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Diego Rivera

1. Who is the artist you picked? Diego Rivera.

2. When were they born? December 8 1886
3. When and how did they die? He died on November 24, 1957 from heart Failure.
4. Where did they live? Guanajuato, Mexico
5. Where did they go to school and what other artist did they aspire to be like? He
went academy of san Carlos
6. What type of artwork are they most known for? Men at the crossroads He does
mural paintings
7. In what museums can you find work by this artist today? The Museum of Modern
8. Where was the artist’s work first exhibited? The san carlos academy.
9. Describe one of artist paintings in 5 sentences. The dream in the sunday
afternoon in alameda park was made depict the famous people in mexico history.
He has painted for long time since he was little and loved the cool colors in life.
Over 400 people gather for a stroll in the famous park of Mexico City. It also shows a
indigenous family and a police officer arguing as a story background. Also shows a
horse and a few men with guns pointing at each other as they fear the people.

10. List four other works by the artist….

● Surreal quartet
● Reading Mexican history
● Histories normally edited out
● Good Harvest
12. Anywhere from 2,000 up to 8,000 or it really depends on the drawing and what its
dimensions are.

13. What art movement was the artist part of? Mexican Muralism, Cubism,
Impressionism, modern art, and social realism.
14. What characteristics of this art movement? Mexican muralism has social and
political messages
15.what is one wierd or unusual thing about this artist? He was friends with Pablo
16. If you could ask this artist one question what would you ask? What do you like about
17. Would you buy a work by the artist? why or why not? Yes because they have lots
colors and good designs.
18. Would you think you would have been friends with this artist? Why or Why not? Yes
because I speak spanish and he speaks spanish.
19. Describe the artist personality in 5 words. Artistic, Happy, Nice, Good Painter, and
Good person.
20. What else do you think we should know about the artist? Did he get sick a lot
21. What is a interesting quote by this artist? “ I've never believed in God, but I believe
in Picasso. ”

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