Dr. Abdullah - 4 Passages

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Ahmed Jamal

The Palestinian Scenario to Be Adopted In Myanmar

Osama Al-Alfie
Mistaken are those who consider Myanmar’s Muslims reality a mere ethnic
conflict; for far away than that it goes. The situation there resembles the
systematic approach Zionists followed in Palestine when they usurped the land
and forced Palestinians to immigrate, so that they can seize the country’s
wealth all for themselves.
It all started in 1559, when Buddhist king, Baintwang, captured “Bago” and
banned Muslims from practicing halal slaughter of livestock. He also forced
them to listen to Buddhist ceremonies with the intention of converting them
by force. Back then, “Rakhin” was an independent state with 3 million Muslims
who descend from Arabic roots; their ancestors were Arab merchants who
lived in the Southeast Asia since 8th century A.D. In 1784, things exacerbated
for Rohingya’s Muslims due to their strict adherence to their Islamic identity,
bearing all the struggles for it, which encouraged so many Buddhists to convert
to Islam. Infuriated Buddhist fanatics, under British colonization’s cover,
tortured and deprived them in all sorts. The real tragedy began in 1948, the
same year of the Palestinian calamity, when British Colonization left, leaving in
charge those Buddhist extremists, who made “Rakhin” a part of Burma, calling
it “Myanmar”.
Communist government, led by General Ni wan, began its crackdown on
Burmese Muslims first in 1962 when it seized 90% of their acquisitions. Five
years later, it would denaturalize thousands of “Rakhin” Muslims, expelling
them to Bangladesh. In 1974, 300 hundred thousand Muslims were deprived of
their nationality, and only four years after that half a million of the “Rohingya”
Muslims were expelled to Bangladesh. A new law deepened such suppression
in 1982, depriving them of their nationality and labelling them as unwanted
Bengali emigrants. Since then, Rohingya Muslims were subjected to murder
and forced depopulation. Arson of mosques was conducted to obliterate any
Islamic spirit in “Rakhin”. It is strange what stirs the Burmese government and
its leader San Souci, the Noble peace prize laureate, who once opposed the
regime and defended liberty.

Ahmed Jamal

Various reasons actually led San Souci to utterly alter her principles. One thing
is that she wanted to secure the Buddhist majority’s support, and also seize
Muslims’ lands with all its natural resources like the oil discovered in 2004 in
“Rakhin”, natural gas, and elements such as Platinum and others. Another
reason is the government’s disapproval of Islamic existence in such a rich
region not to pave the way for building a strong Islamic country along its
borders. Egypt’s stance towards the case was significant both officially and
publicly, because what happens in Myanmar is a crime against humanity,
aiming to liquidate a nation and seize its land.

Ahmed Jamal

The West and doubts about Trump’s credibility!

Lately, there have been multiple western views concerning the president’s
personal character, or what they call “his own stamp”, which is the greatest
incentive for the Untied States to be bankrupt internationally... He always
presents himself with a very bold appearance and style... A man who is hard to
rally the confidence of politicians and diplomats because he often changes his
views or retreats or comes out with fire inaccurate threats... The question now
in Europe: is America can be trusted? …

In her talk to the French newspaper Almond on September 25 came the

answer of Hillary Clinton, but we must take into account the fierce competition
took place between them. “Trump has achieved instability and created
unknown horizons in the world of international relations,” and added, “he has
intensified the conflicts that were not necessary, particularly about the Iranian
nuclear file, and this may lead to two nuclear crises instead of one with North

The agreement concluded on July 14, 2015 between Iran, the five permanent
members of the UN Security Council, and Germany came as a result of Barack
Obama's insistence that this process has stopped the serious deviations of the
military nuclear weapon in return for the gradual easing of sanctions against
Tehran. The nuclear energy agency AIEA, entrusted with respecting the
American commitments, confirmed, “Tehran is going on the top of the
screws!” When Donald Trump insists to blow up everything that former
President Obama has established with difficulty and vows to tear apart the
2015 agreement, this according to Western observers, undermines the
credibility of the American signing. Trump broke off the United States’
commitment in partnership across the ocean, and decided to withdraw from
the Paris Convention for the climate. Let us not forget that Trump has called
for all nations to work hand in hand in order to isolate Iran on May 21 during
his visit to Riyadh... Since then, the tension is increasing day after day.

On October 15, within the framework of the implementation of the 2015

agreement that expects to stabilize every 90 days, the president must notify

Ahmed Jamal

Congress if Iran respects its obligations. If he says otherwise, the sanctions may
be implemented and the agreement will be completely shattered. In this
context, On Sept. 23 Iran tested a new type of missiles hitting the targets at a
distance of 2000 kilometres... The strategy experts believe that this challenge
enters into a malicious account demonstrating the extent of Iranian decisions,
which are based on nothing other than reciprocity.

In the first warning - which is currently considered verbal - the regime will
come out again with its arsenal...

If President Trump insists on this, it will be considered a slap to his most loyal
allies, especially France, who will lose their credibility if they violate the
agreement with Iran!

Therefore, Emanuel McCron announced from the United Nations platform,

“non-compliance with the Convention will be really irresponsible!”

How can we imagine the slightest solution to pacification in order to get out of
the serious crisis that North Korea has created if the United States has
expressed bluntly that there is no proper, legitimate or permanent agreement
in the nuclear field? How can Kim Jong-Wan be persuaded to stop the
escalation if proven to him that the 2015 agreement with Iran is nothing more
than a ragged piece of paper, or as Vladimir Putin has stated, that the West can
only offer dictators the fate that was reserved for Gaddafi!

In addition, the US president remains, in the eyes of experts, particularly

inconsistent and unaccounted for: there is a sharp contradiction between his
rebukes against Tehran and the US's negativity in the face of Iran's
skyrocketing ascension along with Bashar Assad!

Yes, all the countries is about to act violently!

Ahmed Jamal

What is behind Israel’s backing an independent Kurdistan?

Unsurprisingly, Israel was the world’s only state to declare its support and
backing for the referendum which the government of Iraqi Kurdistan insisted
on holding Monday evening (25/9/2017) to separate this region from Iraq. This
decision comes consistent with a historical Israeli policy with Iraq’s Kurds since
last century’s sixties.

Hence, Netanyahu’s announcement came less than two weeks before the
referendum. The Haaretz newspaper quoted his tweet stating, “Israel supports
the legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to achieve their own state.” Thus,
it was not strange for Maariv newspaper (9 May 2015) to disclose that the
government of Iraqi Kurdistan region had sent four political advisers to confer
with high-level Israeli officials on the means of political support, which Israel
can offer in support of the Kurdish independence.

The temporal dimension of the Israeli orientation supporting the secession of

Iraqi Kurdistan region from Iraq is of great significance. Especially, the regional
overall developments concurrent with this Israeli orientation. In particular, all
the manifold Syrian conflicts that Israel no longer consider to be serving their
interests but their enemies’ (Iran, Hezbollah, and Syrian President Bashar Al-
Assad). Let alone the preparation of Iraq for a new political phase which hints
that it is now capable of initiating a new era of restorations after the
completion of victories over the so-called “ISIS”. If we take all that into
consideration, we can mark three superior Israeli targets of this explicit bias
towards the secession.

The first of these goals concerns Iraq and is designed to prevent it from
returning strong and able to influence. In addition, to prevent it also from full-
time reconstruction and physical and moral construction of the Iraqi state after
all systematic destruction which was first exposed by the US occupation since
2003, and by terrorist organizations starting with Al-Qaeda and extending to
Da'ash. Israel is following the end of “ISIS era” in Iraq and Syria, and thinking
the functional role of this terrorist organization is heading towards its

Ahmed Jamal

downfall. Consequently, Iraq can possess again the elements of its power.
There are many indicators, most notably political reviews, especially by senior
Shiite leaders such as Prime Minister Haider Abadi and Muqtada al-Sadr, leader
of the Sadrist Trend, and Ammar al-Hakim, the chairperson of “Wisdom Trend”
party, the leader of “National Alliance”, who provided political projects aimed
at creating a balance in Iraq’s regional relations with Iran and Arab countries.
Accordingly, they target “the Sunni-Shiite recruitment policy” that Israel was
keen to employ to penetrate Sunni Arab countries under the title “war on the
Shiite axis “. It also aims to make objective changes in the political process in
favour of the citizenship state and democracy at the expense of “the racial
quota state”. All of this means that Iraq recovers its national unity, which is
rejected by Israel, and takes its precautions of it during “post Da’ash phase”
and is keen to find a good excuse that keeps of Iraq subjected to the option
“legitimization of innocent blood shed“, i.e., the policy of permanent fighting.

Conforming that, we find that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime

minister, not only praised the role of “ISIS”, considered that eliminating it was
“bad for Israel”, and also considered that it played “the role of dam, which
prevents the growing threat against Israel.” Furthermore, he started to warn
from “an Iranian plan that threatens Israel and the countries of the region" and
from “the tightness of Israeli options to confront this danger.” Hence, the
importance of Israel supporting the “Kurdish state” arises.

The second of these goals is to launch a re-division of the region, which

would be sufficient to end the danger of large countries on Israel.
Furthermore, the foundation of an alternative regional reality based on the
small sectarian, ethnic, and religious states would give the Jewish state the
ability to control, hegemony, absolute superiority, and secure the presence;
that is the same goal, which was a title for the US invasion and occupation of
Iraq, which carried the slogan of “re-demarcation of political maps”. Senator
John McCain kept calling for it by stating, “Partition is the solution” to face the
risks of internal conflicts in Iraq.

Former Israeli Minister Gideon Sa'ar revealed the importance of this goal by
saying, “the Kurds were and will remain long - term allies depended on

Ahmed Jamal

because they are like us, a minority in the Middle East, and it is their right to be
an independent state.” In addition, he demanded Israel's leaders to support
the Kurdish state option saying, “We have to encourage the independence of
minorities that have been undermined by regional agreements since Sykes-
Picot over the past 100 years.”

The third of these objectives, and the most important is “the Israeli
imposition of a regional neighbouring state to Iran in the Iraqi Kurdistan state”
after Iran has succeeded to be a state of a regional neighbourhood for Israel in
Lebanon and Syria, with the aim of deterring Iran from threatening the security
of the Israeli presence, and the empowerment of Israel to work hard and
effectively within Iran interior starting from the state of Kurdistan adjacent to
the Iranian border.

If the general Yair Golan, the former Israeli Army Chief of Staff who is
assigned to establish a new Israeli security theory, has disclosed this aim in
front of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy two week ago, it means
that the aim is strategically consented by Israel. Alon Ben David, the military
affairs commentator in Maariv newspaper, stated in (June 2015) that “a
Kurdish state made up of parts of Iraq, Syria and Turkey would represent (a
dream ally) for Israel.” At the same time, Maariv newspaper asserted that
independent Kurdistan scenario works for Israel in many ways, most
importantly of which is the strategic location of the region that cuts off Iran
from Syria and Lebanon. Further, it would be a “headache” not only to Iran,
but also to potential rivals including Iraq, Turkey, and Syria.

Three important aims that Israel hopes for through the choice of supporting
Kurdish independence, but the question remains: to what extent will Israel be
able to achieve these aims? Moreover, is it counterproductive to the point that
Israel may not be able to afford? This is the true challenge now that sums up
the essence of the regional conflicts.

Ahmed Jamal

Blossomed roses in the gardens of Catalonia!

What secession, independence, and international intervention are the people
of Catalonia talking about? Is there even anything called the people of
Catalonia? Do their culture and uniqueness give them the right to become a
state? Does the world know anything about Catalonia other than it is the
stronghold of Barcelona and Espanola, in addition to “a piece of land”; an area
of no more than the size of the “Fifth District” with population of 5 million
people who should be thankful if guaranteed “autonomy”? Has the world
become so chaotic? Is this the globalization they want? Have democracy
turned into a «game» in the hands of people to misuse whenever they please,
and leave when they get tired of it, or not in the «mood»? Is it of human rights
for this Catalonian to make a decision that results in others’ harm? Is it fair in
that case that the former be free and the second despot? What logic is this?

.. In the name of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the right of

minorities to self-determination, Catalonians organized an unconstitutional
referendum to secede from Spain last Sunday. Naturally, it was rejected by
Madrid, and eliminated as unconstitutional. Furthermore, Madrid resorted to
force and even bloodshed in order to stop this “nonsense”.

What Catalonians do not know is that these “childish acts” have been tried by
many states and peoples before Catalonia, which now its people shed tears on
their action, and regret the day they have made such a decision. Peoples
change their minds daily, and each country’s have their own “caprices”. In
addition, each generation has his “fantasies”, and there are now generations
cursing others over these mistakes and “fantasies”, for which they found those
who would clap and cheer at that time under the pretext of the dignity of
peoples and their freedom!

Those who praised the actions are now suffering the consequences, who
dreamt of change are now complaining of nightmares, and who said “step
down of presidency” are now, naively and absurdly, praising his performance.
Some are not ashamed of doing the same mistake repeatedly.

Americans who chose Trump in the name of change are themselves who now

Ahmed Jamal

accuse him of inaptitude. Britons, who voted in favour of the exit from the EU,
weep now because of the consequences. If the referendum were to be re-held
these days, they would choose to return to the arms of Europe.

Iraqi Kurds said “Yes” for secession, and have forgotten that they have a bill of
billions of dollars must be borne by all the forces that participated in the
overthrow of Saddam and turning Iraq into “dump”.

Speaking of secession, we remember the discussions of the drafting committee

of the brotherhood constitution when a revolutionary “princess” suggested
including an article that allows minorities in Egypt the right to self-
determination. Do you see what kind of catastrophe we have been plagued

Of course, thank God that the request was turned down thanks to the vigilance
of state institutions representatives in this committee. Otherwise, Egypt would
be constitutionally divided like an apple pie; a referendum for Nubia, a second
for the Copts, a third for Sinai Bedouin, and a fourth for their counterparts in
Matrouh. Perhaps a referendum in favour of Shubra, another for El-Maadi, a
third for El-Mataria, and thank God that this whole era is gone for good.

If this had really happened in Egypt, countries of the democratic world would
have cheered for freedom, human rights, and minorities; exactly like how they
have celebrated and “falsely supported” to break up Sudan, Syria, Yemen,
Libya, and Iraq. It is contrary to the situation now with Catalonia’s referendum.
Washington is being “polite”, and Trump described secession from Madrid as
“foolishness”. While the European Union refused to recognize “Catalonia”,
Britain called the blood shed in Barcelona an internal affair because all of them
are fully aware that any recognition of Catalonia means immediately opening
the door for “flooding” of minorities and separatist movements in all Europe.
This means in Scotland, Ireland, Northern Italy, eastern Germany, southeast of
Turkey, and perhaps the outskirts of Paris, or even the Belgian neighbourhood
of Molenbeek. Let us not bring up the possibilities of opening the door for the
“flooding” of minorities in America in order to prevent imagining endless
catastrophic scenarios!

Ahmed Jamal

In short, what happened in Catalonia on Bloody Sunday means the end of

discussion, period. A drop of order in the era of globalization and “everyone
was born a politician” democracy we are experiencing, which created a voice
and opinion for each ignorant.
What happened in Catalonia is a clear message and an eloquent lesson in how
countries maintain sovereignty, unity, and the right of regimes in protecting
their stability.

What happened in Catalonia is an unprecedented event that will be put into

account in future dealing with similar situations, and with the same
“legitimate” cruelty that dealt with the Madrid, “the blossomed roses in the
gardens of Catalonia”!

.. Hats off to Madrid government, and no consolation for clowns, adventurers,

and those backed by the domestic “clowns” and the foreign intelligence


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