Role of Government: - Capital Market

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Role of government

Government should intervene to ensure justice and fairness. This requires extremely fine balancing between autocracy and
democracy that is the actual challenge. The government should accept moral responsibility for the well-being of the citizens.
History is witness to Kings and empire because they recorded as great because of their contribution to the nation.
Government should create a win-win situation in all the three dimensions – society, economics and politics.
Three different types of market are capital market, labor market and consumer market.
Capital market provides the necessities for production in terms of resources like land, machinery and technology, raw
materials, etc.
The research is always for cheaper, political, sources rather than ethical sources because the name of the game is
Investors’ measure opportunities great on the financial well-being of the company and CSR may not be playing a very
prominent role in such performances. One can argue that CSR will bring better financial returns in the end, but it seems so
elusive and qualitative that capital markets are not actually driven by CSR. Firms may be using CSR only as a seductive
motion to keep any kind of external control, the government regulations, away from their activities.
The labor market is another interesting arena. It is believed that education creates responsible, trustworthy, dependable
people. This is also the need of the highly specialized world of today, in a professional course class if students are asked to
identify their favorite company, it would always relate back to the pay package and turnover of the company. It was never
about how responsible the company is. Therefore, the company that offers the highest package gets the Best brain.
This truth is born out of the fact that today Howard business school has a student initiative where students sign up to take on
an oath that they would not consent to any organizational activity that is. Unethical.
It is interesting to note that the consumer market is also not really driven by responsible behavior; they can play a big role in
promoting CSR.
First, consumers are not willing to bear the extra cost of CSR in the form of higher prices. It is only a few niche brands that
can command an extra price, because of a responsible product or service.

Usually the consumers are driven by advertisements to buy a product and not on whether how the company has been
operating. Therefore, the company said that since CSR does not sell, we do not highlight it in the market.
Consumers have to come together to create the collective bargaining power to ensure responsible behavior in the market,
otherwise the king would be toppled every day and kinship of consumers would remain a myth.

Exhibit 1 the Walmart controversy

The government have to create a level playing field for all players, but it is easier said than done, some of reasons are given
a) Every country with its unique culture, history, and political institutions need to address the socio – economic
issue exclusively
b) Multinational corporations me bring about an increase the standard of living in a country, but the fall out in
areas of resource exploitation, environmental disasters, employment policies, and financial and marketing
concerns may nullify CSR
c) The vested interest of corporate Millie to the formulation of policies that me keep out fair competition or maybe
aimed at promoting their products and services behind the facade of social responsibility example the
controversy over genetically modified food, which is about a choice of having higher yields to feed more hungry
people, against health issues over a long period.
d) formants themselves may have a wasted interest in engineering policies that may cater to their party funds by
favoring certain individuals lobbies and cartels , Specially in multi-party democracy like India or even in
developed countries like the US, or in the European Union

Exhibit 2 Internet privacy issue in China

The role of government lies in providing clear guidance to the business world about CSR policies. Today, companies are
struggling to find the right way of perceiving CSR, as they have to adhere to an excessive number of complicated rules and

Exhibit 3 Un-Sportsman – like behavior

Exhibit 4 what role should corporate play in politics.
Role of NGOs and non– profit organizations
The full form of NGO is non-governmental organization. As the name suggest it is the legally constituted body without any
government in involvement. Even those NGOs that receive government funding keep their non-governmental status intact
and do not allow any government representatives to be their members. It is not legal definition and therefore such
organizations are referred to by different countries like civil society, Independent sector, volunteer sector, grassroots
organizations, private voluntary organizations, self-help organization.
In India NGO’s can be registered in four ways
1) Trust
2) Society
3) Section 25 company and
4) specialized licensing.

Following laws or constitutional articles of the Republic of India or 11 to the NGOs

 Article 1930 of Constitution of India
 Income tax act, 1961
 Public trust Act of various states
 Societies registration act 1860
 Section 25 of the Indian companies act, 1956
 Foreign contribution act 1976

Fuse need to be managed just as any other corporate inherent structure of an Indian is high level of dedication and
commitment to work with and for the disadvantaged groups in society.
The funds are usually public donations that are routed through donor agencies, government bodies or are given
directly to the organization. Unlike the corporate world where investors get a share of the profit, in an MP or NGO, there is a
separation between the causes supported under. Actually, the NPO works as the bridge between the beneficiary and the
donor and hence is accountable to both the funds are usually public donations that are routed through donor agencies,
government bodies or are given directly to the organization. Unlike the corporate world where investors get a share of the
profit, in an NPO or NGO, there is a separation between the cause supported and the donor. Actually, the NPO works as the
bridge between the beneficiary and the donor and hence is accountable to vote.

From the above description of NNPO or NGO, we can purchase that these institutions can play in CSR. In fact, they can play
a very proactive role if they work to facilitate social responsibility by joining hands with the corporate and government.
However, they can also become agents of money laundering by few business organizations or government bodies, by
posing as the social wing and camouflaging the actual activities.

Excellent example is the practice of child ever in India. Children are caught in a vicious cycle of lack of opportunities and
poverty, leading to promotion of child labor. Tell India does not create enough infrastructure, like better connectivity between
Rural and urban areas, accessibility to schools, and provision of meals to ensure children do not run away from schools,
employment, and social security schemes, child labor would remain as a source of livelihood for children and their families
they belong too.
If By law, child labor is totally eradicated, then social issues like street crimes, drug abuse, human trafficking, and
other related consequences would plague Society, as it has happened in Bangladesh their child Labor was banned due to
international pressure but there was no contingency plan to absorb these children more productivity.

Exhibit 5 Japan and its rice culture

Power tea is described as “pronounced deprivation in well-being” Being poor as single inverted, to be hungry, two lakh
shelter and clothing, to be sick and not care for, to be illiterate and not Schooled.

Power tea has to be understood from a wider perspective that includes health, which relates to calorie intake, nutrition, safe
drinking water, sanitation and Longevity Access to land and credit, education, and other infrastructure facilities define the
various causes of poverty. The related issue of power tea, like female infanticide, gender discrepancy, illiteracy and are
some of the factors that affect the development of the country. In the end, poverty causes multi areas damage to healthy
human capital, which in turn can lead to an unproductive and healthy workplace.
CSR would have to confront the issue of women empowerment, along with decrease in the number of tomorrow’s
workforce and the underlying female for the feticides that still plague the world
Corporates have to reinvent the human resource policies to support women to balance family life with professional
life. Already effort’s like Flexi work hours, paid maternity leave et cetera are being put in place but these may also ETA
woman not being hired, as the cost of hiring woman becomes higher when such benefits have to be provided. Therefore, the
celebrated woman empowerment may not actually rectify and the percentage may remain far below the desirable corporate
have to reinvent the human resource policies to support women to balance family life with professional life. Already effort’s
like Flexi work hours, paid maternity leave et cetera are being put in place but this may also ETA woman not being hired, as
the cost of hiring woman becomes higher when such benefits have to be provided. Therefore, the celebrated woman
empowerment may not actually fructify and the percentage may remain far below the desirable delete it rate.
That dictation old reduce female infanticide in societies that we were boys over girls. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite
seems to have happened, and educated couples belonging to the middle class, where incomes are on the rise, the desire
for a smaller family is very strong

These aspects have resulted in much skewed gender ratio. Northern Indian and China show alarming ratios of almost as
high as 124 Boys to 200 girls.
It is clear that what may not seem like a problem for the business world on the surface is actually going to influence it in the
major manner. The form of either lack of qualified healthy workforce, or a social imbalance that can spell disaster to the
future development of a country these are areas where NGOs and NPO can contribute with proactive initiatives, in
collaboration with the government and the corporate world to ensure that the future development sustainable.

Role of educational institutions

Adomssent and Michelsen state Universities does not only need to become more open minded, it also needs to transform
itself into a learning academia, constantly adapting itself to new challenges and comprehending itself as one player
interacting with others. Argument is also applicable to smaller educational institutions.
Educational institutions should promote of CSR throughout their organizations in the outside world. The advantage
of educational institutions is that they are far better position to influence and mold the young minds to value sharing and
giving. This is an important aspect of CSR that businesses are unable to handle because of lack of resources that can mold
mature mind.
The ultimate objective is the enhancement of the quality of life of the population. In this, educational institutions can
play mini rolls, essentially to achieve social dynamics.
For example, education is a great tool, to adopt healthier lifestyles and diets come on to engage in family planning, to ensure
quality etc. Responsibility to create a better future through processes such as it is mentioned below
 Educating the human capital
 Promoting the development of knowledge in society by encouraging lifelong learning
 Creating an environment for scientific and technology televisions but make human existence more compatible
 Collaborating with the corporate world to help in the process of advancement through research and double up
 Disseminating knowledge that creates synergy for socio economic development.

Educational institutions have to play a major role in removing the myth that inequality is natural because only then can
solutions be obtained to fight it. Inequality is a major hurdle in the distribution of the fruits of progress.
Academic institutions have to play a very proactive and influential role in re addressing the fundamental power imbalances
between the political realm, the economic realm and educational institutions have to play a major role in removing the myth
that inequality is natural because only then can solutions be obtained to fight it. Inequality is a major hurdle in the distribution
of the fruits of progress.
The ongoing global crisis like the economic recession, climate change, economic imperialism in the name of progress and
patents and sanctions have unleashed concerns about how academic institutions are going to revamp their curriculum and
teaching processes to ensure that a future leader and professionals do not plunge the world into similar catastrophes.

The ongoing global crisis like the economic recession, climate change, economic imperialism in the name of progress and
patents and sanctions have unleashed concerns about how academic institutions are going to revamp their curriculum and
teaching processes to ensure that a future leader and professionals do not plunge the world into similar catastrophes. The
debate whether CSR is a part of business attics as a discipline or vice versa still reaches in academic circles. However,
there is certainly a consensus both are normative science is that relate to values and morality I need significant attention in
academic institutions training future managers

Realizing the influential role institutions, the United Nations has created a charter which when signed; find the academic
institutions voluntarily to commit to 10 principles of action

Exhibit 6: aspen CBE announces the launch of the oath project. Org

Role of the media

The most powerful engines of social change. Unfortunately due to reasons internal and external to the media world, it is not
being tapped to bring out a responsible social change. History is witness to the fact that autocratic oppressive governments
have also tried to control the media because of its influence and reach.
This industry has remained unregulated political systems shy away from being seen as relaters of free expression of speech
and thought. In addition, the media powerful have shot the hapless regulators

The free press cannot be overlooked. Whenever the media world has wish to achieve some good, it has a tremendous
positive influence on society. We have examples in India like that Jessica Lal case, where the murder case of Jessica was it
be opened because of the campaign carried out by the media in partnership with the civil society.
Companies become the tools of their proprietor for self-promotion or camouflage unethical activities through biased
The media has to play the role of a true detective who wears all the evidences carefully and offers a balanced opinion it
must expose the truth but also keep in mind that the dignity and privacy of the citizens should be maintained. The ethical
issue is that media has to balance between two rights in the literal as well as the legal sense.
Right to information the right to privacy

It has to play the role of not just the entertainer, but also the informer.
The concept of CSR fits this way into the media world as we have seen that in the earlier chapters the trolls, code, systems
and processes can only produce minimum standards. We cannot lead to excellence, CSR provide as a best practice.
Considering the power and pleasure that media can create, it is to create a strong value foundation by embedding virtue into
the system.
The argument that the inherent virtue of the profession would take care of the media world is flawed. That Government and
the corporate can be monitored by the hottest media and in fact the media can open play the role of a mediator and
sensitive issue by creating a platform for debate. This naturally means that the media itself must be transparent and
accountable to the creditable judge of other institutional players, the government and business stakeholders in CSR

For the role of media has to be that of a role model of CSR. It has to announce its understanding of CSR and build public
awareness. Media can motivate corporations who are involved in value added service to society by publicizing their work,
and thus creating awareness in society of the need for socially relevant activities and sustainable development

When the media strongly support CSR, it would gain public support and almost blind faith. However if the underlying motive
activism is the only brand building, then it would remain and attention seeking effort without yielding any real change for the
better. The media needs to create its ethical code of conduct and a transparent governance procedure to ensure its
credibility among the citizens of the world.
While media baron Joseph when the media strongly support CSR it would gain public support and almost blind faith.
However if the underlying motive is the only brand building, then it would remain and attention seeking effort without yielding
any real change for the better. The media needs to create its ethical code of conduct and a transparent governance
procedure to ensure its credibility among the citizens of the world.
Perhaps the erthswile media baron Joseph Pulitzer gave the best advice “
Always fight for progress and reform. Never tolerate injustice for corruption, always fight DMEGOGUES of all parties –
never like sympathy for the poor, always remain devoted to public welfare, never be satisfied with nearly printing venues,
always be drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong.“

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