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Q No 1: Define capacitor. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor

Q No 2: Discuss in detail the parallel and series combination of capacitor?

Q. No. 3: State Gauss law. Drive expression for the total flux through a closed surface?

1. One coulomb is that unit of charge which when placed at 1m form an equal and similar charge
repels it with a force
9 9
a) 5 X 10 dyn b) 5 x 10 N
9 9
c) 9 x 10 dyn d) 9 x 10 N

2. The minimum charge on an abject is

a) 1 coulomb b) 1 state coulomb

c) 1.6 x 10 d) None

3. Which of the following is correct

a) J = C/V b) J = V x A
c) J = V/A d) J = C x V

4. One electron volt is

-12 -10
a) 1.6 x 10 ergs b) 4.8 x 10 ergs
c) 300 ergs d) None

5. Polarization of matter is possible only for

a) Conductors b) Insulators
c) Gases d) S. conductors

6. The charge on the electron was calculated by

a) Faraday b) J.J. Thomson

c) Millikon d) Einstein

7. The ink used in the photocopy machine

a) Black b) Blue
c) Red d) Tonar

8. There are two charges 1 uc and 6 uc, the ratio of forces acting on them will be

a) 1:25 b) 1:6
c) 1:1 d) 6:1

9. An electric field lines provides information about ________

a) Electric Force b) Direction

c) Medium d) All of them

10. If two charges are experiencing a force of 10 N, when medium is Air, if the medium is change
whose permittivity is ‘2’ then force will be

a) 3 N b) 5 N
c) 10 N d) 0.3 N

11. Unit of electric flux is

a) V.m b) N/C
2 2 2
c) V.m d) N /C

12. Gauss’s law can be applied to

a) Plane surface b) Curved surface
c) Any surface d) Closed surface

13. Objects may acquire an excess or deficiency of charge by

a) Electric force b) Heating

c) Striking d) By rubbing

14. Coulomb’s law is only applicable for

a) Big charges b) Small charges

c) Point charges d) Any charges

15. The force per unit charge is known as

a) Electric flux b) Electric potential

c) Electric intensity d) Electric current

16. Electric field intensity is also known as

a) Electric potential b) Electric flux

c) Potential gradient d) None

17. A basic technique when applying gauss’s law is to

a. Assume the field is constant in direction

b. Assume the field is constant is magnitude
c. Assume the field is constant in both magnitude and direction
d. Construct and imaginary surface
about the charge

18. The work done in moving a charge along an equipotential surface is

a. Depends on the path taken

b. Greater then zero
c. Equal to zero
d. Negative

19. In the region where the electric field is zero, the electric potential is always

a) Positive b) Negative c) Constant d) Zero

20. The electric intensity is expressed in unit of N/C or

a) Volts b) Walt
c) Joules d) V/m

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