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List of Latest GD topics 2017

Below you can see some of the common group discussion topics 2017 that have and
will be appearing in the various placement process and also in other Brainstorming /
brain drain sessions

S.No Name of the topics

1 Caste based reservation in India.

Is Corruption will decrease

by Demonetization?

4 Man on Moon or Food for Man?

Demonetization- affecting common

people or black money holders?

Will Donald Trump’s presidency be a bad

news for women?

7 Joint family vs nuclear family

8 Feminism vs Women Empowerment

Corruption is main outcome of democracy

in India

10 Digital India? Is there any digital equality

11 Automation in modern life a Boon or Bane

12 Management education in India

S.No Name of the topics

13 Anger management

14 Role of ethics in business

15 Should GD be part of campus placements?

16 Knowledge vs Money

17 MBA in India is highly Over-rated

Should we allow Hanging to death or

should we abolish it.

19 Relationships.

Make in India initiative advantages and


21 Smart work vs hard work vs luck

Should ‘fat tax’ be imposed in all states of


23 GST bill pros and cons

24 Brain-Drain

25 Terrorism in India vs Terrorism in Pakistan

S.No Name of the topics

26 Engineering vs Arts & Science

27 Should voters be given a NOTA choice

Online Course or college classroom

learning? What is more important?

29 Startup culture a boon or a bane

Impact of mobile phones in our modern


31 Should the Public Sector be privatised?

32 Justice delayed is justice denied

33 Which is better? Job or business?

34 FDI in retail sector in india

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is success or


36 India’s performance in Olympics

Chinese goods vs Indian Goods (Made in

India Initiative)

38 One India One Election

S.No Name of the topics

39 Merging Railway budget into Union budget

Cauvery issue between Tamilnadu and


Should Karnataka give water to Tamil

Nadu or not?

High fuel prices in India though crude oil

price is less

Freebies by government make the citizens


Net Neutrality – Advantages and


Gender neutral parental leave – Pros and


46 Beef ban is good or bad?

47 Films are corrupting the Indian Youth

48 Education system in India

49 Is the Patents Bill Good for India?

Indian villages are our strength or

S.No Name of the topics

51 Impact of Chinese products in the world.

52 Money vs knowledge.

How to deal with high oil prices? – Hike in

53 petrol and diesel price when crude oil price
is low.

54 Love marriage vs arranged marriage.

55 Live in relationship

56 Should we have exams?

57 Commercialization of health care

58 Is Indian culture decaying

Has democracy hampered India’s


60 Will India become a superpower by 2025?

Educational qualification should be made

compulsory or not for politicians?

62 China support for Pakistan

63 Housewife vs working women

S.No Name of the topics

Modi’s Surgical strike on Pakistan / India

vs pakistan never ending war for Kashmir
definitely common man got directly affected by the move. the one who had black money have
either changed it successfully or have dumped . definitely none of them stood in lines outside
ATM machines. govt should realize that people who can earn black money are also smart enough
to convert it again. Even RBI is not coming up with correct figures, why should BJP govt be
given a clean chit. BJP kept it a secret… is that enough… are the people of this nation stupid to
believe such things and that too from a party who dont hesitate to celebrate…. “choonavi

now govt is celebrating that they have arrested few bank manager and about 200–300 crore of
new or old currency has been seized. are u kidding me and this nation… the exercise was all
about changing currency worth Rs 17 lakh . and arresting few and the return of 13 lakh rs back to
RBI in first week of december suggests that how big blunder it was.. and who are paying for all
this.. the poor tax payer and in return they are getting no benefits… the logistics involved… the
cost of printing new currency… all waste.

1. was demonetisation kept a secret for 10 month? Really?

2. Why not even a single politician has been caught so far? are they all honest?
3. why govt is promoting paytm?
4. why should common people are forced to pay taxes on every card swipe of 2 percent?
make it free..if govt want it to be a less cash economy.
5. Govt is still not interested in bringing election/party funding under the ambit of
RTI? Does it will cause harm to BJP?
over all its the common people who are and who will suffer… the coming time is very hard..
unemployment … fall in gdp..this is cycle… unfotunately the govt is in a dream that only FDI
can solve the problem… yes its a surgical strike.. but got the heat of it.. needs to seen in great
depth. unfortunately here in india follows what they are asked to…. govt say stand up and
sing…. they sing!.. without realizing that its not there wish but a forced idea of nationalism .

How demonetization is affecting common people more

than black money holders!
While millions of common people have been stressed over queuing up outside
banks and ATMs for their regular transactions, which still continue to allow them
to withdraw only a limited amount at once, the exact opposite is happening on the
other side of the coin. The corrupt, the black money holders, the ones who
allegedly fund terrorists are still in the free, filling stacks of new and old money
safely and sometimes getting caught in the process.
This has raised a big question on whether demonetization drive of the Modi
government was aimed only at drawing money from common people who hardly
meet their living while keeping open loopholes for ministers and industrialists.

1. For the rich: While common people struggle to get their own hard earned
money withdrawn, cash leaks in huge stashes are coming into open. MPs and
MLAs party have been getting plenty of the new notes while common people are
still bound to a meager limit of Rs 2500 per account in a day, after even a month
from demonetization.

2. Corruption continues: If the demonetization drive was to fight off corruption,

then it is definitely proving its inefficacy in just a month. Banks are supposed to
function according to government orders of keeping up with the limits but they are
ones behind the big leaks. This shouldn’t have come as a surprise either, had they
been better prepared. Mismanagement on the side of the government is evident

3. Negligence: If the government hadn’t anticipated this would happen after

demonetization, it definitely rushed into the drive with no homework done. Had
there been stringent measures to keep money laundering in check, people wouldn’t
be suffering from shortage of cash even after an entire month of demonetization.
Ten lakhs and crores of rupees have been caught at the hands of political leaders
but the common people are still being consoled in the name of digital banking.

4. Small businesses: People who run small businesses and have lived a life
unaware of digital banking are ones that are facing the biggest of trouble. Some
small businesses across cities and towns are known to die down at the wake of
demonetization. Cash crunch has led to a drastic fall in the sale of roadside goods
and goods from small stores. People are turning to supermarkets and stores that
have the facility of PoS. Teaching beggar how to use digital banking is such a
worthless gimmick that they should rather consider installing free PoS at every
local stores and shops.

5. Safe passage for black money: The November 29 bill ensured that black
money gets easy passage. Those that have stacked black money are being invited
to pay half of it to the government and the half of it they are welcome to have as
white money. They could lock the half into a government bond for four years and
they are free to go. So the black money holders get to keep half of the black money
which gets converted into white, while people with no black or white money for
that matter gets to face consequences that disturbs their life like nothing else

6. Cashless banking consequences: So the poor who only earn enough to hardly
meet their daily needs were inspired and started depositing small amounts in their
bank accounts. Shocking reports of the money vanishing from their accounts
started coming from various regions. The bank people are so busy that they are
hardly available to assure these people that it is technical mistake and would be
corrected. How are these people supposed to put their faith into something they
neither understand nor see any hope for understanding in future?

7. The big fat weddings: From spending crores in royal marriages to using
chartered planes to carry their guests, MPs and MLAs and celebrities. Let’s say
they are digitalized enough to afford it. But then comes inspiring speeches of our
PM on how to throw wedding parties in petty budget. Are common people the only
ones that should compromise for something they never got involved in?

8. Digital India: It is not hard to see how the cover up of black money promises is
done are in the name of Digital India. Yes, a cashless economy is likely to be less
vulnerable to corruption but what about the current problems of mismanagement
that is killing people? If the lives of poor are to be treated as war savage in order to
serve the greater purpose of ‘long-term good’ for the political parties, it is indeed
not a democracy that we are talking of.

9. Parliamentary disruption: The parliament is not functioning. It has been over

three weeks into the winter session and neither of the houses has done anything
meaningful. Protests followed by big speeches and challenges from one party to
the other are the only thing going on. It is the tax payer’s hard earned money that is
being wasted here if anything.
Is Automation in normal lives boon or bane?
Automation has changed the whole world. Starting from morning to evening all
our works somehow automated. Prop drinking water we purify using Aquaguard,
eat food prepared by micro oven, wash cloths in washing machine, store foods in
Freeze, office works 99% automated only supervision is left for us. The question
comes “Is Automation is boon or bane?” That means this automation is good or
bad for us.

Good/ Boon for Us

 Most difficult tasks become more easy
 Computer has made lots of difficult tasks to easier. Ex calculation, Data
storage etc. Trains and trucks use for goods transportation.
 Increase the efficiency
 Human efficiency has increased due to automation. We can manage and do
lots of work at the same time.
 Time Uses reduced
 Due to automation we need less time to complete a task. Sending and
receiving mails, messages are just click of our mouse.
 Communication Made Easier
We can talk to any person over mobile phone as per our requirement.
 Security
 CCTV cameras brought a revolution in security system. We can track
everything also catch the culprit instantly through CCTV footage.
 Help to Disables
 Automation has helped the disabled person to overcome the disabilities
and work like normal people by providing the proper care and

Bad/ Bane for Us

 Reduce Employability
 Low skill workers are replaced but even high skilled workers are getting
replaced by the machines. In short run, it may seem to be increasing the
unemployment but in long run, automation has freed the people from
unnecessary work. With the increase of precision due to automation, we
have achieved huge heights in medical sector which has saved many lives.
 Health issues
 I partially agree with you. Automation has limited the scope of the players
as natural environment for gaming is also changed with the mostly indoor
games on computers and play stations. It makes people weak and it’s
ultimately the invitation to many health diseases also due to lack of work.
 Machines are Sensitive
 Automation to some extent is good but when more control is given to
robots like artificial intelligence systems then it is challenging the
discretion powers of the humans. Machines can never think like humans
and so the decisions are also programmed without involving the sensitivity
of the issue.
 Hackers
 Technology can be hacked. Which leads to overall destruction of a country

Overall, Automation is very essential for growth of the world as a whole.
Automation ensures the proper utilization of resources along with the contribution
in various fields like healthcare, sports, energy and technology. Without
automation, we will waste our time in the unnecessary things and economic
balance in world is not maintained. Automation also helps in reducing the waste
irrespective of the belief that waste is generated by it. It is short term effects of
automation which looks like causing unemployment and destroying the way of life
of people. But in long run, automation is the need without which we can’t focus on
Should Indian economy be privatized?
Should India Economy be privatized. It has a mixed economy should go for
privatization or continue with the current system, is a burning discussion topic in
view of the various steps taken in different sectors by the Govt of India. Whether
the move will benefit the country in terms of growth or will not.
Key facts about Privatization of Economy
Generally privatization is a way of changing the relationship between the state and
the private sector to enhance the role of the private sector in the country in the
functioning of the national economy as a whole. Accordingly, privatization broadly
means any process that reduces the state’s dominant role in directly owning and
running the economic activities of a country.
Many countries like China with state controlled economies have gone far enough
to open the doors of economies to invite private players to achieve faster growth
rate. The craze for privatization has risen manifold after the ideological defeat and
disintegration of the state controlled economy of the socialist bloc.
In a country like India, Privatization in today’s concept is seen as a means of
increasing output, improving quality, reducing unit costs, curbing public spending
and raising cash to reduce public debt.

Privatization is the need of the Hour

 As the world economy tend to become one village, privatization as an
approach standard appears to override political compulsions as an instrument
for achieving competitive efficiency and resource enhancement.
 Privatization is beneficial for the growth and sustainability of the state-owned
enterprises. Following the trend of privatization across the world, the Indian
government in the 1990s also introduced privatization amid hue and cry from
many of the political and social groups.
 To accomplish an expansion in the yield of the nation there is a requirement
for privatization at a fast scale which will help in enhancing nature of the items
by lessening unit costs, checking open spending and raising money to diminish
open obligation.
 Privatization dependably helps in keeping the buyer needs highest, it enables
the legislatures to pay their obligations, it helps in expanding long haul
employments and advances focused proficiency and open market economy. In
a quickly rising economy like India there is a requirement for the legislature to
realign its needs in activating the aptitudes and assets of the private area in the
bigger undertaking of the improvement.
 Nowadays privatization is being viewed as an answer towards the issues of
open ventures as these endeavors on being exchanged from the general
population to the private hands will turn out to be less politicized which
subsequently will help in stopping the regulatory debasement. It will likewise
help n expanding the duty incomes from benefits and reinforcing general
society treasury. The upsides of privatization can be seen from both micro
economic and macroeconomic effects that privatization applies.
 Indian economy has a tremendous potential for growth. The economy which
used to rise at 3-4% of GDP had steadily registered rising growth to 9.7% after
introduction of reforms.
 Privatization will give ample space for creative and innovative thinking as well
as systematic and strategic planning to realize the full potential of economy
Not everything is good with privatization
The concept of welfare state may get defeated with the Privatization of economy.
Private sector would not care about the society as its main objective is to earn
Government or Public sector companies also keep doing social work
simultaneously. In case privatization happens, it will result in fewer funds for
society because private companies have no obligation to do social work.
Privatization will also result in retrenchment of employees. In private sector
enterprises there is emphasis on performance which indirectly results in work
pressure and meeting deadlines or targets and individuals who have been doing
work for years without much pressure find it difficult to adjust to new setting and
many end up resigning from their service.
Risk of short term gains is prominent in private companies. There are decisions to
start ventures which result in short term benefits but may not be good for
long term.

Economic growth is more important than

Ecological protection
Environment has created fast and then our economy. All most everyone is running
on a race to fulfil their For earning the brilliant. The Economic growth is not a one
day process but it is a continuous process. For this, we need sustainable
development i.e Using resources in such a way that it fulfils a current need or
demand without compromising the future needs. Without taking care of the
ecological system, the economic growth is next to impossible. We get food, water,
resources, air everything from the ecosystem. Let’s start the discussion

Economic Growth
1. Economic growth is more important. Growth and development comes from
economic growth.
2. Industrialization and modernisation can be done through economic growth.
3. Economic growth is important because third world countries have huge
poverty level and economic growth through industrialization is the only way.
4. Smart city projects are based on Economic developments. Ecological
protection is hindrances in the part of development.
5. Car, Bus, AC and internet is only through Economic growth.
6. We are able to fight with so many variety of diseases through our research and
development from Economic growth only.
Ecological Protection:
1. A proper economic growth of the nation is only possible if we utilise all the
resources available in a proper, sustainable and efficient manner. Jeopardising
the natural balance just to accomplish short term economic goals is not only
reckless but has severe effects for future generations.
2. Both the things that is of ecological as well as an ecosystem are hand to hand
like things. And all the countries whether it is developed one or under
developing countries, both used to maintain this hand to hand. Where ever this
balance fluctuates then as a resultant that particular city is effect by the
ecological system. As we look after the Delhi, there it is a unbalance of
economic growth with the ecosystem. That is economic growth is exceeding
the ecosystem usage. Because of which government is having a formula like
odd and even. Recently Delhi government had a compulsion to the class rooms
that they must have air purifiers in their classrooms. This all the stuff they are
doing just to maintain this hand to hand thing balanced.
3. Economic growth and ecological protection both are important at their own
place. We can’t succeed without economic growth. Economic growth brings
prosperity and peace in our life. It simplifies our life. But it should not be done
without caring our ecosystem. Because our ecosystem is equally important to
us. It maintains a balance between different forms of lives. Therefore, we
should grow without harming the ecosystem. This is called sustainable
development. To achieve this, we can use non-conventional sources of energy
such as wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy. They don’t harm the
ecosystem and also fulfill the power needs of the humans. We can switch to
electric vehicles such as an electric car, bike, train etc.
4. Using the earth’s natural resources especially as fuels to our industry, we come
to an alarming level to use these anymore. Global warming is the main concern
of all the countries worldwide. India plays a vital role in this regard.
5. The Level of carbon mono oxide gas in the air has increased at such a
dangerous point that people especially children are suffering from various
heart and lung disease. Smog has become a common feature of all metro cities
around the world.

Finally, the word “eco” is clearly relating to both ecology and economy. When we
want to grow in the economy then we have to need to in the growth in ecology also
for maintained balance between both for developed our nation.Because the
economy is an asset then the ecology is an aspect in which our country should
develop. So for developing our nation we have to focused on cleaning at beginning
and after improving economically will make our India developed and stronger.

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