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Tiffany & Co.


Cause & Effect Matrix Form

Date: 06/26/07
Choose from: 1, 3, 7, 10
ICT Team Goal: To reduce WO cycle time by 20% 1 = Least Impact / 10 = Most Impact
Weighted by Importance: 5 7 3 10 1
Output: Output: Output: Output: Most
Item # Process Input Good WO Flow
Proper Capacity-
Reduced Que Time Data Integrity Other?
Demand Planning Important

1 How parts are stocked 3 15 1 7 1 3 7 70 0 95

2 Standardized kitting 3 15 1 7 1 3 7 70 0 95

3 Knowledge of capacity for each area 7 35 10 70 1 3 7 70 0 178

4 Experienced / educated operators 10 50 7 49 3 9 7 70 0 178

5 Small batch sizes 10 50 3 21 1 3 1 10 0 84

6 One piece flow (Cell Manf.) 1 5 1 7 10 30 1 10 0 52

7 Predictable demand schedule 7 35 10 70 7 21 1 10 0 136

8 Using a global capacity - demand tool 7 35 10 70 3 9 3 30 0 144

9 Proper resources for material movement 7 35 3 21 3 9 1 10 0 75

10 Accommodating for people on vacation 7 35 10 70 7 21 1 10 0 136

11 Elimination of un-necessary pick steps 7 35 7 49 7 21 3 30 0 135

12 Reduction / Elimination of "Ping-Ponging" 10 50 3 21 10 30 7 70 0 171

13 Reduction / Elimination of MRB 7 35 3 21 10 30 7 70 0 156

Reduction / Elimination of Scrap &
14 10 50 7 49 7 21 7 70 0 190
15 Reduction / Elimination of QA Inspection 10 50 3 21 7 21 10 100 0 192

16 Reduction / Elimination of Scrap tickets 1 5 1 7 3 9 1 10 0 31

Reduction / Elimination of mis-placed
17 7 35 7 49 10 30 7 70 0 184
18 Accurate WO tracking 7 35 7 49 7 21 7 70 0 175
Automatic pay points for each step of a
19 10 50 7 49 10 30 10 100 0 229
Reduction / Elimination of operations that
20 7 35 1 7 7 21 10 100 0 163
are not signed off
21 Routes that are "scrubbed" 10 50 10 70 7 21 10 100 0 241
Knowing who the right person is to
22 3 15 7 49 1 3 10 100 0 167
assign the work to

QC-FO-083 Cause Effect Matrix Rev. A 10/1/03 Page 1 of 5

Sorted Priority / Selection Data
Date: 07/10/07
Choose from: 1, 3, 7, 10 1 = Least
ICT Team Goal: To reduce WO cycle time by 20% Impact / 10 = Most Impact
Weighted by Importance: 5 7 3 10
Importance Level Output: Output: Output: Most
Process Input Good WO Flow
Proper Capacity-
Reduced Queue Time Data Integrity
(1=High) Demand Planning Important

1 Direct Labor Variance 10 50 10 70 10 30 10 100 250

2 Equipment Availability 10 50 10 70 10 30 10 100 250

3 Routes that are accurate (scrubbed) 10 50 10 70 7 21 10 100 241

Automatic pay points for each step of a
10 50 7 49 10 30 10 100 229
Reduction / Elimination of QA
10 50 3 21 7 21 10 100 192
Reduction / Elimination of Scrap &
10 50 7 49 7 21 7 70 190
Reduction / Elimination of mis-placed
7 35 7 49 10 30 7 70 184

8 Knowledge of capacity for each area 7 35 10 70 1 3 7 70 178

9 Experienced / Educated operators 10 50 7 49 3 9 7 70 178

10 Accurate WO tracking 7 35 7 49 7 21 7 70 175

11 Reduction / Elimination of "Ping-Ponging" 10 50 3 21 10 30 7 70 171

Knowing who the right person is to assign
the work to
3 15 7 49 1 3 10 100 167
Reduction / Elimination of operations that
are not signed off
7 35 1 7 7 21 10 100 163

14 Reduction / Elimination of MRB 7 35 3 21 10 30 7 70 156

15 Using a global capacity - demand tool 7 35 10 70 3 9 3 30 144

16 Predictable demand schedule 7 35 10 70 7 21 1 10 136

17 Accommodating for people on vacation 7 35 10 70 7 21 1 10 136

18 Elimination of un-necessary pick steps 7 35 7 49 7 21 3 30 135

19 How parts are stocked 3 15 1 7 1 3 7 70 95

20 Standardized kitting 3 15 1 7 1 3 7 70 95

21 Small batch sizes 10 50 3 21 1 3 1 10 84

22 Proper resources for material movement 7 35 3 21 3 9 1 10 75

23 One piece flow (Cell Manf.) 1 5 1 7 10 30 1 10 52

24 Reduction / Elimination of Scrap tickets 1 5 1 7 3 9 1 10 31

Totals 171 855 139 973 143 429 145 1450 3707

Output Ranking / Score

Ranking Output Rank TL Score
1 Good WO Flow 171 855
2 Data Integrity 145 1450
3 Reduced Queue Time 143 429
4 Proper Capacity-Demand Planning 139 973
Sorted Priority / Selection Data
300 Top Ten Inputs
250 250
250 241

200 192 190 184 178 178

Effect on Output Score



Reduce Cycle Time

178 178 175

Purpose or Function: This tool helps you decide which inputs from a Cause &
Effects fishbone diagram should be tackled / addressed first.

Special instructions: 1st tab (group / team): Rank major categories of the output
first then rate the inputs against the weighted output categories. 2nd tab (individual):
Copy the results as data (not formulas) and sort the results. 3rd tab (individual):
Create a Pareto graph of the sorted data.

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