated the marriage of Declaration of Nullity of Marriage against
David and Payao, he knew that the two had been respondent, citing psychological incapacity under
living together as husband and wife for seven years Article 36 of the Family Code.
as manifested in their joint affidavit that they both Dr. Nedy L. Tayag (Dr. Tayag) submitted a
left their families and had never cohabit or psychological report establishing that respondent
communicated with their spouses due to constant was suffering from Narcissistic Personality
quarrels. Disorder which was incurable and deeply ingrained
in her system since her early formative years.
ISSUE: Whether the solemnization of a marriage The trial court granted the petition on the ground
between two contracting parties who both have an that respondent was psychologically incapacitated
existing marriage can contract marriage if they to comply with the essential marital obligations at
have been cohabitating for 5 years under Article 34 the time of the celebration of the marriage and
of Family Code. declared their marriage void ab initio. It ordered
that a decree of absolute nullity of marriage shall
HELD: Among the requisites of Article 34 is that only be issued upon compliance with Articles 50
parties must have no legal impediment to marry and 51 of the Family Code.
each other. Considering that both parties has a Trial court, upon motion for partial reconsideration
subsisting marriage, as indicated in their marriage of petitioner, modified its decision holding that a
decree of absolute nullity of marriage shall be Articles 147 and 148 of the Family Code. Section
issued after liquidation, partition and distribution 19(1) of the Rule provides:
of the parties’ properties under Article 147 of the Sec. 19. Decision. – (1) If the court renders a
Family Code. decision granting the petition, it shall declare
therein that the decree of absolute nullity or
ISSUE: Whether the trial court erred when it decree of annulment shall be issued by the court
ordered that adecree of absolute nullity of only after compliance with Articles 50 and 51 of the
marriage shall only be issued after liquidation, Family Code as implemented under the Rule
partition, and distribution of the parties’ properties on Liquidation, Partition and Distribution of
under Article 147 of the Family Code. Properties.
It is clear from Article 50 of the Family Code that
HELD: Yes. The trial court’s decision is affirmed Section 19(1) of the Rule applies only
with modification. Decree of absolute nullity of the to marriages which are declared void ab initio or
marriage shall be issued upon finality of the trial annulled by final judgment under Articles 40 and
court’s decision without waiting for the liquidation, 45 of the Family Code. In short, Article 50 of the
partition, and distribution of the parties’ properties Family Code does not apply to marriages which are
under Article 147 of the Family Code. declared void ab initio under Article 36 of the
Family Code, which should be declared void
RATIO: The Court has ruled in Valdes v. RTC that in without waiting for the liquidation of the
a void marriage, regardless of its cause, the properties of the parties.
property relations of the parties during the period In both instances under Articles 40 and 45,
of cohabitation is governed either by Article 147 or the marriages are governed either by absolute
Article 148 of the Family Code. Article 147 of the community of property or conjugal partnership of
Family Code applies to union of parties who gains unless the parties agree to
are legally capacitated and not barred by any a complete separation of property in a marriage
impediment to contract marriage, but whose settlement entered into before the marriage. Since
marriage is nonetheless void, such as petitioner the property relations of the parties is governed by
and respondent in the case before the Court. absolute community of property or conjugal
For Article 147 of the Family Code to apply, the partnership of gains, there is a need to liquidate,
following elements must be present: partition and distribute the properties before a
1. The man and the woman must be capacitated to decree of annulment could be issued. That is not
marry each other; the case for annulment of marriage under Article
2. They live exclusively with each other as husband 36 of the Family Code because the marriage is
and wife; and governed by the ordinary rules on co-ownership.
3. Their union is without the benefit of marriage, or In this case, petitioner’s marriage to respondent
their marriage is void. was declared void under Article 36 of the Family
All these elements are present in this case and Code and not under Article 40 or 45. Thus, what
there is no question that Article 147 of the Family governs the liquidation of properties owned
Code applies to the property relations between in common by petitioner and respondent are the
petitioner and respondent. rules on co-ownership. In Valdes, the Court ruled
The trial court erred in ordering that a decree of that the property relations of parties in a void
absolute nullity of marriage shall be issued only marriage during the period of cohabitation is
after liquidation, partition and distribution of the governed either by Article 147 or Article 148 of the
parties’ properties under Article 147 of the Family Family Code. The rules on co-ownership apply and
Code. The ruling has no basis because Section 19(1) the properties of the spouses should be liquidated
of the Rule does not apply to cases governed under in accordance with the Civil Code provisions on co-
ownership. Under Article 496 of the Civil Code,
“[p]artition may be made by agreement between other hand, charged Vicente with bigamy and
the parties or by judicial proceedings. x x x.” It is concubinage.
not necessary to liquidate the properties of the
spouses in the same proceeding for declaration of RTC denied Vicente's motion to dismiss and
nullity of marriage. granted Rebecca's application for support
pendente lite, ruling that the divorce judgment
BAYOT vs. CA invoked by Vicente as bar to the petition for
declaration of absolute nullity of marriage is a
FACTS: Vicente and Rebecca were married on April matter of defense best taken up during actual trial.
20, 1979 in Mandaluyong City. On its face, the Vicente thus filed a petition for certiorari with the
Marriage Certificateidentified Rebecca to be an CA, which court effectively dismissed Rebecca’s
American citizen born in Agaña, Guam, USA. They case for failure to state a cause of action, and
had a daughter named Alix, who was born in reversed the orders the RTC. The CA held that
California. In 1996, Rebecca initiated divorce because of the divorce decree, Rebecca had no
proceedings in the Dominican Republic. Rebecca cause of action against Vicente for declaration of
personally appeared, while Vicente was duly nullity of marriage.
represented by counsel. On February 22, 1996, the
Dominican court issued a divorce decree and later ISSUES: 1) Whether petitioner was a Filipino citizen
on approved the Agreement executed by the at the time the divorce judgment was rendered in
parties with regard to the settlement of their the Dominican Republic on February 22, 1996
property relations under which it was stated that 2) Whether the judgment of divorce is valid and, if
their only property was that in Acacia Drive, so, what are its consequent legal effects?
Muntinlupa City.
HELD:1) There can be no serious dispute that
Meanwhile, less than a month from the issuance of Rebecca, at the time she applied for and obtained
the divorce decree, Rebecca filed with the RTC her divorce from Vicente, was an American citizen
Makati a petition for declaration of nullity of and remains to be one, absent proof of an effective
marriage which Rebecca, however, later on repudiation of such citizenship. The following are
withdrawn. In March 2001, Rebecca filed another compelling circumstances indicative of her
petition, this time before the RTC Muntinlupa, for American citizenship: (1) she was born in Agaña,
declaration of absolute nullity of marriage on the Guam, USA; (2) the principle of jus soli is followed
ground of Vicente's alleged psychological in this American territory granting American
incapacity. Rebecca also sought the dissolution of citizenship to those who are born there; and (3)
the conjugal partnership of gains with application she was, and may still be, a holder of an American
for support pendente lite for her and Alix. passport.
Furthermore, under extant immigration rules,
Vicente filed a Motion to Dismiss on the grounds of applications for recognition of Filipino citizenship
lack of cause of action and that the petition is require the affirmation by the DOJ of the Order of
barred by the prior judgment of divorce. To the Recognition issued by the Bureau. Under Executive
motion to dismiss, Rebecca interposed an Order No. 292, also known as the 1987
opposition, insisting on her Filipino citizenship, as Administrative Code, specifically in its Title III,
affirmed by the Department of Justice (DOJ), and Chapter 1, Sec. 3(6), it is the DOJ which is tasked to
that, therefore, there is no valid divorce to speak "provide immigration and naturalization regulatory
of. Meanwhile, Vicente, who had in the interim services andimplement the laws governing
contracted another marriage, filed adultery and citizenship and the admission and stay of aliens."
perjury complaints against Rebecca who on the Thus, the confirmation by the DOJ of any Order of
Recognition for Filipino citizenship issued by the
Bureau is required. Pertinently, Bureau Law It bears to stress that the existence of the divorce
Instruction No. RBR-99-002 on Recognition as a decree has not been denied, but in fact admitted
Filipino Citizen clearly provides that No by both parties. And neither did they impeach the
Identification Certificate shall be issued before the jurisdiction of the divorce court nor challenge the
date of confirmation by the Secretary of Justice and validity of its proceedings on the ground of
any Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of fact or law,
pursuant to an Order of Recognition shall albeit both appeared to have the opportunity to do
prominently indicate thereon the date of so. The same holds true with respect to the decree
confirmation by the Secretary of Justice. of partition of their conjugal property. As this Court
explained in Roehr v. Rodriguez:
Thus, this clearly suggests that prior to said Before our courts can give the effect of res judicata
affirmation or confirmation, Rebecca was not yet to a foreign judgment [of divorce] x x x, it must be
recognized as a Filipino citizen. shown that the parties opposed to the judgment
had been given ample opportunity to do so on
2) The divorce decree and the decree approving grounds allowed under Rule 39, Section 50 of the
the Agreement on the property relations of Vicente Rules of Court (now Rule 39, Section 48, 1997 Rules
and Rebecca are both valid. First, at the time of the of Civil Procedure.
divorce, Rebecca was still to be recognized, ...........
assuming for argument that she was in fact later It is essential that there should be an opportunity
recognized, as a Filipino citizen, but represented to challenge the foreign judgment, in order for the
herself in public documents as an American citizen. court in this jurisdiction to properly determine its
At the very least, she chose, before, during, and efficacy. In this jurisdiction, our Rules of Court
shortly after her divorce, her American citizenship clearly provide that with respect to actions in
to govern her marital relationship. Second, she personam, as distinguished from actions in rem, a
secured personally said divorce as an American foreign judgment merely constitutes prima facie
citizen, as is evident in the text of the divorce evidence of the justness of the claim of a party and,
decrees. Third, being an American citizen, Rebecca as such, is subject to proof to the contrary.
was bound by the national laws of the United As the records show, Rebecca, assisted by counsel,
States of America, a country which allows divorce. personally secured the foreign divorce while
Fourth, the property relations of Vicente and Vicente was duly represented by his counsel in said
Rebecca were properly adjudicated through their proceedings. As things stand, the foreign divorce
Agreement executed after the divorce decree was decrees rendered and issued by the Dominican
rendered Veritably, the foreign divorce secured by Republic court are valid and, consequently, bind
Rebecca was valid. both Rebecca and Vicente.

Garcia v. Recio: a foreign divorce can be recognized Finally, the fact that Rebecca may have been duly
here, provided the divorce decree is proven as a recognized as a Filipino citizen will not, standing
fact and as valid under the national law of the alien alone, work to nullify or invalidate the foreign
spouse. Be this as it may, the fact that Rebecca was divorce secured by Rebecca as an American citizen
clearly an American citizen when she secured the on February 22, 1996. For as we stressed at the
divorce and that divorce is recognized and allowed outset, in determining whether or not a divorce
in any of the States of the Union, the presentation secured abroad would come within the pale of the
of a copy of foreign divorce decree duly country's policy against absolute divorce, the
authenticated by the foreign court issuing said reckoning point is the citizenship of the parties at
decree is, as here, sufficient. the time a valid divorce is obtained.

Legal Effects of the Valid Divorce Decree: Given the there is no more marriage to be dissolved or
validity and efficacy of divorce secured by Rebecca, nullified.
the same shall be given a res judicata effect in this
jurisdiction. As an obvious result of the divorce However, the Court does not lose sight of the legal
decree obtained, the marital vinculum between obligation of Vicente and Rebecca to support the
Rebecca and Vicente is considered severed. needs of their daughter, Alix. The issue of back
support, which allegedly had been partly
Consequent to the dissolution of the marriage, shouldered by Rebecca, is best litigated in a
Vicente could no longer be subject to a husband's separate civil action for reimbursement. In this
obligation under the Civil Code. He cannot, for way, the actual figure for the support of Alix can be
instance, be obliged to live with, observe respect proved as well as the earning capacity of both
and fidelity, and render support to Rebecca. The Vicente and Rebecca. The trial court can thus
divorce decree in question also brings into play the determine what Vicente owes, if any, considering
second paragraph of Art. 26 of the Family Code, that support includes provisions until the child
which provides that if the divorce capacitates the concerned shall have finished her education.
alien spouse to marry, the Filipino spouse shall
likewise have capacity to remarry under Philippine WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is
law. In Republic v. Orbecido III, we spelled out the DISMISSED on the ground of mootness. RTC
twin elements for the applicability of the second Decision and CA Resolution areAFFIRMED.
paragraph of Art. 26, thus:
x x x [W]e state the twin elements for the GARCIA-RECIO v. RECIO
application of Paragraph 2 of Article 26 as follows:
1. There is a valid marriage that has been FACTS: Respondent Rederick Recio, a Filipino, was
celebrated between a Filipino citizen and a married to Editha Samson, an Australian citizen,
foreigner; and in Malabon, Rizal, on March 1, 1987. They lived
2. A valid divorce is obtained abroad by the alien together as husband and wife in Australia. On May
spouse capacitating him or her to remarry. 18, 1989, a decree of divorce, purportedly
dissolving the marriage, was issued by an
The reckoning point is not the citizenship of the Australian family court. On June 26, 1992,
parties at the time of the celebration of the respondent became an Australian citizen and was
marriage, but their citizenship at the time a valid married again to petitioner Grace Garcia-Recio,
divorce is obtained abroad by the alien spouse a Filipina on January 12, 1994 in Cabanatuan City.
capacitating the latter to remarry. In their applicationfor a marriage license,
respondent was declared as “single” and “Filipino.”
Both elements obtain in the instant case. As to the Starting October 22, 1995, petitioner and
property settlement embodied in the parties’ respondent lived separately without prior
Agreement which was affirmed by the divorce judicial dissolution of their marriage.
court, since Rebecca has not repudiated the same, On March 3, 1998, petitioner filed a Complaint for
she is thus estopped by her representation before Declaration of Nullity of Marriage on the ground of
the divorce court from asserting that her and bigamy. Respondent allegedly had a prior
Vicente's conjugal property was not limited to their subsisting marriage at the time he married her. On
family home in Ayala Alabang. his Answer, Rederick contended that his first
marriage was validly dissolved; thus, he
Upon the foregoing disquisitions, it is abundantly was legally capacitated to marry Grace.
clear that Rebecca lacks cause of action to file the On July 7, 1998 or about five years after the
petition for declaration of absolute nullity because couple’s wedding and while the suit for the
declaration of nullity was pending , respondent was
able to secure a divorce decree from a family respondent null and void because of the question
court in Sydney, Australia because the “marriage on latter’s legal capacity to marry.
had irretrievably broken down.”
The Regional Trial Court declared the marriage of ABLAZA V. REPUBLIC
Rederick and Grace Recio dissolved on the ground
that the Australian divorce had ended the marriage DOCTRINE: The plaintiff must be the party who
of the couple thus there was no more marital union stands to be benefited by the suit, or the party
to nullify or annul. entitled to the avails of the suit. Every action must
be prosecuted and defended in the name of the
ISSUE: 1.) Whether or not the divorce between real party in interest. Thus, only the party who can
respondent and Editha Samson was proven. demonstrate a “proper interest” can file the action.
2.) Whether or not respondent was proven to
be legally capacitated to marry petitioner. FACTS: On October 17, 2000, the petitioner filed in
the RTC in Cataingan, Masbate a petition for the
RULING: 1st issue: declaration of the absolute nullity of the marriage
The Supreme Court ruled that the mere contracted on December 26, 1949 between his late
presentation of the divorce decree of brother Cresenciano Ablaza and Leonila Honato.
respondent’s marriage to Samson is insufficient. The petitioner alleged that the marriage between
Before a foreign divorce decree can be recognized Cresenciano and Leonila had been celebrated
by our courts, the party pleading it must prove the without a marriage license, due to such license
divorce as a fact and demonstrate its conformity to being issued only on January 9, 1950, thereby
the foreign law allowing it. Furthermore, the rendering the marriage void ab initio for having
divorce decree between respondent and Editha been solemnized without a marriage license. He
Samson appears to be an authentic one issued by insisted that his being the surviving brother of
an Australian family court. However, appearance is Cresenciano who had died without any issue
not sufficient; compliance with the aforementioned entitled him to one-half of the real properties
rules on evidence must be demonstrated. acquired by Cresenciano before his death, thereby
making him a real party in interest; and that any
2nd issue: person, himself included, could impugn the validity
Australian divorce decree contains a restriction of the marriage between Cresenciano and Leonila
that reads: at any time, even after the death of Cresenciano,
“1. A party to a marriage who marries again before due to the marriage being void ab initio.
this decree becomes absolute (unless the other On October 18, 2000, the RTC dismissed the
party has died) commits the offence of bigamy.” petition on the ground that petition is filed out of
This quotation bolsters our contention that the time and that petitioner is not a party to marriage.
divorrecce obtained by respondent may have been Motion for
restricted. It did not absolutely establish his legal reconsideration was likewise denied. On appeal,
capacity to remarry according to his national law. the Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal order
Hence, the Court find no basis for the ruling of the of the RTC on the ground that the action must be
trial court, which erroneously assumed that the filed by the proper party, which in this case should
Australian divorce ipso factorestored respondent’s be filed by any of the parties to the marriage.
capacity to remarry despite the paucity of evidence Hence, this appeal.
on this matter.
The Supreme Court remanded the case to the court ISSUE: Whether the petitioner is a real party in
a quo for the purpose of receiving evidence. The interest inthe action to seek the declaration of
Court mentioned that they cannot grant nullity of the marriage of his deceased brother?
petitioner’s prayer to declare her marriage to
HELD: Yes. The applicable law when marriage was
contracted between Cresenciano and Leonila on
December 26, 1949, is the old Civil Code, the law in
effect at the time of the celebration of the
marriage. Hence, the rule on the exclusivity of the
parties to the marriage as having the right to
initiate the action for declaration of nullity of the
marriage under A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC had
absolutely no application to the petitioner. The
case was reinstated and its records returned to RTC
for further proceedings.
Section 2, paragraph (a), of A.M. No. 02-11-10-
SCexplicitly provides the limitationthat a petition
for declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage
may be filed solely by the husband or wife.
Such limitation demarcates a line to distinguish
between marriages covered by the Family Code
and those solemnized under the regime of the Civil
Code. This specifically extends only
to marriages covered by the Family Code, which
took effect on August 3, 1988, but, being a
procedural rule that is prospective in application,
is confined only to proceedings commenced after
March 15, 2003.
Assuming that the petitioner was as he claimed
himself to be, then he has a material interest in the
estate of Cresenciano that will be adversely
affected by any judgment in the suit. Indeed, a
brother like the petitioner, albeit not a compulsory
heir, has the right to succeed to the estate of a
deceased brother under the conditions stated in
Article 1001 and Article 1003 of the Civil Code. The
plaintiff must still be the party who stands to be
benefited by the suit, or the party entitled to the
avails of the suit, for it is basic in procedural law
that every action must be prosecuted and
defended in the name of the real party in interest.
Thus, only the party who can demonstrate a
“proper interest” can file the action. One having no
material interest to protect cannot invoke
the jurisdiction of the court as plaintiff in an action.
When the plaintiff is not the real party in interest,
the case is dismissible on the ground of lack of
cause of action.


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