Project Report - Hardness of Water r2 Final

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Analysis of hardNESS OF water








burette readings




Hard water is the water containing the dissolved salts of calcium, magnesium and iron ions. Theses
ions are called hardening ions. In low concentrations, these ions are not considered harmful for
domestic use, but when present in higher concentrations, these ions interfere with the cleansing
action of soaps and accelerate the corrosion of steel pipes, especially those carrying hot water. Hard
water prevents soaps from lathering and causes scale built up in pipes and appliances such as hot
water tanks, boilers, shortening their life span and affecting their efficiency.

Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids such as stearic acid, C 17H35COOH. Soaps,
such as C17H35COO-Na+, are very effective cleansing agents so long as they remain soluble in water.
Hardening ions, such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ react with soaps and form insoluble compounds and
thus interfere in the cleansing action of soap.

2 C17H35COO-Na+(aq) + Ca2+(aq) ( C17H35COO)2Ca(s) + 2Na+(aq)

Hard water is also responsible for the formation of “boiler scale” on tea kettles and vessels used for
heating water. The boiler scale reduces the efficiency of transferring heat because it is a bad
conductor of heat. Formation of boiler scale in the pipes carrying hot water reduces the rate of flow
of water in them. In extreme cases, due to overheating of boiler or the pipes, may break due to
overheating. The boiler scale consists primarily of the carbonates of hardening ions.

Ca2+(aq)+2HCO3-(aq)  CaCO3(s)+CO2(g)+H2O(l)

The hardening ions enter into water as a result of reaction between slightly acidic rain water and
mineral deposits. Ground water becomes hard as it flows through underground limestone deposits.
The water from deep wells has higher degree of hardness as compared to water from shallow wells
because of greater interaction with limestone. Similarly, surface water receives hardening ions as it
flows over limestone deposits. CO2 dissolved in water makes it slightly acidic and helps in dissolved
limestone deposits.

CO2(aq)+ CaCO3(s) +H2O(l)  Ca2+(aq) +2HCO3-(aq)


The degree of hardness in water depends on the extent of hardening ions present in water. The
concentration of hardening ions in a water sample is generally expressed as though the hardness is
due exclusively to CaCO3. The unit of hardness is mg CaCO3/ litre which is same as ppm CaCO3. A
general classification of hard water is given below in tabular form:

Hardness (ppm CaCO3) Classification

<15 ppm Very soft water
15 – 50 ppm Soft water
50 – 100 ppm Medium hard water
100 – 200 ppm Hard water
>200 ppm Very hard water

Typically, hardness is treated with a water softener that removes the calcium and magnesium ions
when the water passes through a tank containing a softening resin. The chemical process that
occurs replaces the calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions in a process called ion exchange.
When the sodium ions supply is exhausted, the unit is regenerated by passing sodium chloride
solution through the exchange material. The hardness ions are then washed away in the rinse
water. Units can be regenerated manually or automatically.

Objective: to analyze and compare different water samples

The concentration of hardening ions in water can be determined by a titration technique, the titrant
is the disodium salt of ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid.

In aqueous solution, Na2H2Y dissociates into Na+ and H2Y2- ions. Ca2+ and Mg2+ react with H2Y2- to
form stable complexes in a solution having pH of about 10. A buffer solution containing ammonia
and ammonium ions is used to maintain the pH of the solution around 10.

For the detection of the end point Erichrome Black T (EBT) is used as indicator. EBT forms complex
ions with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, but binds more strongly to Mg2+ ions. Since only a small amount of EBT
is added, only a small amount of Mg2+ ions is used in formation of complex and no Ca2+ ions are
used. EBT indicator is sky blue in solution but it’s complex with Mg2+ ions [Mg- EBT]2+ , is wine red.

Mg2+(aq)+ EBT(aq)  [Mg- EBT]2+(aq)

sky blue wine red
Thus, during titration, when indicator is added to hard water, the initial color is wine red. When the
titrant is added, H2Y2- complexes with free Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in water and finally removes Mg2+
ions from the [Mg- EBT]2+ complex ions. As a result, the color of the solution changes from wine red
to sky blue.
[Mg- EBT]2+(aq)+ H2Y2-(aq)  MgY2-(aq)+2H+(aq)+EBT(aq)
wine red sky blue
It may be mentioned here that for the end point to appear, Mg ions must be present in the
solution. Therefore, a small amount of Na2H2Y is also added so that the added Mg2+ ions do not
affect the amount of H2Y2- used during titration.

Experiment no.1

AIM: To determine and compare the hardness of different water samples.


Chemical Requirements: Standard EDTA (Na2H2Y) solution, Buffer solution (pH=10), Erichrome
Black T (EBT) indicator.

Apparatus requirement: 200 ml conical flask, funnel, beaker, burette and pipette.


1. Take about 100ml of water sample to be analyzed. If the water sample contains suspended
impurities, it should be subjected to simple filtration. If the water sample is acidic to litmus,
add 1 M NH3 drop wise until it becomes basic to litmus.
2. Rinse the burette with Na2H2Y solution and then fill it with the solution. Record the initial
3. Pipette out 25.0ml of the given sample of water in the conical flask. Add 1ml of the buffer
(pH=10) solution and 2 drops EBT indicator. The color of the solution becomes wine red at
this stage.
4. Titrate the above solution with standard Na2H2Y solution. At the end point, the wine red
color disappears and the solution becomes blue (or purple) in color. Note the final reading of
the burette. Repeat the titration 3-4 times to get a concordant reading.


Molarity of the standard Na2H2Y solution = 0.01M

Volume of water taken for each titration = 20.0ml

Burette readings:

Sl. No. Source of Water Initial Reading Final Reading Volume Of Na2H2Y
used (ml)
1. Magnolia Hostel 0 13.5 13.5
Drinking Water
2. Magnolia Hostel 0 10.5 10.5
Tap Water
3. Magnolia Lab Tap 0 9.5 9.5
4. Kent 0 4.5 4.5
5. Aqua guard 0 6.3 6.3
6. Pure It 0 3.5 3.5


1) Magnolia Hostel Drinking Water

Volume of titrant used = 13.5 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*13.5)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca 2+ = (0.01*13.5)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*13.5)/1000)*100g = 13.5 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (13.5/20)*1000 = 50*13.5 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*13.5 ppm = 675 ppm

2) Magnolia Hostel Drinking Water

Volume of titrant used = 10.5 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*10.5)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca2+ = (0.01*10.5)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*10.5)/1000)*100g = 10.5 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (10.5/20)*1000 = 50*10.5 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*10.5 ppm = 525 ppm

3) Magnolia Lab Tap Water

Volume of titrant used = 9.5 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*9.5)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca 2+ = (0.01*9.5)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*9.5)/1000)*100g = 9.5 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (9.5 /20)*1000 = 50*9.5 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*9.5 ppm = 475 ppm

4) Kent
Volume of titrant used = 4.5 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*4.5)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca2+ = (0.01*4.5)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*4.5)/1000)*100g = 4.5 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (4.5 /20)*1000 = 50*4.5 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*4.5 ppm = 225 ppm

5) Aqua Guard
Volume of titrant used = 6.3 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*6.3)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca 2+ = (0.01*6.3)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*6.3)/1000)*100g = 6.3 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (6.3 /20)*1000 = 50*6.3 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*6.3 ppm = 315 ppm

6) Pure It
Volume of titrant used = 3.5 ml
Molarity of titrant solution = 0.01M
Moles of titrant used = (M*V)/1000 = (0.01*3.5)/1000
Moles of Na2H2Y = Moles of Ca2+ = (0.01*3.5)/1000
Mass of equivalent CaCO3 = ((0.01*3.5)/1000)*100g = 3.5 mg
Mass of CaCO3 per litre = (3.5 /20)*1000 = 50*3.5 mg/litre
Hardness = 50*3.5 ppm = 175 ppm

Water Sample Hardness(ppm) Inference
Magnolia Hostel Drinking Water 675 Very Hard Water
Magnolia Hostel Tap Water 525 Very Hard Water
Magnolia Lab Tap Water 475 Very Hard Water
Kent 225 Very Hard Water
Aqua guard 315 Very Hard Water
Pure It 175 Hard Water

Most of the water purifiers provide very hard water, the hardest coming from the purifier in the
Magnolian hostel.

The softest water comes from the Pure It water purifier but that too comes under the category of
hard water.

Such hard water, if consumed, can have ill effects on human health.

S.No Abbreviation Expansion
1. EDTA Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid
2. EBT Erichrome Black T
3. aq Aqueous
4. ppm Parts per million

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