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Jaime Cardinal Sin Learning Center




An Investigatory Project Presented to the Faculty in

Partial fulfillment of the requirements

For Science 9


Ong, Michaela

Dinolan, Joven

Manapat, Naomi

Esmabe, Danloyd

Lumahog, Charles

Submitted to: Mr.Marlo Elizer Ortinez

School Year 2017-2018


Background of the Study

Chargers are the type of devices that recharges batteries. These are usually made
of cable designs. These cables uses copper wherein it is a good source for conduction of
electricity. Chargers are commonly significant for phone users, in this modern time
android or smartphones are very essential in men’s need for communication. The
charging protocol depends on the size and type of battery being charged. Slow battery
chargers may take several hours to complete a charge. High-rate chargers may restore
most capacity much faster, but high rate chargers can be more than some battery types
can tolerate.

According to a research, whenever you are travelling, far or near, a fear holds
your mind of what will happen if you get in trouble and your mobile battery drains

Portable chargers do not particularly charge any one device; instead you can charge
iPhones, iPods, tablets and digital cameras using just one single charger. The portable
charger is an extremely versatile tool for any and all people. You will never have to
suffer just because your mobile device is powered off due to low battery. No longer will
you be disconnected from the world, or stuck to an outlet because your phone or tab let
is out of battery. Portable chargers provide a convenient and somewhat brilliant solution
to charge any of your devices wherever you go.

The main purpose of this research is to introduce the Double A’s emergency
charger. The researchers had decided to create this product so that during times of
emergency and there is a need for recharging but there is no electricity available, this is
the solution.
Statement of the Problem

This research tries to investigate the comparison of Normal Charger products and our

Emergency charger product..

1. How many people said that the first emergency charger with a longer connector

works better?

2. Which of the models works faster based on the number of batteries used as

source of energy?


Ho: There is no significant difference between the efficiency of the shorter or longer


Ha: There is a significant difference between the work efficiency of the number of

batteries used.
Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Students - especially those who were in the Junior and Senior High School department,

for them to have a cheaper and efficient emergency charger for their phones specially at

times of having brown-out, it is ideal to use so that they can recharge their phones and

use it to browse or even create their homeworks or even read their reviewers.

Parents - to help them lessen worrying about that they might lose contact to their

children in times of need.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research is done at Jaime Cardinal Sin Learning Center for the school

year 2017-2018. And the respondence for our survey will be the chosen (15) junior and

(15) senior high school students of Jaime Cardinal Sin Learning Center who are android

phone users.

This study is concerned with the efficiency of work and as well as the safeness

of the product.
Definition of Terms

1. Charger - is a device used to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable battery by

forcing an electric current through it.\

2. Copper - is used in power generation, power transmission, power distribution,

telecommunications, electronics circuitry, and countless types of electrical equipment.

3. Battery - is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external

connections provided to power electrical devices such as flashlights, smartphones, and

electric cars.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Copper Wire Connecting

Battery Testing “Emergency

An effective
and economical

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