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2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) 176

An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Load

Shedding Minimization in Smart Grids
Muztaba Hasanat, Mehadi Hasan, Istiak Ahmed, Mehedi Iqbal Chowdhury, Jannatul Ferdous and Swakkhar Shatabda
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, United International University
House 80, Road 8A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh

Abstract—In this paper, we present an ant colony optimization colonies how they quest food from nest to food source.Our
algorithm for load shedding minimization in smart grids. Smart algorithm uses artificial ants to navigate through the network
grid technologies offer efficient solutions to the supply and and satisfy the demands at various nodes or demand sites.
distribution of power. However, its a great challenge to maintain
the proper flow in the grid and minimize the load shedding. In Successive local search phases optimize based on the ant
reality, the situation might change dynamically and the behavior based constructions. In each epoch, the successor ants follow
of the grid network is also stochastic. We applied our algorithm to the pheromone trail left by the ants in the earlier epochs.
solve the load shedding minimization problem in a deterministic The experiments are being performed on artificially generated
setting. Our algorithm is a hybrid ant colony optimization with datasets and the effectiveness of various components of this
a constructive ant-based method followed by a local search
phase. We have tested the performance of our algorithm on algorithm is tested. The main contribution of this paper are as
datasets generated using statistical data. Moreover our algorithm follows:
shows potentials for exploration in terms of the runtime and the • A deterministic model for load shedding minimization in
significantly better solutions have been found. power grids.
Keywords-power grid, local search, tabu-list, optimization. • Application of ant colony optimization to solve this hard
combinatorial optimization problem.
• A novel perturbation local search procedure to improve
Power transmission is one of the most important issues in over the solutions found by the constructive search.
smart grid networks. Even with higher production of energy, The rest of the paper is designed as follows: Section II
the failure to ensure the flow in the correct transmission lines presents our deterministic model for load shedding minimiza-
might occur in power shortage and load shedding. Minimizing tion problem and the necessary background; Section III de-
load shedding is an important logistics problem [1]. Mini- scribes some related work in the literature; Section V describes
mizing load shedding ensures efficient supply of power in the algorithm being used; Section VI discusses and analyzes
every point of grid network. Power flow optimization is done the experimental results; and finally, Section VII presents our
by either using optimizing source side management (SSM) conclusions and outlines our future work.
or Demand side management (DSM). DSM is a an option
where demand is being optimized by the modification of II. P RELIMINARIES
consumer demand for energy through various methods like Smart grid means the application of digital processing and
power shifting [2], peak load reduction [3] and consumer communication to the power grid, making data flow and
demand shifting for using appliances [4]. In case of SSM, information management central to the smart grid. At present,
least number of sources can be used to supply more demand the modern world’s demand form electricity is rapidly increas-
so that some of the power can be saved for future purpose. The ing due to industrialization. An electric grid is not a single
demand is selected according to most desired one, means the entity but aggregate of multiple network and multiple power
source will be supplying those demands which have highest generation. In smart grid system, electricity distributed among
need for power [5]. The source will keep few residues within the electric grids based on demand. Smart grid optimization is
themselves, the sources will be not being kept null. While an efficient technology to distribute power among the electric
transmission, there is always loss and these increases with grids. We use Ant Colony Optimization to get good quality
distance and overload, an optimized path need to be chosen solution within a very short time.
that all the demand get the required power and less loss. A key constrain of electric power is that, with minor excep-
Even after transmission, there is enough power so that it can tions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore must be
supply if more power is needed during any necessity. Various generated as needed. A sophisticated control system is required
algorithms are being used to solve power flow optimization to ensure electric generation very closely matches the demand.
problem [6], [5]. If the demand for power exceeds the supply, generation plant
In this paper, we present a novel ant colony optimization and transmission equipment can shut down, which in the worst
(ACO) algorithm [7]. ACO simulate the behavior of ant case may lead to a major regional blackout. Transmitting

978-1-5090-1269-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE


where si is the supply at site i. However, for the demand

sites the total demand might not be fulfilled. However, the
total amount must not violate the flow balance, which could
be denoted by the following constraint:
xij ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ D

Fig. 1. Connections between different source and demand sites. Now, there is a load shedding li associated with each
demand site negative in sign defined as following:
li = di + xij ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ D
electricity at high voltage reduces the fraction of energy lost to
resistance, which varies depending on the specific conductors, Our main objective is to meet the demand, due to shortage of
the current flowing, and the length of the transmission line. source capacity or leakage in transmission lines the demand
Electricity is transmitted at high voltages (120 kV or above) is greater than transmitted power.
to reduce the energy losses in long-distance transmission. So 3) Objective: The objective function is to minimize the
for generation of high electricity, we need powerful cables total load shedding in the grid defined by the following
so it increases the transmission cost.The transmission flow is equation: X
heterogeneous as it needs to consider the cost, power loss, L= li , ∀i ∈ D (1)
need to supply the nearby demand as well the demand which
has more consumption. Provided, all the demand should be B. Ant Colony Optimization(ACO)
connected to the source so that there is no black out for Ant colony optimization is a stochastic optimization ap-
any consumer. In Bangladesh, two season changes are being proach inspired from ants in nature. In real life, ants are
focused like summer and winter.In summer, consumption is searching food and returning to their nest in a shortest path by
high where as in winter its less. So the remaining power using pheromone trail. The ACO algorithm creates artificial
which is not being used during winter, will be used when ants and pheromone to search for good quality path from
the consumption level is high during summer. graphs. Pheromone is an evaporative element and thus the
paths with more pheromone content the more explored by the
A. A Deterministic Model successive ants. The first phase of the ACO algorithm is a
In this model, there are two types of nodes: demand and constructive algorithm that builds an initial solution from a
supply. The supply nodes may represent the power generating finite set of solution components. Like any other constructive
sites and the demand nodes are residential locality or industrial algorithms it starts from an initial empty partial solution,
area. These nodes are connected to each other by power lines S = φ, and at each step the computational ant selects one
with varying capacity depending on the connection types. of the solutions components and expands the partial solution.
Supply of a node i is indicated as si and demand is indicated The ant performs a walk on the construction graph, where
as di . However these quantities are in the same units and each vertex in the graph corresponds to a solution component.
only varies in the sign. The grid is given a weighted graph, A state is denoted by the partial solution constructed by the
G ≡ hV, Ei. Each edge, (i, j) ∈ E indicates links between two ant. Each ant k at state x computes a set Ak (x) of feasible
nodes, i ∈ V, j ∈ V . The set of vertices V = S ∪ D, where S expansions possible from its current state x. For the ant k,
is the set of supply nodes and D is the set of demand nodes. the probability pkxy of moving from state x to state y depends
The flow capacity of each of the edges are given as a matrix on the pheromone level τxy . The probability is defined as the
C. Each element, cij ∈ C denotes the flow capacity of the following:
link between node i and j. α β
τxy ηxy
1) Variables: A set of flow variables in matrix X where pkxy = P (2)
α β
each individual flow from node i to j is indicated as xij . This z∈Ak (x) τxz ηxz
variable is used to identify the power flow of the model. The Pheromones are also updated in each iteration in two ways:
flow is unidirectional. A flow in a particular direction means uniform evaporation followed by deposit of pheromone by the
a negative flow in the reverse direction. ant that found the best solution.
2) Constraints: Flow in each link must not exceed the
associated capacity of the links. III. R ELATED W ORK
Different optimization techniques have been proposed to
|xij | ≤ cij
solve the smart grid related problem [8]. During load cuts
The power flow within the transmission lines is less than or communication [9] and self heal is necessary so that there
equal to the capacity of transmission lines so that there is no is no black out. Demand side management and optimal load
eddy current loss within the lines. shedding with minimum load cuts are proposed using self
X healing and preventive methods [6]. Self healing is done
xij ≤ si , ∀i ∈ S through demand side where optimal power flow determined

through load shedding scheme by Bacterial particle swarm nothing and simply select the next node. Ant has to carry the
optimization [10]. Demand side management along with flow power less than or equals to the link capacity between current
control and cost management is being analyzed previously node to next selected node. So the rest of the power that is
with combination of Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm [11]. not carried by the ant is left in the current node. That is the
To balance the power flow from supplier to consumer, the residual in that current node. This same ant will place those
mechanism of power shiftable and time shiftable appliances is nodes which has residual. If there are 10 ants then that 10
being used [4]. Load management is done using Integer Linear ants will distribute the electricity to the graph in 10 different
Programming where hourly peak load is being reduced [4]. In ways. Note that the every ant will place to the source vertex
this case, the customers can take decisions regarding energy every time randomly, so that it will ensure that there will be
consumption, reduce peak load demand and reshape profile. no predetermined sequence. After getting the result from those
Heuristic based evolutionary algorithm is used for solving 10 ants separately we calculate which ant has the graph that
minimization problem dividing into three sectors: residential, has minimum quality. In our method quality is total residual
commercial and industrial area [5]. Evolutionary algorithm and load shedding in the graph. Then the pheromone trail will
allows implementation of features that model load demand be updated according to the path that the ant has made.
pattern based on customer needs [5]. Some devices have high The artificial ant will start exploring nodes from sources.
priorities that are taken consideration by using evolutionary It will choose a link randomly to visit neighbour node. Ant
algorithm where load shifting according to time steps are used. will choose a link based on probability of load shedding and
Integer linear programming (ILP) models designed to identify pheromone. Load shedding will be a heuristic value controlled
optimal combinations of supply sources, demand sites for them by β. Pheromone will be controlled by α. An ant will use a
to serve, and the pathways along which the reallocated power link only once. Artificial ant will carry electricity based on
should flow [1]. Stochastic search algorithms are applied to link capacity. First it will count all the unused links of the
solve a related problem finding optimal power flow, minimiz- selected next node. We assume that half of unused link will
ing load shedding and cost management [5]. be incoming link rest of them are outgoing link .After that
For data collection in real time from remote locations, it will calculate the average of selected next nodes demand
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a cat- by incoming links. Then the selected outgoing link will carry
egory of software application program for process control in flow between minimum of chosen link capacity, the assume
order to control equipment and conditions [12], [13]. average flow of the next node, and the ant’s current power. So
that the minimum value from those will be the ant’s power
IV. W HY C HOSE A NT C OLONY O PTIMIZATION that the ant will carry to the next selected node. Rest of the
It has been proofed that ACO algorithm better perform power of that ant add to the current node’s residual. Artificial
in hard combinatorial problem like in TSP and VRP. And ant will save the path in its memory. It will try to explore as
even the hard combinatorial problem where constraints are much node as possible using total sources power. If there is
too many like VRPTW this algorithm shows very good result any residue in any node ant will try to distribute that power
in a very good time limit. So, minimizing load shedding too.
in a graph with many constraints is similar kind of hard Probability of choosing next node is given in Equation 2.
combinatorial problem as mentioned earlier. We tried our Pheromone evaporation: After all the ants complete mak-
problem to solve with Monte Carlo and Gibbs algorithm. ing their solution, the pheromone trail are updated based on
Where this algorithm won’t work relatively large graph(grater the quality. Before update pheromone trail first lowering the
than 20 nodes). Whereas, ACO algorithm works in a large pheromone value in all link by a constant factor. This is called
graph smoothly and converge a suboptimal result in a very pheromone evaporation. This method helps to avoid to take
good time. And combination with local search this algorithm bad decision that has previously been taken. Ant will think
shows much better result. Therefore to solve a very large graph that it is a bad link to travel. Equation [7] of pheromone
we use ACO algorithm. evaporation is given in the following:
In this section, we present our ant colony optimization τxy = (1 − )τxy (3)
(ACO) for solving smart grid optimization problem.
Pheromone Update: When all ants make their solution,
A. Tour Construction then those solutions are compared with their quality. This
In our method, an artificial ant starts from a supply node happens after the pheromone evaporation is done. The quality
with the electricity or power that the node generated. It will of a solution is total load shedding and residual. Which ant
traverse the graph and give the electricity to the demand node make the graph minimum quality that we are considering the
until the electricity or power that the ant carried runs out or ant that make good solution. Then the ant that has good quality
there is no way to move another node. This same ant placed in will update pheromone trail using its corresponding traveling
every supply node and distribute the electricity to the demand path. The following equation defines the amount of pheromone
node. Note that if the ant reach in a supply node then the ant do deposit in a particular step or edge taken by the ant.

Algorithm 1: ACO(maxIterations, maxAnts)

τxy = ρ ∗ τxy ∀xy ∈ Sb (4) 1 iteration = 0
Here, Sb is the local best solution and ρ is a constant. 2 initializePheromoneValues()
Reset Pheromone Trail: After many iteration ants are 3 for antIndex = 1 → maxAnts do
producing the same result. So in the ACO algorithm there 4 initializeAnt(i)
is a threshold value ψ. If ants are producing same result and 5 while iteration + + ≤ maxIterations do
it over the threshold value then simply reset the value. 6 for antIndex = 1 → maxAnts do
The experimental result shows the optimal setting of the 7 Queue, Q = φ
different parameters of the algorithm as shown in the following 8 foreach source ∈ G do
table: 9 Q.add(source)
10 while Q.notEmpty() do
TABLE I 11 currentN ode = Q.pop()
13 moveAnt()
α β  ρ ψ
14 performLocalSearch()
3 2 0.75 2 20 15 updateGlobalBest()
16 updatePheromoneTrail()
17 if stagnation then
B. Local search: 18 resetPheromone()
We use local search to improve the given sub-solution graph 19 return globalBest
which was constructed by our ant colony algorithm. In most of
the cases, we observed that the nodes in the graphs contains
residuals. In particular, the nodes might have some residue variance of the supply were estimated. Sparse graphs were
power which is not distributed in the optimal way due to some generated assuming the average line voltages as capacities.
earlier decision made by the ant. The goal of our local search 1) Graph Generator: It is said that we have written a
is to minimize the residual of our graph. We use this method program to generate datasets to test the program called graph
because residue occurs when ant give more supply to a node. generator. This graph generator works as follows. It takes
If we move that residue to other nodes it will not decrease the four parameters. Those parameters are respectively how many
quality of graph. node the graph will contain, what will be the total amount of
First it will pick a node randomly. If that node has residue electricity that source nodes will generate in that graph, what
then it will pick a link among the outgoing links which is not will be the total amount of demand that graph will contain
full of its capacity. After that local search will update the link and what will be the percentage of supply node of total node
capacity by choosing the minimum value between the residue in the graph. Then the program calculate mean and standard
and rest of the capacity of the link. Therefore the connected deviation based on the total electricity generation and total
node with that link has gain the electricity from the selected demand of that graph. After that it will set generation of power
node and that node add the that amount of electricity to its and demand of a node to all supply nodes and demand node.
demand. So that the load shedding of that node will reduce. After this generator connect those nodes with edges ran-
C. Search Procedure domly. It also set capacity of those edges according previously
taken procedure that generate the supply or demand of a node.
Our search algorithm is depicted in Algorithm 1. It starts
This is ensured that there is no duplicate edge between to node
with a constructive ACO algorithm followed by a local search
and also there is no disconnected node.
We have implemented the algorithms in Java 8 and have run We compared our algorithm with other variants of the
our experiments on an AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3GHz algorithm: ACO only (without local search) and Local Search
Processor with 6 GB DDR3 ram and 3.8 GB swap memory only (without ACO). We performed experiments by running
running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit operating system. different algorithms on each of the benchmark datasets. We
executed each of the algorithms for 5 times and reported best
A. Datasets and average load shedding values achieved in Table II. The
The benchmark datasets are being generated a program best values in Table II are shown in bold faced fonts.
written in Java. We varied the size of the graph by changing
the number of nodes. The demand and supply data was C. Analysis
approximated using the data from the national grid data of From the results reported in Table II, it is evident that
Bangladesh. We collected information provided in the PDB ACO algorithm works better than any other variants for all
website. For any given size of the graphs, the mean and the the graph instances. The local search or the ACO constructive


graph ACO only ACO+Local Search Local Search Only

size best avg best avg best avg
20 2125.78 2127.23 347.56 630.45 803.19 1287.25
30 1837.12 1990.76 587.26 723.89 987.21 1057.56
40 2359.77 2579.63 1178.13 1192.33 1789.43 1963.55
50 1637.26 1781.48 430.89 460.36 493.26 1280.59 (a) Initial Graph
60 1130.19 1159.17 305.73 347.29 597.39 701.87

procedure alone can not improve much while the combination

of both works much better. All these algorithms are run with
1000 iterations and with 20 ants. Maximum time required
by the algorithm was 17 seconds for the large graph which
is an indication that our algorithm can produce good quality
solutions within a very short period of time.
In first two figures it has been shown that how the algorithm (b) Saturated Graph(ACO + Local Search)
works. Figure one is the initial graph that is given with only
supply, demand and link capacity. Figure two shows the result
of given graph after performing the algorithm(ACO + Local
Search). The ant colony algorithm have run with 5 ants and
100 iteration and the local search perform with 50 iteration.
Algorithm run time under half of a second.
In the hybrid variant where both of the flavors are present is
capable of producing solutions with much lower values of load
shedding. As depicted in Figure 2, the local search is capable
of lowering the initial value of ant construction but could not
progress much. However, similar is the situation with the ACO
(c) ACO + Local Search
only variant.


In this paper, we presented an ant colony optimization

selection algorithm with a constructive ant procedure followed
by perturbative local search for load shedding minimization
problem. Our algorithm performs pheromone reset to handle
after stagnation. Our ACO algorithm produces significantly
better results with increase of number of nodes compared
to other algorithms. In future, we would like to solve the
problem with larger graph sizes and deploy the algorithm to (d) ACO only
solve for real data sets. We would like to extend our model
to incorporate the stochastic behavior of the power grid and
load. We would also like to develop a real time application
where user can input a graph that represent a electric grid will
be solve.


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