Showcase Restoration - Contents Solutions - Volume 10 Issue 5 E-Version Red

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10, Issue 5

Provided by your Contents Restoration partner

The Touch
Have you ever thought about how many times a contents professional handles an unload to a). Storage or b). Deodorization
item from the time he (she) enters a home or office, to the time they leave? room, then to storage. 4). Either place items
If you asked yourself the same question about a moving in a vault or bring the vault down with a
company you could quickly answer – a mover packs things forklift, then place items into the vault and
in boxes…loads the boxes onto the truck…transports replace the vault in a safe area. 5). At the
them…unloads them…the end (of course some movers put appropriate time the boxes are taken from
things in storage then later load them back on the truck). the vault and transported to the cleaning
Sound about right? stations. 6). Items are unpacked. 7). Each
And should a worker accidentally drop a item is meticulously cleaned by one of sev-
ten pound watermelon on a five pound lap eral processes (with cleaning solutions, ul-
top computer (and both were damaged be- trasonics, spray wash, etc.) 8). All items are
yond repair) you would actually get twice re-wrapped, re-cushioned and repacked in
as much reimbursement for the watermelon new containers. 9). Boxes are transported ei-
than you would for the computer (they ther back to the vaults or to a deodorization
reimburse by the pound – about a dol- room – then to storage. 10). On “move back”
lar or two per pound – not by replace- day, all boxes are taken from the vaults and
ment cost). loaded onto a truck. 11). Items are unpacked
The laptop story is significant for and replaced in appropriate places based on
two reasons. First, as you know, a res- inventory charts and photographs.
toration insurance policy reimburses And, of course, there is always the pos-
the owner for the cost of replace- sibility that some items will have to be
ment if an article cannot be outsourced to an specialty service provider
repaired. Second, moving for repair, in which case 13). Items are pre-
professionals don’t have the pared for pick–up by in-house transporters.
time or training that a con- 14). Loaded into a transport. 15). Unloaded
tents professional has – they 16). Repaired. 17). Re-wrapped, re-cushioned
are trained to pack up and move and repacked. 18). Reloaded into a transport
out, not protect, clean, preserve 19). Unloaded. 20). Placed back in storage vault.
and conserve. And each move (each “touch”) is another
Now let’s take a look at how many opportunity for breakage or other damage
times a contents professional handles – this is no time for companies whose front
various items (we’ll use numbers to keep line workers are trained only to transport
score): 1). They inspect, inventory, photo- materials, this many “moves” calls for the
graph, wrap or cushion, and pack into boxes. discerning eye and trained hands of a con-
2). They load the boxes into the trucks. 3). They tents professional.

Onsite Storage Containers = Risk for Wood Furniture

By Barb Jackson CR

Temporary storage containers left on-site are sometimes viewed as the condensation can cause imprints in the finish. Refinishing
as a viable option due to limited insurance coverage, the prefer- would reverse this, but it is a costly mistake.
ence of an adjuster in an effort to reduce storage fees, and some- When wrapping furniture, it is important to use a moisture bar-
times the preference of the insured, who may feel more comfort- rier against the surface of the wood.
able knowing their contents are nearby. All parties need Other risks are rodents and pests, and limited security. Locks can
to evaluate the risks involved with on-site storage be cut, items can be stolen. If retrieval of contents is nec-
containers. essary, access to the contents is
Wood furniture is vulnerable to heat very limited and becomes a time-
and cold. The fact is that there consuming proposition.
may be extreme changes Solution: Store in a secure,
Vol. 10, Issue 5

in temperature and humid- climate-controlled facility. All

ity levels, which cause the professional contents processing
wood to expand, contract companies have such facilities.
and crack. And even when they are “maxed
Contents professionals out,” they will know which mov-
know that wrapping furni- ing companies and storage fa-
ture in plastic is not rec- cilities are up to their standards
ommended for long term of excellence.
Canadian University
Study Shows Bleach
Is Best
“Bleach-based products proved the most
successful in lowering the concentration of
noroviruses, according to a new study,” says
Beth Hall of Associated Press.
CBS just released information about re-
search conducted at Canada’s Laval University.
Researchers there tested bleach, alcohol based
and ammonia based commercial cleansers --
bleach was the hands down winner in com-
Can a Wet Cell Phone Be Restored? bating noroviruses.
Bleach lowered the concentration of no-
So you have beach front property and the water, generates an acid that will corrode roviruses (the ones that cause stomach flu,
latest hurricane turned your living room the circuits in computers, televisions and “gastroenteritis”) on a stainless steel surface
into a short, shallow swimming pool, and phones, rendering them useless. by a factor of 1,000. By comparison, the other
your favorite Blackberry is resting at the Now, let’s take a look at what a contents cleansers were 100 times less effective.
bottom of the murky water? pro does. First, he (she) will get it out of In a news release lead researcher Julie Jean
You say your beloved iPhone was sub- the water! The more time it is in there, the said, “Our results are of particular concern
jected to the indignities of smoke, ash and more time water has to find its way into the considering that some 40 per cent of the com-
an indiscriminant spray from fire hoses? hairline spaces in the case. Second, he will mercial surface disinfectants on the market
Well, the Internet offers such interest- get the battery out – that cuts way back on are alcohol - or ammonium-based.”
ing “fixes” as, “…use your hair dryer to blow the odds of “frying” the delicate mechanism This new study shows what the contents
the water out…” or “…press on the screen inside (by the way, an owner’s first instinct restoration decontamination workers have
to force out excess droplets…” and “…wrap is to turn on the telephone to see if it still known for a long time – a home or building
it in warm blankets or towels to absorb the works – a contents pro would never make contaminated with raw sewage or biological
water…” and one of our all time favorites, such a “rookie mistake”). contaminants can’t be cleaned with alcohol
“…use a vacuum to suck the water out,” (a Next, the professional would remove the or ammonia. But the pros still opt for “hu-
household sweeper is more likely to short sim card (all your telephone numbers, ad- man friendly” virus and germ killers over the
out from pulling water into hardware that dresses, etc. are on there, and even when toxic effects of raw bleach.
was never designed to get wet!) the phone itself cannot be saved, the in- They use biocides that
A hair dryer will actually force water formation on the sim card is often worth are 99.99% effec-
deeper into the cell phone. far more to the owner than the case and tive in killing
Blankets and towels generate static, and hardware.) viruses with
a static spark can easily damage the inner After that, the cell phone is opened and none of the
workings of a cell phone. the components are washed with special drawbacks
Most , if there are any contaminants, solutions to get the smoke, soot, and other of their
like those found in sea water, or sewage, contaminants out (most probably with an poisonous
they will damage the cell phone perma- ultrasonic machine or special solvents and cousin.
nently if they are not removed prior to the compressed air). And only then is it placed
drying process. in a special drying chamber that won’t
Smoke and soot, when combined with overheat or melt the fragile components.

If you haven’t heard about it already, you soon will. The USDA has a new designation,
“BioPreferred.” They give this “stamp of approval” to items such as sanitizers, glass
cleaners, adhesive removers, carpet and upholstery cleaners, etc. Only substances that
are “biobased,” (made from natural substances) can qualify and government agencies
are mandated to purchase such products.But the contents pros are way ahead of them
– if a cleaning product is “eco-friendly,” (green) or “bio-friendly,” (human friendly), the
odds are very good they have been using it long before it got the “BioPreferred,” label
from the U.S. government.
Coming Up In the Next Issues
of Contents Solutions
Contents Pros Prepare


High Tech Contents Cleaning



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Contents Solutions is created each month by the research team at Total Contentz
who are solely responsible for its publication and the material contained within. ©2010

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