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The West and doubts about Trump’s credibility!

Lately, there have been multiple western views concerning the president’s
personal character, or what they call “his own stamp”, which is the greatest
incentive for the Untied States to be bankrupt internationally... He always
presents himself with a very bold appearance and style... A man who is hard to
rally the confidence of politicians and diplomats because he often changes his
views or retreats or comes out with fire inaccurate threats... The question now
in Europe: is America can be trusted?...

In her talk to the French newspaper Almond on September 25 came the

answer of Hillary Clinton -but we must take into account the fierce competition
took place between them- “Trump has achieved instability and created
unknown horizons in the world of international relations” and added “ he has
fed the differences that were not necessary, particularly about the Iranian
nuclear file , and this may lead to two nuclear crises instead of one with North

The agreement concluded on July 14, 2015 between Iran and the five
permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany came as a result
of Barack Obama's insistence that this process has stopped the serious
deviations of the military nuclear weapon in return for the gradual easing of
sanctions against Tehran. The nuclear energy agency AIEA, entrusted with
respecting the American commitments, confirmed that "Tehran is going on the
top of the screws!" When Donald Trump insists to blow up everything that
former President Obama has established with difficulty and vows to tear apart
the 2015 agreement, this according to Western observers, undermines the
credibility of the American signing. Trump broke off the United States’
commitment in partnership across the ocean, and decided to withdraw from
the Paris Convention for the climate. Let’s not forget that Trump has called for
all nations to work hand in hand in order to isolate Iran on May 21 during his
visit to Riyadh... Since then, the tension is increasing day after day.

On October 15, within the framework of the implementation of the 2015

agreement that expects to stabilize every 90 days, the president must notify
Congress if Iran respects its obligations. If he says otherwise, the sanctions may
be implemented and the agreement will be completely shattered. In this
context, On Sept. 23 Iran tested a new type of missiles hitting the targets at a
distance of 2000 kilometres... The strategy experts believe that this challenge
enters into a malicious account demonstrating the extent of Iranian decisions,
which are based on nothing other than reciprocity.

In the first warning - which is currently considered verbal - the regime will
come out again with its arsenal...

If President Trump insists on this, it will be considered a slap to his most loyal
allies, especially France, who will lose their credibility if they violate the
agreement with Iran!

Therefore, Emanuel McCron announced from the United Nations platform that
"non-compliance with the Convention will be really irresponsible!"

How can we imagine the slightest solution to pacification in order to get out of
the serious crisis that North Korea has created if the United States has
expressed bluntly that there is no proper, legitimate or permanent agreement
in the nuclear field? How can Kim Jong-Wan be persuaded to stop the
escalation if proven to him that the 2015 agreement with Iran is nothing more
than a ragged piece of paper, or as Vladimir Putin has stated, that the West can
only offer dictators the fate that was reserved for Gaddafi!

In addition, the US president remains, in the eyes of experts, particularly

inconsistent and unaccounted for: there is a sharp contradiction between his
rebukes against Tehran and the US's negativity in the face of Iran's
skyrocketing ascension along with Bashar Assad!

Yes, all the countries is about to act violently!

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