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The Truss Structure consists of members/elements that takes only tension or compression and no
bending moment in what so ever form. In the engineering term the Truss is defined as the two-
force member, where the members are so assembled that the assemblage works as a single unit.
The truss structure is generally provided when we need a large open space. All the columns are
removed and the truss structures are provided to ensure stability of the structure. These truss
structures are provided in warehouses, stores etc. where large open space is needed. In the case of
this project an industrial warehouse was needed to be designed in the Butwal. The design and
analysis has been done in etabs. In today’s society, more and more focus is placed on safety, and
this is why you need to have the best possible roof truss types installed in your home. It’s important
to note that the external forces that appear here and their reactions are acting only in the node area,
but the way the structure is built allows the dispersion of these forces, be it as comprehensive as
they might be. Also, the joints in a truss are seen as revolute, which means that the torsional forces
are excluded. But since there are different types of roof trusses, let’s find out which ones are the
most popular and what distinct features they have. Lastly, there are various kinds of trusses that
can be used like the kingpost truss, wanem truss, pratt truss, howe trusss and many more. At the
end of this project we hoped to designed the truss structure stable and safe to provide the required
open space.
1. Design inputs and parameters:
1.1. Steel Sections
The steel sections used for the designs are different sections available in market from Jagdamba
steels. The steel sections mainly used here are:
1. For column: Hollow rectangular column of width 6.3mm
2. For Truss Members: Hollow circular members of diameter 100mm and thickness
of 3.6mm
3. For Purlins: Hollow circular members of diameter 100mm and thickness of 3.6mm

1.2. Loadings
The main loadings in the steel truss are the wind loads and live load on the roof.
1.2.1. Wind load
The code referred for the wind speed is Indian Standard Code IS:875 (Part 3) - 1987.
1. Basic wind speed (Vb): The basic wind speed for our project site in Butwal is
referenced form the Indian City nearest to it, which is Gorakhpur. The wind speed for
this city as taken from the IS:875 (Part 3) APPENDIX A is 47 m/s.
2. kl (probability factor/ risk coefficient): The Mean Probable Design Life of Structure
in Years is taken as 25 years as our structure’s use is of a warehouse with low degree
of hazard to life in case of failure. From TABLE 1 of the code the K1 factor is taken
as 0.90.
3. K2 (terrain, height and structure size factor): Only the terrain category and
structure class obtained from structure size factor is needed.
The structure class is B
The terrain Category is Category 2

4. K3 (topography factor): The topography factor K3 is given by:

K3 = 1 + C * s
Where C has the following values,
Slope C
3o < ɵ ≤ 17o 1.2(Z L)
>17o 0.36

X = 3000m
Z = 500m
Lc = Z/0.3 =1666.67m
X/Lc = 3000/1666.67 = 1.78
H/Le = 6/1666.67 = 0.0036
C = 0.36 (>17o)
S = 0.06 (from fig 14 APPENDIX C of code)
Then K3 = 1.072
Wind coefficients:
From table B-9 APPENDIX B;
Cpi = ± 0.2 ( For up to 5% of wall are openings)

1.3. Calculation of Cpe :

ɵ = 16.69 o
0o 90 o
10 o -1.1 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6
16.69 o -0.97 -0.57 -0.8 -0.6
20 o -0.7 -0.5 -0.8 -0.6
EF = -0.97+0.2 & -0.97-0.2 Value

-0.77 -1.17 -1.17

GH = -0.57+0.2 & -0.57-0.2
-0.37 -0.77 -0.77
EG = -0.8+0.2 & -0.8-0.2
-0.6 -1.0 -1.0
FH = -0.6+0.2 & -0.6-0.2
-0.4 -0.8 -0.8
1.4. Design Output
Column = 150 mm * 150mm
Thickness 6.3 mm
Chord or Stringer = 125 mm (Outside Diameter)
3.6 mm Thickness
Kingpost Brace = 100 mm (Outside Diameter)
3.6 mm Thickness
Counter Brace = 100 mm (Outside Diameter)
3.6 mm Thickness
Purlin = 100 mm (Outside Diameter)
3.6 mm Thickness
Ridge = 150 mm (Outside Diameter)
3.6 mm Thickness
1.5. Conclusion
The truss designed for the space of 240 m2, in Butwal, in an industrial area was designed
as a Kingpost truss. The obtained dimensions of the truss structure are written above.

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