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1. Read the text below.

The winter is coming. It is my favorite season of the year, because of the Christmas spirit. I like the
Christmas lights and the carols, especially the American ones; they are very happy and spontaneous and
the singers really enjoy what they’re doing. Also, I like to buy presents for my friends and family, even if
I spend a lot of money on them, I simply like the idea of making someone happy.

The weather is cold, windy and, usually, moist, but the snow is always a pleasure to look at. Even if the
town is dirty and unfriendly during this period of the year, the snow cheers it up a little bit. Because of the
bad weather, I have to wear gloves, a jacket, a scarf, a hat and boots. When the snow is big enough I like
to watch the snowflakes falling, to build a snowman or to play with the snow balls.

Christmas is my favorite holiday. During this celebration, I usually eat stuffed cabbage and polenta,
different dishes made of pork, roast, fruit salad, cakes and sweets.

2. Describe the images using the winter vocabulary:

3. Give answers to the following questions:
-What do you like most about Christmas?
-Do you like to trim the Christmas tree? What sort of decorations do you like to use? (Tinsel,
Christmas balls, tree toppers, candles, stars, figurines, bells, Christmas lights…)
-Where would you like to spend this holiday, in which country/city?
-What is your favorite tradition related to this holiday?
-What do you think about Santa Claus?
-Do you like to buy presents?
-What is one of the most beautiful and unexpected present you have ever got?

4. Look at the following video and try to summarize it.
1. Conditional I and conditional II.
If you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) dinner tonight.
If my dad (have) time next week, we (paint) my room.
You (learn) a lot about American history if you (visit) the
If the weather (be / not) too bad tomorrow, we (play) golf.
We (get / not) there on time if we (catch / not) the bus.
If you come with me, I (to do) the shopping with you.
Walter (to help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.
If it (to rain), I will stay at home.
Our teacher will be happy if we (to learn) the poem by heart.
If they had enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
We (to pass) the exam if we studied harder.
If Pat (to repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us.
She would get 100 pounds if she (to sell) this old shelf.
If I was/were you, I (to invite) Jack to the party.
If the weather (to be) fine, the children can walk to school.

3. Conditional I and II.

w ere
If I (be) a super hero of Marvel, I would be Wolverine.
The taxi is late. If Sarah (miss) her job interview, she won't have a new job.
If the weather forecast (be) good next Sunday I will go to the beach with my

Would you go
(go, you) to the movie theatre with me tonight if you didn't work?
w ill go
I (go) to Miami this winter if I have enough money.
w ouldn't w ork
If I were brighter, I (not, work) for this company.
The children will eat chocolate cookies if their mother (cook) them.
w ould live
If he were richer, he (live) in a bigger house.
If they (be) free this weekend, they will go to the dance club.
If they (find) David's address, they will send him an invitation.
w ill have
If you understand the conditional tense, you (have) the good answers!
4. Conditional I and II . Negation

If Tracy had a mobile phone, she (to phone) all her friends.
I (to be) very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.
If the boys (to win) this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue.
If you don't read these articles, you (not/to know) the facts about Africa.
You would get very wet if you (to walk) in this rain.
The engine (not/to start) if Ben connected these two cables.
If he has time, he (to buy) her some sweets.
Maria (to play) in the school orchestra if she practised the trumpet more often.
We won't fetch something to drink if Jim (not/to bring) some sandwiches.
If he (to carry) the rucksack, I'd pull the suitcase.

5. Translate the following text into Romanian:

Dacă am bani, o să vin cu tine la munte.

Dacă aş avea bani, mi-aş cumpăra o maşină drăguţă.
Să-mi spui dacă ai de gând să vii. Vreau să ştiu câte pahare pregătesc.
Anunţă-mă dacă ai vrea să mergem in exrcursie. Poate mai am un loc liber în maşină.
Crede-mă dacă aş ştii ce s-a întâmplat cu Maria, ţi-aş spune.
Să mă ajuţi puţin cu traducerea asta, dacă ai timp, desigur.
Aş fi mâncat şi cel de-al doilea hamburger, dacă nu mi l-ar fi înşfăcat fetiţa.

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