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“Twisted Light” Could Create an Ultra-

Fast Internet and Make Fiber Optics

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A new method of using photons to carry information might provide a new wireless solution for
communication. A collaborative team of researchers developed a way to "twist photons" to improve
on open-area quantum information transfer.


Using particles of light, i.e. photons, to transmit information isn’t exactly new. Photons have seen use
in a number of tests to determine the precision of quantum networks over long distances. While the
advent of quantum communication might just well be on the horizon, another team of researchers
have figured out a way to use photons to carry information and data wirelessly, potentially replacing
today’s fiber optics and creating a much faster internet.

Researchers from the University of Glasgow in the U.K., working with colleagues from Germany,
New Zealand, and Canada, described what they call ‘optical angular momentum’ (OAM) in a study
recently published in the journal Science Advances. This works by “twisting light” across open
spaces. Concretely, the team twisted photons by passing them through a special kind of
hologram, which they described as “similar to that on a credit card,” to give the photons this OAM.
Image credit: University of

Capable of traveling across open spaces, these twisted photons can carry more data in each
transmission, while also becoming strong enough to withstand interference caused by turbulent air.
The hologram enables the photons to carry more than just the usual binary bits of 0s and 1s used in
today’s digital communications — the same way a quantum network relies on quantum bits (qubits)
to relay information. The method was shown to be effective across a 1.6 km (roughly a mile) free
space link the research team built in Erlangen, Germany, an area that simulated an urban
environment with all the potential sources for signal disruption.


The development of more reliable means to transfer information is necessary, given how the world
consumes data and information today. “In an age where our global data consumption is growing at
an exponential rate, there is mounting pressure to discover new methods of information carrying
that can keep up with the huge uptake in data across the world,” Dr. Martin Lavery, head of the
Structured Photonics Research Group at Glasgow, said in a press release.
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“A complete, working optical angular momentum communications system capable of transmitting
data wirelessly across free space has the potential to transform online access for developing
countries, [defense] systems and cities around the world,” he added. Since fiber optics remain the
fastest way of transferring information, Lavery believes that their method can “give us the bandwidth
of [fiber], but without the requirement for physical cabling.”

Though effective, this type of communication has its own limits. For one, relying on photons means
it can’t be used in transmitting indoors, obviously. Furthermore, for such a wireless network to be
practical, one has to consider a number of other issues: Does it withstand interference from extreme
weather conditions? How much information can it handle effectively?

Still, Lavery’s team made a promising achievement, demonstrating how so-called adaptive optics can
improve quantum information transfer. “With these new developments, we are confident that we can
now re-think our approaches to channel [modeling] and the requirement places on adaptive optics
systems,” said Lavery. “We are getting ever closer to developing OAM communications that can be
deployed in a real urban setting.”
References: Engadget RSS Feed, Science Advances, University of Glasgow


What is Li-Fi? | The ultimate definition of Li-

Li-Fi claims to be 100 times faster than standard Wi-Fi. But what exactly is it and how does
it work?

By Christina Mercer | Jul 20, 2017

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Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system running wireless
communications travelling at very high speeds.
Li-Fi uses common household LED (light emitting diodes) light bulbs to enable data transfer,
boasting speeds of up to 224 gigabits per second.

Credit: iStock/themacx

The term Li-Fi was coined by University of Edinburgh Professor Harald Haas during a TED
Talk in 2011. Haas envisioned light bulbs that could act as wireless routers.

Subsequently, in 2012 after four years of research, Haas set up company pureLiFi with the aim
'to be the world leader in Visible Light Communications technology'.

Read next: Eight brilliant uses of Li-Fi

How it works

Li-Fi and Wi-Fi are quite similar as both transmit data electromagnetically. However, Wi-Fi uses
radio waves while Li-Fi runs on visible light.


As we now know, Li-Fi is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system. This means that it
accommodates a photo-detector to receive light signals and a signal processing element to
convert the data into 'stream-able' content.

An LED light bulb is a semi-conductor light source meaning that the constant current of
electricity supplied to an LED light bulb can be dipped and dimmed, up and down at extremely
high speeds, without being visible to the human eye.
For example, data is fed into an LED light bulb (with signal processing technology), it then sends
data (embedded in its beam) at rapid speeds to the photo-detector (photodiode).

The tiny changes in the rapid dimming of LED bulbs is then converted by the 'receiver' into
electrical signal.

The signal is then converted back into a binary data stream that we would recognise as web,
video and audio applications that run on internet enables devices.

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Podcast discussion: Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi

Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi
While some may think that Li-Fi with its 224 gigabits per second leaves Wi-Fi in the dust, Li-
Fi's exclusive use of visible light could halt a mass uptake.

Li-Fi signals cannot pass through walls, so in order to enjoy full connectivity, capable LED bulbs
will need to be placed throughout the home. Not to mention, Li-Fi requires the light bulb is on at
all times to provide connectivity, meaning that the lights will need to be on during the day.

Additionally, where there is a lack of light bulbs, there is a lack of Li-Fi internet so Li-Fi does
take a hit when it comes to public Wi-Fi networks.
In an announcement yesterday, an extension of standard Wi-Fi is coming and it's called Wi-Fi

This new project claims to double the range of connectivity while using less power. Due to this,
Wi-Fi HaLow is reportedly perfect for battery powered devices such as smartwatches,
smartphones and lends itself to Internet of Things devices such as sensors and smart

But it's not all doom and gloom! Due to its impressive speeds, Li-Fi could make a huge impact
on the internet of things too, with data transferred at much higher levels with even more devices
able to connect to one another.

Read next: What is the internet of things?

What's more, due to its shorter range, Li-Fi is more secure than Wi-Fi and it's reported that
embedded light beams reflected off a surface could still achieve 70 megabits per second.
Who is investing in Li-Fi?
In November 2014, Li-Fi pioneers pureLiFi joined forces with French lighting company Lucibel
to launch Li-Fi enabled products.

pureLiFi already has two products on the market: Li-Flame Ceiling Unit to connect to an LED
light fixture and Li-Flame Desktop Unit which connects to a device via USB, both aiming to
provide light and connectivity in one device.

Plus, with faster connectivity and data transmission it’s an interesting space for businesses. The
integration of internet of things devices and Li-Fi will provide a wealth of opportunities for
retailers and other businesses alike. For example, shop owners could transmit data to multiple
customers' phones quickly, securely and remotely.

Last year, it was reported that Li-Fi was being tested in Dubai, by UAE-based
telecommunications provider, du and Zero1. Du claimed to have successfully provided internet,
audio and video streaming over a Li-Fi connection.

In addition, reports suggested that Apple may build future iPhones with Li-Fi capabilities. A
Twitter user found that within its iOS 9.1 code there were references to Li-Fi written as
'LiFiCapability' hinting that Apple may integrate Li-fi with iPhones in the future.
Founded by Maite Brandt-Pearce and Mohammad Noshad in 2013, Charlottesville-based Li-Fi
firm VLNComm has received backing from the US Department of Energy and the National
Science Foundation. It has also been in talks with U.S. government agencies such as Lockheed
Martin, with a plan to release a Li-Fi enabled product this year.
Lastly, Velmenni, founded by Deepak Solanki and Saurabh Garg in 2012, completed an Airbus
business-accelerator program in Hamburg two years ago, and according to Bloomberg says it’s
developing Li-Fi applications for aeroplane cabins and outside use.
So, whether or not Li-Fi will live up to its hype is yet to be decided. Watch this space...

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