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Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Karachi

Final Term Examination 2014

XII-English [2nd Shift]
Time: 20 Minutes Max. Marks: 20

SECTION „A‟ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Q.1 Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1. Mrs. Oakentubb got the punishment she:
 desired  decided
 deserved  determined
2. Samson and Milton were both:
 warriors  blind
 poets  reformers
3. Dr Mallory looked like a famous English poet:
 Robert Browning  Shelley
 Tennyson  Wordsworth
4. The message of the poem „Ulysses‟ is:
 discipline  endurance
 courage  to strive and not to give up
5. In the novel „The Prisoner of Zenda‟, Jacob‟s ladder was actually a:
 ladder  drawbridge
 tower  pipe
6. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the leadership in power and culture passed to the:
 West  East
 North  South
7. Keats is of the view that there is an “inhuman dearth” of
 lovely tales  strange people
 noble natures  sweet dreams
8. “You are certainly very thoughtful about others, very thoughtful indeed”. This
sentence is spoken by:
 Linnet  Hans
 Miller‟s wife  Water rat
9. Liberty is a fruit that must be earned before it can be:
 enjoyed  achieved
 chewed  allowed
10. The basic point of the poem „The Man of Life Upright‟ is a/an:
 luxurious life  dishonest life
 honest life  aimless life
11. “My liege” means
 My luggage  My love
 My lorry  My lord
12. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for:
 Physics  Mathematics
 Statistics  Astronomy

13. According to Bertrand Russell, Europe was sunk in:

 barbarism  socialism
 capitalism  communism
14. James Thurber is one of the foremost:
 novelists  playwrights
 critics  humorists
15. „Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb‟ is a little piece of:
 melodrama  tragedy
 comedy  satire
16. Columbus and Vasco da Gama were the pioneers of the new western:
 democracy  autocracy
 imperialism  feudalism
17. “As we cannot hold the clock back, so we must go forward at a double:
 pace  technology
 time  experience
18. Lord Burlesdon was the brother of:
 Rassendyll  Mauban
 Elphberg  Flavia
19. „Act III of The Silver Box‟ is a criticism of the English:
 society  education system
 professional class  legal system
20. Albert Einstein‟s political ideal is:
 dictatorship  socialism
 communism  democracy
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Karachi
Final Term Examination 2014
XII-English [2nd Shift]
Time: 2 hours 40 Minutes Max. Marks: 80
SECTION „B‟ (Short-Answer Questions) 50 marks

Q.2 Answer any TEN questions. Each question carries five marks.

i. Why did Dr. Mallory think that the flood waters were about to engulf him?
In the chapter „The Day the Dam Broke‟, James Thurber says that Dr Mallory‟s
statements always carried great conviction. While running like all others, he said “It‟s
got us!” Dr Mallory thought that it was flood which was about to engulf him, but it
was a boy behind him on roller-skates. Dr Mallory mistook the sound of the skates for
the sound of the running water. When he reached at the corner of Parson Avenue and
Town Street, he collapsed, expecting to be drowned in the cold waters. However,
when the boy passed him, he realized what he was running from. Nevertheless, he
rested for a few minutes and then began to run again.

ii. Highlight the message conveyed in the poem, „Say not the Struggle Naught
The poem „Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth‟ is written by Arthur Hugh Clough.
In this poem, the poet forbids us to say that the struggle we put in will lead to nothing.
He encourages us to believe in our efforts and not to shirk from our duty because of
demoralization, hardships, overestimation of our enemy, and the status quo. The poet
gives various examples to prove that the result which our struggle produces is not
linear, but rather multi-dimensional. Thus he warns us of uncertainty, short-
sightedness, and hasty conclusions and motivates us to continue our struggle.

iii. What purpose, in your opinion, is served by beginning Act III of The Silver Box
with the case of the Livens girls, which has nothing to do with the main story?
John Galsworthy starts „Act III of The Silver Box‟ with the case of the Livens girls,
which has no direct connection with the case of theft of the silver box. However, this
case is highly significant. The Livens are suffering from unemployment,
disintegration of family and homelessness. In fact, they represent hundreds of such
cases in the police courts. The deplorable socio-economic conditions of the masses
give the reader foretaste of what is going to follow. The Jones children are likely to
suffer the same fate when their father will be imprisoned and their mother will be
unemployed. Thus, the reader gets the feeling that the faulty legal system will not
dispense justice.

iv. Why did the citizen of Columbus not care to talk about the events of the 12
March 1913?
In the chapter „The Day the Dam Broke‟, James Thurber explains that the citizen of
Columbus, Ohio did not care to talk about the events of the 12 March 1913 because
they felt deeply embarrassed about their foolish conduct. The broken-dam rumour
caused an unprecedented run. People left their homes and workplaces and began to
run towards East. Later when they came to know that the dam had not broken, they
began to return silently and did their best to avoid talking about the great run.

v. What are the two gifts given to man by God as described by Alexander Pope in
his poem „Lines from An Essay on Man?
In „Lines from An Essay on Man‟, Alexander Pope says that the two gifts that God
has given man are blindness to future and hope for future bliss. God has hidden the
book of Fate from all the creatures so that they could perform their functions
according to the universal grand plan. If they knew what miseries they have to face,
they would give up all thought of improving their lives. In such uncertainty, hope
plays a significant role in human life. Man always expects to have better things in
future. As a result, he keeps putting in his efforts to improve his present state.

vi. What was the supreme manifestation of the Miller‟s selfishness which caused
Hans to lose his life?
Hans and the Miller are the central characters in the story „The Devoted Friend‟,
written by Oscar Wilde. The Miller promised his old wheelbarrow to little Hans. He
sent him off on long errands and got him to help at the mill, but never carried out his
promise. However, the Miller‟s selfishness was supremely manifested when he sent
Hans to bring the doctor for his son but refused to lend him his new lantern. The
Miller said that it would be a great loss if something happened to it, but he never
realized that the dark, stormy night and the dangerous moor with a lot of deep holes
might claim Hans‟s life. While returning from the doctor‟s house, Hans lost his way
and wandered off on the moor, and there he drowned.

vii. What is the theme of the poem, „Lines from Ulysses‟?

The theme of the poem „Lines from Ulysses‟ is the determination to continue struggle.
In the last section of his speech, Ulysses addresses the mariners with whom he has
worked, traveled, and weathered life‟s storms over many years. He declares that
although he and they are old, they still have the potential to do something noble and
honorable before their death. He encourages them to make use of their old age. He
declares that his goal is to sail onward beyond the sunset until his death. He suggests,
they may even reach the Happy Isles, where great heroes like the warrior Achilles
were believed to have been taken after their deaths. Although Ulysses and his
mariners are not as strong as they were in youth, they are strong in will and are
sustained by their resolve to push onward relentlessly: “To strive, to seek, to find, and
not to yield.”

viii. Briefly discuss whether the Magistrate gives Jones a fair trial.

It appears that James Jones was not given a fair trial. In Act III of The Silver Box,
John Galsworthy presents us with two identical cases of theft in a fit of drunken
mischief: Jack Barthwick steals a purse from a woman and James Jones steals the
silver cigarette box and the purse. As a matter of fact, both Jones and Jack should
have been treated equal treatment, but Jack‟s father who is a Liberal Member of
Parliament was able to hush up his son‟s crime whereas poverty-stricken Jones is
sentenced to one month in prison with hard labour.
ix. What is the synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to
Synthesis means combining different things to form a coherent whole. The synthesis
which Liaquat Ali Khan thinks necessary for Pakistan is the combination of our
ancient steadfast faith with the pioneering virility of modern technology. In other
words, we have clear-cut beliefs which provide us strength in modern uneasy times.
However, we lagged behind in the match of civilization during the centuries of
foreign domination. Now Pakistan must develop its mental and material resources not
only for the sake of progress but also for the sake of world peace.

x. What role did Madame de Mauban perform in the novel „The Prisoner of
Madame de Mauban plays a significant role in „The Prisoner of Zenda‟. It would not
be wrong to say that Rudolf Rassendyll would have been at a loss without Mauban‟s
support. She knew that if Rudolf V was not rescued, Duke Michael would marry
Princess Flavia and become the King of Ruritania. Thus she betrays Duke Michael
and reveals his plan to Rudolf Rassendyll when he comes to meet her in the
summerhouse. When Duke Michael confines her in the castle, she also takes care of
Rudolf V.

xi. What is Einstein‟s attitude to property, outward success and luxury?

In his essay, „The World as I See It‟, Albert Einstein says that property, outward
success and luxury are contemptible to him because they create class differences. As a
matter of fact, Einstein believes in contributing to goodness of all human beings. He
believes that plain living is good for everybody both physically and mentally.
Moreover, he believes that ease and happiness as ends in themselves are only good for
herds of pigs.

xii. Give a comparison between Elphberg and Rassendyll.

Rudolf Rassendyll, who was an English aristocrat, shares a common ancestor with
Rudolf Elphberg, who was to be the King of Ruritania. They have not only name in
common, but also identical physique. Apart from name and physique, Rassendyll and
Elphberg are worlds apart. Rassendyll is a man of devotion and commitment with
personal integrity. He has strong sense of duty and knows how to keep his personal
interests away. Above all, his unconditional sacrifice of his love places him at the
highest level of morality. On the contrary, Elphberg was devoid of sobriety, sincerity,
and seriousness. He is mostly drunk and disorderly, showing least interest in both
politics and love. In the end, Elphberg realizes his shortcomings and whole-heartedly
appreciates Rassendyll‟s contribution.

xiii. What things of beauty did Keats find most inspiring?

In „Lines from Endymion‟, John Keats says that things of beauty are joy forever.
Their loveliness will keep increasing. He then lists down beautiful things which help
us face life cheerfully in spite of despair, nobility, grief and uncertainty. According to
Keats, most inspiring things are the sun, the moon, old and young trees, flowers, rills,
forests, stories and the destiny of heroes. John Keats believes that these things inspire
us because they have divine influence in them.

xiv. Use any FIVE idioms in your own sentences:

Idioms Sentences
to get over I do not know how our government will get over the
problem of terrorism and ensure peace in the country.
There has been little progress on the burning question of
a burning question
stopping drone attacks in Pakistan.
The school boy goes to his school at snail‟s pace in the
at a snail‟s pace
speech „The Seven Ages of Man‟.
The government official says that many developmental
in the pipeline projects are in the pipeline. Their completion will boost our
Since the partition, Pakistan and India have been at daggers
at daggers drawn
drawn over the issue of Kashmir.
The right to host the Olympic Games has become an apple
an apple of discord
of discord between English and France.
Being a princess, she often tells her friends that she has
blue blood
blue blood flowing through her veins.
You will be in hot water if you submit a complaint against
to be in hot water
any minister.
'Do you think there'll be an election next year?' 'I think it's
on the cards
on the cards'.
Colonel Sapt nipped Rassendyll‟s love for Flavia in the bud
to nip in the bud
so that she should marry Rudolf V.

xv. Change the narration of the following:

Ali said to his younger brother, “Do not disturb me while I am studying.”
Ali told his younger brother not to disturb him while he was studying.

The patient said, “Good Morning, doctor. Can you spare me a few minutes?”
The patient greeted the doctor and asked him if he could spare him a few minutes.
SECTION „C‟ (Detailed-Answer Questions) 30 marks
Note: Answer all questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.3 Write the character sketch of Rudolf Rassendyll.

Highlight some prominent qualities of Duke Michael or Madame de Mauban



Rudolf Rassendyll is the protagonist the novel „The Prisoner of Zenda‟, written by Anthony
Hope. Rassendyll‟s spirit of adventure, personal integrity, unconditional devotion, coping
skills, and ultimate sacrifice make him a noble character.

Physical Appearance:

Although Rudolf Rassendyll belongs to an English aristocratic family, he has the two
characteristic features of the Elphbergs, that is, red hair and pointed nose. He has “heavy
moustache and carefully pointed imperial” and “six feet two inches of stature.” Despite
his striking resemblance to Rudolf V, the new king of Ruritania, there were some differences
as Rassendyll himself points out: “The king‟s face was slightly more fleshy than mine ...
and his mouth lacking something of the firmness which was to be gathered from my
close-shutting lips.” However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help
mentioning to Rassendyll: “You‟re an Elphberg, every inch of you.”

Love of Adventure:

Rudolf Rassendyll is fond of adventures and loves to roam about instead of sticking to a job.
The desire to participate in sensational events is always there in his heart. This desire was
fulfilled in Ruritania when he has to impersonate King Rudolf V. Rassendyll shows his
excitement in these words: “I was a young man and I loved action, and I was offered such
a hand in such a game as perhaps never man played yet.”

A Man of Firm Commitment:

Rudolf Rassendyll demonstrates a high level of commitment throughout the novel. In the
beginning when his sister-in-law asks him to write a book, he says, “No, I won‟t promise;
but if I find enough material I will.” He also says to her, “When I do a thing I don‟t do it
by halves.” Rassendyll‟s sense of duty and commitment is reinforced in Ruritania when he
has to untangle the complex situation and resist all temptations. Eventually, he crushes the
political conspiracy and restores the king. Fritz has such high regard for Rassendyll that he
says in the end that “Heaven doesn‟t always make the right men king!”

Crushing Political Conspiracy:

Although Rassendyll initially shows hesitation to venture on the imposture of the king, he
fulfils his duty with honour, grace and dignity. He says, “I have been an impostor for the
profit of another, but I will not be one for my own.” With the help of Antoinette de
Mauban and Johann, Rassendyll foils Duke Michael‟s plot to be the King of Ruritania.
Although things do not proceed according to Rassendyll‟s plan for the King‟s rescue, luck
favours him – Detchard slips on the physician‟s blood and is killed, Michael is killed by
Rupert, and Rupert escapes when Fritz comes for Rassendyll‟s help. Thinking about these
events, Rassendyll says, “I did nothing…I had killed one man stealthily that night, and
another by luck rather than skill.”

Unconditional Love:

According to Sapt‟s plan, Rassendyll has to show affection to Princess Flavia as Rassendyll
says, “I had to keep the princess devoted to me and yet indifferent to me; I had to show
affection for her – and not feel it.” However, things take a different turn and Rassendyll
helplessly falls in love. Rassendyll remembers his love for Princess Flavia in these terms: “I
can thank God that I loved the noblest lady in the world, the most gracious and
beautiful.” Rassendyll may not have control over his feelings for her, but he is in complete
control over his actions. Therefore, he says, “If the king is not alive and on his throne
before the day of betrothal comes I will tell the truth, come what may.”

The Great Sacrifice:

“But is love the only thing?” Rassendyll would certainly answer this question in negative.
So would Princess Flavia. Rassendyll‟s unconscious love for Flavia was noble in nature. He
proudly says that “there was nothing in my love that made her fall short in her high
duty.” She reasons with him and he placidly agrees. They bid farewell to their short-lived
happiness and part their ways with burden of love. Nothing can so beautifully sum up this
love episode than Rassendyll‟s own words. When he hears the singing of masses for the souls
of those who lay dead in the chapel, he says that the priests “seemed to chant a requiem
over our buried joy, to pray forgiveness for our love that would not die.”



Black Michael is the villain of the novel entitled „The Prisoner of Zenda‟ written by Anthony
Hope. He is the half-brother of Rudolf Elphberg. He is not the legal heir to the throne because
he is the son of the king‟s second and morganatic marriage. Black Michael is the owner of
castle of Zenda and the surrounding estate. Being the favourite of the late king of Ruritania,
he was appointed as the Duke of Strelsau. He is schemer and evil by nature.

Selfish and Hypocrite:

Black Michael is a selfish man. He loves Princess Flavia just to get the throne. He is a
hypocrite and makes a false show of love towards Madam Mauban. He has become popular
among a small number of people of the country by his hypocrisy. He is overambitious and
A Wicked Person:

Black Michael is a sinful man. He makes plot to get the throne with the help of his
companions, but always tries to delude them. That is why his followers betray him, when he
is expecting complete victory. He invites Rassendyll to the Summer House through a
conspiracy, but fortunately Rassendyll survives. This sharp and evil act shows his

A Cruel Man:

Black Michael is indeed a cruel person. When the king has been in his noose, he treats him in
a very harsh and inhuman manner. He does not feel pity for his brother even. Black Michael
is a coward man. He wants to save his life at any cost. He does not come out to handle the
situation at any time.

A Cool-Minded Criminal:

Black Michael is a wicked but a cool minded and genius criminal. When he sees that
Rassendyll has impersonated the king of Ruritania he does not make it known to the people to
keep his villainy secret. We see that even Rupert‟s interest and love for Mauban do not
irritate him. It shows that he is a controlled emotion criminal.

A Slave of Lust for Power:

Black Michael becomes utterly blind for power. At any rate he wants to usurp the sovereignty
form his brother. His lust for power corrupts him and brings his decline.

The Tragic End:

Black Michael always deceives his close companions. That is why he is killed by one of his
own followers. Thus, the villain of the novel receives a tragic end.



Antoinette-de- Mauban is the character of the novel entitled Prisoner of Zenda written by
Anthony Hope. Mme-de- Mauban was a widow, rich, beautiful and clever lady. She deeply
loved Black Michael, the Duke of Strelsau.

Personal Motives:
She was sincerely devoted to the Duke and by this genuine attachment. She followed him at
his request from Paris to Ruritania but she was not aware that the Duke whom she thought to
be a man of strong passions was actually a cruel, cunning and selfish man who was content to
take all but give nothing.

Peace Acceptance:
She was a quite person who had decided to spend a quiet and peaceful time in Ruritania with
the Duke. With this intention she accepted the Duke‟s request. Only to discover at her arrival
that things were contradictory to what she had though. It did not take her long to find out that
the Duke wanted to kill the King and seize the th5one for himself but Mme-de- Mauban did
not desire his triumph for she detested his crime and mainly because she knew that if Michael
was made the king he would marry Princess Flavia.

Possessive Woman:
She was a possessive woman and found her rival and would not bear to see the Duke
abandoning her by marrying the Princess so she betrayed Black Michael to Rassendyll by
warning him of his plan to kill him in the Summer House. For she knew that in case of
Rassendyll‟s Death the Duke would become the king and would eventually marry Flavia.

She wrote a letter to Flavia as king and warned her not to accept the Duke‟s invitation in
case, she would come in the power of the Duke. She was a pretty lady and at the Zenda,
Rupert, one of the king‟s six men was caught by her beauty. But Mauban hated him for she
was sincerely devoted to the Duke. Being aware of Rupert‟s intentions she had warned
Michael of him. Mauban was a compassionate woman and when she learnt of the full
measure of his cruelty, she was touched with compassion for the King and from that day she
became a well-wisher of Rassendyll and his party.

Duke‟s Intriguer:
Gradually she found herself entangled into the Duke‟s plan, but she was not a weak woman,
tired of quarrels and ills between the Duke and Michael and disappointed by Black Michael‟s
cruel plans and selfish motives. She begs Rassendyll to rescue her from the Duke and rupert
but she still loved Black Michael and hoped to gain his life if not his pardon from the king.

Emotional Woman:
She was a woman ruled by her emotions and when Michael was killed by Rupert, she
heaving taunts came froth to avenge him.

End to the Drama:

This conduct proved that no knowledge of the man‟s real character was enough to root her
regard, for him out of her heart. After these tragic events she withdraws herself entirely from
society. She recognized the king‟s generosity and kindness and so she did not betray the
king‟s trust by letting out the secret.
Q.4 Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics.
An Amazing Scientific Invention
Merits and Demerits of Social Networking
Benefits of Reading
Importance of Primary Education

An Amazing Scientific Invention:

Electronic Communication

Several inventions have changed the way people communicate with each other. From the old
fashioned telegraph to today's modern electronic forms of communication, people have been
creating easier ways to correspond. Electronic communication, such as e-mail and other
internet offerings, have created a cheap and incredibly fast communication system which is
gaining steady popularity.

E-mail is a very fast and efficient way of sending information to any internet location. Once
an e-mail is sent, it arrives at its destination almost instantly. This provides people with a way
to communicate with people anywhere in the world quickly without the costs of other forms
of communicating such as telephone calls or postage for letters.

The World Wide Web (WWW) and USENET Newsgroups are among other internet offerings
which have changed the way people communicate with each other. The WWW can be
compared to an electronic bulletin board where information consisting of anything can be
posted. One can create visual pages consisting of text and graphics which become viewable
to anyone with WWW access. Anything from advertisements to providing people with
information and services can be found on the WWW.

Though the internet can be a convenient way of communication, it can become problematic.
Networks can shut down resulting in lost e-mail and WWW sites and newsgroups to be down
for an amount of time. Another problem is the addicting factor associated with most online
services. Much spare time can be used e-mailing and surfing the net creating a lack of real
human interaction for such an individual. Though this may not be a big concern for most
people, it is considered healthier to be active rather than sitting in front of a computer for
hours a day.

Thus we can conclude that electronic communication is proving to be the way of the future.
The affordable and sufficient system of exchanging information is still gaining popularity and
people, as well as businesses, utilizing its many services.


Social networking sites are popular amongst student recent years. Some of the popular
social networking websites are Facebook, Twitter & Google+. Almost all the students would
definitely have a profile in those sites. These Facebook like sites will be taken up by students
as for fun but some may start using it as fun and gets addicted to it. Thus there are both
advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites for students.
There are many advantages of social networking. The main advantage of social
networking site is that it helps in establishing connection with people, friends and relatives.
It helps in sharing one‟s views, share pictures and lots of other stuffs. It helps students in
interacting with one another and share ideas. This helps in improving student‟s creativity.
The social networking websites can be accessed from any part of the globe. This helps the
students to establish communication with their teachers and friends through which they can
improve their knowledge.

Social networking sites are not only used by the students for sharing pictures, videos or it
is not only meant for fun and entertainment. Through social networking sites like Facebook,
LinkedIn one can become a member and can also post relevant information about campus
drive. Through these sites the students can establish contact with entrepreneurs, corporate
people and can gain valuable information from them. Social networking sites have taken a
new dimension called marketing. Certain websites offer advertisements to its subscribers.

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages as well. One of the major disadvantages
of using social networking websites are the students get addicted to it. They used to spend
hours in those social networking sites which can obviously degrade the student‟s academic
performance. Some students may tend to use to these social networking sites till mid night or
even more which can obviously lead to health related problems. Some students may spend
time in Facebook through which they lack to spend time with their family members. This can
also be a disadvantage also. Some students may provide detailed information like phone
numbers, address which is very dangerous because they can easily tracked down by strangers.

Since the advantages overcome the disadvantages I would like to conclude with a note
that the social networking sites are definitely a boon to those students who are aware that they
are using it for the right purpose.

Benefits of Reading
Reading is a great way of taking our focus of attention of our everyday troubles and worries
for a while as it transport us to places, dream worlds and cultures that we may know little
about or we were not even aware they existed. Sometimes the stresses of modern day living
shrink our awareness onto a narrow band of focus of attention and away from the rest of the
world, all its glory, mystery and things to discover.

Books can stimulate and excite our imagination and curiosity. Everything that exists and has
ever existed is documented and can be found in a book, reading can teach us new skills, ideas
and give us a new positive outlook on life. Books can take us out of our world and away from
our personal perspectives for a while as they let us into the private mind: the ideas and
opinions of others.

Reading has many benefits and a book can serve more than one useful purpose at the same
time. It is a form of relaxation while at the same time it can stimulate our mind, reading can
help us to feel better. Thus books can be our teachers, mentors and inspirations. We can learn
and better our life just by reading a book. Authors and good writers can take us to places and
imaginary worlds where no other form of entertainment or technology can rival.
Nearly all successful and intelligent people, including the rich and the powerful, claim that
they read at least one new informative book each week, and for good reason, it is the best
way of learning. Information and knowledge can mean power especially if we apply the right
information to improve our life. But reading it's not just about information, it can also bring
us great enjoyment and laughter.

Thus we can conclude that if we want to expand our consciousness and awareness of reality
then reading is still the best way of achieving this. Books can cover a more in-depth look and
wider scope into topics as they can delve much deeper into a subject than any television
documentary does.

Importance of Primary Education

Education is considered to be just like the backbone of a society. It is one of the fundamental
rights of an individual to get education, particularly primary education. Primary education
happens to be the base of all education systems, where every individual is introduced in the
basic studies. Currently, the question is why primary education is necessary?

In today‟s immensely competitive world, one will survive simply if he / she has earned a
customary qualification and that, as a general rule, only comes with step-by-step education.
Primary education motivates a kid towards studies and therefore improves his /her interest to
firmly proceed forward.

Primary education may be a key aspect for developing intellectual ability. Together with
communication skills, primary education helps children improve verbal as well as nonverbal
skills, monitoring ability, generating capability, concentration power and, above all, memory

Being a social being, kids ought to aware of the responsibilities they normally take. The
behaviour of a toddler reflects his /her personal development. Different social activities, like
dealing with an aged person, nature of cooperation or sharing perspective, responsibility
towards nature and plenty of additional attributes are inculcated because we are part of a kid
throughout his primary education.

The importance of primary education too within the objective of emotional improvement. A
kid mustn‟t be a target of frustration, stress or anger. Primary education leads the infants
towards building emotional strength. The inner power is directed towards enlightening his
capability, rather than just becoming demolishing perspective.

Thus we can conclude that a kid‟s mind can often be moulded into any form. Proper primary
education is needed to firmly mildew him into creative being, full of love, passion, patience,
respect, hope, perseverance and trust. It happens to be the responsibility on us to firmly
unlock these valuable treasures in our kids.
Q.5 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: (10)

Our sun is a huge fiery ball, one hundred times as great in diameter as the earth, and more
than a million times as large. But strange as it may seem, the sun is only a star like other stars
that we see in the sky at night. Stranger still, we find that our sun is only a medium sized star.
It is not as large as the pole star and not nearly as large as some of other stars. The sun, as
compared with other stars, looks larger to us, because we are nestled close to it. If the sun
were gradually to move further from the earth until it was as far away as other stars, the light
would grow so dim that its glory would be gone.

a. How large is the sun? 2

The sun is one hundred times greater in diameter and a million times larger than the
b. Are some stars larger than the sun? 2
Yes, there are many stars which are bigger than the sun. The sun is only a medium
sized star. The pole star, like many other stars, is bigger the sun.
c. Why does the sun look so large? 2
The sun is closer to the earth than the other stars that we see in the sky at night. This
is the reason it looks so large as compared to the other ones.
d. What would happen if the sun moved away from the earth? 2
If the sun were to move away from the earth, as away as the other stars are, its light
would become dull and all its glory would be gone.
e. Suggest a suitable title to the above passage. 2
The suitable title for the given passage may be: The Sun: A Star among Many Others

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