Conversation Final Exam in English Course

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Nindi : “Anggi, Sorry I am late.”

Anggi : “Why did you make me wait you for long time? I’m very disappointed of you”

Nindi : “I have to accompany my mother to my uncle’s house. My uncle and my aunt oredered
to me to prepare 7 month unborn child ceremony for my aunt.”

Anggi : “Why didn’t you call me or send me a message?”

Nindi : “My pulse it is not enough to call or to send a message for you. I’m really sory. I didn’t
mean to do that.”

Anggi : “It’s okay….. Let’s forget it. And talk about something else.”

Nindi : “By the way, I heard that you have passed your thesis exam. What did your thesis
examiner tell you about your thesis?”

Anggi “Yes, I have passed the exam. I got A. I can’t believe it until now. My thesis examiner
told me that I hadto complete one of the theories. And my lecturer guidance said that I
must give my thesis had been complete to the secretariat maximum 2 weeks from then.”

Nindi : “I’m happy to hear that. And I’m sure that you can complete and give your thesis to the
secretary as soon as possible.”

Anggi : “Thank you, by the way Do you know about some cultures in Yogyakarta? because my
friend wanted to know about it. And I couldn’t answer it. Can you help me?”

Nindi : “Hmmm….. I think Yogyakarta has many cultures, such as you can’t bring the “kris” in
front of you body when you walk from Malioboro to Kraton Ngayogyakarta. Do you
know what the kris is?”

Anggi : “Kris is traditional weapon from Java. It isn’t it?”

Nindi : “Yes, your right…! Kris can’t bring in front of you body when you walk from
Malioboro to Kraton Ngayogyakarta, because it means that you want to fight with the
King of Yogyakarta.”

Anggi : “Wow… it’s interesting. Are there something else?”

Nindi : “Yes there are…, example if you have wishfull, you can go to “Alun-alun kidul” at the
night “Kliwon Friday” and you walk in the middle street of the “Alun-alun” while your
eyes closed by the fabric, maybe your wishful can be real.”
Anggi : “Why we must go to “Alun-alun kidul” at the night “Kliwon Friday”?”

Nindi : “Because, people in Yogyakarta believe that in “Kliwon Friday” is the day that full of

Anggi : “Wow… I more interested to hear that. And can you tell me about the tradition in

Nindi : “Okay…. Example, If you want to meet the King, you have to wear kebaya, kebaya is
traditional cloth from Yogyakarta. And if you want to visit King’s grave in Imogiri, you
have to wear kemben, kemben is cloth that is twisted in the body.”

Anggi : “I think, it’s interesting. One day I want to do that. Oya…. yesterday I red a newspaper
and the headline is about “peculiarly of Yogyakarta” that the status will be taken by the
Indonesia’s government. What do you think about this?”

Nindi : “I really disagree about it. As citizen of Yogyakarta, I fell disappointed when I heard the
issue. Because Yogyakarta had helped Indonesia become a country, What about you?”

Anggi : “I agree with you. I also think that…………

Nindi : “Yeah…. I’m very disappointed for the Indonesia’s government. In my opinion the
president isn’t a good leader. He don’t have skills to be a president. He have been grouch
about his salary as a president. It’s very abashment. President have to wise to accept this
condition. What about you, Anggi?”

Anggi : “………………….”

Nindi : “Anggi, Do you want something to eat?”

Anggi : “Yeah, I want to eat spaghetti and I also want to drink….. maybe orange juice.”

Nindi : “Okay,…… Waitress…… I want to order two spaghetti, one orange juice, and one
avocado juice. Please…..”

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