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9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

Women Have Been Tricked Into Living

Like Men

September 11, 2017 Culture Roosh

The biggest travesty that has happened to women in the past 70 years is not
misogyny or sexism, but being put on the same education and work timeline as men in spite of
having a completely different biology. Millions of women suffer every day because they’re living
lives that were designed and optimized for men.

Most women lose the ability to have children without medical intervention at the age of 40.
After that, it gets extremely hard for a woman to naturally conceive, and even if she manages to
do so, she is 17 times more likely to transmit birth defects to her child than having conceived
at age 20. Even at 35, a woman already sees a huge drop in her fertility. 1/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

The culture infects young girls with an obsession on career so that they attend an expensive
university and rush to work immediately after graduation, all with the grand design of enslaving
them into the rat race during the most fertile period of their lives, sharply reducing the number
of children they can have. If a girl is lucky, she may have twenty fertile years starting at age 18,
but during that time she’s expected to get a degree, move out of her parent’s home into a
“vibrant” big city, establish a career where her skills remain in high demand, fall in love with a
man who makes more money than she does, marry him, feel financially secure enough to have a
family, and then have her first child. Does this at all sound reasonable to you when her male
counterpart has double the time she has? My father had his last child in his 50’s. Can a woman
do that?

Let’s assume for a minute that I won’t advocate for traditionalism or make the argument that a
woman shouldn’t be able to make life decisions on her own, as I have before. What kind of
solution remains that would allow women to pretend to be businessmen while still being able to
have children before it gets too late? It is to get married and have children before attending
university. If a woman does that, she merely has to wait until her last child enters kindergarten
to enroll in whichever brainwashing factory she wants, graduate within four years through
mostly day-time study, and then begin working while her children are being brainwashed
themselves in public schools.

If we assume that a woman who got married early had her last child at a still pert 26, that
means she’d be ready for university at 31 and enter corporate hell at 35. Based on current life
expectancy figures, that gives her six more decades to decorate her cubicle and LARP as a
businessman. 2/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

Right now a woman may be thinking, “But men get a head start in your plan, that’s not fair!”
Yeah, well, you’ll live longer than me, which is not fair either. My solution allows women to take
advantage of their biology and have children when their body is most ready for it. All that’s
required is obtaining the love and commitment of a man who is asked to impregnate a young
woman who is family oriented and not a whore. That will not be difficult. In fact, if you fit this
profile, you can contact me with a full body photo and I may wife you up, but please don’t wait
until you’ve sampled numerous penises because then your brain chemistry will have degraded
to such an extent that you will sabotage any future relationship that has genuine love from a
man who wants to provide for you.

I’m sure you can find a dozen other logistical problems to my plan, especially concerning the
economics of having one wage-earner support a family for at least five years, but I assume that
the wife will know how to cook, grow basic foods in a garden, sew, and not want to display
expensive possessions to internet nobodies on Instagram. The major hurdle is not finding a
man willing to wife up a supple young bride, but finding a girl with half her brain still intact
after her parents threw her into the mud pit of blue-haired feminist pigs.

If you are a young woman in high school, I advise you to skip out on university, live with your
parents, work a basic part-time job to earn money for tasteful makeup and clothing, learn
important homemaking skills, and then use the remainder of your free time to securing the love
of a man who wants a family. Assuming your standards in men are realistic (hah!), it won’t take
you more than a year to find a worthy contender, because what man wouldn’t want to lay down
roots with such a family-oriented woman? 3/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

As a man who has spent only six years working in a corporate career, one that was actually
somewhat interesting, I can guarantee that any job a woman takes will cause more damage to
her happiness than not. Women should look at all the men who are quitting the rat race to
become location independent and ask themselves why they are being convinced to participate in
a rigged game that increasing numbers of intelligent men want nothing to do with. Ladies:
you’re not missing out on delaying your career for a few years. It’s better to focus first on
creating a family first, while you still can.

Read Next: Why Women Shouldn’t Work 4/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

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9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

anon1 • 12 days ago ⚑ −

As shitty as iceland is for many well articulated reasons they do atleast have
a culture that has women have kids early. The problem is, its usually single
mothers and not very traditionalist in terms of child rearing.
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Titan000 > anon1 • 11 days ago − ⚑

When daycare and welfare is gone. I predict the birthrates to be
restricted to intact patriarchal families.
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Vegard Johansen > anon1 • 11 days ago − ⚑

Iceland is blessed with it`s geographical location.(As long as you
avoid to much seismic activity.) So you can afford to be politically
correct in regards to immigration and so on, but still have little to no
immigration and keep you`re welfare State intact.
Must be hard to live in a feminist madhouse though:)
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Anti-Gnostic > anon1 • 9 days ago − ⚑

So nation whose history is bound up with its harsh environment,
with its Viking heritage and its language, with little changed from its
roots in Old shitty.

Wow, just wow.

Titan000, I predict that daycare and welfare will remain, and

birthrates will NOT be restricted to intact patriarchal families.
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anon1 > Anti-Gnostic • 8 days ago − ⚑

>Wow, just wow.

stop trying to be a concern troll

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Anti-Gnostic > anon1 • 8 days ago − ⚑

There is no such thing as a "concern troll". I made an
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ammag > Anti-Gnostic • 8 days ago −⚑

Why did you have to snark-deuce up a perfectly nice
subthread? Gammas, I literally can't even.

I know jack shit about Iceland, but, despite visions of 6/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

longships and danegeld and massive battleaxes of

yore, contemporary nordic dudes seem to have
perfected the art of soyboi political ballessness.

They are megacucks.

As a rule, whenever the constituency is female, you

can count on feminist wealth transfer (welfare, single
mother benefit schemes, whatever) being the very last
thing to go.

Massive in-group preference plus natural female

solipsism and an inclination for "equitable"
compulsory wealth redistribution plus the removal of
any form of countervailing masculine social pressure
("misogyny! patriarchy!") equals... you will starve
before Ashlyn loses her right to subsidized birth
4△ ▽ • Reply •

Anti-Gnostic > ammag • 7 days ago − ⚑

Some jackanape makes an idiot comment about
Iceland. I set him straight. Then you come on in
strong like a white knight to the rescue. And you have
the gall to call me gamma.


What an overly used, utterly meaningless term.

"Massive in-group preference plus natural female

solipsism and an inclination for "equitable"
compulsory wealth redistribution plus the removal of
any form of countervailing masculine social

I will admit, confirmation bias and subjectivity are

your strong suits.
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Edward Easterling • 12 days ago ⚑ −

So when does she get to ride the carousel? When does she get that corporate
job and be "strong and independent?"
This isn't fair to women at all.
Wait to start work at 35?
Look at all those productive years she lost, being supportive to a man!
But I have known several women who played the game differently and
thrived Here's a page from their playbook 7/17
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thrived. Here s a page from their playbook.
Get pregnant (married or single, doesn't matter). Get a divorce, unless
single, and get child support (single or divorced).
Government pays for her to go to college, junior college, or trade school
(where she learns administrative and clerical skills).
She gets an easy job that pays very well and has good benefits. Plus child
support. Plus government assistance. Plus a new boyfriend when she gets
bored with the current one.
And the courts help with child support. And the government helps her enter
a higher income bracket. And she shows the world that she's "strong and
I like this article Roosh. And I like those books of mine you wrote. Only, I
don't see how or why a young, attractive woman would try to abide by the
suggestion this article offers.
But it is a great attempt.
8△ ▽ • Reply •

Columbiad > Edward Easterling • 12 days ago − ⚑

"This isn't fair to women at all."

Who cares?
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Edward Easterling > Columbiad • 12 days ago − ⚑

"Who cares?"

Some of my statements here are meant to be humorous.

Of course, I don't care.
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Fitness2569 > Edward Easterling • 11 days ago − ⚑

That was clear sarcasm
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Edward Easterling > Fitness2569 • 11 days ago − ⚑

I'm glad you get it. And it pained me to write it.
But for many a woman in USA, there lies a clear path
to success. I didn't make this up. A girl told me this
about 12 years ago. She was married and didn't really
get along with other females very well.
But what is real is I have five books by Roosh. And I
do need to read them again. But I like what he writes.
His blog and his books. Hell, even the videos and
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Ravi Macho > Edward Easterling • 3 days ago ⚑−

The worst thing is, women still claim they are somehow "equal" to
MEN !!
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Anti-Gnostic > Ravi Macho • 2 days ago − ⚑

Not really.
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The War At Home > Edward Easterling • 2 days ago − ⚑

Very good points. But there's no such thing as a 'good paying job'
when that job only involves 'administrative and clerical skills'.
Unless she works for a small business and is fucking the boss or
something. But at that point shes basically a whore. Of course the
welfare state makes up for her lack of income. All paid for with the
taxes of hard working men, forced to involuntarily support her, that
don't even get a whiff of pussy in exchange.
2△ ▽ • Reply •

Aeronaut • 12 days ago −

That plan will have a big impact on the kids. Kids need a stable anchor at
home when they're young. A mom that's perusing an education isn't
devoting her efforts to the home. I've said many times that it's all about us
till the moment we decide to have kids. The reason is the kids are the only
one's in the equation that don't have a say in the matter. They're brought
into consciousness by the whims of--us. Once those souls are drug out of
whatever holding place they're in, we're assuming the responsibility to do
our best to give them a decent life.

My wife and I were talking about the whole career thing the other day.
We're at that point. Both kids are in college, I'm making good money, all the
sudden we have a lot of free time on her hands and a lot of money. She
keeps talking about going to work doing something. Before we had kids, she
worked in emergency services. She had a couple of serious jobs so she's no
dummy. After 21 years of raising kids I told her to enjoy her retirement. She
said she want's to contribute to at least our vacation fund.

I think most women want their own career because they think it gives them
control over the relationship. In other words, a lot of them go into it
thinking if it doesn't work out, they'll divorce, take the man for all they have
and start over. That means they aren't 100% committed to making the
marriage work. All the more reason to stay away from women who want
that career.
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A > 9/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men
Anonymous > Aeronaut • 12 days ago − ⚑
"I think most women want their own career because they think it
gives them control over the relationship."

It possibly can't be because they want control over their own lives
instead of being at the mercy of other people and their whims. It
absolutely can't be them having personal interests, a vocation, a
desire to do something as Rooshv knows all women are soulless and
devoid of other desires than home-making and babies. It must be
because they think it gives them control over the relationship, and
we all know a woman having any control in a relationship is doom of
civilization. Luckily the muslim world and third world countries still
have this right, those pesky feminism-brainwashed little girls
occasionally try to get an education even at the risk of their own lives
but it's nothing an even more oppressive regime or terrorist groups
couldn't solve. We know what is best for women and wish to control
their lives, because we support liberty!

The people on this website really f***ing frighten me. It seems like
the people here live in some kind of parallel reality...
3△ ▽ • Reply •

Aeronaut > Anonymous • 11 days ago − ⚑

And if you were a car, you'd have a toggle switch for a
throttle. People like you know either 100% or 0%, nothing in

Women need to make a choice. Either they want a career or

they want to make a good home for their family. For every
woman that tells you they can have it all, I'll show you a
woman that sucked at one--or the other--or both. She's
shorting someone, either her co-workers, her kids or her

What we're trying to do here is simply try and enlighten guys

who've either been brainwashed or lack the critical thinking
skills so they don't think they have to settle for some
overbearing career chaser who'll make their lives miserable.

If thinking, contrary to the new social standard scares you,

perhaps you should stay in the kitchen where you can be
sheltered from such wrong thinking and where you'll
probably do some of your best, most fulfilling work.
16 △ ▽ • Reply •

GRock > Aeronaut • 11 days ago − ⚑

"For every woman that tells you they can have it all,
I'll show you a woman that sucked at one--or the 10/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

other--or both. She's shorting someone, either her co-

workers, her kids or her family." << precisely what
Anon pretends doesn't exist. Having cake and eating
too more often that not winds up tasting like shit-
salad and doesn't work. For the few it does work for,
beneath the facade, you'll find a facetious POS at the

This is precisely what my Ex has done to our

daughter. She's done "OK" in her career, but screws
over her kid every day, and frankly kind of half-asses
her career. I remember an argument we had before we
split where I told her; "You think 'attempting' ten
things at once in life and half-assing all of them makes
you a success in the name of 'business,' it doesn't, it
makes you a person who consistently bites off more
than you can chew, constantly makes excuses, blames
others, and damages everything you touch with your
half-assed ways, but go ahead, make that your life, I
want no part of it."
18 △ ▽ • Reply •

Aeronaut > GRock • 10 days ago − ⚑

Boy, ain't that the truth! I don't think there is such
thing as a Renaissance woman.
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Ravi Macho > GRock • 3 days ago − ⚑

"it makes you a person who consistently bites off more
than you can chew, constantly makes excuses, blames
others, and damages everything you touch with your
half-assed ways, but go ahead, make that your life, I
want no part of it."

I am seriously considering to ENGRAVE the above

words !
2△ ▽ • Reply •

Anti-Gnostic > Aeronaut • 9 days ago − ⚑

"Women need to make a choice. Either they want a
career or they want to make a good home for their
family. For every woman that tells you they can have it
all, I'll show you a woman that sucked at one--or the
other--or both. She's shorting someone, either her co-
workers, her kids or her family."

Men and women who have kids can make the choice 11/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

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Looking for Zion > Aeronaut • 9 days ago − ⚑

Well said, and clearly laid out. Sadly my wife is an
example of this. Indeed, the more demanding and
taxing the work is the less a woman has to give at
home. Do I wish it wasn't true? Yes. But unlike most
American women I know when to let go of illusions
and recognize the reality.
1△ ▽ • Reply •

Annoyed with men > Looking for Zion • 6 days ago − ⚑

The problem with all that ya'll say about women vs
career in this day in time you A) have men to lazy and
self centered that don't want to settle down and have a
family or B) they do but it takes 2 people income to
make a home run smoothly which means she needs a
job. No matter how much she may want to stay at
home with the kids. C) the man is good at supporting
but then decides he want his cake and eat it to by
cheating. So then what she to do stay with a man who
wants to screw around because she depends souly on
him to be able to make it. Say what you will. I did get
married young spent years with a man that cheated I
had a job to help us and quiet when he wanted me to
only to end up with a lying cheating man. No we didn't
have kids and yes I let him take the lead and stood by
him. But before you shoot your mouth off on a woman
and careers first ask yourself where men screwed up
and made it where she has to support herself and how
ya'll contributed to it!!!!!!!
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GRock > Annoyed with men • a day ago −⚑

If you're dating out of your league and get knocked up,
certainly. But wait, the low grade woman the man
accidentally impregnates AFTER the bitch says she's
on the pill doesn't count right? And then she decides
to have it and thinks shit's gonna work out right? How
fucking many kids of this exact scenario do we know
have walking this Earth as video-game-God adult-
aged children? Millions.
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Samseau > Anonymous • 10 days ago − ⚑ 12/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

"It possibly can't be because they want control over their own
lives instead of being at the mercy of other people and their

Newsflash, you selfish woman:

Being a mother means you will be at the mercy of other

people, namely your children and husband. If you prefer
independence (i.e. extinction), go the whore route or get a
11 △ ▽ • Reply •

Copperhead Joe > Samseau • 9 days ago − ⚑

It's interesting that a couple of you guys assume
Anonymous is a woman. Not saying this person isn't a
woman; that might be most likely now that you
mention it, but I thought leftist male on the first
reading. I read it again, and there isn't a word in there
that would be unusual in the facebook posts of some
of the now middle aged males I went to high school
1△ ▽ • Reply •

Dirk Diggler > Copperhead Joe • 8 days ago ⚑−

Boomers, I'm guessing? Many of them are the biggest
white knight cucks you'll find.
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Copperhead Joe > Dirk Diggler • 8 days ago − ⚑

No, class of '87. I'm not saying most are like that, just
that they are out there, and they speak in sarcasm like
Anonymous (not that women don't). Also more likely
for a white knight cuck to use words like civilization
and regime than a woman.
2△ ▽ • Reply •

GRock > Aeronaut • 11 days ago ⚑ −

Great observation. Side note: this whole "Once you have kids it's all
about them." a prevailing attitude among modern
women with kids, married or not. It's complete bullshit. Growing up,
while our parents did "stuff" for us, entirely abandoning their own
lives for us outside of work and providership, just because, well, we
existed..... was NEVER an attitude ANY parents I knew had.

It serves one purpose, to give modern women that Wonder Woman

cape they feel they should adorn themselves with. So for the ones
trying single parenting they're already ruining society via sheltered 13/17
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trying single parenting, they re already ruining society via sheltered
kids upbringing lacking the common sense of male influence, yet,
the same exact thing is occurring within married families with kids
as well. Go ahead, get your kids into sports, have them join some
clubs, etc., but revolving your entire existence around them makes
for some weak-ass young adults that can only operate in a society
where all "experiences" are prepared for them, and in fields that are
institutionally protected like healthcare, higher ed, gov't work, etc. It
makes book-smart, life-stupid adults. And many 20 & 30 somethings

see more

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Anti-Gnostic > GRock • 9 days ago −

"I can't imagine the efficacy and the resultant outcome I may
have seen in my life had I had a truly supportive (now baby
momma getting child support enslavement taxation of my
life) wife, and the quality upbringing and development my
daughter would have had."

It never ceases to amaze me how men and women, as a result

of horrific break-up in their marriage, end up being
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GRock > Anti-Gnostic • 8 days ago − ⚑

Yea, hijacking someone's future and enslaving them
through child support while shit canning their kid's
development just because the law supports it is being
over dramatic. Truth is like poetry, no one wants to
hear it.
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Anti-Gnostic > GRock • 8 days ago − ⚑

Bitterness is your bitch.
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Vice > Anti-Gnostic • 7 days ago − ⚑

Not an argument.
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Anti-Gnostic > Vice • 7 days ago − ⚑

It's called effective rhetoric, Vox Day style.
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GRock > Anti-Gnostic • a day ago − ⚑

It's called your weak your style Throw cheap jabs 14/17
9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men
It s called your weak, your style. Throw cheap jabs
then runs away until simply annihilated by truth.
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Anti-Gnostic > GRock • a day ago − ⚑

Dude, you are the one defending filth, not I. Grow up.
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john mcginnis > Aeronaut • 9 days ago − ⚑

A whole host of reasons why a woman might pursue a business
interest but probably the most important one is -- 'just in case'. Said
bread winner could keel over dead tomorrow then what? A backup
plan is a rational thought.

Nor is this nothing new. If you roll back the clock many ages ago,
most wives of the time assisted in the family business. Keeping the
books, paying the bills, etc. In which case they were already a
'businesswoman' by family right.
2△ ▽ • Reply •

GRock > john mcginnis • 8 days ago − ⚑

Risk aversion occurs using either tactic. The concept as you
imply is putting all the financial eggs in one basket (the
man's), is risky. Conversely, raising children improperly is
similarly risky, but that pain doesn't set in as quick as
unfeedable mouths, but rather, a nightmare of ghettoness
when the kids begin screwing up their lives as young adults.
Ask yourself then; "was careerism from both parents really
worth it after all?" Grandma was intended to be an "aged"
title. I know plenty of wealthy careered financially stable
families where the failure of spending vital time during key
development years with their kids has resulted in what I call
"trailer trash millionaires." Early 40s grandmothers drinking
Mojitos while watching babies for their babies all day. That's
epic failure, not success.

Many of the strongest small businesses I know typically

involve the wife in some vital role as you state. Yet, some of
the shadiest businesses I've encountered during my current
18+ year experience in B2B sales, are precisely, married
couples who're both pieces of shit, who collectively fuck over
associated stake holders, to get ahead in life. Moreover, the
very worst businesses I've worked with involve a family
business being run by a divorcee. My tendency is to always
step way back and look at the biggest picture I can fathom to
focus my life's targets.
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9/23/2017 Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men

john mcginnis > GRock • 8 days ago − ⚑

"Conversely, raising children improperly is similarly
risky, but that
pain doesn't set in as quick as unfeedable mouths, but
rather, a
nightmare of ghettoness when the kids begin screwing
up their lives as
young adults"

That is the Garbage In -> Garbage Out principle. It

does not always work out that way for a percentage of
the spawn. But surprisingly raising children can be
less than a monumental task if the parent is one who
can lead by example. I have raised both a son and
daughter that way and both have become productive
1△ ▽ • Reply •

GRock > john mcginnis • a day ago − ⚑

Sometimes there's no choice. Gratefully some of us
can pull it off.. despite both parents being
accountable, and more often than not just one
practicing responsibility.

In short, most split households occur because 1 adult-

aged person is a child sill, and immature in at least 1
vital area. I call it the lowest common denominator
role of modern women, Career, financial stability, and
other outwardly obvious areas of achievement in
check, but completely shit-can raising their kid
properly, thus, it's all up to the dad to bring any
stability to the kid's future headed into adulthood.
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Lisa > Aeronaut • 7 days ago ⚑ −

But then, a woman with a high-income career may not get much, if
anything, in a divorce settlement. In fact, the MAN may come out
ahead. (See: Cernovich.)
1△ ▽ • Reply •

GRock > Lisa • a day ago −⚑

Which in the grand scheme of female hypergamy, is a
hilarious backfire. Men don't cherry pick like women unless
in their minds they're women themselves.. essentially she
married a gay man. Men rarely cherry pick both sides,
women do it constantly A woman who marries a bitch-level 16/17
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women do it constantly. A woman who marries a bitch level
man and gets taken like that truly got played by her own
support system. The woman, might be a dyke at heart,
marrying a man capable of that. Thus, additionally, why I
consider all lawyers -either gender- bitches.
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Tali • 12 days ago − ⚑

I agree with your points there, but I would argue that they apply to
boys/men as much as they apply to girls/women. The whole school-
>university->"career" path that kids are put on, hurts both boys and girls,
although in somewhat different ways. All of it is just to create more servants
for "the system", happy to work for whatever rewards those in power offer
4△ ▽ • Reply •

Samseau > Tali • 10 days ago −⚑

Agreed. School isn't for all boys. Boys who'd rather work should be
allowed into an apprenticeship early on to learn a trade.
3△ ▽ • Reply •

Tali > Samseau • 10 days ago − ⚑

It's not even about "not for all boys"... If they're not
academically-minded, they'd be better off learning a trade 17/17

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