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A) Description of the fflanuscript-material*

B) Introduction to the subject-matter.

C) Personal Information of the Commentator.

D) Special Features of the Coim&entary


The present e d i t i o n of Fratisskhya-Jyotsna is

based on the following manuscripts :

i) The manuscript of Pratisakhya-Jyotsna named as <sf

in the present e d i t i o n i s a photostat copy of the o r i g i n a l
manuscript %^ich i s described in the catalogue of Sanskrit
manuscripts by A»'»eber, Berlin (1^^6) V o l , I I , p.54f
under the number 1463*

The o r i g i n a l manuscript of t h i s aT manuscript i s

deposited, in the Oriental Department of the l i b r a r y -
her Orientalischen Abteilung, Berlin- under the
number 590. / ^ ^ i^N.
Size - 32 X 20, 5 cm. (^ . >^-

1» a) Catalogus Catelogorun by Theodor Aufrecht

Part I (Reprint 1962), '*iesbaden, p.56l.

bj New Catalogus Cetalogorum ed. by V. Reghfevan

V o l . I I I , Madras (1973), p.377.

2» C r i t i c a l s t u d i e s on Katyayana*s iukla Yajurveda

Pratisakhya by Venkatram .il arma. Madras 1935

p . 132 (FN 56 )
F:xtent - 53 Foil ; 12 Lines per page ;
34 letters p^r line complete.

Date - i 1739.

Additicnal particult^rs : The Ms gives the complete t e x t

with some omit i o n s . The VP^ s u t r a s are underlined.

ii) lliis manuscript named £3 ^h^ in the present

edition, i s a Xerox-copy of the o r i g i n a l manuscript of
Pritisakhya-Jyotsna d ;scxdbed in The GfJtaloKue of
Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Govt, c o l l e c t i o n under the care
of Asiatic Society cf Bengal ed. by Hareprasada :^astri
(1923), Vol.11, p.74'3 under the number 193^ ( S e r i a l K0.9O4).

3ise - 11i X 5 inches

.^ijctent - 49 Foil ; 10 Lines on a page ^ 40 l e t t e r s
in a l i n e , Complete,Appearance Fresh.
Date - 5 1739
Additional P a r t i c u l a r s - IVio groups of f o i l .
v i a . 27 • 22 i n 6 d i f f e r e n t handviriting

iii) This copy of Pratisakbya-Jyotsna manuscript is

named as ^ j in the pares'^nt e d i t i o n . I t i s described

3« Catalogus Catalo^oarure ed, by Aufrecht

p . 561 ( L. 193«)
in *The Descriptive Catalogue of Govt. Collection of
Sanskrit Manuscripts' Vol.1, Bombay (1916), p. 2l6
under the number 2^^. The manuscript is now deposited
in BGRX, Pune.

Sise - 12 X ^ inches.
Extent - 10 Foil ; 12 Lines per page Incomplete
Additional particulars ; legible but incorrect
handwriting reaching upto the end of

iv) The ffianuscript named as <rfr in the present edition

i s a xerox copy oi t h e o r i g i n a l Bianuscript in the
Private Collection of (tfedaiaurti) Narayanasastri
fihanose, Nasik.

5lze - 20 X 10 cm
l:jct«nt - 167 Foil. 7 lines per page
20 letters per line; Complete,
Date of Composition - i> 1739
Date of writing - i 1826 (Sam 1960-61)
Additional particulars - Good clear hand writing . Fresh.

4« Catalogus CatalOF.orum ed. by Aufrecht

p. 561 (Ea»r 517)

Y) The f i f t h copy of the oienuscrlpt - Pratisakhya-
Jyotana on which the present e d i t i o n i s mainly based
i s naasea as c^ I t i s a l s o a xerox-copy of the o r i g i n a l
manuscript which i s depositee in the Private Collection
i n t h e p08S<^s3ion of Yashavantaraaharaj a l i a s Baba
Maharaja Pandit I I I , the descendent of the Gooi&entator
Hamacandra Pandita a t Kolhapur.

Size - 30 X 13fi cm

Extent - 49 F o i l . 12 l i n e s per page

40 l e t t e r per l i n e , complete.
Adaition^l p a r t i c u l a r s : This Ms gives f a i r l y c o r r e c t
t e x t with very fevf exceptions and without any
oiBitions. The passages quoted by the coooaentator
as examples and thf counter-exaoples from the
VS are accented.

The above described manuscript copies except the

copy - '^ (from B BORI) are now deposited in the
manuscript section of the Library of Vaidika

Pratlsakhya-s which are generally known es sefe-

guards of the purity of Vedic texts, arose from the
study of the 7edas with a view to ensure the correct
recitation and interpretation of the sacred texts. They
contain rules regarding the euphonic combinations bett^een
two words, accentuation, lengthening of vowels,pronunciation
etc. in short, the Pratisakhyes draw attention to the
peculiarities of the form of Vedic texts to which they
belong. Following are the available Pratisakhygs :

i) RK-Pratisakhya ii) Taittiriye^Pratisakhya

ill) V«.1.-Pratisakhya (iv) Samaveda^Pratisakhya
(v) Atharvaveda Fratisakhva

Vajasaneyi Pratlsakhya which belongs to the

iukla Yajurveda is ascribed to Katyayana. Just as the
other Pratisekliyas do in connection with the sacred
texts to which they belong, this Pratisakhya (V?)
also deals with the rules regarding the proper pronunciation
and correct recitation of the ;iamhita, Pada and krama text
of iukla-Yajurveda-Vajasaneyi branch. It also contains

1. cf. *A History of Sanskrit Literature* by

k»i »¥^odonelX ( Seprint 1917)» P» 51


r u l e s regarding euphonic combinations between the i n i t i a l

and the f i n a l sound of words* I t observes and quotes •
several l i s t s of the p e c u l i a r individual cases in the
Vajas&neyi-jaahita of aukla-Yajurveda. I t gives d e f i n i t e
i n s t r u c t i o n s about the c o r r e c t accentuation. I t i s also
engaged in describing the d i f f e r e n t r u l e s de&ling with
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the Pada t e x t wher^ separate words of
the Sarohita are given in t h e i r o r i g i n a l form ( i.e.
those unaffected by a l t e r a t i o n , a d d i t i o n , l o s s etc.}
The p e c u l i a r i t i e s of the krama-type r e c i t a t i o n where
^^^ samhita-patha and the Fada-Patha are coiDbined, are
also recorded by t h i s Fratis&khya. Thus VP t r i e s t o
describe r u l e s by the aid cf which, one can reconstruct
the Sa£ihita->text frcw the P&da-text and t h i s i s the
basically iaiportant purpose of the Pratisakhya l i t e r a t u r e .

Two coflomentaries on t h i s Pratisakhya viz. the

faaoua comffientax*y - Matnaoda by tfvvata end
Fadartha-Prakasa tr Anantabhatta, have been so f a r
published. The t h i r d commentary e n t i t l e d as Pratisakhya-
Jyotsna i s occasionally referred t o by the scholars
but i t has remained as yet unpublished.

Editions of the Vajasaneyl rratl3fikhy& (VP) :

i) VP Mas f i r s t edited with i t s Gensan t r a n s l a t i o n by

A.We ber i n Indische otudien Vol.IV (18^3) p.65-160
and 177-331.

ii) VP with the commentary of Uvvata was published

by the scholars of Benaraa Sanskrit Coliego under the
superintendance of R.T.H.Griffith and G.Thibaut at
Benaras i n l^^d.

iii) VP was then published at Calcutta in 1?*93 under

the e d i t o r s h i p of Jivananda Vidyasajgarfc Bhettacerya.

iv) VP was again published by V.Venkal^iGgti Carina with

both the coiunentaries v i z . Mat mode by Uvvats and
Fadartha -Prakase by Anantabhatta* The ccH&ttientary of
Anantabhatta was brought i n t o l i g h t for the f i r s t time
in this edition.

v) VP was then edited and published with i t s

t r a n s l a t i o n in English but without any coomentary
by Indu Rastogi a t Benares i n 1967.

vi) VP was published again by Virendra Varma at

Eenarss i n 1975 with both the commentaries t o g e t h e r
with the t r a n s l a t i o n i n Hindi of VP and Uvvata*s

Pratls&khya -Jyot ana : h_ coffimentary on Vi

Pratisakhyfi -nJyotsna i s a cocimentary coaposed by

Fiamacandra F&ndita <- son of Siddhesvarc> i n 1739 of
iaka era (lSl8 A.i>.), on the Vajasaneyi-Pratiaakhya
belonging t o the Madhyandina recension of the sukla -
Yejurvoda. The comn-entary Pr&tisakhya -Jyotsna, though
remained unpublished for many years> was not unknown
t o the scholars of l a s t century. Thus the scholtdrs both
t r a d i t i o n a l as well as uodera have occasionally referred
t o the commentary Pratisakhya Jyotsna and i t s author
i n t h e i r works.

2. (A) Oudhartha»i>ipika : Cofflmentary on Cempu-^arata

^<^*^y •arinivasa r a n d i t e (1761 iakej Kolhapur,
Published i n iake 17^1 (1??59 A.D.).

(B) P r a t i s a k h y a - r r a d i p a - J i k s a composed by Balakrsna^

(iodase i n ^aka 1^02 (l?^d1 A.D.j and publishea in
Jik^a-janigjraha, Benares i»k» lieries, Benarts in
1^93 A.u. p . 20f^, 306.

(C) Inalsche j t u d i e u cd.by .,..Weber (1^6^

Part It p . 4 3 3 , 436.

(D) Jatapatfcle ed.by Thibaut. Leipaig (1^70) p . 3 6 - 5 3 .


The s i g n i r i c a n t s p e c i a l i t y of t h i s cooaientary i s
t h a t the V£ autraa are composed t o t h e i r context and
not according to the t e x t , i n t h i s coimnentary*

Alongwith the main coamentary on the Vajaaeneyi -

Pretisakhya. the conxaentator has included h i s two other
coaiffient:.ries v±%,
i> Comiuentax-y on PratiJna-autra-^Farisista and
i i ) Ooaim^intary on A a t t v i k r t i s .

These two commentaries help to study the Vajasfeneyi

hratisakhya and t o urid«:;r3toind the p i ; c u l i a r i t i e s of
i^iadhyanairia recension ol the bukla Yajurveda.

The portion of Pratijna-Sutr':i'>Hariaista with

xiaiaacandra P a n d i t a ' s commentary was edited by A« -eber
with i t s German t r a n s l a t i o n i n 1d71.

The portion of AstBvikrtis with the comments of

liam&candra Pandita wac a l s o e d i t s d by G. Thibaub in 1^70.

3« AbhfendlunKen der Berliner Ak^demi^ der

Wiaaenchaften Phil H i s t o r i • Claaae
by A.^eber (1«71) p.69

^* Jatapatala ed. by CThibaut. Leipzig (1^70)

p . 36 ff

The s&jse portion e n t i t l e d Aatavlkrtl - lakaanani is

seen in the e d i t i o n of VP edited by Yugalakisor Pathak
of Benares (ifif^?^) and in Vedevikrti-laksana'3amgraha
edited by K.V, .^bhy-cnkfer and G. V«:^-ev^.sthfoU (I97d)«

I t may be adaed a t t h i s stage t h a t so f a r the

Jyotana cowuiientary has remained unpublished. Therefore
i n t h i s t h e s i s , an a t t ^ a p t i s «ade to give a c r i t i c a l l y
edited t e x t of t h i s - Pratisakhya-Jyotsna and t o study
t h i s important cotwentary.

In the present e d i t i o n of Pratlaakhya^^Jyotsna,

X havti linitecl myself to the main portion of the
manuscript ! • « • the coojwntcry ca Vajc-si^neyl-Pritlgikhyg
only and have onitted the abovenentioned two portions
^•*» Prfctijna-iariBJsta and A s t a v i k r t i s since thay
have been already editeu*

5. i.Y»y« Pratisakhya edited by Yugalkisor Pathaka

bonar-s (IfiBS] p. 471-493.

6. yedavikrtilaksana-Sanfiraha edited by
K.V.Abhyankar ana G.V.i;eYfaathali. i-'une 197^ f.iyyi



Ilie coffiment&ry Fratisakhya-Jyotsna i s composed by

Aamacandra Pandita - the elder son of one Siddhesvara
Mho Vita a great s a i n t in the l a t t e r half of the iBth
Century and because of h i s great s p i r i t u a l power, wea
resp-iCted as the s p i r i t u a l precepter by the Royal family
of Kolhapur. He was also honoured a s Ra.1a^.uru and was
given the honourable designation a s Guru-l^iaharaja by the
Royal family. Kamacandra Pandita being h i s e l d e r son
and having a f u l l capi^city for t h a t designation was also
appointed as Hajaguru - the s p i r i t u a l preceptor of
Ghatrapati Shivaji Kaje a l i a s Appasahebi the r u l e r of
Kolbapur (1^12-1^21 A.D.j« Hamacandre Pandita vas well
recognised by s c h o l a r s . Pandita-family was a l l o t t e d a
big house near the palace of the Royal family and i t i s
s t i l l known as Guru fiaharaja-W'ada.

The following colophen of the Jyotana luanuscript

gives some information about the author, and throws
l i g h t on h i s s c h o l a r s h i p . I t also mentions the date of
cwBposition of Jyotsna coamentary.

Du2*ing my research for the manuscript mate r i a l of

Jyotsna Gonixnentary and the o t h e r information about the
author, hia scholarship and vdorks I came across two very
importSint biographical books (Ma r a t hi} written i n Bakhara
type* One book i s e n t i t l e d as *Raaacandra Pandita hyanca
itihaaa* and the other i s * Guru Gitamrte *, which gv/ve

1. Historical diary.

2. Ramecandre Panditfa hyanca i t i h a s a by

^rinivaa Fandita ccaaposed i n :>aka 1774
i . e . 1f^52 A.D. and published i n 1fid5 A.ii.
at Kolhapur.

3. 'Guru-Gitamrta* by :lrinivesa Pandita

composed in 1797 (saka) and
published a t Kolhapur i n 1^67.

the l i f e h i s t o r y of Slddhesy&ra. Both the books are

written by the grand-son of Hamacandra Pandita viz.
i r l n l v a s a Pandita. The books contain a number of legends
and anecdotes of the s p i r i t u a l power of both the f a t h e r
and the son In chi*onologlcal order and give scanty
I n f o m a t l o n about the h i s t o r i c a l eventSi persons etc*
They are useful for the Information of l l f e - h l s t o r y
of Eafflacandra Pandita. The f i r s t book i s mentioned

t o be written within the period of twenty-five years

a f t e r the death of liaaacandra Pandita by h i s grandson.
The author I s thus expected t o know proper Information
about the works of h i s grand father i.e. the present
commentator Hamacandra Pandita. The following
information i s tased on these books.

The town Deulatabad viAilch Is famous for the f o r t

Devagjlrl i s s i t u a t e d on the northern btiwk of the r i v e r
Godavarl (Qanga). To the north of t h i s town at a distance
of four kosa (approximately d miles) the place Verula -
a famous place for the temple of God Ghrsnesvara one of
the twelve j y o t i r l i n g a S j i s situated. To i t s n o r t h , a t
a distance of eight kosa, there l i e s a small v i l l a g e
named Bavare - the o r i g i n a l place of our author.

Ramabhatta, the grand father of Ramacandra Pandita

was living there with hia wife Godavari and the son

Harabhatta. He was a poor brahicin of the Madhyandina

branch of pukla Yajurveda having the family name Deva.

The poor but pious t.eva-family was traditionally well known

for the recitation of the Veda and Jyotisa and was

traditionally known to be religious.Ramabhatta kept

himself busy in worshipping the God Ehdravanatha* After

some years having handed over the faodly responsibility

to his son Harabha^ta, Ramabhatta with his wife Godavari, [eft

Bavare and decided to go to a place on the coast of

western Sea (Arabian Sea), Thsus they (Ramabhatta and

Godavarij reached the place of Heriharesvare and started

a strenuous penance in honour of the God, without any

expectation and devoted their whole time in worshipping

the God. Twelve long years ended. The God Bhairavanatha

was very much pleased by their worship. One night, he

appeared in the dream of Godavari in the disguise of

kanaphatya monk and told her, *•! am taking birth as

your son, keep my name as Siadhesvara. Please stop your

penance and return back to your place". Godavari in a

happy mood told this incident to her husband. They both

acceptea it as the order of God and returned to their

place Bavai*e.

Godevari gave b i r t h t o a son on the ninth day of

Caitra month (Chsitra sudolha navami J in the year 1655
of iaka era i . e . 13th March, 1733 A.D. and named him
3iddbesvara, as i t was ordered* when Siddhesvara was
five years old h i s thread-ceremony was performed.
Hamabhatta taught the sacred Gayatri formula and
sent him t o Aurangabad for the f u r t h e r study. Siddhesvara
went to Aurangabad end stayed there for two y e a r s . He
s t a r t e d h i s study in the guidance of the famous s a i n t
.^mrta ]fi&ya* Then he returned to Bavare. He was married
t o Bhavani - the daughter of one P a t i l (leader) of the
v i l l a g e - Surangali. After some days rlamabhatta died.
Tbi^Vi ctiddhesvara stayed some more time in Etevare. After
one year, he again went to Aurangabad. But h i s teacher
AffirtbRaya asked him to go t o Kasi and to stay with the
teacher Advaitananda. So Siddhesvara went to Kaai
(This Advaitananda i s described as Gurubandhu (co-student)
of Amrtaraya). iiddhesvara stayed there for two years
and achieved much s p i r i t u a l power upto that time.

4. cf. Kodaka-Jantri ^ (I72a-ld89 A.P.) p.13

by bharata l i i h a s a Samsoahaha ^landala, Pune

mentions the b i r t h - d a t e of Siddhesvara Pandita
as 13th of Karch,1733 A.D.

Then he decided to go towards South. In search of the

proper p l a c e , while rofciain^ here and t h e r e , he v i s i t e d
so many p l a c e s . At l a a t , he came t o a place named
»Kole Narasimhapur' on the bank of the r i v e r Krsna
and decided t o stay there i n a cave where the God Karsiaha
i s supposed t o be p r e s e n t . He s t a r t e d t o perform a hard
penance in honour of God Ehairavan&thfc t h e r e .

After scne y e a r s , Jiddhesvara wanted t o see h i s

mother, ito he s t a r t e d t o v i s i t fiZvare, He f i r s t visited
Aurant^abad t o see h i s Guru - amrtaraya. Aartaraya was
very happy t o see him and t o hear a l l the i n c i d e n t s of
h i s s p i r i t u a l power. Siddhesvara then went to Bavare,
lived t h e r e for months end then retumeu t o Kole N^^raslm-
-hapur, with h i s mother Godavari and wife Bhavanibai.

When Siddhesvara returned t o Kole Narasimhapur,

the p*!0ple weicom"^d him h e a r t i l y , iiddhesvara stayed
t h e r e and s t a r t e a h i s faiuily l i f e .

Bhavanibai gave b i r t h to a child in saka l69l

( i . e . 1769 A.i).) in the year called Virodhi. when the
sun was in the northern hemisphere, in the month of
C aitra, in the black f o r t n i ^ t on the ninth day;

Tlie a s t e r l s n wfie Dhanisthe* Th« yoRti was brnhma.

The karena was Taitila. The child v^as bom on the
Kesa ascendant. His horoscope i s given sis follows

Siddhesvara named the child as ahBiftCandra.

I M s i s our fauthor - Kaaiacandra Pandita. I t i s said
that a t the age of t h r e e yeera Rsmacandra Fandita *,&s
asksd by h i s f a t h e r - Siddhesvera the following questions-
»*ho were you i n the l a s t b i r t h ? where were you staying?
and for what reason you have taken b i r t h her^ a g t i ^ ? '
iiamacandra with a gentle stfaile answered h i s questions in
a very s u r p r i s i n g Banner. He replied - »In the p.:i8t
b i r t h , I wes the son of a poor but pious brahmin and
was l i v i n g vdth f a t h e r , mother, vdfe and son. After some
yeara they a l l d i e d . Then I came to a place on Uie bank
of the r i v e r Gaiiga and kept myself busy in performing a
strenuous penance. «hile performing a penance 1 diedt

Because ol t h i s good deed only, I could get the r e b i r t h

a s your son.* Siddhesvara becaae very h&ppy t o hear
h i s p r e - b i r t h account*

Slddhesvsra had becoi&e very faB^ous everywhere

becau(;e of h i s s p i r i t u a l pov^er. I t i s mentioned t h a t
one of the Saradara (keyaraaaj of Peseve Madhavarap
5llot«sd to him e big house near the temple of Narsimha
on the bank of the Krsne-river.

Siddhesvara perforaed a thraad ceremony of

Ramacandra when ho was five years cid, ia aboveaentioned
h A

house and handed hi« over t o the prop*ir t**echers for h i s

study* The famous dssagranthi brahtsin Har^bhatta
Renavikar v&s appointed t o teach Rgveda. Ka»acr-?ndra
ccmpleted h i s study of Rff,veda with Prdtisekhye and the
eight modes of the r e c i t a t i o n upto the ghana vikrti,
i n the period of five y e a r s . Then he s t s r t e d his
Yejurvede-study near the teacher Rsnganathe and
cosipleted i t within a year only* Eaaacandra used h i s
snedhyaya days f<lso in learning the various s c r i f t a .

Thus at the end of eleven, Raiaec&ndra completed

h i s study of Vedas* He leaztit Vyakarana-a&stri^ by
heart near the t e a c h e r F^ahadeva s a s t r i and studied

Ny&ya« Alankara, Jyotlsa, yaiayaka and Dharmaaestre.

he got the recognition o£ the authorities Tor his study.

Hemacandra kept him busy in the study all the time

with full devotion and vigour find had started perforating

hard penance anu achieved great spiritual power. Thus

. 7
Kamacandra i s described *8arvajna*

Siddhesvara was very much proud of h i s son

Ramacandra but he advised Raniacandra t h a t he should not
make a debate with o t h e r s . RamacandrE also obeyed
h i s f a t h e r ' s order.

^' '^y;^^f8?£ Handita th*» son of rtaEacandra ; e n d i t t

gives an account of Ramacendrfc's s c h o l a r s h i p ,
h i s works and tha recognition ©a a ^raat achcicir
by the scholars of iCasI. In h i s took
* Siddhesvara- vijaya jf.dhyHya y.

7, cf. - *£alabodhini* conuaentary on Laksjal

Sahasranatsa by i r i n l v a s e Pandita - the
grandson of Tcamscandra Pandita :

Raaacandra was n a r r i e d to s g i r l ir<m Sayagavakar

family. Kls two sons - orikranB and Abasahebe are
a l s o mentioned.

Kamacandra Pandita ccnposeci many works viz.

Pratisakhya-Jyotana. KundendUt Dasopanisedrahasya e t c .

Siddhesvara the f a t h e r of Rairaacandra died in the

year 1627 (saka) i . y , 1^00 ^.D. Then the Hoyal family
of Kolhapur placed Ramacandra on the honourable s e a t of
Guru fehsrija - the s p i r i t u a l preceptor as i t was aavised
by Slddhesvara a f t e r t e s t i n g Ramacandra*s f u l l capacity
for t h i s p r e s t i g i o u s p o s t .

Ramacandra edvis^id and helped t o the Royal family

many times and became such a respective person in h i s

HamacanOra Ptmdita ccKpietad h i j iix'e in saka

1752 ( i . e . 1??30 .O.J

The main i n c i d e n t s in Rcstacandra Panaitc.|s liffe :

^«ka 1691 - Ramacandra Pandit?^ was b o m .


1696 - The thread-cer^jmony

1702 - Ramacandra Pandita completed his

Vedadhyayana and got recognition for his

scholarship by the authorities.


jaka 1724 - itamacandra Paijidita was honoured by

the Pesave (Bajirao the H ) at Pune
while he was en route t o Palthana.
»» 1726 - Visit t o Pandharpur
" 172?5 - Accompanied Ghatrapsti S i v s j i Reje
r u l e of Kolhapur t o Tulajapur.
•• 1729 - Raje Appasaheba the e l d e s t son of
Chatrapati :iivaji ( I I I } accepted
Hafflacandra Pandita as h i s s p i r i t u a l
" 1739 - LoBiposition of the cotrc^entary
Pratisakhya Jyotsna.
" 1742 - Heleaae of h i s s i s t e r from the possession
of an e v i l s p i r i t (Brahaa-aamandha).
" 1743 - Visit to Benares and other holy places
i n Northern I n d i a .
" 1752 - The end of h i s l i f e on Aksayye t r t t v a

yorks of Ramacandra Pandita ( In Sanskrit ) :

I) Pratisakhya Jyotsna -
&) Coffifiientary on Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya (unpublished),
b) CoBWientary on P r a t i j n e Sutre P a r i a i s t a
edited and published by A.'-^-^b-rr {1^71 J

c) Commentary on Astavlkrtla
1) published by G.Thibaut (lS70) in

i i ) 'S'.Y»Pratisakhya* edited by Y u p l a k i s o r a
t a t h a k a . Benaras Irt^^, p. 471-494.

i i i ) • Vedavikrtilaksana Saairraha * by
K.V.Abhyankar and G.V. e v a s t h a l i , p.23-32

I^) Veda-Paribhasa-Sutra (siksa) and

Vada-Paribhasa-karika (siksa) aatika

Fublisheu by Benarao JK sericis in

Jiksa-^anKraha (1^93) p.306-326.

I l l ) laavaayarahasyavivrti - Conuuentary on Isopanisad

Published by Anandasrsoia. Pune i1934)«

IV) Dasopanisad-rahasya - 10 verses containing the

g i s t of ten Upaniaad^

V) Maladhikerane on the Vyaaa-siksa

VI) Ku^dendu

Adhikaranct -Jangrsha on the aarlra-tanpaya

Sangr&ha on Bgahmaeutre.

kahavakya -Vlvarana and Antcnaiatha

Published by Y&aavanta Maharajja

Pandite. Kolhapur (1974)

All theae works are mentioned in the book

under reference ^ itihaaa which contains a s t o t r a
a t the beginning by the author c^rinivasa Pangita
the grand son of the pz*eaent cocarientetor.


In t h e very beginning 02'' t h e coofflentaryt the

ccmmentcitor Ramacandra P e n d i t a has e x p l a i n e d h i s purpose
i n composing a c(»iuaent&ry on t h e Yajasaneyi-Fratisakhye
i n t h e f o l l o w i n g words -

With t h i s purpose i n view, t h e commentator adopted

a different s t y l e f o r commenting on t h e Yejaaaneyi-
"Pratisakhya* He conceived c e r t a i n s u b - t o p i c s and r e a r r a n g e d
t h e e n t i r e Pratisfckhya i n t o them and then wrote his
coBuaentary. This s t y l e somewhat resembles t o t h a t adopted
by B h a t t j i D i k s i t a i n h i s Siddhanta-Kaumudi. Thus
Ramacandra P a n d l t a did a c c e p t the Adhyaya-wise arrangement
of t h e o r i g i n a l V a j a s a n e y i - P r e t i s a k h y e but he made t o p i c wise
arrangement by s e l e c t i n g t h e concerned s u t r e s from different
Adhvayas of the V a j a s a n e y i - P r a t i s a k h y a and r e a i r s n g e d t h e
whole Vajasan^iyi-Pratisakhya i n Irakaranfewistj arrangement
l i k e aiddhanta-Kauffiudi« The t i t l e s of t h e diffex»ent
Prakar&nas ( c h a p t e r s ) given by Ramacandra Pandita are
following :-

( i ) aamjna Parlbhasa -Prakaranai

( i i ) Svara-^andhl-Frakarenaffi (ill) i^andhl-Svarah
(iv) Vyaj&jana-Sandhih (v) Viserga-Sandhih
i v i ) ^amanya-Vlkarah ( v i i ) ;>va ra-'laksanam
( v i i i J PacLa-lakaanaffi and (ix) Krama-laksanam

Hie f i r s t chapter aagi.lna-FarlbhaiBa-Prakarana is

i t s e l f a good exaiBple of the r^arreng' ment of the
VP sutraa made by Eamacandre Pa^dita. Hie following
sutrfcs from the f i r s t and the eight^h Adhyaya of the
VP and have been rearranged in t h i s chapter e.g.

Samjaa-Pari bhaaa-'Prakarana -

1.1, 2, 18; Vlii.34-36; 1.10,30; VIII.1-13;

1.44 46, 5:>-5d; VIiI.14 31i 1.59, 4^; VIII.45-46;
1.34, 36-41, 62-71, 73. 74, 76-f?4, 43, 49-:>4, 75, >^9
35, 141, 42, 151, 152, 146, 147, 15^, 133-137. 144
143, 153, 154, 159, 92-9^, 160-16^.

1• For the order of the Pratisakhya >3Utraa, I have

followed the t xt of iukla-Yajurveoa-i ratiaakhya
editeu by Indu iiaatOKi (1967).

Hajaacandra Pandita has brought the s u t r a s belonging

t o a p a r t i c u l a r topic t o g e t h e r and then systematically
discussed and eaqplained them one by one in h i s Fratisakhya
Jyotsna Vivrti* i3y doing s o , he became successful in
removing one oi the i n c o n g n i t i e s i n the Vajasaneyi-
Fr&tisakhya regarding the subject varna-saiaaiiinaya»

In the Vr, there i s an incongxlity about th«i subject

varna-sfciaaianaya which has been r i g h t l y pointed out by
'/.wsraa i n the following words - "In the f i r s t chapter
without the s p e c i f i c a t i o n of Varne-Sameflinaya« the
author saye, 'upadista vanjiah* (VF_ 1.34) • This leads
ua t o think t h a t the subject i s not going t o be d e a l t
with any more. i)n the o t h e r hand, the same subject i s
d e a l t with elaborately in a l a t t e r chapter namely the 8 t h .
The coiiuiientator Uvvata a l s o i s s i l e n t about this
Incongruity. ••

Raffiacandra Pandita removed t h i s incongruity by

rearranging the ord^^r of the s u t r a s of the t o p i c Varna ^
3aBiam:iaya i n VP. His discussions on the topic

2. C r i t i c a l Studies on Katyayana's iukla YaJurveda

Fratisakhya* by V.Venkotfc i>anflfc. ^iadr&s

(1935), p.69

Vama»Samamnaya begins with the sutre - *athato

varae-sagiatHnayaoi vyakhyaayamah' (VIII.1) and concludes
with the s u t r a - 'upadista vaniah* (1.34) • The s u t r a s
which are taken from d i f f e r e n t p a r t s of VIP are seen in
t h e i r systercatic rearranged form.

The d e s c r i p t i o n of the topic ^ Varna-saaiaanaya

alone can indicate tha significance of the rearrangement
of autras of yt_*

Further, the seventh chapter Svaralakaanam of

the Jyotsna cosjiientary i s also r'^ccnstructea by the
con^entftor by s e l e c t i n g the s u t r a s from the second and
the s i x t h Adhyaya of the VP. Froifi the second Adhyaya
he has tak«n p r a c t i c a l l y a l l the s u t r a s (exciepting)^
l a s t two ^ i n which the comfflon s u t r a s of noun, verts,
p r e p o s i t i o n s and p a r t i c l e s are described without
changing t h e i r o r i g i n a l o r a e r . Then he has s t a r t e a
t o uascribe the s p e c i a l s u t r a s regarding the verbs and
p r e p o s i t i o n s by s e l e c t i n g the s u t r a s VI.1 and 24. Then
the s u t r a s 6.2 - 19 ere again seen in t h e i r o r i g i n a l

i;«<1iil«» considering the s i o i l i r i t y of the s u b j e c t -


3 ,
matter in both these c^dhyayas^ V.^enfls has a(^ain
r i g h t l y pointed out t h a t the second adhyaya should have
been followed by the s i x t h adhyaya in the original
Prati3akhya»3utra»rathe. But in the ^rxtant Pratisakhya
these two adhyayas are intervsned by the other sdhyayas
v i z . the t h i r d , fourth and the f i f t h . The earlier
coBunentator Uvvata has not remarked anything on t h i s
point. Our commentator in s view to rearrange the
Pratisakhya-sutra according to the s u b j e c t / t o p i c , has
brought together both these adhyayas under the title
a vara p ra ka ra nam taklnf. i n t o consideration t h a t the
subject-matter of both these adhyeyas i s closely
connected with each o t h e r .

Thus on t h i s back-groxmd, the rearrangement of t h - s e

adhyayas of Vaj.Pratisekhya can be noted as a comtribution
t o the study of Va.jasaneyi- Pratisakhya.

This raarrang^ment of ttie Vajoaaneyi-i^ratiaakhya

i s a l s o very convenient for the student because i t helps
t o understand the subject-matter vx a p a r t i c u l a r copic
a t one p l a c e .

3. ' C r i t i c a l studies '

by V.:^erm8 (1935) p . 246-47.

Another p e c u l i a r i t y of the conHBentary composed

by fiamactndra P&nditfc i s t h a t while coofnenting on
i r&tiaakhya-autrcja he has taken i n t o considerction
very minutely each and every woxxi of the sutres« His
obs rvationa are tilso itdnute. He gav-^ cne and the s&oe
j u s t i c e t o a l l the sutraa whether they may t e simple and
small or complicated and lengthy. For example, there i s
a small s u t r a - "athf ikatu uttar&sca" {4«49) which means
'henceforth the words the preceding and the rollowing
{vowelsJ becoflie one' are t o continue in the following."
Kamacandra Pandita brings out the meaning sug^^eated by c£*
Ihe presence of the small V/ord c& suggests t h a t the
word purvah i s to be understood* According t o himj
the word atha i s meant for adhikara. The sutra thus
means that the preceding (purvahj and the following
(uttarah; vowels w i l l become one.

The i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the above sutra villi a l s o

show the s t y l e of the author of the Jyotsne comn.ent9ry
i . e . he takes i n t o consideration each end every word in a
sutra while explaining the s u t r a . Examples of
t h i s type are found in many places in the consLentary.

s, *^

In the c&se of lengthy autrns also, Hamacandra

Pendita n o t i c e s every word carefully end gives systematic
explanation of i t * He has taken i n t o consideroition a l l
the possible a l t e r n a t i v e s and explained them fully.
Thus in the sutre - "Kiba somani « . . . " (3.130), there
i s a long l i s t of 7^ words in which the o r i g i n a l short
vowel appears in the lengthened foriD. In the phrase
*pib8 somaiB• the o r i g i n a l words are *piba somam •
but the vowel a^ in the word pibe is lengthened.

iithile coau&enting on t h i s 8utra» the ccomentator has

discussed a l l possible p e c u l i a r i t i e s oi the words
regarding t h i s type of lengthening of the l a s t vowel.

Because of h i s capacity of minute observetionsi

the words l i k e '£<&', * i t i ca * or *iti* which
for a coauBon reader bear l i t t l e importance are a l s o
not ignored by hamacandra Pandita. He s t a t e s t h a t

because of these words used i n t h e a^utras the

inclusion of some a d d i t i o n a l cas^s i s implied.

'itiere are soaae places whera the words, *C£' ,
» i t i jca' are used in the Pretisakhya-sutr&a. *hile

commenting en these s u t r a s , he has suggested some
a d d i t i c n u l 'examples. I t i s t h i s cofiio^entator, v«ho has
discovered a l i such d i f f e r e n t cases end hs-.s thus wade
sofiie additioii to the Pratisakhya-Sutras. Let us give

The s u t r a - *Juyanascanadhvani* (4»^1) would

mean t h a t the f i n e l £ i n the viord jusano remains
as i t i s when i t i s followed by the i n t i t i a l a of
words other than adhvan« ror the explenetion cf t h i s
meaning, the i l l u s t r e t i o n - Musano spturajycasyaMVJ 5/35)
i s given by Uvvata and Ramacandra Pandita. But the
e a r l i e r commentctor has apparently overlooked the
presence of the word *c^* in the sutre &nd made no
comment on i t . But Ramacandra Pandita has noticed t h i s
word c a r e f u l l y and given f u l l j u s t i c e to the sfliell word
ca i n the s u t r a by mentioning an a d d i t i o n a l i i l u s t r e t i o n
^^^' *sMkTO ay£mi t e * (V3 27/30). The example given by

iii) ^^"^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3R^aFi5?^Ernf\ i ^ w^: ^rfc!: i


the coffiiaentator i s quite appropriate because the f i n a l £

i n the word sukro remains as i t i s when i t i s followed by £ .

Thus the couiment^jtor has added one more case to

the Fratisakhya^sutra-Juaanascanadhvani^ vis.»sukrah\

Few more cases of a d d i t i o n a l i l l u s t r a t i o n s c i t e d

by Ramacandra P a n ^ t a are mentioned in the following t a b l e :

Additional examples
Sutra ^k>aning of supplied by
the sutra Ramacandra Pandita

1. J.151 Ihe final *n* of purva asvaniva (V3 34/6)

*fcritanami.» padantiya remains as it The n remains

asmanari- is in these 2$ word- unchanged.


2, 3.3d nie Visarjeniya of the .jatah patih(V3 23/1)

vajapatih following wox*ds - CHie visarjaniya in

parsvyam vajapatih, vasah, *jatah* &lso does
iti ca ' edidhisuh, antah parsvye- not become s or s.
-na» antah,parsvyam aoes

not become s or S.

3. 3.101 In the coiriblnetlon adhi vakti (V3, l6/5)

'aavaaya of 'asvasya va.iineh ( f i n a l vovfel of
vajinah. the f i n a l vowel in *adhi» i s not
I t i c&'[ 'eavagya* i s not lengthened)

4. 3.130 In the combirjfetion of yacchfe deve yuvain

piba aomam the words here the (7S 37/16)
aadanyam short vowel in the (Here, the £ in
I t i ca»'| f i r s t word (purva- the word deva
padantiya) is i s lengthened.)
lengthened e . g . piba
somaifl (V3 26/4)

Thus on the b a s i s of a l l these exaiaplea i t can be

concluded t h a t Ramaci^nora Pandita made h i s personal
c o n t r i b u t i o n by supplying extr** examples of a d d i t i o n a l
words/cases to the Vaj.Pratisakhya Sutras* Moreover these
a l s o point out . the minute cbservation and
carefulness on the p a r t of the comfiieRtator while
i n t e r p r e t i n g the Pratisakhye*-sutrfa8.

The commentator R&macandra Pandita apparently

adopted a t places the readings which d i l T e r from those
accepted by the e a r l i e r commentators viz* Uvvata and
Ananta Bhatta. t h i s leads UH to suradse t h a t the
author might have accepted those readings e i t h e r on the
a u t h o r i t y of c e r t a i n oianuscrlpts or of the then a v a i l a b l e
o r a l t r a d i t i o n of Vejasaneyi-Pratisakhya. I t i s also
possible t h a t the author keeping in view the intended
neaning might have amended theaai. whatever may Le the
c a s e , i t i s a f c x t , t h a t there are some v a r i a t i o n s
accepted by the conuaentetor and he has J u s t i f i e d them
i n the l i g h t of h i s own i n t e r p r e t a t i o n and the i l l u s t r a t i o n s ,
lliis a l s o i s a very important c o n t r i b u t i o n of Haraacandx*a
Pandita t o the study of VaJ«Pratisakhya«

The sutra - 'krsno ^wr^asamyoge * (2.25) i s a case

of d i f f e r e n t reading accepted by our commentator*
llie e a r l i e r commentators viz* Uvvata and Ananta followed
the reading 'krsno mrgQsaayoge but our conanentator
has taken the reading *krsno ^ mrgesamyoKe' i . e.
amrj^asaayoge instead of mrgasaaiyoge and interpreted i t
in h i s own s t y l e (see 2.25}*

The sutra - * i t i vyahjanani * (46) is also

Introduced as a sutra by our commentator* I t i s not
found i n any of the p r i n t e d t e x t of Vejasaneyi-Prati -
- sakhyfc But out comxaentator has taken i t in a manner
®^ yp-^utra and commented upon i t . (See sutra -
serial No.46).

One more special feature of Jyotsna commentary

i s t h a t , our coi&ment&tor has some times taken two or
more than two c o l l a t e r a l s u t r a s j o i n t l y t o cofflinent on
them e.g. ^n the f i r s t chapter - Sam^na - Faribhasa -
Prakarana. t h e r e are amany places v i z . VIII 34-36,
1.10 30; VIII.45,46 e t c . where the coiumentator has
taken the s u t r a s j o i n t l y for commentingon them.

Another s i g n i f i c a n t s p e c i a l feature which i s

to be notea here i s t h a t t l ^ coomentator, while
commenting on a sutra t a k e s every care for bringing out
the proper and exact meaning of the words in the sutra« PiMS
e . g . i n the s u t r a - VIII.45 there i s a word *uktah*.
\j^ile commenting upon i t , the commentator i s quite aware
of the f a c t t h a t in h i s rearrangement of Pratisakhya -
sutras, the s u t r a s enumerating the pluta-vowels
( i . e . I • 5<-*.54) are taken in the 3vsra»Prakarana
afterwards th X)ugh in the o r i g i n a l Pratisakhya these
s u t r a s precede the sutra V I I I . 4 5 . Thus our commentator

i n t e r p r e t e s the word uktah as t o mean •will i-e described*

(yaksyante) instead of ' e l r e a d y described' in his
Jyotsna coaimentary.

In the case cf word 'apancamah* ( 4>11i^ 214 )»

t h i s type of carefulness of our ccanmentator i s seen again.
The e a r l i e r commentators have i n t e r p r e t e d t h i s word only
as - ' o t h e r than the f i f t h class-consonants of each
class.' But our commentator has i n t e r p r e t e d this word
s p e c i f i c a l l y as the f i r s t <vov\5ohc3.n^ ot iti.tW daSi
(prativar^amadyah) (See 4.11<? (214J).

Clear statements made by Ramacandra Pandita about

t h e words taken by a n u y r t t i from the other sutrcs tk
interpret the p a r t i c u l a r sutraa properly i s one more
s p e c i a l feature of the Jyotsna Commentary. Thus while
commenting on the sutra - ^Yawiasamkhye'nyataretah"
( 5»15(479)3 I he has c l e a r l y s t a t e d t h a t the word
samase i s t o be taken from the sutra - "samase "
( S I (465)) for the proper i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the autre
5.15 by a n u v r t t i . 'Hie e a r l i e r commentators have used
t h i s word . while c(lamenting on the same a u t r a . but they
have not m<«de any stc^teeient about t h i s word samase
taken by a n u v r t t i , from the previous s u t r a .

For the proper explanation of some points the

coounentator has made d e t a i l e d d i s c u s s i o n s , while cotcis;enting
on sOB»e sutras* In the sanQhi^sYerfe prakaranfa. while
commenting on the sutr&s *hastenfc te* { 1,121 jt^^'+))
and *catvarastiryak avsritab* { 1.122 Jl"&s; ^^ the
commentator has discussea the matter in d e t a i l i n order
t o make the subject c l e a r t o s t u d e n t s . Moreover these
discussions are a l s o very helpful t o understand the
Kadhyandina t r a d i t i o n in t h i s regard.

The commentator has already s t a t e d i n the very

beginning of the Jyotsna commentary, that he has
composed t h i s cominentary according t c the Madhyandina
school of dukla Yajurveda. Thus i t i s very useful to
understand the p e c u l i a r i t i e s of the t r a d i t i o n of
Kadhyandina^school. Ihe comfflentator has s t a t e d in
many places t h a t the determination of mentioned p o i n t s
i^ to be accepted on the basis of t r a d i t i o n only.

7- o ?f5ra[^^lOT-^: i B ^ f i ^ i 5.15 (479)

R) ^ ^U<;T^1 jHI fi^fr ^i^^TT I 5,75 (499)

\) hni-i^ m^pi ^ -nwi^ I 6.13 (453)


)«e can see caaes of these types in the t o p i c s viz* the

I n d i c a t i o n oi the circumrlex accents by hana, the
p e c u l i a r changes in the topicy Padalaksana and the
aeterttdnation of the pause-places etc.> •

At various places» the commentator h t s noted the

opinions of other school of iukla-Yajurveda a l s o .
(sakhantara-visaya) , ^ _,

Thus I i n ccaparison with the other comffientaries,

Jyotana coiaoientary has i t s own importance. The
topic-wise arrangement of the F r a t i s a k h y a - s u t r a s ,
i n t r o d u c t i o n and aduitlon of new i l l u s t r a t i o n s to the
Vaj&sanfeyi-Pratisakhya-Sutres, carefulness an<i itiinute
observations of the «}a>ffientetcr &nd the p e c u l i a r i t i e s
of the Madhyandlna t r a d i t i o n which can be understood by
h i s discussions while conmentlng on the Pratisskhya—
outras are SOB» of the special f e a t u r e s of this

tSi"^^^^- ^"^T^«^^ 5 f ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ c^<m1^T^TTvmJ



(iijqplanatory translation of the cooimentary}

^ ^ Saajna-Paribhasa-Prakaranaw ,
ili ^vara-Sancihi'-PrfakaranajB

ill) i^andhl-Svera-'Prekeranaat

IT) Vyapjana-Sandhi-Prakaranam

•) Vlsarga-tigndhl

vi) Saaanya-Vikarah

v i i ) Svara-Prake ranaw

ylii) Pada-lakaanaa

i X) Krsraa-lak snia nam


1. QJ^AJ^J^-FAia^^BK^^aA-PRA^^

*aamJna~Parlbha>a»Prekfcr£.nfe * i s the f i r s t chfepter in

the Jyotana eoamtiiitarj, As i s indicett»d by^ th«^ t i t l e cf
the ch«pt&r i t s e l f , th» d e s c r i p t i o n o£ the teehnic&l t e r n s
(aaajnaj and the i n t e r p r e t a t i v e key-rules {Paribheaa^- )
used in the Vejsaaneyi-Pratiaakhya (VP) i s the main t o p i c
of t h i s chapter* Rut,for the propter understindlng cf t h i s
topic i t i s very e s s e n t i a l t o introduce the subject-matter
of V?. The trn^atnent towards the s y l l a b l e s i s the s a i n
basis of the whole v»cx4c (VP). Taking a l l these p o i n t s i n t o
consideration Hemacendr^ Pandita brought t o g e t h e r , the
linking sub-topics und-sr the t i t l e :^acijna I aribhese - *
-Prakarana. For the systematic d a s c r i p t i o n of these sub-
t o p i c s , the cooimentatcr has selected the d i f f e r e n t sutr&s
from the d i f f e r e n t sdhyayaa of VP, namely the Jst and
the ^th and rearranged them.

i^ollowlng i s the l i s t of such sub-topics included in

the ^an^na-Paribhaaa-Prakarane along with the s e q u e n t i a l
order of the s u t r a s in o r i g i n a l V?.

1. Ihe references t o the s u t r a s of the VP ar'ri given in

t h i s -^^diticn according to the e d i t i o n of SYVP
e d i t - d by Rastogi (1967)•

i) Introductory Portion - 1.1, 2, Id ; ^.34, 35i 36 ;

1.10 and 30j

i i ) The enumerstion of l e t t e r s - 8.1-13 ; 1.44,46, 55-5^;

(Varnasamamnaya) J^. 14-31 i 1.59, 4^;
g.4$, 46; 1.34.

iii) The way of indicating the letters - 1.36-41.

iv) Places of articulation - 1.62-64, 66,65, 67-71,73,74.


v) The producing organs (Karanani) - 1.76-^4.

vi) Different efforts of mouth (asyaprayatna) -

vii) Technical Terms - 1.43, 49-54, 75, ^9

{3m£as) 1.35, 141 42, 151, 152, 146,147
158, 92-98, 1.160-168

v i i i ) The i n t e r p r e t a t i v e Key,rules - 1.133-137, 144, 142,

{paribhasaa) 143,153, 154, 159.

i ) The introductory portion :

AS the Saflijna-Pfaribhasa-Fr&karana i s the f i r s t

chapter in the Jyotsna coiruaentery, the i n i t i a l portion

of this chapter is intended not only to introduce the

first chapter but also the VP on which Rarcacandrs Pandita
proposes to comment. Thus thp. commentator introduces the
subject-matter with the help of the lirst sutra of the VP.

The sutra - "svara-samskarayoh chandasi (1.1)

— - • ' \

means t h a t the accents &nd the phonetic modifications

(S&mskara-j (which are t o be expounded in t h i s t r e a t i s e )
are t o be taken as fixed on the ch&ndas. i.hile commenting
on t h i s s u t r a , the conmientator has s t a ^ t i d t h a t t h i s i s a
governing sutra ( p r a t i j n a - G u t r a ) . HH further says t h a t
the accents ( s v e r a s ; and the phonetic modification^
(sfc-makara^) v i z . the e l i s i o n , the s y l l a b i c deviation
(varnavikare} e t c . en i n t r c d u o d i r t h i s tr*»atls*^ to
favour the daily obligatory r e c i t a t i o n (nityapathanam).

The next s u t r a - "laukikanam arthapurvakatvat" (1.2)

s t a t e s the scope and the puzpose of the Pratisakhya.
Ramacandra Pandita says that since the words in common
usage (laukikaj are employed with p r i o r i n t e n t i o n cf
expressing t h e i r msaninga, the s»ccents and the phonetic
jHOdiiicatlons ar« determined In accordance with the
grammar by p o s t u l a t i n g the stems and auffixcea as per
t h e i r intended meanings. In the case of Veaas however
since they are not 4ascciat^d with any human agency
(apaur<j(3ey£tYa}, they can be employed only eccording to

their pronunciation. Thus the Pratisakhya is intended

ior the ajoUe o£ prcnunciation in the Veda.

Ramacandra Pandita has selected further the sutra -


"om karam vedesu" (1.18) and stated t h a t 'om^' i s t o be

recited/pronounced a t the beginning and a t the end of
ever/ Vedic lesson. He has quoted a stanza fron
Manu smrti (2.74) t o support h i s statement.

Then the contiaentator hes selected the s u t r e ^ viz.

**auclna» sucau dese" and Sudrapatitayor asa "TS^^aVtytvi
svadhyayo*dhyetavyafa" (^.34-36) j o i n t l y for
commenting en them. Here one of the p e c u l i a r i t i e s of the
commentator's s t y l e v i z . bringing together the collateral

2. braluaanah pranavam kux'yad adavonte c«a saxvada ^

ksaratyanoiitkrtam brahma p a r a s t a t ca v i s i r y a t e /^
^lanusmr 2,74

** Let him always pronounce the s y l l a b l e Om at the

beginning and a t the end of (a lesson i n ) the
Veda; ior unless the s y l l a b l e OB^ precede, (the
lesson) w i l l s l i p away (from him) and unless
i t followi i t w i l l fade awey."

( G.Biihler ; The laws of Manu p.43)


sutraa can be n o t i c e d . .«hlle coamienting upon these autraa

he says t h a t the vede should be r e c i t e d by e person who
has purified himself by r e g u l a r beth end r i n s i n g the mouth
(acamana) e t c . lAc-^ should reclt-s i t in such & manner t h a t
h i s r e c i t a t i o n could not be heard by a sudra and by a
person who has f a l l e n from the proper path of behaviour
( p a t i t e ) and should r e c l t s the Veda by s i t t i n g on a place
not affected / touched by a j u d r e .

While commenting on the autras - " t r i n i 3thanani"(1«lO)

and "savanakramenorah kanthebhrumadhyani" (1.3^^)/ Ranacandra
Pandita s t a t e s t h a t one should r e c i t e the Veda from
d i f f e r e n t places of a r t i c u l a t i o n according to the sacz*iflci&l
pressings (aavanas). The savanas are following - p r a t a h -
sayana, madhyfc savana end uttamfe'^savena. There are t h r e e
places of a r t i c u l a t i o n v i z . the breat (urah), the t h r e a t
(kanthah) and eyebrows (bhrumedhya} These three places of
a r t i c u l a t i o n are t o be used in the following manner -
- morning pressing (prateh savana) - the b r e a s t
- midule pressing (madhya savana) - t h r o a t
- the l a s t pressing (uttama savana)- the centre of eyebrows.

While describing the t h i r d moae cf savana, Ftemacandre

Pandita has quoted a portion from p j (37) and described i t
t o be of high p i t c h ( t a r e ) . This quotation i s however not
found in any of the a v a i l a b l e manuscripts excepting one
procured from Nasik (N). I t se^^ms from t h i s remark t h a t the

3 . The KS( il) reads -

uttamaaavanasya taratntu vidyat savan&trtiyam i t i siksokteh .

*'*"^ uttbg»a and tars are strw^oSed to be the seme

by him.

i i ) The enumeration of a y l i a b l e s (Varnasamemnyaya)

The sub-topic v i z . enumeration of s y l l a b l e s i n I'he

SamJna-Paribhasa-r'rakerc^na has an ioiportant place in
the Jyotana comuientsry as well as i n the Vajctsaneyi-
Pratiaakhya. As the treatment of l e t t e r s (Varnasamamnyaya)
i s the main b a s i s of the e n t i r e Pratisakhya wortc, the t o p i c
enumeration of s y l l a b l e s needs t o be studied first.
Hamacandra Pandita has discussed t h i s topic in the very
beginning of h i s Jyotana commentary, J u s t a f t e r the
introductory p o r t i o n .

The description of the topic enumeration of s y l l a b l e s

throws l i g h t en one of the special f e a t u r e s of the Jyotana
comiiientary i . e . reerrangement of VP s u t r a s and theralore
i t proves noteworthy.

i n V[P, the autrfos which are engaged in enumeroting

the l e t t e r s are d i s t r i b u t e d in the I s t and the ?^th adhyayas.
I t i s very s u r p r i s i n g t h a t the sutra - *upadista vamah*
(1*34) which means t h a t the s y l l a b l e s have teen already

4. See - P XG-X^

taught, occurs i n the f i r s t ctdhy&ya and the topic

enumeration of s y l l a b l e s i s seen in the ?th adhyaye of VP.

Because of the topic vise re&rrfcngement of the VP,

Afijaacandra Pandit a has brought t o g e t h e r concerned s u t r a s
regarding the subject - the enumeration cf s y l l a b l e s in
one place and h&s given the d e s c r i p t i o n of the present
sub-topic in one p l a c e .

ftamacandra Pandit& begins t h i s d e s c r i p t i o n with the

Butra - "athatc va rna samamn ay am vyakhyaayamah" {^*^ i
vihich means th&t henceforth the enumeration of s y l l a b l e s
w i l l be explained. This d e s c r i p t i o n of the Varnasamamnaya
i s divided i n two s e c t i o n s namely the vowels and the

Thus Ramacandra Pandtta s t a r t s t h i s discussion from

the vowel-portion vdth the help of the autra - "t&tra
SYarah prathamam" ( 0 . 2 ) . Further, the commentator has
quoted the s u t r a s i n which the o r i g i n « l vowels (mulasvarah)
are enumerated. Following «re the s u t r a s •>

a iti a iti a 3 iti ( («.3)

H iii H iii M 3 i:ti I (d.5}


Thus, a, a, £3 ; i, i, £3 ; u, u, U3 ; r , r , r^
and 1, X, I3 are the o r i g i n a l vowels. The commentator
has not made any comnisnt on these s u t r a s .

After the o r i g i n a l vowels, Ramacandra Pandita has

given an account of the diphthongs (sandhysksarani) by
quoting the s u t r a s ??.9-12. ihe portion dealing with the
diphthongs i s introduced i n the sutra - ^athfe sandhyaksarani"
( S . d ) , lA^iile cominenting en t h i s s u t r a , the ccanmentator
has stated t h a t the l e t t e r s upto the end of vowels are
called sandhyaksarani - (diphthongs). Following ere the
sutras i n wrhich the diphthongs are l i s t e d i

e i U ^ £3 t t l j (^.9)

£ iii. £3 i S i I («.10)

ai iti^ai3 iii I («.11)

au iti au3 i t i | (ft.12)

Thus £i ©31 £1 £31 £i.» £i3» au» SH} ®*^ ^^^


Hamacandra Pandita concludes t h i s description of -the

vovfela with the autrs - " i t i s Varah" ( 8 . 1 3 ) , which means
t h a t the l e t t e r s from £ are the vowels.

From t h i s enumeration, i t becomes very c l e a r t h a t

there are 23 vowels - 15 mulasveras and 8 sandhyaka&ras
according t o the VjP.

The s u t r a s in which the vowels t r e l i s t e d have been

given by Ramacandra Pandita in t h e i r ox*iginal order
(without any change in the order of VP). But a f t e r giving
an account of the vowels he f^els i t necessary t o give the
d e s c r i p t i o n of the concerned t e c h n i c a l terms which ere very
useful in connection with the vowels. So he t u r n s back t o
the l a t adhyaya and picks up the s u t r a s 1.44, 46, 55-5d»

While commenting on the s u t r a - **8imadito 'stau

svaranam" (1.44) the commentator says t h a t the^^ vowels
viz. a, a, i;, £, u, u, r and r are called sim
Ha further remarks t h a t the prolated (pluta) vowels ere
not included under the t i t l e aim-* because they are fix^-^ "
and they w i l l be enumerated in the sutras 2 . 5 0 - S 4 (^2i^'^^^j)

5« plutanaitB niyatanam vaksyamanatvet


Thu» no function w i l l be served by including the prolated

(pluta) vowels h e r e .

Then with the help of the autre - "akanthyo bhavi"

(1.46J, the coiofiientator says t h a t a l l vowels except the
letters a and £ i . e . g u t t u r a l (kanthya) ere called

The s u t r a - "aaatrasvaro hresvah" (1.55) s t a t e s t h a t

a vowel having the duration of one moya (ekaaatraka)
i s callea hraava. According to the s u t r a - matra ca ( I . 5 6 ) ;
a vowel (hraava) i s a l s o called one matra or mora.

The sutra - ^dvistavan dirghah" (1.57) states that

the vowel having two matras i s called dirgha ( l o n g ) .

The sutra - "plutas t r i h " (1.5'^) says t h a t the

vowel having three moras i s called pluta ( p r o l a t e d ) .

Consonants -

After dealing with these t e c h n i c a l i t i e s regarding

the vow*il3, the commentator, Rame-candra Pandita goes on
discussing the consonants which are l i s t e d i n the ^th
adhyaya of ?p.

The comnientator begins with the sutra - " a the

vyanjanani" (^.14). I t seems t h a t t h i s consonant-portion i s

divided in four sections namely mute consonants (spersa)

semi-vowels (antahathe}| spirants or breathings (uaman)
and the ayogavahas* Thus, f i r s t of a l l , Ramacendra Pandita
quotes those sutr&s in which the mute consonants are listed,
following are th«» sutras -

k i t i k h i t i g i t l ghiti niti i t i k-vargah / (a.15)

c i t i chiti j i t i .jhiti n i t i i t i ca-vargati / (6.16)

tlti t h i t i d i t i dhit_i n i t i i t i tft-vargah | ({5.17)

t i t i t h i t i d i t i olxiti n i t i i t i te-V£r^h f (fl. 1^)

p i t i phiti b i t i bhiti miti (iti) pavarseh ' (^,19)

iti s g a r a ^ f (a.20)

Thus, the consonants - k, kh^, _£, gh, n, £, chi, ^, jhi,

£» ^» V^,l» ^h, n, t, th, d, dh, n ; £, £h, b, bh, m
ere the mute (aparsa) consonants. The commentator has
8ta ted the't these letters beginning with Ic are called

The ccmment&tor takes the sutras - "ath fintahsthah"

(ft.21) and "yiti. riti, liti. viti" («.22) jointly and
litttes that the letters y, £, jL, v_ are the antahsthe

Here again we may note the same p e c u l i a r i t y of the

s t y l e of HaiBacendr& Pandita t h a t i s for commenting on
the s u t r a s he mak^s some convenient groups of the autrea
and then takes them J o i n t l y .

The s u t r a s - 'athoamanah" {B,2y) and " siti. siti.

s i t i . h i t i " (5.24) give an account of the s p i r a n t s or
breathings (usma ). Thus s^i a, £ and h are the usaa

Fran the sutra - "athayogavahah" {S,25) the

conunentator s t a r t s t o describe the eyoKavaha •> l e t t e r s
i . e . the fourth variety of consonants.

The poziiion of t h i s v a r i e t y of consonants has i t s cvm

importance because the term ayogaveha i s introduced by the
VP for the f i r s t time. Moreover no other pratisakhya
uses t h i s term.

The s u t r a s - "ah i t i viaarganiyah" (^.26), " >^ k

i t i jihvamuliyah" ( 8 . 2 7 ) , "Kp ityupadhmaniyah" [S,2^)

6. "Bharatiya sahityame * ayogaveha* sainjneka

preyoga sarvaprathema VP ff.l8 me hua h a i j "

- Pratisakhyome Prayukta Paribhasika ^abda

(Hindi) by l^^jd (1973) p.54

"aa ityanusvarah" (^.29) " M T iM. naaikyah" i^,}0)

and "kuT khu ^ gu Y gh^ , i t i catvaro yamah" {d.31 )
enuflier&te the ayogavaha - l e t t e r s *

Thus, according to y?_ following ere the t^yogavahaa :

the v^sarjaniya ( : ) , the .lihvamuliya ( ^ K )^ the
upadhmaniya ( X p ) , the anus vera ( - ), the nasikya (hy^' ^ /
and the l o u r twins i . e . yamas (kuV, khu ^ ^ ^ ghu " J .

Ufhile coBunenting on these s u t r e s tiam&candra Pandita

simply paraphrases these s u t r e s and at the end, remarks
t h a t these visarga e t c . are called ayo^avahas.

Here ends the consonant portion of the t o p i c

^enumeration of s y l l a b l e s ' . Ramacandra Pandita has given
a f u l l account of the four v e r i t i e s of consonants. Then
at the end, he has mentioned the sutra - " i t i vyanjanani"
with the coiru&ent t h a t these l e t t e r s beginning with jc
e t c . are called consonants.

I t must be remarked here t h a t the sutra - " i t i vyanjanani"

i s not found in other recension^of the VP. But i n the

7. cf. - SYVP (Weber) B e r l i n , 1d$«

^YVF (YP) Benares 1«««
SYVl- {R)(V.:i.) Madras 1934
JYVP {Ri Varanasi 1967
b^YVP (VV) Benaras 1975

Jyotana cominentetry, the commentator has taken it in the

style of VP Sutra for commsnting upon it.

It is quite possible that after conpleting the

description of consonants, Katyayana, the author of the

VP in his usual style might have written the sutra

"iti vyanjanani". He had started the description of the

consonants with the sutra - "atha vyanjanani" and might

have concluded it v.ith the sutra - "iti vyanjanani"*

Fonaerly it is seen in the case of description of vowels

also. The author started the description of vowels with

the sutra - "tatra svarah prathamam*' (^,2} and concluded

it with the sutra - "iti svarah" (S.13)

So it seems very natural that the sage Katyayena

might have concluded his description of consonants vlth

the sutra "iti vyanjanani".

Ramacandra Pandita has given the sutra - "iti vyanjanani"

in the manner as is followed in giving the other VP sutras

and commented upon it. Thus it is very much likely that

the text of the VP which was beror'^ him must be containing

this sutra. All the available manuscripts of Jyotsna

commentary do contain the sutra - "iti vyanjanani"

alongwith the interpretation of it*


Moreover the sutra - " i t l vyanjfcnanl*' has a l s o

another s l g n i i l c a n c e in connection vdth the l i s t of
consonants. RaiBacandrg. Pandita has concluded the
consonant-portion vdth the sutre - * i t l vyahjanani*
j u a t a f t e r the concluding portion of ayogavahas. Thus
i t may be noted hex*e t h a t Eafflacandra Pandlta wants to
make i t c l e a r t h a t the ayogayahas are d e f i n i t e l y a p a r t
and p a r c e l of the consonants. We may menticn t h a t the
clear statement about the ayogavahas t o be a part of the
consonants i s a contribution of Ramacandra Pandlta.

After t h i s , Ramacandra Pandlta has selected two

sutra8 which give some t e c h n i c a l inronaatlon about the

'Alth the help of the sutra - "vyanjanam ardhamatra"

(1.59), he explains t h a t a consonant has the duration of
half a mora. (ardhanatrekaitka).

The s u t r a - 'enantaram samyogah* (1.4^) states

t h a t the consonarts coming t o g e t h e r without an
intervention are called s&iLyoga (conjunction).

Here the commentator has completed the description

of consonants.

Now, before concluding the sub-topic - ••enum»?r&tion

of l e t t e r s " ^ - li:amacandra Pandlta wants to point out the
letters which the madhyandins do not have. For t h i s

piirpose, he quotes the two s u t r a s (again j o i n t l y ) and

comments upon them. Following tir* these sutrtta -

"taaadn 1 h i Jihvaffiullyop&dhmaniyanaaikya na aanti

laadhyandinanatfl" {?^«45) and "1 dirghah

plutaacoktavarjaa** (<i.46)

He says t h a t , out of the l e t t e r s previously described

in the Varnaaacfcninfaya, the following consonants v i z .
1 Ih the jihvamuliya, the upadhmaniya and the nasikye
and also the vowels viz* the long form of 1 and the
pluta vowels other than the fixedi cases v i z . a^na^ e t c .
which are mentioned i n the s u t r a s 2.50-54 are not found
in the recension of the Madhyandina school of the ^YV.

While mentioning the p l u t a s only the word ukta

(already taught) i s used i n the o r i g i m l sutr& (1^.46)
Raaacandra Par^dita i s quite aware of the fact t h a t in h i s
rearrangeuient, the sutra enuinerating the pluta vowels t
has not beon deilt with as y e t . He i s going t o comment
on t h i s s u t r a ( 2 . 5 0 ) afterwards although i n the o r i g i n a l
t e x t i t precedes the present s u t r a . Therefore, the

B. Following eight words are mentioned as pluta

by the VP. sutr&s 2.50-54 :
agnail; l a j i - n , secj-jn, 0,ci p r e t i s t h e ,

o^krato, viyesi-., asi-^t. asi^t


coomentator has interpretsd the vvord *uktfc* to mean

"will be described (vakgyante)" instead of "already

taught". This will show, how careful the comiuentatcr is,

while coBunenting on the sutra.

After commenting on the &bove given sutras viz.

13.45, 46, the coounentotor concludes this sub«>topic of
enumeraticn of letters with the sutra - "upadistah varnah"
(1*34) which means that all the letters are taught.
The commentator has remarked that the letters which are
useful for the Madhyandina branch of ^YV are describe^/

iii) The way of indicating the letters :

After giving the full systematic description cf the

topic - 'enumeration cf letters', RamecaJidr^ randitc
now selects the sutr^s steting the way of indication of

The sutrfa - "nirdesa Itir.a'* (1.36) states that the

above-mentioned letters are tc be indicated by me&ns of iti.
The commentator has quoted the illustrations - "ei iti" ,
klti which he hac used while commsnting on the ebove
given sutras.

The sutra - "karena ca" (1.37) states that the

alphabetic sounds are to be Indicated by means of kera

also e.g. akarah.'

The next sutra - "avvavahltena vyanjanasya" (1.3^)

mentions that a consonant is to be indicatea by means of

kare vdth an intervention of a,* The commentator has

stated this by quoting the iilustraticn kakara.

The consonants are to be indicateoi also by means of

vowels. This is stated ly the sutra - ^svarairapi" (1.40)

The commentator has illustrated the words nuh. si^ He

has further stated that by using the word "api* in the

sutra/ it is indicated that the consonants ( Ic etc ) can

be indicated by means of iti and kera also.

The autra - "£a eohene ca" (1.39) states that the

second semi-vowel r is to be indicated also by epha

besides iti and kara.

The sutra - "nanusyara visargajihvamuliyopadhmeniya'

yamah" (1.41) states that the anusvfcre, visarge,

jihvamuliya. upadhmaniya and yamas are not to be

indicated by means ol either iti or kara or a vowel.


(ivj Places of articulation (sthaneni).

Now the comtnentator proposes to describe the different

places of articulation (sthaneni) of alphabetic sounds '

While commenting on the sutre - "sthane^ (1.62)

the commentator has stated that this is &n adhikara-sutra
i.e. the word sthana is to be understood in the
following sutras ol this section. He also clarifies the
meaning of the word sthana as the place of origination
(utpattlsthana) of letters.

Then before describing the different places of

articulation, the commentator wants to clarify some
guiaing principles about the letters meant to be taken
into consideration in theijsutra^ .

The sutra - "hrasva^jrahane dirghaplutau pratlyat" (1 • 63)

states that in the following sutras when a short vowel
is mentioned, one should (also) understand its long and
prolated form (dlrgha and pluta). The commentator has
stated that the word hrasvagrahane is symbolic
(upalaksana) because in the case of the diphthongs the
short forms are not available; thus in the esse of the
diphthongs when the long forms are mentioned, their
prolated forms ere to be understood.

The sutra - "prathamagrahane vargam" ( I . 6 4 ) gives

a rule about the mute conscntnts. Thus when the i l r s t
consonant of a c l a s s I s menticned.one should understand
t h a t p a r t i c u l a r c l a s s as a whole by t h a t l e t t e r . Thus
l o r example k represents the whole k-class i.e. k, kh,

&* eh.t £•

Now the comcient&tor deals v^lth the d i f f e r e n t places

of a r t i c u l a t i o n of the l e t t e r s .

The sutra - " I c e s e y a a t i l a u " (1.f^6) s t a t e s t h a t the

letters i, i, 13, the £-cla38 consonants s^, e^, and Y.
have the p a l a t e ( t a l u ) as t h e i r place of a r t i c u l a t i o n .

The sutra - " p k ka .lihvemule" (1.65) means t h a t the

letters r, r, r^ :=rk and the consonants of k - c l a s s have
the root of the tongue (.lihvamule) as t h e i r place of

The sutra - "satau murdheni" (1.67) says thot s

and t class consonants have the hard palate (mur-dhan) as
as t h e i r place of a r t i c u l a t i o n *

The sutra ~ "ro aantamule*^ (1.6^) s t a t e s t h a t r

has the root of the t e e t h (dantamula) as i t s place .f

The sutra - *'l l a s l t a dante" (1.69J prescribes

t h a t the l e t t e r s 1, 1 , I 3 , 1,, s^, i-nd the ^-cl&ss
consonants have t e e t h (danta ) as t h e i r place of

The sutra - "uvopopadhma osthe" (1.70) means t h a t

ii» H,> M3» 1* £» £-cla88 consonants and S;£ (upadhmaniya)
l e t t e r s have the l i p s (ostha) as t h e i r place of a r t i c u l a t i o n .

The sutra - •^ahavisarjaniyah Rent he" (1.71) means

that a, £ , £3 h and visarjaniyfr (:) have the t h r o a t
(kantha ) as t h e i r place of a r t i c u l a t i o n .

The next sutra - "aikaraukarayoh kanthya purva

matre talvosthayor u t t a r a " (1.73) p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the
i n i t i a l portion of the l e t t e r ' a l ' i s g u t t u r a l and the
remaining portion i s p a l a t q [ . Thus the l e t t a r a l is
g u t t u r a l - p a l a t a l (kantha t a l u s t h a n i y a ) .

Similarly, in the case of the l e t t e r eu the

i n i t i a l portion i s g u l t u r a l but the remaining portion
of the l e t t e r au has the l i p s as i t s place of a r t i c u l a t i o n .
Thus the l e t t .r au i s g u l t u r a l - l a b i a l (kanthauyth^ ) •
This i s explained by the ccMnmentator.

The next sutra - "yamanusveranasikyanam nasike"(1.74)

s t a t e s t h a t the four yamas i.e. ku^, khurt £U , find i^u x^

anuavara and nasikya have the nose as their plsce of

artlcul&tlon* So they are nasel.

Here the commentator has remarked that the

description of the places of articulation is completed.
( iti sthanani ).

All this de?»crlptlon of the letters and their places

of articulation can be summarized asj^

L*? t i t e r s Places of articulations

i ) i^, i^ i^o, £-class (cons.)

Pal&te (talu)
£, £ and X.

ii) r, r, r, k, k-class, tongue {jihva)

i i i ) s, t-class hard palate (murdhe)

iv) r root of teeth (jlhvamula)

v) 1,1,1^, £, Jt-class teeth (dentfe)

vl) u, u, Uj, V, o, £-class,t:p lips (ostha)

• l i ) «» £» i 3 h. visarjaniya throat (kantha)

vili) ai throat palate (kentha-tilu)

au throat lips (kanthauathaj

Ix) yaiB&3 - ( k u , , khu'^. gu"j". ghu, )

anusvara Y nose (naaika)

(v) The producing orgjans (ki^rananl )

After completing the d e s c r i p t i o n of d i f f e r e n t places

of a r t i c u l a t i o n , the commentator now s t a r t s t o give an
account of the producing organs of a r t i c u l a t e sounds. He
gives the d e s c r i p t i o n of the producing cr2;an3 Ly s e l e c t i n g
the s u t r a s - 1.76-S4* The coirmientetor in h i s usual s t y l e ,
begins t h i s sub-topic with the cc^uant - *atha keranani *
(The d e s c r i p t i o n of the producing organs begins) with the
d e f i n i t i o n of t h a t vordt he defines the t-^rtn kar&na in a
simple w&y as the ueans of o r i g i n s t i o n (karenam utpatti -
sfldh&nam j .

The s u t r £ - "dantya .lihva^^rakerfcnah'^ (1.76)

st&tes t h a t the dantya letters (i.e. 1,1,1^, 1, s ,
the t - c l e s s l e t t e r s fere produced by the t i p of the tongue,
(jihvsgrfckarana ).

The sutrft - "rsisca" (1.77) adds the l e t t e r £ to

the above given (1.76) l i s t . Thus r also i s produced
by the by t ^ t i p of the tongue.

The next autre - *aurdhanyah prfetlveatyagr&m*

(I.7S) means t h a t the c e r e b r a l s (murdhfenya J i.e.
f and t'-cXass l e t t e r s are produced by r o l l i n g back
the t i p of the tongue { p r a t i v e s t i t a j i h v a g r a ke rana ) .

Tho autra - "talusthana roadhjrena" (1.79) s t a t e s

t h a t the p a l a t a l s (talavya) i . e . i^, i , i ^ , £ - c l e s s
^ , jB and I. are produced by the middle of the tongue

The next s u t r a - "aemanasthana-karane nasikyeusthyah"

(l.dO) s t a t e s t h a t the piece of a r t i c u l a t l i . n and the
organ of pronunciation are identic&l in the case of the
nasal (nasikya) and the l a b i a l s {osthya) - #iile
commenting on t h i s s u t r a , the comnientator hea clefirly
s t a t e d t h a t the nasal i s produced by the nose (nasikyo
nasikakaranahj and the l a b i a l s ( osthyes ) are produced
by the l i p s , (osthakarenah)*

The next sutra - ^vo dentagraih" (I.8I) states

one exception t o the above given r u l e . I t means t h a t v^
which i s included i n the ] i s t of osthya -letters ( l a b i a l s )
i s not produced by l i p but i t i s produced by the t i p of
the t e e t h (dantaKraih). Thus the piece of a r t i c u l a t i o n
end the producing organ are not i d e n t i c a l in the case cf
the l e t t e r v;, because the place cf a r t i c u l a t i o n of the

letter y^ i s ostha and I t I s produced b;^ the tip

o£ the teeth*

The next sutra - "nislkamulens yajasah" (1.^2)

s t a t e s t h a t the t^lns (yamas) are produced by the
root of the nose (naslkaniula. karanah)»

Ihe s u t r a - "Jlhvaaullyanusvara hanumulena" (1.83)

states that |*, r , r ^ , K» k - c l a s s consonants and the
anusvara are produced by the bese of the jaw.
( hanumulakaranah )

The next sutra - '*Kfcnthya ffisdhyena" (1.»4)

t h a t the g ' i t t e r e l s i . e . £» £» i j * ]i and viaarsa ero
produced by the irdddle of the Jaw (jihvaiu&dbyek^ranah).

The ooffimentator has remarked a f t e r the ccauaent on

the sutra 1.^4 t h a t here ends the d e s c r i p t i o n of the
producing org&ns ( i ^ i kar&neni )

(•1) Different e f f o r t s of atouth (asyaprayetna )

^M ai lita I'* ' ' • ' ^
Upto nov, the d i f f e r e n t p o a i t i c n s or p l a c e s j ( s t h a n a n i )
and organs (kprfnani ) in ths (XirfiCWldLlfCiKy f-f l e t t e r s sre
described. Thus i t i s very nstur&l t h a t the commentator
should undertake the t h i r d point v i z . the different efforts
of the mouth (asyaprayatna-). Because the main basis

for th<? cleasilicc.tion of letters is thres-fold i.e.

sthana, karana and the asyaprayetne. The irapoirtant thing

is that the author of ^YVP is silent on this third point

(asyaprayatna). There is not a single autra in ^YV?

describing the term asyaprayatna. Moreover, the tanai

asyaprayatna is teken for granted and has b-ien used at

the tide of defining the term savarna (homogeneous sound)

as if it were well-known.

Our comraentator noticed this fact very carefully and

before aescribing the term savarna he feels it very

necessary to give details of the concept of asyaprayatna

for the proper understanding of a student of Pratisakhya.

He thus describes the asyaprayatnaa without taking help

of any Pratisakhya-sutra in the following manner -

ihe asyaprayatnas are of four kinds i.e. sprsta,

isatsprcta, isatvivrte tnd vivrta.

'rhe coa-iCiciitjRtor has further raentiou d the letters

and the aiffereut efforts of mouth (asyfepr<i:yLx;na )

requtrs'a for thtiru e.g.

mute consonants (sparsah; - uprstfcprayatna

semivowels (antahathah) ~ Jsatsprstaprayatna

sibilants (usmanah > - laatvivrtaprayatna

vowels (sverah) - vlvrtaprayatna.


Kow Ranacandra P&ndita turns to the n«xt sutra -

• • W U M I Ml III l"ll

"s&mana^sthana-karanaaya prayatnah jsevarnah" {1.43)

vihlch now se-^ms a linking point and thus becomes very
appropriate in the context.

The autra means t h a t the l e t t e r / a l p h a b e t i c sound

which la equal t o another one - as f a r as the s i m i l a r i t y
of p l i c e i . e . sthana like talu etc. and the mode of
articulation i . e . karana - l i k e jihvaicra e t c . and the
similarity of vocal e f f e r t i . e . asyaprayatna is
connected savsrna (homogeneous sound).

The next sutra - "sparsesv eva aamkhya" (1.49)

s t a t e s t h a t any reference t o a l e t t e r ty e numfcfr as
prathama e t c . concerns i t s e l f with the mute consonants

The coBuiientator Ramacandra Pandlta now turns to

uescribe the t e c h n i c a l terms which are basically Important
i n the context of varnasamamnaya. The knowledge of these
t e c h n i c a l terms i s vex7 e s s e n t i a l t o understand the subject
matter of the Prctisakhya. He has selected the s u t r a s
f i r s t in which the terms i n connection v^lth the grouping
of consonants are described.

The s u t r a - "dvau dvaw rrgthameu J i t . " {1.50} s t a t e s

t h a t t h e f i r s t two l e t t e r s of every c l e s s consonant i.e.
k - k h , £-£li, t - t h , t « t h ynd £-£h a r e c a l l e d jit.

The next a u t r a - "uscsanescfe hivarjam" (1.51) adds

some I f t t t e r a t o t h e 5t»t'==inent stfet-<i t y t h e above given
rule (1.$0j. I t Bieens t h a t t h e s p i r a n t s (usffij^nai}) elso
k i t h thti 'Jxcwption of 1^ a r e c a l l e d jifc. ( i . e . £ , s end Si
ere elso c a l l e d jit»)

Tho noxt iih:-rB *- ^mnt CQ 'I.?;?} w t e t ^ s V-he r'pirfjnts

£ , a rf.nrl a^ .'irft c.vll«tl raut aliJO.

Th-; a\^t.:.*a ~ '*dhl s£3ah'' ^1.53) !?t^'te8 t h a t t h ^ r e s t

o l th« c.v.i3or,jjnts which a r o a«?ntiontid absiv^ i . f j . £ , j ^ , d,
d and t_, g h , J i i , dh, dh and bh, n, n , n , a and r^, tha
a«Mi .<0)*«^l-» V.«3» j ^ , £ , J. and v^ and t h e s p i r a n t h - ;^re
c a l l e d «lh.l.

The a u t r a - ^ d v i t l y ^ ^ c g t u r t h i h ^smhiah^ (1.54)

s t a t e s t h a t the second and f o u r t h ones of -^ach c l a s s
c o n s o n a n t s i . e . • k h , oh, t h , t h tvd vh and gh, J h , dh,
dh, bh arg c a l l e d sosaa.

The next g u t r c « p l e c t - d \y t h e conv^«>ntP.tor i s -

"mukhanaslkakg.rano'nunssik.Bh" ( 1 . 7 5 ) . I t means that

the sound uttered/produced by the mouth and nose together

is c&lled animaslka (nasalized). The commentator has
stated further that the fifth class-consonsnta - £» 2.» ?»
n and m are called enunasika. He has stated this with
the help of the sutra - ^^anunasikascottamah" {^,^9)^
The cQBuaentator has stated also that the fifth class
consonants are called *dhi^ also.

After commenting on the sutra »"£nuna3ika8cottaffieh"

(1.^9) the cooubentator has concluded the abcve given

He says -
"The first consonants of each class (i.e. k-£-t-it and £)
are called Jit.

The second consonants of each class (i.e. kti, db, th,

th and £hj are called jit as well as ^^ftj^v,

The third consonants of each class (i.e. ^, J[, d, d[,

and h) are called dhi.

The fourth consonants of each class { i.e. gh^, sh, dh,

dh and bh] are called dhi &nd sosme also.

The fifth consonants of each class (i.e. n, ri:, n, n,

and mj are called dhi end anunasika."



tSlu jihvanula Miirdha danta^ danta ostha kantiia kantlia^ kantha nasika
mula " ' talu ostha

i i io r r r. t class r 111-, u u u- a ^ ^o Si an anusvai'a

- - -3 -1.-3 -
e t-class - ^> rr
k-class s
P_ c l a s s
c class i, 3
7, s
0.66) ^^-^5) (1^67) (1.68) (1.69) (l.70) (i.vO (i.73) (l.73) d-74)



jih^.-agra prati- jihva- ostha nasika Danta/^ra nasilia- hanunula jihva-

vestita madhya ' nula madhya

1 1 1 , t class i i i, u i^ ^q hasikrva v \'a;nah r / V

t, c l a s s s 1 o huxi.1 k-class h, v i s a r ^ a
1 £ class p class X k
s, r anusi/ara


V A R M A S A M A K tl A Y A H
( ertumeration of l e t t e r s )

Svarah (Vovrels) Vyarfjanani ( Consonants )

raula sandhya- Sparsah antahsthal:^ usmah a^^/.'.ayaha^

svarah ksaraht mute conso- semi- sibilants
o r i g i r a l diphthongs nants vowels
vo'./el s

a a a k kh g gh h y s ; visarjaniyah
^2 ^3
c ch j j h n r
ili3 °2 °3 s -K jihvamuliyah
t t h d dh n 1
U U iU ai2 ai^ s '^ upadhmaniyah,
t t h d dh n V
r r r^ au^ au^ p ph b bh m h "~ anusvarah

11L hu~i; n'l^nasikyah

•4 -J J^

lai^ m, khu^vy ^

gu"t'"j ghu't'^^iyamah )
= 15 8 = 25 4 =9
= 65


SI. ' >VarnaH Sthfinain Karaj^iam ^yaprayatnah Saj^.jna


1. a kanthah jihvamadhyam vivrtam sim, bhavin

It a It II
2. It It

3. ti

h II II tt It

4. i talu II II
5. i II It II II

6. II
h II II It It

7. It
u osthah osthah It
8. II
u ti It It It

II U3 It It
9. 11

10. ti
r jlhvlmulam hanurroilam It
11. It
f li 11 II II

It It
12. II II
13. 1 dantah jihvagran It

14. It
i it It II

15. It
h It It (1

16. Sandhya- talu jihvirnadh.^'am " sandhyaksara

17. ^
It 11

13. n osthah osthah II tt

II • II- • II
19. 03 It It

20. 11
ai2 kanthatSlu II It

21. It II
aio It II

22. II
aup kanthaustha It It

11 It
23. auo 11 It

2 4 . sparg'ah k jihvamulam hanumulam >-^r-:-rc. jit

25. kh 11 II It
jit, sosma
26. II
E It II tt
11 II
27. $h II II
d h i , sosma
23. II
n n ti It
dhi, anunasika
29. c talu jihvaniadhyani 11
30. II
ch it
jit, sosma
31. ^
ilo. Varteh SthSnam Karajfian As^-apra ^-atrch oanjna

3 1 . Sparsah J talu sprsCivn dhi

32. jh II II
dhi, sosna
33. n II M
dhi, anunasika
34. II
t murdha prativestita^ II
35. th it II It jit, sosma
36. tr d II II II
37. dh II
" II
d h i , sosma
33. n II II II
ahi, anunasika
39. t dantah jihva^rar. 11
^0. th II 11 II
j i t , sosma
41 . d II It If
42. dh II ti It
dhi, sosna
43. n II M
dhi, anunasika
44. P osthah osthah tl
45. II
ph II II It j i t , sosrna
46. II
b II 11 11
47. II
bh II II It dhi, so sma
4"2. II
m II II It dhi, anunasika
49. antastha y talu jihvarnadhyam iSv"-tGT>r 3tar:i dhi
50. II
r dantamulam jihva£;raia
II tl It
1 dantah
It It
52. II V osthah dantagrai
s' tSlu jihvanadhyan isad^/ixirta j i t , rr,ut
54. II s murdhS p r a t i . jihvarra-^
s danta*!! jihvagrari.
56. II h kanthah jihvar.iadhyan 11 dhi

57. ayoga". • 11 jihvamadhyani

5S. II
^k jihvanulam harauaulan '3-ih*/S-mC^l)<|i\

59. It
-^p osthah osthah u.^<^cilKw«:Tni Y<J
60. II
nasika hanumulan
II nSsik'a ri^s>kv^«<
61. II
hui; n
II II nasikamulam ^ 4WS(U
62. ku"^ m
63. khu'^ tn
64. gii't rn 1-

65. II
ghu"; n II It

The commentator is now gcing to describe the

technical terms which can be described as miscellaneous
technical terms.

He^thus selected the autre - "antyadvarnat purve

upadhfc" (1.35) which means that a sound preceding a
iinal sound is called upadha (i.e. penultimate sound).

The next sutra - "varnasya edarsanem lopah" (1.141)

defines the term *lopa'. According to the coHimentator
it means that the non-pronunciation of a pronounciable
letter is called lopa (elision or disappearance of a letter)^

The sutra - "dantyasye murdhanyapatti* natih" (1.42)

defines the term nati as the cerebralisatlon of a dental
letter i.e. the change of the letters £ etc. into s etc.
is called nati.

The sutra - "ekavarnam padam aprktam" (1.1$1)

states that a word (padaj consisting of a single letter
i.e. a etc. is called aprkta.

The next sutre - "sja evs edlr antaSca" (1.152)
describes the peculiarity cl the aprkta-word. It means
that this word consisting of a single letter i.e. aprkta.
receives all the operations of euphony which are prescribed
for the end or for the beginning of a pada.

^' **® s'^^^rfe - "dvlruktfem aDireditam pa dam" (1.46)

means t h a t a word uttejred twice or repsated twice i s
called amredita.

The next autre - "samhit&m sthitopasthitam" {1,147)

defines the term s t h i t o p a s t h i t a which i s a p e c u l i a r i t y of
the pada-text» I t means t h a t the repeated word (in the
pada-text) which i s pronounced together with i t i
interposed i s callfd - s t h i t o p a s t h i t a .

while comrenting en t h i s sutrfa, the commentator

hes quoted & portion from ?pi? (10,12-14) which a l s o
defines the term s t h i t o p a s t h i t a i n the same manner.

The next sutra - "vernenam ekapranayogah samhita"

(1.150) defines the term samhita as the pronunciation of
sounds i n the same breath (without any pause) i s c a l l e d

9. upasthitam setlkaram kevalam tu padam sthitam (

i • - - . M
tat sthitopasthijt^am name yatrobhe aha samhite jj

- RV? 10.12-14.

The commentator Is now going to describe some

interpretative key-rules (peribhasas) before completing
the description of the technical terms^ because the terms
, by

pragrhya and r i p h i t e are aescribed not . only one sutra

but many a u t r e s are engaged in describing these terms, TTivAS
the commentator has decided t o aescribe these terms at
the end of t h i s chapter. Therefore he has s e l e c t e d f i r s t ,
the t o p i c of the description of i n t e r p r e t a t i v e key-rules
giving information about the case-endings.

These sutra - "temitl vikarah" (1.133) means -

' t h a t which i s indiCeited by the accusative case i s to be
understood as a moalfication ( v l k a r a h ) .

The next sutra - '^tesminniti n i r d i s t e purva8ya''( 1.134)

i s described as paribhasa by the conusientator himself. He
f i r s t defines the term paribhasa as the working rule in
the absence of any r u l e s (eniyame niyamakcrini). The
s u t r a Bisans t h a t i f a t e r n i s used in the l o c a t i v e case,
the change a f f e c t s t h a t which immedietely precedes ( i . e .
t h a t which i s not intervened by any other word).

The s u t r a - "tasnnad i t y u t t a r a s y e d e h " (1.135) s t a t e s

t h a t i f a term i s used i n the obletive (pancami), the
change a f f e c t s the i n i t i a l sound of t h a t , f o l l o w s .

The sutra - "^sthi sthaneyoga" (1.136j means

that the genitive case is to be interpreted as meaning
•in the place o f . While commenting on this sutra, the
commentator has stated that where one word is mentioned
for the other by the genitive Ccise it should be understood
that the wora which is mentioned is to be substituted
for the other. The commentator hes defined the term
sthana % as the circumstance of pronunciation

The sutra - "tenetyegemah" (1.137) prescribes that

the instrumental case (trtiya) indicates an augment (agama)
the commentetor here explains the difference between the
word vikara and aK&ma es follows -
"vikare (modification) is a substitute of the original
and agama (augment) is an addition near the original"

The next sutre - "sannikrstaviprakrstayoh

sennikrstasya" (1.144) means that in the case of doubt
as to which of the adjacent (sannihita) and distant
(asannihita) words is meant the reference should be
understood to the adjacent one.

The sutre - "vikeri yathasannam" (1.142) is

interpreted by the commentator as - the sound to be
modified is changed to that which is nearest to it by
place of articulation etc.

The next sutra - "aaAkhyatenam enudego

yathasaakhyam^" (1*143} s t a t e s t h a t a subsequent mention
of words/sounds v^ich are equal in number t o those
already mentioned, i s to be taken in the order of
t h e i r enumeration.

^ i
The autra - "avagrahah padantavaZ" (1.153) »eans
t h a t the avagraha - i . e . the f i r s t p a r t of a separable
word which i s separated by evegraha ( i . e . the sign 5 or -)
i s to be t r e a t e d as the end of a word (padanta). The
commentator has axplainea the term avagrt.hah in the sutra
as the word i n which ava^raha takes place (avaigrahayOiQ^ya
or avagrahya)«

The next sutra - "ne tvitikaranam" (1.154) means

t h a t the avagraha ( i . e . the f i r s t p a r t of a separable
word) i s not followed by i t i .

At the end of the d e s c r i p t i o n of the i n t e r p r e t a t i v e

k e y - r u l e s , the coamientator h t s selected the sutra -
vipretisedhe uttaram balaved alope" (1.159) which means
t h a t when two r u l e s are equally admissible and lead to
d i f f e r e n t r e s u l t s except e l i s i o n ( l o p a ) , the rule
mentioned l a t e r alone w i l l operate. However, if one of
these r u l e s leads to e l i s i o n , i t alone w i l l o p e r a t e .

Then Ramacandra Pandits discusses the term Pra^rhya

by commenting upon the s u t r a s i.92'-9^* According to him
the s u t r a - "pragrhya" 1.92 i s an adhikara i . e . the word
pregrhye i s to be understcod in the follo*»ing s u t r a s .

The sutra - ''ekarekarokera dvivacanantah" (1.93)

means t h a t the words ending i n £ , i, and u and in a
dual form are called pragrhya.

The sutra - "okerescg p&dsnte r.avagrfchah" (1.94)

s t a t e s t h a t the words ending in £ except the avagjrahas
are celled Frag;rhya.

The sutra - "ukaro'prktah" (1.95)

••«" ' ' • " « • • •«.««»..-• KIIIMM^* MIMIMM«
means t h a t u

when standing by itself is pragrhya.

The s u t r a - "camu asne t v e " (1.96) mentions t h a t

the v;ord3 carau asne and tyc nro jpra^rh/a.

^ ® sutra - "m£ udattam" (1.97) s t a t e s t h a t the

word me when a c u t e , i s pragrhya.

yy-) eons
The gutra - "ami padggi** (1.9(^(1^ t^e Viord
*airi* is pragrhya.

Thus the ccrjxentatcr h.-5s completed the s u t r e s

describing the pragrhya term h e r e .
Now the commentfetor ." explsirK . the term r l p h l t a .
Therefore, he has s e l e c t e a the sutraa 1.160-16^ i n which
the words which are called r i p h i t a , ere l i s t e d *

The sutre - "visarjeniyo riphiteh'* (1,l60) s t a t e s

t h a t in the follo^^dng s u t r a s (esses), visarjsnlya is
riphita (rhotacized).

The s u t r a - "ksranudattam" ( 1 . l 6 l ) s t a t e s that the

word kafa ii" grave i s r i p h i t a .

According to the sutra - "antaranadyudattaffi" (1.162),

the word antah. i f not i n i t i a l l y accented i s r i p h i t e .

The sutra - "ahar abha k& rap a ram" (1.163) says t h a t

the word eh&h, i f not foiiow-ju by oh is riphita.

Ttie sutra - " a v a r v a r i t i saaanarci" (1.l64i states

t h a t the two words ayah end vah i f occuring in the same
EC ( i . e . i n Va, 13/3) are called r i p h i t a .

The sutra - " s t o t a r v a s t a h sanutarabharvardvah" (1,165)

s t a t e s t h a t the words s t o t a h , vastah, sanutah, abhah, vah
and dvah are r i p h i t a .

^ ^ a^^rs - **8Yah padam anaraiie" (1.166) prfiscribes

t h a t the worcl svah i f an indeptmdent word and not followBd
by th9 word srana I3 rlphlta..

The sutrfi - "padedlaca ajitp&rah" (1.167) means

t h a t th« word svgji i n the b^jginnir^; of 0 word i s I'iphita
i f i t i s not followed bj^ the ytoimds c a l l e d J i t »

The l a s t gutra - "hvah, aevitah, punah, t v a s t a h ,

nest ah, e kah, hot eh» mstgh, p r s t ^ h , jemstah, $jif';&h
^^- Prangtah i t i ca" (1.16?*) giv*?£ the l i s t of words
whJ.ch HTi called riphita.

The commentator has compl»i»tod the d e s c r i p t i o n

of the term rlphjta as well i'? the f i r s t chapter
called aaaajna-paribhasa-prakaranaia here.

• >


The second chapter of the Jyotsna corrjnentary i s

e n t i t l e a as SYare»sandhi-Prfckarfenaxp» Naturally It
d e a l s with the euphonic coir:binations between two vowels*

Ramacandre Pandits has s t a r t e d t h i s chapter with

^^ adhikara-sutra - '^samhitayam" (3.1) by which i t i s
i n d i c a t e a t h a t the sendhi r u l e s are to be applied only
when t h e r e i s samhita ( i . e . close a s s o c i a t i o n which i s
found in the s a m h i t a - t e x t ) .

Before s t a r t i n g t o a e s c r i b E the d i f f e r e n t sutras

regarding the topic svara-aandhi (euphonic combinations
between two vowels), Hamacandra Pandita coiiJttents on a
autra which according t o him i s a peribhasa^sutra
( i n t e r p r e t a t i v e key-rule) f o r a l l the concerning s u t r a s
regarding a l l the v a r i e t i e s of sar:dhi or euphonic
combinations. The s u t r a - "Padanta-Padadyoh 8andhih"( 3.3)
thus means t h a t an euphonic combination takes place
between the f i n a l l e t t e r of a word (padanta) and the
i n i t i a l l e t t e r of a word (pedadi).

Ramacandra Pandita while commenting on t h i s autre

s t a t e s f u r t h e r that i n the case of avagraha~yogya words ^

the sandhi r u l e s take place i n accordance with what

has been mentioned i n a previously explained s u t r a
^^avagrahah padantavat" (1.153) which means t h a t the
f i r s t p a r t of a separable word i s to be t r e a t e d as the
end of a word. ,

The coniffient&tor f u r t h e r resicrks t h ^ t the present

sutra (3*3) i s applicable only when the euphonic
combinations of two words are meant t o be done. In the
absence of two words ( i . e . when the ire i s only one word)
the present sutra i s not t o be applied. Euphonic
combinations i n a word (ekapadasthani sandhi-karyan L)
a l s o do not take place wh«i the component words i n 1^
are separated by avegraha.

After giving the guiding p r i n c i p l e s regazxling the

sandhi-rules in g e n e r a l , Ramacandre Pandits now s t a r t s
t o describe the d i f f e r e n t euphonic combinations between
two vowels.

The sutra -^'svare bhavy antahstham''(4.45)

px*e8cribes t h a t & vowel called bhavin (a vowel other than
£ and a J becomes a semi-vowel when other vowel follows.
In t h i s connection, Ramacandra Pandita points out t h a t
the semi-vowel substitutim a 'bhavin_[_ vowel, should be
the nearest one as f s r es i t s piece of a r t i c u l a t i o n i s
considered. He has mbde t h i s statement on the b a s i s of

the sutre - ^»vikeri yathaaannaa'' ( 1 . H 2 ) . The

coflunentetor further s p e c i f i e s the l e t t e r in which t h i s
change i s t o be done vdth the help of the sutra -
"tasminniti n i r d i s t e purvasya" (1.134) which means
*if a term i s used i n the locative (saptami) the change
a f f e c t s t h a t which ifflmediately precedes*. Since in the
sutra 4.4-5, the word 'svare* i s used in the locative case,
the operfition takes place in respect of the preceding
letter. Thus i t becomes very c l e a r t h a t the bhevin
vowel which immediately precedes^ i s 'expected t o be
changed i n antastha (semi-vowel). Following i s the
example given by the coiiffientator -

punami •*• acchidrena • punamy&cchidrena (VS l/l2)

Here there are two words (pada3. j> The present sutra

states that the euphonic combination will take place

between the final and the initial letters of the two

words. So the letters 1, and JB are to be comibned.

£ is the bhavin vowel and a, is another vowel. The

letter i^ will be substituted by a aemi-vowel which is

the nearest from the point of view of its place of

articulation. Thus the letter i^ will be dianged into

^ and the form after the euphonic combination of these

two words will be —

punamy acchidrena

In addition t o t h i s illu8tr<«tion, the conxnentator

hes given two BJOI^ i l l u s t r a t i o n s to prove t h i s n a l e .
They ere as follows -
vaji • erve - vajyarve (VS 11/22)

vetu + aJyasya » vetva^jyasya (VS 2B/1)

fehile coBBaenting on the next autre sandhyakaeram

ay-av~ay-avam (/4,,if6i iiasiac&ndra Fandita has taken i n t o
consideration the p r i n c i p l e of a n u v r t t i . He thus
explains the process of a n u v r t t i f i r s t as - 'any word
which i s not seen in the sutra but i s expected t o be
taken rx*oi& the other sutra^ because according t o the
coiriffientator the word *avare* i s necessary for the
proper i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the present sutra (4.46) but
i t i s not seen i n the sutra* So he has stated t h a t the
word gyare i s to be taken here from the (preceding)
sutra (4»45)_ svare i t y a n u v a r t a t e . Thus the sutra
(4*46) according to the commentator means t h a t the
diphthong (sandhyaksera) vowel chfanres i n t o aj;^, av, "^
or av when a vowel follows. He further has s t a t e d t h a t
the diphthong £.» £» aii. or £u i s changed into ajr^, av, ajj.
or av r e s p e c t i v e l y (yathakraniem)* In order to explain
the p r i n c i p l e of yathakramfc PISO he has referred t o the

autra - "saatkhyatanaa ..." (1.143) which means that

a subsequent mention of sounds which are equal In number

to those already mentioned, is to be taken in the

order of their enumeration.

The commentator further notices the case 'te^ + £'

in which the prescribed operation by the present rule is

to be expectdd as tay + £. Therefore the commentator

further selects an exceptional rule to comment on it.

The next sutra -" yavayoh padantayoh svaramadhye

lop ah" (4.125) states that the final i. or v when

between two vowels is dropped. The conanentator here also

refers to the autra - "sasthJ sthane yoga" (1,136) which

means that the genitive case is to be interpreted as

meaning in the place of. Thus the operation prescribed

by the present sutra takes place in the place of final

Y_ and v_. Therefore the final j^^ or v_ when between

two vowels are to be dropped, 'llie commentator has

given following illustrations -

te • £ gamantu » tay + agaxaantu " ta agamantu (VS 19/57)

sarasvatyai + indraya « sarasvatyay + indraya

• sarasvatye indraya (VS 21/59)


In the first illustration, the final letter £

of the first word is changed into a;^ tccording to the
rule (4*46} and then the final ^ which is between
two vowels (i.e. a and a,) is dropped. Thus the form
remains as jLa agamentu.

In the other illustration also,the final si is

changed into ^ , Then this x. ^^ dz*opp8d and the form
remains as "'iarasvetya indrayaI

Then the commentator has noticed the c&se

'Tisno • ete* in which the operation prescribed by the
rule 4*125 is expected i.e. £ is to be changed into av
and then this v; which is between two vowels is to be
dropped. But it is not found so. Because in the cases
like *Yi8no + ete* the letter jr is followed by the
vowel having the different place of articulation. 3o
jr is not dropped, llius these cases are to be treated
rather differently. The commentator has therefore
selected the next sutra stating, the rule regarding the
case of viyno • ete.

The next sutra - "na vakarasya asasthana ekesam'

(4.126) states that according to some teachers (ekesam)
the final v^ is not droppea if a vowel not having the same
place of articulation follows.

While coaimentlng on this sutra, the coenmentator

has first noticed the word ekesaoi and has remarked

that the word eka is used to mean the sense of prominent

(ekasabdo pradhanavaci). Ihus the word ekesam does not

mean 'according to some teachers' but means 'according

to the prominent teachers'. Thus according to our

comn.entstor the operation stated by the present rule

(4*126) is to be accepted as a rule and not as an


The cooimentator has quoted following illustrations

in which v^ is not dropped because of the vowel having the

different place of articulation (asasthana) follows e.g.

vifno + ete « visnav + ete « visnavete (VS 5/l6)

anandanandau + andau - anandanandav + andau

• anandanandavandau (VS 20/9)

In the first illustration, the final ;v is followed

by the vowel £. The place of articulation of ^ is

osthb and the place of articulaticn of the follo\n,lng

vowel (i.e. of e^) is talu.

In the other illustration, the place of articulation

of the following vowel a is Kantha. So it is also

different from the place of articulation of ^ (ostha).


Thus in both these illustrations the final jr

is not dropped &ccox*ding to the present rule {4*126}.

The coBimentator further has given the counter-

examples in which final v^ is dropped, because a vowel
having the same place of articulation follows. Bf
giving these illustrations the coouiientator wants to
clarify how the word asasthana is significant in the
present sutra. Thus the operation stated by the rule
4*125 takes place in these cases e.g.

visno + uruiB;aya • visnav + urugaya • visna urugaya (V3 8/1)

padau •»• ucyete « padav + ucyete « pada ucyete (VS 31/10)

In both these illustrations, the place of

articulation of the letter x ''^^^ ^^^ following vowel u
is ostha. Thus tha letter Y^ is dropped as it is
prescribed by the previous rule 4.125*

The commentator has quoted these illustrations

as the counter-examples of the rule 4.125*

The next sutra selected by the commentetor is -

"kanthya rkare hrasvam" (4*4?^) , The sutra mecns that
a long gutteral vowel (kanthya) is shortened when r
follows. The comc-entator has given following illustration -

tva ^ rbhumate » tva rbhumete (V3 3;f/^)


Here the last letter in the first word (£) is

gutteral and it becomes short when there is r as the
initial letter of the following word*

The next sutra - "athaikam uttaresea" (4.49)

says that the words 'the preceding' and ^the
following' are to be continued in the cases
mentioned in the following sutras.

The commentator has stated that the word etha is

to be taken in the sense of adhikara i.e. indicating
thereby^ that th& words in the sutre are to be presuned
in fall the following sutraa up to the sutra 4.78.
The couimentator also remarks that the word ca in the
autre indicates the word ~ 'the preceding syllable'.

The sutra - "aim savarne dirgham" (4.50) states

that the aim vowel (I.e. £, £, JL, £, ii» u, r or r )
when followed by a homogeneous (savarna) vowel (i.e.
a sound having a similar place and mode of articulation
and also similar vocal effort), is changed into a long
vowel. The commentator has clearly stated that the
aim vowel together with the fcllcwir-g homoseneoua vowel
is changed into a long vowel. He hos given following
illustrations •

na • arataye » narataye (V3 1/11)

avaha + agnaye « svahagnaye (VS 3^11)


yaumi + idem » yaumldam (VS l/22)

vl + idhryaye • vidhryaya (Vi l6/3^)

pacantu + us£ » pacantuse (V3 I I / 6 I )

The coffiDientator has noticed c a r e f u l l y t h a t in the

last three i l l u s t r a t i o n s ( i . e . in yaumi + Idam,
vi + Idhryaya and pacantu + H??.^ , ^^^ f i n a l syllables
i.e. !.» i. and U- i* called sim as well as *bhavin*

also. Thus one can argue that operations of euphonic

combinations in the 36 cases Can tci ke place according to
the previous rule - 'avare thavl ...' (4»45) also.
The commentator is quite aware of this argument. He
remcv<iS this doubt by pointing out that there is one
rule - ^ vipratfsedhe ...'^ (1.159) which means ^ 'in the
case of opposition of two rules of equal force, the
latter of the two is effective*. The cooimentator thus
says that in the case of above three illustrations the
operation will take place only according to the later
rule (i.e. 4.50j.
The next sutra - ''kanthyaa 1' varna ekaram" (4«52)
means that the vowei 1^ or ^ when preceded by a kanthya
vowel (i.e. a_ or £) is changed into £, together with
the preceding vowel. The co/aaentator has clarified
that the word varna in the sutra is to be taken in the
sense of savarna. He has given following illustrations -

' - / -
Jaya + Indraye « jayendraya (VS 9/11)
£ + idam » edam (V3 4/I)

The next autra - '•uvarna oka ram" (4.53) s t a t e s

t h a t u preceded by kanthye vowel, together vd.th the
preceding vowel^ls changed Into £ . Following are the
illustrations -

varunaaya ••• uttambhanam « yarunasyottaabhanam (V5 4/3O)

pra + uhami » prohami (V3 2/l5)

The coamtentator f u r t h e r has quotea some

i l l u s t r a t i o n s having an aprkta word. e.g.

sam + u + e t a t « samvetad (dadhami) (V3 S/6I)

/ ' , '
indra • a yahi - indra yahi (V3 20/«7)

a + ihi - ehi (V3 3/27)

The coBunentator has stated that in the case of

'''^aaavetad dadhami" the operation prescribed by the rule

^/avare bhavi ..." and *ne vakarasya... * (i.e. the rule

4.45 and 4.126) takes place.

' i -
In the case of the illustration, *indra yahi*

a + a are corabined according to the rule 'sim s&varne ..'(4.50)


In the case of 'ehi*, the vowel 1 together

with the preceaing vowel a_ i s changea i n t o £ , according
t o the rule ''^kanthyad ivarna ekaram*' ( 4 . 5 2 ) ,

The commentator f u r t h e r has s t a t e d t h a t the

aprkta word i n a l l three cases i s t r e a t e d as i n i t i a l or
the f i n a l of the word as i t i s prescribed by the rule
^sa eva ...»> (1.152).

The next sutra - ^^ sandhyaksaram aikaraukarau*H4.56)

s t a t e s t h a t a diphthong together with the preceding kanthye
vowel i s changed i n t o ai^ and au. The eoiomentdtor has
s t a t e d t h a t the vowel which coffles here as a s u b s t i t u t e
should be of the same place of a r t i c u l a t i o n . Thus £ • £
and &, * SJL change i n t o ai^ as well as £ ^ £ and
£ •» au change i n t o au. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s
given by the commentator.

bhrajaya • e^sa^ t(8 » bhrajayaisa t e (V3 d/40)

indrena + aindram - indrenaindram (VS 19/26)

ojj^tho: f djisthah - ojJ^ihaujisthah (V^ d/39)

pre • auksan - prauksan (VS 3 l / 9 )

Tlie next sutra - '^samudresyeman-tvema-tvodmenni^i ca*^

(4.54) mentions r a t h e r a d i f f e r e n t change. The sutra
means t h a t in a few s p e c i a l c a s e s , t h i s operation which i s

s t a t e d by the above given rule (4*56) i s not taking p l a c e .

The commentator haa statect these cases as the cases of
nipatana. He defines the tern; nipatana as 'anyatha
praptasya anyathoccaranam nlpatanam'. Thus a nipatana i7)ean5 t\
special mention of a word expected t o be otherwise
(according t o the other r u l e s ) .

The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

samudrasye + eman - samudrasyeman (VS 13/17)

(apam) tva + eman - (epam) tveman (VS 13/53)

^ - I t
(apam) tva • odman • (apam) tvodman (VS 13/53)

In these i l l u s t r a t i o n s one can see t h a t £ ^ £

i s changed i n t o e^ and not in ai^ and a *'^ £ i s changed
i n t o £ and not i n t o eju^ These are otherwise i r r e g u l a r
oases but they are s p e c i a l l y mentioned t o be r e g u l a r
by t h i s sutra (5-54).

The commentator has now s e l e c t e d the sutra <-

^hyantarah kalali {3»5). He says t h a t the sections
(kalah) are interposed by the s u t r a - * hi*'.

The next sutra - ''na_ parakalah puravakale punah'J

(3*4) means t h a t the euphonic ccmbinstion which has

taken place under a rule of a following section i s not

t o be subjected again to a r u l e of the preceding section.
The sutra thus prevents a parakala-vidhi ( i . e . an
operation prescribea in the following section) if a
sutra in the previous section i s a p p l i c a b l e . The
conunentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

te + iha sruvantu tay • iha sruvantu

ta ih£ sruvantu (V3 19/57)

p&dau ucyete pad&v + ucyete

pada ucyete (VS 3l/lO)

eradhyai • edldhisu " aradhyay + edidhisuh

« aradhya edidhi3uh(patim)(VS 30/9)

i _ «
r a t r y a i + rks^h - ratryay • fksah

" ratrya fksah (VS 24/36)

^ + a, Kamantu • ^^y "^ £ gsmentu

- t a a gamantu (VS 19/57)

In a l l these i l l u s t r a t i o n s , the f i n a l diphthongs -

i.e. £ , au, ai^, a i and £ are changea into a^i £V, aj,, e^
and a£ respectively according to the avitra 4.46 and

th«n the final x. ^^ 1 ^^^ dropped according to the rule

4*12^* ihus the operation prescribed by the rule 4*125
i s e perakalayidht because the rule 4.125 follows the sutra -
*hi* (4*124)• Therefore the \iuphonic cosbinetion which
has teken place under a rule of a following section i s
not t o be subjected again t o a rule of the preceding aection<
The coBiiiteatator wanted to suggest that the eiqphonic
coEBbination in these cases was expected again by the
other rules e.g.

^) *iA "^ ihe* was expected to be changed into

*teha* according to the rule 4*52.
2) *pada + ucyete' was eaqpected to be changed into
•paaocyate* according to the rule 4*53*

3) *aradhya • edidhlsu< was expected to be changed

into 'aradhy&iaidhisu* according to the sutre 4*56.

4} * rat rye + flt»«|b* was expected to be changed into

'ratryarksab* according to the rule 4*4^

l^t t h i s does not happen so, because a l l these rules

i . e . 4*52,53156 end 4^ respectively precede the sutra -^^hi*'
(4.125)* lhei*efore these soocelled expected operations
have become purva-kele vidhi and these purva-kala-vidhis
are not allowed t o apply by the present sutra 3*4 when a
para-kalfa-vidhi takes pl&ce.

The next sutra - " iraa rkaro^prktaf* (4*5^)

s t a t e s that r when preceded by £ which i s an aprkta

(independent word) i s changed i n t o a r . The commentator

has remarked t h a t the present sutra i s an exception
(apavada) of the r u l e - "kanthya rkare hrasvam" (4.4^)
In t h i s connection, the commentator has defined the tezm
. 1
apayada e s - t h e ( s p e c i a l ) rule which takes place by
s e t t i n g aside even an i n e v i t a b l e r u l e is apavada/
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

svapanam + £ • r t y a i » svapanainartyai (V3 30/l7)

The next autra - ^edodbhyam purvam akarah" (4*60)

means t h a t £ preceded by e_ or £ becomes on« with the
preceding vowel. The commentator has rem^^rked t h a t
the words ending in visar^a are changed into okaranta
words according to the sutra - "sarvo sih kara ckaram"(4«41)
when t h i s ah i s followea by dhi consonants or akara
(4*42). So according bo the commentator, the cases of £
which are preceded by t h a t £ which i s the product of
visarKfc also become one with the preceding vowel.

The comKentator has given iollowing i n s t r u c t i o n s -

agpaye •» anikayate = agnaye^nikavfete (VS 29/59)

^• yesyavasyam praptau setyam yo vidhir

Tabhyate sa tasyapavadah |

adabdheyah + asltama * adabdhayoaitama (VS 2/20)

namah (mo) f aavebhyah » namo'avebhyah (VS 16/24)

The next sutra - ^^'^prakrtibhava rksu'^ (4.^0)

s t a t e a t h a t in Rks I . e . in the mantras in metres of
d e f i n i t e l e t t e r s the i n i t i a l a_ preceded by f i n a l £ or
£ , remains as i t i s . The comment&tor has s t a t e d t h a t
the present sutra (4*^0) i s an exception t o the
previously mentioned sutra - 'edobbhyam . . . » (4.60)
He has given follovlng i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

garbhe • antah » garbhe entah (VS 32/4)

i i l l
vayo ••• asmin « vayo asmin (VS 27/28)

The next sutra - ^^jusanascenadhvani *' (4.^1)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the f i n a l l e t t e r - £ in the word
jusanah (n£) remains es i t i s , when i t i s followed by
the i n i t i a l l e t t e r a. of the word other than adhvan.
The commentator has given following illustration -
juaano apturajyaaya (VS 5/35)

The commentator has remarked t h a t the word

anadhveni in the sutr^^ i s used in order to i n d i c a t e
the difference in other branches (sakhas) of Veda.
The combination 'jusanah* adhva i s not used in the

5afflhlta oi the Madhyendina branch of iukla Yajurvede

but i t i s lound in the J ^ 1 1 , 1 . 4 . Therefore the
conunentator has not i l l u s t r a t e d t h i s c i t a t i o n .

The caiifflentator has also noticed the word *ca*

in the sutra and has used t h i s word to add one more case
to the o r i g i n a l s u t r a . He has quoted an example - e. g.

sukro ayami te (VS 27/30)

According t o the commentator, sukrah(o) i s one more

case of which f i n a l £ remains as i t i s when i t i s followed
by the i n i t i a l £ >

The comment of Ramecandre Pandita on t h i s sutra

shows how the cosimentator i s very careful about each and ^veiy
word in the sutra and he has supplied the extra example
t o the P r a t i ' sutre ( 4 , ^ 1 ) , This can be describea as a
contribution of Ramocandra Pandita to the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n
o^ Vaj.Prati'sutra.

The next sutra - "te cenudettam anudatte* (4.^2)

s t a t e s t h a t the word te^, i f grave and followed by an
i n i t i a l grave a,, remains as i t i s . The commentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -
(yai t e • agnc - ( ^ ) t £ a^ne (VS 5/^)

2. Jusand'dhvajyasya (V^K 11.1.4)


The coffiffientator has elso stated that the word

te when It is not grave but Is acute, then the stated
operation by this rule does not take place. He has
given this type of counter-example also -

ts -*• apsarasam " t^psarasam (VS 24/37)

The next sutra - *heda apo'^re " (4.^3)

gives a long list of i&he words/worcigrcups in which the
final £ or £, is followed by the initial £, remains
as it is. The commentator has stated that where there
are more than one words, this rule applies to them
as a group. In the case of single words only, slngl*^
words followed by a, are to be understood. The
commentator has given following illustrations -

hedah(o) •* ava - hedo ava (V^ 2l/3)

apah(o) + apam - apo apam (VS 6/27)

aje:r8guvah(o) + agrepuvah *= agreguvo agrepuv£h{VS 1/12)

apagne + agnim « apagne agnim (V3 l/l7)

dhirasah(ao) • anudisya » dhiraso anudisya (VS ^/2S)

deva8ah(o) + a.lusanta * devaso ajusanta (V3 4/1)


uro + antarikaa " uro antariksa (VS 4/7)

raksa nah(no) • aprayucchan =» rakaano aprayucchan(V3 4/l4)

(hiffisir)mo + ahaa • (hlmslr) mo aham (VS lC/23)

val3v&narah(roj + adabdheh » Yalsvanaro adabdhah (V3 4/l5)

vrsabhah + anta^riksam » vrsabhoiantarikaam {V3 4/3O) ?^

yac&h(cOi • apavadhlt - Taeo apavadhlt (VS 5/^)

pranah(o) + ange « prano ange (Vd 6/20)

udAPah(o) + ansa » udeno enge (VS 6/20)

ange + ange • ange ange (V^ 6/20)

ima me • agne « ima me agne (VS 17/2)

vrsnjD •» atnsubhyam » vrsno ct/Asubhyam (VS 7/l)

dasamaayo • a8rat • dasamasyo asrat (VS $/2B)

andhah(o) + acchetah « endho accheteh (V3 ^/54}

i < i ' ,

avlttah (o) * agnlh - avltto agnlh (V3 10/9)

aristah (£) • arj!Mnah» arlsto arjunah (VS 10/21)

pratya8ravah(o) + anurupah • pratyasravc anurupah (VS 19/24)

3vlstah(o) aKnlh « sviato agnlh (VS, 21/5^)

ghase • ajrinam » ghaae a.1rinam (Vb 21/43 )

pranlteh • egnlh - p rani t o a/gnlh {V3 19/17)

tebhyo n&mah(£) • astu* tebhyo namo a s t u (V3 15/^5)

dure + amitrah • dure amitrah ( VS^ 17/^3)

nah(o) • adya » no adya (VS 17/^4)

yajne + asmln - yajne aaaln (V3 17/^4)

sfcdhasthe + a n g l r a s v a t - sadhaathe anylraavat {V3 11/61}

- > i
8ah(o) + adhvaraya « ^ adhvaraya (Vo 33/75)
, ' - ' , / -
indre • asvine « Indre asvina (VS 21/4^)

hiranyaparnah(o) + asvlbhyam - hiranyaparno

»avlbhYam ( M 21/56)
i . / - J / ^.

dvarah (oi) + asvina - dyaro asvina (VS 21/49)

devah + agnih - devo agnih (VS 2l/5d)

abdah + ayavobhih » abdo ayavobhlh (VS 12/74)

rathibhyafa(o) • arathebhyah • rathibhyo ar8thebhyah(VS 16/26)

/ I I I
mahadbhyah(o) + arbhakebhyah » mahadbhyo arbhakebhyah

(VS 16/26)

saflisadah + astajnl " samsado e s t ami (VS 2 6 / l )


The next sutra - "chando ankupaaiankankam

asrlvayah" (4.^4) means that the final okare of the
word chandafa^( o) remains as it is when it is followed by
the words ankupam. ankankam or asrlvayah. Following
are the illustrations -

chandah + ankupam • chando ankupam (VS 15/4)

chandah ••• ankankam • chando ankankam (VS 15/5)

chandah + asrlvayah » chando asrlvayah (VS 14/1^)

The next sutra - "gahemanah sivo " {4«63)

means that the letter _a which is preceded by £ or £ of
the following- words, becomes one together v/ith th*i preceding
£ or £. Following are the words mentioned in the
sutra (4.63) -

^ahamanah(oj • adeyah « gahamano^dayah (VS 17/39)

sivah + atihl - sivo^tihi (VS 3/61)

bharantah(o) + asvaya » bharento^svaya (VS 11/75)

dvesobhyah -^ anyakrtebhyah = dvesobhyo^nyakrt8bhyah( VS 5/35)

.lambbayantah + ahim = .iambhayanto^him (VS 9/l6)

J" _ _/ _
vajevaje avate • va jeva je ^Vata (VS 9/l^)

vajajitah(o) + adhvanah • vaja.iitoMhvanah (VS 9/l3)


ffiadantah(o) • agne - madftnto^gie (V3 11/75)

bhadrasoce ••• apupaa - bhadrasoce'pupam (VS 12/26)

/ ' , f ,

avase * agnlm » avase^gnim (V3 9/26)

auauve • agre - ausuve ^gre (VS 9/23)

jycte + adite - jyotaMite (VS ^ 4 3 )

8upamah(o) • aai - supamo^sl (VS 12/4)

Yirudfaah(o) ••• asyal « vIrudho^ayai(VS 12/94)

suvIralA + avlreha « suviro^viraha (VS 4/37)

otiatsve * akeh • dh^t^ve'kah (VS 3^/5)

suneve + agne • aunave^p:ne (VS 3/24)

drunanah + a a t a s i * dr-or>ano^3tasi (VS 13/9)

asavah(o) •*• agteci - asavo ^atam (VS 15/41)

vahatah(o) + a p r e t l d h r a t a ' ' ' ' vahaLo^pratidhrgta' (VS tf/35)

aaakrandanah(oj + animiaah » sabikrandano ^niiaisah( VS 17/33)

bahaYah(o) + anadhrayah = behavo^ nadhrayah (VS 17/46)

ayudhylh + aaaakam - ayudhyo'gmakam (VS 17/39)

adruhah(o) + anemlTah - adruiio^naalvah (VS 12/50)


The s u t r a " vo ham 30 ham . . . . (4.64) adds

five combinations in which the i n i t i a l £ of the
following words becomes one with the preceding vowel.
Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

vah(o) + aham • voham (V3 9/4)

aah(o) + aham - so^ham (VS 1^35)

-/ 1 _
3ah(o) • asmakam « so^smakam (VS 12/1OI)

anustup t e • abhigarah » anustup te^ bhigarah (VS ^/47)

I t i l
£ v;ah(o) • arvaci - a vo ^rvaci (VS t/k\

The sutra - "ye ^nnatrayoh" (4.65) s t a t e s t h a t the

ekara of the word y e , when followea by the words anna
and g-fcra, becouies one with the following £, Following
are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

ye -^ ennesu • ye^nnegu vivldhyanti (VS 16/62)

ye • a t r a • ye ^tra stha^uranah (V3 12/45) Tf'

The next sutra - '^avidyasambhutyosca" (4*66)

also adds two more cases t o the above ,«lven r u l e . It
means t h a t the ekara of the word j;£ also becomes one
with the following £ of the words avidya ^nd
asambhuti e.g.

ye • avldyam - ye*vidyaiE (VS 40/12)

ye + asambhutim « ye*3ambhutlfl3 (VS 40/9)

I'he sutra - "upasthe' ntestebhyo karfcrn" (4.67)

gives two combinations in which the absorption of a,
takes p l a c e . The sutrfe s t a t e s t h a t the absorption of £
appears in the following cases - upasthe *ntah and
tebhyo'karam e.g.

(yatha)itf)asthe • antah • yathopastherntah (VS 12/39)

t9bhyah{o) + karam " tebhyoNkaram (VS l6/d)

ThB next sutra - "na«o ^stvasautraffianyam" (4*6^)

s t a t e s t h a t the absorption of o^ appears in the combination
*namo*8tu* i f t h i s combination does not occur in the
mantra a from sautrafnani ( i . e . adhy^yas 19-21 of VS).
Following i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the comntentstor -

namoh(o) + aatu « namo ' s t u (VS 13/6)

The commentator has given a counter-example also

in which the absorption of £. does not appear as the
combination occurs i n the mantra from Seutremani-adhysya

namah + astu^adya » namo astvadya (VS 19/6^)


The next autra - "vlave 'gre vlso rayo' nagnau" (4.69)

mentions l o u r cases of absorption of ^ . I t means t h a t the
initial ^ which i s preceded by the word v i s v e , agre, vlso
rayo becomes one with the f i n a l £ or £ of the preceding
wordst hut not i n the section dealing with *agnicayane *
i . e . the eight adhyay&s v i z . 11-18 in VS^. Following are
the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the comruentator -

vlsve + asum - visve sum (V3 d/l9)

agre * asvam * a^re * svem (V3 9/7}

( i d ) v l s o • as.gpetnah » idviso'sapatnah (VS 7/25J

ray ah • anu » rayo*nu (VS ^ 1 4 )

The commentetor has given the following counter-

examples a l s o in which t h i s absorptlcn i s not seen because
the words which are mentionea in the sutra do not occur
in the adhyayas c a l l e a agnlcayena (VS Adhy. 11-lS^ e . g .

visve + adyft " visve adya (VS 1^/31

agre • agnim - agre gnlm (VS 13/1)

/ /
viaah • asyah « vlso asyah (VS 13/11)

rayali • amartye " rayo amartya (VS 12/109}


The next sutra - "suryo'gne^bhau '(4«70) means

t h a t the i n i t i a l a of the s p e c i f i c word abhi when
follows the wordi suryah and a ^ e , becoBies one with the
preceding vowel o or e.* '^'^^ coiumentytor h&s given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

I ' i it '
suryah + abhi « suryo bhi {VS 13/30)

agne + abhi « agne'bhi (VS 12/V)

The canmentstor has given following counter-

examples in which the words suryah and agne ere the same
which are mentioned in the sutra* But the word which
follows suryah or a ^ e i a d i f f e r e n t from the word abhi.
Thus £ in these words i s not absorbed, e . g .

3uiyah(o) + ajayata » auryo ajayata (VS 3 l / l 2 )

agne + acchfc •=• agne acche (VS 9/2f5)

The next sutrfc - wriso-yavase-purupriyo nnapate rnave"

(4*71) adds some more cases in which i n i t i a l £ following
the words r i s o , yavase« purupriyo. annapate and arnave
becomes one with the preceding vowel £ , £ , £, £i or e
respectively. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

riso + amba » riso'mba (ys 11/6S)

ye vase + avisyan •= y a vase ^visyen (VS 15/62}


purupriyah(o) + agne - purupriyo '^ne (V3 11/72)

annapate + annasya « annapate *nns sye (VS 11/^3)

fernave + a n t a r l k s e « arneve ntarlks'? (VS l6/55)

The autra - "vyepare ca" (4.72) s t a t e s t h a t the

initial £ also when followed by JJT or j;^ becomes one
with the preceding £ or £ . The coowentator has s t a t e d
further t h a t the present sutra (4«72i i s an exception
to the sutra - "prakrtibhava rksu" ( 4 . ^ 0 ) . The
coaimenti:^tor has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s •

t e •»• avantu • te'vantu (VS 19/57)

ti'j>>KteJ|£ + ayasmayam • tigmatejoVesmayam (VS 12/63)

The next sutra - "Kave me manaso ..... pado

vasantah (4.73) gives a l i s t of words ending in £ or £
and s t a t e s t h a t the i n i t i a l £, following £ o r £
i n the words - ^ave, B.e .ananasaht Yajayantah« somyasah,
pasinah, vidanah, a n r t a . mujavanteh. i r s n £ , apakah
diaivah. trayastrinse. brahmane. yakeh, rathah.
visvataht padali and vasantah - becomes one with the
preceaing vowel, rollowing are the i l l u s t r c t i o n s -

gave + asvaya - gave^svaya (V3 3/59)

SS + angani « me ^ngani (V3 20/fi)


mana8ah(o) • a s i - manose'si (VS 20/34)

/ - '
vajayantah(o) + asy&ma • vajayanto ayama (VS 18/ 4)
- ''
somyasah + agnisvatteh " sopiyasc fa^nisvattah (VS 19/5^^)

pa8ineh(o) + a t i « pasino^ti(dhenveva) (VS 20/53)

3&atvi<ian^h(o) + anu » samvidano 'nu (VS 19/54)

Mifte + adadhat - a n r t e ' d a d h a t (VS 19/77)

aujavatah (o) • a t l h i - mu.lEvato'tlhi (VS 3/61)

vrsne^ + apekah « vrsne*pakah (VS 20/44)

apakah(o) • acistu^i « apako'cistuh (V3 20/44)

dldivah + agne • didivo'gpe JiVS 17/9)

t r a y a a t r i e a e + ataxtah » trsyastrlmsft mrtah (VS 2l/2d)

brahmajpe • asmal • brshmane smal (VS 7/21)

yak&h + asakau • yako sakau (V3 23/23)

/ i ,• , i
rath&h fo) • asman •» r a t ho sman (VS 3/36)

visvetali + adabdhasfch «- visvato dabdhaseh (VS 25/14)

y /
Padah(o) + asya » pado'sya (VS 31/3)

vasantah ••• asya « vasanto'sye (VS 31/14)


The next autre - "avo atvagne

prathamo ntaste'nyena" (4»74J states that the absorption
of Initial a^ takes place in the following combinations ~
avo*3tu« agne ^rhapate*bhi. satvano'hsm,
no*Jasraya. vimano'jasrah. sute'svina, naao*»;naye
te'^rbm, te'^re vrkaaaya, prathamo'ntah and te nyena.

avah{0) • astu » trinamavo'stu (VS 3/31)

agjie grhapate • abhi •• agne grhapete bhl (VS 3/39)

satvanah(o) • aham • satveno ham (VS l6/d)

nah + ajasr&ys - no ^jasraye {VS 17/76)

# vimanah •»• ajasrah « vimano'.jasrah (VS 1^/66)

sute + asvinfe • sute avina (V3 20/56)

namah(o) + agnaye • namo gnaye (V^ 23/13)

te • agram « te '^gram (VS 23/24)


te + agre vrkaaaya - te'gre vrkaasya (Vi 23/2$)

prathamah (o) • entah = prathanio^ntah (VS 23/63j

te + anyena » te nyena (VS 23/15)

About the case - 'te^ a^re vrksasya * the commenttitor
has s t a t e d t h a t the absorption of the i n i t i a l £ of agre

with the preceding £ of t£ takes place only when the word

a^re is followed by the word vrksasya end otherwise not.

Thus the coounentator has given a counter-exasiple in which

the absorption of a of agre with the preceding vowel le

of the word te does not take place because the combination

te egre is followed by (k %ciL oHl^r than vrksasya e.g.

tetagre + as yam = tje agre 'svam (V3 9/7)

The next sutra - "panayc jahimo'mbike" (4.75)

states that the initial £ following the words panayo

jahiao and ambike becomes one with the preceding vowel.

The ccHuibentator iias given following illustrations -

p^nayah(o) + asumnah * panayoVsumneh (VS 35/l)

jahWh(o) • a^ah - .lahimo^siYah (VS 35/lO^

embike • ambalike » ambike'mbalike (V3 23/lS)

The next sutra - "nonumo ^dugdha iva

no'ditimo'hih" (4.76) states that the absorption of

initial a, appears in the following combinations -

/, - /

nonumah(oJ + adugdha iva "^ nonumo dugdha iva (V3 27/35)

pracetaaah(o) ••• as van = pracetaso'svan (V3 29/50)

narftfa • aamakam « naro'smakam (VS 29/57)


vraapanayah(o) + aavah - vrsapaneyo svah (VS 29/44)

practlsah(o) + anu - pradisc'nu (VS 32/4)

u d l t e • anagali « udite'negah (VS 33/20)

andhasah + area = andhaac'rca (V3 33/23)

panasyate + addha » panasyate ddhe (V3 33/39)

ya.1niyebhyah(o) • aartatvatt » yajniyebhyo nirtatYaBi( VS 33/54)

vlpaacitah(o} + sbhl - v l p a a c l t o ' b h i (VS 33/^1)

ij.1anah + anamlveh » i.ljc;no*namIvah ( ^ 33/^6)

ayavah + anuatuvanti - ayavo*nuatuvantl (VS 33/97)

nah(o) • adyanv^niRHW - no'dyanumatih (VS 34/9)

^ (aojdtae + abhevet « (aoydeae'bhaY&t (VS 34/11) f^

vayune + a j a n l s t a - vayuna j a n i s t e (V3 34/14)

i / - i 7^ -

vldmanapaaah • a.jayanta - vldmanapaao'jayanta(VS 34/12)

purvyaaah + arenavah • purvyaao*renavah (VS 34/2?)

•\ naii(o) • awnibhavatu - no*mk bhavatu (VS 29/49)

nah(o) + adltih - no*dltlh (VS 29/49)

nah(o) • ahlh - no'hlh (VS 34/53)

The next s u t r a - "brehmanah" (4.77) states

t h a t the i n i t i a l £ following the word brahmanah
becomes one with the preceding vowel e.g.

brahmanah + asya • brahmano' aye (mukhaiB) (Y3 31/11)

The next autra - "yajussu ca" (4.7^) s t a t e s

t h a t the i n i t i a l a_ preceded by e^ or £ becomes one with
the preceding vov/el, even in the y6juh~mantrfc8 i n which
the number of l e t t e r s i s not fixed (aniyataksa resu
fltantreau). The commentator has given following
illustrations -

agreguvah(o) i agre • agreguvo gre (VS 1/12)

{^)me • apanah « (ca)me*penah (VS 1ft/2)

The commentator has remarked t h a t the operation

prescribed by t h i s r u l e a l s o sppears in Rks in rare
cases. He has given the i l l u s t r a t i o n -

sah -^ asavaharii » (puruaah) so * savaham (Vo 40/l7)

The next sutra »"ka dhruvotf . . . . asti8u"(4.^5)

s t a t e s t h a t the words k i i dhruva, u t i . sadanai iiotara«
j y a . svadha. p r t h i y j and pratima respectively followed
**y i s * asadan. asyama, akarma. urdhvam. iyaxa, a v a s t a t .

uta and £.j3ti remain as they a r e . Following ere

the l l l u s t r e t i o n s -

M * is. " iti iSL. (VS 23/55)

I i

dhruvi * aaedPn » dhruva asadgn (VS 2/6)

u t i + asyama - u t i sayama (VS 18/74)

aadana • akarma " sadana ekaraa (VS ^/\t%

hotara + urdhvasi « hot are urdhvem (VS 27/ld)

/ / '' /

jya + iyaffi « Jxa Ixgrn (VS 29/40)

avadha • avastat • svadha a v a s t a t (VS 33/74)

p r t h i v i + uta. » i^rthivi uta (VS 33/42)

p r a t i a a ••• a s t i • pratima e s t i (VS 32/3)

The next sutra - "pra^rhyaa svare" (4.^6)
px^scribes t h a t e pra^,rhya word followed by e vowel,
remains as i t is* Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

indraynl • apat «= irxdragni apat (VS 33/93)

indravayu + ime » indravayu ime (VS 7/^)

s i pre + avepayah « s i pre svepayah (VS f^/39)

asaae' + a r a t = £sme a r a t (VS 20/52)


tve + isah - tve i^s£h (VS 12/lO?^)

ami • anyah « ami anyfah (VS 17/47}

Ihe next sutra - "ukero'prkto'spfersat" (4.^9)

s t a t e s one exception to the above r u l e In the case of
aprkta ukara, since aprkta ukare i s a l s o pragrhya
( c i 1.95) according t o the above r u l e , i t would have
reoiained as i t i s in a l l cases when followed by a
vowel. But the present autre (4.^9) s t a t e s t h a t ukara
i f i t i s an independent word (aprkta} and net preceded
by a c o n t i c t consonant, only remains as i t i s when
followed by a vowel. Following i s the illustration
given by the cociment^tor -

etava u anji (V3 17/97)

In t h i s case ukara remains &s i t i s because

i t i s prtcaded by a vowel ( i . e . not by conttict consonant)
and i t i s followed by a vowel a l s o .

Ih*? commentator has given counter-examples elso

where aprkta ukara i s preceded by a contact consonant
Thus i t uoes not remain cts i t i s . <^-.g.
but changes i n t o v;.

tat + u + pntike » tadv antike (73 40/5)

BBm • « + etat = aaxav etat (V^ ^/6t)


The next sutr& - "nfa rodaslme" (4.^7) states

also a specific rule about the v.'Ord rodaai which is
called pra^rhya because it is a dual f^^fvm ending in
£ (cf 1.93). The present sutra is an exception to
the rule - *prsgrhyam svare' (4«d6)

The sutra(4.^7) means that the word rodasi

even though it is ending in £ and even though it is
0^ duel iorm, uoes not remain aa it is, when followed
by ime» Ihe comment a tor has given follovdng
illustration -

rodasi • iae raye - rodasime raye (V3 27/24)

Here ends the second chapter entitled as

Svara sandhi Prakarana oi the Jyotsne commentary.


ill :.r.l-'Ail-:.^V.,:.A:

The t l i i r d chc-oter e n t i t l e a a s 'janahi-sv&rah'

01 t h e oyctsric, uciaiisntc.ry a e a l s with t h e topic cl
v c r i c u s Kinas of a c c e n t s i n corutiucitions c^nd tne Afcy.s
01 i n d i c a t i n g , theiii. Asmac&ndrc; r o n u i t e has s t a r t e d this
Chester \^ith t h s a e i i n i t i o n of t h e s y l l a b l e or aksoro.
because i t i s a t a s i c a l l y i m p o r t a n t ti^rai i n connection
.-.ith tiie a i s c u o s i o n c i the v a r i o u s k i n d s oi a c c e n t s
,.i-i{jh i'OllOKjs*

ihe term 'CKSC r^.' i s d'--fineu in t h e ioll^..in,e;

three sutras.

ihe 3utr£. - "svaro kvSc.rani (1.9'/'; stj.tes t;;at

VGV.el i s a sy 1 1 a L i e .

Ihe s u t r a - " s a h a d y c i r vyanjariaih" {I.IOL; nietins

t h i t c v c v f l , tOt^ether vdth i t s pr-3cedinir, consonant:, is
a l a c c a l l e a a syllabi*^. ^hus acccruirvr t o ti-v c-iav.'. nt?/.tor
'Bk'> ' vai ' e t c . are syil-bles.

ihe next s u t r a - " u t t a r a i s c a v a s i t a i h ' ' (1.K1,

av^acro t n ^ t a vov;el tor;.;tii-;r v.ith i t s i'-.licv.in _,
cfjii'jonanc standin^:: i n a paus*?, a l s o i s a a y l l c o l e .
V/iij.i.- interpretinf-, chia s u t r ^ , t h e coxiJiicntaLcr has
U c i i n t u ti.fa taria avasana cs th- absence oi' vyor'.:,s

j.-:,uo£. .r.ui th'} CO i^-:nti t o r h c s s t e l e . ; t h o t ' u 'c ' ,

' jrK ' , M.c t ' .: r<-; Ch*-^ ^ y l l c b i e s .

I\iOi«, t h ? coriu"Knt&tor hss select'^i the 3Utr&'?

in v^l^ic]- t b - k i n a : , ol :^cc';nt3 era deicribeci.

ihp. oULfc - "u£C£a£ u d a t t f f h " (1.10"*] raesr.-. c...;.t

. oj. xx..tl-:. Vvnich i:.' p r o n c u n c - d i r c n . t h e iiighi-i- ij-jrt c:'

i t s i-rcf(^.r ;iv-ce oi' p r o n u n c i o t i o n i a c a l l ' ? c ud^iti:;:

i; c u t e J. A--' cc:i:...f ntc t o r r ^ 3 - i v ^ n th'^ i l l u s t r ' t j on

i n wi-icf c'sii vowels i , ^ , nil a-s t're udattj-- -••. i-',

ihe sutrb - ' ' n i c a i r a nude., t t o h ' (I.ICV/ i".... .a

tl'.t^t a s y l i c t l e Vihicli i s f.roncunccu irorii ti.f lc>"-r

i^bi t vi i t o p r o p e r i-lace o i p r o n u n c i i - t i c n i s c-ili~u

c.nua£.tte igr<-.ve;. :he co..:..!ertr-:tcr he s t;,iven i.cllc'\'±ng

illustriiticn -

— f j f jhrseyh | rsinc.i:.[nopat | r v r n i t u j {_^_^ 'dA/cA,

in t h i s iliustr.--ticn ; 1 1 vct^els a r e ..rcve.

ihe n e x t a u t r a - ''uLhoyc-.Von sv-.^ritch" ^ 1 .1 K',

-x-aiiS t h a t the; o y i l a b l e vihich i o p r o n c u n c e u i n Lctn

t h e hi(;:her c,nd t h e I c v . - r p a r t s oi the pir.ces ci


pronurci:.ticn ^urahv^;Jl.oLri, -^ r i ^ •J.I^I.FI j is c-1L-c

avrrit;:- ( circu:..i l e x ; . inub t h i s t i i i r a Kiin; ci ^ cc-r,t
c r dyllcitl':: i,3 ?; cuKibiriLtion o i l o t h I'jctur'oo ^i.
ud6 ttt^ .-nd 6nuclatt£ x e n t i o n e a in thf above ; iv jn
vjit r;^. a i 1 .11 ^, 1 iO ) .

i h i s t h i r d kina of accent i . e . s v a r i t a ylon'» iia'S

•I i ir,.- V-
i^c ri^^ti-^s. ;hf cc;,.t-.-:r.t.':tcr h f s o e s c r i b ^ ; ! i l i
t h e a ? v ^ r i e l i r s i n tine f c l l c v l n r ; s u t n s.

-^^'^ sy^^y^ - -'ekt,. pc.g'^ nici- purvfch aci.ya vu ^lli-j!_i.v "'

U«111/ yt; t'^s t h a t hcvirir- in the nsnie word
• -'K; V tacatf:c:h ; , c vcv-el vhici i s s^-vn v.ith tl
i ' ^ t t e r X "-^^ X ( Soyfckare sc -v:-k6re tfiay6iibni-h , i^
et'.ixeu tJaty^ -svfcritc- (ncLurcl circun^flex;. C-r r.'-! r l l y
i t i s precfcdeu by the (Treve a y l l o b l e (nicapurvoh; .
.-L;t i n soue v/crucs v;here t h e vc>;el i s Vi.iLi: ti " l^:ti--r Y.
or v; but v\ltnout ht-vin^ preceuec by ohe (jrt.ve syi-.-bl*',
thu svcjritc- syllcible o c c u r s . Fec^^use h e r e the '.'Ords
iiiavixi,^ s v a r i t a s y l l a b l e j are a t t h e betinnin.o o^ the
Acru. iiie cciii!:.entbtor h&s ...iven the i l l u s t r c . t i o n -
' aVaL' {^.j ^^1/01+J v»hich i s oi t h i s k.ina,»^ vhe vcv,":;! ja
..iiicr -• gc^s vvith v; , i s .-t the bo. i.-uiinid

oi the word. ihus i t i s not precadea by c,ny ^.irfcv-f

iwtter n e v e r t h e l ' e s o i t i s cfcllea t'etya-svc^ritf:.

ihe i'ollc,/ing i l i a a t r a t i o r i s - "dhanymn- [^ l/2Gi

anu 'kauya iva* {V_^ 17/97/ which nre cjuotea oy the
comip.entator, are f u l f i l l i n g a l l three conditions
a s c r i b e a by t h e p r e s e n t s u t r e ( 1 , 1 1 1 ) , In the case of
t h e word dheny^m, t h e vowel &, which i s wii,h one
l e t t e r ^.t i s preceded by grave &_ and i t is also
i n t h e same word. ihus obviously t h i s o nyg i s an
accent of the kind c e l l e d j£;tyg -^^vferite, Jimil;.r i?
th!^ case of the vcvvel nya in the i l l u s t r a t i o n -
^"c-nya i v a . ihuy i t i s ••Iso Jatyg - s v a r i t a .

•..hile corrii>-ntin en the s u t r i ' the coir.; ent ^.or

ht 5 cilso •-;uoted c- s t t n z a from Nciradc j i k s a ( 2 . 1 ;
wiiich a l s o d e f i n e s t h e term Jf.ty& i n th'=' sf.me w y.
I t means t h a t <. s v a r i t a which i s vvith the l e t t e r ^
o r v; r. na not preceded by u d a t t a i s called Jr<t.y.-^ -

The next s u t r a - " t a u c^c. u d a t t i V anua.-tt>:

s v a r i t a u " (A.61J Dean.? t h a t c c u t e P_ end £ v.hen

1. w.o-yaK.arcm si -yaiii ya yaay aksaraii. a Vcr i c ; . : •^fuvet

na c o d e t t a lit j-'urastasya j a t y a h sva rah gc uccy.'t -- //

{ I'S 2.1 ;

i'ollowed by grave a_ a r e changed i n t o s v a r i t a _e and o

re:j|:ti;ctivel>' , nu tl.f. fcllc'.\iii,_ ;rrc-v- l e t t - r <_ i.:.
aroppea i . e . ^ -*^ & ~ £ ; £"^2. ' £

Then t h e s u t r a - "edodbhyam akaro lug__abhi.nihitah"

(1.114; s t a t e s t h a t v;hen grave ^ X'ollowinA :.n acut^
e or £ i s dropped, t h e r e s u l t i n g , vowel (v/hich i s
describ'Jd by th^ above given s u t r a } i . e . £ or o ia
C^IIIPJ abhinihitc' svarita (absorbed circumflex).
Ti-'-: coijuuentt-tor Las given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

t'j ^ c.Vc-ijtu = t £ yantu ( :_j 1v/i>''/

ksMc] ^ _c_si_ = kd'si {-^^ 7/29)

In the f i r s t illustration, zY.e r c u t e £ f. 1 t£

i s .followed by the f r c v s ^ which i s dro^peu. ihus
ti.^. reruainin*, e' is svcrits v.hich i s callf=:.l r t h i n i h i t a .
>i...ilc r i s t h e case ol £ i n the o t h e r i l l u s t n t i o n -

i u r t h e r , the conur.entc.tor v,tnt.3 t c str^s.:. •: he

••;oS?nuiil conait-icn f o r abhinii itc svc^rit^ ( i.-:.
uQ&ttc.v.':nua&tte;. 'ihus t h e vowels £ er £ wl.icr '-r^.
:.clloveL. vy i.':n:ve p_ must be sn = c u t e . i t a.-cr.;:- L. •• u
m th-j absenst ol ti^e i-cute £ or £ f o i l c v - J by r -'6 £ ,

t h e a b h i r . i i 1^:- ov. rit-'j doru n e t t c k . ^.icce. ' h-

C v u x ^ n t c C c r J.c-s ..uotec.., Lh-^ count-r-€Xr;ii,ul- i n \.i icl.

t j ••'. o_ I v.hich ]:r=c-.u*^3 i_ t i s n o t t i c u t e c-nu ti>t \,^i i

t_ wiilch iollovvd _o, i s c:lrio n o t -^r^ve b u t fccute. 'J-us

t l . t - i r cc.:.lin; t i c n cnu\ot be u e s c r i L f - u «: s B.hir±rji('ii\-o

S"'"" x ' i t c i fe • ^"»

, .jveLM'yrj^+ c-GVoPptibhyah = c s v-1.r y c ' svi. pe.. t i ci.y:. 1. ' _"_ 1 6 / 2 4 )

'Ihe counter-exaiT)pl*> o r ;-ny remerk i n c vir-jt- i.v.

s t r - s s tri^ e s s ^ r t i r , 1 c c n ^ i t i L n stc.t-.v. t y tlse s u t i , is

iiot seeii i n t h - ccni;ientcry ci tht ^crli'r cci.i e n . . rfi

v i ; . '.vv£-t;. Liid • n r n t c . i-^ut i t ii; Lcunc. c n i y i r . r Ci

oy wtsnc-,- c on.il. e n t ;r r y .

I h e con.i.r-nti^tcr hc'o 3'-=l?ctea i ' u r t i . e r ti.'- 3utx'-_

v.'hich r e c o r a s one e x c e p t i o n t o t h e above rule.

' /1
ihe sutr^. - ''na d p a e b h ^ v c . t i ' ' {u,b2j stbt--., t.liat

t h e c o i i : t i n o t i o n oi' t h e v.,ord u e s ^ *• ^ hhhvk t is n-.-L

avarito. -.ven x u l i i i i i n f . th'.- c o n a i t i o n prebcril:.*^

by t h e r u l e fi.-i, thr l . - s t e_ O-t' th<^ v o r a a e s e i- ...u'utfc

-nci t n e l o l l o ^ i n , vowel a_ i s ^ r s v e ) t h i s co.,:bin.-ticri is

liwt o v a r i t t . . . ii.us thi;3 c o n i t i n o t i c n i., ;.• cc a- o,

'."vccepticn CO thv. abovn rul-- ( i + . c l ; ana t h u s i t is

c.»-:ntione^ by t h e sepr.r&te sutr;- e.,^r.

dese + abhavat = dese bhavat (V3 3 4 / 1 1 ;


iht: n'^xt oULra - •'' ua&ttaay ant.f:. sth ibhave

oVr:iai,cu. po.rc.>^ c^nuo.<utz<-.a. •' i4,if7> nieans t h a t when
i^arc cr ukax^a iiavinj_, an acute a c c e n t i s chan/:e(i
ii.to ^ cr ^ (i.*:;. semi vowel; r e s p e c t i v e l y , th^
i c l l c v d i i t i^rc.\c v c « e l leccni'^vs s v a r i t o .

^Lxs type 01 sv^.ritc i s t o be c s l l e a Ksfcff- r:

6v^rlt;- < f cccrdir-t; t c th'^ next sutrc:.

xhe j u t r c . - '' i-u-vfcrnc.u y^vj^-u Ksci;; r^. h • 1 1 . 11 5)

i^tctCc; tie t the vov..^.lo i. i..nu U
l v.Lich ^,ie ci-^n^ ^ ..„t,o
v_ , na V r e s p e c t i v - i l y end c o n i i n . u v.iti Li.fe i c l l ' - . !:•',
: r-. V:- vovel i-.re ci-.lleo ks^iurc jv; r i t e . ;h^ c^.:;. .•.f:,tor
hc.o ivon xollovviri; i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

, ^ . < • - , / ,
t r i + ^^riDciKoru = tryfaoiLc-.Kc.rf; [ y.^ J / o t j

ciru •< fcnnah = urvanntvh (VJ ^^/7^i

here i n th^^ l i r s t i l l u s t r c i t i c n j^ ci t r i v.jljh

I., r-cute i s ch£n^-^'a m t c j ^ i;na i t i s icllciv'-:-., ty t...e
trcv^- &_ 01 i-L.hi.ki-., ihus d i ' t e r t i . - i r cciiAir^tion >;., = ,
.i •^ ii ~ Z "* £ ~ Zii .' . t i i i o /£ leccai-.'s sv^rit;',
find i t i s c s l l e c k s o i r ro-sv£_ritf.-. . i n i l r r i s the c. j ; ;
ir. t h e i i l u s t x v t i c r i c l drvcnnrjh.

i'he next 3utr;' - "ivcrnnm ubhr^^ato hrqav.irr.

udottapurvciTi cnudattaparc'ii sv.^rltoa'- (4.133) in^?ns
Dhc-t a coaisscence (dJKya) of two s h o r t i_ VCA-I.";
of which the f i r s t i_ 1:^ acute and th-=; I c . t t - r i_ iv
..rave, i s circuinl'lex.

The next s u t r a - " i^ - varria ubhaysto hrasvaii

prasiistah" (l.libi s t a t e s t h a t t h e combinaticn ri
t h e two s h o r t 1^ vowels ( d e f i n e a f-s sveritcv by tha
r-tove r u l e ; i s Celled p r p s l i s t e sv£-rit& the fourth
kina ot svaritc^ a c c e n t . ihus t h e sutre. - i'/f-tr^ .
ubhtyctG hrc^svfch r r t s l i s t g h (1.116i means t h t i , in*
cOi..binc;tion of the tv.o s h o r t i_ i s a kino oi rcc-^nt
Colled 'preslistf' (contrcctea;. r o l l c v i n r t-r^^ ti-"
i l l u s t r t t i c n s g i v f r ty the* coiiauent:-tor -
s r u c i ->• i v a ^ sruciva ( /-J 2t/V';);

abi-.i t indhc-tpi:: = rbhinahsto:/. (_-_/ 1 1 / D 1 ,

in th'^se i l l u s L r t t i o n s tl-'^ lon^-; i^ wHc;l, i r ?•

CO...bin; t i e r , of i-Cute s h o r t i_ feno -.r; ve s h o r t _i_ i s
. r ^ s i i s t c : sv;-ribt-.

xh^ coi!.ii.-ini,t. t c r i;c:s !_iv-::n bi.e ccur t e r - / ; : pl^i

.l;>c .i.n v-hicr .xi- L1' the _i_ i s !:ct / h c r t ^ r.:: lh'.r~fL;rc
ti.<-ir cLiubin: t i o n ( i -^ i j i s not ci-Il-^u prf-^ali-sta
svc.ritr... :h" •rxci;.pl»^ i 3
( v i ; h i + ii/1 (iddhc n; = vl hliiloah^ h (V; Ik;/6,

rrasiiste • • — —————.
^- svai'itt' Loth 'i's v-hich t rr- tc be
cc'tiibiru a Liust be i n t h e lihort fom:.

but i n t h e case cf 'vlksitayc.;' i.-^. y i --

i k s i t a y a , though t h e r e i s sn obsence cl above ccrai-cion
I . e . one of the tv/O 'i^' i s Icn,-, t h e i r cofi.bin.'^-tic.r.
xy ce»li'^d rr&slists svarite. because t h e sutrr -
' v i k s i t a y a i t i ca' (4.134; s t c t e ^ thf.t the
coiibincition ei coth thes^ 'i_'5 i.-:^. i_ + a^ = i_ iv
svarite. ..ccordinf- to th«'^i corni'entc-tcr t h i s hrj-rfr,-
t-^'Ci-use ci nipet;: He:. '=. ^ .

/ - - ^ - i - 7 ..
vi + iksit<. y., [ svcb^ ; ^ vi'csitcy;' ( a^/clu,; ( . . .:?/'^)

-bus the Cc'se cl p n s i i a t e m Lhe v.crj. ^ vi:. .-itaye '

l o vyry p e c u i i c r <: s v.-eli ...b f'jccyptior.jl ^^na Lher-:.oi-e
;->v-|.c re t e l y lututicnet .

.he s u t r ; , - "udcnbtf-t canuac-tt:^!:i s v a r i t e ;'.'• '/,.135)

m-ons u-ccoruin;_. t.o Li>- coii.iiientc. t o r ; t r^^ve vcw^i
iOliovin> c.n .^ cute i s chcn ea i n t o cireuin:! 1 ^-^iA. li.e
co.'nri.entc tc-r r^ni rK - her'' t h - t th.is tyrjc- ( i circu., I''"'X I s
.•. 'cnr.- • k i n a s ri:,i;;«^'ly - t- i r o v y u r . j : r e , ti.'i v. vir-^uii.
irx.a uc^aavrtt'- . Jif^ comi-ent^tor l u r t h e r s^ys --h? t
•.(|,to no\v i o u r k i n a s ci bv;'ritf- >^.cc-nt ( i.^:. j.:t/?,

abhinlhlta, kseipra and praslista) tre already

describea. So heret-fter a discussion follows in which
the remaining three v a r i e t i e s are described.

The sutrfc - "svarevyanjanayutsh tairovyfc^n;:cnbh"

(1.117) means th&t 6 grave vovel which i s intervened
by a consonant and follows an acute becomes svarita
and i t i s called ^tairovy&njana s v a r i t a * . !ollcwin^
are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

is£ tva (VS 1/1)

urje tva (VS l / l )
' i , t
- — • • • ——III
• — —•l^••Wl^—
' " I •
(V5 10/22 J

In the cases of the illustrations 'i.s£ tva

and 'urjd' tva' the grave vowels ( •a.'s) which are
intervenea by the consonants 'tv_' and follow an acute
'_e^' in i^s£ and urje respectively are called tairo
tairovyanjana svarita. Dimilar ere the cases in the
illustrations in tistha, ratham and adhi.

The sutra - "udavagraha stairoviremah" (1.11^)

means that the svarita is called tairovirama svarita
when it is . followed by an acute vowel in
'avagraha'. While commenting on this sutra the
commentator first takes into consideri;tion the v.ord

Bvagrahe in the sutra and for the explanation of the

word avagraha he r e f e r s t o the sutra - "samesivagrahah
hrasvaaamaicalah" (5«1) which means t h a t avaj^raho takes
place in a compcunu and i s of the same duration aa that
of a short vowel. The commentator has also c l a r i f i e d
t h a t t h i s sutra (5»1i w i l l be described (vaksyate)
lurther {tuitlf-> C-i, /. Ihe reference to t h i s sutra makes
I t c l e a r t h a t as the rule 1.1l8 i s applicable only in
avagraha p l a c e s , the eniorcement of t h i s sutra i s only
with the compound words. Thus the 'tairovir^iffi^. ''^svarlta
takes placp only in compound words otherwise i t i s c a l l e a
tairovyanjana. - svarita only. ihus in other words the
sutra 1.11^ means t h a t tairovyanjana-svarita is
called tairovirama - s v a r i t a when i t i s icllowed by an
acute vowel coming at the end of the f i r s t m'^mber of e
compound. The commentator has given the follovving
illustrations -

yisva dhah » visvadhah (V3 l/2)

Lahu bhyem « bahubhyam (vJ l/lt^i

In the cage of visva-dhah the svarita vov,el

a which i s intervened by consonant 'uh^' and it
follows an acute ' a ' of visva whicii i s i n aya^rsha •
Thus the vowel ' a ' i s callec 'tairovirama-svarito.'

Same i s the cese in the next I l l u s t r a t i o n viz.

bbhu-bhygir>. ihus the vowel •£• l.s combined v i t h
the consonant ^bhy^ anvi i t follows the acute 'la'
which i s a t the ena of the f i r s t iBember of the compound.

The siitra - "vivrtilakuiuneh pedsvrtti-h" (1.11V')

m**an3 t h a t the circumflex i o Ccilled padavrttci wr.'^n a
vowel intervened by a h i a t u s ( v i v r t i ) follows an a c u t e .
While coiiirnenting on t h i s sutr£ , the commentator f i r s t
defines th*^; temi ' v i v r t i * es asamtiitasverantaram
vivrtih i . e . a gap between two vowels which are
conjoined. Thn commentator has referred to the d e f i i i t i o n
given i n the verse from Yajnavalkya Siksa (94). Ihe
verse means t h a t ' v i v r t i ' should be understood i n such
cases where there i s no euphonic combination in t'.vo
vowels near each other e . g . ya ime^ (VS 29/34).

2. Qvayc stu svarayormadhye

sandhiryatra na drs/ste

vivrttistatra vijneya ye ime

ca nidarsenein

- Xi 94.

Further, the corrimentator has given i l l u s t r a t i o n s

Tor the proper explanation of Padavrtta s v a r i t a .
i ' '
te asya (VS 2 7 / l 7 ) ; ^ Ln (VS 23/55;

In the f i r s t i l l u s t r a t i o n : , there i s no eupi-icnic

combination between e. "•• £• They are intervened by
' vivrti '. Thus a^ which follows the acute *£' bcco*a'^-3
svtriti.- of the kind F s d a v r t t s . 'Jimil£r i s the ca3e in
th'=^ otb'='r i l l u s t r a t i o n , £ follows an dcute a, "nd
i t remains unccmbined with a_. 3c t h i s i_ also becomes
s v a r i t a which i s cellpd Padavrtta.

hare ends the a e s c r i p t i o n or seven kinas/vaxdeties

uf s v a r i t a s y l l a b l e as well as oi the a i l f e r e n t kinds
of accent in g e n e r a l .

The next sutra - "hastena t e " (1.121) states

that a i l these accents i . e . acute e t c . are i n a i c a t e d oy
means of hana. The connnentrtor while comtnenting on
t h i s sutra has given a c l e a r iae? of iridic'.tlnj': rhese
tnree kinas of accent. nt f i r s t , he hes remarKea that
iifcvint, nela the elbovv' at the j o i n t oi r i g h t knee and
tnigh ^ one should hold the horid witii i t s palm up^vtrds
and four l i n g e r s folded, here without giving a
quotacion, he has siiiiply stated that i- /. : i . this
description fr:m the y . i .

3-A. Hastau tu samyatau dharyau janvoruperi samsthitau (


The commentator further has given the procedure

of indicating the acute, grave and the circumflex accent


Thus he has stated that the acute accent is to be

shown by the hand raised to head. But when this acute

is followed by the grave, then it (acute) is to be shown

by the hand raised up to the left eyebrow. Here the

commentator has quoted a portion from ]f3 (108) which

means that when the grave follows the acute, one should

proceed from the left eye-brow.

Hie grave should be shown by hand raised to heart

with palm downwards.

The circumflex should be shown ivlth the hand held

in between the positions of these two i.e. between the

head and the hearty viz. et the level of the root of the


•f-^ '—r - _ , " • -A- .. "'.'Up

3 ft Udattadanudatte tu vamaya bhruva arabhet

- Yi (10«)

The commentetor here hes quoted the portion from

- . 4
the Pratijna-'Sutraf which also states that the grave,

should be shown with the hand held at the heart, the

acute should be shown with the hand held at the head, and

the circumflex should be shown with the hand held at the

root of the ear.

The commentator has completed his cosui^ent on the

sutra - "hastena te" (1.121) here.

The next sutra selected by the commentator mentions

one moz*e peculiarity in indicating the circumflex by hand.

The sutra - "enudattam cet purvem tiryak nihatya

kiinvasya" (1.123) means that according to the opinion

of kanva, the position of hand should be oblique only

in a way similar to that when one offers to Pitrs

when the circumflex is preceded by the grave.

The commentator, while comxr<enting on this sutra,

has clearly statea that this peculiarity of indicating

the circumflex can take place only in the cases of the

first four kind of circumflex (which sre preceded by

the grave) viz. Jatya, abhinihita, ksaipre and Frasllsta.

The remaining three varieties of the circumflex viz.

4» Hrdyanudatto murdhnyudattah srutimule svaritah

( Pr.^-5)

tairovyanjana. t&lrovirama and the Padavrtta can

take place only when the acute precedes a grave. So
t h e r e i s no p o s s i b i l i t y a t a l l in these cases to
i n d i c a t e these v a r i e t i e s by the oblique-hand.
Thus the coirdsentator has quoted the illustrations
of the first four kinds of the circumflex which are
preceded by the grave accent e.g.
Jatya - dhanyaai (V^ l/20) ; rajasvah (VS 10/6)

Abhinihita - (gclattlke) te'psarasam (VS 24/37) ;

svatro'si (V3 5/31)

Ksaipra - devyetu (VS 33/'?9); apsvagne (VS 12/36)

Praslista - diviva (VS 6/5)

So these four kinds of circumflex which are preceded

by a grave can be indicated by oblique position of the
hand, in the opinion cf kanva school.

It Is noticeable that our ccounentatcr has not

quoted any illustration of the other variety ( i.e.

kevala svaritas which are not preceded by any accent)

of these first four kinds of circumflex.

Thus according to our coouuentator, the circumflex

of these first four kinds which are preceded by grave

only are to be indicated by the oblique position of the

hand in the opinion of kanva-schcol. These circumflex

are shown by double underline sign in the above quoted


It may be noted here that while conx&enting on the

present autra, the earlier conimentator viz. Uvvata

has stated 'the circumflex accents which are preceded

by acute (udattapurvah) are not indicated by the

6 t'^
oblique hand ..* and^^has quoted illustrations also

to support his statement. This statement does not seem

to be necessary as far as the subject matter which is

6. cf. - udattapurve na bhavati i yatha

pancadaso vyoma (V3 14/23)

katidha vyakalpayan (VS 31/IO)

Uvvata on - '^anudattam cet ., ' (VP_ 1.123)


dealt with by the present autrat ta considered because

it has been already statea that these four kinds of

circumflex take place only when they are preceded by

grave accent or when they are not preceded by any

accent. Thus the circumflex which is preceded by acute

cannot be a case of these first four kinds of circumflex

at all. Therefore the manner of indicating these four

kinds of circumflex which are preceded by grave is only

prescribed by the present sutre, according to our


The next sutra - "rjunnihatya pranihanyate udatte"

(1,124) states that when these four kinds of circumflex

accents (i.e. jatya etc.) which are preceded by grave but

are followed by an acute one should press down the hand

straight and then let it sink further down. At this time,

the position of the hand should be similar to thet at the

time of giving in a human way (manusyadanevat).

The commentator has quoted following illustrations -

Jatya - dutyamavatam (VS 2/9); rajasvescitanah (V3 10/1)

Abhinihita - arnave'ntarikse (VS 16/55);

prathaci^'ntah (V3 23/63);

abhinihita - a^.-r^-fX^ , yso^.-^^r. ,


^ Kfaipra - yuyodhyaamat (VJ. 12/43); apavantafa(VS 8/25)

For the Prasllsta type of circumflex, the

commentator has quoted the illustration from Padapatha
diviveti divi iva (VS 6/5)

In a l l these above quoted i l l u s t r a t i o n s the

circumflex i s precedea by grave and i s followed by an
acute. Thus t h i s circumflex i s indicated by the manner
aa pirescribed by the present s u t r a .

Here the ccutimentator wants to c l a r i f y t h a t the

circumflex which i s preceded by grave (anudattapurvah)
i s an e s s e n t i a l condition for i n d i c a t i n g it as
prescribed by the present s u t r a .

Thus according t o our comrr.entator, while

i n d i c a t i n g the f i r s t four kinds of s v a r i t a s ( i . e . J a t y a
etc.) which are preceded by grave and are followed
by acute only, one should press down the hand s t r a i g h t

Ksaipre - ^^^^^^^j^^j^,,^ j jiuvM>c!-. |


Praslista - fgcfjc>rdr^rc( f^

and then let it sink further down as it has been stated

by the present sutra.

The coBunentator further has quoted the counter-

examples also in which the circumflex is followed by
an acute but it is not preceded by grave (or any accent)
because the words having circumflex accent are at the
beginning of the pade. Therefore it is not indicated
by the above prescribed manner e.g.

svarna {\[3_ lS/50)

so*ham (VS IJ^/35)

These i l l u s t r a t i o n s arB s i g n i f i c a n t because in these

cases one can n o t i c e t h a t the circumflex even though i t i s
followed by the a c u t e , s t i l l i t i s not preceded by any
accent* Thus according to the comiiuentator i t i s not
i n d i c a t e a by the above prescribed manner. Therefore i t
becomes very c l e a r t h a t by using the words -anudav;tcipurvah
kim '' the commentator wants to s t a t e t h a t the kevala-
svaritaa ( i . e . the other variety of the f i r s t four kinds
of circumflex) vuhich are not preceded by any accent are
not indicated by p r e s s i n g down the hand s t r a i g h t but the
only circumflex of the f i r s t four kinds which are preceded

by grave ( when ,_ followed by the acute ) are

only indicated by the prescribed manner by the
present sutra»

The next sutra - ^nihltg.giudetttAaverltgperam"(4»136)

s t a t e s t h a t a circumflex accent becomes grave vviH^^n
followea by an acute or a circumflex. The commentator
has not quoted any i l l u s t r a t i o n h e r e .

The next s u t r a - " c a t v a r e s t i r y a k avaritah « (1.122)

means t h a t the f i r s t four kinds of circumflex ( i . e . Jatya,
a b h i n i h i t a . ksaipra and P r a s l i s t a ) are t o be indicated
by the oblique posture of the hand.

According to the commentator, the present sutra

s t a t e s t h a t the Jatyadi circumflex accents both which
are preceded by grave (anudattapuryah) and those which
are not preceded by any accent (kevalah), are to be
indicated by the oblique posture of the hand.

fchile commenting on t h i s s u t r a . the commentator has

steted t h a t the same manner of i n d i c a t i n g these Jatyadi
circumflex i s already implied by the previous autre -
"anudfcttam cet . . . " (1.123) s t i l l i t i s prescribed by
the present sutra repeatedly for s e t t i n g aside the
r e s t r i c t i o n / l i m i t a t i o n - ^the circumflex which is
preceded by grave' (anudattatva - badhanartham ) prescribed

by the r u l e 1,123. Therefore according to our

coranentator the present sutra (1.122) i s an exception
t o the sutra 1.123. The commentator has further
stated that the sutra - * rjunnihetya " (1.124)
i s an exception to t h e present sutra 1.122.

Th6)7 the comiDentstor has summcalsed a l l t h i s d e t a i l e d

descz*iption of circuatflex with the d e f i n i t e statements
i n the following way. e.g.
(Ij The three circumflex accents viz.. Tairovy&njanajTIM'Vy)
Tairoviraaa and Padevrtta " are changed i n t o grave, when
— — — — — — f t . — — ^

they are followed by the acute or the circumflex a c c e n t s .

The commentator has given both types of i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

a) The thr«e circumflex accents nemely Taiyy, l a i v i and

pjtvr which are followed by the acute accents ere
changed i n t o grave. e.g.

J 1 i I - f
Taivy - dhamna d r t hasva • dhemna dr^hasva (V3 1/2)

laivi - atsubhyam gabhastiputah = atsubhyam

Kabhastiputah (VS 7 / l )

Pavr - ka im " Jca ! » f pant ham i (73 23/55)

In these i l l u s t r a t i o n s the circumflex accents of

J i '
fflBAt ^hya and I are followed by the acute accents
dr, ga end pa respectively. Thus they ere changed i n t o
grave accents*
b) Hiese thrae circumflex accents are changed i n t o grave
because of the following circumflex -

yena svati (VS 32/6) ;

Jenavadinain yyrdhyai (V3 30/1?)

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n *yena svah' the circumflex of

na i s changed i n t o grave because of t h e following
circuffiflex accent svah.

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n - *Janavadinam vyrdhyai* also

the circumflex of na(,H i s changed into grave because
i t i s followed by the circumllex - vyr.

(2) The comcientator f u r t h e r has s t a t e d t h a t the circumflex

accents v i z . J a t y a , a b h i n i h i t a . ksaipra and Praslista —

10, ^^ ^^t 1 .,T^zrTi^.^ o^^§- (


which ere precedsa by grave accent and followed by acute

accents should be Indicated by pressing down the hand
s t r a i g h t as i t i s stated in the previously mentioned
sutra — 1•124 -

(3) But these four kinds of circumi'lex i . e . Jatya etc.

(which are preceded by grave) i f followed by grave or
circuiiillex , should be indicated by the oblique p o s i t i o n
of the hand.
a) The coouuentator has given following illustration
in which Jatya s v a r i t a i s followed by a grave
accent e.g.
vidatfaya ^. sabheyam (VS 34/21)

Thus t h i s circuiTiflex of thya i s t o be indicated

by the oblique p o s i t i o n of the hand.

b) The coomentetor has not c i t e d such passage as would

i l l u s t r a t e that jatyadi circtimflex which i s preceded
by grave and i s followed by circumflex.

11. f^is^^^ :^'^-zh^ f


12 ,
The following i l l u s t r a t i o n can be JjVe^ IV\ OY<\ty
1. -^ t o explain t h a t the circumflex i s preceded by
& grave and i s followed by the circumflex, e.g.
1^ , - . - -. ,. 1.. i~.> -
(an.1anai abhyabhyanjana (VS 17/79-'Jatapatha)

In t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n , one can notice t h a t the f i r s t

bhya (Jatya s v a r i t a ) i s preceded by a grave accent
and i s followea by a circumflex ( i . e . the l a t t e r bhya)
Thus t h i s f i r s t bhya i s indicated by the oblique
p o s i t i o n of the hand.

Then the coBOjentstor has mentioned fcllcvdrig

circumflex accents which are changed i n t o grave.

(4) The circumflex accents which are preceded by
acute and followed by circumflex, change i n t o grave.
The commentator has not quoted i l l u s t r a t i o n ; but i n the
following i l l u s t r a t i o n t h i s change csn be observed -

vi svah svarvi (VS 7/45 Jata-patha)

'^^* sv&rite udattapurvah anudattah

14. Kj

The circumflex which i s shown by double-underlinM

sign, i s preceded by acute and i a followed by the
circumflex sygr Thus the double-underlined circumflex
i n sva^ i s changed into grave.

(5) The circumflex accents (Kevalah) which are not

preceded by grave or any accent (as they are at the
beginning of a pade i . e . Kevala-svaritas)
but are
followed by acute accents ar« changed i n t o grave. The
comiaentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

svama (VS 1^50)

so'ham (V3 1«/35)

In these illustrations the circumflex accents of

avafa and ^ are changea into grave accents es they
are followed by acute accents.

(6) The circumflex accents which are preceded by acute

accents and followed by acute accents, change into grave

15. udEtte - kevalah. ud£tts -purvah,

svarita-purvah va anudattah

16. ^^cf I ^ s i n ^ (
accents. The commentator has ^ v e n following I l l u s t r a t i o n s f
t o explain t h i s change -

vi svah pasya (VS 7/45)

urvantariksam (VS 34/22)

Here in these cases the circumflex of •svah' snd

*£3[S.' ^^^ changed into grave as tiiey are preceded by
the acute end are followed by acute r e s p e c t i v e l y .

(7) The circumflex which are preceded by circumflex

and follovired by acute also change into grave. Here
again the cominentator has not quoted any i l l u s t r a t i o n .

In the follovdng i l l u s t r a t i o n t h i s change can be
observed e.g.

# vi svah svarvi' (VS 7/45 Jata)

In t h i s case the former svah i s circumflex, the

l a t e r svah I s a l s o cijrcumflex. Thus t h i s l a t e r svah
which i s preceded by the clrcuml'lex and i s followed by
the acute of the l a t e r vi^ i s changed into ?;rave.

17. # ^FT: ^ ^ 1 .STT^xi^Ttf^ j

18. f^ :5^; :^^rf I


((^) The commentator f u r t h e r has stated t h a t the

circufiiflex accents which are followed by the grtve
accents do not chan^,e into grave. He has quoted
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

dryannah (V^, 11/70); Try-ambakam (VS 3/60)

In these cases^ the circumflex keyals s v a r i t a

i s not changed into grave because i t i s followed by a

(9) The commentator has stated t h a t the circumflex

which i s preceded by acute and followed by the grave,
a l s o does not change into grave. He has not Quoted
any i l l u s t r a t i o n h e r e . Following example would
explain the fact e . g .

: j ^ maha stha (VS 3/20)

Th€ commentator mentions one more case further i n

which the circumflex i s preceded by e circumflex and
i s followed by grave. Thus i t does not get any change.
Here also he has not quoted any i l l u s t r a t i o n .

19. '^^^: 1 '=^37T5T7TvFr (

20. Tf^ asir (


But in the following i l l u s t r a t i o n one can notice
t h a t the circumflex which i s preceded by circumflex and
i s followea by grave does not chtnge into grave e.g.
' .^.
^ s r a u t r i srautranustup (VS 13/57 Jat£-£athaJ

Then the commentator has l i s t s a the c a s ' s whicli £>re

already explained by him in the above given discussion
without quoting the i l l u s t r a t i o n s , with the remark t h a t
these i l l u s t r a t i o n s should be obtained from Jata-patha. ^
Following are these cases -

i) The circumflex which are preceded by grave and ere

followed by circumflex are indicated by the oblique
p o s i t i o n of the hand.

ii) The circumflex which are preceded by acute and are

followea by the circumflex cbanpe into grave.

21. "^r^ ^^'T^x 1

Tbe^^cases which are not i l l u s t r a t e d by the

comiii^atator are shown ty, s t a r marked sign.

I have t r i e d to supply these proper i l l u s t r a t i o n s

from Jata-'pathfi fbev J c nof- c<:cu» lo J-^/o^^soa.

iii) The circumflex which are pr-scedea by the circumflex

and are followed by the acute change into grave.

iv) The circumflex which are preceded by acute and are

followed by the ^rave do not change into grave

v) The circumflex which are preceded by the circumflex and.

are followed by the grave do not change into >,rave*

Here the comi.entator has completed the detailed

description of the third variety of syllable ( i.e.

The commentator has now selected the two sutras

jointly to comment on them. Thus the sutras ere -
"svaritat param anudattam" and "anekamspi" (4«139, 140]
According to the ccmiuentator these sutias mean that the
^rave accent or accents which are preceded by the
circumflex are to be pronounced in the 8aa» tone (ekaaruti) '
The commentator has stated further that this grave accent
or accents which follow the circumflex are celled Fracaya
by the Veidikas and they are indicated by the hand
raised to the tip of the nose. The comn:entator has
supported his statement by quoting the passage

from Y.i.(51«1)^ which means that the Pracaya is
t o be shown by hand r a i s e d to the t i p of the nose. He
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

^^ Yajnapatih (V3 6/11); adya rsa areseya (VS 2 l / 6 l )

1%9 next sutra - "nodattasvaritodayam" (4.141)

r e s t r i c t s the above r u l e . I t s t e t e s t h a t the grave
when follows the circumflex but i s followed by an acute
or circufliflex i s not pracaya (but i s grave only).
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

/ 1

llf dr^'- hasva ma (VS, 1/2)

£ tanacffii visnc (Vo l / 4 )

sadanyam vldathyam (VS 34/21)

In the f i r s t i l l u s t r a t i o n , the grave a^(of sva) is
following the circunii'lex a, of (ha) but i s followed by
an acute £ (of ma). Therefore t h i s r-.rave e_ which i s
double underlined remeins grave. I t i s not pracayfa.

In the second i l l u s t r a t i o n the greve l e t t e r s £

(of na) and i (of cmi) follow the circumflex.

22. Pracayam nasagra eva ca (Y^ 51.1)


The grevs £ of na I s followed by the grave i^.

Therefore i t i s pracaye. But the grave 1^ i s not
pracaya because i t i s followed by ecute i^ (of vi^j
Thus i t i s grave.

In the t h i r d i l l u s t r a t i o n , the grave a of da

( i n v|dathyafliy i s following the circumflex but i s
followed by the circuaiflex thyd» Therefore i t i s also
not pracaya.

The next sutra - "svaritavan avaritah ' (4.131)

prescribes t h a t the coalescence of vowels ona of which
i s circumflex becomes circumflex. The commentator has
given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

iii * IM • atihi (V3 3/6l)

pathya + Ive « pathyeva (VS 1l/5)

In the f i r s t i l l u s t r a t i o n s i the coalescence of

both the grave i,, i s grave 1 and as i t i s preceded by
acute a,, i t becomes circumflex.

In other i l l u s t r a t i o n the coalescence of thya

i . e . jatya s v a r i t a + grave jL i s changed i n t o s v a r i t a

thye according to the present s u t r a .


The autre - "udattaven udatteh (4.132) means t h a t

coalescence of vowela of which one i s acute is acute.
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

ma + antarikaain " manterikaaffi (VS 11/45)

grhnaml + indraya » grhnamindraya (VS ^/47)

annapate + annasya - annapete*nnasya (VS 1l/^3)

sunave | + agne | » sunave*jj:n£ (VS 3/24)

adyutye \* a vase ' - adyutye vase (VS 34/29)

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n s - mantariksant, grhnaflilndiZya

and annapate nnasya the coalescence of a. + a» i • i
^^ S. * £ respectively i s acute according to the
present s u t r a .

About the i l l u s t r a t i o n s - "sunave*Kne * end

'adyutye'vase' the commentator has s t a t e d t h a t here
both the s u t r e s ( i.e« 'avaritftvan svaritah' and
the present autre) are applicable heire because ve of
sunave and tye 6f adyutye are circumflex but as
the rule ' v i p r a t i s e ''' pa ram • {1.159 1C6)
S t a t e s t h a t in the case of opposition of tv.o r u l e s of
equal force the l a t t e r of the two is e f f e c t i v e ' the
l a t t e r rule i . e . the present sutra i s only applicable here.

Here ends the chapter - 'sandhi-svarah' .



Now, in the fourth chapter of the Jyotana commentary,

the corijiientator has selected those Pretlsakhys-sutras
which state the rules regaraing the euphonic combinations
between two consonants. The sutres giving lists of
particular cases regarding the euphonic comtiinations
between two consonants are also included in this chapter.

The first sutra of this chapter which is selected

by the commentator is - *takaravsr&ah cakaravar^e
cakaravargam* (4.94)• The sutra thus means that the five
t,-class consonants when followed by £-class consonants ere
changed into ^-class consonants. While commenting en this
sutra the commentator has made it clear that the words
•takaravargah' and 'cakeravargem' should be taken as
sthanin (original word/syllable) and adesa (a substitute)
respectively, ihus the t-class consonants when followed
by £oclass consonants are changed into £>class consonants
in their respective order (yathasamkhyam) e.g. if the last
syllable of the first word will be a consonant of jb-class
and is followed by a consonant from £-clas3, then it will
be changed into the respective consonant of £ - C 1 G S S
(i.e. the first of t^-class consonants is changed into
the first of £-class; the second into the second and
so on).
The commentator further remarks that the words -
'cakaravarge' end *t6kar&vergah* should not be
understood as nimltta (cause) and karyin (effect)
respectively, beceuse the next sutra - (i.e. sekare
ca.' (4«95)) is actually B remaining portion of this
sutra (4.94) only and it prescribes one additional
nimltta i.e. £• Thus the niaiittas viould become 6 in
number (five £-class consonents + £) whereas the
karyins would remain % in number. The comrrientator
has stated that it is necessary to divide the sutra
(yogavibhaga) so that the words takarevargah and
cakaravarg&m will continue in the next sutra. For the
proper explanation of this sutra, the commentator has
given following illustrations - yat + C£ (aham) = yaccaham
(VS Vl3)
acchat + chandah • acchacchandah (VS 15/5)

anu + ut + Jesam * anujjesam (VS 2/15)

3atrun ' jayetu « satrunjayatu (VS 5/37)

In the first two illustrations the letter •t^' of

the first words in the combinations is followed by £
and £h respectively and is changed into £ (i.e. the first
letter of the t^-class consonants is changed into the
first letter of the £-cless consonants). In the
illustration - 'aniajjesam', the last letter d of the
first word is changed into J i.e. the third of t-class

consonants i s changed i n t o the t h i r d of £ - c l a s s

consonants. Similar i s the case of n in the l a s t

The next sutra - 'sakere ca' (4.95) means t h a t the

t^-class consonants when followed by £ also are changed
i n t o £-cla8s consonants. The coiafficnt£tor has given the
following i l l u s t r e t i o n :

adityan + sm&srubhih = adityinsmasrubhih (V3 25/1)

Here n of adityan i . e . the f i f t h consonent of the

t-cless consonants i s followed by £ of smasrubhih.
Thus i t i s changed i n t o ri i . e . the f i f t h of £-cl&ss

The sutra "'parascasparsaparascham (4.96) states

t h a t the l e t t e r s_ which follows a consonant of t^-class
at the end of words changes i n t o ch_, i f followed by
other than a mute. The cooimentator has also c l a r i f i e d
t h a t a ;^-cla3S consonant which precedes •£' change^ i n t o
a £ - c l a s s consonant. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s
given by the comrr.entator :

yat + sudre « yacchudre (Vi> 20/17)

kusman + sakapind^ih = kusmanchakapindaih (V3 25/7)


Here in the first case, £ which is preceded by t^,

is followed by a vowel u, (i.e. £ ia not followed by
any mute consonant). Thus s^ changes in ch^, and t^ - the
last letter of the first word (i.e. j^at) changes into £.
Thus the form becomes - •Yttcchudrej. Similar is the
case in the other illustration - kusaanchekapindaih.

Here the coauiientator wants to make it clear that

'jB' followed by a consonant other than mutes is an
essential condition for this operation, because in the
case of adityansmesrubhih one can notice that £ of
smaarubhih is followed by m (i.e. a mute conson&nt)
and it remains as it is. (i.e. it is not changed into ch)

Then the commentstor has selecteo the sutra -

^*nuh'' (3»134} which according to him is an adhikars«^sutre.
Thus the sutra means that in the following sutras n is
to be taken as understood.

The commentator again has selected another

adhikera-autra - ^anunasikamupadha * (4.3) which means
that in the following modii'ications - 'the penultiB«ite
vowel is nasalised' > is to be taken as understood.

The next sutrs - ^'^'cechayoh £am'^(3.135i means

that '£» becomes '£' when follov/ed by £ or ch^ and its
penultimate vowel is nasalised. The commentator has
given following illustrations -
tan + cakre « te'S^scakre (VS 3l/6)
arvan + chant si » arva'vschantsi (Vj 2.9/}5)

In the first illustration n is followed by £.

So it becomes £ according to this sutra and its
penultimate vowel is nasalised. Thus we get the form -
Wtscakre. Similar is the c^se in the other illustretion.
There £ is followed by cli. The conimentator has made it
clear that the illustration - arvan + chantsi is taken
frcan jata-type of recitation.

The sutra - 'tathayoh sam» (3«136) means that

n becomes £ when it is followed by t^ and th; and its
penultimate vowel is nasalised. The commentator has
given the following illustre^tions -

asman + t£ » asma'^ste (V3 17/l)

paaun + tan = pasu^stan (VS^3l/6)

In both these illustrations £ is followed by £.

llius the letter £ is changed into £ and its penultimate
vowel is nasalised.

The sutra *dadhanvan avavan yakare lopam«(3.l37)

mentions one peculiarity of tha final letter n of the
words - aadhanvaa end svavan which i3 followed by the
letter ^. The autra thus means that the final n in the
words - dadhjanvan and svavan is dropped when it is followed
by ^. Here the penultimate vowel is also not nasalised.
The coomentator has referred to the quotation from
Varna-ftatna - Pradipa-iiksi (130)'!' for this statement.
It is said in this quotation that the penultimate vowel
is always naaclisod ?»xcept tho vowel a_, wh'^n it precedes
n which is to be dropped. The caiuiontator has given
the illustrations -

dedhanvan + yah " dadhanva yah (V3 19/«i)

svavan + yatu = sveve yatu (V3 34/26)

Here the final letter n of van in both places

is followed by 'j^'. Thus it is dropped and its
penultimate vowel is not nasalised.

The next sutra « '^rayivrdhe ca*^ (3»13f^) also

Bientions one mere peculiar case about n. It is stated

svfaranam anunasikyam pratijananti sarvada

verjayitva tam akaram yatra lopo vidhiyate

(VRP^ 130)

i n t h i s 3Utra t h a t the f i n a l n i s also aropped when

followed by the word *reyivrdhah*. The example given
by the coaunentator i s -
pivo annan * rayivrdheh " pivo enna rayivrdhah (VS 27/23)

Here the f i n a l £ of 'annan ' i s dropped as i t i s

followed by the word reyivrdhah (and i t s penultimate
vowel i s not n a s a l i s e d } .

The autrs - *nrn pakare viafcrjaniyfem'^ (3*141)

means t h a t the f i n a l n of the word rirn becomes
visarjaniya (h) when ' j j ' follows; and i t s penultimate
vowel i s n a s a l i s e d . The illustrc>tion given by the
conimentator i s -

nra * P6hi - nr^h pahi (V^ 13/52)

Here in t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n the f i n a l li of nnji is

changed i n t o visarjaniya (h) and i t s penultimate vowel
i s nasalised.

Then the next sutra - * satrunperidhin-kratun-

vanaspatin^svare repham* {3»142) s t a t e s t h a t the f i n a l
n in the v.'ords - Pet run, p a r i d h i n , kretun and vanaspatln
bQComes £ when followed by e vowel and i t s penultimate

vowel i s n a s a l i s e d . The comiaentatcr has given the

following i l l u a t r c t i ' j n s -

sat run + apa •" satmlS^ repa (VS 7/37)

pariahin + apornu • pfcridhi^Trapornu (VS 19/53)
kratun + anu « kr^tuVranu (V^ 19/4Ci)
vanaspatin + anu » vanaspatitranu (y.:> 13/7)

In the f i r s t case, £ of satrun i s changed i n t o £

because of the following vowel 'a,' in apa and its
penuitimtt^i vowel i s n a s a l i s e d . J i m i l a r are the cases
in other i l l u s t r & t i o n s .

The next sutra - 'ak^ropadho yakaraai' (3»143)

s t a t e s one more change in the lattr^r n» The sutra means
t h a t the f i n a l l e t t e r n, preceded by '£* bscomes ^
when a vowel followii and i t s penultlinate vowel becomes
nasalised. The i l l u s t r d t i o n given by the commentator i s

yan • £ vahah » yaXy £ vehah

here in t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n n which i s preceded by

' s ' and fGllov;ea by a vowel {£) i s changed i n t o v^.
Thus we get the form - ya'ty + i vahah. The comment.^^tor
has s t a t e d here t h a t in the second stage ]^ i s dropped
according to the rule - *yaveyoh pedantayoh . . . ' (4.125)

by which i t i s said t h a t the f i n a l ' y ' i s dropped when

between two vowels. Thus we get the iorm f i n a l l y -
ya^a vahah« The coninsentator has f u r t h e r s t a t e d thfct
because the rule - "na parah . . . . " 3«4 (/^'' J
i s not valid (asiddhfc) and because i t belongs to another
s e c t i o n , operation cf emitting the n a s a l i s a t i o n of the
penultimate vowel w i l l not be taking p l s c e .

The next sutra - '^na^ tame" (3,144) means t h a t n

remains unchrnged a-'hen the word tama follows. The
commentator has al30 s t a t e d here t h a t the dutras 3,144-146
are exceptions t o the s u t r a -'^tathayoh sam*' {3»136j in
which i t i s s t a t e d t h a t n beccmes ^ when followed by the
l e t t e r t^ «nd tii. The commentator has also given the
i l l u s t r a t i o n i n which one can notice t h a t n i s not changed
because of the following word tama e.g.

madin + tamanam - madin tamenam (VS ^/h^)

The next autre - *nir jaganvan t&masi* (3.145)

a l s o means t h a t the f i n a l ri of the word nirjaganven
remains as i t i s when followed by the wora tamas. rh«
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the commentator i s -

- / i /
nirjai^anvan • tamasah » nirjagagyan tamasah (VS I2/13)

"^^ 8^^^^ ~ "dhaman-satrun-cikltvan tvam -pusen>

arvann I t l ca" (3•146) a l s o mentions five v/ords ending
with n remain unchanged. The comment.-^tor has c l a r i f i e d
here t h a t i n these five words, *cikitvan tvem' (V3 29/25)
i s a case of special type because n of the word cikitvan
remains unchanged only when i t i s lollovved by the word
tvaja and otherwise not. Thus the conmentator h£s given
a counter-example a l s o i n which n of c i k i t v a n which i s
followed by the word tamasi {oth^r then tva?>)j does not
remain unchanged but i t does undergo £ change and becomes
^ and i t s penultiioate vowel i s nasalised according t o
the rule 3«136 e.g.
c i k i t v a n + tamasl = cikitva-cstasmai {V3 7/15)

The i l l u s t r a t i o n for remaining four words which ere

quoted by the comcientator as follows -
i i

dhaaan •'• t £ » jh/man t e (VS 17/99)

satrvm + tadhi - aatrun t a d h i (VS 1^71)

pustm + :^ava " yuaOn tava (VS 34/41)

arvan • tava " arvan tava (VS 29/22)

We can see in these cases t h a t ri of the f i r s t word

remains unchanged.

The next sutra - asvedau cadhyaye* (3»147)

prescribes that in the adhyaya beginning with asvah,
n preceded by a regains unchanged when a vowel follows.

lAhile conuTienting on this sutra. the ccmmentator

has clariliea that for the proper meaning of this sutra.
the words 'akaropadhah* (3«H3) and svare (3-142) should
be taken as understood (anuvrtti) from abovementioned

Thus the sutra would mean that in the words in

the adhyaya beginning with the word asvah (i.e. the 24th
adhyaya of V&j.Sanihita) the final ri preceded by £,
remains unchanged when a vowel follows. The commentator
has given the following illustrations -

rsyan + alabhate » rsyanalabhate (VS 24/27)

i - , / „ i .. , / . ^ .
casan + asvibhyam - casanasvibhyam (VS 24/24 J

The commentator has further stated that the sutraa

3.147-149 are exceptions to the sutra 3.143. The
commentator has also clarified that 'svare* is also an
essential condition for the operation prescribed by the
present sutra, because in the cas"^ where the letter n,
even though it is preceded by £ but not following a vowel;

i t does not remain unchi^ngeci; but g e t s some other change* I

prescribed by the other r u l e {3»136). The conimentator
has given following counter-example -

gavayan + t v a g t r e - ga vayatst vast re (VS 24/2^)

Here n of gavayah i s preceded by £ but i t i s not
^— ' '

followed by a vowel. (It is followed by t^). Thus it is

changed into ^ (according to the sutra 3•136) and its
penultimate vowel is nasalised.

The next sutra - aianusyan-tanlokan-emitran-udi

(3«14^) means that the final n in the words - manusyen,
tan, lokan and acdtran remains as it is when followed
by ut^. Following are the illuatrfetions given by the
commentator -

manusyan • ut • manusyanut (V3 9/31}

tan • ut •= tanut (VS 9/31)

lokan + ut - lokanut (V3 9/31)

airdtran • ut » amitranut (VS 1l/f^2)

The sutra - apnotityoscfc (3*149) means that n

preceded £ remains as it is when followed by apnoti

end *itJL*. The commentfctor hea given the following

illustrations -

i _ /-
praisan + apnoti - preiaanapnoti (VS 19/l9)

arapayan •*• iti • srapayaniti (VS lf/59)

The next sutrfe - 'grhanalmi iatebhiriti* (3.151)

gives list of twenty live word-groups in which the final
n of the first words remains unchfcngea. The word-groups
mentioned in the sutr&s are following ones :
&trhan + aimi - grhanaimi (V3 3/41)

grhan • upa " grhanupa (VS 3/42)

varcasvan • ehaa - varcasvanaheia (VS S/^^)

ffianuayan + antariksam « manusyanantarikaam (VS ft/60)

a^nisvattan + rtumetah • agnisYsttenrtumatah (VS 19/61)

paya avan • agne - peyasvanaCTg (VS 20/22)

/ /
tan • asvine - tanasvina (VS 21/42)

petangan • eaenditah - patfin^enasenditah (VS 13/1(7)

I 1 L i
avar^en + apam • avarganapam (VS 13/ 31)

sapatnan + indrah • sapatnanindrah (VS 17/63)


aapatnan + indragnj » sapatnanindragni (V3 17/64)

nabhahsvan + ardradanuh = nabhahsvanardradanuh (TBS 1f^A5)

vidvan + agneh = vidvanagneh (VS 17/66)

devan + asredhata • devanasredhata (VS 18/75)

anadvan + asuh « anadvanasuh (VS 22/22)

- I t

athaltan • estau « ath&ltanastau (VS 30/22)

vlrupan + alabhate - virupanalabhate (V3 30/22)

e t a van + a ay a « eta vans giya (VS 3 l / 3 )

ayusman + agne - ayusmenegne (VS 35/17)

vayavyan + aranyah = vayavyanarenyab (VS 3l/6)

pravldvan + agnina » pravldvansRnina

anadvan + adhoramau « anedvanadhoraniau (VS 29/59)

satrun + anu * satrunanu (VS 33/^0)

yatudhanan + a at hat >= yatudhanenasthat (VS 34/26)

asuian + a r i s t e b h i h » asmanarlstebhih (VS 34/30)

lihile coBmienting on t h i s sutra (3.151) Hamscandra

Pandita has showed h i s a b i l i t y of minute cbservfations.
1, The cc«ibinaticai Pravidvanagnina mentioned in the P r a t i • sutra
i s not found in any of the recension of the Veda.

At the end of the twenty five word-groups there i s the

word - i t l - in the a u t r e . Kamacandra Fandit^s comment;
on t h i a word *iti* fs very s i g n i f i c a n t because he
says t h a t by using t h i s word in the sutro , the sutrakere
wentea to suggest the inclusion of some other extra
word-groups in which ri remains unchanged in t h i s sutra*
Thus our commentator has su^L^^ssted one mere example -
asvanlva (VS 34/6) of the same kind to be included in
t h i s sutra.

The next s u t r a - *prathaftottamah padani^iya rtcanau*

(1.^^) means t h a t with the exception of £ and n, the
f i r s t s and f i f t h s of the class-consonants may occur at the
end of the words. The coflattientetor has given the following
examples. He has s t a t e d t h a t following two examples -
namely - »urk» (VS 1^/9), ^anustup^ (V^ ^ A ? ) are from
the padapatha^. The other i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
conuuentator are s s follows -
i I
svaha vat (V3 2/l?*) *puritat* (V^ 39/9)
i / ''

'vak t£MV3 6/15), »vat (tabbhyah) (VS 1^/3^)

'ZSi t e ' (V3 6 / 1 5 ; , ^anustup panktya* (V3 23/33)

*arven* ( / ^ 34/26) ^vrsanveau* (VS^ 11/13)

'avardhayat' (VS 2S/12) •ta'm' (VS \l%)


About the illustration - 'vrsanvasu' the

commentator has stated that in the c&se of the word
vrsan, n is in the end of the word according to the
rule 'avagrehah padantavat* ( 1.153 I which means that
the first part of a word separated by sva^^raha is to Le
treated as padanta. Thus because the v^iora vrsan is
treated as padanta, n - the final letter of the serae
word remains as it is according to this autre.

The next sutra - 'visarjaniyah* (1,^6) means

that visarjeniye (h) may occur at the end of words.
The comiuantator has given the illustrations in \;hich
visarjaniya^^ comes in ths end of words, e.g. -

k^rsnah (VS 24/l?^)

babhrunikesah {VS 24/l?*)

Then the commentator has selected the sutre -

* sparse ^pancameh svaradhau trtiyani* (4.11^) which
means that a contact consonant with the exception of
the fifth class consonant is changed into a third class
consonant when a vowel or one of the 'dM* - conson&nta
(i.e. the last three of class-consonants and ^, r, 1^, v;
and h_) follows. The commentator has given the
illustrations of both kinds -

rdhak + ittha - rdhaglttha (Vd 33/^7)

ret • asi • redaai (V3 6/18)

tat * it + £8a - tadldaaa (V3 33/50)

anuatup • evah - anustubevah (V3 15/5)

In these cases one can notice that the final

letters (i*e. k, t, t^ and £ respectively) of the
first words in combinations are the consonants other
than the fifth class consonants; and they are followed
by vowels. Thus they are changed into the thii*d class
consonants e.g. k is changed into £, t is changed
into d, t> is changed into d, and £ is changed into b
in the above~given illustrations*

Then the coi&ment&tor has given the illustrations

in which contact consonants other than the fifth, are
changed into the third class consonants because of the
following *dhi* consonants* Following are the
illustrations -

urk • yam • urgyam (V3 17/l)

i i I i
rat • yantri « radyantri (V3 14/22)
tasmat •* yajnat - tasmsdyajnat (V3 3l/6)

t r i s t u p + Jagati - tristubjageti(VS 23/33)


In these illustrations, the last letters of the

first words which are other than the fifth clcss -

consonants i.e. k, t, t^ and £ are changed into the

third class consonants i.e. £, d, d and ]b respectively,

because of the following dhi consonant.

The conment of Hamacandra Pandita on this sutra,

is very much noteworthy because he specifically mentions

that a consonant, which is described as *apencajnah*

means not cnly the other than the fifth of a class,

i.e. not the fourth, third and second or the first

but only the first consonant of h class. Ramecendrs

Pandita explains the word *apancamah* as *prativarg;e-

"mad)rah * (i.e. the first consonants of each one of the

classes). Thus according to the coinoientator, the sutre

would mean that the contact consonants which are going

to be changed into the third class-consonants are not

simply other than the fifth class-consonants but they

are (only) the first of each class-consonants. All the

illustrations given by him can prove the f&ct that the

final letters of the first words are only the first of

their class-consonants. Uhile commenting on this sutra

Uwata has also given the illustrations in which the

final letters are the first of their classes. But it may

be remarked that Uvvate has not clarified this point in

a clear manner as has been aone by Ramacandra Pandita*


Cf course, Rein&c&ncira Pandita I s quite aware of

the feet t h a t the worci - 'apancamah* (other then the
f i f t h class-consonant) i s an important condition^
because in the absence of t h i s condition the operation
prescribed by t h i s rule cannot take p l a c e . The
coflsmentator has e^iven the counter-examples a l s o i n which
the change prescribed by t h i s rule i s not seen. Thus,
the examples are -

yun •*• a s i - yiinna s i (V3 10/25)

asmin + yajfie - asminyejne (V3 2^5)

In t h t i l l u s t r a t i o n , n which i s the f i f t h of the

k - c l a s s consonant i s followed by the vowel but as i t i s
the f i f t h class-consonant, i t i s not changed into the
t h i r d of i t s c l a s s , ' t a t h-s : r i r . d as i t .-.

In other i l l u s t r a t i o n a l s o , n (a f i f t h class-
consonant) i s followeo by the l e t t e r ^ ( i . e . the dhi
consonant) and i t i s net changed.

The next autra - 'asasthane audi dvitiyaffi

saunaka sya * (4.120) means t h a t a contact consonant
with the exception of the f i f t h of each cl«s3 i s
changed i n t o a second class-consonant according t o
^unakfa when e 'mut* - consonant ( i . e . s^, s or £

ur thj.8 see 1.52 rn p ) not of the same place of

a r t i c u l a t i o n follows*

Rk sameyoh (Vibi 4/9) * Rkhsameyoh

bat surya (VS 33/40) » bath surya

ylrapsl {V5^ 20/49) - yiraphal

The coiEjnentator has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s operation w i l l

take place only when the *t&ut*-consonant having the
d i f f e r e n t place of a r t i c u l a t i o n follows and otherwise not.ItiuS
m the f i r s t i l l u s t r e t i o n above, the place of a r t i c u l a t i o n
of the l e t t e r s k and 5 i s not the same ( i t i s Jihvaniula
and danta respectively) But i n the cases where the place
of a r t i c u l a t i o n of the two l e t t e r s i s the same, t h i s
operation w i l l not take p l a c e . The ccmiaentetor has given
coujiter. example of t h i s type also -

yajnat • sarvahutah •• yajiJat sarvahutah (V3 3 l / 7 )

Here i n t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n , the place of a r t i c u l a t i o n

of t^ and _s i s the same ( i . e , danta) So t^ remains as i t i s .

The next sutra - 'jgancame pencamarn* (4.121) means

t h a t a contact consonant with the exception of the fifth
of each class-consonant i s changed i n t o a f i f t h class
consonant when a f i f t h c l a s s consonant follows. Following
are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator -

Yak • matya » vanmatya (VS 13/5?^)

bat + mahan - banmahen (VS 33/39)

yat + oe - yanme (VS 36/2)

In theae illustrations the Itters <> k, t, and t^

of the first words are other than the fifth class-

consonants and they are followed by m in all illustrations

(i.e. the fifth class consonants). Thus the letters k, t,

t^ are changed into n, n and n respectively.

The sutra - hasca tcismat purvacaturthaa*^ (4.122)

means that ti, following a contact consonant othar than

the fifth of each cldss is changed into the fourth of the

preceding contact consonant. While commenting on this

sutra c.lso, Ramacandra Pandita takes into consideration,

the small word 'c£* «ind says that the word *aa* in the

sutra indicates that the contact consonant which precedes

h, is also changed into the third of its cl&ss-consonant.

Following are the illustrations given by the coiui..entator-

vak + hutah - vagghutah (VS 39/5)

SfiPiasusrot + hrdeh ^ samasusroddhrdah (VS 1^/5^)

avat •» havyani " avaddhavyani (VS 19/66)


In the first illustration, h^ is following a contact

consonant other than the fifth class consonent (ive» k^)
so h^ is changad into the fourth of k class consonant
(i.e. g^) and as our commentator specially luentions, the
preceaing contact consonant i.e. k is changed into the
third of its class. Thus we get a form - vak + hutah
' Yagghuteh. according to this rule. Similar are the
cases in other illustrations.

Here also the preceding contact consonent other

than the fifth class consonant is an essential condition
because in the cases where the contact consonant which
precedes h is the fifth class consonant, this operetion
is not taking place. The conuDentator has given an
illustration of this type also -

jimutan • hrdayau/" jimutan hrdayaLL; (V^ 25/^)

Here one can notice that n which precedes h^ is

the fifth of t^-cless consonant. Thus, the operation
prescribed by the present sutra, is not taking place i.e.
this n remains as it is end h also does not get any change.

The sutra ~ ^^nantah pade svarepancamantasthasu'^

(4*117) means that the operation which is prescribed
(in connection witn a letter followed by a vowel(svare)
or a fifth class consonant or a semi-vowel ) does not

take place i n the i n t e r i o r cf t h e word (antehpade)

«h«n a vowel or a f i f t h c l a s s consonant or a semi-vowel
follows. The coBULentator has given the following
illustrations -

(pari) prathamaci (Vo 12/ld)

pyayasva (VS 2/l4)

sup^va (VS 1/3)

Here the coxiinentator has stated that because of

this sutra, in these casesi £ is not changed in its
third class-ccnsonfcnt according to the rule given earlier
(4»11^)« In these cases £ is in the interior cf the word.
The commentator has further stctf^d thet in the following
cases (words) e.g. 'rukmeh^ (V3 12/1), ^tcnecai* ( ] ^ l A ) ,
*atflB&» (V^ 11/20), papnane (VS 30/5} the letters -
iL» £» ^ ^^^ k. ^^ ^^^ ^^® illustrations respectively are
not changed into their fifth class consonent even when
they precede m the fifth class-consonant - as prescribed
by the rule «• pan came pancamam*' (4.121). . -./ " j,. - a
This happens beceuse these letters ere in the interior of
the words. Thus according to this rule (A.117), the
operation is not taking place. The coninentator has also
made it clear that by the rule - '*padentepadadyoh ssndhih*
(3.3) which means euphonic comtination takes pl&ce

between the finald and the initials of the words)^

the possibility ol the operations of euphonic combinations
in the interior of the words is already denied, but for
the clear understanding only, thes«=' cases are discussed

The case of - 'bharat + vajah » bhardvajahMVS 13/55)

i s r a t h e r d i f f e r e n t from the above given cases. Because
of the rule •»''avagrahah padantavat (1.153)» the f i r s t
p a r t of a word which i s separated by avagreha i s to be
t r e a t e d as padanta. Thus in the case of the word
•bharadvajah' t^ i s changed into d^ ( i . e . the t h i r d of i t s
class-consonant} as prescribed by the rule - sparso'pancameh^
. . . (4.IIS) The commentator has also c l a r i f i e d t h a t t h i s
operation i s not possible in the carca (padapatha) because
there i s an absense of close a s s o c i a t i o n of words (samhita).

The next s u t r a selected by the corrarientator i s -

* anus vara t rognnasu ipakarah* ( 4 . 1 ) . The sutra means
t h a t m becomes anusvara (— ) nasal utterance when r
or one of the breathings (usma) i.e. £, ^,18 or h
follows, llie coriimentator has stated that £- i s the
s u b s t i t u t e (adesa) for anusvsre. Following are the
i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the comrrientetor -

som + rayah » sa ^ rayah (VS 3/l9)

prthivya m •*• satena* prthivyatat^tena (V3 l/25)


aodes&m • sodesam • sodaaa^' sodeaam (V3 9/34)

bhuyaaam + augrhapatlh •* bhuyaaa b 3Ugrhepatlh( VS 2/2?)

Vtktani + havlaa " nkta t hevlsa (VS 2/22)

The cofflment^tor has selected these Illustrations

in which the final letter of the first word - m is
followed by £» iL» ?» £ ^^^ IL respectively. Thus it {.^}_)
becomes £- . The comment&tor has clarified here that
the third illustration sodasam ^ is taken from the jate
type of recitation.

/ -
The next sutra - ^nuscantah-pade'rephe * {4.2)
means t h a t n and (according to the coinnientator) m glso
becomes anusv&ra i n the i n t e r i o r of a word but not when
£ follows. Ilie cotrmientator has given follcvving
illustrations -

trin + sat tri^sa't (V3 3/^)

tapun + ai^ tapue si (V3 13/10)


aasrva^sam (VS 2 / l 4 )
sasrvan • sam
si e hi (VS 5/10)
aim + hi
" kie siljya (V3 l6/43)
kini "•- siljya

akran • s t a - akra^sta (V^ 2/25)

puni • sah - pu t aeh (VS 25/45)

-^ a e haaah (VS 4/l0)

The commentator has also clarified that ^arephe*

is an essential condition for this operation because m
does not become anusvara when r follows. The example
given by the commentator is - tamrah ( VS l6/6)« Here
B does not become enusvara, because of following r.

The sutra » 'prekrtya samrat samrajye (4«5)

also mentions two peculiar words in which m remains as
it is. The words are -
samrat (VS 3/3^) and samrajyam (V3 4/24)

The commentator has not given any illustration for

this sutra.

The next sutra - ^^sparse parapancamam'^ {4.11)

means that m becomes the fifth letter of the
following consonant, if a contact consonant follows it.
The commentator has given the following illustrations -
in which m is changed into the fifth letter of the
following contact sonsonant.

hinkaraya {V3 22/7); ahankhanami (V3 l2/g5)

iaimgixiififi^ (Iti 16/3); taptangh&mam (V3 17/55)

sanea (V3 29/4d); kavyanchandah (V3 15/4)

tanjanan (VS 3/l4); sanjnanam {VS^ 12/46)

kanthena •; .,, kandat^ kandat (V3 13/20)


tante (V3 2 / l 7 ) ; asandltah (VS 13/IO),

rathakaran dhalryaya (V3 3C/6);

pratannaya (VS 12/26)j punyam pra (V3 20/25)

vlryam balam (V3 II/SI)

a tam bhaja (VS 12/27) 9am me arjaml (V3 1^/35)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t » remains as i t l a

when follovvlng consonant i s aayarna (homophonic).

The next sutra - 'antahsthamenteh sthaavanunaslkem

paresaathanam* (4.C/) means - when semivowels follow. m
becomes a nasal semivowel, having the same place of
a r t i c u l a t i o n with the following semivowel. The commentator
has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

tarn • yajiiam - tatyyajnem (VS 3l/9)

sam + vapami » sa^.vvapami (V3 1/21 )

tarn + lok&m - ta^llokam (V3 20/25)

jiam-^ v s t *—«ft7"v««i (~ys—42/5^

The next autre - *takaro le lam^ (4.12) means that

t^ becomes I^ ^ when 1 follows. Following are the illustrations
given by the commentator -

a sit + lokaia - aai Uokam (\^ 14/31)

paricit • lokam » paricillokam (VS 12/53)


The next sutra - ^nuscenunaslkana (4»13) means

that n becomes a n^sal I^, when ^ follows. Following
are the illustrations given by the conanentator -

asniin + loke = asmiYHoke (VS 3/21 )

J ' I I
trin + loken - t r H liokan (V3 9/31)

The next sutra - ^svarsschakare cakarena

servatra (4«24j means that a vowel followed by ch^ is
always i.e. in the beginning, in the interior and in
the end of the word - intervened by £. Following are
the illustrations given by the commentator -

accha {Vadamasi) (VS l6/4)

j (visvajanasya) cchaya {VS 5/2^)

li ochandah (VS H / I ^ )

acchat (chandah) (VS 1$/^)

(ja'gati) cchendah (V^ H/lO)

The next sutra - *yasyatiheya saheti na* (4«25)

is an exception to the rule mentioned above. It means
that in the case of the words - yasya, atihaya end
saho, a vowel followed by ch is not intervenea by £.
The commentator has given the following illustrations -

aehechendasah (V3 34/49) atlheya chldra (VS 25/43)


yaaya chaya {V^3 25/13)

The next sutrs - nanau ktabhysm aakare (4.14)

means that n and in folloi^ed by £ are Intervened
respectively by k and t^. The commentator has given
the following illustrations -
pran • soiuan *^ prankscmeh (VS 19/3)
samudran + samasrpat = samudrent sama srpat (VS 13/31)

Here In the first Illustration £ IS followed by j|.

Thus it is intervened by Ic snd in the second illustration
n is followed by s^ thus it is intervened by t_.

The coaaaentator et the end of the vyanjena-sendhi

chapter now selects the sutra - *ud&h stabhane lopam*
(4-97) means that the initial ^ cf the word stabhane is
dropped when preceded by ud. The conunentstor has clarified
here that the form ud&h is in the oblative case; thus
according to the rule ^tasmadityuttarasya* (1*135) which
means - 'if a term is used in the oblative, the change
affects the initial sound of that which follows' - £ of
stabhane is to be dropped. The commentator hts ^iven
the following illustration -

ut • stabhana » uttabhiina (VS 17/72)


Here the comirjentator has referr^^d to the word

•avyavahltaayft* which he hes used while coiuLenting
^^ ^^® »Mtr*^' {1*135) end says t h a t because of t h a t
word in the case of * uddiva ^ atabhana * (VS 5/27)
the 8^ o£ stabhane i s not dropped , Here t h e r e i s an
i n t e r v e n t i o n of anusvara.

Here ends the chapter ii Vyanjana-Sandhih»

•>U-p :/


The fifth chapter entitled as Visarga-Sandhih

deals with the subject regarding the rules of euphonic
combinations about the visarga (h).

lA/hile starting the subject, Ramacandra Pandita has

selected the sutres - "bhavyupadhasce ridvisarjanlyah"
and "rephe lupyate dirgham copadha" (4.33,34) Jointly
for couunenting on them and showed again his peculiarity
of taking two sutra s Jointly for the proper interpretation
of the autras* Thus according to the commentator, the
sutra8 would mean that a visarjaniya with a penultimate
bhavin vowel (i.e. other than a^ and a; see rule 1.46(22}
and a rhotacized visarjaniya are dropped when r follows;
and its penultimate vowel is lengthened. The commentator
has given the following illustrations -

vasubhih • rudra:^h =• vasubhi rudraih (VS 2^/k)

ant ah -^ rukmah * anta rukmah (VS 12/2}

S& * rapa'^si - ni rapa X si (VS 34/47)

ruruh + raudrah - ruru raudreh (VS 24/39)

dhatuh + rayah - dhatu rayah (VS 37/12)


khlle giving illustrations, the cwfimentetor^

following his usual style has made it clear that he has
selected two of these above given illustrations i*e.
•anta rukctah • and 'dhatu rayah' are from the jata
and samkrama-type of recitation respectively.

In the case of •vesubhih + rudraih * the visarjaniya

with a penultimate vowel *t* (which is bhavin) is
followed by initial r (of rudraih). So following this
rule, the visarjaniya is dropped and its penultimate
vowel »i,* is lengthened. Thus we get the form -'vasubhl
rudraih *

In the case of *antah + rukmah* the visarjaniya

is rhotacized visarjaniya according to the rule 1.162
(116) . So it is dropped and its penultimate vowel £
is lengthened. Thus antah rukmah is changed into
•enta rukmah' Similar are the cases in other

The commentator has stated that the condition -

*bhQvyupadha* is important because in the case of
*nah rudrasya* (VS l6/$0) the visarjaniya preceded by
a, i.e. it is not with a bhavin vowel. Thus the change
prescribed by this rule uoes not take place here but
it becomes *no rudrasya*.

The next sutra - "repham svaradheu" (4«35) means

that the vlsarjanlye with a penultimate bhavin vowel
(i.e. other than £ and £j as well as a rtiotacized
visarjaniya becomes jr when a vowel or a dhi-consonant
(see 1.53) follows. Here the commentator has given four
kinds of illustrations viz. -

i) A visarjaniya with a penultimate bhavin vowel

becomes r when a vowel follows -

prsnih + akramit • prsnir akramit (VS 3/6)

vayuh + anilem - vayur anilam (VS 40/15)

agneh + anikam " agner anikam (V3 d/24)

ubhayoh + artnyoh « ubhayor artnyoh (VS l6/9)

vayonadhaih + agnay " vayonadhair agnaye(VS 14/7)

dyeuh + asit, - dyaur esJt (VS 23/12)

In these ebovegiven illustrations the visarjaniya

with a penultimate bhavin-vowel (i.e. 1^, u, e^, £, ai^ and
au respectively) is followed by a vowel and therefore
it becomes £ in all cases.

ii) A visarjaniya with a penultimate bhavin- vowel

becomes r when a dhi consonant follows -

fagnih + murdhe " agnir murdha (V3 3/l2)

tvastuh + jametah « tvastur jamatah (Va 27/34)

agneh + jihvaCesi) • agner .lihva (o^j (VS l/30)

visnoh •*• nu " visnor nu (VS 5/l^)

I . i - i - i
vayavyelh + vayavyani • Yayavyeir vayavyanl (VS 19/27)

gauh + vayah » gaur vayeh (VS 21/12)

In these illustrations the visarjaniya with a

penultimate bhavin-vowel is followed by one of the
dhi consonants (i.e. m, J^, J^, u^ v and v respectively).
Therefore, it is changed into r.

iii) A rhotacized visarjaniya becomes £, when e vowel


.iamatah + adbhute - jamataradbhute (VS 27/34)

Here in this case a rhotacized visarjaniya

(See 1,6??) is followed by a vowel (ja). Thus it
becomes v%

iv) A rhotacized visarjaniya becomes r when a

dhi consonant follows.

hvah + njg_ (te^) ' h v i r m£ (t£) (VS l/2)

ahah + jlnva • ahar jlnva (VS 15/6)

The rhotacized vlsarjanlya in these cases

(see I.16S and l63 respectively) i s followed by one
01* the dhi consonant • m and ^, Therefore i t becoiues r .

The co&jnentator i s very careful in s e l e c t i n g the

proper i l l u s t r a t i o n s , ihus while giving the i l l u s t r a t i o n *

ahah ••• jinva • ahar jinve

he has c l a r i f i e d t h a t the same word ahah is only

rhotacized when i t i s not followed by bh, according t o
the sutra - "abhakarapar&m" (1.163 117). Thus in the
case of 'aharjinva* the rhotacized viserjaniya is
changed i n t o £ . But in the following case of t h e
counter, example -

ahah + bhyah " aho bhyah (V3 6/13)

"the vlsarjanlya i s not changed i n t o £ ss prescribed

by the present rule 4.35. I t i s not rhotacized
because of the following bh. ( 5^e M*^ l-'lh'^ ) •

The commentator has pz^sented two more i l l u s t r a t i o n s

in which rhotacized visarjaniya followed by dhi
consonants i s changed into £« He thus exaaiines i n the

cases of the p e c u l i a r word svah In the follov,lng

Illustrations -

svah + dyauh + iva • svardyauriva (V3 3/5)

svah <^ ayaya • svar^aya (V3 1 l / 2 )

In the f i r s t i l l u s t r a t i o n - *svardyauriva* the

word svah i s rhotacized according to the s u t r a 1«l66
because i t i s an independent word and i s followed by
the word other than arana. Therefore the visar4aniya
of svah i s changed i n t o r as i t i s followed by the
dhi consonant d^.

The commentator then has taken i n t o consideration

the i l l u s t r a t i o n svarS/aya and referred to the sutra
"padadisce.«." (1,167) 'which osans - svah in the
beginning of a word i s xiiot&cized, i f i t i s net followed
by the j i t sounds (see 1.50, 51)•

In the above given i l l u s t r e t i o n svergyeya. the

word syeh i s i n the beginning of e pada and i t is
followed by l e t t e r £ (which are not j i t ) . Therefore
according to t h i s rule (4.35) the visarj&niye is
changed into jr in svargyaya.

But the r u l e - "svah padamanerene" (1.166)

r e s t r i c t s i t s e l f to the word svah. The same word i s

thus unrhotaclzed when it Is followed by the word >

ar&n£. Thus in the following case -

svaye cerenaya ca (V3 26/2)

the change prescribed by the rale (4.3$} ( i*e. the

rhotaciased visarjaniya is changed into £) is not seen.

Thus the commentator has made it clear that the word

*8vah' is not followed by .jit - sound even though

according to the rule (1.166J it is unrhotaclzed and

thus it can not be changed into r.

The word bhavin is also taken into consideration

by the coouiientator. He says that in the case of the

following illustration -
/ /
divah + aurdha = divo Hiurdha (V3 lS/54)

the visarjanlya is preceded by a kenthya vowel

viz. a (i.e. other than bhavin). Thus it is not changed

into r as prescribed by this rule.

The next sutrs - "kenthyapurvo yakaram ariphitah"

(4.36) fljeans that a visarjanlya preceded by a kanthya

sound (see 1.71) and if not rhotacised becomes ;^ when

a vowel follows. Following ere the illustrations given

by the commentator.

yah "»• ims (visva) = yay + ima [VI'?,\P^)

" zi is£ (visva) (V3 17/17)


ausmah * osadhlnam •• susmay •* osadhlnem
• •> • — » • • • I • ••• • I • ' • — " > •••• * ' — » •• I'll I —"•

« ausma osadhlnam (Y3 12/?^2)

In the above given i l l u s t r e t i o n s the unrhotacized

vlsarjenlya preceded by £ or £ i s followed by the
vowels 1^ and £ z*e8pectiveiy. So i t i s changed i n t o ^ .
This £ i s t o be aropped further according to the mile
^yavayoh . . . * (il*.127). Thus we get the form *ya ima*
ana ^susms osadhlnam* i n respective order.

The condition - ' a r i p h i t a h visarj&niyoih' i s also

important, because i n the case of the counter,exanqple
'pratarindram* (jr^ J4/34) i . e . * prat ah + indram* the
operation pjrescribad by t h i s rule (4.36) i s not taking
place, as the same word pratah i a included in the
l i s t of rhotacized words. {See 1.16^)

The next sutre - *lopam dhau* (4.37) states that

t h e uniiiotacized visarjaniya with a penultimsta
kanthya vowel i s dropped when one of the dhi consonant
follows. The i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator are*
J ^
dpvah -•• deve - deva deva (VS 21/61)
i i i L
ayaksmah + ma • ayaksma ma (V3 l / l )

The commentator has stated t h a t the vlsarjaniya

must be unrhotacized for t h i s operation because in the
case where the vlsarjanlya i s rhotacized, i t i s not
dropped (even when followed by dhi consonant}• The
commentator has given the following counter example
i 1 1 1
vah + bahirdha - varbahirdha (VS 5/11)

Here the visarjfcnlys of vah i s not dropped as i t

i s rhotacized according t o the rule 1.165 (109)

The other condition 'following dhi-consonsnt*

i s also taken i n t o consideration by our commentator.
Here i t may be noted t h a t Uvvata has made no comment
on t h i s , as well as not ^;iven any example a l s o , '^mdcandre

Pandita has given such an illustration in which one can

notice that the unrhotacized visarjsniya (with the
penultimate kanthya-vowel) is not followed by a dhi-
consonant and thus it is not dropped. Following is the
illustration -

yah + is - yaste (VS 13/22j

H*x^ the letter t^ which follows the yiagrjenlye

is the first class-consom*nt of its class and thus it is
not dhi consonant. Therefore the operation prescribed
by this rule (4.37) i.e. 'the vlsarjeniya is dropped*
is not taking place.

The next autra - bhumescakare ' prkte* (4.3^)

means t h a t the visarjanlya of the word bhumi is
dropped v/hen an aprkta ( l . e , single letter, See
1.151 ( 9 l ) j - a follows. The i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the
commentator i s -
I / I I I

bhumih + £ dade » bhumi ••• £ dade

= bhumya dade (V3 26/16)

Here the viaarjaniya i s cropped and then the

vowel i. + £ are combined. Ihus the form remains -
bhumya dade J

But in the case of -

i - . i . /
bhumih + avapanam - bhumira vapanam (V3 23/10)

£ i s not en independent single l e t t e r . Therefore the

visfcrjfc-nlya i s not dropped. I t i s chang-d i n t o £ as
prescribed by the rule 4.35» llius the commentEtor h t s
noted t h a t the apiicta £ i s e s s e n t i a l for t h i s operation
prescribed by t h i s rule 4*3^•

The next sutra - "sarvo ehkere okaram*^ (4*41)

means, eccording to the commentptor, that the
u n r h o t a d z e d visarjanlya with the penultimate shcirt ^ ^
i s changed i n t o £, when i t i s followed by a dhi
consonant. Ihe commentator has s t a t e d t h a t the present

sutra i s an exception t o the rule *lopam dhau* (4.37)•

Follovdng are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the conw^entetor-
, f , I
devah + devaih » devo devaih (VS 21/56)

devah + vah « devo yah (VS l / l )

The commentator has f u r t h e r s t a t e d t h a t in the

absence of unrhotacized visarjaniya t h i s operation
cannot take p l a c e . He has given the counter.example
also -
i _ - , '' -
pratah + mitravaruna « pratermitravaruna (VS 34/34)

Here the visarjaniya of the word pratah is

rhotacized according t o the rule 1.l6d (122).
Theirefore i t i s not changed i n t o £.

The next sutra - "akare ca" (4.42) adds one more

reason for the same operation prescribed by the above
given rule 4.41* According to the commentator, it
means t h a t the same v i s a r j a n i y a i s a l s o changed i n t o _o
when £ follcvfs. following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given
by the commentator -

stupah + a s i • stuposi (VS 2/2)

krsnah + a s i • k r s n o ' s i (VS 2/1)


The commentator here s t a t e s t h a t t h i s operation

takes place only when the visarjaniya i s not rhotacized,
i n the case where the visarjaniya i s rtiotacized, i t is
not changed i n t o £ . The i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the
commentator i s -

jamatah + adbhuta - Jamataradbhuta (VS 27/34)

The next sutra - "e.s£ ha_ oe" (4.43) mentions the

p e c u l i a r case of the same change i . e . the visarjaniya
i s changed i n t o £ also i n the case of the word *@.sah*,
when i t i s followed by h£ (only). Following i s the
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the commentator -

esah + ha (devah) = £3£ ha. dev^h (V3 32/4)

The next sutra - "svo ruhevahasca ratryem" (4.44)

means that the visarjaniya in svah before the root ruh,
and the visarjaniya in ahah before the word *ratri*
becomes £• The couiiuentator has given following
illustrations -

svah + ruh&nah « svo ruhanah (V3 11/22)

ahah + ratrayoh » ahoratrayoh (V3 24/25)

The commentator has stated that the rule 4.44 is

to be treated as an injunctive statement or a
prescriptive rule (vidhi); because the visarjaniya of

both the words mentioned In the sutrs I.e. svah and

ahah is rhotacized and eventhough it is prescribed
to change into £ by this rule (4.44) which would
otherwise undergo a different change as prescribed by
the previous autre*

The next sutra - "visarjaniyah" (3»6) is an

adhikara-sutra according to the commentator. Thus in
the following; sutra a the word visarjaniya is continued.

The sutra - "cachayoh sam" (3«7) means that the

visarjeniya becomes £ when followed by £ and oh.
Following are the illustrations -

indrah + c£ « indrasca (V3 V 3 7 )

prajapatih + chandah • praJapati3chandah(VS 14/9)

The next sutra - "tathayoh aam" (3.^) means that

the visarjaniya followed by £ and tti changed into £.
The commentator has given following illustrations <•

kah • £va - kastva (V3 27/40)

namah + te - namaste (TBS 16/1)

Then the commentator has selected the sutra -

"avikaram sakalyah sasasesu" (3»10) which means that
according to sakalya, the visar.lanlya does not get any

change when followed by s, s or £. The commentator has

given following illustrations -

; , 1 - i , ^
vayavyah • svetah " vayavyah svetah (V3 24/l9)
- i
agnlaomayoh + faathi, - agnisomayoh sasthi (VS 25/5)

vanaspatyah • sah - vanaspatyah sah (V3 1/15)

The next autra - "prakrtya kakhayoh papheycaca"

(3*11) also mentions the opinion of iakalya that the
visarjeniya remains unchanged when followed by k^, kh.
£ and £h. The comaentator has given the following
illustrations -

simah + krnvantu - simeh krnvantu (V3 23/42)

t a t a h + khaneroci « t a t a h kl^ifon«^ffifc (VS 1 l / l 2 }

vasoh + pevitram - vasoh pavitram (VS l/2)

lii? * Phalinih = j^ah phalinlfa (V^ 12/69)

In t h e s e i l l u s t r a t i o n s the visarjaniya remained

unchanged when followed by ^ , kh, £ and £ti respectively*

The next s u t r a selected by the ccoduentator is -

"lun mudi j i t p a r e " (3»13) J^na i t means that the

• i s a r j a n l y e i s dropped when followed by e mut consonant

( i . e . £f s or £) i f i t i s followea by a j i t consonant
( i . e . the f i r s t two of each c l a s s ) , following are the
illustrations -
/ , i / - i
entrtah + s t u t a h - amrta stutah (V3 21/28)

urjah + stha « urja stha (VS 3/20)

In the c a s e s , where a mut-consonant follows

visar.laniya but i t i s not followed by a j i t consonant,
the prescribed operation does not take p l a c e . The
cocaaentEtor has given t h i s type of i l l u s t r a t i o n a l s o -

k/h + s v i t •= ka'h s v i t (VS 23/9)

Here _s which i s a mut-consonant i s not followed

by a jit-consonant> ( I t i s followed by the sead-vowel v)
Therefore i t i s not dropped as prescribed by t h i s r u l e .

The r e x t siltra - "upavaaane pivah" (3»14] means

t h a t the visarjaniya in the word pivah is dropped
when followed by the word upevesana. Following i s the
exaB!q[>le given by the commentator -
/ - « /
pivah + upavasananem • pivopavesananam (VS 21/^3)

The sutrfc - "S£ osadhimayoh" (3«15) means t h a t

fi vlaarjaniya i s dropped when i t i s followed by the
words - osadhi and ima. The coauuentetor has given the
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

sah + osedhih anu » sa, + ,„Osadhih

saussdhiranu (V3 12/36)

sah + imam nah "581 + imam « semennah (Y3 29/54)

The next sutra - "vyanjane ca" (3.16) adds one

more cause for dropping the viaarjaniya of aah« Thus
the sutrfe means that the visarjaniya in sah is
dropped when followed by the consonant also. Following
are the illustrations given by the comrr.entetor -

£ah + te(lokah) - sa t£ (lokah) { ^ 23/17)

sah "•- pa ry a gat " sa paryagat (VS kO/^)

sah + bodhi - sa bodhi (VS 12/43)

The coffjmentator has quoted further pn i l l u s t r a t i o n

in which the visarjaniya of sah i s dropped because of
the following im e. g.

sah + im mandra • s£ im mandra (V3 27/15)


The next autre - "sye e^s^h ca" (3.17) means t h a t

the vJa^rjaniya ol the words ayah and £aah are also
dropped when followed by the conaonants. The coouuentator
has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

syah + rathyah - sya rathyah (VS 23/13)

£8ah • t £ « es£ te^ (VS S/26)

£a£h • chagah « ea£ chageh (VS 25/26)

ayah • vaji = sya v i j i (VS 9 / l 4 )

2.?fii* * 5I£^ ' SJf£ syah (VS 9/l4)

While commenting en these two s u t r a s (3»l6, 17)

and giving i l l u s t r a t i o n s i'or t h e i r proper explanations,
the coaurentstor i s quite aware of the d i f f i c u l t i e s i n
these cases* For, in these i l l u s t r a t i o n s some diffez*ent
changes aay take place which are prescribed by the
previous r u l e s . Thus che coaioentator has i^ven the
c l a r i x i c a t i u n tiist Uiese two s u t r a s are the s p e c i a l
r u l e s which set aside or sublate (badhaka) the
previously prescribed r u l e s i . e . 'tathayoh sam* (3.^)
etc. (3*7-11)• The commentator here r e f e r s to an
important a u t h o r i t a t i v e stat-^^ment or dictum -(paribhasa)
*iaad)iye 'paytdah , purvan. vid|hin, bgdhante nottaran*

(Parlbhasendu sekhere 60) which means t h a t the apavadas

which are surroundea by the rules which teach operations
t h a t hiave to be superseded by the apeveda operations ^
supersede (only) those r u l e s that precede not those

t h a t follow theiB* Thus according to the coaitsentatort

the visarjaniya in the i l l u s t r a t i o n s - *sah te*
•^Siah t e ' *£»a.^ chagah*, *sah paryagat \ esah syah*
does not undergo any other change t h a t has been prescribed
by the r u l e s - *tath&yoh sam' {3«^)i *cacheyoh cham*
(3.7); 'avikaram . . . • (3.10) and prakrtya... (3.11)
respectively. On the other hand i t has t o be dropped
only (according to the rule ( 3 . l 6 , 17) in a l l c a s e s .
Ihus the visarjaniya in '£Sah + t £ ' would not be
changed into £ ( e . g. e a s s t e ) according t o the rule
3.^ but i t i s t o be dropped following th<> rule 3»17

f u r t h e r the possible ax"guiii?nt about tne i^eatiining

cases i . e . 'aya vaji* >aa bodhi' e t c . i s a l s o taken into
consideration by the coimnentator. he says t m t one uay
argue t h a t according to tne r u l e - ' v i p r a t i s e d h e . . .
. . . . alope* (1.159) which means - *in the case of
opposition of two r u l e s of equal xorce, the l a t t e r of
the two i s effective but not in the case of e l i s i o n ' ,
a t l e a s t in the cases of - 'sye v a j i ' 'sa bodiii' e t c .

The viaarjaniye would change according to the l a t t e r

r u l e - 'sarvo ahkera okaram* (4«41) but our
cofiimentator, while drawing a t t e n t i o n to the word
*alope * in the said s u t r a , has refused t h i s argument
also. He remarks t h a t the sutra (1.159) permits the
operation prescribed by the l a t t e r rule only in the
cases other than those of e l i s i o n ( l o p a ) . The s u t r a s
3.16 and 17 prescribe a irule regarding the e l i s i o n
of the v i s a r j a n l y a . Therefore the r u l e (4.41) does
not become more e f f e c t i v e than the r u l e s 3*l6 and 17
and the operation of dropping the visar.janiya prescribed
by these r u l e s ( 3 . 1 7 , 17) only takes p l a c e , in a l l the
cases of 'aya v i j l * and ' ^ bodhi' e t c .

To conclude, i t may be noted here thi.t our

conmentcitor ii&s explaineo the necessity of these r u l e s -
(3•16, 17) successfully taking i n t o consideration
e l l the other p o s s i b i l i t i e s .

Then t h e comfiientator has turned t o the sutra -

^anitevadhyaye* (3.19) which according to him i s an
adhikara^sutre. The sutra thus means t h a t whatever
i s prescribed in t h i s chapter (adhyaye) in the
following does net take place when i t i follows.
The commentator adds t h a t excepting ' u p a s t h i t a * the

subsequent Itl i s impossible, end the term

sthitopasthita i s subjected t o one word only,
because the term i s used t h e r e , where both the
repeat rid words are pronounced with i t j interposed.
Thus the siodiiications/changes (vikara) and the
augments (igema) regarding the i n t e r i o r of a word
are only negateu by the present s u t r a . Therefore these
modifications and augments which £re presented uptc the
end of t h i s adhyaya w i l l not be applicable when itl
follows, i u r t h e r the commentator has s t a t e d t h a t the
word adhyaya i n d i c a t e s the limitfetiori of •adhikfcra*
Thus the adhikare i s continued upto t l * end of t h i s
chapter (adhyaya) beginning with t h i s sutra (3»19).
So the s u t r a s which have come e a r l i e r , do not fcill
i n the scope of t h i s a u t r a . The comij:.entator has
ejqpl&ineu t h i s point by quoting illustrc:tion -
*tfiva»t&r£>a i t i tavah taraju' (j/^ I I / I 4 ] . Here the
viaarjc.niyg of tfcvah i s changed i n t o _s beceuse of the
following t^ of tbra according to the i-ule 3.^.
!Shis operation t a k e s place only because the r u l e 3»^
i s e a r l i e r than t h i s r u l e - 3*19*

llie commentitor f u r t h e r adds t h a t t h i s negation

a p p l i e s only to a changeable word in sthitopasthita
condition and not elsewhere. Jo in the case of the
illustration >

rayah + posade i.e.

'- ^ -
ray a posada iti rayasposa - da^

the visarjanlya does change into s_ according to the

rule-^ 'rayah sahasah* (3«25) which is in the same


While commenting on the next sutra - " itivat

carcayam" (3«20} the commentator first defines the

term - carca' as the repeated word after iti (in

padapatha). So according to him the sutra means

that whatever is prescribed, in this chapter, in the

following does not take place in carca also.

The next two sutra• - "kakara - pakareyoh sakaram"

(3*21) and 'bhavyupadhah sakaram' (3.22) are

interpreted by the commentator jointly. According to

him the sutra3 mean - in the following sutras. the

visarjaniya when preceded by a bhavin vowel (i.e.

other than a and £) becames s and the other (remaining)

(parisesat) visarjaniya i.e. which is preceded by

kanthya vowel (i.e. a and a ) becomes s vs^en followed

by k and £.^

For the proper and suitable a.v^tiug of the sutraSt

the commentator has commented on the latter sutra first


and then the former. He has remarked further that

these two autr&s are to be taken as continued i n the
following autras as and when required.

The next sutra - '*aYixTfilrida idaya v a s a t i r v a r i v a "

(3.23i means t h a t the visarjaniya of the following
s i x words - avih, n i h , idah, idayah.yasatih and
varivah becomes s_ and s when followed by k or £.
i'Ollowing are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator*

avih + krnusva » aviskrnusva (VS 13/13)

nih + para - nispara (VS 6/36)

W h + pade - idaspade (VS 15/30)

idayah + padam « idayaspedam (VS 4/22)

yasatih • k r t a - v a s a t i s k r t a (VS 12/79)

varivah • krnotu = varivaskrnotu (V^ 5/37)

% • next sutra - "divo'kakut prthivyoh" (3*24)

means t h a t the visarjaniya of the word divah becomes
£ when follov-^d by k^ and £ excepting the words kakut
end p r t h i v i . The commentator has given the following
illustrations -

dlvah + pari » divaapart (VS ^2/^^)

I 1
diveh + putraya" uivasputraya (VS 4/35)

/ f * ' I,
dlvah + prathe » dlvasprsthe (V^ 1$/o4)

The coiiunentator has given counter-examples a l s o

in which the vlsarjaniya of the word divah does not
become ^ because of following words kakut and p r t h i v i *

divah + kakut «= divah Kakut (Vii 3 / l 2 )

divah + prthivyah - divah prthivyah (VS 29/53)

here i t i a t o be noted t h a t the commeiitttor has

not given any i l l u s t r a t i o n of the operation in wMch the
word divah i s followed by th-i l e t t e r Ic ( i n a word
other than kakut) and then the viaarjaniys has become £ .
Uvvata has a l s o not given any i l l u s t r a t i o n of t h i s t y p e .
Perhaps no such i l l u s t r a t i o n e x i s t s in the va:j» Dsmhita
of vVhite Yajurvede.

The next stutra - "rayah sahasah posaputrayuh"

(3.25) means t h a t the visarjaniya of the words - rayah
and sahasah becoities js when followed by the words
posa and putra r e s p e c t i v e l y . Following ere the
illustrations -

— y /
rayah + pose « rayaapose (VS 17/54)

sahasah + putrah " sahasasputrar - (va 11/70)

The next sutra - ''tamasoparestat" (3.26) teaches

t h a t the vlsarjanlya of the word *tama3ah' becon«s s^ ,
when follov?ed by k^ and £ excepting the word p a r a s t a t .
The commentator has given the follovdng i l l u s t r a t i o n -

tamasah • p a r i " tamasaspari (V3 20/21)

Following i s the counter-example i n which the

visarjaniye resaains f^s i t i s because the following word
is paraatat.

tamaseh -^ p a r a s t a t « tamasah p a r a s t a t (VS 3 l / l ^ t

Ihe next s u t r a - "tapasasprthiviyam" {3»27)

means t h a t the visama j i y a of the word tapc<sah becocif s
^ when followed by the word p r t h l v i . lollowing i s the
i l l u s t r a t i o n given ty the coflujientator -

tapasah • prthivyam » tapasasprtbivyam (VS 37/l6)

According to the sutra - "adhvano rajaso riseh

spraaspatu" (3.28) the viaarjeniya of the words -
adhvanah rajasah, risah end sprsah becomes £
when followed by any form of the root ' p a ' beginning
with •££•.

adhvanah • patu « edhvanaapatu (VS 4 / l 9 )

rajaaah + p a t i " rajaseapatl (VS 17/60)

ris^ + pahl - rlsaapahl (V3 3/48)

sa i' sprsah + pahl • aamspraaspahi (V3 37/11)

The next sutra - '•adhvanaakurvitl ce" (3.29)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the vlsarjanlya of the word 'adhvanah^
becomes a^ when followed by 'kuru* also* The
Illustration la

adhvanah + kuini • adhvanaskuru (V3 26/l)

The next sutra - "samanapade ca" (3*30) means

t h a t the vlsarjenlya becoa»s £ or a in the same word
a l s o when followed by k and £, but not in carca
(Padapatha) or i f the word i s followed by »1t1».
The conunentator has given the following I l l u s t r a t i o n s -

sreyah + kara = sreyaskara {V3 10/28)

tapah + patlh " tapespatlh (VS 5/6)

jah + patyam » jaapetyam (VS 33/12)

havlh + k r t - haviskrt (VS l / l 5 )

catuh • pat = catuspat (V^ 12/95)


The cciuaentator has given the forais of these words

In 3thltop£iSthit& condition (padapatha) where these
visarjaniya are not changed i n t o £ or a even i f
followed by k^ and £ .

sreyah karetl'sreyah kara

tapah p a t i r i t i tapah p a t i h

Jah patyamiti jah patyaat

havih krditiihavih
'M krt
I 1 — • •

catuh paditlicatuh pat

The meaning of the next sutra - "paraYasane"(3»31)

i s t h a t a visarjaniya becomes s when followed by pari
in pause ( i . e * a t the end of a peda J. The commentator
has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

dsadhayah + p a r i • osadhayaspari (V3 12/91)

The conunentator has s t a t e d t h a t the condition

avaaane i s important for t h i s operation. Thus he has
given counter-example i n which the visarjanlya i s not
changed i n t o £ oven though followea by 'pari* because
*pari* i s not a t tiie end of a pada (avaaana = pause)
e« g«
hedah + pari « hedah pari (V3 13/45)

The next autra - "kavih karat krdhlsu" (3.32)

means that the vlaarjaniye when followed by the words
kavih, karat. or krdhl becomes £ or s. Following are
the illustrations given by the comn.entfator -

vasuh + kavih • vaauskevih (V3 15/36)

sreyeaah + karat - areyaaaakarat(VS 3/5^)

puneh + krdhi =• punaakrdhi (VS 4/l4)

In the next autre - ''kraiaca krdhau s&kfcram"(3»33)

it haa been pirescribed that visarjaniya of the word
kraih becomes £, tvhen followed by the word krdhi. The
commentator has atated here that thia rule is to be
treated as vidhi (prescriptive rule) because th9 operation
preacribed by an earlier rule (3.22) is rejected by thia
rule (3*33) «•?• the yisarjaniye of the word kralh ia
preceded by tha bhayin vowel i^. Therefore it is expected
to be changea into a as prescribed by the rule -
'^bhevyupedhah sakaram" (3.22) this change does not take
place because of this rule (3*33) but the viaarjaniya of
kraih is changed into £ when followed by the word krdhi*
The illuatration is -

ki^h + krdhi « kraiskrdhi (VS 4/l0)


The next s u t r a - "sado dyaumamaskrtam pltapathesu"

(3•34) means t h a t the viserjaniya of the words sadah.
dyauuh and namah becomes ^ or s when followea by the
words krtaffi, p i t a and patha r e s p e c t i v e l y . Following
are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the ccmmentetor -

sadah + Icrtam » sadaskrtam (V3 ^3/^)

dyauh + p i t a « dyeuapite (VS 2/l1)

namah + pathe - namaspathe (VS 1f^/54)

The next s u t r s - '^pati tfclsvyasvarodc^ye" (3«35}

s t a t e s t h a t the visarjaniya becomes £ when fc]lowed by
the word p a t i enaing i n a p e l e t e l vov:?l ( i . e . i^, I^, Lj
and £]. ihe coeufientator has c l a r i f i e d t h a t the v.ord
*talavyaavarodtiyah* In the sutre i s used taking i n t o
consideration the p o s s i b i l i t y of ar^y ether l e t t e r at the
end of the word 'joati'. The coiJiBi«nt&itor has given
following i l l u s t r c - t i c n a -

brehcianah • pate « brahmanaspate (VS 34/5^)

vacah + pataye » vacaspataye (VS 7 / l )

vacah + patim « vacespatim (VS ^/45)


\^hlle commenting on t h i s autra the commentator

has used the word - *pade *. So he explains t h a t the
word *pade' (which i s in l o c a t i v e case) inaicates
t h a t i n accordance with the sutra - " t a s n d n n i t i ^
(1.134.} (which means ' i f a term i s used i r the l o c a t i v e ,
the change a f f e c t s t h a t which immediately precedes')*
The vlsar4faniya which immediately precedes, i s affected
and becomes £ . The comuientator has f u r t h e r made i t clear
that *pade' i s used here only in the sense of an
indicatory statement (jnapaka) because the sense of the
word *avyavahitah* (inimedlately) i s impossible in the
padapatha* He has f u r t h e r given an example in which the
vlsarjaniya i n j a t a h does not change I s £ because i t i s
not ixrunedlately followed by the word 'pati*. The
example i s •>
^ y - ^

Jatah + prajapetlh - jetah prajapatih (VS 23/63).

The next sutra - *^na patLgah parusl" (3.37) means

that the vlsarjanlya of paruseh does not become £
when followed by the word paruse« The commentator has
stated that this sutra is an exception to the sutra(3.30)
He has given the following illustration -

parusfcii + pa ruse h = parusah parusah (VS I3/2O)


The next sutra - '•vajepatlrvesa edldhlsurantah

parsavyenantahparsvyam i t l ca" (3•3^} means that the
visarjanlya in the words vajapatlh, vasah edldhlsuh
antahparsavyena and antah-parsvysm does not become ^
or 8* The coanaentator has stated t h a t the case of the
vlsarjaniya in the word - vajapatih (kavih) (VS 11/25)
i s a negation of the s u t r a - kavih karat ( 3 . 3 2 ) . The
other i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the cottjnentator are -
- i - .1
vasah ••• palpulim • vasah pa Ipullm (VS 30/12)

edidhisuh + patim - edidhisuhpatim (V3 3C/9)

antah + parsavyena " antahparsavyena (VS 39/?^)

entah + parsvyam ^ ant&hparsvyam (VS 39/9)

The coiiinentator has stated that in the cases of
one-word i l l u s t r a t i o n s , the operation presciribed by the
rule - 'samanapade' (3.3^) i s negatea by t h i s rule.
Further, the coiunientetor has noticed the words ' I t i ca*
in the autra and has remarked t h a t by using these words
the sutrakara aoes not only mean ' a l s o ' but he wants
to include some other i l l u s t r a t i o n of the same type
in t h i s s u t r a . Thus the coraaentator has also given one
more extra i l l u s t r a t i o n which can then come under the
scope of t h i s s u t r a . The i l l u s t r a t i o n i s -

.latah • p e t i h « jatah patih (VS^ 25/10)


Kere in this case, the visarjaniya of the word

jatah does not get any chanfe i.e. does not become
a_^ even following £ (of patih) as it is prescribed by
an earlier rule v±z» 3»35»

The next sutre - "ahah pateu repham" (3.39)

prescribes that the viaarjaniya of ahah becomes r,
when followed by the word pati« The commentator has
stated here that this sutrajis also an exception to the
rule saflianapade ca (3«30). Ke has further stated that
this operation does not take place in the sthitopasthita
condition. He has given the illustration by both ways -
in samhita and sthitopesthite.

ahah + pataye • aharpataye (VS 9/20)

But in sthitopfasthita condition it remains as

it is-

ahahpateya ityahah pataye j

The next sutra - "parasea murdhanyam" (3.40) means

that in the following cases the letter (which is pi*eceded
by a visarj&niya) is cerebralised. The commentator while
commenting on this sutra has commented that this sutra
is an adhikara sutra and prescribing the same operation
is to be continued upto the sutra - •tu^ aghadenadanadamberat*
(3.4^). The commentator has also stated that the word
murdhanyam is also to be included for being continued.

The next autre - "svardhuh sam sahayoh" (3»41)

means that the visarjanlya of svah and dhuh when
respectively followed by the words sam and aaha becomes
r and the following letter(s) is cerebralised. The
commentator has given x'ollowing illustrations -

svah • sam (apsam) « svarsem (VS 34/20)

(itam) dhuh + sahau » dhursahau (VS 4/33)

A *

In both these cases the visarjanlya of svah and

dhuh become r and the following letter s cerebralised
i.e. it becomes s.

The comnientator has made it clear that the change

of ^ into s is according to the rule - vikarl
yathesannam* (1.142) which means that the sound to be
modified is changed uito whici^i is nearest to it. Both
these sounds ^ and s have a similar vocal effort
(asyaprayatna) i.e. isatl vivrta preyatna. Therefore
_s is nearest to £. The commentator has also presented
the forms of these illustration in the sthitopssthita
condition. They are as follows -

svahsamiti svah sam I

dhuh aahaviti dhuh sahau


The next sutra - •^ukaram durdfe " (3.42) prescribes

that the visarjaniya of duh becomes u when followed by
d and then the following letter i.e. d^ Is cerebralised*
The commentator haa explained that the letter preceded by
the visarjaniya i.e. d[ is changed into d[ because both
these letters are dhi consonants, other than spams -
consonants and they are also not called nasal letters.
He has given the following illustration -

(pari te_) duh + dabhah = dudabhah {V3^ 3/36)

The commentator has also stated that in the sthitopasthita

condition the form of this illustration would be -

durdabha iti duh - dabhah

^hile stating this the commentator is quite aware of the

rule given earlier (3•19) due to vvhich the visarjaniya
is not to be changed into r in upasthita condition. He
further states that here this operation can take place
i.e. the visarjaniya changes into £ in upasthita
because of the sutra - repham svaradhau (4.35) which is
in another adhyaya and has been already said that
operation (the visarjaniya becoming £) is restricted to
the same adhyaya in which this rule (3.19) occurs. Of
course, in the athiti condition (where the padas follow

itl in padapatha i.e. duh dabhah) this change does not

occur because of the absensd of cXoae asscciation.

Then the last sutra of this chapter - "oKaram

itah sincatau sopadhah* (3«46) means that a
vlsarjanlya of itah together with its penultinsate
vowel becomes £ when followed by sine and the following
letter is cerebralised. Following is the illustration
given by the conuDentator -

(pari) itah + sincata {sutam) = parite sincata sutam

(V3 19/2)

Here the v i s a r j a n i y a of i t a h with i t s penultimate

vowel i s changed i n t o £ and the following l e t t e r £
i s cerebralised.

Here ends the visar^a sandhi prakerafaa and also

the sandhi pra tear ana in t h e Vaj pratisakhya as a whole.


Upto now, the coaimentator has dealt with the rules

regarding euphonic combinations betveen vowels, consonants

and vlsarjanlya In general. In this chapter entitled as

Bamanyavlkarah ^ the coBuaentator Is going to Interprtte

the sutras stating the rules of ciodlfl cat Ions In

particular cases.

The commentator has started this chapter with the

sutra - 'ta. aghadans dambarat*' (3.4?^) which means that

jt following agha but not preceded by the word adambara

becomes cerebrallsed. The commentator has clearly stated

that t, changes Into the cerebral letter t only. The

reason Is, that t^ (the letter to be modified) Is of the

kind of •jit* (the first of its class, see 1.50) and

other than sosma (see rule 1*54) consonants. Therefore

it is expected to change Into that cerebral letter which

Is of the kind of 'jit* but other than 'sosma* consonant.

The cerebral letter t is of this type. Thus according

to the commentator, the sutra would mean that the

letter ifc, following *agha* but not preceded by the

word adambara * changes into the cerebral letter t.

He has given the following illustration -••

(daru) aghetah » darvaghatah (VS 24/35)


The commentator has further stated that this change

does not take place in the sthltopasthlta condition*
Thus we get the form in sthitopasthita - darvaghata-
^ . - - - /
itldaru a^hatah.
^ u
The commentator has given also a counter-example
in which t h i s change does not take place because the
word ighata i s precedea by the word adambare. The
example i s -

(adambara) a ghat am • edamba rfc^:^i&tam (VS 3C*/19J

The next s u t r a - "vanasado'veto rephena" (3»49)

means t h a t the word vana followed by the word sada
becomes interposea by r i f not preceded by vet» The
commentator has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n •>

' ,"-i ;, • ; vana + sadah - vane r sad ah (VS 33/1)

This change also does not take place in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a

^ condition v i z . vanasedaitivana sadah.
' I' ; — — .

The commentator further states that •avetah'

(if not preceded by vet) is a necessary condition for
this operation. He has given the counter-example in
which the word vanaseda remains as it is because of
preceding word vet. The illustration is -

vedvanasede (VS 17/12;


The next autre - *patyau ca sfakarena' {3»50)

a t a t e s t h a t the same word vana when followed by *patl*
becomes interposed by £. The I l l u s t r a t i o n given by the
coffifflentator i s -

vana + patih - vanaspatih (V3 29/35)

The ooBdBentator here has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s subject

^\ another school of fc.Y. ^^H i s taken hejre only f o r
' a n u v r t t i * purpose of ai.

The next sutra - *rtavareu ca patiparaych^ (3»51)

neans t h a t the words r t a and avara also when followed
by p a t i and para r e s p e c t i v e l y are interposed by B^* The
i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the ccimnentator are "

rta -^ pate - r t a spate (VS 27/34)

a vara + pa ray a « avarasparaya (V3 30/19)

This change a l s o does not take place in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a

condition. The commentator has quoted the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a
forms a l s o -

r t a p a t e | i t y r t a pate

avaraparayetyavara paraya

The next sutra - "pari krta sakarena" {3»53)

means t h a t the word ' p a r i ' when followed by *krta*

i a interposed by 8. Following i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n given

by the coauuentator -

p a r i • krteh -= p a r i a k r t a h i sxakrah (VS 21/42)

The form quoted by the comiuentttor from the

s t h i t o p a a t h i t e condition i s -

p a r i k r t a i t i j p a r i krtah

The next autre - "candre su sakarena" (3»54)

means t h a t su when followed by candra i s interposed by
£. The i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the comaientator i s -

su + candra » suscandra (VS 15/43)

He has given the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a form of t h i s

i l l u s t r a t i o n in which s i s not seen.

sucandratl su-c&ndra

Ilie next sutra -"dudhuksan dho dakaram" (3*55)

S t a t e s t h a t dh in the word dudhuksan becomes (1 i.e.
duduksan (V5 33/2^). In s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition i t i s
Qudhuksenniti dudhukaan.

Ihe next sutro - "bhfcvtbliyeh su sam sacieruipede * {3*56)

deans t h a t £ becomes s in the seme word when preceded
by any vowel other than £ find £ i . e . bhavin. The
comiaentator has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

auaava • suseva (VS 19/2)

alsadhaiaa « slaadhama (V3 25A6)

These words as mentioned by the commentator would

be as follows in the s t h i t o p a s t h l t a condition -
L , ^i
susaveti susava

slaadhameti aisadhama

The next s u t r a - " aat tathau n^urohanyfam" (3»^0)

means t h a t t and th following s are c e r e b r a l i s e d .
The coffimentator has quotea ttiS wora duatarah in which
t_ i s changed according to t h i a sutra in ouatajrahij^ 9/37)
because both the l e t t e r s ( i . e . t and t ) t r e 'jit'
conaonants. In the casea of the further illustrf^tiona
given by the corat'ientator i . e . 'jgoathanam* (V3 l/25) and
'parameathi' (VS ^/54) the l e t t e r Ui ia changed i n t o the
c e r e b r a l l e t t e r th aa they are aoama conacnants ( the
second of t h e i r c l a s a ) . These worda are as follows in
s t h l t o p a s t h i t a condition.

duatraj. itiduatarah

gosthanafliiti|MO athanam
/ /
paramesthitiparome s t h i

By quoting the s u t r a - " t s s m a d i t ; ^ " (1.135)

the commentator has c l e a r l y s t e t e d t h a t the change
prescribed by t h e pi*esent s u t r a {3»^0) a f f e c t s only the
l e t t e r s in o b l a t l v e case which immediately follow*
Therefore he has quotsa the word - *presitah* (VS 2l/fc|)
in which f i s followeo by t. but i t i s interposed by i^
(i.e. s i s not immedii'tdly followed by t^}. ]hex*efore
t^ i s not to be changed i n t o the c e r e b r a l l e t t a r t but
i t remains as i t is.

The next sutra - ^anuavaret c^ tat purvat"(3»$7)
means that £ becomes 9 even if preceded by anuavera
which is preceded by e bhavin vowel (other than £ and a.)
The commentator has given following illustrations -

tapu\^syagne (VS 13/IO)

/ / /
(purodasair) havitsya (VS 19/20)

The commentator has i^iven a counter-example also^

in which this change does not take place because the
anuavara which is followed by s_ is preceded by the
Towel £ (i.e. other than bhevin). Hie example is -
yam manage ei (Vy 12/5^).

The next sutra - "karephabhyam" (3»5f^) means that

£ preceded by k or £ becomes s. The commentator hes
given following illustrations -

|*k • «u - rksu { ..)


vanar + aadah » vanaraadah (VS 33/1)

li^lle cofflfflenting on t h i s autre the commentator has

stated that t h i s change of ^ (which i s preceded by
anusvera or kakara) to s i s already established by
gramaer. These ti^o sutras occur here for explaining
some particular foms* For, in a forthcoming sutra -
•anusantenotu . . . ' (3*^2) the words himsih and
rksamayoh are included and the change of JB into s is
prohibited there, in spite of the fact that there £ is
preceded by anus vara and kakara respectively. Thus with
the sutra (3*^2) in view, the change of ^ into s in
some particular forms i s prescribed by both these r u l e s .

The next sutre - "neh sidateh" (3.59) means that

sakara of the root sada following ni^ becomes a. The
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the commentator i s -

• ', L-V a i * aldata - nisidata (VS 7/34)

The next sutra - "sasada ca** (3*60) also prescribes

the rule about the change of the l e t t e r ^ into s in
sasada following n i . The commentator has stated here
that since sasada i s derived from the root sad t h i s change
might have taken place even according to the previous sutra.

But s t i l l i t i s s p e c i f i c a l l y mentioned here for the sake

of clear understanding only. The i l l u s t r a t i o n given by
the coBunentator i s -

s i ga»a<ia * '!"* .^J:'" " nilsasada (VS 10/27)

The sutra ""okarat su" (3«6l) means that ^ in the

word 8£ preceded by £ becomes s. The i l l u s t r a t i o n given
by the commentator i s -

tto • su (nah) • mo su nah {VS_ 3/46)

£ in the word su preceded by independent single

l e t t e r (apricta) u i s also changed into s. It is
prescribed by the rule - *03caprktat* (3»62). "Hie
commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

' ;l' E • JH <?fi]|?) • H ?li (?£|?) (VS 11/42)

"^^ g^tra - "abhesca" (3»63) also means that _8

in the word su preceded by abhi becomes s. The
illustration is -

abhi * 8U (nah) - abhi su (nah) (VS 27/41)

The sutra - "pai^h sincateh" (3*64) means that

J. ^^ *sincati* preceded by *pari* becomes s e.g.
pari sincanti (VS 20/2d)

The autra - "abhesca" (3.65) mentions t h a t _s in

sincanti preceded by *abhi^ also becoffles s* The
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the comment&tor i s -

abhi • aincami - abhi aincami (VS 9/30)

Tti® autra - '•avyavahito'pi*' (3.66i s p e c i a l l y

mentions t h a t ai i n 'sincati' following abhi changes
into a when intervened by a a l s o . The coounentator has
given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

(ifcitravarun&u) abhi + aaincen « ebhyssincan (VS 1 0 / l )

The next sutra - "veryudeyah" (3.67) means t h a t £

becomes s when preceded by (the upasar^a) vi and
followed by j% following i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n

YJ • syimyayusah " vigyamyayusah (V3 12/65)

For t h i s oper&tion, followed by ^ i s fa necessary condition.
In absence of t h i s conditioni t h i s change does not take
place e.g.
^ avah pasya (VS 7/45)

Here £ in svah i s not changed i n t o s because

even thougii i t i s preceded by v l , i t i s not followed by JJ;.

The sutra - '•hermithodayah" (3.6i!i) p r e s c r i b e s the

change of £ to s when i t i s preceded by hi. and followed

by m or th. The coeu&entator has given both types of

illustrations e.g.

hi sma ta (VS 3/46)

a)po hi stha (VS 1l/$0)

The sutra - "dyavesca" {3«69( adds that £ when

preceded by dy&vl and followed by jth becomes s.. The

co&Bientator has stated here that this operation can take

place when this s, (preceded by dyavi) is followed only by

tb. There is no case available in which ^ is followed

by m. So the m in the earlier sutra is not to be brought

in connection with this sutrti. He has given the illuatraticn

of £ following til. -

'^: j>>clyavi • stha - dyavi ^tha (VS 33/53)

The sutra - "neh styastanoh" (3»70) means that £

of stya and stan becomes s when preceded by ni. The

conanentator has given the following illustrations -

nih -^ styayatam " nigtyayataat (VS 6/l5)

nih • stanihi = nistanihi (VS 29/56)

Here the commentator has remaziced that according

to the sutra - 'lun mudi jit pare* (3»13) (which means


t b e t vlaarjaniye i s dropped when followed by £, s or

or £ i f they thenseelves are followed by j i t consonants),
the visarjaniye i s dropped in both these cases and then
as i t i s preceded by njL, a^ Lecofftes s as prescribed by
the r u l e .

The sutra - 'tataksu* (3.71) mentions t h a t j ^

which follOKts ni becomes s when followed by *tatak9u'.
The cctfnmentator has s t a t e d here t h a t the inile - 'tatheyph
sam' (3«^) has prescribed t h a t the viserj^niya when
followed by t^ and t h becomes £. But eccording t o t h i s
l a t t e r sutra (3.?1) t h i s ^ changes i n t o s . The
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the coimentetor i s -

(svadhaya ) nih + teteksuh - " nistatekguh (V3 17/92)

The next autre • *anoh stuvantyaro* {3«72) mentions

t h a t ja of s t u v a n t i becomes s when pr-^ceded by &nu. The
commentator has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

anu • s t u v a n t i ' - anustuventi (VS 33/97)

. (;-73)
The next sutra - *duh svapnyam** / means t h a t the
initial ^ in 'duh svapnyam• (VS 35/l1) becMsea s.
The commentator has added t h a t in sthitof>a3thit8 condition
this ^ remains as i t i s . He has given both types of
illustrations -
I n Gaitijilta :
duh svepnyem suva {VS 35/l1)

In sthitopasthlte :

duh svapnyaitiitictuh avepnyam


The next sutra - " vandarurmfik ih »» (3•74) means

t h a t (the f i n a l ) s In the words vandaruh and makih
becomes a. The comntentator has c l e a r l y s t a t e d t h a t In
the case of the words ending v.lth viaarjtiniya, according
t o the e a r l i e r rule *tathayoh sam* {3»^) the visarjaniye
i s expected t o change i n t o js but because of the present
rule t h i s ^ becomes s here. He has given the i l l u s t r a t i o n s
also -
vandaruh + t e^ • vandaruste ^

vandaruste (VS 12/42)

' /
makih • t£ » makiste --

makiste (VS 13/11)

The sutra - "aaheh prtanayeh" {3»7$; means that js

in sah preceded by prtana becomes s. The commentftor
has given the ioliowing illustrations -

prtanaaahyaya * prtanaaahyaya (VS 18/68)

The commentator has stated also that this change

does not take place in sthitopasthita condition.
So the form remains -
prtanasahyay^L.tiprtgna - sahyaya

The coouiientator here i s aware of the f&ct t h a t

t h i s operation can not take place because the sutra
"bhavyup&dha" (3»22) the change of ^ i n t o f i s not
peruiitted. Therefore cofonientator has a t a t e a that t h i s
r u l e (3.75) i s to be t r e a t e d as a p r e s c r i p t i v e r u l e ( v l d h i )

The next autra - "aadhiransurfc^ditih" (3.76) means

t h a t the f i n a l s_ in the v;ord3 aadhi£, ansuh and aditi^
becomes a. 'ihe coBunentator has given following
illustrations -

aadhih + tava « sadhist/va

sadhiatavfe (VS 12/36)

anauh + te • anauate

anaus^e (VS $/7)

aditih + tt - aditiste

aditi at ^.. (V3 11/5-/ )

The neAt autra - "vc;yaraffliiraf^i<?r-ek&kaare" (3.77)

mentiona t h a t (the f i n a l ) _8 ( i . e . visarjaniya) in the
worda vayuh ( a ) , agnih(a; end affleh(s) become a a »*ien a
word c o n s i s t i n g of only one s y l l a b l e fcllowa. The
coauuentator has ^Iver following i l l u a t r e t i c n s -

yayuh • tve * vayustva paceteih

• vayuatva pacataih (V3 14/12)


agnih • t£ » agniste
" fagnigtefdhipatlh^ (VS 13/24)

agneh + tva " egneatva

=• agnestva ( t e j a s a ) (Y3 2 / l 1)

The coinmentetor has stated that t h i s operation takes

place only when a word c o n s i s t i n g of one s y l l a b l e follows
and otherwise n o t . He has given t h e foilovjing counter-
examples a l s o -

agnih + tigaena « ajgiistigcena (VS l 7 / l 6 )

affleh + tanuh • agnestanuh (VS l / l 5 )

Here in both these examples ^ i s not changed into a

even preceded by the same words mentioned in the s u t r a .

The sutra - "sakarapare ca^ (3«7^) means t h a t the

sakara (viserjaniya) which i s preceded by penultimate
bhavin vowel (other than a_ and £) becomes s a l s o when
t h i s ^ i s followed by a word consisting of one syllable
and t h i s Uionosyllabic word i s followed ty s.. The
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the coiimentator i s -

dhanuh -*• tvam sahasraksa " dhanustvam sahasraksa (VS 16/13)

The counter-example given ty the commentator in

which a^ does not become s because the monosyllaiic word
i s not followed by £ . e.g. ...

savituh + tva "= savituatva (prasave) (VS 1/31J

The next sutra - "a.atrbhlrare 1 bhih payubhirvarutrih"

(3•79) s t a t e s t h a t a oi" these i c u r words VIK. matrbhlh
a r c i b h i h , payubhlh and varxitrih becomes s (when a word
consisting of only one s y l l a b l e follows). The commentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

matrbhlh -*• tvam » matrbhistvam (VS 12/38)

arcibhih + tvain • arcibhistvam (V3 12/32)

payubhlh + tvam » payubhistvem (V3 33/^4)

v a r u t r i h + tva • varutriatva (V3 11/61)

The next sutra - "prakrtya" (3*^1) i s interpreted

by the commentator to be an adhikare-'sutre. It prescribes
t h a t a^ i n the cases mentioned in the folbwing sutras
remains unchangeu. This sutra i s supposed to be continued
in a l l the iollowlng s u t r a s .

The next sutra - "anusantanotu . , . catustrintsat"

(3.62) gives a l i s t of following words in which ^
remains as i t i s (does not change i n t o a ).

anuse^ntanotu • enueantanotu (VSK 2/6/10)

brhaspatiautasya - brh&spetisutasya (VS 8/9)


suaamiddhaya acacise « ausemlddheya soclse {V3 3/2)

auaandrsam (tva) - auaandraaat'^ (V^ 3/52)

abhl 8atYa(aahojah) - abhi aatva (VS 17/37)

^ A

abhi aemviaantu - abhiaamvlsantu {V3 13/25)

ausaayah « auaaayah (VS 4/lO)

atlsthulaat - atlathulam (V3 30/22)

(ulukhale)mu3ale • (ulukhale) musale (VSK 2.5.2)

patnisamya^lan " patniaamydjan (VS 19/29)

punjikaathala ca kratuathala « punjikaathala ce

kratuathala t;^(V3 15/15)

anjisakthah » anjiaaktheh (VS 24/4)

diviapraa - divlapraa (V3 15/27)

hrdiapraam • hrdiepraam (VS 15/44)

himaih - himalh (VS4/1)

rkaamayoh - rkaamayoh ( 3llpe)(VS 4/9)

rkaamabhyam - rkaamebhyam (aantarantah) (VS 4/1)

tlttirih(8) te - t l t t l r i a t e faarpanagi) (VS 24/36)

aiaene (tantram) - alaena[tantram)(VS 19/ftO)


(harinih) aiseh « (herinlh) sis&h (VS 23/37)

sisam " si3am (ca me ) (V3 1^/13)

(prajaaanif pasusanl " (prajesanl) paauaanl (VS 19/4^)

gosanih - goaanlh (VS ^/12)

p r a t i gaafff " pr^tisadrn (VS 17/^1)

pratlsadrksasah « pr^tis».drkaaeah (VS 17/^4)

'' / ' * - ' ,

catustrlcsat « catustrlL set vajinah (VS 25/41)

The commentator while giving these i l l u s t r a t i o n s has

made some c l a r i f i c s t i o n ebout some cnses. Thus ha has
s t a t e d t h a t i n the case of *himslh' the change of ^ i n t o
s was preacribed by the autre - * anus va r a t . . . ' (3»57)
but i t does not occur. In the ceae of 'rksemajroh' and
•ricaama' a^ was expected t o change rto a according t o the
rule *karephabhyam ca' (3»5^i. In the case of ' t i t t i r i a t e '
_3 was t o be changed into s according t o the gfutra -
•sakarapare ca' (3«7^). In other cases of visarjaniye
also the change of ^ i n t o s was ejq^ected according t o
the autra ^samanapade ca* (3»30). In a l l these cases
t h i s change does not take place because of the present
autra* The commentator has f u r t h e r atated that the
mention of 'catustritsat* i s a l s o important because i n

the case of catuetomah (V3 14/23) the visarjenlya is

not dropped according t o the autre - 'lun aiudi • {3«13)
but £ becomes s because of the rule 'bhavibhyah' (3»56)
Similarly in catuatrin^sat' also ai might have be«a
changea into s if i t would not have been nientioned h e r e .
The commentator has indicated t h a t in e l l these above
mentioned cases, ^ does not get changed i n t o s as
prescribed by d i f f e r e n t r u l e s but i t remains as i t i s
according to the present rule (3»^2} only.

The next sutra - " rk^rerephirudayah " {3.^3)

mentions t h s t s remains as i t i s when followed by r , r
and a£ The commentator has given following illustrations-

t l a r b h i h (astuvata) •= t i s r b h i r& stuvata (Vb 14/<-{*')

tiarah + (c£ me^) • t i s r a s c a me (V3 1^/24)

(vacah) visarjanam » visarjanam (Va l / l $ )

Ifce next s u t r e -"prthividivyupafT carsenisakuniyasibhyah"

(3.?i4) s t a t e s t h a t ^ preceded by these s i x words - p r t h i v i .
d i v i . upai^i'j c a r s a n i , sakuni and yasi remains as i t i s .
Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the comment£tor

p r t h i v i •^ sadam « prthiviat'dam (VS 9/2)

divi • sadam « divisJdem (VS 9/2)


uparl • aadah " upaiiaadah (V3 9/36)

carsanl + saham •» carsaniaaham (VS 2d/l)

sakunl + sacLena • sakunlsadena (V3 25/3)

avayaal + aisthah - avayaaislsthah (V3 2 l / 3 )

The coBunentator haa cc«uuented on next two sutraa

jointly. Thus the s u t r a s - "rsarephebhye nakaro
nakaram aamanapade" (3»^5) and "avara yavahakapalaca"
(3*^6} mean that n preceued by r , a and r even vjhen
intervened by a vowel or ^ , v, h or conaonants of k-clasa
and p'Claaa, becomes n i n the same word* The coootentator
haa quoted the previous autro - tasmaditi (1«l35)
which means t h a t the prescribed cnetnge a f f e c t s only tlie
l e t t e r s i n the oblative caae which immediately follow.
So when there i s an i n t e r v e n t i o n , a l e t t e r would not
undergo the change p r e s c r i b e d , Heire however n followed
^y fi s or £ becomes n even if i t i s intervened by a
vowel or y , v, h etc. e i t h e r severally or j o i n t l y i n
any way because of the specific mention. Following are
the i l l u s t r a t i o n s fiven by the commentator -

/ -.
nrmanah » nnaanah (vr> 12/l8)

purisavehanah « purigavahanah (V3 11/44)

pravahanah » pravahanah (VS 5/31)


The coQuiientator has s t a t e d t h i s change does not

take place i n the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition. He has
quoted also the forms •>
/ /
nrmana i t i n r manah

purisavahana i t i p u r i s a vahanah
1 '
pravahana i t i pra vahanah

Th« commentatcr has f u r t h e r given some counter--

examples in which the prescribed change (of n into n)
does not take place because the intervening l e t t e r s sre
d i f f e r e n t h'cn . those cientioned in t h i s sutra e.g.

rasmina (VS 15/6) rasena (VS l / 2 l )

rucanah (VS 12/l) rathena (V3 17/36)

The next sutra - ^pre n e t i n d d a t i hinosdnafli' (3.^9)

means th**t ri, when preceded by pra i s cerebralised
(or beccaies n) in the r o o t s ni^ end nud and in hinomi.
Following are the i l l u s t r e t i o n s given by the coaiioentator-

pranayg (devayyam) = praaaya (va 11/^)

pranuda nah = pranuda ^ (Y3 15/1)

S. hinomi - pra hincai (Vy 35/19J


The l e t t e r £ in the end of word z*emains as i t i s .

This i s s t a t e d by the next sutra - ^•prekrtya padantiyah"
(3.90). The coffimentator has given following
illustrations -

£upan (VS 34/41) ekran (VS 3/4^)

pitrn U s 19/70)

The next s u t r a - "ni vani nasah prapinaa" (3«91)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t n in n l , vani, nasah, and prapinam
remains unchanged even v«rhen preceded by r , s and r.
The commentcitor has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

babhr nikasah = babhmikasah (VS 24/16)

'I « • I II » — — a I ' I « I

k s a t r a + vani » ksatravani (Vi 1/17)

vardhri • nasah - vardhrinasah (Vb 24/39)

prapinam « prapinetu (V^ 17/^7)

According to our commentatcr, the next sutra -

"srlreang i t y e k e " (3.92) mentions one p e c u l i a r i t y of the
main br^^nch of j . Y . i . e . madhyandina. The sutra means
t h a t II i n srlinanah (Vd> 17/i>6) remains unchanged
according to some t e a c h e r s . The commentator has remarked
t h a t the word *eke* in the sutra i s to be taken i n the ^^tuei U «M
rt\«- main teachers or main school of S^.Y._V. (madhyandina).

I t i s t o be noted here t h a t according to the kanva school

of £«X*X»» E ^" srimanah becomes n i.e. srimanah
(VSK 1 « / 5 / 7 ) .

The next sutra - "Indragni citrabhano . • . . " (3»93)

gives a l i s t of eight words in which n remains as i t i s ,
even thoutii according t o the rule 3*^5 n was expected
in a l l these c a s e s . Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s
given by the commentator -
Indragni (V3 2/15)
Citrabhano (VS 20/^7)

vartraghnam a s i ( 7 3 10/8); duhsvapny &suva (VS 35/11)

dhruvayonih (Vo U / D ; puro'nuvakyabhih (V3 20/12)

puro'nuvakya yajyabhih (VS 20/l2) carmemnact (VS 30/l5)

Ihe sutra - "teverge ca" (3.94) means t h a t n

even when preceded by r , s or r remains as i t i s
also i t i s followed by a consonant of t - c l a s s . Following
are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the comiuentator -

t r p a n t u hotrah (VS 7/l5)

avakrandena t a l u (VS 2 5 / l )

krandate (VS 22/7)


The next autre - "sedanant&ra • . .j^lsf H •' (3.95)

s t a t e s t h a t n even when preceded by sa^ remains as i t i s ,
i f i t i s followed by r . The coizuudntatcr has given the
following example-

(ugras) tvesa hramah (VS 33/^0)

The next autra - "niaannaya . . . . " {3»d7) gives

a l i s t of t h i r t e e n words/cases of nipatana i . e . the
word given as i t appears,without an attempt for i t s
derivation in : i;"» K -"'.i ci . f'-s-aar^
Following are the words mentioned in the s u t r a .
/ '^ J / /

nisannai sveha (VS 22/?t); rathavahanaji-havih (VS 29/45)

indra enam (VS 29/13)J p a r i n i y a t e kavih (VS 33/75)

"^ samindra ncjraanasa (V3 ^ / 1 5 ) ; urusya nah (VS^ 3/26)

'% raksa'nah brahaana spate (VS 3/3<^); £0 su nah (VS 3/46)

abhi su nah (VS 27/41) i gomad u su nasatya (VS 2G/?^1)

svarna gharmah (^S 1{?/5t/); aathuri nau (VS 2/27)

pra na ayu^si (VS 23/32)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a

condition the change of ii i n t o n does not take p l a c e .
He quoted two forms of abovelientionea words in
s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition -

nlsannayetl nl sonneya

rath&vahanamltl ratha vahanam etc.

Ihe next sutra - "dirgham" (3•97) is according to

the commentator again an edhikara-sutra (i.e. a

governing rule consisting of a n««»d/word3/ which


continue (s) or are ( i s ) taken as understood i n every

following r u l e upto e p a r t i c u l s r l i m i t ) . Therefore i t
means t h a t in a l l the following s u t r a s upto 3*13^' the
words '' 8 short vowel i s lengthened ere t o be understood.

The sutra - •aava . . . vakare' {3•9^) gives a l i s t

of twentyrfive words in which the f i n a l vowel i s lengthened
when v; follows. The words mentioned in the sutra sre as
f t ' —

follows - asva, raeml, mati, suxceti. s v e , s u t a . caraya.

g h r n i . sedima. i n d r i y a , d h a r a t a . c i t r a , bhangura. vayuna.
asvasya, hrdaya, ghusya, r t a . ebhi, a v e t e , e d h i . area,
s a k t i , puru and s e c i . The coiiiiiisntctor has given the
proper i l l u s t r a t i o n s of a l l these words i n lengthened
forms in samhita es well as t h e i r unlengthened forms
i n the a t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition. They are as follows -
/ /
esvavatiinityesva vatim • asvevctim (VS 12/Sl)

raamlvatimitirasffii + vatim - rasicivatim (V3 15/63)

laativid - mativide (VS 22/12)


aumativrdha I t l sumati-vrdheh = suffiativrdhah (V3 22/12)

^ SYftviditijava Vif " svavidibhaumi ) (VS 24/33)

sutavata I t l suta vatah » autaveteh (VS 2C/dft)

careya vrsan • caraya vraan (VS 23/21)

.^ g h r n l v a n l t i g h m i van • ghrnlven (VS 24/39)

aedlma vayam *= sedima vayam (V3 25/15)

indrlyfevanitindrlya-van " indrlyavan (VS 6/27)

uharctya vasuni «= dharaya vaauni (VS 6/5)

c i t r a v a s o i t i c l t r a voso « citraveao (VS }/^^)

/ - • ' • ' . / - . / -

bhan j^urfa vat and 11 bh an^.ura vat am * bh&agurfc.vatfcCi (VS 1l/26)


YayunaYidlti|y£yuna vit_ « vayunHvid (VS 5/l4)

aa>Vfasya (_ V^^•>U\) « aavasya (VS 25/42)

hrdayavidha I t i hrdaya>vidheh - hrday^vldhalaclt)(VS S/23)

arma^iusyetyanu-^iuaya - anuKhusya (VS 25/41)

rtav&namltyrta - vanam - rtavanam (VS 12/111)

• 1 ^ •111"* • I II • • • • ! « « M^MB • • •" ' ••"111" " • ""^

abhivarta i t y a b h i - vartah «= ebhivertah (VS 14/23)

pre avata vacah • pravatahfecah (VS \Z/^t) ^

adhlvaa&Biltyadhl - vasam » adhivcaam (VS 25/39)


area t vlsvanaraya » arcaVlavanareya (V3 33/23)

saktlvanta i t l s a k t l vantah « saktlvantah (Vi 29/46)

puruvaso i t i puru vaso - puruvase (Y^ 33/^1)

About the l a s t i l l u s t r a t i o n - 'aacivasoMRV 8/60/12),

the commentator has remarked t h a t the word saclvaso Is
from av^ other school of Veda. He has not siven i t s form
in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition a l s o , because the i i n a l vowel
^^ 3ac^ i s ^lot i» short form there, e.g.

saclvaso i t i saci - vaso {RV ^ 6 0 / 1 2 )

The next gutra - "nasvavat hirgnyavat" (3•99)

mentions cne p e c u l i a r case of asva. I t naecns that th«
f i n a l vowel i s not lengthened i n asvavat when preceded
by the word 'hiranyc.'. The i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the
coEuientator i s - hiranyfevad asva vat (VG ^ / 6 3 ;

This sutra if> an exception to the rule taentioned

i n the e a r l i e r sutra (3»9S).

The next sutra - "abhi vikhyesaxn . . . . .

vajayantesu" {3.1U(j) also means t h a t the f i n a l vowel in
abhi i s not lengthened when cne of the t i x uordo viz.
vlkhyesam, v i r a , visva. v a t s a , v r t r a and vajayanta
follows. The commentator has given the following

abhi[vikhye3»m (Vii 1/II) athljvlrah (VS 17/37) ^

abhiViBve (V3 2/ld) abhijvataaffl (V3 26/11) ^

abhi vrtram (V3 1^/69) abhlWajayanteh (V3 1^/74)"=^

The next autra - asvasya vajlnah I t l ca (3.101)

a l s o s t a t e s t h a t the word asvasya also i a not
lengthened when i t i s followed by the word 'vajinah*.
The coaunentator has given the I'cllovdng i l l u s t r a t i o n •>

aavasyfei vojin&h (VS 2i/37)

The commentator h£.8 ^stated th<at the words U t i ca*

i n tht? .iStra arc- yx^'^A v/ith the i n t e r x i c n to .-^u^geat
the i n c l u s i o n of some other possible similar cases of
t h i s type (where T;he f i n a l vowel i s not lengthened).
For t h i s statement, he has discovered fin example in which
the f i n a l vowel of edhi i s not lengthened e . g . adhiv&kta
(VS 16/5). In t h i s example lengthening i s eaqpected
according to the sutra 3.9M . This lengthening i s not
p r o h i b i t ed by pny other sutra a l s o . 3o t h i s p r o h i b i t i o n
i s supposed t o be indicated by the words * i t i ca* in
t h i s sutra,.

The next sutre - "visvc sehabhuvapusa vesu^u" (3.102)

means t h a t the f i n a l (sl'iort) vowel in visva i s larigthened
when followed by S£-h&. bhuva, pugc^ end vasu. The
commentator has c l e a r l y s t a t e d t h e t n i s not to be taken
*^ ^ f-v

by a n u v r t t i hare. He haa given the i l l u s t r a t i o n s as


viavas&ham (V3 7/36)

viavabhuve (Vii 33/23)

visvapuaam (VS 25/45)

visvevaauh (VS 2/3)

The comiuentetor has stated a l s o t h a t in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a

condition, the word i s not lengthened eyen when followed
by the words mentioned above. He has given these examples
i n s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition a l s o .

visvasahamlti, visva aaham

t / ^ / /
viavabhuve iti visva bhuve

vlsvapusaaiiti visva pusam

^ ^ / /
v i s v a v a a u r i t i visva vasuh

I'he next autre - "tisthadyudattam" (3«104) s t a t e s

that tisthci i s i l n t t l l y lengthened i f i t h&s an acute
accent on i t s i i r s t s y l l a b l e (adyud£tta). The i l l u s t r a t i o n s
given by the conunentetor are following -

11st ha ra'tham {V3 10/22)

ii?^^ ctevah (VS 11/42)


The coojnentetor hes stated that if the word tistha

is not adyudatta. then it is not lengthened. He has
given a counter, example also -
i iis^M vrtrahan (V3 ^/33)

The next sutra - "pra vanarngayasesu" (3«105)

means that pra is lengthened when followed by vana,
srnga and yasa.

pravanebhih sajosaaah {VS 12/50 J

praarnga (73 24/17)

prayasaya (V3 39/11/

In sthitopaathita condition however pra remains

short even when xollov^ad by the words vana, arnga and
yasa» They are as follows -

pravanebhiriti pra vanebhih

praarnga iti pra srngsh

pray&sayeti pra yasaya

The next sutre - dharayama . . . nakare" (3«10?^)

gives e list of sixteen words vis. - dharayama, yojave,
aacasva. nuda. mo su, .jayata, urusya, raksa, ya.la.
yaccha, mataatha. piprta. gayfa ta. ji tu and yena

which are f i n a l l y lengthened i f followed by n.

Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
comtiientator -

dharayajpa namobhih dharayama namobhih(V3 17/90)

yoja nu indra yojdivindra (Vo 3 / 5 ^ ) ^

ava nah devya ave no devya (Vo 11/41)

sacasva nah sacasva nah (V^ 3/^4)

pra nuda nah » pra nuda nah (VS 1$/l)

iro i t i mo su nsth mc su nah (VNi 3/46)

•— • — «

jayata narah - jayata nareh (V3 17/46)

uruaya nah " urusya nah (y[^ 3/26)

rakajB nah - raksa nah (VS. 3/30^

aja nah " " yaja no mitra (VS 33/3)

yeccha nah sarma • yeccha nah s&nae (VS 36/13)

mat £i«ktha nah matsatha no ivisvam)(y3 33/34)

piprtfe nih av&dyat « i j i p r t i nirevadyat (VS 33/42)

^ayata narah • jgayatfe nar&h (Vo 33/63L)

/ •

£ ^ S i t ^ iadra « a t u na indra (jTS 33/65)

yena nah ^ purve " yena nah purve (VS 34/17)


liihlle quoting these i l l u s t r a t i o n s , the coaunentetor

has given h i s c l a r i f i c a t i o n about tha tvi;o cases of
s p e c i a l type i n the given s u t r a viz. Baio sii fetnd £ t u .
He h&s s t a t e d that when su and tji are preceded by mo
and £ r e s p e c t i v e l y then only they are lengthened
(when followeo by ii) and otherwise not* He hes ^iven
following counter-examples -

urdhva u su nah (V£ 11/42]

tuce tu n&h ( ^ 33/94)

In the case of *urdhva u su n^h' su i s preceded

by a word other than the word mo. Therefore i t i s not
lengthened. Similar i s the case of *tuce tu nah' in
which tu i s not lengthened because of the preceding vord
tuce (other than £ ) .

The next autre - *bfaava ca' (3.109) adds one more

particul&r case of lengthening. I t means that bhava
also i s f i n a l l y lengthened when followed by n. The
commentator has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n >

bhava nah » bhave nah (va 12/114;

The next sutra - "s&cavsruthyavajasya payusu ca"

(3.110) means thet bhava is finally lengthened also

when followed by saca, varuthya, vajasya, and peyu*

Following are the Illustrations given by the commentetor-

bhava • aaca " bhave saca (VS 34/56)

bhava • varuthyah - bhava varuthyah (V3 3/25)


bhava + vajasya « bhava vajasya (VS 12/112)

bhava + payuh » bhava payuh (VS 13/11 )

The next sutra - "nava nayaad" {3«107) states

one exception in connection with the word ava which
is included in the previous sutra (3.10^) for the
operation of lengthening ii" followed by n. Ilie sutra
means that ava is not finally lengthened if followed
by nayami. Following is the illustration given by the
commentator -

ava • nayami » ava nayami (VS 5/25)

The next sutra - "aprktah sau" (3*111) means

that the aprkta letter u (independent single letter)
is lengthened when followed by ju. The commentator
has given the following illustration -

'1 . ^ ,
mahim u 8U « mahimu ^u (V3 21/5)

The next autra - "r&thi takera nekarayoh" (3,112)

means t h a t r.athl i s f i n a l l y lengthened when followed
by t^ and n. The commentator has given following
illustration -
r a t h i + tamam » rathitamam (VS 12/56)

r a t h i + nam » r&thinam (VS 12/56)

The coomentator has a l s o stated t h a t t h i s word i s

not lengthened in the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition.

rathitaffiamiti|i^athi tfcmaro

rathinemitirethi nfom

The next sutra - ^aratho . . . . yak a re** (3.113)

means t h a t the : • words sratha, udprithe, sees,
panaya, aadaya, rj[u v r s ^ , satru, selaksama, gha^ aghe,
arati, rtu, bhaveta, are f i n a l l y lengthened whan followed
by IJ, Following ere the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
comffientetor -

srethaya (V3, 12/12)} udaritha ya.je (VS 17/75)

30CS yavistya(VS 3 / 3 ) ; panayn yu.1am (VS 19/64)

sidaya yajnam (VS 1 l / 3 5 ) j rjuyatam (V^ 25/15)

vrsayamenah (VS 20/46) satruyato hanta (VS 12/5)


aalaksaa yat (V:> 6/20); a gha ye (V^ 7/32)

aghayatah (V^ 3/26)j aratiyeto hanta (VS 12/5)

rtayate madhu(VS 13/27); bhavata yaJatrah{V3 33/51)

The coiBm^ntator has given sane forms of these

illustrations in athitcpaathita condition also, vrhere
no lengthening takes place*

/ . /
sr&thayeti srathaya , rjuyatamityrju - yataa ,

vrsayaaianaiti vrsa-yaiaanah , satruyetaltiaatru'-yatah ,

axhayata itya^ha-yatah, aratiyata ityarati-yatah,

rtayata ityrta-yate.

The next sutra - "va vrdhavrjoh'* (3.114) states

that V£ is lengthened when followed by vrdha and
vrja* The cooimentator has given follov^ing illustrations*

vavrdhe (V^ 7/39)

vavrje (VjJ 3 3 / U )

In sthitopasthita condition there is no

lengthening i

vavrdhaiti vavrdhe
vavrjaiti vavrje

The next sutra - * adya tern . . . . deYeau* (3.115)

means t h a t &dya i s f i n a l l y lengthened when followed by
tam. hakara, t a k a r a , bhavata, vrnimahe end ueva.
The cofiiBtentator has given following i l l u s t r e t i o n s >

adya tamaaya (V3 33/97)i adya huvema (VS ^/45)

adya ca (Vij2l/l); adye bhavata (V3 33/51)

adya vrniiaahe (VS, 33/17); adya devah (VS 33/42)

The comtaent^itor has stated that sdyfe followed by

tain is a specific case, because adya when followed by
te is not lengthenea although both the words tam and te^
are derived from tad. Ke has given this type of counter
example -

adya • te - adya te (VS 33/94)

The next s u t r a - "na hotari'* (3«1l6) i s an exception

t o the inclusion of hakara i n the e a r l i e r sutra (3*115)*
I t means t h a t the word adya i s not lengthened when i t i s
followed by h o t r . llie i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the
coirioentator i s -

adya hotaram « adya hotaram (VS 21/59)

The next sutra - "srnuta . . . . makare" (3.117)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the words srnuta, tvisi. dhraji,
. t

bhavata, i t a , sma, t i s t h a . end raksa are f i n a l l y

lengthened when followed by m. The commentator has
given the following i l l u s t r a t i c n s -

srunuta • me(Imain) « s n m u t a ma(imsm ) (VS^ 7/34)

tvlgl + mate - tvlgjmate (Vii 16/17)

• dhrajlmfan (VS 29/22)

/ , / - dayantah

bhaTfeta + mrdayantah * bhavata mr V (V3 ^/4)

plba + ciltrasya - plba mltrasys (VS 33/lOi

Ita • ma rut ah = U a ma rut ah (VS 33/47)

(hl^ sma + menave « (hi_) sma man&ve (VS 33/94)

tlatfaa + mahan • tistha mfehan (VS yi/l'L]

raksa • maklh »= raksa ctaklh (V£ 29/47)
The commentator has stated that except the case -
dhrajiman, all cases ere not lengthenea in
sthitopaathita - condition. Ha has quoted an
illustration in sthitopasthita-condition.

tvlslmata Itl tviai mate

According to the comfrentator, the word 'dhrajiman*

here cannot be taken to be belonging to the Madhyandlna
branch of W.Y.j[. For according to their branch, the

word 'dhrbji^ t o which the matup suffix i s added, is

even o r i g i n a l l y long (VS 29/22). So t h a t example cannot
be an example of lengthening as far as madhyandina
school i s concem$»d. Thus, the coBtmentator has f u r t h e r
s t a t e d t h a t the word 'dhrajiman' i s not seen in the
s t h i t o p a s t h i t a - f o r m in the padapitha. He f u r t h e r adds
t h a t the operation prescribed by the rule - "entfch pada«."
(4,190) i s not taking place in the case of dhra.liman.

I t May be noted at the e n d , t h a t the Pratisakhyakaras

haV^ included the word 'dhraji' (in short ending) in
, - 1
^**^s au^yfe (3«117) but the word dhrajiman i a not
found 'ioiay in any of tiie available /eaic t e x t s .

The next s u t r a - "visvadevy«somau vetyam" (3.11^)

means t h a t the words visvadevya and some [are lengthened #
when followed by v a t i . The coaimentstor has stated t h a t
i n s t h i t o p a s t h i t a - condition these words are not
lengthened. He has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -
visvadevya + v a t i » visvadevyavati (VS II/61)

soma + vatim • sooavatlm (J3_ 12/^1)

1. Cf. Dhrajlaan - RV 1.79.1 ; I.163.II

V3K 31.3.11
l i 3.1.11 ; 4.6.7 4

K 46.3

Tht conunentator has also quoted the s t h l t o p a o t h l t a

iorms of these words i n which the words fliantioned in
the sutra are seen in t h e i r o r i g i n a l short iorras ( i . e .
unlengthened) e.g.

visvbdeYyavatitiyisvadevya - v a t i

somavatintitisoma - vetim |

'She comment&tor has also s t a t e d t h a t in the case of

the i l i u a t r a t i o u -
soma + vat em - somavfetam (VS 24/l^)
the word soma i s not lengthened. Thus the mention of
vati in t h i s sat re ts aigaifigant.

The next sutra - ^usa, mahobhih nakteRikaraikarau-

~kerfapakarebhyeh" (3.119) s t a t e s t h a t the word _us£
when follows aehobhih, nakta, i £ , ikara, ekara,
aukfeifa or n&kara becomss long. IIIG coimnentetor h«s
s t a t e d thiit the operation of lengthening takes place
i n the firiftl vovirel of us£ (i.e. a j . Ke has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

mahobhih usasanakta (VS 20/4O-41)

nakta + uyasa » naktogesa (V3 12/2)

ayatim + usasam « oyatim usasam (VS 15/24)

devi + usasau = devi usasau (V3 21/$0)


upake •»• uaaaanakta • upake uaaaanakta iVS 29/31)

yona + uaasa - yona usasadiakta) (VS 27/17)

na • usasah • n^ usasah (VS 34/40)

In all these Illustrations except * mahobhlh

usasa ' the word UBB^ is preceded vdthout any
intervention by cme of the words mentioned in the
autra and so the word usa is lengthened* But in the
case or *nahobhlh usasa * one can notice that the
• _•

word mahobhih is the last word of V8 20/40, and .

'usasa* is the first word of \'3 20/41. It seems that
while quoting this illustr&tioni the commentator, is
quite aware of the fact that this illustration requires
some clarification because the word usasa is not
following the word mahobhih directly (i.e. without
any intervention) but as the word mahobhih occurs only
in Vli) 20/40, the commentator has stated that because of
impossibility of occurence of such illustration having
close sequence between these two words, and because
the prescribed change in the word tis£ takes place,
he has stated that the prescribed operation is not
impossible when one of the abovementioned words and
the word U8£ ere intervened by something coming

The commentator has further stated that the word

U8£ is not lengthened in the sthitopasthita condition.
He has thus quotea some of the above mentioned words
in their sthitopesthita - condition e.g.

(mahobhih) usasanaktetyusasanakta |

naktosasetinaktosase j

(ayatim)l usasamityuaasam (

(devl)| usasavityugas&u I
(na) usasa ityusasah 1

The commentator has additionally stated further

that this lengtheniiig in the word usa. takes place only
in the condition stated above, ihus he has quoted a
counter-example in which the word us£ is not lengthened
*• S« agra ugasem (\rs 12/22)

Ksre the word use follows the word agre which iS

not I'psted in the present sutre. therefore the change
does liCt take place in usa^ (i.e. the vord U8£ is not

Ihe next sutra - "puruso'vasane" (3*120) means

that the first vowel in the word - purusa is lengthened
when it occurs • at the end. The commentator has

given the following illustration -

aanavatha purusam (VS \2/l9)
iH Purt\5 a,rn
He has stated that the fir^t vowel (u) is not
lengthened in the sthitopasthita condition, e.g.
'pumjisaraiti purusam*. The commentator has also made
it clear that 'at the end' is an essential condition
for this operation because when the word puirusa does not
occur in the end, its xirst vowel is not lengthened*
He has given an example also >

udalt purusah (VS 31 A )

The next sutre - "pusno jehimastesu at re" (3«121)

means that the word atre is finally lengthened when
followed by puaneh, jehimah or t£. Following &T^
the illustrations given by the coaunentator -

atre £usnah {V3 25/27)

atra .jahimah {V3 35/lO)

atra t£ bhadrah (VS 29/l6J

The next sutra - "nerah ... " (3.122) means

that yatra is finally lengthened when followed by

narah. septa, r s l n . nah, t £ ahuh or niyudbhih.

The coiiifljentiitor has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

yatra narah (V3 29/4^)

yatra sapta rain (V3 17/26)

yatra naacakra (VS 25/22)

yatra ta ihuh (VS 29/l5)

yatra niyudbhih (VS 13/l5i

About the words •ta ahuh* in the sutra, the

commentator has specially remarked that yatra when
followed by te without ahuh is not lengthened. He has
given the illustration also -

yatra t£ yayuh (VS 22/19)

The next sutra - **abhimatlprtana8U8apatnadhurvisva

"samatsuprtanavratebhyah" (3.123) means t h a t a^ in the
root sah i s lengthened when preceded by abhimetl,
prtanasu. sapatna, dfauh. visva. aamatsUj prtana and
vrata* The coaucentfctor has c l a r i f i e d t h a t here the
f i r s t vowel £ i s only expected for lengthening because
t h e r e i s no p o s s i b i l i t y cf another &_ i n root aah»
The cociiKent£^tor hes e l s o s t c t e d t h a t in the c t s e where

two 'a^'s are occuring according tc the sutra -

"sannlkrsta ..." (1.144) (in the case of doubt
as to which of the adjacent and distant words is
meant the reference should be understood to the
adjacent one) ^ the first vowel only is lengthened.
The commentator has given ioHewing illustrations -

abhimatisahah (V3 12/113)

prtanasu sasfehim (VS 11/76J

sapatnasahi (VS 5/lO)

itam dhursahau (V3 4/33)

visvasaham evase (V3 7/36)

somgtsu sasahah (¥S 15/40)

prtanasehyaya (VS l8/6rt)

vratasahah (VS 29/46)

The cojmtentator has given a l l the forms of these

i l l u s t r a t i o n s in s t h i t o p e s t h i t a - condition in wilch £
i s not lengthened. They are as follows -

abhimatisahe ity&bhimati sahah [

sasahicdti sasahiiu I

# aapfetna aahitiisapatne - sahl

dhuh s e h e v i t i dhuh - saheu

visvasehawltl vlsve - saha

sasaha i t i sasahah

- /. - ''.
prtenaaahyayeti prtana - aahyaya

vratasaha iti vrata - saha

The next sutra - "ukthat ca aaseh" (3.124)

prescribes that the short vowel £ in the root aaa is
lengthened when preceded by uktha* The commentator has
given the lollowing illustration -

ukthasasascaranti (V3 17/31)

In sthitopesthlta condition it is not lengthened

e.g. ukthasaaa ityuktha-sesah

The sutra - "evaccha ceknaatha** (3.125) means

t h a t the woras eva, sccha cakma and atha are
f i n a l l y lengthened. The coromentator has added t h a t
these words are lengthened in the samhita-text only and
not in avasana (at the end) because of the previous
a d h i k a r a ^ sutra - samhitayam (3.1)• He has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

eva no durve (VS 13/20)

faccha vadfeoiasl (VS I6/4)

cekma vayam (VS 3/45)

Bthh na Indrah (VS 7/25)

The commentator has quoted f u r t h e r the word accha

(one of the mentioned . in the present sutra) and
A — — —

s t a t e d t h a t the word occuring in the avasana (pause) i s

not lengthened «^.g. - ' t ^ liO frcche^ (V3 33/7^)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t the word eva in

^^*® sutra I s t o be taken as i n d i c a t i n g * simile' or
•comparison* (upama) and not ' r e s t r i c t i o n ' or
• l i m i t a t i o n * or (avadhar&naJ. So according to the
commentator 'eva * i s lengthened only when i t i s used
i n the sense of upama» This word i s not Icungthened
vrtien i t occurs in another weening. He hea given counter-
examples of t h i s type a l s o -

tad eva sukraa (V3 32/I)

l £ Sli jateh (VS 32/4)

The next sutra - "vidffla|sautrfetBanyem» (3.126)

means t h a t vidroa i s f i n a l l y lengthened except the
mantras called sautramanl ( VfiJ-Sam. adiiy* 19-21).

The commentator h a s given t h e l o l l o p i n g example -


vldaa t e agne (VS 12/19)

llie coffiiiientntor h a s given a l s o t h e c o u n t e r example

i n which t h e word viama i s n o t l e n g t h e n e d because it
o c c u r s i n i\ ciantre from t h e adhyaya c a l l e d sautrameni •

Yidaa y a ^ u c£ (VS 19/67)

The n e x t s u t r a - "adhayatsmagna vayugu" (3*127)

means t h a t adha i s f i n a l l y lengthened when followed by
t h e words o t h e r t h a n y a t , sma^ ^ a o r vayu. lollowing
a r e the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator -

adha sapatnan (VS M/bl*)

adha hyagne (VS 15/M-5)

The commentstor ha*? /riven the i l l u s t r f t t i o n s f.^..':

i n which adha i s n o t lengthened because i t i s followed

by y e t I ama, gna o r vayu e.g.

adh£ 3ffi£. t e ( ? ^ 15/62)

adha ^ (VS 27/9)

adha g^nah (VS 33/4^)

adha yayuiu n i y u t a h (V>> 27/24)


The next sutra - "plba aomam ... sadenyamltl ca"

{3»13t') gives a l i s t of seventy eight words/vvord-groups
in »<hich a short vowel i s lengthened, l-ollowing are
the words/word-grcups mentioned in the sutra -

pi!ba somam (VS 26/4), piba sutasys (VS 33/70)

stha maycbhuvah (VS 1l/50) nu ran© (VS 17/1C^

havih samisve (V3 1/15) mamahsnah (VS 17/55)

varuno maiaahantam (Vo 33/42)

adabdhayc*sitama (V^2/2Cj; asvesu ririaah (^3 16/16)

madhya riri8atayuh( V3 25/22); (devesve jyamayantl(VS l^/'^^)

hi sffli. te (V3 3/46) ; (atha no)vardh&ya rayim(VS 3/l4)

varuna srudhi havam(V3 2 l / l ) ; pre cara soma (VS 4/37)

suyavasini (VS b / l 6 ) ; srote grevanah (VS 6/26)

dharga manusah (VS 6/f^) j paths dlvah (VS ^ / 3 1 ) ;

yukgva h i (k"Sina)(VS V 3 4 ) ;

(adharsm) gemaya tamah (VS ^ / 4 4 ) ;

( p a r i t o ) s i n c a t i sutam (V3 19/2); perlvapah (VS 19/21)

uktha saStrani (VS 19/2S); fetta h a v i t s i (VS 19/59)


acya janu (V3 19/62); ksama rerih&t (V3 12/6)

ksama bhindant^h (V3 19/69); ruhema svastaVe (V3 2 l / 6 )

apo janayatha ca,(nah) {V3 11/52); dharaVa meyi{VS 11/5?^)

agne tvam t a r a mrcihah (V3 11/72); bodha me asyaCVS 12/42)

vi c r t a bandham (Vo 12/63); evata haveau (VS 17/43)

srunudhl ^irah iJTS 13/52) ; raksa tokam {V3 13/52)

carsanisahaia vetvajyasyct (VS 2 g / l )

carsanidhrtah (VS 7/33); yena samatsu (V3 15/39)

venema t e (VS 15/40); rdhyama t £ ohalh (VS 15/44)

sikae sekhibhyah (V3 17/21); t a t r a ratham (V3 29/45)

paffdiya rathena (VS 17/36); ( p r a ) i t a .1aVata(V3 17/46)

vardhaya tvam (V3 17/52); (pray^^ bravacnafehrtasya (VS 17/90)

« jagantha para3yah(VS 1^/71); rarlma M (V3 ld/75)

antarlkaem purltata(VS 2 5 / ^ ) ; pllhakaiiah (V3 2 / 4 )

sunthekarnah (V3 2 4 / 4 ) ; babhrnikasah (VS 24/ld)

antaram anukaaena (V3 2 5 / 2 ) ;

(yatra nah) cakra jarasam (VS 25/22)


mithu kah {V3 25/43); (£ra) t a r a t e gakhayah(V3 35/lO)

sasahva-r'scabhi (VS 3 9 / 7 ) ; apamarga tvamasmet (VS 35/11)

( l £ ke cfejubhayadatah (VS 3 l / ^ ) ; rtlseham (VS 26/11)

i - - - /

abhi su neih (V^S 36/6; ; susteriiBa jusana (VS 29/4)

yaja deven (VS 33/3) ; yena p^vaka (VS 33/32)

asvayanto meghav&n (VS 27/3^}; yadi sarama (VS 33/59)

aveciaya sujihva (V3 29/26); nisadys df.dhisva{V3 26/23)

asdataiia ranlstana (VS 26/24);
bhara clkitvan (VS 34/14); pra c l k i t s e gaYl8tau(VS 34/23);

dhiyam ud avadadat (VS 34/36) ; raksa ce (VS 34/27)

enamayunak (VS 29/13) ; Ifji raranah (VS 27/21);

sedanyem vidatthyam (VS 34/21)

As t h i s autre contains a very long l i s t of cases

of lengthening, the commentator xhile commenting on
t h i s sutra does not find i t necessary t o quote a l l
these words full. He thus selected only these p e c u l i a r

cases which according to him require some clarification

and comments. He has also given the sthitopasthita-

forms of the selected words mentioned in the sutra.

About the cases of ^plihakarnah* and

___ the commentator^ has 2 stated that

according to some teachers (kanva) the lengthening

of these words is original but according to

Madhyandina school, this lengthening is because of

nipatana only.

About the words - 'hi sma* the commentator has

remarked that when sma with the preceding word other

than hi occurs then it is not lengthened e. g.

adha sma te (VS 15/62).

The last word 'ca* in the sutra is very significant

according t o the commentator. According to him by

using t h i s word, the sutrakara has suggested the
inclusion of some other unmentionea words. Thus he
presentea an extra example v i z . - yacchs devayuvam(VS 3 7 / l 6 ) .

2. See Anantabhatti's commentary on VP 5.130 -

Prakrtidlrghavityeka sabda atra mukhyavaci

Ten a Kanvavyatiriktanam ^esas; c i t padakale

hrasvapatho bhavati.

In this word-group the final vowel of deva . is lengthened

only when the combination devayuvam is preceded by

yaccha* The coamtent^tor has quoted a counter-example

also in which the word deva is not lengthened

because of preceding word - other than yaccha i.e.

yajnapatim e, g.

yajnapatim devayuvam (V3 1/12)

It may be noted here that the commentator has shown

his power of minute observation and adaed an extra

example to the long list of seventy eight words/ word-

groups mentionea in the sutre«

About the case - 'puritata* the commentator has

clearly stated that here by using the word *puriteta*

in the list, particular case-ending is not intended*

So the word 'puritat' (VS 39/9) can also be an example

of lengthening by nipatane as prescribed by this sutra.

The commentator has given following sthitopasthita

forms of some words mentioned in the sutra -

- /.
samisveti samisva ; mamahana iti mamahanah ;

mamahantamitijmamahantam ; e sitametyasitama;

ririsa iti ririsah; ririseteti ririsata ;


yaniayantltl yaaiayanti ; auyfevfesini i t l st^ajsinl TT

4^ - /.
pariv&p&|itl parl-vspah; uktha 3astranJtyuktha-sa atr&nl

jt carsenisfahemiticarsani-aEham ;

caraanldhrta i t l caraani - dhrtah

puiitatetl puii-teta ; puutaaiti purl-tat

pllhakarna iti pllha-karnah ;

sunthakama I t i suntha-karnah ;

babhrunikaaa i t l babhru nikaaah;

anukasenetyanu-kaaena ;

aaaahvanltl aaaahvan j apamergetyapa - marga

ubhayadata Ityubhayadatah ; rtlgahamityrtl-sahain

aavayanta Itya - yantah ; ayunMityayunak ;

/ ' • ^ "

sadanyamlti aadertyam ; devayuvamitl deva-yuvam ;

The caument^tor f u r t h e r has stated t h a t according

t o the autra - "akaropadho yakaram" (3«143J the change
in vratiman Iva i s prescribed as vratime t iva but it
l a alao seen without any change in athitopasthita -
condition because of the pr=>vlou3 edhlkera - autre -

"anitavat . . . . » (3.19) as the quoted sutra (3.143)

occurs in t h i s adhyaya only. He has given the
sthltopasthitfe^form also - e.g.

vrstimaniveti vratiman )V^{VS 7/40)

The sutra - "svarat aantyo^adirdvirucyate sarvatra"

(4.99) means that the first letter of a conjunct
consonant occuring in the ena, in the middle or in the
beginning - when preceded by e vowel is uttered twice.
The commentetor has quoted following illustraticna -

anustupte « anustuppte (V3 S/47)

i?i IZi • isettva (VS l/l)

acya janu » eccya janu (VS 19/62)

In these i l l u s t r a t i o n s £ of p t , t^ of tva. and

£ o^ cytv are u t t e r e d twice according to t h i s autre,
as they ere preceded by a a vowel - u, £ and £

The ccmmentator has given - counter, examplej also

i n which the f i r s t l e t t e r of a conjunct consoiient i s
not u t t e r e d twice as i t i s not pr*?ceded by any vowel
e. g.

arudhl (V3 33/15) 5 srutkamah (73.33/15)


The next autra - "param tu rephahakarabhyam"

(4»100) prescribes one restriction or exception to
above rule (4.99). It means that in the case of a
conjunct consonant beginning with r or h the first
letter (i.e. r or h) is not doubled but the letter/
consonant which follows r or h is only doubled.

The commentator has taken into consideration the

small wora tu in the sutra and stated that here tu is
not to be taken in the sense of *but*, but it is
used in the sense of only (eye).

The commentator has given following illustrations

for the proper explanation of the rule -

suryah = suryyah (V3 2/5)

purvah • purvvah (VS 13/5)

pravehyaya « pravehyyaya (VS 16/43)

bahvoh « behvoh (VS 24/1)

—t— —

In these cases of conjunct consonanti - rx, rv, hy

and liv respectively the first letter r or h, is not
uttered twice but the other one which follows r or h is
is uttez*ed twice .

After quoting these proper i l l u s t r & t i o n s , the

coBouentator has msde soise very s i t n l l ' l c a n t comments
x^g&rding t h e r e s t r i c t i o n prescribed by t h i s r u l e (4«100),

llie commentator f i r s t h&s stated since the r end h

•^ rKt ifctUblKi-kovi ,. the
are directly led dovm to be the ground for application ct
consequential operation following conanon rule is

invalidated. Ihus the prescribed operation does not

take place in the cases where the first letter of a
conjunct consonant is £ or h and the other consonant
following r or h is also £ (jr h. But the operation
takes place only in those cases where the first letter
of a conjunct consonant is r; or h_ and the following
letter is other then r or h. He has given the examples
also in which the consonant follov;ing £ or h (i.e. the
first letter of a conjunct consonant) is also h or r
and thus the operetion of doubling does not take place
itihnrsvaig « atihrasvem (V3 30/22)

arhatah » arhatah (VS 2J*/19)

In these cases of conjunct consonants - hr and rh_,

the first letter is h^ and r and the other consonant
following h or £ is also £ and h respectively.
Therefore they are not doubled.

The e e r l i e r conmentators v i ? . Ijvvata and Ananta

have kept s i l e n c e ever t h i s r e s t r i c t i o n .

The comraontetcr has further stated t h a t in the

cases of conjunct consonant where the f i r s t l e t t e r i s
r but the other consonant which follows £ is a
sibilant, there the s i b i l a n t consonant i s not doubled
even though the conjunct consonant i s preceded by a
vowel, he has i^lven the following examples -

darsatarri = darsatam (VS 1l/37)

varso v a r s i y a s i = varso v a r s i y a s i (Vo 6/11)

Here in these i l l u s t r a t i o n s s and 3 follow: ^

£ ana even though they are preceded by the vowel a^ ff,e/
are not u t t e r e d twice.

The conmentator here referred to the quotation

from Fratijna sutra (14) in which the pronunciation
of £ in such esses of e conjunct consonant beginning with
£ and the other consonant having; s i b i l a n t , i s prescribed
as £e_ when they are follov/ea by a vovjel.

The coirmentfator has statea that btcause of

Of- Yj^
this particular pronunciation prescribed by the
.-rc^'•i:lJn^ sutr.^ 14 the beginnin,, letter r of a
conjunct consonant is followed by a vowel e and r and
^ — _

_3 do not remain to be the parts of the conjunct

consonant but they are separated. In other words the

sibilant letters s_ or s^ in above given illustrations

are followed by £ of re_ and not £ and therefore

they are not uttered twice.

The commentator has further made it clear that the

restriction for the negation of doubling: in such cts't^s

of conjunct consonant is prescribed only when Ih is

followed by a vowel (i.e. r + sibilant + vowel), Wi.en

the same conjunct consonant is followed by a consonant

(i.e. £ + sibilant + consonant) there is no difficulty

ior the operation of doubling. P;e has given illustrations

oi this type also e.g.

varsvaih = varssvaih (V3 25/l)

varsyaya - varssyaya (VS l6/3^)

3. Athaparanta sthasyayuktanyahaleh


i-r JU. 14

The cornmentctcr h^s f u r t h e r (..uoLec t h e ; .autre. -

J&ro'ci ( ? . ??/4/49; v h i c h r e j e c t s t h e o p e r a t i o n of
doubling of t h e second l e t t e r of & conjunct consonant
when f o i l owe a by e vov/el.

In t h e end of h i a coirjiients on t h e s u t r a 4.1 CO

oixr comriient&tor haa tjUoted the i o l l o \ ; i n g p o r t i o n from
V.a jiksa (15^; wiiich means in case ci t h e conjunct:
consonant i n which t h e f i r ^ t l e t t e r i s £ o^ ii ^•T^'^ the
second i s o t h e r than the s i b i l a n t , the consontnt
following: £ or ii i s only doubled and not r o r h .

ihe next s u t r a - "usmantahsthabhyaaca dr^arsah '*

(4.101J means t h a t only a c o n t a c t conacnsnt following
a s i b i l a n t and semi-vowel i s doubled and not the
s i b i l a n t and semi vowels. I'he commentator h a s given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

asman * asmman (V3 17/1)

pusnah = EH??^^l' (Zi. "I / 1 ^)

haste = hastte {VS I I / 1 I )

4. iafam rephahfkarabhyaiE v^'-enjanam tusniavarjitaiu

dvitvamapadyate rephahakareu t u ne k u t r a cit

(viipj 150-151]

dadhikravnah = dadhikravnnah (Vo 9/l5j

• • 1 ••••• I n .IIM « — « • —-IN • • • • I I MIM — — . . |» « -**• • !•••• •

salmalih » salmmalih ( VIJ 2 3 / 1 3 )

The next sutra - "vlsarjanlyed vyanjancipartih'*

(i+.l'-J?) states that £ conttct consonant following a

visarjaniys is doubled if it is follovveci by a consonant.

Following are the illustrations given by the coiamentator-

visnoh • kramah * visnoh kkramah (V^ 12/5)

hiranyapanih + preti = hirsnyapanih ppr^^ti ( VJ I / I 6 )

The commentator has given some counter- examples

also in which a contact consonant following a

viserjcinlyg is not doubled beccuse of the following

vowel e.f;.

nyankuh + kakkatah • nyankuh kakkateh {16 24/32)

gauramrgah + pidvah » ^auramrgah pidvah (VS 24/32)

here in these illustrations the contact consonants

i,e, k and £ respectively are following a visarjaniya

but they are followed by vowels £ and i_ respectively,

(i.e. they are not followed by consonants) jc they are

net doubled.
o 74

The next sutr^: - " linau ced hrasvapurvau svare

padantau " {4.1^6} means th&t n and n when t h e y a r e
f i n a l s ol words ana a r e preceded by a s h o r t vowel a r e
doubled i f a vowel f o l l o w s . following a r e t h e
i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by t h e commentator -

yun + a si " yunnasi (V3. 10/2 5)

eksen + amlmedanta = aksannamimadanta (Vo 3/51)

The coirujientator has s t a t e d t h a t hrasvapurvau,

(precedec by a s h o r t vowel J i s an e s s e n t i a l condition
for t h i s o p e r a t i o n , i o t h e f i n a l l e t t e r s n_ and n when
not preceded by a s h o r t - v o w e l a r e not doubled, he has
given c o u n t e r - e x a m p l e s of t h i s type a l s o -

supran + ajah " supranajah ( / D 25/25)

\ii\xX.Q.Txm + e l a b h a t e = k u t a r u n a l a b h a t e ( V5
' " • ' " • • " ' • ^ " •••••• '• " I •' ^ ' - - ^ ' — • II I ••• • • • • • . M M MM ••••!

In these illustrations n and n are not doubled

I 0 il ^ _

because of preceding vowels a_ and u, respectively even

though they are followed by vowels.

The next sutra - "nasvarapurva usmantahsthah" (4.104)

prescribes a very specific rule about the restriction
for doubling of contact consonant following sibilant

or semi-vowel which i s preceded by consonant in the 6a*r?c-

conjunct consonant. This rule can be described as an
exception to <^- previous nale - *usmant&h . . . • (4.101)
(which means that the s i b i l a n t s and semi-vowels causo
the doubling of following: contact consonant ). The
commentator*s comment on t h i s sutra i s very s i g n i f i c a n t .
Ke has interpret-^d the word asvara i n the l i g h t of
paryudasa. The word asvara does not mean simply
anything other than vowels but s p e c i i i c a l l y consonants.
Thus according; to the commentator, the sutra means that
the s i b i l a n t s and semi-vowels in the conjunct conson.ints
do not cause the doubling of the I'ollowing contact
consonant i f they are preceded by consonant . The
comnientator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

varsman " varssman (Vo 5/17}

parsnya * parssnya (Y3 2 5/40)

In theae words £sm and rsny (respectively) are

the conjunct consonants. The s i b i l a n t l e t t e r s in
both plc-ces i s preceded by the consonant £. Ihus t h i s
s i b i l a n t l e t t e r (s) does not cause the doubling of the
followifig contact consonants v i z . m and n respectively
which was otherwise expectea according to the
rule 4.101.

The ccmmentatcr has quotea also a counter-example

in which the s i b i l a n t l e t t e r £ ib net preceaeu by any-
consonant ana thus i t causes the doubling of lollowing
contact consonant according to the rule 4.1^^1 e. g.
oiiaptre = 3napx,re ( v'£ 5/21 )

The ccmnientator's i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the v.'ord asvarari

consonant i s very s i g n i f i c a n t . He wants to use t h i s
rule 4.104 i n the case of 'krtsnahrdayena'(VS 3 9 / H )
in the following r u l e . Me t h u s changed th*:* order of
autras ana i n t e r p r e t e a t h i s s u t i ^ before tbe sutra

I t may be noted at the end t h a t the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

of t h i s sutra t,iven by an e a r l i e r comnientator viz.
Uvvata - 'the s i b i l a n t s and semi-vowels which are not
precadeu by vowels do not cause the doubling of following
contact consonant' - can not bring out the intended
meaning. I t seaiLa t h a t he aces not consider t h i s rule
ciS the s p e c i i i c rule regeraing the conjunct consonant
only, ( i t i s irripOLssible t h r t a vovel c&n be the r i r s t
l e t t e r of conjunct consonant). In the case of
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by Uvvata i . e . '£thclibhih s t h a l i h '
\vo 1V/<i7) accoraine; tc hin: _s_ in stl: i s preceoea by
visarjaniya (non-vowel; and thus the following; contact

consontnt tti is not doublea. This does not seem

to be correct, ^.ccording to cur commentator, this
illustration can be a counter example of the prescribed
rule because a_ in sth is not preceded by any consonent.
jO the following conson&nt tli can be doubled, ecccrding
to the rule 4.101.

The next sutra - "yaistu peram taima purvani "

(4.103) means that a consonant preceain,;; those
consonants which cause the doubling: of a following
consonant is not doubled. The commentator has eicplained
the intended meaning of this sutra by quoting the
illustration - *krtsnahrdayena' (VJ 39/^). H'^ h£s
stated that in the case oi conjunct consonsnt tsn,
_3 (the sibilant) can be a cause of the doublin;^ of
the following contact consonant - n according to the
previous rule 4.101. This sutra however states that
the preceding consonant t_ which is connected with the
conjunct consonant _3ii is not doubled. The coiriinentator
has further stated that being first letter of a
conjunct consonant this ;t would be the subject of
doubling as is prescribed Ly the rule 4.99* But ciiis
doubling 13 prohibiteu by thid rule 4,103. -o the rule
4.103 can be described as an exception to the rule 4.99.

i'urthsr the commentator s^ys t h a t tiie doubling of

i£ v-hich follows the sibil&nt s_ i s eliso r t j ^ c t e u by
the e a r l i e r prescribed rule v i z . 4.1^*4 aa tiis d i u i i a n t
j3 i s precedeu by the consonant (non-vowel; t_. xhus
the coiiiiiientator has reiuarked very properly thac in
the Case of the conjunct consonant t s n , the douoling
of the f i r s t l e t t e r t_ ( i . e . prece(jing contant consonant)
i s rejected by t h i s sutra (4.103; and the doubling?- of
the f i n c l l e t t e r ri i s r e j e c t e d by the sutra 4.104
Riven l a r l i e r .

iinally, the conanentator hf s quoted s stanza from

ylJ-' jiksa. (157-15^-), lor supporting- his stc'teioent.

This stanza means that in the conjunct consonants, the

sibilant letters - s^, s &na £ when connected by

contiict consonants before and after (as the preceding

and following letterj then the preceding letter is

not doubled. The doubling of the following letter

is not negated by wise men (budhaih).

5. Yetra cobhayatah spsrsaih samyuktah sasasah saha

na tatradyah kraxao .jneyo na pare bodhito uudLaih


The next sutra - "pratharnalrdvitiyastrtiyaisca-

- t u r t h a h " (^.l*-*^) means t h a t the second and the fourth
clasb-consonants are doubled with the f i r s t end the
t h i r d class-consonf^nts reap -ctively. The commentator
has remarked t h a t t h i s sutra i s a jraribhesa-sutrs
{an a u t h o r i t a t i v e statement or dictum helpin.p- the
correct i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the rules) -JC in the c-'-ses
v.'here the doubling" of the second and the fourthjclass #=
-consonant i s to be subjected, the operation prescribed
by the present r u l e 4«10^ v/ould take p l a c e . Ihe
commentator has given the follovvint; i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

vikhyaya « vikkhyaya (VS 1l/20j

sighryaya - 3i^:;ghryaya ( Vo 16/31 )

paramesthi » paramestthi (Vo ?/$4;

visphuranti » vispphuranti (V^ 29/41)

In the aboveJiiven i l l u s t r a t i o n s vikkhaya,


paramestthi ana vispphuranti the first letters of

the conjunct consonants vi2, kh, th_ and ph ( the
secona class-consonants; respectively are to be
aubjecteu for aoubiin^. ^o according to this sutr.-',
they are doubled v,ith their first class-consonants.

In t h e Cc'se of ai^yhryaye the i i r s t l - ^ t t e r cf

t h 3 conjunct consonant i s ^ i . ' ? . t h e fourth class--
•consonant. :JO i t i s doubled v.ith i t s t h i r d cl-;. =5K-

The next s u t r a s e l e c t e d by the commentator -

"antOiPpeae pancamah pancamesu vicchedam" (4.151 J
iiieans t u d t in ti'ie i n t e r i o r oi o\ v.ord & c o n t a c t
own^ori&nt wioi. Lht; e x c e p t i o n oi the f i l t h class —
•consonants becoiiies iU'own twin (yan.a) v^r ^L - fitt/
clc -^o-ccn-oni-nt icilovvs. 'hf^ ccmi'^rt;;tcr hc,s sc t-<^d
Ifrt v^icchy-'da i s t h e equivi>l->nt terrr^ f c r yomc . J'-
t u i ' t h e r expl^'ins t h c t fctordin^- to the s u t r r -
" s v ^ r a t . . . " (4.y9} the f i r s t l^:tt-'r cf f conjunct
cci-soHciit i s aoufcled. oc t h i a sutr;-.. (4.161} p r e s c r i b e s
Lhfct tJ:j.e l e t t e r , Vvhich i s dcubl-ad ( i . e . tne l e t t e r of
the duplicated l e t t e r s ; i s chang'='d i n t o the letter
which i o net re St tc i t j c cor din;.; to the r a l e '•viKai-j
'^'atha.. . " ( 1 . 1 4 2 ) . Ke f u r t h e i s t a t e s t h a t vadle
tfcoaant, t h e i r own tvvin, t i e l e t t e r s v.hich c.re l i r ^ t
clci=)3-Cunsonc.ritb (i.--,. k_, £ , t , _t i-nd £ ; i:\iinin- liXC
ti:e f i r s t y e&t. i . e . kuS^ as thej- i. re Cclieu j i t . xi.e
s-^-cono c l a s s - c o n s o n a n t s ( i . e . ki_, ch_, tt!_, th_, and ]:h}
cianj?es i n t o khu'^- the sccono yi,iu.i because the^ bclh
aifc c a l l e a J i t ana sosu.c.. Ihe t h i r o class-contonr.r.ts
( i . e . £, j_, a, 0. i-nd _b) a r e chanted i n t o th? t h i r d yama

i . e . foUi; HS they are coli^M ah'l and zhe f o u r t h class-

ccnccnantj ( i . e . ^ , ^, dh, ah^ end bh_) hre changec
xTitc the f o u r t h yi-nic' i . e . ^ii^ because they e r e c a l l e d
dhi as v e i l i.s sosiLa. i n t h i s way, t h e yamris e r e
i o u r (only) in nuuiber. ha haa r e i e r r e a to t h e
quob t i c n frciu i , j . ( 4 ^ * i n which it, i s s t a t e d that
ycut.ao ar; iour. xne comiuentcitor hes given following
iiluotrttionb -

rukma)j = rukkmah = rukkn.fh ('/j 1 2 / 1 ;

•' ' ' i

a^nih - a.^nih = o^^:nih (VS 23/17)

vartra,'hnanj "=. Vcrtrc,Ai-hnsn. ; (_/_^ l'.'/?y

1L nb ctid = tcinc'CCmi =• tanacknii ( vo l / 4 ;

yuna^iJii = yunajjmi = yunaj^-,mi ( V^ 11-/21 ;

atif-£. = fattiiii>_ ^ itkiiia (yo 4 / 1 5 /

v i d m s ( t e ) »= yiddnia ( t e ) = vidgina(t? ; ( V - 1/i/lS)

/ / '' .
siahiaalai.i - sidhahinalcni -• oidhj^hn.alam (VS 3 ^ 1 7 /

Ow.-'i:;iinatu - atabhbhnatu = stabht-hn^tu (V^ 15/lt'(^

c a t v a r a s c 8 yamah s m r t i h it (P^« 4)
• • • •

After quotirf-' t h e s e i l l u s t r a t i o n s t h e ccirimentc-tor

has f u r t h e r s t a t e d t h a t t h e s e yew.as a r e t o be understood
only on t h e o r e t i c l e v e l s . They a r e not a c t u a l l y
proncunceci. l e hes given £gpin f r e f e r e n c e to
Amc V hi n a n a i n i - jlks£ in v.'hich i t i s s t a t e d t h a t the
yar.as do not l.tvc m y tody or d e f i n i t e forrr (asariraiu;.
( i . ( . tliby a r c t o be u n d e r s t o c a only t h e c r e t i c c l l y ) .

•fh- next sutr.-^ - "n";'usv?r&h'» (-C.109) it'ef.n':'

th-.t t.'ie -nusv.orc ( p r e c e d i n g conjunct consonant) is
not :icubl'~^.j. Th-^ comment;>.tor h'^s fiven the follcv.ln?-
ill'aatr.'tions -

ihe next s u t r a - "save r n e " {4.IIC) means t h a t

douLliH:, aces not t a k e ijl^ca v,heri a iiomo^aneous
consonant i c l l o w s . The comirientator has .r,iven t h e
foliowir^ iilustrfeticns -

sail! + yc-Ufnl = sc^myaund ( vO l / 2 2 )

cifii •< _te "^ y a n t e (^ \/S ii/6'+)

5. aseriram yambm prahuh

- Am.o. 52

'Ihe next a u t r h - " r v a r n e " {^^,^^) means t h a t

douLlini. does xiot takf^- p l a c e when r fcllov^s. Vhe
coiTurentator hcs given f o l l o w i n g i l l u s t r a t i o n -

enlstrtoh = tiiistrtr-h (V.-> 27/4)

1 tu-e th-' contr'Ct consonc/nt t i .-• r o t dcubl-;I

Hit -

t-?cc us'^^ of follov.ii).': r . Th? cor:.;;;onti'tcr has s t a t e d

ciift the doubling oi thi>, t \ii-^t pre3crib'?u by the
autre. - ''usiac ntc-.hsibojDUV'-v"(4.1'^l ; but because oi tliis
s u t r a (4.111} it is prohibitea. .>o t l i i s i s ^n
-Trxcepticn to t h e tbove r u l e .

The next s u t r s - "yame" (4.113 J a l s o mentions

t n a t when yams follows t h e doubling does not t a k e
place. The conuiientator has given following iliustration-

yakna =^ yakna (Vo 39/?*;

Th*> coihCientator h a s s t a t e d t h a t i n t h i s c a s e ,
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s u t r e - "antah . . . " (4.161) the
c o n t c c t consonant o t h e r t h a n t h e f i f t h c l a s s consonant
b^••coiii-^s i t s ovTi t;vin (yama ) .

ihe next s u t r a - ^'visar jc.niyc h'^ (4.114 J Uiiu-.--.

ti.ut visarjaniya i j not doubleu. The i-Llusirt-Lion
^-.ii'-in by t;.t^ cou.u.'Tititcti^r i s -

divah kakut = divsh kakut [Vz, 3 / l 2 j

The cOiVjnen'U^:tor has j t u t e c i here ^-.lic acccr..ling

Lc t h e 3Utrs - " s v a r o t samycgaaih" (4.99; the

acubliri;: o l t h e vis&rj&niyo was eX|,-'Ct,ed.

The next s u t r a - " s v a v a r g i y e canuttame " (4.115)

means thfet when a consonant of the sarae c l a s s with the
e x c e p t i o n of i t s f i f t h c l a s s - c o n s o n a n t f o l l o w s doubling
does not t a k e p l a c e . The comri.entator h a s -iiven f o l l o w i n g
illustrations -

y^t -' t e = yat te [ i^ o/ 1 5;

t a t + gevanajii = t£ t aevanem (V3 33/l'^)

Tnf5 cohiiiientctor has oiv-^^n c counter-^.-XciriKl-. ..l:io

i n which the conscnont of th^j same elf ;;.s i'ollov,b c
i i i t i i of i t s c l a s s ._ -. i i i e r r f c r e thi- douLj-ixii_,
tck-:;j ^ l a c e . s.^,.

t a t -^ n£_h = tannnah (1C> 19/64)

The naxt s u t r a - "a va s i t am ca" ( 4 . I I 6 ) ni'^ans t h a t

a consonant i n pause a l s o i s not a o u b l e d . The
cofijuentator h£3 "iven t h e follo\.in,- i l l i i s t r a t i c n -

urK = urk i Vo 1^/9;


t u tLs -Sfrli^r r u l e s *p:.!r;-.rr. t u . . . ' (4.iCLj ar».^

' ^3..aant.^>xT... ' ( 4 . T C 1 > t h e doubling of t h e itif^^r £
wcs '^xp^icteJ, t u t cis trie word urk o c c u r s iii tne .;ad
(p^usa;, t n s a o u b l i n ^ ol ik doe^ not tciKe p l a c e .

The o u t r a s - "aviyc-k:cn:xin" end "g pyLyyciu^no > £:mo.'.'

(4.15L, 151) a r e ta<?n j c i n t l y by tr^^ cciuLer.t?.tCi', ..e
hoi s t a t e d t n f t th<=? iclXwylr.g ten v.ords / wcro-gx; apt
n.fentionea m the s u t r e \ 4 . l 5 1 y c o n t a i n douLl. ^^ ^ounds
bf-.c>-use oi' nip^tpnp e.g.

rayy J 1 tva (jH 14/^2y

( y s j 5 t i ; dh&ryarup&m(V > 1 9 / ^ 4 ;

(/^irbhlh) STr'Vuyyfcm (V^ 19/64)

r u d r a nrnayyam (V3 20/^1)

pauruaeyya (grbhahj (Vo 21/43)

(n&fLC; hrdryy&y& ('^^ 16/44)

/ - , ,

tjahg r£,yya ^nivartc^sva; ( • ^ Ik./10;

(a^nerj^ctlrj nlc'yyp ('o 1l/l;

isfaraai/ s&ntoyyaiLane (_v_^ V-J/'J)


riie coraraent:c>tGr has 3tc,ted t,h;:.c t-ne ^oubiin^

or ^ i n t h e word apya'jyyamano i s p r e s c r i b e u oiiLy v.'he.n
i t ic3 rcllowed by t h e word yamah. The cor.i.,ientcv..or h a s
i.iven a counter-excimple i n which ^ i n apycyaiiw.nuXi'
i;3 n o t doubitid bycc-utje oi' the foliovvint: vjord -.iuroaya*
v x . e . otiici' thc.n >aiflcth; e.f;;;;.

apyayaniano emrtaya (VS 12/113

Ihe comriientator has a l s o n o t i c e d t h e word 'cf;'

c a r e f u l l y and i n f-ccordance t o h i s u s u a l 3 t " l e ^ h<^ hps
remarked t h a t t h i s word - ca_ i s used i n ordp'r t o
sugojest t h e i n c l u s i o n of scm^ o t h e r word/word-^-rou^v,
c o n s i s t i n g of doublf^ ^ in the s u t r a . 'I'he cortiiientator
h a s found out a word-group of t h i s type vhich can be
included in t h i s sutra e.g.
rayya posena (VJ \'^'I)

This e x t r a 'iXairiple s u g r e s t e d by t h e ccmi.pntr.tor

ctn be n o t e a as s c c n t r i b u t i c n ci itairiscc-ndra i anaita
tu ti:»? study cf p r a t i - s u t r a 4.151»

Lne more peculic-r ti.in,s i ^ t o Le n o t ' . i her^:.

ihe ccmiuentfetor while ouotin^; the s u t r a , hes urc^i-ed
one vvoru - sannc^yya which i s i ounu in cth'^^r ^ ri;:t(^e
editions. V.hiie cocr.i.entint- on t h i s s u t r a a l s o h'l has

mention?c tl.^ nufiibar cl' Cc. s^.3 i^c be t s n , r^na hs.s cl'^.-rly
e x c i u a t c t h e voro - sanni^yyt... I t sect..5 ti.t^n thcL he
dia i t intenticn&iiy. i-or, t h i s v\,.cra i s net icux.u in
I>.^.ai yandino - ja£-,hitg £3 w e l l as i n X&nvo-Saarjitb.

The cotimentitor h^s s e l e c t e d new the s u t r o -

"(•:.v2 b. Koiciiu sTssva rsssvc-, i t i " (4.145 J which means
t t t t _s in thes'^ two vords sf-esva i^na r e s s y a i s L:oabl-j•,•,.
li:e comraentc.tor hf 3 reL.i^rKeu t h a t a c c o r d i n g t o tr.-.
e a r l i e r s u t r £ - ' svfcrat ssn.ycg&uih . . . •' (4,?v^ thi
I ' l r s t l e t t e r ci i'. conjunct ccnacnent is douLleu.
Iherei'or'^ dobblinj^ of _3_ if. tr.-^s-. tw- vords Cc-n i • •,
Ccje \\hich i s i - l r e i i y a t t t ^ a . : u t the stc^^t-^;!-nt or
doublt: . _s i s itode here c-t^ain as &n i i u p l i c i t rev^.?l'-r
(jnfcpfakaj oi" t h e Tact t h t t _s i s not doubl-'^d g e n e r a l l y
Thhen i t occurs with t h e s'=-:mi-vov-el in conjunct
consonant. I h e r e i o r e the doubling; of ^ i 3 l i m i t e d t o
t h e s e tv^o c a s e s v i z . sassv^. ena r a s s v a . This l i . i . i t : cion
hos bean i m p l i c i t l y reve£,lea by t h i s s u t r a . ihe
coiiiraentator has f u r t h e r r e f e r r e a t o a quotcition 1 rom
V . u . x . o 1t)0-ioi v.hich means t h a t t h e aoublin?-- ol s

7. jakarosyt a v i r u k t i r ya aa avayoreva nenyatc h

a ca sassva ca rassvetj s a k a r o > t r a aviruktitrh

( VRP^ 160-61 )

i s not. /or.rc xr cny Ccso oth^pr th:-^n sassy? and

rasavo. a-ri t h e s e c s s e s only ^ i s aoublea. 'ih^^
coiiiientc.tor h a s CJISO r e i e r r e a t o the s u t r a in
e s a v i j l k s a j 7) - na_ govyoscp in vMcb i t ±3 .-^f-ted
t h a t w i t h i n a v/ord, _3 which i s follov'='o by j and v,
i s not doubled, a c c o r d i n g t c t h e i- cdhyendino. school
of .,.Y.V. Therefore Sf^ssva and r a s s v c are the
specij^l ctises in v h i c h £ i s doubled snd therefore
they a r e ni'^ntioned h e r e .

ihe cow-^entotor now has selectc^va t\,o oUtr^A^ irom

; ———^—

th=! aixtii c;aiiyayci oX /&j.i r a t i . ,jO the a u t r a - • na_

ksavrcisvisatayebhyastraikam" (t),27j means t h a t T:.ra
preceded by iv;3a, v r , c i , s v i , s a , t a onu ya x-.o*: a uoc
navt; tv;o coHoonants but cnly one. i.ne comx;ientatcr h a s
t;iven iollovvinifr i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

ksatrasya (Vo IC/'^) vrtri-m {\_£ lC/^y

citraiix (devanagj/ ( V.:> 7/42)

svitra jadityarvo-rKi) ( V_i 24/;*9)

satrasya rdahih (Vo ^/i)-ij (loke; t a t r a (^ 13/31)

y/tra curve ( . ., 13/31)

?. nh_ aoY]^^C3Cc 7
i adentaiuadhye vakar^yakarsyoh r-.^rayol;
saRarasya dvitvem a_a syacchendasi fr;adhyandinlye ) (Ke ii 7)

'Ih«> cGmicei-:t.i-tcr hoo i n t p r ; r e t - a t h i «ora ck^;n

in tihe s u t r a f-s only one ccnsonant c.nd not. t.v«o
(.'rkbih vyanjferiam m. o ye J. I t seema thc.L accorain^
t o him t_r i s not c conjunct consonant con^^istina of
tv;c l e t t e r s i . e . t f.na r but i t i s only one consonant
vhovinj:^ one l e t t e r ; . Therefore t h e r e i s no doubling: of
t^ m t r a i n pbov^mentioned c^^ses 'nd thf-st cas^a ex"^
«-xceptions oi t h e sutr': - ^svpret Si:.T:yo.r^dlh .." (.V»99)

:h5 n»:.:t s u t r g - ''vidhryaya . . . . " (6.2?^", .•::'->3ns

thfjt dl;, oh &nd d i n the woras vidhryayf-,
Vr;;rQhrin£'3e' r.na udr^ r^.-opnctiv'^-dy j-re not doutl'-.d
11' t h e y si^.;nify cov&ble o b j e c t s . hollovlrg are the
p.xfn.pl'^o giiven by t h e conunentcitor -
(librae J vidiiryayc: {\\j 1o/3'yJ

' ' '' ,

Vorahrinosast-r. ^..htjcil ( ;.-> ^L^/yji
1 , . 1
\apciia J uaro mascrn ('/ > 24/37)

The coiwuentL.tor ha^i st&ted t h a t i n t h e c^aeo

v,xi--re t h e s i woras do not s i g n i f y niovai-le o b j e c t s t h e r e
Ih or _d i s t o be doubled. He has giv'^-n the
i l l u s t r a t i o n of ci only e.g.

samudarf.ya sisumftrctn (VJ 2i+/21


The conansnZi.tor f u r t u e r baa at^^tei t h ^ t 11 L..is

s u b - s e c t i o n d e a l i n g with d o u t l i n ' : cf l e t t - ^ r a i s given
nnre l o r t h e sake oi t h e o r e t i c a l u n i e r i t a n d i n i ^ .
Caiy xn r a r a c a s e s i t can be u s e f u l xor p r o n u n c i ^ i t i J H
flo s u c h . ihe coLiiiientatcr has s u p p o r t - J t h i s ota^^inent
. . . 9
by q u o t i n g irciri .^ripnasya which iLeani thc^t i n or.i
p r o n u n c i a t i o n oi consonanta one or UiOrr; tri£n one, nc'
specixic diiference i s prescribea.

ihe ccfiiiiientator he s coir.pleted here t h i s to;oic

Of aoublinjp^ ci l e t t e r s i n some c a s e s , find he ncv
turns to tnother topic - ' ])urvcn-;>.-pf rrin^a-vicpr?^ '
( a i s c u s s i o n on t h e depenaence oi a consonant on t h ^
'-"'^irli'^r 01' l a t e r vowel) v.hich i s b a . s i c f l l y i m r o r t a n t
for t h e understanaing. of t h e next t o p i c .

lie t h u s t i t a t e s t h a t t h e s u t r a s (definint^ the term

oicgsra i.e. 'svaro^ksarv.ni' (1.9S-; ^ch&dycirvyanjanaih
(1.10Li; and u t t a r a i a c a v a s i t a i h ( 1 . 1 Cl ; a r e uliY:ady
e x p l o i n e a . (oee P,(j^ J In t h e c i r c u a s t a n c e .vhcre
r-crn them one consonant ( i . e . i n conjunct conr,on;nts)
occur betv;een two vowels, then the problem sriae;:: i-.a
r e g a r d a what ccnsonc-nt lomis a p e r t cf the pr? vioi •. vowel

•>'• ria vyanjanapfe ra syc ekasyanekc^sy.-' va

uccarane " v i s e s a h asti ]


LvtiA what consonant- x^yrii^a a oait. c i ti.e iactx' vov.ei.

iiiUB Lxic t o p i c 01 aeciain^;, t h e Ciepfeiiaexice of consonants
on vovvfiis (when more t h a n one consonant occur in
b'-^tween t u o vovv'^ls; i s discussea i n t h e following
sHtras. r c r t n i s he h?3 select-=;a t h e sutr.-.s
1.10? - 105.

ihe sutrfc - "sariiyogaaih i^uryajyc." (1,112)

t*La\,-:ib t h c t t h e l i r s t it-^tter oi' i- conjunct consoncnt
belonir,s t c t h e precedint^ vcwel, ihe ccn;r::ent.ator n a s
quoted an i l l u s t r a t i o n end e x p l a i n e d t h e p o i n t ai^
follov^'•i -

isi tjii - ise ty'Mi

i n t h i s c^ae t h e i i r s t t_ i:elon;-:s t c the

;.;rec =:uin,--: vov.'el e_ &na t h e o t h e r t_ and v; beloni.: t o
th5 l a t e r vowel - e .

The next a u t r o - •'yamasca " (1.103) states tnat

t h e twin (yama) a l s o belont.s t o ti:^ [..receding vov.el.
'ihe cor/urientator s t a t e s tjjat i n t h e case of
rukkinsh = rukK / taah f'^s 15/2-5)

the kskare and the y&ma i.e. the second k bslcnes

tr^ B prec^din^ vcwfl u rnd m bolcn'"? tc tb-^ l'-^"^^

•v'ov.el c..
f^ iJ *C

f c c n i o r . i n t c t u s e u by r^dup lice t i c n fkrc^r.c' fr-) rl^-^

b'^longs t o s rrec^^din; vcv-el. hil'- c<~;r!rr/-ntir'" '^n
t n i i i sutrc-, t h e cOi;t.i<=^nti. t o r has f i r s t deflr.^ci th-i
tf-rir; - krt.ufc ja < s ti;e con-uOi:.. rit which 13 ='rodac-^ i l^y
uh« d u p i i c a t i o i i 01 Cue i - - t t i r i'ollovvin^ tiie T i r s t
I p t b e r ox" h conjunct c o n s o n a n t . He f u r t h e r 3C£tes
t^.fct tf^is krc.fr.gjjc- beien, s t o n pracojing, vov.-ei. 1,1
t h e cr,se or the i l l u s t r a t i o n -

the r; end oi.e x i r o t _s (Krti:.c ji- ^ Of-lon^, vO the

;)receuing vowel c_ anu the. o t h e r 3_5 _v c-nd ^ L-lon. to
th*^ l y t e r vowel £.

ihe comi;.'^ntf.'tcr h^s ^Ivf-n two /nor*^- i i l u s t r c - . t x o n s

and a t c t e u which consonant i s t h e part, of p r e c e d i n g
vcvt.1 cncL v\hich i s cf I t t f ^ r . dollcy.in?; *re th-
illustrations -

Vcirsyc.yci-^V6r3 3yaya = vars/syayfc (^ 16/^s)

o&hvc'h = bahvvoh - Irhv/vch (73 2L./1 i

I n t h e l i r s t i l l u s t r c - t i o n th^:-; l e t t e r r anv. iiht;

first at belong t o t h e p r e c e d i n g vowel ana t n e o t h e r
s ana y belong t o tne l a t e r vovvel a.

^iiUxl^r io hi',-: c^. o-^ xi, LL'i secona i i i u s t r u L i o n

i.-, h_ £..no. t h - f i r , j t v_ bt_;lcni. to ti,-- pr'ice^in.^ voviel
c ana Lht seccnl v uelcriirs to th^-- I c t c r •'v/ov.ex L. .

Ihe n e x t sutr.-- - " t c 3;ne c c o 11 a rani s p a r s e " (1.105)

r.i-'5f'n:5 th.-'t tli-:' con,5urant i o l l o v i n f , kram«jy. ,-ilso ii
^ollov.-;c- by <• cont.;Ct conjonc-nt belonrrs t o t h e ;.r^JCf:^ing
vowel. ihe conment^-tcr h i s a e s c r i b - a thiij \ i t h Ci.""
i'i:;i^.. oi' i o l i o v.-in,;;; i l l u s t r . t i o n s -

•cVSonvi- = r.arss/nyc (7-j 25/40)

vdroijiuc-rj ^&rs3/iiic:i.'
' . . ' ——— (v..
" ^/l7)

In tne i ' i r s t i i i u s t r r t i c n r saaivo^aaih ( the

i i i ' o t l e t t e r of the conjunct c o n s o n a n t ; , the Xirot:
5 ( i . ' ^ . krc-jHc. j ^ ; ana t h e o t h e r s (uttorc.-vyanj&ni^,
t e l o n , : t o t h e p r e c e d i n g vowel £ and n t.nd 'j_ belong
t o t h e l a t e r vov;el £.

.jindlcjr i s the case in oth-^r i l l u a t r s t i o n .

The ccrnrnent.-itor h s s s t a t e d f u r t h e r t h a t the

.ILVC iiiven t o c i c I s i]r;port?;nt for the ur.de r s t an J i n £
of the s u b j e c t m a t t e r s t a t e d i n the f o l l o w i n r sutras.

ihe n e x t s u t r a - "vyanjc.n£m svarena sasvar&iu'

11.107) means t h a t the consonant vhich belcn,.-: to a

pdi'ticulax" vowel should oe e x p l a i n e i t o be ha/in.5 t h e

Scixrie accent c.s t h a t of t h e vov/el. The comnientotor ho a
3ti-t-d t h a t he has a l r e a d y uiven th3 exaciplea. He h a s
quote.! f u r t h e r b ^^ortion frciu yajnavelkya-^jikao (11'5^J
v.hich meario t l i a t t h e u c c e n t s ucca (acute; nica
it,rave> and syfarita ( c i r c u m i l e x ) e r e the qualities
01 vowels, ihe consonciht which aepenus on a p a r t i c u l a r
vov/tl anoulu be pronounced witli the same a c c e n t as
txicit of tiie vowel.

ihe coniLxentator has then stilecteo the sutra -

" ssmyoaapurvavyanjanantavasanaf^atal. svarah
avifcatrah " ^^.IL?/ i n Vvhich the a u r c t i o n ci
\?ov,el3 i s s t c . t e a . ihe s u t r a t h u s iiieans t h a t the
vcv.ely preceainjf c conjunct ccnsoncnt or those
which ar^ followed by a consonant or o c c u r i n c i n pause
h'.i ve two moras as t h » i r ou r a t i o n . ihe comi entc»t,or
has s t a t e a t h a t t h i s d u r a t i o n 01 two nicras is '•-liehtly
iAore than one iLora (hrasva j . ^uch a vOAel ho^^ev^r
i s net t h e r e b y meant to be dirgha. he has ;;,iven

10. 5vara uccf h svarp r i c e h sv^; rah svaritc' •^-•v;- c^ j

svarapraahanam t r a i s Voryaii-j vyanJahaL: t e n a Sc jv&ram j(

V ^di, » •-' * 11.1/


, 11
f u r t h e r a q u o t a t i o n from VRPS (190) for supporting
iiis s t b t e i u e n t .

Vhe coniiuentfator h a s given some v^ords i n whicn a

vov^el i s conaiaered as having two mores as i t s aur&tion

st*myogapurvah " apnih, "!.-•<"

vyarijc;n<;.ntb):.: «= jc Crh, tc^ai

8Vc-3riric!f.cttah = ut;; ana ca

In tiie CrST. ci t i e i i i u s t r - t x c n c^f j-;'nih, i.n

uowel £ i s p r e c e d i n g t h e conjunct ccnscn;>nt flJ"

In t h e c&se ol' the i l l u s t r a t i o n s , trt, ^atal

ana tarn t h e vowrrl a_ i s followea by the ccnsoncrit
t., h end w respectively.

11. svarah Sfmyc^ c-.f;urvah ye


fcsai^^ Kalo dviiuatrah syat

na t u dirfha. h i tp srtrtah jj

i n ti;e cfcse cf t h e i l l u s t r t ticn?- utc ;-n^ u-_

t h e vcv;el £ o c c u r s i n peuse ( a t the ^ n d ) ,
•jiherel'ore a l l t h e s e vovvels t r e consider-ad f s h t v i n g
tvjC moras ss t h e i r dur;,ticn. JC t h i s s u t r a Ccn L^i
ap-scribed fcs an e x c e p t i o n t o the s u t r s s
"smatrssvaro hr^sveh" ind "matra C£" ( 1 . 5 5 , >-y
ir >hich i t i s s t a t e d t h ^ t a l l s h o r t v o v e l s (r.r£.,.v.i i
_2_ e t c . a r e kncv.ri as havirij^ one tccr^.

The conjaentc.tor has ccmpletea th-j topic

,v&ni£. riyc - vi ka Vc. h he re.



After completing the topic of the changes (vikaraa)

i n the words in g e n e r a l , the coimaentetor i^macandra
Par^it'.a i s now going t o describe the r u l e s regarding
accents (svarasJ in t h i s chapter e n t i t l e d as svaraprakaranam.
Thus he has selected the s u t r a s from the second and the
s i x t h adhyaya of the V a j . P r a t i . In the second adhyaye
the common svaras of nouns, verbs, p r e p o s i t i o n s and
particles (nama, akhyata, upsarga and nipata) are
described. Thus he has taken p r a c t i c a l l y a l l the s u t r a s
from the second adhyaya (excepting l a s t two sutras)
without changing t h e i r o r i g i n a l order given in fh^
pratisakhya and comaiented upon them. Then he has
s t a r t e d t o describe the s p e c i a l svaras regarding the
akhyataa and upasargas e t c . Ke has thus selected the
f i r s t sutra of the sixth adhyaya s t a t i n g the greve
accent of the verb and then the twenty fourth sutra
in which a l l the upasargas (prepositions) are l i s t e d .
Then he has selected the s u t r a s from 6.2 to 19 in
t h e i r o r i g i n a l order.

While considering the s i m i l e r i t y of the subject

matter i n both of these adhyayas namely the second

1 ,
andi tti« a l x t h V.;>«nBft h»» rightljr i c l n t e i cut t h e t th«
second a<lhyay& shoula hev« t««n follcwed by the sixth
adhyZya in th* orlr:lR#l sutra-»path8 of th« i r a t i . But
i n th*? extent £ r £ t i . theae two adhyayef are intervened
by the other fed^ayeyfts v i a . th»? t h i r d , fourth and th#
fifth* Tha « d r i i 0 r co8i;^<»nt&tor v i x . Uvvata has t4Ct
rttaiirked anything en t h i s p c i n t . Cur eoafii^ntator, in a
view t o arruai^n the prati- autr^a ticcording to th«
tubj^ct/topics, haa brought tog«th«r th«a«» two fedhyayaa
und-^r th« t i t l t 3V&roprfakf.rana«. taking into U-ie
c o n a i d s r a t i o n , th-ut th€ aubjf^ct u&tt^r of th«a« t ^ o
inihroThs i s clos'ily conn«ct««l with «aeh o t h e r .
Thus en t h i s background thi* rearrting«&^nt of th«a«
r r l i t i . autrfca cen t« noted aa « contribution of the
coaua«ntator \&«&candra 1 anditu t o th«» atudy of Va^. Preti*

Tha cowRisntator haa s t a r t a d t h i s chaptar by the

autre - **8Vfcritav&r.1a» ekcd&tt&m padaji.''(2.1). Iha
cocttt«nti»tor h«a d^lin'^d th«F term avferitfem aa th€ word in
which a v a r i t a l e t t a r occura. Thus according t o the coffift«ntetor
tha autra Rsano t h a t €V«>ry word excepting th&t, t«hich
haa b circufcilexi avaritw j . haa an aeut«« he has ati^tad

^» C r i t i c a l :;>tudie3 oj^ Katyayaae il^V

hf ^.!.&nm 1935, .246-247

further t h a t In the word only one acute or circumflex

can occur, llie coiunentator has remarked t h a t t h i s rule
i s to be t r e a t e d as a general rule (utsarga). The
words having two acuta accents w i l l be discussed j^lH '(8(H^i^^'f
Such words are l i s t e d afterwards expressly ( vicanika )
by the author of the sutras.

The next sutra - "anudattam" means that tiie

remaining portion ( s y l l a b l e s ) of the word i s grave.
The coinmentator has s t a t e d t h a t anudatta means the
s y l l a b l e s i n which grave accents occur. The commentator
has a l s o remarked that t h i s sutra i s an adhikara-sutra
( i . e . in the following s u t r a s the word grave (anudattam)
i s to be understood). He has given following
illustrations >

aadanyam (V3 34/21) j ylryem (VS. 2/8)

devah (VS l / l ; ; anaaJvah (V5 l / l )

In these words the double underlined s y l l a b l e s

are grave.

The next sutra -"no nau «* aaadarthe tridvy ekesu "

(2.3) means t h a t the words nah. nau and me used i n the
sense of f i r s t person expressing respectively plural,

dual and singuisr numbers are gr&ve. Following are

the illustrations given by the commentator -

a nah {V3 3/57) ; tan nau (VS 4/34)

yanme (VS 3/l7)

The commentator has stated that the word trldvyekesu

in the sutra needs no comment ana the word utadarthe
is used in the sutra for serving a purpose in subsequent
rule (uttarartham). The commentator thus states a
principle - 'sandehe sahacaryam niyamakam* which means
that the association is the limitative principle in the
cases of doubt regarding the choice of a word in a
particular sense.

The commentator draws our attention to the fact that

the word me^ is mentioned together with the words nah
and nau. ':o its intended meaning should be understood
in the context of these otner words. The other words
are formea ty substitutes of the entire words. ;3o the
word ae also should be of the same type. The comt..entator
has remarked that me which is stated grave by this sutra
is to be taken as the substitute for the entire word
^asmad (sarvadesaj and not to be taken as the product
of specific substitute _se (adesavisista). The
commentator has given the illustration rayo me (73 4/22)
in which me i s the product of the specific s u b s t i t u t e
Sft and therefore i t i s acute and not grave because
Ma i s the s u b s t i t u t e of asmad according to the Panini-
sutrai" ^^tvamavek&vacane" ( p . 7.2.97 ) and "sese
lopah" (f. 7.2.90) and then according to the sutra -
"supfeiB. suluk" { Pv 7.1.39) the s p e c i f i c s u b s t i t u t e se_
i s add'Ci t o t h i s ma which i s acute, because of the
acute &_ in ssmad. Thus we get the form ma •*• e «= me
according t o the Paninian sutr& "ad gunah" (P 6.1.^7)
This me i s acute (udatta) and out of the scope of t h e
present s u t r a .

The e a r l i e r com.ientators v i z . Uvvata and Ananta

have not taken i n t o consideration t h i s acute me.

Moreover, the mention of t h i s specific s u b s t i t u t e

ee and the case of t h i s acute me also throws l i g h t on
the scholarship oX Piqninian gPfrfflmMr of the co:umentator
Bamacanara Pandita in Pa«irn/i\Y) qlwnin^AV,

The next s u t r a - "me ce" (2.4) prescribes that

the word ma also which i s used in the sense of the
f i r s t person, i s grave. The commentator has quoted
following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

pra ma t i r a (VS l / l 3 )

The coinmentator has stated t h a t the word ma when

i t i s used in the sense of the f i r s t person, then only,
i t i s grave and otherwise n o t . He has given a counter
example also i n which m£ i s not grave but acute r . '
because i t i s not used in the sense of fiist person

ma no ndtreh (VS 25/24)

Here the word ma i s usea as a p r o h i b i t i v e p a r t i c l e .

Therefore i t i s u d a t t a .

The next sutra - "vo vam te tvadarthe" (2.5)

means t h a t the words vah, vam and t £ used i n the sense
of second person are grave. The comnientator has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

devo veh {V3,l/l); Sam vam (VS 12/5^)

iM t e (VS 1/2)

Here also the word tvadarthe is important because

the words mentioned in the sutra are not grave when
they are not used in the sense of second person, 'ihe
commentator has given following illustration -

te no arvantah (V3 9/17}


The next sutra - "tva ca" (2,6) s t a t e s t h a t the

word tva a l s o i s grave, when used i n the sense of
second person. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given
by the commentator -

bhutaya tva (VS 1 / I I ) ; gandhsrva'stva (VS 2/6)

The next sutra - "purvavan anudesah (2.7) means

t h a t a word r e f e r r i n g to an object previously u t t e r e d
but a c t u a l l y uttered afterwards, i s grave. The ccanmentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

ghasam^asfliai (VS 11/74)

£?«£ krnuhi (V^ 1C/32j

asmin (VS 3 / l )

In the illustration 'ghasam esmei* asmai is

referring to an object - ghasam - previously mentioned.
So asmai is grave. Similar is the case in other

The commentator has stated that the condition

tpurvoktarthe* is important. So the words which are not
referring to any objects previously uttered are not grave.
He has given following counter examples also >

asmai ksatraya (V3 IS/44)


t f

enam paaunam (VS 16/47)

aatidn sadhasthe (VS 15/54)

/ /
In the i l l u s t r a t i o n , •asmai^ k s a t ray a * the
pronoun asmai i s r e f e r r i n g to the word ksatraya which
i s mentioned a f t e r the wora e s a a i . So i t i s not grave
but a c u t e .

Similar i s the case in other i l l u s t r a t i o n s a l s o .

The next s u t r a - ^asi^ (2.f^) means t h a t the word

a s i i s grave. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given
by the conu/entator.

vedo'si » vedah + aj^ (VS 2/21 •

krsnosi == k^rsnah + a s i (VS 2 / l )

The next sutra - "yatha grbhobhuvo agnibhyarti "

(2.9) s t a t e s t h a t the word yatha, following the words
grbhah bhuvah and agni i s grave. The commentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

jivegrbho yatha (VS 12/65)

aksibhuvo yatha (V3 23/29)

agnayo yatha (VS ft/4ti)


The commentstor has stated that the word yatha

when it is following any word other than the abovementioned
words, it is not grave. He has given c.^. counter-example
also -
karad yatha (V3 3/5^)

Thus yatha i n t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n i s not grave.

The s u t r a - "girvanah" (2.10) s t a t e s t h a t the word

*girvanah* i s grave. Following i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n
given by the coaimentator -

p a r i tva girvanah (VS 5/29)

The next s u t r a - "ag:ne g h r t e n e t i ca" { 2,11 )

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the word ' g h r t e n a ' preceded by agne is
grave. The commentiitor has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

agne fchrtena (VS 17/50)

The coaiflientator has s t a t e d t h a t the word ghrtena

precedeci by any word other than a^ne i s not grave. Thus

angiro ghrtena (VS 3/3)

The siltra - '^pracikitasca" (2.12) means t h a t the

word ' c i k i t a h ' preceded by pra i s grave. The commentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n .

pra c i k i t o manisa (VS 19/52)


The next sutra - "enoViape*' (2.13) meens t h a t the

word ena.' trfrien not in the sense of sin is grave.
Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentetor.

ut + enam • udenam (Y3 17/50)

ma -^ enam » mainam (V3 12/15)

apsu + enet « apsvenat (VS 12/35)

The coiiiflientator has s t s t e d t h a t the word ena)

should be taken in a l l genders (8arva/:.ingam) as i t i s
used faithout any s p e c i f i c a t i o n (avisesat) here.

The conunentator f u r t h e r has given a counter-example

t o s t a t e t h a t apape (not in the sense of sin) i s an
e s s e n t i a l condition for the word enar t o become grave.
F. i'^/se the same worti ena i s not grave when i t i s used
in the sense of s i n . Thus -

enascakrma {V3 3/45)

The next s u t r a - "ihapurvam srutam" (2.14) states

t h a t the word srutam preceded by iha i s grave. Following
i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the conunentator -

iha sVutem (VS 7/9)

As the word srut&m is a verbal form (akhyata) of

,-- vp
Janx i t i s grave according t o the general rule v i z . 6.1

(which aays t h e t the verbal forma are g r a v e ) . Still it is

said here t h a t srutant should be grave. So i t becomes an
i i a p l i c i t r e v e a l e r (jnapaka) of another point viz. no
other form of ysru except arutam i s grave, f oreover
the word srutaih also i s grave only when preceded by i h a .
The coffiiTrentator has c l a r i f i e d these points by giving both
types of illustr<?tions e.g.
veruna srudhi havem (VS 2l/l)

In thia caae sirudhi is -Cx.- form of /aru but it is

other than srutam. So it is not grave.

In the other illustration viz.

yuvana srutam (VS 29/9)
the same word srutam is used but as it is not preceded
by iha is not grave.

The next sutra - "manye padapurvam s a r v e t r a " (2.15)

Bieans t h a t the word manye preceded by any word i s always
grave. The cocmientator has given lollowing i l l u s t r a t i o n -

hotaram manye (VS 15/47)

The coffiinentator has s t a t e d t h a t the word sarvatra

(always) i s used i n the aiitra for s e t t i n g aside the
negation prescribed by the autra '^yad vrttopepadat ca*^
(6.H) which means t h a t a l s o £•. verb adjoined i n the
saice sentence t o any form of the word yat r e t a i n s i t s own
accent i . e . i t i s not grave .

The coiTittientator haa given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

tam many9 yah (V3 15/41}

Here according t o the rule 6.14, the verb manye

i s expected t o r e t a i n i t s own accent because of boiing
followed by yah, but as the same verb manye is
preceded by the word tam. i t i s grave. 3o t h i s sutra
2.15 i s an exception t o the sutra 6.14

The next sutra - " v& ca_ kaau c i t samasatat gh^i

ha sffia tva imarya ere svinnipatascet " (2.l6)
s t a t e s t h a t the fourteen words v i z . v£, £a, kam, u cit,
saiaasmat, £h£, ha, sma, tva. im, arya, are and s v i t
when nipatas particles are grave. The commentator
has given following illustraticns -

vato va {V3 9/7) ; agnisca (V3 26/l)

ima nu kam (VS 25/46); 2± li s^°> bhutyam (VS 40/9)

hrdayavidhes cit (VS 3/23); aghsyateh samasmat (VS 3/26)

a gha x£ (VS 7/32); dadhe ha garbhem (VS 23/63)

hi sma te, (V3 3/46); plyati tvo anu (VS 12/42)

ka im are (VS 23/55); avirmaryah (VS 10/9)

ajere pisangila (VS 23/59) kah svit (VS 23/9)


The commentator has stated that the abovefflentloned

fourteen words are grave, only when they are nipatas
(particles) and othexTftrise not. In the case of *vato va'
va is nipata so it is grave.

The commentator has further quoteu following

counter-examples in which cit and kam respectively are
the words which are seen acute as they are not nipatas
e. g.
cid asi (V3 4/19)

drevinamastu yam kam (ca lokam) (YS ^/60)

here i n the f i r s t i l l u s t r a t i o n , the wora cit is

used in the sense of *citta* {.wind ) and in the
second i l l u s t r a t i o n the word kam i s used as an adjective
of the next word lokam possessing d e f i n i t e case.ending.
So they ere not grave but a c u t e .

The commentator has f u r t h e r remarked t h a t the other

nipatas (other than above-mentioned 16 nipatas) are not

grave but they have an acute accent on t h e i r first

s y l l a b l e (adyudatta). The comBientator has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s e.g. *iti*, ' atho ' .
The cofljaentator further has quoted a ^ h l t - s u t r a
"nipata adyudattah" (Ph. 5u,.d3) f o r supporting his

The next sutra - ^padapurvam amantrltaja

ananarthe^padadau" (2.17) means that a vocative
preceded by a word, one which is not used in the
beginning of a pade and not syntactically unconnected,
is grave. The commentator has given following
illustrations -

arstiK agne (VS 27/6); rcdasi vi.sn£ (VS 5/l6)

niyudbhirvaye (VS 27/33); tava puruse (VS. 12/7?)

In these illustrations, the vocatives •' agne,

vtsno, vayo and puruse respectively are preceded by
the words - aratim, rodasi, niyudbhlh and tava
respectively and they are also not seen in the
beginning of the padas. Thus they ere grave.

The coamentator has further stated that these

vocatives are not grave when they &re not preceded by
any word. He has given following illustrations -

agne vratapate (VS l/5)

vayo asmin (VS 27/2^)

EWfl£ tava (VS 34/41)

In these illustrations, the same vocatives - agne

vayo and pusan which are double underlined are not grave

because t h e / are not preceded by any word but they

themselves occur in the beginning*

In the case of the i l l u s t r a t i o n * , anvihi devah .

(V^ 22/19}I the vocative *devah* i s preceded by a
virord, i t aoes not occur in the beginning of a pada
also, jret ' - i t i s not grave because the word
devah i s not s y n t a c t i c a l l y connected with the word

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n , vrsgnnagne ('/J 15/30) the

vocative i s preceded by a word, but i t i s not grave
because i t occurs i n the beginning of a pada.

The next sutra - "tenanantars sasthyekapadevat"

(2.1^) means t h a t when a word in the slxfi> case is
placed in iBiinedlate cont^^ct with the word i n vocative,
then both these woids are t o be t r e a t e a as cne word.
The comnentator has noted here t h a t t h i s contact between
the s i x t h case and the vocative i s t o be taken into
consideration in two ways v i z . meaning (arthatahj and
place ( d e a a t a h j . He further s t a t e s t h a t tl;ii8 iu^iuediate
contact by place i s a l s o of two k i n a s . In soi&e c a s e s ,
the word In s i x t h case i s placed in iimi>ediate contact
with the vocative being the preceding v^ord and i n some
c a s e s ^ i t follows the vocative.

The comnientator has f i r s t quoted the i l l u s t r a t i o n s

in which the word i n the s i x t h case i s placeo in
ioffiediate contact with the voc&tive by meaning e. g.

visvasam bhuvam pate (VS 37/lS)

t i s t h a brahmanaspate (VS 34/56)

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n , bhuvam + p a t e , the word bhuvem

i s in the s i x t h case and i t i s placed in immediate contact
with the vocative pate« Thus i t i s t r e a t e d as one with
the following word. The same i s the case in other

About the immediate contact by p l a c e , the

coffifiientator has not quoted any i l l u s t r a t i o n d i r e c t l y but
he has rei&arkea t h a t because of t h i s purpose only the
cases mentioned i n the next sutra are stated as exceptions
t o t h i s rule (2.1^) i . e . the cases in Vviiich the sixth
case i s placed in ii.iuediate contact witii the vocative as
a preceding word or a following word are net trecAted as
ons word.

The commentator has further s t a t e d that in the cases

where the s i x t h case i s not placed in imttiediate contact
with the vocative (or i t i s intervenea by any other word)
are not t r e a t e d as one word, he has given the following
illustration -
pate tvamasya (V3 34/5^.

In this illustration, the vocative and the sixth

case are intervened by the word tvam and thus the
vocative pate and the word in the sixth case i* e.
aaya are not treated as one word*

The commentator has further stated that in the

illustration - yasyausadhih (VS 12/S6) the word yasya
{the sixth case) is connected with the next word -
'angamang&m* and not with the vocative - oaadhih.
So it is not treated as cne word.

The next sutra - "na prthivi £smakam"(2.19)

mentions that these fifteen cases in which the word in
sixth case is placed in immediate contact with the
vocative (by place end es a preceaing word or a following
word) az^ not to be treated ss one word. Following ere
the cases mentioneu in the sutra -

prthivi devayajanyosadhyaste (V3 1/25)

deva bhureh (VS ^/6)

pavitrap&te pavitraputssya (V^ 4/4)

ar^;ia^napat pra iraksan (VS ?^/24)

nrna«-nrpate (VS 11/27)


aoaagneh (V:? &/^0)

somendrasya (V3 ^/^O)

soma suviryasya (VS 7/14}

aome vlsveaam devenam (VS d/50)

prajapate yaaya (VS 18/44)

yesya deva (VS^ 7/7)

agne tava (V3 12/106)

agne vajasya (V3 15/35)

agne varunasya (VS 2l/3)

apo asmakam (VS 4 / l 2 )

The coHUftentator has s t a t e d about the l l l u a t r s t i c n

apaai napat £ratlf^kb«ji t h a t when the words spam napat
are followed by p r a t i r a k s a n only are not t r e a t e d as
one v;ord| but the same word apam-napat when followed
by ^ V(ah can be t r e a t e d as one word. e . g .
apam napadyo vah (VS 6/27)
The next sutra - "sumangale . . . . vasudavan" (2,2C)
gives a l i s t of the cases of vocative/are not grave.

sumang&la, s&tyarajan (VS 20/4)

/ J

vlklridre. vllohlte (VS 16/52}

daridra nJlalohita (VS 16/47)

sreyaakara, bhuyaskara (VS 10/2d)

ambe. ambike. amballke (V3 23/lS)

saravye, brahmasamaite (VS 17/4»3>)

fliaruto aavlna (VS 33/47)

yevye. gavye (VS 23/^)

dyavaprthivi uro (VS 4/7)

agna ^ 1 patnlvan (V3 ^/lOj

l a J l 3 n sacL.^n (V3 23/<^)

mldhugtama sivatama (VS 16/51)

sahasrakca sategudhe (VS 16/13)

vasupate vasudavan (VS 12/43)


While ccaomenting on t h i s s u t r a . the cojnnientator hai

s t a t e d t h a t these twenty-nine vocatives are not grave.
He has further remarked t h a t i t i s already stated that

the cages which are not preceded by any word and are
used in the beginning of s pada ere not grave ( See
r u l e 2*17)« Thus in connection with the cases of words
which are preceded by some word or a are not used in the
beginning of a pada, absence of graveness i s negated
here i.e. these words can have accent. Thus the
graveness of these cases alone i s only negated by t h i s
sutrti. Therefore these cases would be the exceptions
t o the r u l e 2.17*

The next autre - " i d o t t a r a n i nava

brahCianniti ca" (2.21) s t a t e s t h a t the nine words
following the word i_d£, the s i x words followins? the
word svan, the four words following the word agni,
the four words following the word bhaga, the word
following the word Indra. the word followii^ the word
sinivali. the word brahman following the word
prajapataye are not grave i . e . they bear acute accent
on t h e i r f i r s t syllable.

The coBunentator has s t a t e d t h a t these tw-inty s i x

words are not grave. He has quoted all these
cases as follows *•

id£ rante havye kamye candre .jyote |

&dit0 sarasvati li^hl vis rut 1 (V3 ^743)

i 1 /, .
svana bhra.la anghare bambhare hasto^

suheata krsano (VS 4/27)

, ' , ' , _

egne Indra VjBrune mltra devah (V3 33/4^)

bha^a i prenetah ( bha^a ] satyaradhsh \ bhaga 1(VJ 34/36)

indra Koman (VS 26/4)

sinivall prthustake (VS 34/10)

prajapataye brshcaan (VS 22/4)

The next sutra - ^bhutlradyudettam" (2.22) means

that the word bhuti has acute on its first syllable

(edyudatta)« The ccmmentator has stated that in the

following sutras the word adyudatta is to be understood.

Following are the illustrations given by the coaui.entator-

bhutisca, me (VS 18/14) ; bhutyai yedam (VS 12/65)

The next sutra - "keds na risyema purvam" (2,23)

states that the word kada if preceded by ne^ risyema

^s adyudatta. The commentator has given following


illustration -

na risyema kade cana (VS 34/41)

He has also stated that the word kada when not preceded

by •na riayema* is not adyudatta e.g.

kada cane starih {V3 3/34)

Here the word kada is pedadi. Thus it is not


The next sutra - "amantrltam ca" (2.24) states

that e vocative also is adyudatta. The coBimentator

has given following illustration -

^^ne grhapate (V3 3/39)

Here in this illustration, the first vocative

agne is adyudatta. The commentator has given one more

illustration - urjo napat (VS 12/108) and stated

that in this case, the v^ord urjeh which is stated

having the sixth case and is treated as one word i.e.

urjo^napat and thus it is vocative because of the

rule "tenanantare ..." (2.If?). This word urjo

is adyudatta. But in the other cases, the word urjah

is antodatta e.g.

urjo napatam {VS 27/44)


Her« the word group urjo nepatem is not one word

and also not a vocative. Thus it is not adyudatta»

The coHanentator has further stated that the rule -

'padepurvam ..• (2.17) is .\n exception to this rule.
no the statement stated by the rule 2.17 about the
graveness of a word is not applicable here. The illustration
*agne is given here only for this purpose.

The next autra - "krano*mrp;a3&ayog;e" (2.25) is

the case of different reeding accepted by our commentetor.
In the place of 'mrgasamyoge* he has taken the reading
•amrp^asamyoge'. 3o according tc our cooa&entator, the
sutra means that the word 'krsnah' is adyudatta
when it is not used as an adjective in the reference of
an animal. He has given following illustrations -

krsnosi {V3 2/l} ; krsno ratryai (V3 2/»/30}

In these illustrations, the word krsnah is used

to mean a mrga and not an adjective of an animal.
So the word krsnah is adyudatta here. The commentator
has given the counter-example also in which the word
.». .
is not adyudatta
because it is usea as an

adjective of an animal, e. g.

sva krsnah (V3 24/40)


— / -
The next sutra - "vyayava-^scentah" (2.26) means
that the word antah if it is declinable/changeable h^ Yi^csY^
the . case, gender etc. then is adyudatta.
The commentator has given follo>.ing illustration -
*£§££ antah * (V3 23/62). The commentator has further
Stated that the word antah when used as an indeclinable
(avyaya), then it does not become adyudatta. He has
given this type of counter-example also e. g.

antar aiahati (VS 23/63)

In this case, the word *anteh* is not adyudatta

because it is not a changeable word, c,^ i't'^c\fc\'=, -\V\^- case,
gender etc. Un the other hanu it is indeclinable.

So the commentator has made it clear that the word

vyayavan (in the sutra) means the word which is
declinable only.

The next sutra - '•parah pradhane" (2.27) means

that the word para in the sense of principal (pradhana)
is adyudatta. The cooimentator has given following
illustrations -

(jatah) paro anyah (VS ^ 3 6 )

pero antah (V3 23/62)


Here in these illustrations the word parsh is

used in the sense of 'principal'.

The commentstor has further quoted a counter,

-example in which the word parah is not adyudatta
because it is used in the sense of 'beyond' i.e. it is
not indicating the sense of 'principal'. Therefore it
is not adyudatta. e. g.

paro diva (^ 17/29)

The next sutra - "metra ca pariciane" (2.28)

states that the word matra used in the sense of measure
(pariiaana) is also adyudatta. The comnentetor has given
following illustration -

kasya matra (V3 23/47)

Here the word matra is used in the sense of

measure (parimana) in the nominative case. So it is

The cominentator has then quoted a counter-example

in which the word matra is used in the instrumental case
of the word matr ana not in the sense of measure e• &»
/ /

vibhur matra IVS 22/19)

Therefore it is not adyudatta.


The n e x t a u t r a - "daksina ca" (2.29) a l s o adds

one more case having adyudattfc i . e . t h e word a a k s l n a .
The commentator h a s given jfollovdng i l l u s t r a t i o n -

daksinagiarohe (V^ 10/11)

The n e x t s u t r a - " n a - d a s a - v i a v a karma-

niaadyendrasyapatu-sgdah audbhyesu" (2.30) states
t h a t t h e same wora daksina i s not adyudatta if
followea by thejaren words - dasa. visvakaiTna, n i a a d y a ,
indrasya, p a t u , sadah and aadbhyah. The comuientator
has quoted f o l l o w i n g i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

daksina dasa (VS I 6 / 6 4 )

daksina visvakarma (VS 13/55)

d a k s i n a t o niaadya (va 19/62)

daksinata indrasya (V3 37/12)

daksinatah patu (VS 5/11)

daksina sadah ( V^ 9/36)

daksina sadbhyah (V3 9/35)


Ifchlle coM&enting on t h i s s u t r a , the coi&mentator

has made i t c l e a r th&t the words mentioned in the sutra
arB i n the locative case (saptami). Therefore it is
indicated c l e a r l y t h a t the word which immediately
precedes ( i . e . d&ksina) one of the mentioned word,
alone w i l l be adyudatta. He has referred to the sutra
"tasffiin . . « (1.134) f o r h i s stateraent. He f u r t h e r
adds t h a t because of the sutra - "pade ca" ( 3 . 3 6 ) , this
preceding word, when i t i s independent word, is
adyudatta only.

The comi&entator f u r t h e r shows h i s awareness oi the

fact t h a t the mentionea words - nisadya indrasya and
patu are the cases which are preceded by the word
•daksinatah* and not daksina. Thus he has aaade it
c l e a r again t h a t as the i l l u s t r a t i o n s are not a v a i l a b l e
without having any i n t e r v e n t i o n , the c a s e s , which are
intervened by some l e t t e r s (tah) can also be the subject
stated by the sutra - i . e . in the case of the word
daksinatah. the word daksina and the following word
are intervened by ' t a h ' . S t i l l the word daksinatah is
***** adyudatta i n these t h r e e cases mentioned above.

'uhile noticing the word daksinatif^h carefully,

the commentator has s t a t e d t h a t according to the

Paninlan sutra - "tasiladlsu . . . " { F 6.3.34) the

r e s t o r a t i o n of the masculine form (pu-<vadbhavah) in
the place of the fecrdne word (daksina j is stated,
because of the tas^affix.

Further, the coaimentator has given h i s c l a r i f i c s t i c n

t o the possible argument in connection vdth the
negation s t a t e d by t h i s sutra* He has said t h a t the
autra - ^daksina ca* (2,29) states that the word
daksina is adyudatta and the sutra - "na
(2*30) s t a t e s t h a t the same word daksina i s not
adyudatta , i f followed by the above mentioneo words*
But as the word dakainatah i s not ending in long form
the s u t r a 2.29 i s not applicable in these cases of
daksinetah. Thus the comitientetor has remarked t h a t the
negation stated by the present sutra , i s to be taken as
an indicatory statement (Jnapaka) of the fact that
the s t a t e d operation i s also applicable in the cases
with s l i g h t difference of the parts/aiembers of e word.
So i n the cases of deksinatah also the operation
prescribed by the sutra i s applicable i . e . in the
oases of daksinatah the word daksinatah is not
adyudatta when followed by the mentioned words nisadya,
Indrasya and patu.

The commentator has quoted the following

Illustration also to support his atove explanation.
e. g.
apsvTVenet (VS 12/^5)

\%hile commenting on the sutre - "eno'pape" (2.13)

he has quoted this illustration end stated that the
operation in the case of 'enah* stated by this rule
(2.13) ( i.e. the word enah, when not in the sense of
sin, is grave) is also applicable in the case of enat.
even having a slight difference in the parts of the
word enah. Similar is the case in the abovementioned
words dakaina and daksinatah. So there also the
prescribed operation lor the word daksina is also
applicable to the word daksinatah. Thus the word
daksinatah is also not adyudatta as daksina when
followeu by the mentioned v/ords in the sutra 2.30

The next sutra - •ka^.ah svenge* (2.31) means that

the word karnah when signifying bodily organ ( i.e.
an ear; is adyudatta. The cou^entator has given
following illustration -

kamau tedanlm (V3 25/2)


The cooimentator h&s further st6teo t h a t the same

word kernah i s not adyudatta when i t i s not used . :in fy)t sehjc-
bodily organ. He has given the i l l u s t r e t i o n -

ktrno garciabhah (VS 24/40)

Here the word kamah long-eared i s used &3 an

adjective of the word gardabhah and not as bodily
organ. So i t i s not adyudatta.

The next sutra - "meho napumsake" (2.32) means

t h a t the wojrd meh&s i f in neuter t'ender i s adyudatta.
The conunentator has given lollowing i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

gihastha (VS3/20); mahasca (V£ l8/5)

The saine word ma ha a i s not adyudatta, when i t is

not used i n neuter gender. The couuiientator has ^iven
t h i s type of i l l u s t r a t i o n also in which the word mahas
which i s in masculine gender and thus i t i s not adyudatta.
aaho a^neh (VS 33/17)

Ihe next sutra - "sravasca" (2,33) also states

t h a t the \vord sravah is adyudatta when in neuter
gender. The coirinientator has given the following
illustration -
tava sravah (V£ 12/106)

The coauiientetor hes remerked t h a t the word sravah

when i t i s used in the masculine gender, is not
adyudettfa. He has quot*^d t h i s type of i l l u s t r a t i o n
sravasca me (VJ 1^/l)

The next autre - 'andho virye* (2,34) states

t h a t the word andhah when i t i s used in the sense of
Strength i s adyudatta. The coswnent<;tor hes given
the following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

andha atha IV3 3/2C)

The commentator has given the counter example in

which the word andha is used in the sense of darkness
and therefore it is not adyudatta e. g,

andham tamah (V3 40/9)

The next sutra - *eta vame* (2.35) states that

the word eta in the sense of colour is adyudatta.
The commentator has given the following illustrations -

eta aindragnah {V3 20/d)


In the first illustretion the word eta is used in

the sense of colour i.e. tawny. So it is adyuaatta.

a i m i l a r i s the Ccjse in the o t h e r i l l u s t r a t i o n .

The coounent&tor has given f u r t h e r ^ ' counter-example

in which the word eta i s not used i n the sense of c o l o u r ,
'iherefore, i t i s not adyudatta e.g.

eta me (Vo 17/2)

The next sutra - "rohlfBca kevalah" ( 2.36 )

means that the word rohita alone is adyudatta. The
• •; " K I *

coaiuentator has given \. lllustratxon -

rohitah (VS 24/2)

He has given the counter example plso in which the word

rohitah is not used alone. So it is not adyudgtte e.g.

dhumrarohitah (VS 24/2)

The next sutra - *»yantri rat" (2.37) means that

the word yantri if followed by rat, is adyudatta.
The commentator has given the following illustration -

yantri rat (VS 14/22)

The commentator has further stated that the same

word yantri when followed by the word other than rat
is not adyudatta e.g.

yantnrasi (VS 14/22)


The next sutra - "osadhlr.- anamantrlte" {2,3f^)

means t h a t the >«oru osadhih, i f not a vocative, is
adyudatta* The commentator hea given the following
i l l u s t r a t i o n in which the word osadhih i s not used as a
vocative. JO i t i s adyudatta» e.g.

li osadhih (V3 12/75)

The coBiffientator has given a counter example a l s o

i n which the word osadhih being a vocative i s not
adyudatta e.g.

yasyausadhlh {V3 12/^6)

The next autre - "sarva visva .... namah" (2.39)
states that the eight words viz. serve, visva, manuae
aaah, avaha. vajah, payas and namas are adyudatta.
The commentator has given following illustrations -

aarve yat yatra visvam (VS 35/^)

dharaa manusah (V3 t/t) \ vi3va asah (VS^ 27/7)

svaha yajnam (VS 4/6) vajasca me (V3 1^/1)

payah prthivyam (VS Id/36) namah pamaya (V3 16/46)


The next autra - "asi siva svasetyesu'*

(2.40) mentions that the word asi (which is mentioned
grave according to the earlier rule 2,!!^) is adyud&tta
when followed by one of the listed 17 words viz. siva.
susfeda. payasvati. yat te, madhuaiatih. varcasvan.
Ojiathah, bhra.1iBthah, susndni. bhadravRcyaye.
vandyah. medhyah. yaaah. iadityah, trltah. somena
and svasa* The comnientator has given following
illustrations >

aasi sivai (V3 l / 2 7 ) a s i susada (VS 1/27)

asi payasvati (V^ 1/27) aai^ ^ te (VS 5/9)

asi j maahumatihi Vj? 7/1--^ asi va re as van (V-S ^/3dj

asi o'jisthah (VS 6/39) asi_ bhrajisthah (VS rt/40)

asi susaini (VS 19/7) asi bhadrave^cyaya (VS 2l/6l)

asi vandyah (VS 26/3) esi. medhyah (VS 29/3)

asi yemah (VS 29/14) asi adityah (V3 29/14)

asi tritah (VS 29/14) asi scmena (V3 29/14)

asi svesa (VS 34/10)

The commentator has quoted further the following

illustration -
aai syona c^asi ausada .... (VS 1/27)

and stated thet this asi which precedes the word

syona is not adyudatta even followea by the v^oixi
susfeQfe. He has thus referred the sutra - "aannikrata
^ (1.144) (which means that in the case of doubt
as to which of the adjacent and distant words is meant,
the reference should be understood tc the adjacent one}
ana made it clear that in the above illustration, the
reference of the word asi should be understood to the
adjacent word syona and not to the word susada. Thus
as the words asi and susada are intervened by the
word syona. this asi (which is preceding the word
syona) is not adyudatta.

The next sutra - "dhanada ... ratnedhabhyam ce"

(2.41) states that the word asi if preceded by the
words dhanada and ratnadha is also adyudatta. The
coQimentator has given following illustrations -

dhanada asi (V^ 9/2^); ratnadha asi {\l^ 26/21 j

The next sutra - '•rayo^pose" (2.42) means thet the

wora rayah. if not followed by the word posa is
adyudatta. The commentator has given following
Illustrations -
rayo me (VS 4/22) }

(toto) ray ah ) i'-_ ;i^ • (VS 4/22- ,<)


The commentator h&a also given tij^ pountsr_example

in which the word rayah ia not edyudatts when followed
by £6s^ e.g.

rayasposam (VS S/51)

The next sutra - "ne bhagem isisfcyeh" (2.43)

prescribes that the word rayah is also not adyudatta
when followed by the words bhegam and isise. iollowing
are the illustrations given by the commentator -

rayo bhapiam (V^ 34/23); raya isisc (V3 17/70

The next sutra - "tridha baddha - hitayoh" (2,44)

states that the word tridha when followed by the
words baddha ^QYJ, hita is adyudatta. The commentator
has given following illustrations >

tridha baddhah (V3 17/91)

tridha hitam (?S 17/92}

The next sutra - "sukrtam bhute " (2.45) means

that the word sukrta when signifying the past is
adyudatta* The comuientator has given following
illustration -

prthuh sukrtah {j/^ 7/39)


The conunentator has given a counter-example a l s o

In which the word aukrtah i s not signifying pasti
5" i t i s not aciyudatta e.g.

aukrtaia ca me (VS 1^/5)

Here the word sukrtam i s used to signify the

meritorious a c t i v i t y (punya).

The next sutra - "dvir^dattani" (2.46) i s an

fedhikara-sutra. This means t h a t in the following s u t r a s ,
the words having two acute accents are l i s t e d .

The sutra - "brhaspatih i ^ i ca^" (2.i^7)

gives a l i s t of twelve words having two acute accents.
While coitimenting on t h i s s u t r a , the commentator has
s t a t e d t h a t these words when not vocatives ere dvirudatta
(having two acute a c c e n t s ) . He has remariced that
because of the word *c£* in the s u t r a . i t i s to be
understood t h a t the word anamantrita (not vocative)
i s to be drawn back (apakrsyate) from the succeeding
sutra - "devata . . . " {2,k^} to this sutra. following
words when not vocatives are dvirudatta according
to the autre 2.47*

brhaspatih (VS 17/40) venaspatih (VS 20/45)


/ ~ / /
naraaamsah (VS l^/'^l) tanunaptire (VS 5/5)

tanunapat (VS 20/37) nektosaaa (VS 12/2)

• IIWIWI IBI I % • II I • * • • • »

/ /
usasanekta (VS 20/41} dyevaprthivl (VS 17/20)

/ - / »
dyavaksame (VS 12/2) kratudak8ebhyare(VS 7/27)

etavai (VS 17/97) anvetavai (VS d/23)

The commentator has stated t h a t these words when

vocatives are not d v l r u d e t t e . He has thus I l l u s t r a t e d
some words from the above given l i s t which do not have
two (acute) accents but only one accent e.g.

tanunapat pathah (VS 29/26)

brhaspate ( a t i ) (VS 26/3)

vanaspate vidvangah (VS 29/52)

dyavaprthivi (urah) (VS 4/7)

The next sutra - "devatadvandvani ca" (2.4^)

means t h a t the dvandve compounds c o n s i s t i n g of the
nanss of d e i t i e s , i f not vocatives hcvs two a c c e n t s .
The commentator has givan the following i l l u s t r e t i o n s -

agniaomau (j/3.2/15); mitravarunau / \JS 'Z/^l


'Ihe cc«r.xfientc>tor h a s a l s o s t a t c a t h a t t h e avaticives

when not consisting oi' t h e names ol d e i t i t s tire not
dvirudgtt£ f?.g.

diksatfc?:asoh ( V . 4/2}

He has s t a t e d f u r t h e r t h a t these dvfcnuv^-a

c o n s i s t i n g of t h e nerue s of aeities a l s o sr^ not
dvirudt^ttfe when t h e y a r e v o c t t i v e s -.g.

(chtnui) mitravarun% yuvam (V .> 7/lCj

ihe next s u t r e - ^'Inar&brha^3r atibhyerii . . . .

i t i t r i n i " (i.4v< s t a t e s t h a t th*^ v/oras 'InQratrhagpati-
"bhyejim* and ' i n d r a b r h a s p a t i ' have thr-se acute a c c e n t s
( i . e . are t r i r u d a t t b ; . boilowinr' are t h e ii.iu3tr.-tions
f,ivhii L/ tna coii:ii-mt^tor -

jindrabrhaapatibhyam t v a (yj 7/23)

i n d r a b r h a a p a t i urubhyam i '/s 2 5 / b j

Ihe next sutr< - "sarvf^tr. £,:^:nc" . . . t r l z n a t r a n i ca"

(2.ijG) p r e s c r i b ' ^ 3 thct t h e ViOrds ap^na^i, iHji-^n,
S£^ci .n r-iV'^ sarvodcttc; and I c o t vow-„i oi' eaci"^ '«Oi:u
c o n a i s t a of t h r ^ e morau. AII- comi^mtutor ha^ ij'Oct-d t h s t
the/word a c o n s i s t i n g ci t h r e e icorcS tr-;; meant h e r e .

Thus they are t o be taken £S they appear ( vdthout t r y i n g

for t h e i r d e r i v a t i o n - n i p e t a n a ) . He has given following
illustrations -

a^niji (V3 «/lO) la.jijn (VS 23/8)

sacl^n (V3 23/S)

Ihe next sutra - "pranavasca" (2.51) also st&tes

t h a t the word C^jm. (praneva) i s also sarvodetta and
c o n s i s t s of three moras* The coromentator has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

madayantam Oj^m p r a t i s t h a (V3 2/13)

OjK krato (V3 4C/l5)

The next sutra - "vivesa^ i t i canudattam" (2,52)

means that the word vivesao when anudatta is
sarvanudetta (having a l l grave l e t t e r s ) and i t s l a s t
s y l l a b l e a l s o c o n s i s t s of t h r e e moras.

The comnrient of our commentator on t h i s sutra is


very s i g n i f i c a n t one because he has t r e a t e d t h i s sutra

as a specific rule s t a t i n g the graveness of the word
' vivesa 3' (Vi 23AV) only.

For this specific meaning he needs some extre words.

So he hes stated that the words purvam and uttaram ere
to be drawn back from the succeeding sutraa (2*531 54)
respectively. By the word uttaram, he means the word
occuring at the end of a pada only (avasanasthamj. He
has given this meaning of the word uttarem in the next
sutra 2.53» The other word purvam means the word
which is placed first in all other occurences of the
word vivesa. in the twenty third adhyaya.

Thus accoxxling to our commentator the present sutra

means that the word vivesa only when £.nudatt& end
when occurs at the end of a pada (uttaram) and which
is placed first (purvam) in all the other occurences
of that word in the twenty third adhyaya. is sarvanudatta
and also consists of three moras. He hes stated clearly
that the statement of consisting of three moras is made
by nipatana.

He further states that in the adhyaya beginning

with the word hiranyagarbhah (i.e. the 23 rd) the
word vivesa occurs four times (in verses 49-52) in
the same context but the ilrst occurence of this word
(i.e. 23/49) is only stated to be pluta and sarvanudatte
by the present sutra. e.g.
/ - , /-
bhuvanam £ vivesa^ (VS 23/49)

The cumiueritator has 3totf:u l u r t h R r Lhat in

V..• -c^/l^'l» >< t h f v/oru v i v e s a i s s&rv6riuciat.t,b ana xs
p l a c e u iii tiite miudie of a p^ida ( i . e . i t do-ii not uccur
at. th« fetid of a pbua J • Therefore i t i s not t h e w o n
c o n s i s t i n g of t h r e e iuoraa t h e r e e.g.

R vivQSf^ kpnyptah, & viv^'a;:- tt^ny-vintr h (_YS 23/51-52)

In t h e v e r s e 2 j / 5 0 , t h e word vivQsa occurs at

t h e end or a pada but i t i s not s n u d a t t a . io ther-^ i s
no p o s s i b i l i t y a l s o of having a l l ^rsve l e t t e r s i n t h e
wo rd vivese e.g.

Dhuvanaiii & vivcaa (V3 23/5^}

The cofTuri-->ntator hes a l s o oba'^rv... Lhct tht; wor.'l

viv^.s.-; o c c u r i n e i n the o t h t r c.dhyc.yfa5 ;iso is net
sr-rvfcxiuodtca and i t ac-;;£ not c o n s i s t v,i thre«3 iaoraa
sl3o. He has (JUoCed the iollcwin^- i l l u s t r a t i c n s fj'oit
the othfr fedhyayas wh*?re the v.ord v i v e s a i s noL been
having a l l t h e grave l e t t e r s e.g.

avar^-^ra vl^esa (VJ 17/17)

abhi auii. \ i v e 8 a ijf^ > i / l 1;

Thus th*» commentator r a s rif^htly pointf^r* cut

t h e t t h e only vxrd v i v e s ^ i n V2 23/49 i s ssrvanuditta

and c o n s i a t i j of t h r e e laoros. Thtr--;for'^ t h t s t a t e r ' r t of


a l l grave l e t t e r s In the word vivese in VS 23/49

i s s p e c i f i c a l l y made by t h i s autra ( 2 . $ 2 ) . I t should
be noted here, t h a t t h i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n given by our
cofflmentc.tor i s also an example of h i s capacity of
minute observation. The e a r l i e r coiuiiientators viz.
Uvvata and j\nanta hav^not noticed t h i s fact and not
i&ade any s p e c i a l comments on t h i s sutra and also not
considerea a l l these d e t a i l s regarding the Mord
vivesa ^ ,

The next sutra - " a s i d i t i cottaram vice r e " (2.53)

s t a t e s t h a t the word as£t when used in the sense of
d e l i b e r a t i o n (vicare) and occuring in the pauso and
having enudatta l e t t e r s i s also sarvanudatta and
c o n s i s t s of t h r e e moras. The commentator has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

upari svid esi3 t (VS 33/74)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t the word asit

when not used in the sense of d e l i b e r a t i o n ' > • .
11" . wi ''' - doss not consist of t h r e e moras e.g.

svit kathfcsit (V^ 17/l^;

The next autra - •purvam antodattam^ (2.54)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the word a s i t in the sense of

d e l i b e r a t i o n when used in the middle of the mantra

( i . e . not in the end) i s antodatta end c o n s i s t s of
three moras. The couiBjentator has given following
illustration -

edhah svidasl3t (¥3 33/74)

The cwruBentetor has s t a t e d t h a t the word a sit

when not used in the sense of d e l i b e r a t i o n is not
antodatta end pluta e.g. ka s v i d a e i t (VS 23/11)

The commentator has s t a t e d f u r t h e r t h a t the word

antodatta i s t o be understood in the following a u t r a s .

The next sutra - **dvandvain cendrasoaiapurvam

jgusagnivayusu" (2.55) s t a t e s t h a t the compound in
which the word Indra or soma i s the f i r s t m^iaber and
gusan, ag^ni or vayu i s the second member has acute
accent at i t s end. The commentator has given following
illustrations -

Indrapusneh (VS 25/25)

Indragni tamapa (VS 2/15)

Indrevayubhygm (VS l/t)

saumapeusnah (Vj 24/I)


llie next sutra - "a^niscendre" (2.56) means that

a compound in which agni is the first member and the
word Indra is the second member also has acute accent
at its end* The commentator has given following
illustration -

aKnindrabhyam (VS 7/32)

•flie sutra - *rkaamni* (2,57) states that the

compound in which rk is the first member and sama
is the second member, also has acute accent at its
end. The commentator has given following illustration

rksamayoh silpe (VS 4/9)

The next sutra - **yato geteu" (2.5^) means that

the word yatah in the sense of movement has acute
accent at its end. Following is the illustration given
by the commentator -

yato dhiya (VS 1l/3)

The commentator has stated that the word yatah

when not used in the sense of movement has not acute
accent at its end e.g.

yato jatah (V3 23/63)


The next sutra - "psyorvisah" (2.59) means that

the word - viaah following the word payu has acute

accent at its end. The coQunentator h&s given

following illustration >

payurvisah (VS 13/11)

Lut the same word visah when it does not follow

payu (or follows the word other than payu) has not

acute accent at its end. The commentator has given

following illustration to atax;.e this fact. e.g.

d7ailrvisah {V3 17/^6)

Here the word visah is adyudatta.

The next sutra - "ayur aryamorvaayastibhyah" (2.60)

means that the word ayuh when following the words

aryama. urvaal and asti has acute accent at its end.

The commentator has given following illustrations -

aryamayuh (VS 25/24)

urvasyasyayxxh (VS 5/-^;

(krsnam) aati ayostva (VS 15/62-63)

About the illustration *urvaayo"* the commentator

has stated that the word ayuh following the words

urvasl even it is intervened by the word has acute
accent git. its end, because of the strength of the
stateiuent (vidhana) to express its sense. Thus in
this illustration -

urvasyasyayur-asi (V3 $/2)

the word ayuh follows the word urvasi having intervened
by the word and still it has acute accent at its end.

The commentetor has further quoted a counter,«xample

also in which the word ayuh has not acute accent at its
end because it is preceded by the word other than the
mentioned words e. g.

' ^ h^ ES. (IS 3/l7)

The next s u t r a -"asya rocanasau . . . i8anebhyah"(2>6l)

gives a l i s t of twelve words end s t a t e s t h a t t h e word
asya when follovdng any word from t h e following l i s t -
rocana. asau. bodha me, paract, purb eta rah, diveh
kah, ahaat, tvawt, mahim, ^ i a e , isanam - has acute
accent a t i t s end. The commentator has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

rocana .sya (VS 3/7)

asay asya pita (VS 10/20) ;

'' • ' /
bodha me asya (V3 12/42) ;

tasparam asya (VS 12/73) J
A "^—- "
/ ,
pura etaro asya (V3 17/14) ;

divo asya prstham (VS 23/50) ; ko asye^ veda (V3 23/59)

vedahamasya (VS 23/60J ; tvam aaya yanta (VS 34/5<^)

tuahigj asya stotre (VS 33/29); i £ lae aay& (VS 23/3)

iaanam ^asya (VS 27/35) ;

The next sutra - '*p rat nam . . . Ickeau ca" (2.62)

means that the word asya when followed by one of these
eleven words stated in the autre also has acute accent
at its end. The comiaentator has given following
illustrations >

asya pratnaa (VS 3/l6) ; asya yajnasya (Vc) 4/l0)

aaya haviaah (V3 6/11) ; asya pahi (VS 26/23)

/ - f
aaya indro^h (V3 33/97); asya pataci (VS 7/31)

asya medhvah (VS 9/l?) J asya yajemanah (V3 22/22)

asyc.^ hotuh (VS 29/36); asya ajaVgseh (VS, 33/l)

asya lokah (VS 35/l) ;


The next autre - "anudattam anyaf* (2.63) s t a t e s


t h a t the word asya i s grave in the places except the

already mentionea cases (which are enumerated in the
above s u t r a s ) .
Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
coiiimentator -
katyaaya visthah (V3 23/57)

sadasya visthah (V3 23/5^)

The comu^entator has now selected the autra from the

s i x t h adhyaya in which the accents of verbs are s t a t e d .
Thus the next autre - "anudattam akhyatain amantritavat"(6.1)
means t h a t a verb l a grave l i k e a vocative. The coimaentator
while i n t e r p r e t i n g the word amantritavat has taken
i n t o consideration the same conditions which are
mentioned i n the previous sutra 2 . 1 7 . Therefore according
t o hifii the autra would mean t h a t the verb (tinantam )
preceded by « word, i i not used in the be^nning of a
pada and s y n t a c t i c a l l y connected (with the word) is
grave. The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

pasun pahi (Vi l / l ) j havyam raksa (VS 1/4)

The conanentator has quoted further . counter-

excamples in which the verba are net preceded by any word
and theyri'^they are not grave e, g. -

vyantu vayah (V3 2/l6) ; vlded ggnih (VS 5/9)

The verb when used i n the beginning of a pada is

a l s o not grave. I t I s s t a t e d by the cooucentator by
quoting the i l l u s t r a t i o n -

aratih sahasva (v^ \U^^)

The verb which i s not connected s y n t a c t i c a l l y with

the preceding word i s a l s o not grave. Following are the
i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator -

yisno pahi ,^ > ,:• pahi yajnaa (V3 2/6)

The next sutre - "paropepava ••• vi svcbhi" (6.24)

gives the l i s t of following twenty upasargas ( p r e p o s i t i o n s ) -
para, upa, ap», ava, pratl. pari, snu, api, ati.
adhi, piuoi p r a , sare. n i h , duh, u t , ni_, _vi, su and abhi.
Tbe comni«nt«tor has auoted a verse* from Rsveda
Pratisakhya ; [12.22-24; which means t h a t the nine
pi*«positions consisting of one s y l l a b l e (ekaksarah) are
acute (uccali), The f i r s t ten p r e p o s i t i o n s (other than
ekaksaras) have acuta accent at t h e i r beginning (adyudatta)
and the l a s t preposition abhi has accent s t i t s e n d ( a n o t a d a t t a ) .

"^ vimsaterupesarg&nam ucca ekaksara nava |

adyudatta dasaitesam antodattam abhistvayam

(RyPrtf,. 12.22-24)

The next s u t r a - "upaserga upaaarge" (6.2) means

t h a t an upasarga (preposition) i s grave when an
upaaarga follows. The comawntator has given following
illustrations •

sam^pra "cy a vadh vam (Vi? 15/53)

sam^pra yatah ( l i ^5/53)

The next sutra - "amredite c o t t a r a h " (6,3) s t a t e s

t h a t when there i s a r e p e t i t i o n of a p r e p o s i t i o n , the
l a t t e r preposition i s grave. Following are the
i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the commentator -

pra pra yajnapetia (VS 5/41)

aam sam it, (VS 6/20)

Here in these casesi the second repeated preposition

pra and sam respectively are not acute but grave.

The next sutra - "ki^ akhyatayoh " (6.4)

states one more exception in the case of monosyllabic

prepositions on sorae condition. The sutra thus means

that the prepositions (which are originally stated acute)

become grave when they are followed by a word formed by

an acute krt affix (affix applied to roots to form verbal


derivatives) or an acute verb. The commentator has given

following Illustrations -

vlbhrajamanah (V3 15/52); sambharantl (V3 25/29)

The commentator has stated further that a

preposition is not grave when it is followed by the
root-bom words and verbs having the accent other than
acute. He has given the following counter examples -

ut punami {V3l/12); ava dhutam (V3 1/14)

In these illustrations, the prepositions ut_ and ava

are not grave but they have acute accent at their
beginning letter.

The next sutra - '•nabhyekaksarasca avarasandheyg^rti"

(6.5j means that the preposition abhi and the monosyllabic
prepositions are not grave, when a word which is to have a
vowel combination . follows provided it is not formed with a
krt affix, ihe commentator has given following illustrations'

abhyadadhami (VS 20/24); abhyasinca {VS 10/l)

vyakarot (VS 19/77) ; nyas'idat pita (V3 17/17)

vyadadbuh (V3 il/lO)


The commentator has quoted following counter-example

also in which the monosyllabic preposition a is grave.

e.iya i-sah (V3 21/47)

The next sutra - "£ putajatayoh" (6,6) states that

the preposition (upasarge) £ is not grave when the words

puta and jata follows. Following are the illustrations

given by the conunentator -

a putat^ (VS 4/2); a Jatah (V3 12/13)

The next sutra - "adhi ni . . . . pacatesu** (6.7)

means that the prepositions adhi ni pra and prati

are not grave when they are followed by the words srita.

atrinam and pacata respectively. The coouaentator has

given following illustrations -

e<ihi sritSh (VS 20/32); nyatrlnam (VS 17/16)

jg£« bhanayah (V3 15/24); prati pacata (VS 2l/6G)

The next sutra - "ujjesamavarta . . . . " (6.^)

means that the preposition anu is not grave when it is

OiU or

followed by the following ten words - ujjesam,

- - •^^ .
a v a r t e . aphaniphanat. sanisyadat. samvatam,
prayanam, sancajntam. samrabhadhvajn. prasitliffi. vikramasva

Following are the illustretions given by the

coiBmentator -

anuj.1esaffi (VS2/15) envavarte (V3 2/2?)

anvapaniphaiiat (VS 9/14) anu samsanisyaaet (V3 9/l4)

ahu aamvat&ffi (VS 1 l / l 2 ) anu prayanam (V3 12/13)

anu sancantam (VS 13/5) anu sam rabhadhvam(VS 17/3^)

anu prasitiiu (va 13/9) anu vikramesva (VS 12/$)
The sutra - "ope proaatte^' (6.9) ineang t h a t the
p r e p o s i t i o n s a and upa are not grave when acute pra
follows* Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
coifiifientator -

a pra yaccha (VS 5/19); upa pra^at (VS 29/23)

Ihe next autra - "abhi prehi . . . susava" (6,10)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the words abhiprehi, upasaitiprayata,
pratyetanusve and asuaava are not grave. The
ccoiiQentator has not given any i l l u s t r a t i o n of th^se v/ords.

The next sutra - "prakrtye »khy&ta . . . £uryam"(6.11)

means t h a t a verb preceded by a verb r e t a i n s its own
accent ( i . e . does not change i t s accent) According t o
the commentator a verb which i s preceded by & verb is
not grave. He has quoted the following Illustration -

pibantu madantu vyantu (V;> 21/42)

The next sutra - " u d a t t a t ca amantritat ce

anentarem" (6.12} means t h a t also a verb immediately
preceded by a vocative having acute accent^does not
change i t s accent ( i . e . i t does not become grave).
The coaimentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n .

agne pavasva (VS ^/"^t) hotar ya.je (V3 21/29)

llie next sutra - "ekantaradapi" (6.13) states that

a y^r^ when intervened by a preceding vocative having
acute accent also^ does not change i t s accent ( i . e . i t
does not become g r a v e ) . The coouuentator has given the
following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

brahciannasvam bhantsyatni (VS 22/4)

While interpz*eting t h i s s u t r a , the cofflmentator has

s t a t e d t h a t the word api in the sutra suggests t h a t
in the rare c a s e s , the verb preceded by a vocative having
acute accent can be grave and he has given t h i s type of
i l l u s t r a t i o n also e. g.

Indra yahi (VS lo/'B; )


The coimrjentator thus further remarked t h a t in such

circuiiistances we have t o accept the t r a d l t i c n *

The next sutra - "yad vrttopadat ca" (6.14) meens

t h a t a verb adjoined to any form of the word yat viz.
yanii y a t . yateh. y a t r a , yatha. ye e t c . i s not grave.
The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t in the case where the
word yat i s not pieced near immediately to the verbt
i.e. i t i s intervened by some other words even in t h a t
case, the verb i s not grave because the close connection
i s to be understood by sense (arthetah) only and not
n e c e s s a r i l y p o s i t i o n of the words. The commentator has
quoted a citation which supports h i s above statement.
I t means t h a t the r e l a t i o n (sambandha) in sense of one
word t o another even when they are not placed immediately
near each other (durasthe) i s to be ccnsidered as such.
But in the case where one word i s not connected in
sanse with the other word, t h e i r connection does not
become the cause for a pr-sscribed operotion. Thus the
verb gets accent when i t i s semanticaily connected with
any form of the word y a t . whether there is any

% yaaya yienarthaaambandho durasthasyapi tasya t a t

a r t h a t o hyasamarthanemanantaryamakaranam jj
^. 353

i n t e r v e n t i o n of soaie other word or not I s immaterial.

In some cases the vert and a form of the word yat
are in Juxtaposition also.

The coourientator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

yam ahuh (V3 15/49); yatra rseyah jagmuh (V3 1«*/5S)

yato j i t o arocathah(VS 3/14}; yatha samudra ejati(VS ft/2ft)

ya uparasa iyxih (V3 l9/6ft). ;

The next sutra - "hesca" (6.15) s t a t e s t h a t a verb

following the word hi, i s also not grave. The eommentetor
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

apo h i s t h ^ (VS 11/50)

The next autre - "uttare ^pi" (6.16) means that the

verb followed by the word 'hi* also is not grave. The
illustration given by the commentator is -

vam usanti hi (VS 7/^)

The next sutra - '*net** (6.17) prescribes that a

verb following this group of particles (nipata-samuccaya)
vis. ni and it^, is not grave. Following is the
illustration given by the commentator -

net (VS 2/17)


The next autre - '•sam&nasaskarat" (6.1^) means t h a t

the verb k a r a t following the word samanasah i s not grave.
The CGioiientator has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n -
asapatnah aautanasaskarat (VS 7/25)

The next gutra - "dvayoh purvem aamuccaye" (6.19)

means t h a t when two verbs come together ( i . e . are joined
by £a) the f i r s t verb i s not grave. The commentator has
given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

Sanaa ca stho varma ca sthah (VS 1l/3^)

saffi ca vekava p a r i ca vaksva (VS d/26)

The commentator has f u r t h e r s t a t e d t h a t i n the case

where the two verbs are not joined together by £8^, the
prescribed operation does not take place e.g.

tarn tarn iddhatam vajrena ta|litamiddhataffi (VS 8/53)

Here the commentator has completed the chapter

with the remark - " i t i pr&krtisvarah".



The chapter peda-leksanam i s engaged in describing

the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and the p e c u l i a r i t i e s of the pada -
t e x t of i.Y.Veda where the separate words of the t e x t
are given in t h e i r o r i g i n a l forni unaffected by a l t e r a t i o n ,
a d d i t i o n , l o s s , constancy etc* Raoiacendra Fandita has
s e l e c t e d the s u t r a s niainly from the f i f t h and the fourth
adhyaya of the y£ t o give t h i s systeHietic d e s c r i p t i o n of
the pada-patha of J.jf. 3amhita«

Ihe comaentfetor has selected the f i r s t sutra -

"arthah pedam" (3»2) which defines the term /padam.
I t means t h a t a unit made up of a l e t t e r or letters
(syllables) conveying some meaning i s c a l l e d pada(word).
The commentator has quoted the following padas - e.S£h,
sah. t a t , u t , t w e . £, avatu etc.

The next s u t r a - " t a t caturdha" {^»59) states

t h a t ^ t h i s pada i s of four kinds, while i n t e r p r e t i n g
this sutra, the commentator has quoted a stanza from
V.R.P.iikaa (217) in which these four kinds of pada
namely - akhyata, upasarga, naiMi and nipate are
described. The stanza thus means t h a t akhyata (verb)
expresses an a c t i o n , an upasarga (pz*eposition) e f f e c t s a

difference in mf^aning ( v i s p s a k r t ) . nama (noun)

denotes a being and nipata ( p a r t i c l e ' complf^t^s a pada»

The coiwsjentetor explains these four kinds only

by giving i l l u s t r e t i o n s . lie has s t a t e d t h a t arpayotu,
pahi are akhyatfcs ( v e r b s ) , para, upa e t c . are
upasargaa (prepositions) which &re twenty in number,
dev&h, savita e t c . are nam^ns (nouns) end va , ca
uta e t c . are n i p a t a s ( p a r t i c l t s ) .

The comri.entetor has now selected the sutra

from tiie f i r s t adhyaya which defines the term
pedapatha. The sutra - " padavicchedo saahitah "
(1.1$6; means t h a t the separation of words i s c a l l e d
asamhiitah. The commentator hfs aefined the term
viccheda as the pronunciation takin^^. some naore
i n t e r v a l between the two words (vilambenoccftranaa)
He has a l s o defin>^d the term asamhitah as an absence
of close a s s o c i a t i o n of woras. Thus the term
asamhitah i s used for padapatha.

1• kriyavacakamakhyataa upasarRo visesakrt

sattvebhidhiyakam naina nii^iateh padapur&nah

Vfpi 21

The commentator has then mentioned such words from

sa/ahite-patha which according t o hiru are doubtful cases.
Thus i t i s doubtful v«hether these words are ending in
v i s a r j a a i y a (usme) or svara in t h e i r o r i g i n a l form i . e .
padapatha. This aoubt a r i s e s because a viaarjaniys in
such cases can be dropped on account of t h e following
dhi consonant (see rule 4 . 3 7 ) . In order to solve t h i s
problem he has mentioned a l l these possible cases by
quoting these p a r t i c u l a r words from the concerning

The commentator has quoted the word visva from the

s u t r a - "visya . . . "(4.26) and stated t h a t the word
visva i s to be understood as visvah when i t i s followed
by the following two words yadajayah and viraj£ti
respectively e.g.

visvah I yat I ejayahi =^ visva yeda.layah (V3 lV/71)

visvah[viira.1atil = visva vi r a j a t i (VS. 20/^6)

Here in these cases the word visva(h) i s followed

by the dhi consonants Y. ^^^ 1 r e s p e c t i v e l y . Therefore
according to the sutra . "lopam dhau" (4.37) the
visarjaniya i s droppea. So here the word visva is
t o be understood as usmanta - ending in visarjaniya
( i . e . visvah).

I t ia s t a t e d by the ooaBnentator t h a t the word vlsva

when followed by the words other than yadajayah and
virajatl even beginning with (ju dhi consonant is
not uscaant£ but i t i s svaranta - ending in vowel e.g.

visva I rupani ) (VS 10/20^

The commentator has f u r t h e r quoted the case of

prthivya from the sutra - "prthivya a va rant am "
(4»27) and s t a t e d t h a t the word prthivya i s t o be
understood svaranta - ending in vowel in the case of the
following word mf^nthi only e.g.

prthivya manthi (V^ 7/l^)

Here the word pjrthivye i s usea in the instrumental

case. 'Iherefore thouf;h i t i s followed by civ- dhi
conscnpnt (m) i t i s net c\V) ugm&nta word. But in the
other cases where the word prthivya i s followed by t h e
word, -t beginning with dhi consonant, i t is
usmanta - ending with visar^aniya. e.g.
J /
prthivyah] y a t raj » prthivya yatra (VS 4 / l )

Here the word prthivya i s t o be understood as

prthivyah. The visar.janlya i s dropped here because of
the following dhi consonant 2.»

Further the commentator has mentioned the word Ima

from the sutra - "C£ viava vo brahma . . . ima," (4.28)
and stated t h a t the s t a t e d v;ord ima i s svaranta when
i t i s followed by these words - visva, yah, bral^uEa.
h a r i . yukta, jajana and nu kata. . ; \-z C -" "'-••• **
tollowing i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

ima visva (VS34/5^); ima vah (V3 19/55)

ima brainna (VS 14/2) ; ima harl (V^ 33/?^;

ima yiLlctah (VS 34/19); ima jajana (V3 17/31)

ima nu kam (VS 25/46)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t when the wora ima

i s followed by other than the abcvementioned words, it
ia to be understood as ending i n v i s s r janiya (ufementa}.
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

iaah ( rudraya j • ima rudraya (V5 16/48)


Then the commentator nas quoted the word ta which

is ending in a vowel. He has stated that according to
the autra - "visno te ,,.," (4.3^)i the word t£ . .when
followed by the following words - visno, babhuva,
nasatya, bhisaja, na a_ vodham, ya aeva. havisa, no mrdatah,
and vimunca. end ii£ accha, is to be understood as

tajvisnol (J^ 2/6) j talbabhuval(VS 10/20);

t a i naaatyaUvs 20/74): t a j b h l s e j a i(VS 20/75)

t a 1 nedi a I vodham I (V3 20/^3); t a | ]t£ ( devah| (VS 2 l / 6 l )


M ' i^avisahl (VS 25/40) j ^ l l i a h mrdatah I (VS 33/61)

t a I nahlacchal(VS 3 3 / 7 ^ ) ; talvllmunceI (VS 27/33)

The commentator has also remarked here th&t the word

ta when I t I s followed by the words other than menticned
above . does not end in vowel but ends in a Yl8ar.1t!nrye«
He has given following i l l u a t r e t i o n -

tah I nah | hinventu/ • tjS no hinventu (VS 6/24)

2- . .
Then the commentator has quoted the words - Souhya
and d£ and stated that these words ;ire ending in vowels
when they 9re followed by the words havih and dampati

2.. h a v i r dampatyoh sedhya da || (Varme 4.30)

The commentator h£s mentioned the abovementioned

case from the P r a t i sutra (Varna 4.33}« But in the
t e x t edited by Itastogi, this sutra is not seen.
-— /\

respectively, e.g.

aadhya havih (Va 29/11); da dempati (73^5)

The commentator has quoted one of these words i . e .

da and stated t h a t in the esse of follovdng >K>rd
vfasubhih the word da i s ending i n v i s a r j a n i y a .

dah vasubhin - da vasubhih (VS 1^/56)

He has not i l l u s t r a t e d the word sadhya followed

•Hit 0V)£-
by the word other then mentioned above.

The l a s t doubtful case quoted by the commentator

i s dLifcnya. He has quoted t h i s word from the sutra
"dhianya . . . . " (4.32) ana s t a t e d that the word dhisnya
e n d s ' • in ,^ vowel when i t i s followed by the words
verivQvidam and yuvam e.g.

dhianya ) varivovidam | (V3 20/83)

dfaibnya ] yuvam | (_V3 25/lV)

H)e iVPt I
The commentator has s t a t e a t h a t dhisnya i s not
svaranta in other c a s e s . He has given a counter-example
also in which the word dhisnya i s ending in v i s a r j a n i y a .

dhisnyah ye » dhisnya ye (VS 12/49)


Thus while commenting on the sutre - "padavicchedo-

asaaihitah" (1.1^6) the coaunentator has first defined

the term asaaihita or padapatha and then he has taken

into consideration all these doubtful cases which are

mentioned above for the clear understanding of these

word endings.

The next autra - *martto vuidta marttesvegnih paro

maxi^taste martta iti ca" (4.160) means that the word

marttah is without jr, in these cases -

martto vurita (V3 4/^); marttesv^agnih (V3 12/24)

paro marttah (VS 22/5); te marttah (V5 29/l^)

The commentator has stated that in the other cases

the word marttah is with ^ i.e. martyah. He has not

quoted any illustration here.

The next sutra selected by the commentator is -

"kramoktavrttih padesu" (4.20). It means that the

repetition of the words (with iti interposed) prescribed

in the kram£ text also takes place in the padapatha.

The commentator has stated that the repetition of the

words takes place in the padapatha excepting the pause

(avasana). Thus he has quoted the concerning sutras viz.


* s t h l t o p a s t h i t a m &veg;rhye8ya' {4.1^<^) ;
'antahpadadirghibhave* (4,190); vlneme ( 4.191) ;
*pra^rhye' (4.192); ' r l p h i t e anlrukte* ( 4.193 )
on which he i s going to comment (^f/<.yw<:^^:> Here he has
remarked only t h a t according to these s u t r a s the word
which i s separable by an avs^reha should be repeated
with i t i interposed. He has further s t a t e d t h a t the
words which are not separable by avagraha sre described
i n the chapter regarding the kraBi^path<t, Here he has
taken i n t o consideration the words which are separable
by avagraha. Thus he has s t a t e d that i n the foilovving
s u t r a s , the procedure (or the p l a c e ) , of the s e p a r a t i o n /
interval of the compound - words i s described.

The next sutra - "samase vEgraho hrasvasamakalah"

the- '—^
($.1) means t h a t avagraha takes place i n a compound

and i s of the duration as t h a t of a short vowel. The

commentator has s t a t e d t h a t the word samase i s t o be
for ^mnttl
taken i n the following s u t r a s upto 'bahuprakrta-
vagantunS parvana' ( 5 . 7 ) . The word avagraha ( s e p a r a t i o n ,
pause or i n t e r v a l ) i s a l s o to be understood in the
follov/in^; s u t r a s . He has f u r t h e r s t a t e d t h a t the pause
of WoY^ , _ . » «

(virama) which is possessed/one (m&tra/ (ekamatrakalah)

occurs at the end of the first member of a compound end
is shown split up in the padapatha because of the tradition.

The coiBmentetor has i l l u s t r a t e d following compound

words with t h e i r separated forms -
antehparsvyamityanteh - parsvyaa (VS 39/9)

anuarupandtyanu - rupam (VS 19/24)

vretapata i t i v r a t a - pate (VS l/5)

puroga I t i purah - gah (VS S/49)

i ^ i
aanivala i t i man^ - valeh (VS 24/5)

rksamabhyamityak - samabhyam (VS 4 / l )

The next sutra - taratamayoscatisaye \ daksinapra-

-tyaaakte (5.2) means t h a t the av£tgrahfc takes place
when t a r a and tataa in the sense ol s u p e r i o r i t y iollow and
i f there i s no c o n t i u u i t y / c l o s e contact of the word
daksina. The coouaentator hc^s given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s

purnataramitipuma - taram (VS 1?^/lQ)

paritamandtipapri - tamam (VS 1/S)

The coiuinen t a t o r has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s prescribed

operation takes place only when the word daksinah is
not n e a r . He h^is given the counter-example also in which
the avagraha does not take place because of the close
contact of the word daksinah e.g.

dyavaprthivyordakalnam parsYam viseaam

devanam uttaram I { VS 25/5)

Here the avagraha does not take place in the

word uttaram as i t i s followed by the word dak^inam.

The coramentator has also i l l u s t r a t e a the word

karotarah (VS 19/16) and stated that t a r a i s not used
in the sense of s u p e r i o r i t y . Therefore avagraha does
not take placa h e r e .

The n«xt sutra - "vltame hutame sutams . . . .

purvena" (5.3) s t a t e s t h a t in the case of the words
vitama i hutama, autfciae. ;^opatama, retnadhate me. end
vasudhfatama, avagraha takes place a f t e r the f i r s t Kember
of the coflipound. The commentator has given follovdng
illustrations -
'' ' f ''

devavitama i t i d e v a - vitamah (VS 1l/37)

dev&hut&mitMeva - huteafem (VS l/i^)

ausutamamiti au^ sutaman'i (Y3 6/30)

sufeOpattaBia i t i su-feOpataoiah (V3 ^/31)

1 ' 1
ratnadhatajaamitl ratna-dhetamaai (RV 1.1.1)
vasudhatarg* i t i vasu - dhatamah (VS 27/1$)

/ /
The next autra - "aarpadevajanebhyasca" (5.4)
also a t a t e s t h a t in the compound word - sarpadeva.^enebhyab
avagraha takes place c.fter the f i r s t member of the
compound e.g.

aarpadevajanebkya i t i s a r p a - devajanebhyah (V3 30/S)

The next sutra - '*tuneYadhmamuttarena" (5*5)

means t h a t in the case of the v^ord tionavaclhiaan^ the
avtg^raha takes place before the l a s t member of the
compound e.g.

tunaYadhmaaiiti;tunava - dhmam (VS 3t^/l9)


The next sutra - "rayasposade vi.laveti ca" (5.6)

mentions two more cases in which t,vaf-raha t&Kes place
before the l a s t member of the compound e. g.

rayespo^ada i t i rayasposa - d e (VO 5/1)

Y i j a v e t i v i j a - ve (V3 12/51)

The next sutra - "b&huprakrtavagantuna parvana*

(5.7) means t h a t in a compound c o n s i s t i n g of wore then
two wembers, avagraha t^kes place before the l a s t word.
Ilae commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

pra.iapattritl praja-patlb (VS 3 l / l 9 )

aupraja i t i 5U - prajah (VS 3/37)


The next autra - " t a d v e t l nyayaaae hltaja cet"

(5*^) means t h a t avagraba takes place when & possessive
teddhita i s an instance of a regular combination ( s a n d h i ) .
The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t in the cases of words,
having added taddhita suffix mat - which la changed in
some cases to v a t , the ava^rahe takes place before
the t a d d h i t a - s u f f i x vat or mat i f th&t word i s ccmbined
euphonically according t o the rxiles of graauiiar. He has
given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

madhumaditi madhu mat (VS 13/28)

aamvatamiti^sam - vatam (VS 1 l / i ? )

The coaimentatcr hag stfeted f u r t h e r t h a t in the case

of the word marutvan, the avagraha does not take place,
because I t i s not prescribed as nyiya-seinhite-pada
(combinecL euphonically according to the r u l e of grammar)*
The l e t t e r t, in the word ma rut i s not changed according to
the rule - * sparse paneamah* (4.1lft)« Therefore, the
word marutvan i s not separated*

The next sutra - "aastvaai t r a l a t i s u ca" (i>.9)

means t h a t the avagraha takes place before the four
taddhita-fjffixe8 s a s , t v a a , t r a and t a t i . The conua*»ntator
has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

rtuaa I t y r t u - sah {J[3 13/43)

amrtatvaniltyamrta»tvam (VS 7/47 J

d®Vtitr«ti deve-tra (VS 6/20)

j y e s t h a t a t i m l t l .lyeatha-'tetim (VS 7/l2)

The next autra - "dhatvarthe yokare svarapurve"

(5»10) states that . -• r"'- "; when ^
i s preceded by a vowel and has a verbal sense, the
av&g;r£ha takes ^before t h i s ]r. The coinn;entetor has given
following i l l u s t r a t i o n -
,' - '' / .-
vrsayagiana itivrga-yamanah (VS 3/26)

The co^uQientator ha3 s t a t e d t h a t in the i l l u s t r a t i o n

Mayaaanah* (VS 29/12), ^ ^® "^^^ ^^®*^ *'^^^ ^ verbal
sense» Therefore, tha word jayamanah i s not separated
by an ava.^raha»

^ e next sutra - '*v£^( sam ca bhutakale ayarena

hraavedaauyi (5.11) means t h a t the avagraha takes place
before the sul'fix v£fri^)ii\ha¥itig the sense of past tense
and being px'ocedeci by a short vowel, but not so when
vaaa i s changed i n t o us£. The coanjentator has given
rollowii;g i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

sajBrvamsa I t l s a s r - vacsah (VS 9 / l 9 )

The coauLentator has s t a t e d t h a t in the case, where

the suffix vims i s net preceded by a (short) vowel,
evegraha does not take p l a c e . Re has quoted the
i l l u s t r a t i o n of the word - cikltvan (VS 11/35). Here
van i s preceded by the consonant %_ ( i . e . other than
sbere vowel). Thus the word c i k i t v a n i s not separfted
by an avagraha.

The coffiiaentator has further s t a t e d t h a t when the

suffix yams i s preceded by a long vowel, the avegrGhe
does not take p l a c e . He has quoted an i l l u s t r a t i o n
which i s i n the other branch of the Veda e.g.

IS I' 7. S- if

here the suffix yaas i s preceded by long £, thus

the word jigivamsah i s not separated by an avagraha.

Ihe commentator has a l s o made i t c l e a r that in the

case of i l l u s t r a t i o n - suvidvaaiaah (vj 17/63), the
suffix vaAg i s not used i n the sense of past t e n s e .
Ther??fore the c'^vagraha does not taite plao« before the
suffix v&ms. bui* as the v/oi\i i s a compouna-word c o n s i s t i n g

oi niQT^ thiiii two ujeiiaber»» the avagreha i s seen here

beside thd word t h a t conies l a s t l y according to the
siitra (5»7) e.g.

•^ auvi<^Y&m8t\ itiWu vldvamaah (VS 17/6^)

The coi&mentator has a l s o s t a t e d f u r t h e r t h a t i n

the case of the word - tasthusah (VS 7/42), the
ava^raha does not take place because the s u i f l x vams
i s changed there i n t o u s .

The next sutra - "pratnapurvavisveni&rtubhysatha"

(5*12; means t h a t the avagraha takes place before
the suffix tha when i t i s preceded by the vrords -
p r a t n a . purva. visva, ima and r t u . Following are
the I l l u s t r a t i o n s -

p r a t n a t h e t l pratna - tha (VS 7/l2)

purvatheti purva - tha. (VS 7/l2)

# yisYgthetJ^vieva - th£ (VS 7/l2)

imatheti ima - t|[a (VS 7/l2)

r t u t h e t y r t u - tha (VS 20/65)

The next autre - hregvoYy.ijgjanabhyaa bhakaradau

vibhaktipratyaye'* !5«13) means t h a t the ava^.rfaha
t a k e s place before a cavse ending begirinin,^ with bbfikara
i f I t l a preceded by a short vowel (hrasva) or a
consonant. The couffientator has given following
Illustrations -

aisnibhirityaKni ~ bhih (RV 1.26.10)

i f

dhavadbhya i t i dhavad bhyah (VS 16/23)

saflddbhiritisamid - bhih (VS 3/3)

taksabhya i t i taksa - bhyah (VS 16/2?)

He has a l s o quoted the i l l u s t r a t i o n s 'vratebhyah*
(VS 16/25) and * pa t n i bhyah' (V3 1/it ) to state that
here i n these cases the av&graha does not take place
because the case termination bhyah i s not preceded by a
short vowel but i t i s preceded by e long vowel namely
£ and i, respectively.

the commentator has quoted f u r t h e r an i l l u s t r a t i o n

gardabhah (VS 29/40) and stated t h a t here bhah is not
a case-ending. So the word 'gardabhah * i s not separated
by an avagraha.

'ihe next sutra - " s v i t i canateu" (5.14) means t h a t

the avagraha a l s c takes place before the case termination
•su' i f i t i s not changed i n t o sii ( s k r t a s a t v a ) and if
i t i s preceded by a short vowel or a consonant.
The coauaentetor has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -
h r t s v i t i hrt-su (¥517/44)

ap3vityap-su (V3 12/36)

dh&masviti dha^ia-su (VS 12/117)

All these eases having the case-termination su

are separated by avagraha, because in the cases of
*|irt8u' and *apsu* the case-terndnation j ^ i s preceded
by t^ and £ r e s p e c t i v e l y ( i . e . consonants) and in the
case of *dhamasu' i t i s preceded by a short vowel £ .

The coixnientator f u r t h e r has quoted counter-examples

agnisu { R 1.10^.4) and snusu (V^ 17/14) in order
t o s t a t e t h a t the words in which the case-affix £U is
changeu i n t o su are not separated by cvagraha even
though the o t h e r conditions stated by the sutra
are fulfilled.

He has a l s o s t a t e d t h a t in the cases where sii

i s not usftd as a cas«-terminaticn, the s t a t e d operation
( i . e . the ev&firfchai does not take place* Thus he has
quoted the i l l u s t r a t i o n - *asum» (VS^ 2/l9) i n order t o
prova t h i s statement. The avafyrehfe does not take
place in the word asua.
The coiiiment&tor has alsc taken intc consideration,
the condition hresva and stat@u that in the case of the
illustration (given by him) *yaau' (Vo 'j/\t ] the
case termination su is not preceded by a short vowel
but it is preceaed by a long vowel £, Therefore the
word yasu is not separated by ava^rahe.

v\hile coaiBienting on the next sutra - "Varnasamkhye-

-nyataratah" (5.15) the coBmnentator has made an
important stateiaent ior the help of the proper understanding
of the students. He has remarked that the word *samase*
which is necessary for th interpretation of this sutra
is to be taken from the preceding sutra - "samase* "(
to this sutra in the manner of the jump of a frog
(mandukaplutya) i.e. by omitting all the intervening
thirteen sutres. He has also made it clear that since
this word (saffi^se) was not needed in these intervening
autras (via. 5.2-14), the word *samase* was not used there.

It should be noted here that the earlier coounentatorj

viz. Uvvata and Ananta have used this word ^samase'
while commenting on the sutra 5.15 but they have not
mentioned anything about its anuvrtti (repetition of a
word from the previous sutra). Thus the statement mp.de
by our commentator can be described as an example of this
specific style of interpretating the rules.

Thus the s u t r a 5»15i according to cur coounentator

means t h a t the avagraha takes place optionally (vlkalpftna)
in a confound (saihaae j c o n s i s t i n g of words meaning colour
or number* He has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s >

dhumrarohlta i t i dhumra - r c h i t a h (V3 24/2)

pancadaseti panca dasa (VS lS/24)

t r t y o d a a e t l trayah - dasa (VS 1^/24)

Our commentator has remarked f u r t h e r that t h i s r u l e

i s optional and therefore the operetion stated by t h i s
r u l e aiay not be found in some c a s e s . Thus the avagraha
does not take place in some cases of cocpcund consisting
of v«ords meaning colour o r number. Ke has given t h i s
type of i l l u s t r a t i o n a l s o e.g.

t r l n a v a t r a y a g t r i ' ^ s a v i t i trinavatrayastrtmaau (VS IO/14)

The avagraha does not take place in t h i s compound.

The commentator has s t a t e d f u r t h e r that t h i s option

can be aescrib^^d as vyavasthltavikelpa ( i . e . the option
which does not apply u n i v e r s a l l y in a l l the Instances of
a rule which p r e s c r i b e s an operation o p t i o n a l l y , but \\-
applie-s neccjssarily in some cases and cl is not appl^l in t h e
remaining. Zo the option i s to be decided on the basis
of the t r a d i t i o n .

The next sutra - "anudattopasarge cakhyste" (5«l6)

Bieans t h a t the ava/^raha takes place in a verbal-form
which i s preceded by a preposition having grave accent.
The cotLmentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s «

upadhavatityupa - dhaveti (TS 2«1.1.1)

sambharantiti sam - bharanti (VS 25/29)

The next sutra - *g:iri traaayoh" (5.17) preacribea

t h a t the avagr^he tr^kes place c ftPr the word ^ i r i vhen
t r a sa follox"/* Following ai^ the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given
by the commentator -

giritreti giri - tra (VS. ^6/3)

; ^ r i s e t i g i r i - sa (V3 16/4)

The next autre - "ivakaremrgditayanesu" (5.1 ^)

Cleans t h a t the avegraha takes place when jvs, kara>
a repeated word (amredita) and the word ayena follow.
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

srucivetisruCi - ^va (VS 20/79)

v a s a t k a r e b h i r i t i vasat - karebhih (VS 15/30)

safltsagdti 3am - saai (VS 15/26)

pray&nayeti pra-^eyanaya (VS 22/7)


The next s u t r a - "ek&t samlci" (5.19) means t h a t

the word samicl i f preceded by the word ekfa is
separated by an avagraha. Following i s the i l l u s t r a t i o n
given by the comraentator -

ekam sendci i t i sam - j ^ (V3 12/2)

but the same word samici i s not separated by the

avegraha when i t i s not preceded by eka or preceded
by the word other then eke, flie cororaentator has given
following counter-example -

(svarvlda) samici urasa (VS 11/31)

i t-pii •* 'E sasiici i t i aaiadci ui'c-3tA

The next sutra - **tyayavah samyorbahlrdhasEayum

mrnmajrim suuinayaaU-ya sadhuya uhrsnuya visalaffianuya"(5»20)
s t a t e s t h a t these eleven words v i z , - tvayavah, samycht
bahirdha , astuayuci, iLrnEiayim, smaneya, a suya, uhranixya
yisalam and anuya are separated by an avafrahe i n the
£ada-text. Following are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s given by the
cofflmentator -

tv&yfaVfa i t i tve-yavah (VS 20/^7)

saatyoriti sam - yoh (VS 3/43)

b&hirdheti babih - dha (VS 5/l1)

/ /
asittiayujmityaacaa - yum (VS 11/13)

inrnmeyimitl mrt - ffiayim (V3 11/59)

sucmayeti sumna - ^ (VS^ 12/67)

asuyetyasu - ^ (V3 13/104

sedhuyetl sadhu - jr£ (VS 14/1)

dhrsnuyetl dfargnu - ££ (j[S 27/3^)

viaalamitl vi - salam (V3 H / 9 )

anuyetyanu - ^a, (VS 15/6]

The next s u t r a - "cirp:f;yuinubhay£dato'''pagierp:eklmpu-

-rusaaiitl ca" (5»21) adds four more words t o the above-
given l i a t ivhich are separated by avagraha i n the
pada-text. i-oilowing are the i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

mrgayumiti mr^a - yum (VS 30/7)

uthayadatftityubhaya - datah (VS 3l/S)

apaotargety apa - filarga (VS 35/l 1)

kiffipuruseiuitl kia-purusam (V3 30/16)

The next sutra - "adhivasamityeke" (5»23) states

t h a t the word adlriivasam i s separated by an avagraha
according t o some t e a c h e r s . The commentator s t a t e s t h a t

the vord eke I s used in the sense of the main teacher;

(mukhya). Therefore according to our cosmientator, the
word adhivasaja i s separated by an avegrahfe in the pa da
text, according to the t e a c h e r s of the main branch of
ia.Y.V. v i z . madhyandina e.g.

adhivaaiUBita adhi vasam (VS 25/39)

Hie next sutra - "pratiaedhe navagrhah** (5.24)

p r e s c r i b e s t h a t the avagraha does not take place in a
CQBipound with a word meaning p r o h i b i t i o n , i n the peda
text. The conunentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

arAfea&sa (V^ 11/24) anirah (VS 11/47)

T!he next s u t r a - "uttarena cakarene" (5.25) means

t h a t the avagrahejdoes not take place a l s o In the ce^se
where the word £ i s following the word meaning p r o h i b i t i o n
The commentator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

anatataya (VS 16/14); anadhrsyah (V3 17/46)

The next sutra - '•dvapurvam" ($.26) means that the

ayagraha does not take place in a compound beginning
with the word dva, in the p a d a - t e x t . Following i s the
i l l u s t r a t i o n given by the coinmentator -

dvadaaa (V3 1^/2$)


'Vhe next autra - "seaikhyapurvasca dha" {5»27)

means t h a t the avagraha does not take place in the
pada-text vvhen dha i s preceded by the word signifying
number, iollovdng are the i l l u s t r e t i c n s given by
the comntsntator -

trldha (VS 17/91)} saptadha (VS 17/79)

katidha (V3 23/51)

The next sutra -"dvandvani dvivacanantani

svarantapurvapadani"(^.2^) s t a t e s that the avagrehe
does not take place in co-ordin&tive compoiinds
(dvanavasamasa) in dual nuiaber in which the f i r s t
member ends in a vowel and i s in d u a l . Ihe commentator
has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

mitravaruj)gbhysin (VS 7 / 9 ) ; aRnisotrtau (VS 2/l5)

The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t in the case of the

i l l u s t r a t i o n - *ii£sSjm£2£^' (V3 4/9) the f i r s t member of
the compound i s ending in a consonant (not vowel) and
i s not i n dual a l s o . Therefore t h i s compound word i s
separated by an avar.reha in the pada-text e.g.

rksamayorit.V rlk - saii^ayoh (VS 4/9)


The next sutra - "taddhlte caikaksaravrddhavanihite"

(5*29) means that the avagraha aoes not take place in a
compound when in its monosyllabic member, the vowel £,
ai^ or au (vrddhi) takes place owing to a taddhits suffix
and when it is not separated with the intervention of a
consonant from the second member

aaubhagyam (V3 20/9)

traistubhena (VS 1/2?)

The commentator has also quoted the counter-^examples

to state that in the absence of abovementioned conditions
the words are separated by avagraha in the pada~text e.g.

aamra.jyaaiti sam - rajyan (VS 4/24)

In this illustration, the first member of the

compound (sam) is separateu with the intervention of a
consonant m from the second member of the compound
(nihita) i.e. the illustrstion does not fulfill the
condition *anihite* mentioned in the sutra. Therefore
the avagraha does take place in the word samrajyam.

In the other illustration -

anustubhamltysnu - stubham (VS 12/5)

the f i r s t member i s not monosyllabic. Therefore the

word i s separated by the avagreha in the p a d a - t e x t .

The next sutra - "ancatisahatyoh k r l l o p e " (5«3C')

s t a t e s t h a t when the k r t - s u f f i x i s dropped before the
roots anc and sah. the avagraha does not take place
in the p a d a - t e x t . The commentator has i l l u s t r a t e d
following words -

pran (VS19/3); pratyan (VSIO/31)

| l i ? i ^ (VS 1^/3*) prtanasat (V3 17/39)

These words are not separated by the avagreha

but in the following examples quoted as counter-examples
by the conmentator, the avagraha does take p l a c e , e. g,

acyetya - acya (VS 19/62)

prtanasahyayeti prtana-sahyaya (VS 15/6^}

In these i l l u s t r a t i o n s the k r t - s u f f i x is not

droppea. Both these words are coapound wordsi thus
the ava^graha takes place i n these cases, as i t i s
prescribed by '^y) e a r l i e r sutra - "samase av£Krehah**(5«1)

The next sutra - "anurugubhyam" (5*3^) prwacribes

an exception t o the above mentioned rule {5»3C), It
s t a t e s t h a t when uioi and 8U precedei. the root anc and
sah r e s p e c t i v e l y , the separation by avagraha is not
prohibited, in the cases of course when the k^rt^-suffix
i s dropped. Following are the i l l u s t x ' a t i o n s -

uruvyancamltyuru - vyancam (Vd 15/2$)

i / i
susahamitisu - saham

The next s u t r a - "samidabhyamvatsarah" (5»32)

s t a t e s t h a t the word vatsarah when preceded by saw
or id£ i s not separated by the avagraha in the
jgada-text. The ccituaentator has given following
illustrations -

saavataerah (VS 27/45)1 Idavatsarah (V3 27/45)

But i n the case, where the same word vatsarah

i s preceded by other than gam or ida^ i s separated
by the avagraha. The coHiBientator has quoted t h i s type
of i l l u s t r a t i o n a l s o e*g.

parivatsf^re i t i p a r i - vatsarah (VS 27/45)


The next sutra - "^prejnnlbhycffi anlndhau prealeae"

(5»33) meens thfit the cvfagrtiha does not take place
fcfter pra and ap^i in the ccalesence of phonetic
combination (praslese) excepting where the root indh
follows. The coKiaentator has given following
illustrations -

pratiah (VS 1^/2) »gnidhr>m (VS 19/1^)

The coranientator has f u r t h e r s t a t e d t h a t the word

*preddha' (VS 17/76) i s separated by the avagraha
in the pada-text because in t h i s case pra i s followed
by the root indh e.g.
if," p}c>. i^4Wi •
p r e d d h a " " ( V S 17/76)

He has a l s o s t a t e d t h a t the avagraha does take

place in the cases other than pra and ogni even in the
coalescence of phonetic combination. Thus he has given
these types of i l l u s t r a t i o n s e . g .

apana ityapa - anah (V3 l8/2)

vidhryayetl vi - idhrysya (VS 16/3?^)

The next sutra - "janayatya csadhayo vrsayisata

nahl canasicabhyama.javayo valaKam" (5.35) states that
the avagraha does not take place in these eight words
mentioned in the a u t r e . Following ara the >ix(;m))k^' which

are not separated by avagraha in the pada^text.

janayatyal tva (j[S 1/22) osadhayah p r a t l (£S 11/47)

(bhaKaflia) vraaylsata (VS 2/31 ) ;

nahl te_aam (J[3 3/32) kada cana (VS 3/34)

(pevako) asg^abhyein (VS 3/^-3) ;

upahuta ajavayah (V3 3/43) vela gar.. u t k i r e r a ( V3 5/33)

The next sutra - "sattiano^nasvamedhe" (5•36) s t a t e s

t h a t the word sacana ia not separated by avcif'r&ha if
t h a t word does not occur in the Piantras belonging t o the
asvamedha section ( i . e . VSA 22-25).

The commentator thus has quoted the word sainana

froffi the r i i t h adhy&ya of Xi^. ( i . e . other than the
Asvamedha-adhyayaa as an i l l u s t r a t i o n of the sutre
I£ saa'-ane^ (VS 5/23)

Tlie same word saaianah, when occurs in the

asvamedha-adhyaya is separated by avagraha in tha
pada text. e. g.

samana iti sam - anah (vS 22/33)

The commentator has c l e a r l y s t a t e d t h a t the lour
aolhyayas beginning from the adhyaya I'rom which above
i l l u s t r a t i o n i s quoted ( i . e . twenty secona adhyaya) are
calleu asvmedhe adhyayaa.

The next sutra - "veyur esajatah samudram ahoretire

vlavanaaro vlsvaha asapatna godha godhuma" ( 5.37 )
gives a long l i s t of seventy _ words which aire not
separable by avagrehe in the p a d a - t e x t . Following
are the words -

vayuh aaejfctah (VS 5/23)

sagAidram (73 6/21) phcratre m B/ii )

viavanarah (Vij 3.3(3^ j visvaha (VS 17/4S)

agreyanah (VS 7/20) csfLEI^l^t (13. 7/25)

f;Odha (VS 24/35) godhumah (VS 1«/12)

• / /
asusuksanlh (VS 11/27) nyagrodhah (VS 23/17)

purodasah (VS 2 l / 5 ) prevanebhih (VS 12/50)

fisitame (VS 2 / 2 0 ) taskarah (VS 1l/7f^)

masmasa (VS 12/f»0) asvathe (VS 12/79)

upastih (VS 12/101) ikih (VS 13/11)

vlsvemitrah (VS 13/57) gopam (VS 3/23)


prau^&m i V3 15/11) an^anl < VS l S / 3 )

kakslvantasi :v3 3/25) adacLhat V3 19/77)

paviravat i 13 12/71) niharena [VS 17/31)

pravrta [VS 17/31) j^anaKhanah [VS 17/33)

Idrn 1 vs 17/«1) canyadrn [VS 17/f^1)

su^xanasah 1[V3 17/95) knrayajn [VS 1«/10)

kucarah 1[VS 5/20) priyansavah iVS 18/12)
nivarah i VS I d / l 2 ) ekadasa i V3 18/24)

sodasa ^v^ 18/25) candraoah [VS 33/90)

ayuvah iVJ 1 ^ 3 9 ) vyai^hrah [VS 15/17)
/ /
anadvaa [VS 29/59) Kavlsthirah (VS 15/25)
pulastaye i V3 16/43) nlsangine [VS 16/20)

kulelebhyah 1 Vo 16/27) karmarebhyah V3 16/27)

/ /
punjisthebhyah [VS 16/27) dvipyaya [VS 16/31)
nipyaya [V3 16/37) kinsllaya [VS 16/43)

eilabrdeh [VS 16/60) sukaraya [VS 22/8)

aukrtaya [VS 22/«) caracarebhyah [VS 22/29)

parevatan (VS 24/2$) j^olattika (¥3 24/37)

akhuh (VS 3/57) ajeg:arah (VS 24/3^)

YJpanyevah (VJ 34/44) daks&yanah (VS 34/52)

ayjjdhfin (V3 16/51) aura mam (VS 10/34)

brhespatih (VS Yflnaapatih (VS 29/35)

narasamsah (VS 29/2?) surabhlh (VS 25/35)

nariathayai (VS 30/6) kapardine (VS 16/29)

The coffiineutator has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s l i s t i s not

a l s o complete. I t i s given only as an i n d i c a t i o n .
There are some other words a l s o which are not separated.

The coamentator f u r t h e r i l l u s t r a t e s some words which

are also not separable and which are mentioned in the
other a u t r e 9 . He has not commented on these s u t r a s but
only quoted the s u t r a s mentioning these unseparable words.

I'he word - *utt£ffibhanaci* (VS 4/36) i s not separated

in the pada-text because in t h i s compound the beginning
of the l a s t word i s doubtful. The comaientator has quoted
here a sutra - " (uttembhanadini) fedissmsoyat " (5«3^)

Th© n e x t word quoted by th« coumjentator is

visau.ia^ (VS 1 Q / 2 d j . According t o t h e s u t r a -*'vi3auja
ityanyayaafagsasat" (5.39) i t h e word visaujah is not
s e p a r a t e d on <iccount oi i t s bfing en i r r e g u l e r compound
( i . e . t h e formation ol t h i s compound i s not p e r n d t t e d
by t h e rul^^s of granauar).

The word •uKanah* (V^ 16/24J is also net sepsrable

because of t h e r u l e (uvadhyamu^finah upesargaikadeaalopat
( 5 , 4 2 ) , which means t h a t t h e words mentioned in the
sutra V I E . uvadliy&Bi, uK&nah,. ukhe, i s k r t i h . iskiirtgram
and udaraffi nre n o t s e p a r a t e d by pvagreha in the
Pada-text on account of the omission of a p o r t i o n of

Itie word *pu-^ s e a l urn' (Vc> 30/20 J i s not separated

a c c o r d i n g t o t h e a u t r a - "samskrtata . . fcinunaalkopadhatvat"
(5.43) which stat*^s t h a t the words v i z . sawiskrtfcBi,
aafflakrtlh, ma'^spac&nyah and pu sceluHt b e a r i n g anusvara
as t h e i r p e n u l t i m a t e l e t t e r , a r e not s^^^parated by
Avfcgraha i n t h e F a d a - t e x t on account of n & s a l i s e t i o n
of t h e p e n u l t i m a t e vowel t h e r e i n .

The word - **&Yattanaa* iV3 21/43) i s not

s e p a r e t e a because i t p o s s e s s e s the omission of a
p o r t i o n of t h e r o o t ( d h a t u ) a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s u t r a 5.43•
- -3
The commentetor hes further quoted a karlka
which means that the scholars do not separate following
words -

i) Ihe coiLpound-words in which the f i r s t niember (adi)

or the middla ffiember (madhya) or the l a s t member
(ante) i s aropped.

iij The compound-words which are not compounded

according to the r u l e s of grammar.

ill) The words possessing augments.

The commentator has added one more unseparable

word to a l l t h i s enumeration with the help of the l a s t
word 'jca' in the above quoted k a r i k a . He has stateu t h a t
the word 'dhrajiman* (VS 29/22) i s also not separated
by avagraha in the p a d a - t e x t . The commentator has
remarked here t h a t the uecision about t h i s subject i s
t o be taken on the basis of the t r a d i t i o n *

1 . - - . .. ™
^ aoiatadhyantaluptani samaafanyayabhranji ca

navagrhnanti kavayah padanya^amavanti ca \\


Upto now, by s e l e c t i n g the s u t r a s from the f i f t h

adhyaya, the commentator has completed the d e s c r i p t i o n
of the words which are separated[by ava^raha) and a l s o
those which are not separated in the pada-text. The
coBuuentator now wants t o explain the r u l e s regarding the
manner of r e p e t i t i o n of these separable compound-words
by using the word i t i ( s t h i t o p a s t h i t a ) in r e c i t a t i o n .
He has thus selected the s u t r a s from the fourth adhyaya
in which the i-ules regarding t h i s subject (sthltopssthita)
ere mentioned.

The f i r s t sutra - "aniteventarvikarag^ffiam praguktva"

(4.22) s t a t e s t h a t according to the commentator, in th«
case of the compounded words, one should u t t e r the
compounded word f i r s t as i t i s ( i . e . without i t i ) end
along with the a u ^ e n t end modification in the middle.
Then the word should be uttered without the augment end
modification again and then the word i t i should be
uttered. Lastly the word should be separated by avagreha
showing i t s two members s e p a r a t e l y . The commentator has
quoted following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

sreyaskaraf sreyah kara i t i s re yah ka ra (VS 10/2?^)

bhuyaskaraj bhuyahkara i t i bhuyah kara (V3 10/2?*)

ayuspah/ ayuh pa ityayuh - pah (V3 22/l)


r t a a p a t e | r t a a p a t a I t y r t a - pate (V3 27/34)

ahanaataye Uhah pataya Ityahsh pataye (VS 9/20)

dudukaen I dudhukaamitidLldhuksen (VS 33/2^)

• • — •—•• • ••••* * W — r P — ^ . M W I I W ^ • I • l ^ g l W I I I I I M . •»P«W Willi t —«iM «MM»

The next sutra - " v i s p a t J v e t l ce" (4.23) means

t h a t the word vispativa i s also r e c i t e d as such before
i t i s repeated with I t i interposed e.g.

visp&tivfe I v i s p a t i i v e t i v i s p a t i - iva (V^ 33/44)

The conuaentator has then selected the sutra -

" v i s p a t i v o p a s t h i t e " (4.^^) which means t h a t the word
v i s p a t i when followed by iva remains unchanged or
uncombined in u p a s t h i t a condition ( i . e . the word a f t e r
which i t i i s pieced) e. g.

vispati i v e t i visp&ti - iva (V3 33/44)

The next sutra - selected by the commentator i s

"samhitavad evagrahah svaravidhaparam ca sarvam ced

anudsttsm" ( 1 . 1 4 ^ ; . khile coamenting on t h i s sutra ^

the commentator has defined the word ava^rehah as
a vagrahay o^>yah i . e . separable compound-word which i s
separated into i c s coiuponent elements as shown i n the
pada-patha. The sutra thus means t h a t i n a case of rule

prescribing an accent, It Is stated that the first

component element is treated as Jainhita and the other
cooponent (or part of a word) is also treated as
samhlta when the whole of it is grave. The commentator
has given iollowing illustrations with a view to explain
the different cases of accentuation in a separation
of compounded words*

In the case of the illustration -

akharestha ityakhare stheh (V3 2/l)

akhare is the first part and sthah is the other part of

a compound word - akharesthah. Stheh is not grave but
it is acute. Thus in this case the commentator has stated
that the lest syllable of the first word i.e. jne is
not pracaya but is grave because it is followed by an
acute. Here he has referred to the sutra - " no'datta-
svaritodayem" (4.141) for supporting his statement.

In the illustration -

prajavatiritipraje - vatih (V3 1/1)

(J) £ the last syllable of the first word praja is

acute and (v^) £ of vatih i.e. the first syllable of
the second part is grave. Therefore according to the
39 3

rule - "udattat . . .« ( 4 . 1 3 5 ) , this first syllable^

of ftyt second p a r t (a) becomes circumflex.

In the i l l u s t r a t i o n -

vahnitamarflltljvahni-tamam (VS ^/^)


a. in va is only acute. Therefore i^ in hni is circumflex

and according to the rule -'svaritat parem ....» (4*139)
they are called pracaya because the grave syllables
in tamam follow the circumflex.

The commentator has further stated that in the

case of the illustration -

dhavadbhya iti dhavat - bhyah (_VS 16/23)

bhyah is separated from dhavat i.e. there is an

absence of close connection between two words. Therefore
t^ in dhavat is not changed into the third letter of its
class i.e. d as is prescribed by the rule -
< sparse^ pancamam .... ' (4.11^).

Here the commentator has completed his comment

on the sutra 1,14^.
The coumentator has further selectea 3 sutra -
"Itlparastiryan nlcontodatte madhyodatte psrvani
kanvasya va" (1.149) in which the special rule
regarding the accentuation in the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a
condition of the compound-word, having an absence of
graveness i n the second component element i s stated*
The sutra thus means t h a t the f i r s t vowel of the
cj#ou«t-word following i t i ( i . e . carca) in s t h i t o p a s t h i t a
i s pronounced obliquely grave i/^JKen following the
circumi'lex of i t i and a l s o followed by the grave, if
t h a t word (the second component element of a compound
word) has en acute at i t s end or in the middle.
The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s vowel i s s t e t s d
** pyficaye by the abovementioned r u l e . He has quoted
the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s and explained the matter
e. g.

virurucuriti vi - rurucuh (VS 3/l5)

ssntapenebhys i t i sam tapanebhyah (Vi kk/l^)

In the f i r s t I l l u s t r a t i o n , the second p a r t i s

accented ccute f i n a l l y (&ntcdatt£>). Thus the vowel u
of the second ru only i s expected to be grave according
to the general rule and the vowel u of the f i r s t ru i s
t o be pronounced as acute (or i t i s t o be called pracaya)
according to the above mentioned rule but because of
this rule (1,149) it is necessary to pronounce grave.

In the second illustration, the second component

element of the word samtapanebhyah is accented acute
in the middle (madhyodatta). The vowel £ of £a is cnly
stated grave according to the general rule as it is
followed by the acute accent, but because of this
special rule, the vowel ^ of t^ is also needed to be
pronounced grave.

While commenting on this sutra, the commentator

has only stated that the word param is to be taken by
anuvrtti for the proper explanation of this sutra.
But he does not comment on the word kanvasya in the

The commentator has then selected some sutras

from the fourth adhyaya in which some special rules
regarding the padapatha are mentioned. Thus the
sutra -'^antahpadadirghf bhave"(4» 19^) states that the
words having a lengthening in the interior are only
pronounced with iti interposed. He has given following
illustrations -

mamahantam ( mamahantamiti mamahantam (V3 33/42)


purugahI purusa Itl purusah (VS 12/91)

ayun&k | ayunagityayunak (Vw^ 29/13)

The cotmsentator has also given a counter example

in which the word is lengthened finally. Therefore it

is not repeatea with Iti interposed e.g.

piba aomaxn - piba spmam (VS^ 26/4)

The next autra - "viname" (4.191) prescribes that

the words are also repeated with iti interposed which

have cerebrelisation in the interior. The comments tor

has given following illustrations -

susava | susaveti suseva (VS 19/2)

siaadhaflia | sisadhlmetisisadhama (Vd 25/46)

The commentator has quoted an illustration also in

which interior cerebralisation is not seen. Therefore

the repetition with iti interposed is not stated, e.g.

epo hi athal « apeh | hi / stha (VS 11/50)

The next sutra - "pragrhye" (4,192) states that a

^pragrhya* word also is repeated with iti interposed.

The commentator has quotea following illustretions -


dve iti dve (V^ 33/5)

dyavaprthlvl iti dyavaprthivi (VS_ 2/9)

' - - / i - - ,
Indravayu itindravayu (VS 33/45)

camu iti camu (VS «/39)

asme ityasme (V3 3/11) tve iti tve (VS 4/22)

i I 1
me iti me (VS 3/l7; and ityami (V3 9/40)

The coxtiaentator has mentioned the speciality that the

pra^rhya word ^ ia only repeated vfith iti interposed

when it is acute and not otherwise. Therefore he has

mentioned the counter-example- me | varunah / (VS 18/17)

in which 'me* is grave and thus it is not repeated

with iti interposed.

The next sutra selected by the commentator is

"•plutamitau" (4.90). It only means that a pluta vowel

remains unchanged when followed by iti. About the

illustration, the commentator has remarked here that

he is going to quote the illustration in the next chapter

entitlea as *kramapr&karanam*« Here while coraraenting en

this sutra, he has made discussion about some points

on the basis of comparison between the concerning sutras«


First, he has taken the fact into consideration

which is stated by the rule - 'padanta - padadyoh
aandhih' (3*3) and stated that according to this rule
the pluta vowel and the lirst letter of iti ( i.e. the
first i_ ) are to be combined. Then according to the
sutra - 'kenthyad ivarna ekaraai* (4.52), this _i should
b« changed in £ because of the preceding mono-syllabic
pluta vowel. So the statement made by this rule (4.90)
(i.e. the pluta remains unchanged when followed by iti)
can be apparently considered to be useless {serving no
purpose - vyartha). But that is not the case. This
sutra should be supposed to be an indicatory state»»nt

Then the commentator has stated that the operation

prescribed at the end of the worn is to be applicable
when it (the word) is followed by iti. He has given
an illustration to explain this -

duronasaditidurona - sat (VS 10/24)

Here the final letter t of the word duronasat is

changed into d^ when it is followed by iti '!•. ^ _ J,
The cofiunentator has stated that this change from t^ to d
is prescribed by the inle - 'sparse 'pancamah* (4,1 id)

He has alsc stated th&t the prohibition stated by the

rule 'nantah^pade ...' (4«117) is not applicable here
because the stated change Is not ticking place in the
interior of the word.

Further this durcnasad is also combined with the

following jL of iti and therefore, we get the form
duroneaaditi. for this euphonic combination, the
commentator has given the quotation *ubhe sacihite aha*
(R.JPra. 10,14) which he has quoted previously while
comiienting on the sutra -"seciliita sthitopfcsthiteiia "
(3ee rule 94)* He has stated that the repeated word
which is without iti (sthita) is a separate word.
Therefore the final i^ in iti and the beginning vowel
in the first repeated word are combined. The commentator
has given en illustration -

apahatandtyapa hatem (VS 8/53)

Here final jL of iti is combined with the

following a_ { and according to the rule - ' svsre
bhavy antahstham* (4.45) i, is changed into ^.

The couiiuentator has further stated that the


particularities steted in the Pratijna-sutra are not

applicable here in pada-^text. Here he has referred to
the statement made by the siksa Amoghanandini (!}•
According to this siksa, jakara is prescribed again even
though it was pre»establishea that the first part of a
separable word is to be tz*eated as the end of a word
by the rule 'avagrahah padantavat * (1.153)» The
conmentator has quoted following illustration to state
that here in this case the first ^ is pronounced as ^

yaho iti yaho (Vii 15/35)

The next sutra - "okarasca" (4.91) prescribes that

£ also remains unchanged when followed by iti. The
coomentator has given following illustration -
vayo iti vayo (VS 6/l6)

Fuzther, t h e commentator has remarked t h a t i n the

r u l e - *okarasca padante'navaRrahah* ( 1 . 9 4 ) » i t has already
been s t a t e d t h a t £ standing a t the end of a word, but
not followed by an avagraha i s pragrhya. Still, it is

4* Padadau ca padadau ca aamyogavagrahesu ca

jjthsabdo iti vijneyo yo nyah sa ya iti smrtah

Laghu Ago. 1

s t a t e d here for the sake of r e s t r i c t i o n (niyamarthejp)

i.e. £ remains linchanged only when followed by i t i
end not otherwise. Therefore he has quoted the
counter-exaiuples in which £ i s changed because of
following word other than i t i e.g.

visno • ete » visnavete (VS 5/l6)

vayo + iha » vayaviha (V3 27/33)

The commentator has a l s o given an i l l u s t r a t i o n -

g a v i s t a v i t i go i.stau (VS 33/63)

and state., t h a t there i s no s t h i t o p s s t h i t s in the word

•£0». Therefore £ in ^ does not reniain unchanged i n
the f i r s t place (i,e* i n gavistha ).

The coBimentator has taken i n t o consideration the

case of u a l s o and s t a t e d t h a t according to the rule ~
'ukaro <
: prktah' (1.95) u when standing by i t s e l f is
pragrhya. In s t h i t o p a s t h i t a condition i t i s lengthened
and nasalised because of the rule - 'ukaro ^ 'prkto
dirKham anunasikam' (4«92) e . g.

u i m ityuib (V5 4-/) )


The coBiinentator has a l s o referred t o the sutra -

*itesca paraii. . . . » (4«93) for e s t a b l i s h i n g the
lengthened and n a s a l i s e d form cf the second u^m
i.e. u"^ffi which i s following i t i .

The next sutra - " r i p h i t e ^ n i r u k t e " (4.193)

s t a t e s t h a t the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a takes place i n the case
of word which has got a riphitatve a t i t s end and
ipf-'-"Is Lr-i not a c t u a l l y heard in semhita t e x t . The
commentator has quoted the i l l u s t r a t i o n -

anteSte antarityantah (VS 7/5)

The commentator has taken i n t o consideration the

counter example and s t a t e d t h a t in the case of word
i n which antah i s i n i t i a l l y accented (adyudattaj,
the s t h i t o p a s t h i t a aoes not take place e.g.

antah prthivyah (V3 23/62)

Here t h e word antah i s not repeated with iti

interposed in the pada-text.

The cociflientator has quoted some more i l l u s t r a t i o n s

and counter i l l u s t r a t i o n s t o prove his statement
sthitopasthita t a k e s place in the case of riphita -
words which are not a c t u a l l y heard i n the samhita pet ha

e. g.
samhlta padapatha

:__ J : kah k a r l t i kah (VS 33/59)

The comir>entator has taken the following counter

example -
kah s»it (VS 23/9)

and s t a t e d t h a t in t h i s case the word kah i s acute

(not grave) and thus i t i s prohibited by the sutra -
"anudattam" (1.161) being repeated with i t i interposed
because the word kah i s r i p h i t a when i t i s grave only.

The next i l l u s t r a t i o n quoted by the commentfjtor i s •

avariti svah (VG 3/37)

He has stated here t h a t svah can be repeated with

i t i interposed only when i t i s an independent word
(and not followed by the word er&na (of r u l e 1.166(120))
and otherwise not.

The commentator has further s t a t e d t h a t the

sthitopasthita does not take place in the case of
svah when i t i s a part of a word (pedevayava). ie has
given following i l l u s t r a t i o n -

rajasva ~ iti raja svah (VS 10/6)


Ihe next illustration given by the commentator

i3 -
avarltyaveh v a r l t i vah (VS 13/3)
i\ *

He has quoted the 3utra - " a v e r v g r i t i segtanarci" (1.164)

and s t a t e d t h a t when these two words occur in the same
Rk, then only they ere repeated with i t i interposed
and otherwise n o t . He has given the counter-example

sentu I vah j (VS 9/22)

Here the word vah i s not repeated with i t i interposed.

Then the comaientstor has teken the following

illustration -

antahslesa ityantah slesah (VS 13/25)

and s t a t e d t h a t the sthitopasthita was expectea here

f,- - J/ ,

because of the sutra - avagrahah padantavat (1*153)

but the next sutra - "na tvitikaranam" (1.154) does not
allow i t . ( i . e . the sutra 1.154 s t a t e s that the first
p a r t of a separable word i s not t r e a t e d as padanta when
following i t i ) * Thus the word antsh i s not jrepeeted
with i t i interposed.
From the next sutre - the commentator i s going
t o describe one more p e c u l i a r i t y or special feature of

the pada-text which I s e n t i t l e d as aamkrama . He has

thus selected some of the s u t r ^ s from VP_ 4.16?
for ccounenting on them.

The sutra - "tripadady avartamane samkramah"

(4«l66} defines the term samkrama as joining two
d i s t a n t words by dropping thre» or more repeated words
occuring between in sajmhitapatha i s called saatkrama.
The f i r s t word i s joined to the next word by omitting
the repeated words occuring between, he has not quoted
any i l l u s t r a t i o n h e r e .

The next sutra selected by the coiraiientator i s

•anantare' (4.16^) which s t a t e s one condition regarding
the rasission of these repeated words. I t irieans t h a t the
words which are repeated in samhita patha and are
prescribed to be omittea, should be the nearest by
words or by meaning. The commentator has fdven both
types of i l l u s t r f - t i o n s in short e.g.

i) 3acikr&ma by words -

V3 2/3

Gandharvastva visvavasu^i paridadhatu

' i ' -
vlsvasya ^ristyai yajamanasya paridhirasy agnirida

Idltah I Indrasya bahurasi aakslno

vlsvasyairlstyai yejamenasya parldhlrasyajmlr-

/ -
ida iditah Mtravarunau . . . .

h'adapatha -

Gandherve^h / tva | vlsvavesuh | v l a v e v a s u r l t i |

visva - vasuh | pari ) dadhatu | visvesya (

a r l s t y a i I yajamanaaya ,i p a r i d h i r i t i , p a r l - d h l h j .j^:

a s i I afenlhI id^h | I d i t a h | Indrasya | bahuh j


esl j daksinah j tiltravarunau (

Here in the padapatha of V3 2/3, the portion -

'visvasya .... iditah' which is repeated in the
samhita - patha is dropped. Thus the word mitravarunau
is Joined to the word aaksinah immediately.

The commentator has given t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n as

an exaa^le of samkrama by words.

ii) SaiTikrama by meaning :

/ / . /
aukraaca sucisce graigna&v rtu agnar antah

sleso'sl kalpetam

dyaveprthlvi kalpantam apa osadhayah

kalpantagjnayah prthan mama jyeiathyaya

savrtah ye agnayah samanasah antara

dyavaprthlvl ime | grfalsmav r t u abhlkalpafl'Sna

/ ^
indramlva deva abhisamvisantu taya

devatayangirasved dhruve sidatam

Pada-patha - VS I'^l^

sukrah ) suclh 1 gralsmau |

For the illustration of samkrama by

meaning, the comnientator has stated that in

VS 14/6 the portion - ' rtu sidatam*


which has occured previously in VS 13/25 is

repeated. Thus while giving the pa da pat ha of ^ H/6
t h i s repeated portion V'hich i s shcvm by using br&ckets
i s the nearest by meaning (arthatah anantarya)» So
i t i s omitted and the vvord graismau i s joined to the
next word of VS; I4.7 i.e. sujuh.

tXirther the coffio-entetor has ael^ctea the sutra -

"dvipadaikapadenyapyanuvake" (4.167) which means t h a t
even two words or evan a single word when repeated is
passed over when occurring in same anuveka. The

comffientator has s t a t e d t h a t here e l s e the word anantare

i s to be understood. Thus according t o the comflientator,
the sutra thus ifieans t h a t in the same anuvaka, even
two repeated words or even a single word when follows
inun-^diately are passed over.

The conimentator has ^^ven an i l l u s t r a t i o n cf the

word yah and s t a t e d t h a t in Vji 12/75, the word yah
i s used. Then in j/3 12/59, the same word i s repeated
at the beginning of the mantra. In both pieces the word

cf. - "madhusca iradhavasca vasantikavrtu"

dhruve sidatam V3 13/25


yah i s used in the same meaning^ still it is not

dropped in the padapatha of VS^ 12/^9 because i t is
occurring in o i f f e r e n t anuveka.

The next sutra - " t r i r a v r t t e " (4.173) states that

samkrama ( i . e . joining two words by omitting the
repeated portion) takes place when e word or two Qfe.
repeatea t h r i c e . The comaientator has quoted follov.lng
illustrations -

V^ l d / l

vfejaaca me praa&vasca me prayatisca

me prasitisce me

Padapatha of VS Ifi/1 reads

vajah I C£/ m£ j prasavah \ p r a y a t i h j p r a s i t i h f

Here the repeated two words c£ m£ which are the

nearest by sound and are repeated t h r i c e are dropped.

i i ) VS 14/lft
ma chendah pra ma chandeh pratima chandah

The padapatha of VS^ 14/l^ reads -

ma I chandah | prama [ pratima |

Here the single word chandah is dropped when

it is repeated twice.

Further the comi&entator has stated t h a t the word

a s i i s repeated i n V3 l / 2 , l/(?, 1/14 but as the
ofidssion of the repeated word i s prescribed i n the same
anuvaka only, the word e s i i s given only once in
every incmtra V3 l / 2 , l / ^ and 1/14 respectively,
and the other occurances of fasi ere dropped e.g.

p a v i t r a m | a s i | (VS l / 2 ) ; dhuh | a s i I (VS l/8)

sarma | a s i . | (VS I/14)

The commentator has also given an i l l u s t r a t i o n in

which the two words or a single word are not repeated
thrice but are repeated twice only. Thus they are not
droppea e.g.

1) In VS 4/ii

Vr&tam kmuta ' vratam

vratam kmuta
kmuta /

P&dapatha of VS I^IJI

b%»' vratam kmuta / yrateV kmuta I

i i ) in VS 1/1
Ise tvorje tva . . . .

the word tva I s i:*«peated t w i c e . So i t i s not omitted

in the pada-patha e, g,

Ise I tva 1 urje ( tva j

The next s u t r s - " gudhe " (4,174) prescribg^

one e5ia4^tion to the above r u l e . I t s t a t e s t h a t the
samkrama can take place even in the case ol tvrice
u t t e r r e d words or words ff H^tU are held up between two
words with which i t i s connected. The comaientator has
deiined the tern^ gudha as an utterance of a word twice.
(dvivaram uccarcinam). He has given the following
illustrations -

ij V^ 9/22

yanta^si yamano dhruvc^si dharuneli i

Padapatha of V^ 9/22 reads

yanta ( asi | yamanah( dhruvah | dharunah (

Here in the padapatha, the repeated word asi

is dropped even occurring twice only.

The commentator has remarked f u r t h e r t h a t in

the case of V3 12/^9 asi i s t o be repeated four
t i n e s but a c t u a l l y i t I s u t t e r r e d thx*ice only. e. g.
yah phaiinirya gphala apuspa yasca puspinih (V3 12/^9)

Here the word yah should have occurred for four

times. But a c t u a l l y i t occurs t h r i c e only. Therefore
in the padapaths the second yfah i s dropped. But the
yah connected with puspinih i s not dropped in order
t o show i t s connection with the word apuspah.

The next sutra - ^padasamuhe* (4.175) prescribes

t h a t sanikrama (also) t a k e s place even i n t h e case of
continuous r e p e t i t i o n of words. The coaimentator has
stated t h a t in V:3A ^S, continuously repeated word ca me
are dropped in the padapatha even in another anuvaka also.

The next sutra - aparange (4.169) s t a t e s t h a t fhi-

samkrama only takes place when the repeated w^ord
belongs t o the other word ( i . e . when i t i s a p a r t of
another word). The commentator has quoted ' ^iKvvinj

VS 4/6

svaha yajnam manaseh svahororfcnteriksat

/ / / /I

svaha dyavaprthivlbhyam •__ svahe vatai £

rabhe svaha

The padapatha of V^ 4/6 reads -

svaha [ yajnam ! manasah | uroh | antariksat (
i - V/ _ , _£ _ I ^
dyavaprthibhyam \ vatat | _a / rabhe [ avaha

Hex^ in t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n , the second t h i r d end

the fourth svaha? (4lfa <ffliitted because the repeeted s aha
in these ceaes belongs to 5^^^ other words. But i n the
case of svaha following •£ rabhe* fcMs i s not the case.
:So t h e r e i s no seaikrame. Thus i t i s not oiaitted*

The next sutra - "osvaravikfere" (4.170) means t h e t

sagikrama takes place when there is no change of
accentuation i n i t . The comment&tor hciS given following
illustration -

vs 1/27

suksma casi siva casi

Padfap&tha -

suksma | c^ \ a a l | s i v a ( £a_ ( a s i (

Here the f i r s t woini a a i i s adyudatta whereas the

second a s i i s grave. Thus the second a s i i s not subject
of saflikrama according to t h i s rule (4,170).

The next sutra - ''allngavikare" (4.171) states

that samkrama does not take place in the case of
d i f f e r e n t gender. The coaunentetor has quotea following
iliustreAtion -

VS 15/3?^

bhadiro no agnirehuto bhadra r a t l h

Fadapatha -

I egnihI
bhadrahj nah| M - ^ -
ahuta itya huteh

bhadre ratih

Here in this illustration, the word bhadra is

not dropped in the padapatha because of different gender.

Then the commentator has quoted en illustration in

which the repeateu word having the same gender is omitted
e. g.

V5 14/24

agnerbhago'si dikseya adhipatyam br&hma

% / ' / • - •' ,•

sprtam t r i v r t stoma indrasya bhajs^o s i

m ,

visnor adhipatyam ksatram aprtam pancadasah

atomo nrcakaasam bhago^ si dhaturadhipatyam

. / * / • ' V
janitram sprtam saptaaasah

vata sprta ekavimsa stomah


Padap&tha -

aaaeh I bhag^h &sl | alkseyahi &ahip8ty6mity&dhl

patyam | brahma sprtam t r i v r d i t i t r i vrt

/ - /
atomah j Indraaya /isno h kaatr&m penc&daae
•>— • • • — »

•^t i t l pane8 dasah | nrcaksasemltlnr caksasam

- /,
dhatuh janitrfcim | sapt&dasa i t i sapta-dasah

vfat&h I aprtah ekavimsa Ityeka vlmsah

In the above quoted i l l u s t r a t i o n , the word aprtem

which i s marked vjith % i s repeated t h r i c e . It is
used in the same gender a l s o . Thus i t i s omitted in th©
padapatha in the place of i t s second and t h i r d utterance.

The ccnaientator further adds t h a t in the same

i l l u s t r a t i o n , the same woi'd sprtah occurs afterwards.
But i t i s not omitted because of the d i f f e r e n t g'^nder.
In the padapatha i t i s shown by double underlined sign.
He has i l l u s t r a t e d the word sprtah in d l f i e r e n t gender
ill ,
i.e. femine is usea in H)s> 14/25*

garbha sprtah (V3 14/^5)

disa s£rtah (Vii 14/25)

and stated that here also this word is not omitted
because of the different gender.

The coiamentator has added one more i l l u s t r a t i o n

for supporting h i s above-mentioned atatemeni; ...
In VS 12/113 the word sam i s repeetea. But as the
l i r s t sam i s used in the context of a word payamsiin)
and the second aam i s used in the context of the
word vajah(m), i t i s not omitted t h e r e . Thus senitrema
does not take piece t h e r e .

The next sutra - "asamane" (4.172) prescribes

t h a t the saiakraiaa takes place^ i f the repeated word
r e f e r s t o the d i f f e r e n t object. The commentator hsa
quotea lollowing i l l u s t r a t i o n -

VS 9/21

ayur yajnena kalpetam prano yajnena

kalpatam caksurypjnena kalpataci 3 rot ram

yajnena kalpataci -• yajno yajnena kalpatam

P&dapatha -

ayuhI yajnena 1 kalpatam | praneh 1 caksuh

srotam | prsthaat | ya^nah jyajnena \ kalpatam


Her© in t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n , the words yejnene

kfelpatam are repeated when the context differs.
^ they are omitted and samkrama takes p l a c e . But
in the case of yajno yajnena kalpatam the words
•yajnena kfelpataci* ere used in the context of yajna.
Thus the word yajna and the phrase yajnena kalpatam
r e f e r s to the same o b j e c t . Therefore they are not
omitted t h e r e .

The next s u t r a - "samt hita^am ca" (4.176)

s t a t e s t h a t the samkrama can take place in the case
of the repeated samj h i t a - portion also where i t i s
used in the symbolic form (pratika-pathite). J -
The commentator has quoted following i l l u s t r s t i o n -

na tasya pratima a s t i yasys nama mahadyasah |

/ ' , J: . . . I 1
hiranyafearbha ityesa ma ma himsidityesa

yasmanna jata ityesah /

In the padapatha of this mantra, the portion

beginning with Uiiranya^arbhah .... ityesah*
is omitted because the portion ' hiranyafiarbhah *
is used to symbolize the previously recited anuvaka
having four rk^ i.e. V3 25/10-13. The portion
ma ma hi^b £id is used to symboliee the rk of V^ 12/102

and ^yaaaanna Jateh* r e p r e s e n t s the Anuvaka

c o n s i s t i n g ol two aiantrss ( v i z . V3 8/36, 3 7 ) .
Thus e l l t h i s portion i s omitted.

Fxirther the ccaimentator has noted the differ»?nce

of opinion regarding t h i s s u b j e c t . He has remarked
t h a t according t o some t e a c h e r s , t h i s portion i s not
oBvitted when i t i s r e c i t e d in the brshmfeya4na. But
there ore some teechers also who do not think so.
i . e . according to these teachers the r e p e t i t i o n of
t h i s portion i s not necessary at the time of the

The next sutre - "avaaan&rthaj. punargrahaneic"

(4.177) means t h a t the repeated portion when occurs
a t the end, i t is not omitted in the padapatha in
order to show the completeness of t h a t araharca. The
samkraitie does not take place t h e r e . The commentator
has given the following i l l u s t r f t i o n -

VS 4/7 :

akutyai prayuje gnaye svaha medhayai

manase gnaye gvaha pugne

a^naye £jvaha

Padapatha -

akutya | i t y a kutyal ) prayuja i t l p r a yu.je | ?

agnaye j svaha | medhpyel ) manase j dlkaayal |

tapase j aarasvatyai ( pusne [ agnayef avahfa /

Here the repeated words *ajf,naye svaha' which

occur a t the end of a padt^ are not droppeu according
to the present sutrci (4«177)

Our commentator reads the next sutra -

"adhikarlrtham" ( 4 . 1 7 ^ j . In the p r i n t e a e d i t i o n s
as well as in the corniaentaries of Uvvete and Ananta
i t reads as avikarartham.

'xhua according to our comiiientrttor the sutra -

"fcdhikarartham" means t h a t the r e p e t i t i o n of the word
i s not r e j e c t e e in the case which i s used for serving
an a d d i t i o n a l function about the word. 3o the repeated
word/worus are not dropped there and samkrsma does
not take p l t c e . The cooiaientstor has £,iven following
illustration -

VS 18/1

vajascw n.ie - — — - 6v«^vS'^l'^ '^i£


Padapatha -

3varlti svah | ca | me

Uhlle giving the padapatha of the word svasca me

the repeated words ££ me which were expected to be
dropped are not dropped here in order to show riphitatva
of svah clearly. Thus here the samkrerne does not
take place.

The next sutra - "utsarf^asca" (4.179) states

that the abovementioned rule is valid optionally. The

commentator interpretes the word utaargah fs parityegah

(the act 01 abandoning). He remarks that this option is
to be understood as vyavasthita-yisayah. Thus according
to the comxrientator the rule states a definite arreng-ament
or restriction (vyavasthita) regarding the application of
a rule especially when it seems to overlap. Therefore
the rule 4«179 would mean that the option stated by the
rule 4*177 does not apply universally in ell the instances*
The commentator has stated that the word 'oa' in the
present sutra is used in the sense of also (api)* He
hasfeivenfollowing instances where the samkrama coes
not take pl&ce.

i) V3^ 32/1

' . - .. ' '


t a t I eva | af:nih | t a t j adityah | t a t |

Here, one can notice t h a t the word tat which i s

repeatea in the saniiit.^ i s not dropped in the padapatha
The samkram was expected here according to th<9 rule
•dvipadci ' (4.16J but i t 4^i not happen*, so.

ii) The commentator has stated further t h a t the

mantras - 'lokam .. t£ ... indram' (V3 12/54-56)
are occurred repeatedly in j/S 1 5/59-61, Therefore
according to the rule *satTihitayatia' (4•173) the portion
in VS 15/59-61 v»a3 to be dropped, but while giving
the padapatha of VS^ 15/59-61 i t i s retained according
t o the rule 4.179.


The coBimentator further has quoted a stanza

which means that according to sikala the repeat'?d
words are dropped. But Gargya has stated that these

S- punaruktani lupyante padanityaha Sakalah

alopa iti Gargyasya, Kanvasyarthavesaditi


words are not dropped, /ccording to Kanva opinion,

the repeateo words are dropped taking into consideration
t h e i r meaning ( i . e . they ere dropped only when the
meaning i s also i d e n t i c a l ) .

At l a s t , the commentfctor has noted h i s opinion

regarding the subject of oaiissicn &nd non-omission in
the padapetha as - Hne should accept the t r a d i t i o n
83 an auHMjrify .

Here ends the chapter - Padalaksanaia.



*Krama-laksanam' - the lest chapter in the Jyotsne

Commentary on Vaj-Pratlsakhya- deals with the important
topic viz. krama -type of recitation. The coBiBientator has
selected the sutras from the Vr_ which are engaged in
describing the krama and conuriented upon them. Thus he
has tried to give the full information about the krema
according to the f^iadhyandine branch of ^ukla Yajurveda.

The commentator has thus selected the first sutre -

*kremah smrtiprayo^anah* (4.1^0) which states the purpose
of krama^type of recitation. It means that the krema is
motivated to sustain the memory of words in 3smhita~petha
as well as in the pada-patha. Lhile commenting on this
sutra, the comitientator has first mentioned the aims of
samhitit peda and krema before turning to the main topic
i.e. the characteristics of krama. Thus he has stated
that samhita is meant to be applied in the form of mantras
in the sacrifice, whereas the pades are motivated to help
the proper understanding of the words. The purpose of
kr^ma serves two types of objects - i) It is useful to make
euphonic combination between two words which are to be
joined in samkrams and iij It is useful to determine the
paus e in samhita.
The comuientator further has stated that he has told
the purpose of krema and now he Is going to describe the
process of the kramfe'type recitation. He has also mentioned
that the word krame is to be understood upto the end of
this adhysya«

The next autre - *dve dve pede sendadhatyuttereno-

-ttaraji avasanaa aprktavarjam*' (4.1^1} means that one
should recite two words in the samhita first, then every
second word ahoula be Joined to the following word until
the conclusion of the hemistich, with the exception of the
ap.rkta word (word consisting of only one letter). This
type of recitation by joining two words as a group is
called krama» He has given following illustration -

V3 1/1 - i,s£ tvorje - - //

Padfl - ise. |tvi i urje | ...
Krama - ise, tva I tvor.ie I

Here, the first two words ere recited as the first

group of krama. Then the second word tva is joined to
the third word urje v.ith proper rule of euphonic combination
i.e. 'tvorje*. Here the second krama group is completed.
Then again every second word is joined to the next/following
word until the end of a pause. The commentdtor has stated
here that while joining these two words, the principle
of the aamkrama (i.e. the omlji^cn of the repeated word/
words which is prescribed by the rules regarding the
padfcpatha) is to be followed and then by dropping the
repeated word, next word should be joined to the previous
word. The coffiiuentator has also stated that this statement
regarding the krame is expressed by the teachers of
aandhisastra. The coiumentator has quoted one more
illustration to give more stress on the procedure of
joining the two words as per tules regarding the phonetic
combinations and the rules of semkrame.

V5 1/6 (kastve) yunaktl sa tva yunakti

kasmal tva yunakti tasmei '

Pada yunakti/sahfkasmaiItesmai '

krama yunakti sah I sa kasmai j kasmai tasmai )

Here,in the second group the word sah ' is joined

to th« next word kaamal ty omitting the repeated words
tva and yunakti. The visar^a of sah is dropped because
of the following consonant Ic of kasmai (See rule 3«16^
again this second word kaeniai is joined to the next-word
tasmai ly omitting the repeated words tva yunakti. Thus
•kasiBsi tosPiei* is the third kreme-g-rcup in this mantra.
426 ^ ^

The next s u t r a - '^samkr&me ca vaisnavan*^ {3»150)

• •I M i l III • M l M i M •B^waaM^MiaaMMmMm "i ' '•'••••••••* « — « « i * ^ »

prescribes e special rule ebout the v;ord vaisnavan.

It means that in samkrama, n of vaisnavan which is
preceded by a, does not change into ^ but it rem&ins
unchanged. The coounentetor has stated that according
to the rule - "akaropedho . , . "(3.143, ('^'^))
this R preceded by £ was prescribed to be changed into y.
Thus the rule 3«150 is an exception to the rule 3.143,
The coa»ment£itor has given following illustration -

V3 5/25 Vaisnavan . . . aya nayami ../

L vaisnavan j ava ( nayami '

K_ vaisnavanava [ ava nay ami /

Here the word vaisnavan is Joined to the next word

ava {by dropping the adddle repeated words) without any

The next sutra - ^samkrame ca sarvatra'' (4.79)

means that in the case of saakratna also (in a non-aprkta
krama- group/unit) £ following £ or £ always i.e. in
Hk and Yajuh becomes one v,ith the preceding vowel. The
commentator has given each type of illustration e.g.
427 42^
t) In Yajuh

V3 ld/2 Pranasca me^panasca . . . /

p — Pranah f apanah /
it . Prand^panah /

ii) L VS 20/17 yacchudre yadarye ... /

£. ~ audre I arye /
It - sudre^rye /

1 yn RK

iii; i_ VS 11/97 kanyaiva . . . yajnd ... abhl ...

£ _ yajiiah / abhl /
K ^ yajn<!>bhi /

Ihe coDutientator has made It clear that the operation

prescribed by this rule Is applicable only In that krama-
group which Is without an aprkta Because he Is going to
state the rule about the krama-group consisting of en aprkta
word further. Here he has given following two illustrations
in which one can notice that because of the aprkta word
the krama"group becomes B unit of three words and not of
two as usual e.g.

V3 12/31 li^ tve VS 1/11 urjama vada

P - lit / u /tva / P_ -- urjam/ a /vada /
K. - udu tva j K ' urjame vada /
428 ^ .

Then by introducing the subject matter of the next

a u t r a . the commentator has turned t o define the terms
trikraffia and catuhkrama.

The commentator has selected the next sutra -

^^aprktamadhyani t r l n i aa trikremah'^ (4.1^2). I t means
t h a t the krama- gx*oup consisting of t h r e e woras with the
aprkta word (£ and u) in the middle, i s called trikrama.
He has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s «

V3 7/41 udu tyam . . . il^ *• • ^ samena tenecmi '

£. "" l i t ' li ' tyam I t. ^ 3omena a tenacmi /
K udu / tyam f K - Somena tanacmi/

This sutra states the procedure of forming the first

krama-group only in the krama-type of recitation. So
trikrama can be described as the first krama-group having
the unit of three words consisting of an aprkta word.

The next sutra - ^punarakarenotteram*' (4* 1^3)

prescribes one more peculiarity of krama - recitation
in the easy of trikrama. It states that the third word
-^i->Q«(^uttera) is utterea with the aprkta word again
to form the second krama group.

The conjjientator has given following i l l u s t r a t i o n

i n order t o explain the word-group having an eprkta word
in the krama r e c i t a t i o n e.g.

VS 1/16 ur.iama vade tvaya - - /

i_ ur jam [ a, / vade f tvaya /

urjama vada / a, vada / vada tvaya /

iirst ^ Second
krama krama
group gxH>up

Thus the sutra 4.1^2 s t a t e s the rul? to form the

f i r s t krama group and the autra 4.1^3 s t a t e s the rule
t o form t h i s second group of the krama recit&tion in
which aprkta word i s seen in a specific manner. The
t h i r d krama group r e p r e s e n t s a r e g u l a r type of krama*

Thus in the above i l l u s t r a t i o n , urjema vade is

the f i r s t krama-gr-oup c a l l e d trikrt^ma (consisting of
three words having an aprkta word in the middle. Then
f o r the second krama group, t h i s eprkta word i s taken
t o g e t h e r with the t h i r d word e.g. £ vada and then
the t h i r d wora vada i s t o be joined t o the next word as
usual t o form the f u r t h e r krama group without taking the
The next sutra - mosunabhlsunau c a ' (4.1^4) s t a t e s
t h a t the two words * mo su|nah and abhl ^u nah also
c o n s t i t u t e the trlkrama-group. The coouftent&tor has not
i l l u s t r a t e d these words h e r e .

The next sutra - catvaryaprktapurve n a - karapurve

sau* (4*1^3) s t a t e s t h a t i n a c&se of word-group c o n s i s t i n g
of su which i s preceded by an aprkta word and i s followed
by £ , four words ere allowed t o form one krama-group»
The commentator has s t a t e d t h a t t h i s krama group i s called
catuh-krama. He has given following; i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

i ) VS 11/42 urdhva u su nah '

jP „ urdhvah f ui \ ityum / su /nah /

JL - urdhva usunah / u ^ ityu'^^ / su nah / na - -

ii) V3 17/84 etadrksasa u su nah - - - )

P_ ~ etadrksah / u"; ityu^Vsu | nah /

IL etadrksasa usunah/ 'u^ltyu>^'/ su nah / na

i i i ) VS^ 20/81 gomadu ju nasatyasvat . . . /

P_ gomaditi^go mat ) u r i t y u ^ I
su ) nZaatya / asvavadityasva vat /

K^ gomadusu nasatya | gdmaditi go ffiat|uCityu":^ /

su nasatya / nasatyasvavat

The next sutra - 'punah e u p a d e n o ttaram* (4,167)

states that this s u only Is to be Joined to the next >;ord
to form the second krama-group after trlkrama or catuh-
krama. The commentator has illustrated the Illustration
»abhi su nah' (VS^27/41) which he has quoted for the
autra 4*1^4 e.g.

V5 27/41 abhi su nah aakhinam

Z. abhi I 8u I nah liakhinam /

JL abhi su nah I su nah / nah sdkhinam j

The next autra - ^purvaayottareasmhitasya

sthitopaathltam avegrahyaaya* (4.1^^) means that the
first word which is joined to the next word (in the
second krama-group)^ if it is separable by an evagrehe
(in the pfida text) should be irepeeted with iti interposed.
The cooaiiientator has tiven the following il3-ustr8tion

VS 3/3 t v a samidbhirangirah '

P. tya 1 samidbhiritisaipit bhih /

IL (tva samidbhih ) / saaidbhirangirah /

s a m i d b h i r i t i aamit bhih |

The coiiiinentator has remarked here t h a t the

sutra-Jpurvasyottara . . . • i s t o l e taken as understood
\xpX,o the s u t r a - 'avasane ce» (4«194)
Then the sutros 4.190-193 0«^^'^'*'^' "''"^
are simply quotad by the cowanentator, without any
cooinent upon them because these sutraa are explained
already in the context of pade (Se^bBS'^-y/^'^'ji.) by him.
Here he has referred to these sutraa and t h e i r examples
t o give the idea about the k r a m a - r e c i t a t i o n .

F i r s t , he has quoted the sutra - *antah pade . . . '

(4,190) and has given the following i l l u s t r a t i o n s -

i ) VS 33/42 mamahantamaditih . . .
jP mainehantam|mamahanteftitiffiamahantajn/ aditih /

K. mamahantamaditih | mamehantamiti '

mamahentam j aolitih

ii) V3 29/13 ayunagindra /

L ayunak / ayuna^itya yunak | indrah I

}f ayunagindrah I ayunag;ity8yunak | indre .,.

Then the comiaentator has quoteu the sutra - *vinaae*

(4-191) ty which the case of c e r e b r a l i s a t i o n i s also
permittea for the r e p e t i t i o n with i t i interposed in the
krama-recitation. The commentator has given following
illustration -
VS 19/2 sus&va somam - — /

£ auaava / suaavetl susava f somam '

K su3av£> somam susayeti ausava /

By the autra - ' p r a g r h y e ' (4,192) the pragrhya

cases also are allowed t o repeat with i t l intei*posed in
krema r e c i t a t i o n . The commentator has given following
illuBtrfcticna -

i j VS 7/^ Indravayu ime - - I

jP Indravayu itindrav&yu / ime /

IC Indravayu ime ' Indravayu j^tindravayu | ime. /

i i i VJ V l ^ Vianavete - - /
F. Viano i c i visno fete '^ i t y e t e /

IL Viainavete ' viano i t i viyno j

i i i ) Va 7/4 idu tyam - - /

£ ut I uiniityulg; j ty&m I

jC udu tyaff. / u^cltyuYin / tyaiE . - j

iv) V^ 3/45 £0 su nah - - /

L 5i£ i t i ni£ / su I nah

K jflo su nah f aao i t i mo ) au nah j


v) Vd 11/42 urahva ufunah - - /

£ urdhvah / utltyuTffl 1 £u / nah /

IC urdhva usunah u^ityuXin ) s ^ nah j

The commentator has now quoted the autre

*riphite ^^iirukte* (if.193) i^y which it is stated that
the case of rhotacisoi of visarjanlya not already
explained, is repeated with iti interposed. The
comitientator has given the following illustration -

i) V3 7/5 antaste - -- /

P. antarityentah 11£ /

IC antaste | antarityentah /

ii) S. prat ah aomam / (V3 34/34)

jP pratariti pratah 1 somam /

K, pratah somajn | pratariti pratah / somam . - /

The next sutra - 'avasane £a* (4.194) means that

the word standing at the end of an half-verse (ardharca)
is also repeated with iti interposed, in krama-recitaticn.
The commentator has given following illustrations -

i) S pasun pahi - - / (VS 1/1)

P_ pasxm I pahi |

K^ paaun pahi pahiti pahi


ii) 3 havya rakaa (V3^ 1/4)

P havyaitt raksa

jK havya raksa r a k g e t i rakga

iii) 3. bhuvanama viveaa3 (VS^ 23/49)

L bhuvanam £ vlveaa j

K bhuvanajna vivesa j a vlvesa^ /

Vive8a iti vivesa ^

The commentator has made i t c l e a r t h a t the

pluta-word vivesa j remains unchanged i n s t h i t o p a s t h i t a
condition according to the rule 'plutamitau' 4.90

The next s u t r a - "yathasamamnatam kramivasanam

samkramesu" {4«195) s t a t e s t h a t in the case of samkrama,
the pause in the krama i s to be determined according t o
the r u l e s of krama"Sastra t r a d i t i o n . Thus, the coromentator
has i l l u s t r a t e d both types of cases where the pause
(avaaana) i s seen ss well as the cases where the words
are joined and avasana i s not seen. Following are
the cases where pause i s not prescribed -

i) ^ visvadha a s i paramena / ( VS l / 2 )

P visvadheh paramena ;

£ visvadhah paramena

ii) 1 (yajHapatir) h v a r a i t / (VS l / 2 )

vasoh pavitram&ai satadhdram VS l / 3

IP hvarait aatadharam

K hvarsicchatadharam I

In these cases the l a s t unrepaated v>ord i s joined

t o the f i r s t unrepeated word of the next ardharca.
Following are the cases where the pause (avasana)
i s prescribed :

i) S dhruvena dharmana (V3 2/3)

£ dhruvena V. . i • • •\

K dhruvena dharmana dhermsneti dharmana

ii) S vasa anu ' (VS 3/52)

P, yasan anu
IL vase anu anvityenu

Here, in these c a s e s , there i s a pause (evasana)

a f t e r the words dharmana and anu r e s p e c t i v e l y .

The commentator has remarked further t h a t the word

•saakramesu' in the sutra i s used for i n d i c a t i o n only.
Therefore the pause-cases ere uetercoinea a l s o in the

p l a c e s , other than ssmkreme as i t I s prescribed by the

tradition. The commentator has given the i l l u s t r e t i o n a
of non-samkramfr-cases e l s e .

i adhukaah ( VS^ l / 3 )
aa visvayuh ( V3 ^/k)

^ adhukaah sa aa viavayuh (

In t h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n , the pause i s not prescribed

by the t r a d i t i o n . The word adhukash i s the l a a t word
of a former stanza and the word sa I s the f i r s t word of
the next stanza. Thus t h i s i s non-samkrama-case.

Following are the non-aemkrama cases where the

pause l a prescribed e.g.

i ) V3 1/4 hevyam reksa ,

Z. havyani rakaa

i^ havyam raksa r a k s e t i rakse

i i ) V3_ 1/4 visvedhaya indrasya "

£. visvadheya i t i visva-aheyaib indrasya

K visvadhaya indrasya Indrfcsyeti indrasya


Hez*e the conunentetor h&s completed the pause

(avaaana) topic. But he feels that the determination
of the pause-places can be the subject of confusion.
30 he has made a full list of the non-pause places in
the whole Vajasaneyi-samhlta where the pause is not
prescribed but the two words are joined together in
krema-recitation. These places are celled krama
sandhana places.

So, to give the clear idea of these kreme-sandhana

places, he has given the full list of these word groups
wliich are joined while reciting the krama patha of the
Vaj.^amhita. Ke has given this list under the title
*krama"sandhaneni ^ in the &dhyaya wise manner at the
end of this chapter as follows :

visvadhah paramena {V3 1/2) hygrsicchetedharam (V3 1/2-3)

sahasradharan devah (VS 1/3) edhuksah sa (VS 1/3-4)

visvadhiya indrssya (VS 1/4) radhyatamidam (VS I/5)

eroi kah (VS 1/5-6) tasmai karmene (VS 1/6)

vam pratyustam (VS 1/6-7) aratayr. uru (V3 1/7)

emi dhuh (VS l/7-S) dhurvamo d even am (VS l/^)

devahutamamahrtam (VS l/^-9) havirdhenam visnuh (V3 l/9)


haatabhyaxnagnaye (VS I/104 grhnami bhutaya (V3 I/IO-II)

rasmlbhlrdevih (VS l/l2) devayuvain yusmah (VS 1/12-13)

sthe^naye (V3 1/13) agnisosiabhyam daivyaya(VS I/13)

vettvedrth (VS 1/14) vettvagneh (V3 l/u-15)

aamlsvs haviskrt (VS 1/15) ihl kukkutah (VS I/15-I6)

vahe dhruvam (VS I/17) vadhayagneh (V3 l/l7-1^)

antariksam dhartram (VS l/ld) dlvam vlsvebhyah (VS l/l^)

vettu dhanya^m (V3 1/19-20) vyanaya dlrghem (V3 1/20)

ra.ena revatlh (VS I/2I) preyantenjanayatyai (VS 1/21-22)

vadhah prthivl (VS 1/24-25) maugapa (VS 1/25-26)

vadhyaaainararo (VS I/26) skan gayatrena {VS 1/26-27)

jagatena auksma (VS l/27) marjgyaniata (V3 l/29)

mar.lmyadityai (VS 1/29-30) pasyamyagneh (V3 1/30)

yajuseyajuse savltuh (VS I/3O-31) tvi ^JA^ ^VS I/3I )

Adhyeya - II

pataye gandharvab (V3 2/2-3) Idlta Indrasya (VS 2/3)

oaksino ffdtravarunau{V3 2/3) abhisastyai savltuh (VS 2/5)


dhruva dhruva (VS 2/6) marjffil nagah (V3 2/7)

satantamasmakgun (VS 2/lO) asnamyetam (VS 2/11-12)

brahmane tene {V3 2/l2) uhamy a fTH 1 somau (V3 2/l5)

uhamlndraEnyah (V6 2 / l 5 ) IndragnyorlndraKni (VS 2 / l 5 )

indraKni vasubhyah (VS 2/15-16) evatem vy&ntu (V3 2/l6)

Biarudbhi rind rah (VS 2/22) tasffial possya (VS 2/23)

vartegne (V3 2/26-2?) hima acarlsam (va 2/27-28)

vsdlaado i £ (VJ 2/29-30)


uaasa auryah (Vii 3/1^^) Krhapate purlsych (VS 3/39-4C)

• ^/'fV'-Ar , pativedanamitah (VS 3/60)


pururava manthaail (VS 5/2) rfcjahs&ya harlseya (VS 5/ft)

devavltaye aiiiiii (VS 5/9-10) dhruvo yalgnavaai (VS 5/21)

dhruvQ aindr&ni (VS 5/30) havyavehenah avatrah (VS 5/31)

abhudyatheyftham {V3 5/40)


- J
madayasvo danaye (VS 7/5-6) bhunmahendraye (VS 7/39)

indrasy^i satyaprtsRvaseh (VS 9/lO) indram vajajittih (VS 9/12-13)


jagatene haste (ve. 11/10-11) hirenyaVimanustubhena (VS ll/ll)


pariclllokam (V3 12/53^-54)


dlaaml aahaaram (VS 13/4^-49) gavaysKumayum (V3 13/49-50)

ustrctui ajfah (V3 13/50-51) s'arabha'n tvam (VS 13/51-52)



anterikaam vayuh (V3 H / 1 2 ) vaj;ui ra.ini (VS 14/12-13)

b r h a t i nebhah (VS 14/13-15)


a^jnerevah {VS 15/3-4) r a t h e c l t r c gtenaka (VS 15/l6)

aaxBarethah pramlocentj (VS 15/17) arlathanemirvisvacl (VS 15/l^)

/ 'r
suaena urvasi (V3 15/19) salairau pgramesthl (VS 15/57-5^^)

divah aui-yah (V'3 15/5?^) dlvain dhruve (VS 15/64)

^DiiY/^yA A V I I I

svastomah (V3 1^/29) rathantaraci vet (VX> 1^/29)


vayurjagrat (VS 2aul5-l6} avapne auryah (V3 20/l6)

suryeh audre (VS 20/16-17) apoyeksi (VS 20/l?^) t


avahakrtah sva^a (VS 22/3-4) prayanaya yate (22/7-^)


catuypadascandramah (V3 2 3 / 3 - 4 ; c and re ma r a t r a u (Vci 2 3 / 4 )

vayuh siiryah (V;:> 23/17)


suclDiusniha {V3 2ft/36) deveu t r i s t u b h a (V3 2^/40}


u t i b h i h kaya (VS 3 6 / 6 - 7 ) i k s £ Ikaamahe (V3 36/1?^)


pahi madhu (VS 37/13) svaha r a t r i h (VS 37/21)


sarasvetyasau (V5 3^/2)


avldyani vidyayam (VS 40/12) 03m k r a t o (VS 4 0 / l 5 )

smara kllbe (VS 40/l$) kllbe krtam (VS 4O/15)


At the endI the commentator has remarked t h a t the

above given 115 pieces are prescribed as krama-sendhsna
places non-pause places according to the krema s a s t r a
tradition in the Vaj.^amhita* He further has s t a t e d
t h a t the deterudnation ol the pause places tnd the
non-pause places in the cases other th£.n above menticned,
i s according t o the regular r u l e s of samhita and

Here ends the krema-lek^ans chapter as well as the

Pratisakhya- portion i n the Jyotsna commentary.

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