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Que Item Stimulus

n ID What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
"30, 60, 120, 210, 330, ____"

2 Two dots, one white and another black are kept in their initial position as shown in the given diagram.
Each second the white dot moves by 2 corner in clockwise direction and the black dot moves by 3
corner in anti clockwise direction. After how many seconds will both the dots meet at the same
corner?\दहो बबिन्ददओओं , एक सफफ द और ददसरला कलालला, कहो दरलाएर्शा गए बचितलानदसलार उनकफ पलारओंबभिक स्थलान पर रखला जलातला हह. पबत सफकफण्ड सफफ द बबिओंदद घड़दी ककी
बदरला ममें 2 कहोनफ आगफ बखसक जलातला हह और कलालला बबिओंद द पबत सफकफण्ड 3 कहोनफ घड़दी ककी उलटदी बदरला ममें बखसक जलातला हह. बकतनफ सफकफण्ड कफ बिलाद दहोननों बबिओंदद एक
सलाथ एक हदी कहोनफ ममें हनोंगफ?

3 Ice : Water :: ____ : Metal\बिफर्शा : पलानदी :: ____ : धलातद

4 Choose the correct dictionary ordering of the given words formed from English alphabets.\अओंग्रजदी कफ अक्षरनों
सफ बिनफ इन रब्दनों कफ सहदी रब्दकहोर क्रम कहो चिदनमें.
5 Switch A turns bulbs 1 and 2 on if they were off or vice versa.
Switch B turns bulbs 2 and 4 on if they were off or vice versa.
Switch C turns bulbs 1 and 3 on if they were off or vice versa.
All the bulbs except Bulb 2 are ON initially and a person presses the switches in the given
manner, then which of the given bulbs will be finally seen ON?
बस्स्विचि A बिल्बि 1 और 2 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बस्स्विचि B बिल्बि 2 और 4 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बस्स्विचि C बिल्बि 1 और 3 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बिल्बि 2 कफ अललास्विला बिलाओंककी सभिदी बिल्बि पलारओंभि ममें ON थफ और एक व्यबक्ति नफ बदए गए क्रम सफ बस्स्विचिनों कहो दबिलायला तहो अओंतत: इनममें सफ ककौन सफ बिल्बि ON

6 What is the angle formed by the minute and hour hand of a wall clock at the following time?\बदए गए
समय पर बकसदी ददीस्विलार घड़दी कफ बमनट और घओंटफ ककी सदइयनों कफ बिदीचि कला कहोण बकतनला हहोतला हह?
[4:55 AM]

7 in a certain language, if 'a' means division, 'b' means addition, 'c' means multiplication and 'd' means
subtraction. Then fill in the blanks so that equation satisfies:\यबद बकसदी भिलाषला ममें 'a' कला मतलबि बस्विभिलाजन, 'b' कला मतलबि
जहोड़नला, 'c' कला मतलबि गदणन और 'd' कला मतलबि घटलानला हहोतला हह. तहो बनम्न ररक्ति स्थलाननों कहो भिरनफ कफ सहदी बस्विकल्प चिदनमें तलाबक समदीकरण सहदी हहो जलाए.

8 Which of the given venn diagrams represent the correct mutual relationship between "Married,
Doctors, Illiterate" ?\बदए गए स्विफन आरफखनों ममें सफ ककौन सला "रलाददीरददला, डडॉक्टर, अबरबक्षत" कफ बिदीचि कफ पलारस्पररक सम्बिन्ध कहो सहदी मलायनफ ममें दरलार्शातदी
9 Four brothers Amar, Bhanwar, Canwar and Dhanwar have different ages amongst 12, 13, 16 and 18
and have different weights amongst 36 kgs, 38 kgs, 42 kgs, 43 kgs. An older brother is always heavier
than any of the elder ones.
[1]Canwar is lighter than Amar.
[2]Bhanwar is heavier than both Amar and Canwar.
[3]Dhanwar is heavier than Bhanwar.
What is Amar's weight in kgs? \
चिलार भिलाई अमर, भिओंस्विर, ककँ स्विर, और धओंस्विर ककी उम्र 12, 13, 16 और 18 ममें सफ हह मगर हरफक ककी उम्र बभिन्न हह और उनकला स्विजन 36 kgs, 38 kgs, 42
kgs, 43 kgs ममें सफ हह मगर हरफक कला स्विजन बभिन्न हह. उम्र ममें बिड़ला भिलाई अपनफ सफ छहोटदी उम्र स्विलालनों सफ ज्यलादला स्विजनदी हहोतला हह .
[1]ककँ स्विर , अमर सफ स्विजन ममें हल्कला हह.
[2]भिओंस्विर ज्यलादला स्विजनदी हह अमर और ककँ स्विर दहोननों सफ.
[3]धओंस्विर ज्यलाददी स्विजनदी हह भिओंस्विर कफ मदकलाबिलफ.
अमर कला स्विजन बकतनफ बकलहोग्रलाम हह?

10 Four brothers Amar, Bhanwar, Canwar and Dhanwar have different ages amongst 12, 13, 16 and 18
and have different weights amongst 36 kgs, 38 kgs, 42 kgs, 43 kgs. An older brother is always heavier
than any of the elder ones.
[1]Canwar is lighter than Amar.
[2]Bhanwar is heavier than both Amar and Canwar.
[3]Dhanwar is heavier than Bhanwar.
Bhanwar and Canwar's weight differ by how many kilograms?\
चिलार भिलाई अमर, भिओंस्विर, ककँ स्विर, और धओंस्विर ककी उम्र 12, 13, 16 और 18 ममें सफ हह मगर हरफक ककी उम्र बभिन्न हह और उनकला स्विजन 36 kgs, 38 kgs, 42
kgs, 43 kgs ममें सफ हह मगर हरफक कला स्विजन बभिन्न हह. उम्र ममें बिड़ला भिलाई अपनफ सफ छहोटदी उम्र स्विलालनों सफ ज्यलादला स्विजनदी हहोतला हह .
[1]ककँ स्विर , अमर सफ स्विजन ममें हल्कला हह.
[2]भिओंस्विर ज्यलादला स्विजनदी हह अमर और ककँ स्विर दहोननों सफ.
[3]धओंस्विर ज्यलाददी स्विजनदी हह भिओंस्विर कफ मदकलाबिलफ.
भिओंस्विर और ककँ स्विर कफ स्विजन ममें बकतनफ बकलहोग्रलाम कला अओंतर हह?

12 Read the following information to answer the given question:
Seven player Amar, Badal, Chandan, Deepak, Eayan, Fahim and Gagan are standing in a line. Gagan is
to the right of Deepak and to the left of Badal. Amar is on the right of Chandan. Amar and Deepak
have one person between them. Eayan and Badal have two person between them. Deepak and Fahim
have two person between them.
Who is on the extreme left ?

13 Today is 1st of January and Manju had moved into her new flat exactly 100 days ago. On which date
did Manju enter the flat?

14 Which of the following is an essential part of "River"?

15 If in a code ACADEMY is coded as 131451725, then what will be the code for MADE?

16 When a long woollen carpet is rolled along its length then which of these shape does the carpet acquir

17 Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

18 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?
19 Read the following passage to answer these question:
Aman, Mohan, Rajnath, Laxmi, and Divya are five friends . Aman is twice as old as Mohan. Rajnath is
half the age of Mohan. Aman is half the age of Divya and Rajnath is twice the age of Laxmi.
Who is the youngest ?

20 A large cuboid having dimension 4 x 5 x 6 is coloured yellow on two of the largest surfaces and green
on rest of the surfaces. If the cuboid is now broken into smaller identical cube having dimension 1 x 1
x 1 then how many of these smaller cubes will have both green and yellow colour on them?\4 x 5 x 6
आयलाम स्विलालफ एक बिड़फ घनलाभि ककी दहो सबिसफ बिड़दी सतहनों कहो पदीलफ रओंग सफ रओंगला जलातला हह और बिलाओंककी सतहनों कहो हरफ रओंग सफ . यबद अबि इस घनलाभि कहो 1 x 1 x 1
आयलाम कफ छहोटफ घननों ममें तहोड़ला जलातला हह तहो इनममें सफ बकतननों पर पदीलला और हरला दहोननों रओंग लगफगला?

21 Look at the given figure carefully andd then determine whch of the option images has the given
image hidden in it.\बदए गए बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और तय करमें बकस बस्विकल्प छबस्वि ममें स्विह बचित छद पला हह आ हह.

22 Nalini goes for movies only on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday and prefers taxi. Mitali prefers to go t

23 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

[1]Win [2]Man of the Match [3]Toss [4]Half Time [5]Trophy
24 " Facts: K > L ≥ M = N < O < P; Q ≤ N ≤ Z

Conclusion: I. Z > K II. Z = K"

25 What will be the time shown by the mirror image of a wall clock if the actual time is "3:25"
AM/PM?\दपर्शाण छस्विदी ममें बदखनफ स्विलालला स्विक्ति क्यला हहोगला यबद स्विलास्तस्वि ममें समय "3:25" AM/PM हहो रहला हह?

26 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

27 Mirror image

28 Babban starts driving from Pawanagar towards Chanakyapuri which is 150 kms away. He drives non
stop and at constant point. If he started at 8:45 AM and crossed a milestone 45 kms away from
Mohanagar at 10:05 AM. At what time will he reach Chanakyapuri?
29 Look at the given figure carefully andd then determine whch of the option imageswill come next in
the pattern.\बदए गए बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और तय करमें ककौन सदी बस्विकल्प छबस्वि पहटनर्शा ममें आगफ आएगदी?

30 If the given letters are arranged in proper sequence then we get the name of a well recognised
_____.\यबद नदीचिफ बदए गए अओंग्रफजदी भिलाषला कफ अक्षरनों कहो सहदी क्रम ममें सजलायला जलाए तहो एक _____ कला नलाम बिनतला हह .
[W, O, R, C]
Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans
1 450 0

2 480 1
3 510 0
4 540 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Mines\खदलान 0
2 Blacksmith\लहोहलार 0
3 Chemistry\रसलायन रलास 0
4 Coin\बसकला 1

1 1, 4, 2, 3 1

2 1, 4, 3, 2 0
3 4, 1, 2, 3 0
4 4, 3, 1, 2 0
1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 bcadb 0

2 badbc 1
3 cadbd 0
4 aabdc 0

1 1 0

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 1
1 36 0

2 38 0
3 42 0
4 43 0

1 2 0

2 4 0
3 6 0
4 7 0

1 A 0

2 B 0
3 C 0
4 D 1
1 Deepak 0

2 Chandan 1
3 Badal 0
4 Amar 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Frog 0
2 Sand 0
3 Boat 1
4 Banks 0
1 15145 1
2 2517145 0
3 213145 0
4 72514 0
1 cube 0
2 sphere 0
3 cylinder 1
4 cuboid 0
1 Dancers\नतर्शाक 0
2 Actors\कललाकलार 0
3 Painter\बचितकलार 0
4 Teachers\बरक्षक 1

1 2/5 0

2 1/3 1
3 1/4 0
4 2/5 0

1 Aman 0

2 Laxmi 1
3 Rajnath 0
4 Divya 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 A

2 B 1
3 C 0
4 D 0
1 Nalini 0
2 Hema 0
3 Mitali 1
4 can't be determined 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Only 1 0

2 Only 2 0
3 Neither 1 Nor 2 0
4 Both 1 and 2 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 a 0

2 b 0
3 c 1
4 d 0

1 city\रहर 0

2 country\दफर 0
3 river\नददी 0
4 bird\पक्षदी 1
gap between two consecutive terms increase by 30 then by 60 then
by 90 and so on

Ice is made of water and coins are made from metal

No doctor is illiterate and some doctor and some illiterate are
married but not all.
Gagan is to the right of Deepak and to the left of Badal i.e. Deepak,
Gagan, Badal. Amar is on the right of Chandan i.e. Chandan, Amar.
Eayan and Badal have two person between them i.e. Eayan, Deepak,
Gagan, Badal.
Amar and Deepak have one person between them i.e. Chandan,
Amar, Eayan,Deepak, Gagan, Badal. Since Deepak and Fahim have
two person between them, the arrangement from left to right in the
line becomes : Chandan, Amar, Eayan, Deepak, Gagan, Badal, Fahim.
So, Chandan is on extreme left.

Except teacher all other are artists

Let Mohan's age =x, Than Aman's age = 2x, Rajnath's age = x/2;
Divya's age = 4x; Laxmi's age= x/4;
So,the descending order of ages is: Divya > Aman > Mohan >
Rajnath > Laxmi.
So, Laxmi is youngest.
one stick each is removed from both horizontal and vertical sticks

Crow =bird
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID Eel A large cube is painted on 5 surfaces and then cut into 125 identical pieces. How many of these small

2 " Statements: P ≥ Q > R ≤ S; M < Q; R > U

Conclusion: 1. Q > U
2. M < P "

3 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

E [1]Discharge [2]Playing [3]Admit [4]Injured [5]Operation

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:\बनम्न बनदर्देर कहो बधयलान पदस्विर्शाक पढ़में और
बदयफ गयमें पश्न कला उत्तर दमें !
(i) Bhanu and Eana are good in football and carrom.

(ii) Arun and Bhanau are good in Carrom and Polo.

(iii) Arun, Deepak and Chandan are good in Polo and Kabaddi.

(iv) Chandan and Arun are good in Polo and Chess.

(v) Deepak and Eana are good in Kabaddi and Football.


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:\बनम्न बनदर्देर कहो बधयलान पदस्विर्शाक पढ़में और
बदयफ गयमें पश्न कला उत्तर दमें !
(i) Bhanu and Eana are good in football and carrom.

(ii) Arun and Bhanau are good in Carrom and Polo.

(iii) Arun, Deepak and Chandan are good in Polo and Kabaddi.

(iv) Chandan and Arun are good in Polo and Chess.

(v) Deepak and Eana are good in Kabaddi and Football.

Gurumukh has planted 5 tulsi plants in a straight row, separated by a gap of 5 meters. Everday he fills
one bucket at a time from the handpump which is 10 meters and waters one plant each at a time and
then returns to fill the bucket for the next plant. If the handpump is in the same straight line and 10
meters away from the nearest plant, then what minimum distance does Gurumukh covers in order to
water all the plants?

7 Sweater : Cold :: ______ : Rain\स्स्विफटर : ठओंड :: _____ : बिलाररर


If a large cube having the dimension 12 x 12 x 12 is painted on five surfaces and then broken into
smaller identical cubes of dimension 3 x 3 x 3. How many of these smaller cubes will not have colour
on them at all?\ यबद एक बिड़ला घन बजसकफ आयलाम 12 x 12 x 12 हह, ककी पलाओंचि सतहनों कहो रओंगनफ कफ बिलाद उसफ 3 x 3 x 3 आयलाम स्विलालफ समलान
छहोटफ घननों ममें तहोड़ बदयला जलातला हह. इन छहोटफ घननों ममें सफ बकतननों पर रओंग बबिलकद ल भिदी नहहीं लगफगला?

If a large cube having the dimension 12 x 12 x 12 is painted on five surfaces and then broken into
smaller identical cubes of dimension 3 x 3 x 3. How many of these smaller cubes will have colour on
exactly one surface?\ यबद एक बिड़ला घन बजसकफ आयलाम 12 x 12 x 12 हह, ककी पलाओंचि सतहनों कहो रओंगनफ कफ बिलाद उसफ 3 x 3 x 3 आयलाम स्विलालफ
समलान छहोटफ घननों ममें तहोड़ बदयला जलातला हह. इन छहोटफ घननों ममें सफ बकतननों ककी कफ स्विल एक सतह पर रओंग लगफगला?

10 Which of the following is an essential part of "A School"?


11 Which of the following pairs is least similar to others?

12 Kunal and his classmates are standing in a queue. If he is at 11 th position when counted from the fro

13 A, B, C, D and E are five students belonging to five different towns of Srinagar, Kochi, Patna, Amravati

Raju is asked to add the undergiven 8 natural number from left to right such that if at any stage the
current sum becomes even, then it must be immediately divided by 2. What is the final sum thus
obtained?(दहो \रलाजद कहो बनचिफ बदयफ गए 8 पलाककबतक सओंख्यलाओओं कहो बिलाएओं सफ दलाएओं जहोड़नफ कहो कहला गयला हह इस बिलात कहो ध्यलान ममें रखतफ हह ए ककी बकसदी भिदी चिर ण
ममें यबद जहोड़तफ जहोड़तफ यहोग एक सम सओंख्यला आयफ तहो उसफ तत्कलाल 2 सफ बस्विभिलाबजत कर लमें. इस तरह बमलनफ स्विलालफ यहोग क्यला हहोगला?
[7, 13, 18, 15, 8, 6, 12, 15]

M Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

16 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
M ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

17 Manjul has been invited at a new year party which would begin at exactly 11:59 PM on the
intervening night of 31st December and 1st January. If the party is 2000 minutes away from now, then
M what is the date today?

"Akram, Barjesh, Chandan and Deepak work in same company and belong to Habra, Raypur, Ajmer
and Kolkata not necessarily in that order. Their ages are 27, 29, 31 and 34 years not necessarily in that
order. Few additional information about them are as follows:
[1] Last month Chandan went to Raypur to attend Barjesh's sister's marriage.
[2] Akram is from Kolkata and he is neither the eldest nor the youngest.
[3] Eldest of all is from Habra and the youngest is not from Ajmer.
[4]The difference in Akram and Barjesh's age is 2 years and the difference between Chandan and
Akram's age is more than 3 years. Who is the youngest of them?
\ अकरम, बिरजफर , चिन्दन और ददीपक एक हदी कओंपनदी ममें कलाम करतफ हह तथला स्विफ हलाबिडला, रलायपदर, अजमफर और कहोलकलातला सफ हह मगर जरुरदी नहहीं ककी इसदी क्रम कफ
अनदसलार. उनककी उम्र 27, 29, 31 और 34 हह मगर जरुरदी नहहीं ककी इसदी क्रम कफ अनदसलार. उनकफ बिलारफ ममें अबतररक्ति जलानकलाररयलाकँ इस पकलार हह:
[1] बपछलफ महदीनफ बिरजफर ककी बिहन कफ बस्विस्विलाह ममें भिलाग लफनफ कफ बलए चिन्दन रलायपदर गए थफ।
[2] अकरम कहोलकलातला सफ हह और स्विह न तहो सबिसफ बिड़ला और न हदी सबिसफ छहोटला हह।
[3] उम्र ममें सबिसफ बिड़ला हलाबिडला सफ हह और सबिसफ कम उम्र स्विलालला व्यबक्ति अजमफर सफ नहहीं हह।
[4] अकरम और बिरजफर ककी उम्र ममें अओंतर 2 सलाल हह और चिन्दन और अकरम ककी उम्र कफ बिदीचि कला अओंतर 3 सलाल सफ अबधक हह।
इनममें सफ सबिसफ छहोटला ककौन हह?"


" ""Akram, Barjesh, Chandan and Deepak work in same company and belong to Habra, Raypur, Ajmer
and Kolkata not necessarily in that order. Their ages are 27, 29, 31 and 34 years not necessarily in that
order. Few additional information about them are as follows:
[1] Last month Chandan went to Raypur to attend Barjesh's sister's marriage.
[2] Akram is from Kolkata and he is neither the eldest nor the youngest.
[3] Eldest of all is from Habra and the youngest is not from Ajmer.
[4]The difference in Akram and Barjesh's age is 2 years and the difference between Chandan and
Akram's age is more than 3 years. Who is the youngest of them?
\ अकरम, बिरजफर , चिन्दन और ददीपक एक हदी कओंपनदी ममें कलाम करतफ हह तथला स्विफ हलाबिडला, रलायपदर, अजमफर और कहोलकलातला सफ हह मगर जरुरदी नहहीं ककी इसदी क्रम कफ
अनदसलार. उनककी उम्र 27, 29, 31 और 34 हह मगर जरुरदी नहहीं ककी इसदी क्रम कफ अनदसलार. उनकफ बिलारफ ममें अबतररक्ति जलानकलाररयलाकँ इस पकलार हह:
[1] बपछलफ महदीनफ बिरजफर ककी बिहन कफ बस्विस्विलाह ममें भिलाग लफनफ कफ बलए चिन्दन रलायपदर गए थफ।
[2] अकरम कहोलकलातला सफ हह और स्विह न तहो सबिसफ बिड़ला और न हदी सबिसफ छहोटला हह।
[3] उम्र ममें सबिसफ बिड़ला हलाबिडला सफ हह और सबिसफ कम उम्र स्विलालला व्यबक्ति अजमफर सफ नहहीं हह।
[4] अकरम और बिरजफर ककी उम्र ममें अओंतर 2 सलाल हह और चिन्दन और अकरम ककी उम्र कफ बिदीचि कला अओंतर 3 सलाल सफ अबधक हह।
इनममें सफ सबिसफ छहोटला ककौन हह?""


20 If Fx[ 8, 3]= 35; Fx[4, 6]= 34; Fx[ 6 , 9]= 69; then Fx[ 13, 3]= ?\यबद If Fx[ 8, 3]= 35; Fx[4, 6]= 34; Fx[ 6 ,
E 9]= 69; तहो Fx[ 13, 3]= ?


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
(i) Bandna and Elina are good in Dancing and Cooking.
(ii) Alka and Bandna are good in Cooking and Painting
(iii) Alka, Divya and Chanda are good in Painting and Singing.
(iv) Chanda and Alka are good in Painting and Gardening.
(v) Divya and Ealina are good in Singing and Dancing.
Who is good in Painting, Singing and Dancing ?
\ बनम्न बनदर्देर कहो ध्यलान पदस्विर्शाक पढमें और बदयफ गयफ पश्न कला उत्तर दमें|
(i) बिओंदनला और एलदीनला नकत्य और खलानला बिनलानफ ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह|
(ii) अलकला और बिओंदनला खलानला बिनलानफ और बचितकलारदी ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह|
(iii) अलकला, बदब्यला और चिन्दला बचितकलारदी और गलानफ ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
(iv) चिन्दला और अलकला बचितकलारदी और बिलागस्विलानदी ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
(v) बदब्यला और एलदीनला गलानला और नकत्य ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
बचितकलारदी,गलानला और नकत्य ममें ककौन बिढ़यलाओं हह ?


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
(i) Bandna and Elina are good in Dancing and Cooking.
(ii) Alka and Bandna are good in Cooking and Painting
(iii) Alka, Divya and Chanda are good in Painting and Singing.
(iv) Chanda and Alka are good in Painting and Gardening.
(v) Divya and Ealina are good in Singing and Dancing.
Who is good in Painting, Singing and Gardening, but not in Cooking ?
\ \ बनम्न बनदर्देर कहो ध्यलान पदस्विर्शाक पढमें और बदयफ गयफ पश्न कला उत्तर दमें|
(i) बिओंदनला और एलदीनला नकत्य और खलानला बिनलानफ ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह|
(ii) अलकला और बिओंदनला खलानला बिनलानफ और बचितकलारदी ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह|
(iii) अलकला, बदब्यला और चिन्दला बचितकलारदी और गलानफ ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
(iv) चिन्दला और अलकला बचितकलारदी और बिलागस्विलानदी ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
(v) बदब्यला और एलदीनला गलानला और नकत्य ममें बिढ़यलाओं हह |
बचितकलारदी, गलानला और बिलागस्विलानदी ममें बिढ़यलाओं, लफबकन खलानला बिनलानफ ममें नहदी हह?


24 Which of the given venn diagrams represent the correct mutual relationship between "Manmade,
Computers,Moon" ?\बदए गए स्विफन आरफखनों ममें सफ ककौन सला "मलानस्विबनबमर्शात, कओंप्यदटर,चिलाकँद" कफ बिदीचि कफ पलारस्पररक सम्बिन्ध कहो सहदी मलायनफ ममें दरलार्शातदी

25 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?

in a certain language, if 'a' means division, 'b' means addition, 'c' means multiplication and 'd' means
subtraction. Then fill in the blanks so that equation satisfies:\यबद बकसदी भिलाषला ममें 'a' कला मतलबि बस्विभिलाजन, 'b' कला मतलबि
जहोड़नला, 'c' कला मतलबि गदणन और 'd' कला मतलबि घटलानला हहोतला हह. तहो बनम्न ररक्ति स्थलाननों कहो भिरनफ कफ सहदी बस्विकल्प चिदनमें तलाबक समदीकरण सहदी हहो जलाए.

28 Choose the correct dictionary ordering of the given words formed from English alphabets.\अओंग्रजदी कफ अक्षरनों
सफ बिनफ इन रब्दनों कफ सहदी रब्दकहोर क्रम कहो चिदनमें.

29 What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
H "2, 3, 6, 15, 45, ___"

30 Mirror Image

Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans
1 36 1
2 40 0
3 48 0
4 52 0

1 Only 1 0

2 Only 2 0
3 Neither 1 Nor 2 0
4 Both 1 and 2 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Cloud\बिलादल 0
2 Monsoon\मलानसदन 0
3 Umbrella\छलातला 1
4 Mud\ककीचिड़ 0

1 24 0

2 12 1
3 21 0
4 27 0

1 48 0

2 81 0
3 28 1
4 27 0
1 Students 0
2 School Bus 0
3 Chalk 0
4 Playground 0
1 8 : 72 0
2 4 : 12 1
3 6 : 42 0
4 12 : 156 0
1 21 0
2 24 0
3 26 0
4 27 1
1 Law 0
2 Medicine 1
3 Accounts 0
4 Arts 0

1 45 0

2 35 1
3 40 0
4 34 0
1 Day\बदन 0
2 Season\मकौसम 1
3 Second\सफकफण्ड 0
4 Minute\बमनट 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 55 1

2 49 0
3 16 0
4 53 0

1 Ealina 0

2 Alka 0
3 Bandna 0
4 Divya 1

1 Divya 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 8 0

2 10 0
3 12 0
4 16 0

1 1 0

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 1

1 1/4 0

2 1/3 1
3 2/5 0
4 1/6 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 4, 2, 3, 1 0

2 2, 1, 3, 4 0
3 2, 4, 3, 1 0
4 2, 4, 1, 3 1

1 157.5 1

2 167.5 0
3 142.5 0
4 137.5 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
Sweater saves one from cold so does unmbrella against rain

Those cubes buried inside the larger cube are (N-2) x (N-2) x ( N -2) ;
Cubes from the unpainted surface (N-2) x(N-2);
Adding them we get (N-2) x(N-2) [(N -2) + 1];
Here N=12/3=4 so answer is

There are 5 completely coloured surfaces which will have (N-2) x(N-
2) such cubes plus and additional (N-2) cubes would be found on
the four edges touching the uncoloured surface. ;
Total= 5 x (n-2) x(n-2) + 4 (n-2);
Here N=4
[7, 13, 18, 15, 8, 6, 12, 15];
Red colour shows the time when divison is needed. Sum=35

Season is not a unit of time

Logic [a,b]=a*b+a+b
10 + 5 -5

All computers are manmade but no moon is.

multiply by 1.5 then by 2 then by 3 then by 4
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID Eel Look at the options carefully and select the correct set of words that can all be formed by using only

2 Look at the series carefully and answer the question that follows. "2 A H 2 5 7 E 9 W E 3

3 A large cube having dimensions 6cm* 6cm*6cm is painted red and yellow on two adjacent surfaces
and remaining surfaces are left unpainted. If the cube is broken into 216 identical smaller cuber then
how many of these small cubes will have red on them but not yellow?

4 Pointing towards a potraid Nandan says “The lady in the potrait is the daughter of my father’s father
E in law? How is Nandan related to the lady?

5 Surekha and her classmates are standing in a queue. If she is at 14 th position when counted from the
front end and her friend Ankita who is 7 positions behind her is at 19 th position when counted from
end. How many students are there in the line?

6 Look at the options carefully and select the correct set of words that can all be formed by using only
E and only letters from the word 'MORTIFICATION'.

7 Which of the following is an essential part of "River"?


8 What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
E " 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, ____"
9 It is 9:00 PM and Geetu keeps her watch on the table such that the minute hand of the watch points
E towars north east. Ater a while she again rotates her watch clockwise by 90 degrees. In which
direction will the hour hand point at 12 next noon?\9: 00 बिजफ हह और गदीतद मफज पर अपनदी घड़दी इस तरह रखतदी हह बक घड़दी कला
बमनट स्विलालला हलाथ उत्तर पदस्विर्शा ककी ओर हह.कद छ दफर बिलाद स्विह घड़दी कहो 90 बडग्रदी दबक्षणलास्वितर्शा(clcokwise) घदमला दफतदी हह. अगलदी दहोपहर 12 बिजफ घओंटफ ककी सदई बकस
बदरला ककी ओर हहोगदी?

10 Which of the following set of words can not be formed by using only the letters available in the word 'BEAUTIFUL' ?\ क

11 If a mirror is placed below each of these words, then the mirror image of which word would be identical to the word i

12 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

E [1]Interval[2]Enter[3]Ticket[4]Climax [5]End

13 Following are the criterion for selecting a new Project Manager for a multinational firm:
(i) Select the candidate if s/he has an MBA in IT Management. If s/he has an MBA in any other stream and is less than
(ii) If the candidate is not an MBA but has scored 90% or more in class 12th and Graduation , he will have to take a tes
(iii) If any candidate has 5 or more years of experience in Project management, he must be selected. If the experience
(iv) If a candidate has scored less than 60% in 12th he must never be selected.
(v) In remaining conditions, reject the candidate.
Heena is an engineering in electronics with 6 years of experience .She had never scored more than 85% mar
14 In a certain code language,
M एक
'023'बिहह रmeans
लाषषदीय कओंपनदी'brightकफ बलए एक and पहोजफक्ट महनफजर चिदननफ कफ बलए मलानदओंड बनम्नबलबखत हह:
(i)यबद उन्हनोंन फ आईटदी
'367' means 'see bright spot' पबिओं ध न ममें MBA बकयलाand हह तहो उम्मदीदस्विलार कला चियन करमें। यबद उनकफ पलास बकसदी भिदी अन्य धलारला ममें एमबिदीए हह और 26 सलाल सफ कम उम्र कफ हह, तहो उसकला मलामलला
(ii)यबद means
'618' उम्मदीदस्विलार 'spotएमबिदीए नहहीं areहह,faint'.
लफबकन 12 स्विहीं और स्नलातक ममें 90% यला अबधक अबजर्शात बकयला हह, तहो उसफ आगफ बस्विचिलारलाथर्शा बिनफ रहनफ कफ बलए एक परदीक्षला लफनदी हहोगदी।
(iii)यबद कहोofई the
Which उम्मदीदfollowing
स्विलार पररयहोजनलाdigits पबिओंधन 5stands
यला अबधकfor कला अनदभि\स्वि रखतला हह, तहो उसफ चियबनत कर बलयला जलाएगला. यबद अनदभिस्वि 3 सलाल सफ अबधक हह लफबकन 5 सलाल सफ कम हह,
बकसदी कहोडबकसदी ममें: दस्विलार नफ 12 स्विहीं ममें 60% सफ कम अओंक अबजर्शात बकए हह तहो उन्हमें कभिदी भिदी चियनदीत नहहीं करनला चिलाबहए|
भिलाषला उम्मदी
'023' मतलबि मलाम'bright
लनों ममें उम्मदीand tasty';
दस्विलार कहो खलाररज बकयला जलाएगला.
15 '367' कला मतलबि 'see
Manuj is standing at the 8thदीबनयररओं
हदी नला नफ इलफ क्टषbright
डॉबनक्स ममें spot'
इओं ज ग ककी हह। in
और उसनफthe अपनफqueue.
अकलादबमक If कररयर
he moves भिदी 85%
ममें कभिदी two सफ अबधक
places अओंक अबजर्शातhe
backward नहहींwould
बकयफ। इसbe
पर क्यला
लाई हहोनदी चिला
M '618' कला मतलबि 'spot are faint' हहोत ला हह .
मनदज कतलार ममें 8 स्विमें स्थलान पर खड़फ हह। यबद स्विह दहो स्थलान पदीछफ कहो बखसक जलायफ तहो स्विह पदीछफ ककी ओर सफ बगनफ जलानफ पर 17 स्विमें स्थलान पर हहोगला। कतलार ममें कद ल बकतनफ लहोग हह?
इनममें सफ ककौन सला अओंक 'see' कफ बलए पयदक्ति बकयला गयला हह?
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Six movies P, Q , R, S, T and U are to be released in a span of seven days - from Sunday to Saturday,
only one movie on each day in accordance with the following:
(i) P should not be released on Thursday.
(ii) R Should not be released immediately after U.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no movie (Friday is not that day) Just before that day S will be released.
(v) Q should be released on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.
How many movies are released between R and S.?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Six movies P, Q , R, S, T and U are to be released in a span of seven days - from Sunday to Saturday,
only one movie on each day in accordance with the following:
(i) P should not be released on Thursday.
(ii) R Should not be released immediately after U.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no movie (Friday is not that day) Just before that day S will be released.
(v) Q should be released on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.
Which day will the movie U be released ?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Six movies P, Q , R, S, T and U are to be released in a span of seven days - from Sunday to Saturday,
only one movie on each day in accordance with the following:
(i) P should not be released on Thursday.
(ii) R Should not be released immediately after U.
(iii) There should be a gap of two days between T and S.
(iv) One day there will be no movie (Friday is not that day) Just before that day S will be released.
(v) Q should be released on Tuesday and should not be followed by S.
Which of the following is the last movie in the series ?

M Book : Knowledge :: Movie : _____\पदस्तक : जलान :: बसनफमला : ______
20 Look at the given figure and then choose which of the option figures has the image hidden in it.\ बदए गए
बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और बफर बदए गए बस्विल्पनों ममें सफ उस छस्विदी कहो चिदनमें बजसमफ यह बचित छद पला हह आ हह.

21 A rich man and his wife have 4 sons all of whom are married. If all married man live with their wives
M and each son has 2 daughters and 1 son then what is the total number of males in the family?\एक अमदीर
आदमदी और उसककी बिदीस्विदी कफ 4 बिफटफ हह बजनममें सफ सभिदी रलाददीरददला हह. यबद हर बिफटफ ककी 2 बिफबटयलाकँ और 1 बिफटला हह तहो पररस्विलार ममें पदरुष सदस्यनों ककी कद ल सओंख्यला बकतनदी

22 Statements: Ujjwal > Yamani ≥ Winayak ≤ Kanak; Winayak = Parul ≥ Jetendra

M Conclusion: 1. Ujjwal > Kanak 2. Jetendra ≤ Kanak

23 Which of the given venn diagrams represent the correct mutual relationship between "Male, Wife,
Uncle" ?\बदए गए स्विफन आरफखनों ममें सफ ककौन सला "पदरुष, पत्नदी, चिलाचिला" कफ बिदीचि कफ पलारस्पररक सम्बिन्ध कहो सहदी मलायनफ ममें दरलार्शातदी हह?

24 Selct the image that best replaces the "?" mark.\"?" ककी जगह आनफ स्विलालदी छस्विदी कला बदए गए बस्विकल्पनों ममें सफ सहदी चिदनलास्वि करमें ?


26 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
E ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

27 Choose the correct dictionary ordering of the given words formed from English alphabets.\अओंग्रजदी कफ अक्षरनों
सफ बिनफ इन रब्दनों कफ सहदी रब्दकहोर क्रम कहो चिदनमें.

M Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

29 H


Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans
1 0 0
2 1 0
3 3 1
4 4 0
1 0

2 24 0
3 30 1
4 48 0
1 0
2 0
3 Either son or nephew 0
4 cannot be determined 1

1 37 0
2 39 1
3 42 0
4 none of these 0
1 0



1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 51 0
2 56 1
3 63 0
4 68 0
1 north west\उत्तर पबश्चिम 0
2 north east\उत्तर पदस्विर्शा 1
3 south east\दबक्षण पदस्विर्शा 0
4 souty west\दबक्षण पबश्चिम 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Select her.\उसफ चिदन लमें. 0
2 Ask her to take the test.\उसफ परदीक्षला लफ0नफ कहो कहमें.

3 Refer her case to the CTO.\ उसकला कफ0स CTO कफ पलास भिफजमें.

4 reject her\उसफ अस्स्विदीकलार कर दमें 1

1 3\3 0
2 6\6 0
3 7\7 1
4 8\8 0
1 23\23 0
2 26\26 1
3 27\27 0
4 28\28 0
1 None of these 0

2 Three 1
3 Two 0
4 One 0

1 Saturday 0

2 Sunday 0
3 Friday 0
4 Thursday 1

1 None of these 0

2 P 1
3 Q 0
4 R 0
1 Actors\कललाकलार 0
2 Theatre\बथएटर 0
3 Story\कहलानदी 0
4 Entertainment\मनहोरओंजन 0
1 A 0

2 B 0
3 C 1
4 D 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 Only 1 0

2 Only 2 0
3 Neither 1 Nor 2 0
4 Both 1 and 2 0

1 1 0

2 2 0
3 3 1
4 4 0

1 a 1

2 b 0
3 c 0
4 d 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 4, 2, 3, 1 0

2 3, 1, 2, 4 1
3 3, 2, 4, 1 0
4 1, 3, 2, 4 0
1 Tortoise\कछद आ 0
2 Dolphin\डडॉबल्फन 1
3 Duck\बित्तख 0
4 Frog\मफढक 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

difference between two consecutive terms is 1,4,9,16,25

difference between two consecutive terms is 1,4,9,16,25
All uncles are male but no wife is
Dolphin cannot survive out of water
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID el Which of the given venn diagrams represent the correct mutual relationship between "Rich People,
Males, Literate" ?\बदए गए स्विफन आरफखनों ममें सफ ककौन सला "अमदीर लहोग, पदरुष,बरबक्षत" कफ बिदीचि कफ पलारस्पररक सम्बिन्ध कहो सहदी मलायनफ ममें दरलार्शातदी हह?

E Shahid , Rashid , Danish and Tabish are four friends that have salary of 32k

E Shahid , Rashid , Danish and Tabish are four friends that have salary of 32k

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six person M, N, O, P ,Q and R. O is the sister of R. N is the brother of Q's husband. P is the father of
M and grandfather of R. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family.
Who is Q's husband ?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six person M, N, O, P ,Q and R. O is the sister of R. N is the brother of Q's husband. P is the father of
M and grandfather of R. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family.
How is U related to Q ?

6 Read the following information and answer the question given below:
L is the son of M. N, M's sister, has a son O and a daughter P. Q is the maternal uncle of O.
E How many nephews does Q have ?
Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
The Sum of the expenditure of Kishan and Rajan is more than that of Mohan and Gopal taken
together. The sum of the expenditure of Kishan and Mohan is the same as that of Rajan and Gopal
taken together. Moreover, Kishan expend half as much as the sum of the expenditure of Rajan and

Whose expenditure is the highest ?


Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
The Sum of the expenditure of Kishan and Rajan is more than that of Mohan and Gopal taken
together. The sum of the expenditure of Kishan and Mohan is the same as that of Rajan and Gopal
taken together. Moreover, Kishan expend half as much as the sum of the expenditure of Rajan and

Which of the following statements is not correct ?


All the six members of a family Binita, Ankit, Raman, Komal, Rajan and Mahesh are sitting in the
house . Ankit is the son of Raman but Raman is not mother of Ankit. Binita and Raman are a married
couple. Rajan is the brother of Raman. Komal is the daughter of Binita. Mahesh is the brother of

How many male members are there in the family ?


10 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

E [1]Rescue [2]Flood[3]Dry [4]Cloud [5]Rain

11 Farmer : Tractor :: Doctor : _____\बकसलान : टष हकटर :: डडॉक्टर: _____


13 Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.


14 Mohan and Raju are cousins. Raju was born exactly 75 days after Mohan's birth. If Mohan celebrates
M his birthday on 12th August then on which date was Raju born?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) There is a group of five persons - P, Q, R, S and T.
(ii) One of them is a horticulturist , one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and
one is an advocate.
(iii) Three of them - P, R and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them - Q and the journalist
prefer coffee to tea.
(iv) The industrialist and S and P are friends to one another but two of them prefer coffee to tea.
(v) The horticulturist is C's brother.
Who is the horticuturist ?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) There is a group of five persons - P, Q, R, S and T.
(ii) One of them is a horticulturist , one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and
one is an advocate.
(iii) Three of them - P, R and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them - Q and the journalist
prefer coffee to tea.
(iv) The industrialist and S and P are friends to one another but two of them prefer coffee to tea.
(v) The horticulturist is C's brother.
Who is the industrialist ?
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) There is a group of five persons - P, Q, R, S and T.
(ii) One of them is a horticulturist , one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and
one is an advocate.
(iii) Three of them - P, R and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them - Q and the journalist
prefer coffee to tea.
(iv) The industrialist and S and P are friends to one another but two of them prefer coffee to tea.
(v) The horticulturist is C's brother.
Which of the following groups includes a person who likes tea but is not an advocate ?

18 Bidya starts walking and turns left after walking 20 meters. She now walks 20 meters and turns right
and then walks 20 meters further before turning left. If she now faces South west then which
direction was she facing at the start?\बबिदला चिलनला रदरू करतदी हह और 20 मदीटर बिलाद स्विह बिलाएओं मदड जलातदी हह. स्विह अबि 20 मदीटर और चिलनफ
कफ बिलाद दलायमें मदड जलातदी हह तथला 20 मदीटर और चिलनफ कफ पश्चिलात बिलाएओं मदड जलातदी हह.अगर अबि स्विह दबक्षण पबश्चिम ककी ओर मदखलाबतबि हह तहो रदरुस्विलात ममें स्विह बकस
बदरला ककी ओर उन्मदख थदी?

19 A large cube having dimensions 6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm is coloured yellow on three adjoining surfaces and
green on the remaining three. If it is then cut into smaller cubes of size 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm, then how
many of these smaller cubes will have only green colour on them?\6 सफमदी x 6 सफमदी x 6 समेंटदीमदीटर आयलाम स्विलालला एक
बिड़ला घन तदीन सटफ सतहनों पर पदीलफ हह और बिलाककी तदीननों सतहनों पर हरफ रओंग सफ रओंगला जलातला हह। यबद अबि इस घन कहो 1 सफमदी x 1 सफमदी x 1 समेंटदीमदीटर आकलार कफ
छहोटफ घननों ममें कलाटला जलातला हह, तहो इन छहोटफ घननों ममें सफ बकतनहो पर कफ स्विल हरला रओंग लगला हहोगला?

20 Which of these set of alphabets display the property of vertical symmetry?\इनममें सफ ककौन सदी अक्षरफ ऊध्स्विलार्शाधर
E समरूपतला(vertical symmetry) ककी सओंपबत्त पदबरर्शात करतफ हह?
21 40 students are made to stand in a queue according to their roll number with roll number 1 at first
position and roll number 40 at last position. If every student whose roll number is a prime number is
asked to step out of the line , then finally, student with which of these roll numbers wil be found
standing at the 23rd position?\
40 छलातनों कहो उनकफ रहोल नओंबिर कफ अनदसलार कतलार ममें खड़ला बकयला जलातला हह, बजससफ रहोल नओंबिर 1 स्विलालला छलात पथम स्थलान तथला रहोल नओंबिर 40 अओंबतम स्थलान पर
खड़ला बकयला जलातला हह। यबद पत्यफक छलात बजसकला रहोल नओंबिर एक अभिलाज्य सओंख्यला हह , कहो ललाइन सफ बिलाहर बनकलनफ कफ बलए कहला जलातला हह, तहो आबखर ममें, बकस रहोल
नओंबिर स्विलालफ छलात कहो 23 स्विमें स्थलान पर खड़ला पलायला जलातला हह?

22 Find the next word in the series: ATTRIBUTION, TTRIBUTIO, RIBUTIO, IBUTI, _____________? \ इस
M शओंखलला कला अगलला रब्द ढद ओंढमें. " ATTRIBUTION, TTRIBUTIO, RIBUTIO, IBUTI, _____________".

23 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?


Switch A turns lights 1 and 2 on/off or off/on
Switch B turns lights 3 and 4 on/off or off/on
Switch C turns lights 1 and 3 and 4 on/off or off/on

26 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
E ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?
27 What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
M "2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ____"


29 Which of the following is an essential part of "FOREST"?


30 Look at the given figure carefully andd then determine whch of the option images has the given
image hidden in it.\बदए गए बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और तय करमें बकस बस्विकल्प छबस्वि ममें स्विह बचित छद पला हह आ हह.

Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans

1 A 1

2 B
3 C 0
4 D 0

1 Rashid 0
2 Tabish 0
3 Shahid 1
4 cannot be deteermined 0
1 Rashid 0
2 Tabish 0
3 Shahid 1
4 cannot be deteermined 0

1 R 0

2 O 0
3 M 1
4 N 0

1 Husband 0

2 Son 1
3 Daughter 0
4 Uncle 0

1 Three 0

2 Two 1
3 One 0
4 Nil 0

1 Gopal 0

2 Mohan 0
3 Rajan 1
4 Kishan 0

1 Kishan expend more than Rajan 1

2 Rajan expend more than Gopal 0

Mohan expend more than
3 0
Rajan expend more than
4 0

1 4 1

2 3 0
3 2 0
4 1 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Patient\मरदीज 0
2 Hospital\अस्पतलाल 0
3 Disease\बबिमलारदी 0
4 Thermometer\थमलार्शामदीटर 1
1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Triangle\बतभिदज 0
2 Rectangle\आयत 0
3 Circle\स्विकत्त 0
4 Cube\घन 1

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 S 0

2 R 0
3 Q 0
4 P 1

1 P 0
2 Q 0
3 R 1
4 S 0

1 None of these 1

2 QST 0
3 ST 0
4 PRT 0
North West\उत्तर पबश्चिम

1 1

2 North\उत्तर 0
3 South West\दबक्षण पबश्चिम 0
4 South \दबक्षण 0

1 0

2 56\56 0
3 61\61 1
4 67\67 0
E, P, X\E, P, X
1 0

2 I, M, O\ I, M, O 1
3 N, H, L\N, H, L 0
4 W, T, G\W, T, G 0

1 1

2 36 0
3 38 0
4 39 0
1 0

2 UT\UT 0

1 1/3 1

2 1/4 0
3 2/5 0
4 3/8 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 13 1

2 15 0
3 18 0
4 21 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 River 0
2 Insects 0
3 Trees 1
4 Snakes 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
We have : (Kishan+Rajan) > (Mohan+ Gopal)
(Kishan+Mohan) = (Rajan+Gopal)
Kishan= 1/2(Rajan+Gopal)
Putting Kishan= 1/2 (Kishan+Rajan) in (ii), we get Mohan =
1/2(Rajan+Gopal), So Kishan=Mohan
Since (Kishan+Rajan) > (Mohan+Gopal) and Kishan=Mohan, Rajan >
Thus, From (iii) we get Rajan > Kishan and so Rajan > Mohan.
Clearly, Rajan has the highest expenditure

We have : (Kishan+Rajan) > (Mohan+ Gopal) --(i)

(Kishan+Mohan) = (Rajan+Gopal) --(ii)
Kishan= 1/2(Rajan+Gopal) --(iii)
Putting Kishan= 1/2 (Kishan+Rajan) in (ii), we get Mohan =
1/2(Rajan+Gopal), So Kishan=Mohan
Since (Kishan+Rajan) > (Mohan+Gopal) and Kishan=Mohan, Rajan >
Thus, From (iii) we get Rajan > Kishan and so Rajan > Mohan.
Clearly , Rajan expend more than Kishan

Farmer use tractor, out of the given four options doctor uses
Cube is not a 2-D figure
Series of prime numbers
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID Eel Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

2 What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
E "

4 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
E ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

5 Six friends L, M, N, O, P, T are standing in a row facing south. L is the third to the right of E. N is fourth
from one end of the row. M who is in between L and O, is third to the right of T.
Which pair of the following is at the extreme ends of the row ?

6 Six friends L, M, N, O, P, T are standing in a row facing south. L is the third to the right of E. N is fourth
from one end of the row. M who is in between L and O, is third to the right of T.
Which pair of the following is at the extreme ends of the row ?
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six person M, N, O, P ,Q and R. O is the sister of R. N is the brother of Q's husband. P is the father of
M and grandfather of R. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group.
How many male members are there in the group ?

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six person M, N, O, P ,Q and R. O is the sister of R. N is the brother of Q's husband. P is the father of
M and grandfather of R. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group.
Which of the following is a group of brothers ?

9 Mohan walks 4 km toward south and then turns to the right. After walking 4 km he turns to the left
E and walks 4 km. Now in which direction is he from the starting place?

10 In a column of students, a students is 8th from left end and 16th from right end. How many students
E are there in the column ?

A large cuboid having dimension 4 x 5 x 6 is coloured yellow on two of the smallest surfaces and
green on rest of the surfaces. If the cuboid is now broken into smaller identical cube having
dimension 1 x 1 x 1 then how many of these smaller cubes will have both green and yellow colour on
them?\4 x 5 x 6 आयलाम स्विलालफ एक बिड़फ घनलाभि ककी दहो सबिसफ छहोटदी सतहनों कहो पदीलफ रओंग सफ रओंगला जलातला हह और बिलाओंककी सतहनों कहो हरफ रओंग सफ . यबद अबि इस
घनलाभि कहो 1 x 1 x 1 आयलाम कफ छहोटफ घननों ममें तहोड़ला जलातला हह तहो इनममें सफ बकतननों पर पदीलला और हरला दहोननों रओंग लगफगला?


Read the following information to answer the given question:
(i) P, Q, R , S , T , U and V are eating potato chips sitting around a circular table.
(ii) S is not neighbour of R or T.
(iii) P is neighbour of Q or R.
(iv) V, who is second to the left of S, is the neighbour of T and U.
What is the position of R ?

Read the following information to answer the given question:
(i) P, Q, R , S , T , U and V are eating potato chips sitting around a circular table.
(ii) S is not neighbour of R or T.
(iii) P is neighbour of Q or R.
(iv) V, who is second to the left of S, is the neighbour of T and U.
Which of the following is wrong ?

15 Fn(3, 5)=7; Fn( 8, 6)= 34; Fn(2,6)= 4 ; Fn(6, 9)= ?


16 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?

17 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

M 1. Mother 2. Child 3. Milk 4. Cry 5. Smile
18 What will be the time shown by the mirror image of a wall clock if the actual time is "4:45"
M AM/PM?\दपर्शाण छस्विदी ममें बदखनफ स्विलालला स्विक्ति क्यला हहोगला यबद स्विलास्तस्वि ममें समय "4:45" AM/PM हहो रहला हह?

19 Pranjal is going for a new year party which would begin at exactly 11:59 PM on the intervening night
of 31st December and 1st January. If the party is 2500 minutes away from now, then what is the date
M today?

20 Two dots, one white and another black are kept in their initial position as shown in the given diagram.
Each second the white dot moves by 1 corner in clockwise direction and the black dot moves by 4
corner in anti clockwise direction. After how many seconds will both the dots meet at the same
corner?\दहो बबिन्ददओओं , एक सफफ द और ददसरला कलालला, कहो दरलार्शाए गए बचितलानदसलार उनकफ पलारओंबभिक स्थलान पर रखला जलातला हह. पबत सफकफण्ड सफफ द बबिओंदद घड़दी ककी
बदरला ममें 1 कहोनफ आगफ बखसक जलातला हह और कलालला बबिओंद द पबत सफकफण्ड 4 कहोनफ घड़दी ककी उलटदी बदरला ममें बखसक जलातला हह. बकतनफ सफकफण्ड कफ बिलाद दहोननों बबिओंदद एक
सलाथ एक हदी कहोनफ ममें हनोंगफ?

21 Look at the undergiven alphanumeric carefully and count the number of odd numbers that are either
1 or 2 places behind a vowel of English alphabet.

" 1 P B 4 E K N P B 4 7 9 N E F C 6 3 D"

22 A is the father of B, but B is not his son. C is the daughter of B. D is the wife of A. E is the brother of B.
G is the son of E. F is the wife of E, H is the father of F.

Who is the grandfather of G?

23 A is the father of B, but B is not his son. C is the daughter of B. D is the wife of A. E is the brother of B.
M G is the son of E. F is the wife of E, H is the father of F.

24 In a morning Saket and Bhanu were talking to each other face to face at a Park. If Bhanu's shadow
M was exactly to the left of Saket , which direction was Saket facing?


26 Find the missing term of the given letter series.

" BD, CF, DH, _?_ , FL, GN "


in a certain language, if 'a' means division, 'b' means addition, 'c' means multiplication and 'd' means
subtraction. Then fill in the blanks so that equation satisfies:\यबद बकसदी भिलाषला ममें 'a' कला मतलबि बस्विभिलाजन, 'b' कला मतलबि
जहोड़नला, 'c' कला मतलबि गदणन और 'd' कला मतलबि घटलानला हहोतला हह. तहो बनम्न ररक्ति स्थलाननों कहो भिरनफ कफ सहदी बस्विकल्प चिदनमें तलाबक समदीकरण सहदी हहो जलाए.
29 What is the angle formed by the minute and hour hand of a wall clock at the following time?\बदए गए
समय पर बकसदी ददीस्विलार घड़दी कफ बमनट और घओंटफ ककी सदइयनों कफ बिदीचि कला कहोण बकतनला हहोतला हह?
H [3:35 PM]


Option Option Stimulus Correct
No. Ans
1 Meteor\उल्कला 0
2 Eclipse\ग्रहण 1
3 Star\तलारला 0
4 Galaxy\आकलारगओंगला 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
M and P
1 0

2 O and P 1
3 M and T 0
4 O and L 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 1

2 Three 0
3 Two 0
4 None of these 0

1 0

2 NRO 0
3 MNR 1
4 MNP 0
1 0

2 North 0
3 South-West 1
4 North-East 0
1 0

2 23 1
3 21 0
4 24 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
Third to the right of U

1 0

2 Second to the left of Q 0

3 To the immediate left of V 0
4 None of these 1
U is between V and S

1 0

2 Q is to the immediate left of S 1

3 P is to the immediate right of Q 0
4 T is between V and R 0
1 34 0
2 36 0
3 39 1
4 35 0

1 1

2 2/5 0
3 2/7 0
4 1/6 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0 1

2 1 0
3 2 0
4 3 0

1 0

2 H 0
3 E 0
4 A 1

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 North
2 East 0
3 West 0
4 South 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
1 DJ 0
2 EJ 1
3 FJ 0
4 KL 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

Eclipse does not have a physical exixtense

from the que following dig is made . Acc to this it is clear that O and
P are at the extreme ends. HENCE OPTION B IS CORRECT.
Total number of Students
= 8+16-1
= 23
Logic being followed =(A . B)-(A+B); So answer here= 39
" 1 P B 4 E K N P B 4 7 9 N E F C 6 3 D"

from the fig it clearly show the three generations of the family in
order . Acc to this the Grandfather of G is A .
from the fig it clearly show the three generations of the family in
order . Acc to this the Grandfather of G is A .

B=2, C=3, D=4, ……. E= 5

D= 2 x 2, F= 3 x 2, ……… L= 5 x 2= 10
BD, CF…... EL,
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID el Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Doctor 2.Fever 3.Checkup 4.Medicine\
\बनम्न रब्दनों कहो एक अथर्शापदणर्शा क्रम ममें सजलायमें.
[1]डडॉक्टर [2]बिदखलार [3]जलाचिओं [4]दस्विलाई

2 What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
E "1, 010, 10101, 0101010, _________"

3 Six friends Arjun, Aryan, Suraj, Shyam, Deepak, Rahul are in two rows, each row has two friends facing
each other and standing in such a way that-
1. Rahul is second to the right of Suraj.
2. Arjun is at the end of a row.
3.Deepak is the neighbour of Aryan.
4.Suraj is exactly infront of Aryan.
Which of the following pair is not facing each other.

Six friends Arjun, Aryan, Suraj, Shyam, Deepak, Rahul are in two rows, each row has two friends
facing each other and standing in such a way that-
1. Rahul is second to the right of Suraj.
2. Arjun is at the end of a row.
3.Deepak is the neighbour of Aryan.
4.Suraj is exactly infront of Aryan.
5 Look at the given figure and then choose which of the option figures has the image hidden in it.\ बदए गए
बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और बफर बदए गए बस्विल्पनों ममें सफ उस छस्विदी कहो चिदनमें बजसमफ यह बचित छद पला हह आ हह.

6 Read the following information to answer the given question:

In a Park Divya, Kanchan, Nikhil, Amar and Priti are standing facing to the North such as given
(i) Kanchan is at 40 m to the right of Amar.
(ii) Divya is are 60 m in the south of Kanchan.
(iii) Nikhil is at a distance of 25 m in the west of Amar.
(iv) Priti is at a distance of 90 m in the North of Divya.
Which one is in the North-East of the person who is to the left of Kanchan?
\बदए गए पश्न कला उत्तर दफनफ कफ बलए बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी पढ़में:
एक पलाकर्शा ममें बदव्यला, कओंचिन, बनबखल, अमर और बपबत उत्तर ककी बदरला खड़फ हहो रहफ हह जहसफ बक नदीचिफ बदयला गयला हह :
(i) कलाओंचिन अमर ककी दलाबहनदी ओर 40 मदीटर पर हह|
(ii) बदव्यला कओंचिन कफ दबक्षण ममें 60 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।
(iii) बनबखल अमर ककी पबश्चिम ममें 25 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।
(iv) बदव्यला ककी उत्तर ममें बपबत 9 0 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।

कओंचिन ककी बिलाईओं ओर कफ व्यबक्ति कफ उत्तर-पदस्विर्शा ममें ककौन सला हह?

7 Read the following information to answer the given question:
In a Park Divya, Kanchan, Nikhil, Amar and Priti are standing facing to the North such as given
(i) Kanchan is at 30 m to the right of Amar.
(ii) Divya is are 50 m in the south of Kanchan.
(iii) Nikhil is at a distance of 20 m in the west of Amar.
(iv) Priti is at a distance of 70 m in the North of Divya.

If a girl starting from Nikhil, met to Amar and then to Kanchan and after this she to Divya and then to
Priti and whole the time he walked in a straight line, then how much total distance did she cover?

\बदए गए पश्न कला उत्तर दफनफ कफ बलए बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी पढ़में:

एक पलाकर्शा ममें बदव्यला, कओंचिन, बनबखल, अमर और बपबत उत्तर ककी बदरला खड़फ हहो रहफ हह जहसफ बक नदीचिफ बदयला गयला हह :
(i) कलाओंचिन अमर ककी दलाबहनदी ओर 40 मदीटर पर हह|
(ii) बदव्यला कओंचिन कफ दबक्षण ममें 60 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।
(iii) बनबखल अमर ककी पबश्चिम ममें 25 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।
(iv) बदव्यला ककी उत्तर ममें बपबत 9 0 मदीटर ककी ददरदी पर हह।

यबद एक लड़ककी बनबखल सफ बमलनला रदरू ककी , अमर सफ मदललाकलात ककी और बफर कओंचिन कफ बलए और उसकफ बिलाद स्विह बदव्यला और बफर बपबत कफ बलए और पदरफ समय
स्विह एक सदीधदी रफखला ममें चिलफ गए, तहो उसनफ बकतनफ ददरदी कहो तय बकयला?

8 A large cuboid having dimensions 8 x 10 x 4 is broken into identical cubes having dimension 1 x 1 x 1
then how many of these smaller cube will not have colour on them.
\ 8 x 10 x 4 स्विलालफ एक बिड़फ घनलाभि कहो हरफ रओंग सफ रओंगनफ कफ बिलाद 1 x 1 x 1 आयलाम स्विलालफ छहोटफ घननों ममें तहोड़ बदयला जलातला हह. इनममें सफ बकतनफ छहोटफ घननों पर रओंग
बबिलकद ल नहहीं लगफगला?

Rajan is asked to add the undergiven 8 natural number from left to right such that if at any stage the
current sum becomes even, then it must be immediately divided by 2. How many times did the
process of divison take place?
[3, 6, 12, 9, 7, 9, 10, 1]

\रलाजन कहो बनचिफ बदयफ गए 8 पलाककबतक सओंख्यलाओओं कहो बिलाएओं सफ दलाएओं जहोड़नफ कहो कहला गयला हह इस बिलात कहो ध्यलान ममें रखतफ हह ए ककी बकसदी भिदी चिर ण ममें यबद जहोड़तफ
जहोड़तफ यहोग एक सम सओंख्यला आयफ तहो उसफ तत्कलाल 2 सफ बस्विभिलाबजत कर लमें. इस तरह बमलनफ स्विलालफ यहोग क्यला हहोगला?
[3, 6, 12, 9, 7, 9, 10, 1]
If the given letters are arranged in proper sequence then we get the name of a well recognised
_____.\यबद नदीचिफ बदए गए अओंग्रफजदी भिलाषला कफ अक्षरनों कहो सहदी क्रम ममें सजलायला जलाए तहो एक _____ कला नलाम बिनतला हह .
[O, J, D, U]

Deepika walks 4 km toward south and then turns to the right. After walking 4 km she turns to the
left and walks 4 km. Now in which direction is she from the starting place?\ददीबपकला 4 बकलहोमदीटर दबक्षण ककी तरफ
चिलनफ कफ बिलाद दलायमें मदड़ जलातदी हह. 4 बकलहोमदीटर चिलनफ कफ बिलाद स्विह बिलाएओं मदड़ जलातदी हह और बफर 4 बकलहोमदीटर चिलतदी हह. तहो पलारबम्भिक बदरला कफ मदकलाबिलफ स्विह अबि
बकस बदरला ममें हह.

We have to decide whether the data provider in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
Read the statements and give answer.

What is the average salary of three employee Komal , Radha and Laxmi of an organization ?
I. Komal and Radha together earn Rs 60 more than Laxmi and Laxmi earn Rs 100.

II. Radha's salary is half of the combined salary of Komal and Laxmi.

13 Find the next term in the series.\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद जलात करमें.
E " MZN, NZO, OZP, PZQ, QZR, …..?"

14 In a game occure regular intervals of 20 minutes. The last game start 5 minutes ago. The next game
M is start at 9: 20 AM. What is the time now ?
15 Five brothers A, B, C, D, and E have different ages. A is younger than E, C is elder to D, B is younger
than A and D is elder than E.Who is the eldest?\पलाओंचि भिलाइयनों A, B, C, D, और E ककी उम्र अलग अलग हह. A छहोटला हह E सफ, C
M बिड़ला हह D सफ, B छहोटला हह A सफ एस्विओं D बिड़ला हह E सफ.सबिसफ बिड़ला ककौन हह?

16 Five brothers A, B, C, D, and E have different ages. A is younger than E, C is elder to D, B is younger
than A and D is elder than E.Who is the youngest?\पलाओंचि भिलाइयनों A, B, C, D, और E ककी उम्र अलग अलग हह. A छहोटला हह E सफ,
M C बिड़ला हह D सफ, B छहोटला हह A सफ एस्विओं D बिड़ला हह E सफ.सबिसफ छहोटला ककौन हह?

17 Sahana and Kashish are cousin sisters. Sahana was born exactly 50 days after Kashish's birth. If
M Kashish celebrates her birthday on 7th June then on which date was Sahana born?

18 Four friends L, M, N, O are students of class 10th. L and M are good in Hindi but poor in English. L and
N are good in Science but poor in Math. N and O are good in English but poor in Social studies. O and
M are good in Math as well as in Science.
Who amongst the following friends is not good in Math but good in Hindi.

19 Four friends L, M, N, O are students of class 10th. L and M are good in Hindi but poor in English. L and
N are good in Science but poor in Math. N and O are good in English but poor in Social studies. O and
M M are good in Math as well as in Science.


M Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.


23 Abhinav watched 4 Genre of movies- Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, and comedy. These movies were
telecasted on four channels- Star Movies, Movies Now, AXN, and Star World but not necessarily in
same order. These were telecasted on four different days- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Following information is known:
1) Movie by Star Movies was shown on Sunday.
2) Action movie was shown on Thursday.
3) Sci-Fi movie was shown by AXN and not telecasted on Saturday.
4) Comedy movie was shown by Star World.
Q- Which movie Abhinav watched on Friday?

Abhinav watched 4 Genre of movies- Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, and comedy. These movies were
telecasted on four channels- Star Movies, Movies Now, AXN, and Star World but not necessarily in
same order. These were telecasted on four different days- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Following information is known:
1) Movie by Star Movies was shown on Sunday.
2) Action movie was shown on Thursday.
3) Sci-Fi movie was shown by AXN and not telecasted on Saturday.
4) Comedy movie was shown by Star World.

25 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
E ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

27 Parnit speaks lie only on three days; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and speak truth on rest of the
days. Devender asked him, What day is today? Parnit replied Saturday.
Devender again asked what day is going to be tomorrow, Parnit replied Wednesday.
What day is today?

What is the angle formed by the minute and hour hand of a wall clock at the following time?\बदए गए
समय पर बकसदी ददीस्विलार घड़दी कफ बमनट और घओंटफ ककी सदइयनों कफ बिदीचि कला कहोण बकतनला हहोतला हह?
[5:45 PM]

Birju has planted 4 rose plants in a straight row, separated by a gap of 4 meters. Everday he fills one
bucket at a time from the handpump and waters one plant each at a time and then returns to fill the
bucket for the next plant. If the handpump is in the same straight line and 8 meters away from the
nearest plant, then what minimum distance does Birju covers in order to water all the plants?
30 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?

Option Option Stimulus Correct
No. Ans
1, 2, 4, 3

1 0

2 2, 1, 3, 4 0
3 2, 3, 1, 4 1
4 1, 2, 3, 4 0
1 1

2 10101010 0
3 110011010 0
4 1100110 0
Arjun and Deepak

1 1

2 Suraj and Aryan 0

3 Deepak and Shaym 0
4 Rahul and Arjun 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 B 1
3 C 0
4 D 0
1 Priti \ बपबत

2 Nikhil \ बनबखल 0
3 Amar \ अमर 0
4 Divya \बदव्यला 0
1 175

2 205 0
3 170 1
4 155 0

1 0

2 116 0
3 96 1
4 124 0

1 0

2 8 0
3 11 1
4 12 0

1 0

2 animal\जलानस्विलार 0
3 sport\खफल 0
4 colour\रओंग 0
West\ पबश्चिम

1 0

2 North \उत्तर 0
3 South-West \दबक्षण-पबश्चिम 1
4 North-East \उत्तर-पदस्विर्शा 0
if statement I alone is sufficient
but statement II alone is not

1 1

if statement II alone is
2 sufficient but statement I alone 0
is not sufficient.
If both statement I and II
together are sufficient but
3 neither of statements alone 0

if each statement alone is

4 sufficient. 0
1 0

2 RZS 1
3 SZT 0
4 RZP 0
1 0

2 9:05 AM 1
3 09:02 AM 0
4 09:00AM 0
1 0

2 E 0
3 B 0
4 None of these\उपरहोक्ति ममें सफ कहोई नहहीं 1
1 0

2 A 0
3 B 1
None of these\उपरहोक्ति ममें सफ कहोई नहहीं
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 1

2 M 0
3 N 0
4 O 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Chocolate\चिडॉकलफट 1
2 Cheese\पनदीर 0
3 Curd\दहदी 0
4 Butter\मक्खन 0

1 0

2 56 0
3 65 1
4 73 0

1 0

2 Romance 0
3 Sci-Fi 1
4 Comedy 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 1

2 Tuesday 0
3 Saturday 0
4 Friday 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 2/5 1
3 3/8 0
4 1/4 0

0 and 1 are added both at front and end in alternate steps

From the given clues in the question this formation can be made.
Acc to this the pair who are not facing each other are Arjun and
Amar is in the left of Kanchan. Hence Pintu is in North-East of Amar.
Required distance = 20 m + 30 m + 50 m + 70 m

Required distance = 170 m

If the cuboid is of size a x b x c then a smaller cuboid hidden inside

having size (a-2) x(b-2) x(c-2) is totally uncoloured.Here a= 8 ; b = 10
so anser = 6 x 8 x 2 = 96

[3, 6, 12, 9, 7, 9, 10, 1];

Counting from right to left direction:3, 6, 12, 9, 7, 9, 10, 1
Red shows when division is required
From statement I Komal + Radha = 160 and Laxmi = 100. Average
salary now can be calculated. Statement II is not sufficient to
answer the question.

In this series, the third letter is repeated as the first letter of the
next segment. The middle letter, Z, remains static. The third letters
are in alphabetical order, beginning with N.

AM - 20 minutes i.e 09;00AM. Which was 5 minutes earlier from now. So, the time now is 09:00AM + 5 minutes = 09: 05 AM


From the given clues this table can be formulated. Acc to this table
the perosn who is not good in Math but good in Hindi is L.
(12 x 5 ) + 5
He is obviously speaking lie so the day
must be Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
If it was Tuesday, then the answer to
the 2nd question would be true which
is not possible.
So today is Thursday.
Que ulty Item Stimulus
stio Lev
n ID el
A lady says, "If you reverse my own age, the figures represent my brother's age. He is, of course,
E senior to me and the difference between our ages is one-eleventh of their sum." The girl's age is

How is Sarita related to Nitu ?

2 Statements :
I. Sarita's husband is the only son of Nitu's mother.
II. Sarita's brother and Nitu's husband are cousins.

One of these statements may be the effect of the other statements. Read both the statements and
decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between these two

(A): Senior students ragged junior students.

(B): Senior students were suspended.

4 In a certain code language, if the value of CONTRACT = 56 and ‘GROWTH’ = 30, then what is the

5 From the four positions of a dice given below, find the color which is opposite to yellow?

Read the following information and answer the question:
(1) There is a cuboid whose dimensions are 4 x 3 x 3 cm.
(ii) The opposite faces of dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured yellow.
(ii) The opposite faces of other dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured red.
(iv) The opposite faces of dimensions 3 x 3 are coloured green.
(v)Now the cuboid is cut into small cubes of side 1 cm.

How many small cubes will have only two faces coloured?

A year starting with wednesday and ending with wednesday. How many days are there from 16th
March to 15th May of that year. ?

8 There are five friends. They are standing in a row facing South. Jitendar is to the immediate right of
Amarlal. Prakash is between Bimal and Subhas. Subhas is between Jitendra and Prakash.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of standing all the friends?

9 One evening, two friends Rina and Pramila were talking to each other, with their backs towards each
other, sitting in a park. If Rina’s shadow was exactly to the left of her, then which direction was
E Pramila facing?

10 A monkey starts climbing up a tree 20ft. tall. Each hour, it hops 4ft. and slips back 3ft. How much time
E would it take the monkey to reach the top?
Amrita, Bilkis, Charu, Divya and Renu are sitting on a bench. Amrita is sitting next to Bilkis, Charu is
sitting next to Divya, Divya is not sitting with Renu who is on the left end of the bench. Charu is on the
second position from the right. Amrita is to the right of Bilkis and Renu. Amrita and Charu are sitting
which one of the following statement is not correct ?


in a certain language, if 'a' means division, 'b' means addition, 'c' means multiplication and 'd' means
subtraction. Then fill in the blanks so that equation satisfies:\यबद बकसदी भिलाषला ममें 'a' कला मतलबि बस्विभिलाजन, 'b' कला मतलबि
जहोड़नला, 'c' कला मतलबि गदणन और 'd' कला मतलबि घटलानला हहोतला हह. तहो बनम्न ररक्ति स्थलाननों कहो भिरनफ कफ सहदी बस्विकल्प चिदनमें तलाबक समदीकरण सहदी हहो जलाए.

Today is 1st of January and Radheshyam had bought a new car exactly 88 days ago. On which date
did he buy the car?

M Teacher : School :: _____ : Hospital\बरक्षक : बस्विदलालय :: _____ : अस्पतलाल

16 What is the angle formed by the minute and hour hand of a wall clock at the following time?\बदए गए
समय पर बकसदी ददीस्विलार घड़दी कफ बमनट और घओंटफ ककी सदइयनों कफ बिदीचि कला कहोण बकतनला हहोतला हह?
M [2: 50 PM]
17 "Switch A turns lights 1 and 2 and 3 on if they were off or vice versa.
Switch B turns lights 2 and 4 on if they were off or vice versa.
Switch C turns lights 1 and 4 on if they were off or vice versa.
All the bulbs except Bulb 3 are OFF initially and a person presses the switches in the given
manner, then which of the given bulbs will be finally seen ON?
बस्स्विचि A बिल्बि 1 और 2 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बस्स्विचि B बिल्बि 2 और 4 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बस्स्विचि C बिल्बि 1 और 3 कहो ऑन कर दफतला हह यबद स्विफ ऑफ थफ यला ठदीक इसकला बस्विपरदीत करतला हह.
बिल्बि 3 कफ अललास्विला बिलाओंककी सभिदी बिल्बि पलारओंभि ममें OFF थफ और एक व्यबक्ति नफ बदए गए क्रम सफ बस्स्विचिनों कहो दबिलायला तहो अओंतत: इनममें सफ ककौन सफ बिल्बि ON

18 Choose the correct dictionary ordering of the given words formed from English alphabets.\अओंग्रजदी कफ अक्षरनों
सफ बिनफ इन रब्दनों कफ सहदी रब्दकहोर क्रम कहो चिदनमें.

19 Which letter of English alphabet occurs same number of times in both the given words?\अओंग्रफजदी स्विणर्शामलालला कला
M ककौन सला अक्षर बदए गए दहोननों रब्दनों ममें बिरलाबिर बिलार आतला हह?

20 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

E 1. College 2. Child 3. Salary 4. School 5. Employment

21 Seven Friends Amod, Binod, Chinmay, Deepak, Enamul, Farukh, Ganesh are planning to go for a long
drive. They have to go in two cars keeping the following conditions in mind
(I)Amod will go in the same car in which Enamul will go.
(II)Farukh and Chinmay cannot be in the same car, unless Deepak is also in the that car.
(III)Neither Binod nor Chinmay can be given the car in which Ganesh is.
(IV)The maximum number of persons in one car can be four only.
If Farukh and Binod are in same car, which of the following statements is true?

22 Seven Friends Amod, Binod, Chinmay, Deepak, Enamul, Farukh, Ganesh are planning to go for a long
drive. They have to go in two cars keeping the following conditions in mind
(I)Amod will go in the same car in which Enamul will go.
(II)Farukh and Chinmay cannot be in the same car, unless Deepak is also in the that car.
(III)Neither Binod nor Chinmay can be given the car in which Ganesh is.
(IV)The maximum number of persons in one car can be four only.
If Enamul sits in the same car with Farukh, which of the following is the complete and
accurate list of the people who must be sitting in one car?

M Find the odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

24 Look at the given figure and then choose which of the option figures has the image hidden in it.\ बदए गए
बचित कहो ध्यलान सफ दफखमें और बफर बदए गए बस्विल्पनों ममें सफ उस छस्विदी कहो चिदनमें बजसमफ यह बचित छद पला हह आ हह.

If the given letters are arranged in proper sequence then we get the name of a well recognised
_____.\यबद नदीचिफ बदए गए अओंग्रफजदी भिलाषला कफ अक्षरनों कहो सहदी क्रम ममें सजलायला जलाए तहो एक _____ कला नलाम बिनतला हह .

E What will be the next term of the given series?\ददी गयदी शदीन्खलला कला अगलला पद क्यला हहोगला?
27 What fraction of the shown figure is covered in black colour? \दरलार्शाए गए बचित कला बकतनला बहस्सला कलालफ रओंग ममें रओंगला हह?


29 Jugnu starts driving from Mohanagar towards Radhanagar which is 120 kms away. He drives non stop
and at constant point. If he started at 9:20 AM and crossed a milestone 45 kms away from Mohanagar
H at 10: 56 AM. At what time will he reach Radhanagar?


Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans

1 30 years 0

2 45 years 1
3 10 years 0
4 I alone is20 years while II
sufficient 0
alone is not sufficient
1 0
2 Either I or II is sufficient 1
3 Both I and II are sufficient 0
4 Neither I nor II is sufficient 0

if ‘A’ is the
1 effect and ‘B’ is its immediate and principal
0 cause.

if ‘A’ is an effect but ‘B’ is not its

2 0
immediate and principal cause.
if ‘B’ is an effect but ‘A’ is not its
3 0
immediate andimmediate
if ‘A’ is the principal and
4 principal cause and ‘B’ is its 1
1 120 0

2 132 1
3 110 0
4 122 0

1 Violet 1

2 Red 0
3 Red 0
4 Violet 0
1 10 0

2 16 1
3 8 0
4 20 0

1 55 day 0

2 63 day 0
3 58 day 0
4 61 day 1

Amarlal, Bimal ,Prakash ,Subhas

1 0
, Jitendra

2 Bimal ,Prakash ,Subhas , 1

Jitendra , Amarlal
3 Bimal ,Prakash, Jitendra,Subhas 0
, Amarlal
Bimal, Jitendra, ,Prakash,Subhas
4 0
, Amarlal

1 South 0

2 East 0
3 North 1
4 North-East 0

1 20 hours 0

2 16 hours 1
3 22 hours 0
4 14 hours 0
Renu sitting between Amrita
1 1
and Charu

Bilkis sitting between Renu and

2 0
Amrita Sitting between Bilkis
3 0
and Charu
Charu sitting between Amrita
4 0
and Divya

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Patient\मरदीज 0
2 Doctor\डडॉक्टर 1
3 Operation\ऑपरफरन 0
4 Health\स्स्विलास्थ 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 2, 1, 4, 3 0

2 2, 1, 3, 4 0
3 2, 3, 4, 1 1
4 2, 4, 1, 3 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 Ganesh is in the other car 1

2 Deepak is in the other car 0

3 Chinmay is in the other car 0
Enamul is with Farukh and Binod
4 0
in one car

1 Farukh and Enamul 0

2 Ganesh and Amod 0

3 Deepak and Amod 0
4 Chinmay ,Deepak and Binod 0
1 Spanish\स्पफबनर 0
2 Jewish\यहह ददी 1
3 German\जमर्शान 0
4 French\फमें चि 0

1 A 1

2 B 0
3 C 0
4 D 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 2/5 0

2 1/4 1
3 1/3 0
4 3/8 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

Let x and y be the ten's and unit's digits respectively of the numeral
denoting the girl's age.
Then, girl's age = (10X + y) years; brother's age = (10y + x) years.
Therefore (10y + x)- (10X + y) = (1/11) (10y + x + 10x + y)
⇔ (9y-9x) = (1/11)(11y + 11x) = (x + y) ⇔ 10x = 8y ⇔ x = (4/5)y
Clearly, y should be a single-digit multiple of 5, which is 5.
So, x = 4, y = 5.
Hence, girl's age = 10x + y = 45 years.

According to given information answer is 2

Exp: Event (A) and (B) are related. Chronologically (A) occurs before
(B). Ragging of junior students is
the immediate and principal cause for the suspension of the
senior students.

Number of letters in the word CONTRACT = 8 and 8 x 7 = 56.

Number of letters in the word GROWTH = 6 and 6 x 5 = 30.
Similarly, DISTRIBUTION => 12 and 12 x 11 = 132.

The colours adjacent to yellow are orange, blue, red and rose.
Hence violet will be opposite to yellow.
Number of small cubes having only two faces coloured = 6 from the
front + 6 from the back + 2 from
the left + 2 from the right = 16.

So 16 (March)+ 30 (April) + 15 (May) = 61 days

According to information

Answer is: Bimal ,Prakash ,Subhas , Jitendra , Amarlal

Rina’s shadow fell to her left i.e. towards East (as it was evening).
So, Rina was facing South. As Parmila had her back towards Rina,
hence, Parmila was facing North.

Every hour, he gains 4 ft and loses 3 ft, for a total gain of 1 ft. So
after the 16th hour, he's at 16 ft high. in the 17th hour, he climbs up
4 feet. Since 16 ft + 4 ft = 20 ft, he's at the top of the tree. So option
According to given information:

Renu , Bilkis, Amrita, Charu, Divya

Answer is 4
Jewish is not a language
Que Lev Item Stimulus
stio el
n ID of Look at the given alphanumeric series carefully and count the number of vowels of English alphabet
Di that are either 1 or 2 places behind an even number. \बदए गए अल्फलान्यदमफररक शकओंखलला कहो ध्यलानपदस्विर्शाक दफखमें और अओंग्रफजदी भिलाषला कफ
ffic उन स्स्विरनों(vowels) ककी सओंख्यला ककी गणनला करमें जहो बकसदी सम सओंख्यला कफ 1 यला दहो स्थलान पहलफ आतफ हह.
ulty "A 5 6 Y K E 7 H T 1 A 7 R T B T 8 U 8 U 3 4 P"

2 A large cuboid having dimensions 6 x 5 x 6 is coloured on two smallest surfaces and then broken into
smaller cubes having dimensions 1 x 1 x 1 . How many of these smaller cubes have will have none of
its surface painted? \6 x 5 x 6 आयलाम स्विलालफ एक बिड़फ सफ घनलाभि ककी दहो सबिसफ छहोटदी सतहनों कहो रओंगनफ कफ बिलाद उसफ 1 x 1 x 1 आयलाम स्विलालफ छहोटफ
घननों ममें तहोड़ बदयला जलातला हह. इन छहोटफ घननों ममें सफ बकतननों ककी एक भिदी सतह पर रओंग नहहीं लगफगला?

4 Pointing towards a girl in the picture, Jasmita said, “She is the mother of Amrita whose father is my
How is Jasmita related to the girl in the picture? \तस्स्विदीर ममें एक लड़ककी ककी ओर इरलारला करतफ हह ए, जबस्मतला नफ कहला, "स्विह अमकतला ककी
मलाओं हह बजसकला बपतला मफरला बिफटला हह।"तहो जबस्मतला कला तस्स्विदीर स्विलालदी लड़ककी सफ क्यला सम्बिन्ध हह ?

5 If Nirmal says, “Prerna’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”,

how is Nirmal related to Prerna?\यबद बनमर्शाल कहतला हह, "पफरणला ककी मलाओं हदी मफरदी मलाओं ककी एकमलात बिफटदी हह"तहो बनमर्शाल कला पफरणला सफ क्यला सम्बिन्ध
हह ?
6 Study the following Statements and conclusions and choose the accurate option. Statements:
M > N = K ≥ L < R ≤ P; R> S ; T < N;
i. P > S,
ii. M < L

7 A student was returning to the School which was in front of him to the south. When the School is
80m away from him, he turned to the right and walks 50m . He continues walks in the same direction
for 20 meter and then took a left turn and walks 80 meter.
How many meters was he away from the School.

Read the following information and answer the question

Amar, Binay, Chandu, Ranjan,Kajol, Gagan and Mohan all are standing in a row, not necessarily in the
same order.
(i) Gagan is standing in front of only one person ,i.e, Mohan.
(ii) Kajol is the only person standing in front of Ranjan.
(iii) Chandu is the standing immediately in front of Binay.
If Ranjan and Chandu are adjacent to each other, then what is the position of Amar in the row?

Who is standing immediately behind Amar ?

\बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी कहो पढ़में और पश्न कला उत्तर दमें :
अमर, बबिनला, चिओंद,द रओंजन, कलाजहोल, गगन और महोहन सभिदी एक पओंबक्ति ममें खड़फ हह, जरूरदी नहहीं हह कफ एक हदी क्रम ममें हहो।
(i) गगन कफ स्विल एक व्यबक्ति कफ सलामनफ खड़ला हह, अथलार्शात महोहन।
(ii) कलाजहोल रओंजन कफ सलामनफ खड़फ एकमलात व्यबक्ति हह।
(iii) चिन्दद बबिनफ कफ तदरओंत सलामनफ खड़ला हह

अमर कफ तदर ओंत पदीछफ ककौन खड़ला हह?

9 If figure (x) is rotated it will resemble option ___ the most.\यबद तस्स्विदीर (x) कहो घदमलायला जलाए तहो स्विह बस्विकल्प ___ सफ हह बिहह
बमलतला जदलतला बदखफगला.

Answer these question based on the information given below.

Ankit, Balram, Kailash, Dheeraj and Raghav are the five rankers in each of the Subject Maths and
Physics respectively. No two person got same rank in any subject and no person got the same rank in
both subjects. The following information is known about them.
(i) Balram's rank in Maths is the same as that of Dheeraj's rank in physics.
(ii) Kailash got a better rank than at most one person in both subjects respectively.
(iii) Raghav got second rank in Maths and Balram got third rank in Physics.
(iv) In Physics Ankit's rank is better than Raghav's rank.

What is the rank of Dheeraj in physics. ?

\नदीचिफ बदए गए सदचिनला कफ आधलार पर इन पश्ननों कला उत्तर दमें:

क्रमरशः गबणत और भिकौबतक बस्विषयनों ममें अओंबकत, बिलरलाम, कह ललार, धदीरज और रलाघस्वि कला पलाओंचि स्थलान ग्रहण करनफस्विलालनों ममें हह। कहोई भिदी दहो व्यबक्ति बकसदी भिदी बस्विषय ममें
समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं बकयला हह और बकसदी भिदी व्यबक्ति कहो दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं हह आ हह| बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी इनकफ बिलारफ ममें हह।
(i) गबणत ममें बिलरलाम कला स्थलान भिकौबतक बस्विजलान ममें धदीरज कफ स्थलान कफ समलान हह।
(ii) कह ललार कहो क्रमरशः दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें सबिसफ अबधक एक व्यबक्ति ककी तदलनला ममें बिफहतर स्थलान पलाप्त हह आ हह।
(iii) रलाघस्वि नफ गबणत ममें ददसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला और बिलरलाम भिकौबतककी ममें तदीसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला ।
(iv) भिकौबतककी ममें अओंबकत कला रहग रलाघस्वि कफ रहक सफ बिफहतर हह।

भिकौबतक ममें धदीरज कला स्थलान क्यला हह ?


Answer these question based on the information given below.

Ankit, Balram, Kailash, Dheeraj and Raghav are the five rankers in each of the Subject Maths and
Physics respectively. No two person got same rank in any subject and no person got the same rank in
both subjects. The following information is known about them.
(i) Balram's rank in Maths is the same as that of Dheeraj's rank in physics.
(ii) Kailash got a better rank than at most one person in both subjects respectively.
(iii) Raghav got second rank in Maths and Balram got third rank in Physics.
(iv) In Physics Ankit's rank is better than Raghav's rank.

What is the rank of Ankit in Physics ?

\\नदीचिफ बदए गए सदचिनला कफ आधलार पर इन पश्ननों कला उत्तर दमें:

क्रमरशः गबणत और भिकौबतक बस्विषयनों ममें अओंबकत, बिलरलाम, कह ललार, धदीरज और रलाघस्वि कला पलाओंचि स्थलान ग्रहण करनफस्विलालनों ममें हह। कहोई भिदी दहो व्यबक्ति बकसदी भिदी बस्विषय ममें
समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं बकयला हह और बकसदी भिदी व्यबक्ति कहो दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं हह आ हह| बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी इनकफ बिलारफ ममें हह।
(i) गबणत ममें बिलरलाम कला स्थलान भिकौबतक बस्विजलान ममें धदीरज कफ स्थलान कफ समलान हह।
(ii) कह ललार कहो क्रमरशः दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें सबिसफ अबधक एक व्यबक्ति ककी तदलनला ममें बिफहतर स्थलान पलाप्त हह आ हह।
(iii) रलाघस्वि नफ गबणत ममें ददसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला और बिलरलाम भिकौबतककी ममें तदीसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला ।
(iv) भिकौबतककी ममें अओंबकत कला रहग रलाघस्वि कफ रहक सफ बिफहतर हह।

भिकौबतककी ममें अओंब कत कला स्थलान क्यला हह?


Answer these question based on the information given below.

Ankit, Balram, Kailash, Dheeraj and Raghav are the five rankers in each of the Subject Maths and
Physics respectively. No two person got same rank in any subject and no person got the same rank in
both subjects. The following information is known about them.
(i) Balram's rank in Maths is the same as that of Dheeraj's rank in physics.
(ii) Kailash got a better rank than at most one person in both subjects respectively.
(iii) Raghav got second rank in Maths and Balram got third rank in Physics.
(iv) In Physics Ankit's rank is better than Raghav's rank.

The rank of Ankit in Maths is the same as the rank of ____ in Physics .

\नदीचिफ बदए गए सदचिनला कफ आधलार पर इन पश्ननों कला उत्तर दमें:

क्रमरशः गबणत और भिकौबतक बस्विषयनों ममें अओंबकत, बिलरलाम, कह ललार, धदीरज और रलाघस्वि कला पलाओंचि स्थलान ग्रहण करनफस्विलालनों ममें हह। कहोई भिदी दहो व्यबक्ति बकसदी भिदी बस्विषय ममें
समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं बकयला हह और बकसदी भिदी व्यबक्ति कहो दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें समलान स्थलान पलाप्त नहहीं हह आ हह| बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी इनकफ बिलारफ ममें हह।
(i) गबणत ममें बिलरलाम कला स्थलान भिकौबतक बस्विजलान ममें धदीरज कफ स्थलान कफ समलान हह।
(ii) कह ललार कहो क्रमरशः दहोननों बस्विषयनों ममें सबिसफ अबधक एक व्यबक्ति ककी तदलनला ममें बिफहतर स्थलान पलाप्त हह आ हह।
(iii) रलाघस्वि नफ गबणत ममें ददसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला और बिलरलाम भिकौबतककी ममें तदीसरला स्थलान पलाप्त बकयला ।
(iv) भिकौबतककी ममें अओंबकत कला रहग रलाघस्वि कफ रहक सफ बिफहतर हह

गबणत ममें अओंब कत कला स्थलान भिकौबतककी ममें ____ कफ स्थलान कफ समलान हह।

13 Which of the option figure should replace the "?" mark to complete the given image?\बस्विकल्प ममें बदए गए बकस
छबस्वि कहो "?" कफ बनरलान ककी जगह डलालनफ सफ ददी गयदी तस्स्विदीर पदणर्शा हहो जलायफगदी?

14 It was Sunday on June 8, 2014. then what was the day of the week july 4, 2014? \ 8 जदन 2014 कहो रबस्विस्विलार
थला| तहो 4 जदललाई 2014 कहो सप्तलाह कला ककौन सला बदन थला|

15 Find the next term in the following series.\ बदयफ गयफ बशओंखलला कला अगलला पद ढद न्ढ़फ .
"10, 18, 32, 58, 108,….? "
16 Which of the option figures has figure (x) hidden in it?\बदए गए बकस बस्विकल्प छबस्वि ममें छबस्वि(x) छद पला हह आ हह?

17 If third friday of June of a particular year falls on 20th , then on which date will the second Sunday of
August of the same year fall? \ अगर बकसदी बस्विरफष स्विषर्शा कफ जदन कफ तदीसरफ रदक्रस्विलार कहो 20 स्विमें बदन पड़तला हह, तहो उसदी स्विषर्शा अगस्त कफ ददसरफ रबस्विस्विलार
बकस तलारदीख कहो पड़फगला?

18 Book : Author :: _____ : Farmer \ पदस्तक : लफखक :: _____ : बकसलान

19 Three different type of citizens live on an island. "Truthtellers" who speak truth in each statement.
"Liars" who lie in every statement. "Alternators" who alternate between truth and lie in his
statements i.e one statement true then next statement false or vice versa.On being asked Jambura
says "I am not a truth teller". What category of citizen is Jambura?\तदीन अलग पस्विकबत कफ नलागररक एक ददीप पर रहतफ हह।
"सचला" जहो पत्यफक स्विक्तिव्य ममें सत्य बिहोलतफ हह "झदठला" जहो पत्यफक स्विक्तिव्य ममें झदठ बिहोलतफ हह "पत्यलास्वितर", बजनकला एक स्विक्तिव्य सचि तहो अगलला झदठ हहोतला हह, यला
पहलला झदठ तहो अगलला सचि हहोतला हह. पदछनफ पर जलाम्बिदरला नफ बितलायला " मह सचला नहहीं हह कँ ". जलाम्बिदरला बकस पस्विकबत कला नलागररक हह?

20 Which of the option figures would come next in the pictorial series given below?\बदए गए बस्विकल्पनों ममें सफ ककौन सला
नदीचिफ ददी गयदी चिहबतक शओंखलला कला अगलला पद हहोगला?
21 Answer these question based on the information given below.
Five girls Priti, Komal, Ritu, Susmita and Taniyan are of different heights and different weights.
Further, it is known that.
(i) Either Priti or Komal is the tallest.
(ii) Taniyan is taller as well as heavier than both Susmita and Ritu.
(iii) The heaviest person is the third tallest whereas the second tallest is the lightest.
(iv) Only one person is lighter than Komal, Ritu is heavier and shorter than Susmita.

Who is the lightest ?

\नदीचिफ बदए गए सदचिनला कफ आधलार पर इन पश्ननों कला उत्तर दमें
पलाओंचि लड़बकयलाओं पदीतदी, कहोमल, ररतद, सदबस्मतला और तलाबनयलान बस्विबभिन्न ऊओंचिलाइयनों और अलग-अलग स्विजन कफ हह। इसकफ अललास्विला, यह जलात हह बक|
(i) यला तहो पदीबत यला कहोमल सबिसफ लम्बिदी हह।
(ii) तलाबनयलान लम्बिदी और सलाथ हदी सदबस्मतला और ररतद दहोननों ककी तदलनला ममें स्विजनदी हह|
(iii) सबिसफ स्विजनदलार व्यबक्ति तदीसरला सबिसफ लम्बिदी हह जबिबक ददसरला सबिसफ लम्बिदी सबिसफ हल्ककी हह।
(iv) कफ स्विल एक व्यबक्ति कहोमल ककी तदलनला ममें हल्कला हह, ररतद सदबस्मतला सफ स्विजनदलार और नलाटदी हह।

हल्कला ककौन हह?

22 Answer these question based on the information given below.

Five girls Priti, Komal, Rirtu, Susmita and Taniyan are of different heights and different weights.
Further, it is known that.
(i) Either Priti or Komal is the tallest.
(ii) Taniyan is taller as well as heavier than both Susmita and Ritu.
(iii) The heaviest person is the third tallest whereas the second tallest is the lightest.
(iv) Only one person is lighter than Komal, Ritu is heavier and shorter than Susmita.

Who is/are taller and heavier than Susmita ?

\नदीचिफ बदए गए सदचिनला कफ आधलार पर इन पश्ननों कला उत्तर दमें
पलाओंचि लड़बकयलाओं पदीतदी, कहोमल, ररतद, सदबस्मतला और तलाबनयलान बस्विबभिन्न ऊओंचिलाइयनों और अलग-अलग स्विजन कफ हह। इसकफ अललास्विला, यह जलात हह बक|
(i) यला तहो पदीबत यला कहोमल सबिसफ लम्बिदी हह।
(ii) तलाबनयलान लम्बिदी और सलाथ हदी सदबस्मतला और ररतद दहोननों ककी तदलनला ममें स्विजनदी हह|
(iii) सबिसफ स्विजनदलार व्यबक्ति तदीसरला सबिसफ लम्बिदी हह जबिबक ददसरला सबिसफ लम्बिदी सबिसफ हल्ककी हह।
(iv) कफ स्विल एक व्यबक्ति कहोमल ककी तदलनला ममें हल्कला हह, ररतद सदबस्मतला सफ स्विजनदलार और नलाटदी हह।

सदब स्मतला कफ तदल नला ममें सबिसफ लम्बिदी और स्विजनदलार ककौन हह ?

23 Read the following information and answer the question
Seven people P, Q, R,S, T, U and V are Standing in a queue in front of a ticket counter. Following
information is know about Them.
(i)The number of people standing in front of P is same as the number of people standing behind R.
(ii) The number of people standing in front of V is same as the number of people behind S.
(iii)The people are standing between Q and U.
(iv) Q is standing behind P, but ahead of T.

Who is standing at the rear end of the queue ?

\बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी कहो पढ़में और पश्न कला उत्तर दमें

एक बटकट कलाउओंटर कफ सलामनफ एक कतलार ममें सलात लड़कफ P, Q, आर, एस, टदी, यद और स्विदी खड़फ हह|इन कफ बिलारफ ममें बनम्नबलबखत जलानकलारदी हह |
(i) पदी कफ सलामनफ खड़फ लहोगनों ककी सओंख्यला आर कफ पदीछफ खड़फ लहोगनों ककी सओंख्यला कफ बिरलाबिर हह।
(ii) स्विदी कफ सलामनफ खड़फ लहोगनों ककी सओंख्यला एस कफ पदीछफ लहोगनों ककी सओंख्यला कफ बिरलाबिर हह।
(iii) लहोग क्यद और यद कफ बिदीचि ममें खड़फ हह|
(iv) क्यद पदी कफ पदीछफ खड़फ हह, लफबकन टदी कफ आगफ हह|

कतलार कफ अओंत ममें ककौन खड़ला हह?

Four girls Babita, Divya, Rajni, and Kiran went to four different place which is Manali, Daman, Bhopal
and Mohali, by different transport as follows car, Train, Bus, Aeroplane.
The person who traveled to Daman did not travel by Bus, Rajni Travel by Car and went to Mohali.
Babita went to Manali by Train, Kiran travel by Bus.Who among them goes to Bhopal ?\चिलार लड़बकयलाओं बिबबितला,
बदव्यला, रजनदी और बकरण अलग-अलग पररस्विहन जहसफ कलार, टष फन, बिस और हस्विलाई जहलाज सफ चिलार अलग-अलग जगहनों मनलालदी, दमन, भिहोपलाल और महोहलालदी
गए .दमन ककी यलातला करनफ स्विलालफ व्यबक्ति नफ बिस सफ यलातला नहहीं ककी ,रजनदी कलार दलारला महोहलालदी गयदी ,बिबबितला टष फन सफ मनलालदी गई,ओं बकरन नफ बिस दलारला यलातला ककी .
उनममें सफ ककौन भिहोपलाल जलातला हह?

Four girls Babita, Divya, Rajni, and Kiran want to four different place which is Manali, Daman, Bhopal
and Mohali, by different transport as follows car, Train, Bus, Aeroplane.
The person who traveled to Daman did not travel by Bus, Rajni Travel by Car and went to Mohali.
Babita went to Manali by Train, Kiran travel by Bus.Among which places Divya traveled ? \चिलार लड़बकयलाओं
बिबबितला, बदव्यला, रजनदी और बकरण अलग-अलग पररस्विहन जहसफ कलार, टष फन, बिस और हस्विलाई जहलाज सफ चिलार अलग-अलग जगहनों मनलालदी, दमन, भिहोपलाल और
महोहलालदी गए .दमन ककी यलातला करनफ स्विलालफ व्यबक्ति नफ बिस सफ यलातला नहहीं ककी ,रजनदी कलार दलारला महोहलालदी गयदी ,बिबबितला टष फन सफ मनलालदी गई,ओं बकरन नफ बिस दलारला यलातला ककी .
बकन जगहनों पर बदव्यला नफ यलातला ककी ?

Four girls Babita, Divya, Rajni, and Kiran want to four different place which is Manali, Daman, Bhopal
and Mohali, by different transport as follows car, Train, Bus, Aeroplane.
The person who traveled to Daman did not travel by Bus, Rajni Travel by Car and went to Mohali.
Babita went to Manali by Train, Kiran travel by Bus.By which transport Divya goes to Daman ?\चिलार
लड़बकयलाओं बिबबितला, बदव्यला, रजनदी और बकरण अलग-अलग पररस्विहन जहसफ कलार, टष फन, बिस और हस्विलाई जहलाज सफ चिलार अलग-अलग जगहनों मनलालदी, दमन, भिहोपलाल
और महोहलालदी गए .दमन ककी यलातला करनफ स्विलालफ व्यबक्ति नफ बिस सफ यलातला नहहीं ककी ,रजनदी कलार दलारला महोहलालदी गयदी ,बिबबितला टष फन सफ मनलालदी गई,ओं बकरन नफ बिस दलारला यलातला
ककी .
बदव्यला बकस पररस्विहन सफ दमन जलातदी हह ?

27 Choose the correct venn diagram that represent the mutual relationship between "Food Items, Ice
Cream, Samosa" in best possible manner.\बदए गए स्विफन आरफख ममें सफ उसफ चिदनमें जहो "खलाद सम्मग्रदी, आइसक्रकीम, समहोसला" कफ बिदीचि कफ
परस्पर समबिन्ध कहो सबिसफ सहदी तरदीकफ सफ दरलार्शातला हह.

28 Find the next term in the following series.\ बदयफ गयफ बशओंखलला कला अगलला पद ढद न्ढ़फ.
"1000, 400, 160, 64, 25.6, …?"

29 Find the Odd One Out.\असओंगत बस्विकल्प चिदनमें.

30 Day : Hours :: Country : _____ \बदन: घओंटफ :: दफर: _____

Option Correct
Option Stimulus
No. Ans

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0

1 0

2 0
3 0
4 0
1 Indian State \भिलारतदीय रलाज्य 0
2 Indian City\भिलारतदीय रहर 0
3 Indian Festival\भिलारतदीय त्यकौहलार 0
4 Indian River\भिलारतदीय नददी 1

1 Aunt\चिलाचिदी 0

2 Cousin \चिचिफरला भिलाई 0

3 Mother\मलाओं 0
4 None of These\इनमफ सफ कहोई नहहीं 1

1 Grand father\दलादला 0

2 Brother \भिलाई 0
3 Uncle \चिलाचिला 1
4 Father \बपतला 0
1 Either I or II true 0

2 Only I is true 1
3 Only II is true 0
4 Neither I nor II is true 0

1 70 1

2 75 0
3 60 0
4 80 0

1 Gagan \ गगन 0

2 Binay \ बबिनय 0
3 Chandu चिओंदन 0
Cannot be determined \ बनधलार्शाररत
4 नहहीं बकयला जला सकतला हह 1

1 1 0

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 1
1 4 0

2 3 0
3 2 0
4 1 1

1 4 0
2 3 0
3 2 2
4 1 0

1 Raghav \ रलाघस्वि 0

2 Dheeraj \ धदीरज 0
3 Kailash \ कह ललार 0
4 Balram\ बिलरलाम 1

1 1 1

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0

1 Monday \ सहोमस्विलार 0

2 Friday \ रदक्रस्विलार 1
3 Saturday \ रबनस्विलार 0
4 Sunday \ रबस्विस्विलार 0

1 196 0

2 200 0
3 206 1
4 216 0
1 1

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0

1 14 0

2 12 0
3 10 1
4 8 0
1 Tractor\टष हकटर 0
2 Grain\अनलाज 1
3 Farm\खफत 0
4 Agriculture\कक बष 0

1 Truthteller \सचला 0

2 Liar\झदठला 0
3 Alternator\पत्यलास्वितर 1
Cannot be determined \ बनधलार्शाररत
4 नहहीं बकयला जला सकतला हह 0

1 A 0

2 B 0
3 C 1
4 D 0
1 Komal \ कहोमल 1

2 Priti \ पदीबत 1
3 Ritu \ ररतद 0
4 Susmita \ सदबस्मतला 0

1 Only Ritu \ कफ स्विल ररतद 0

Only Taniyan and Komal \ कफ स्विल

2 0
तलाबनयलाओं और कहोमल
3 Only Taniyan \ कफ स्विल तलाबनयलाओं 1
4 Priti and Taniyan \ पदीबत और तलाबनयलाओं 0
1 R 1

2 S 0
3 U 0
4 Q 0

1 Kiran\बकरण 1

2 Rajni\रजनदी 0
3 Divya\बदव्यला 0
4 Babita\बिबबितला 0

1 Daman\दमन 1

2 Mohali\महोहलालदी 0
3 Bhopal\भिहोपलाल 0
4 Manali\मनलालदी 0
1 Car\कलार 0

2 Bus\बिस 0
Aeroplane\हस्विलाई जहलाज
3 1
4 Train\टष फन 0

1 1 1

2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0

1 10.5 0

2 10.24 1
3 10 0
4 11.5 0
1 April\अपहल 0
2 June\जदन 0
3 August\अगस्त 1
4 November\नस्विम्बिर 0
1 Capital\रलाजधलानदी 0
2 State\रलाज्य 1
3 Map\नक्रला 0
4 Border\सरहद 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
SubTopic Referenc

Alphanumeric series


Word Formation

son and
the girl is
So, the
girl is
wife i.e.
Jasmita is
the girl’s
mother is
Nirmal is
Logical Inequality According
to given
answer is

Answer is

on we

The data
can be
ed as
with th
help of



So, x
cannot be
2, 3, 4, or
5. so x=1
also from
The data
can be
ed as
with th
help of



So, x
cannot be
2, 3, 4, or
5. so x=1
also from
The data
can be
ed as
with th
help of



So, x
cannot be
2, 3, 4, or
5. so x=1
also from

N= 10,
N= N x 2-
N= 10,
N= N x 2-

image Classification

From all
on we are

1 K
2 P
3 T
4 S
5 R

P is the

From all
on we are

1 K
2 P
3 T
4 S
5 R
Only T is
taller as
well as
than S.
ent is as
P, Q, V/S,
T , S/V, U,
R is the
person in










Ice and
Syllogism samosa
both are
items but
they are

S= N x
2/5, ...

Odd One Out Except

august all
have 30
days each

Country is
d of

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