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Assume that you have created an entry using FPE1

Entry wud be:

DR: Business Partner / Contract Account £100

<<MT = 0010, ST = 0030>>

CR: GL Acccount 113100 £100.

Say FICA Doc no is X1.

Now in table DFKKOP, details of MT, ST, Cocd, Amount, whether open or cleared, Posting
date, Doc date, Value date details are available.

Where as in table DFKKOPK table GL Account details i.e. 113100 details are available.

Say if you have created Installment plan for the doc no X1, thus creating doc no Y1, in table
DFKKOPW, you can view the details of Y1 like Posting date, Doc date, Amount etc.

Hope this clarifies

For Y1...when you create installment plan,it creates Y1A, Y1B, Y1C...these are repetitive items
and appear in DFKKOPW...Suggest you to create an OI, view them in DFKKOPK & DFKKOP.
Create an Installment plan..view them in DFKKOPW...apart from above tables..u'd get it better





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