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Portfolio Project

EDUC 765: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design

By: Stephanie Boysen


Project Title
COMPANY X LED Lighting Internal Procurement Process Training

Sponsoring Organization
COMPANY Xis the overall sponsor of this project. COMPANY X provides energy conservation
technologies and project solutions to customers’ word wide. COMPANY X owns Lightning
Bug LED, a LED lighting manufacturing and supply Company, which supplies LED lighting
solution projects to COMPANY X core customers.

Project Description
COMPANY X Project Managers procure LED lighting products from Lightning Bug LED for a
variety of customer projects. Recently, customer satisfaction surveys have indicated that
COMPANY X construction schedules are not meeting delivery dates for LED lighting product
installations. When COMPANY X Project Managers order multiple lighting products, they have
not been aware that the products may have different delivery dates, based on inventory levels.
Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents are not communicating delivery times to COMPANY X
Project Managers prior to the release of construction schedules to the customers and thus,
schedules are not being met. COMPANY X is currently documenting the process to improve
customer delivery times and anticipates training needs for both the COMPANY X Project
Managers and the Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents so that construction schedules reflect
multiple LED lighting orders.

Improve customer satisfaction by training COMPANY X Project Managers and Lightning Bug
LED Procurement Agents on how to procure multiple LED lighting product orders to provide
accurate construction schedules.

Target Audience
The target audience for this project are the COMPANY X Project Managers and the Lightning
Bug LED Procurement Agents.

Delivery Options
COMPANY X has requested that the training delivery method be via webinar due to the
diverse work locations of the COMPANY X Project Managers and the Lightning Bug LED
Procurement Agents. The webinar format will also allow for Q&A sessions and encourage open

Instructional Need
The need for this instruction can be categorized as in response to a current performance problem
(Rosette 1999). LED product orders may include LED products of multiple types and quantities
that have differing delivery times due to inventory levels. Orders are placed by COMPANY X
Project Managers, and are then logged into a system called VTiger by Lightning Bug LED
Procurement Agents. Order fulfillment for multiple product orders, may not have the same
delivery schedules due to inventory levels. Currently, COMPANY X Lightning Bug LED
Purchasing Agents are responsible for verifying that the current inventory levels match the orders
placed. Project Managers assume that full order delivery will occur with 2-3 weeks’ time and
develop their construction/implementation schedules based on this assumed delivery timeline.
Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents need to order additional product when inventories are
not sufficient and provide the delivery dates to COMPANY X Project Managers prior to the
development of construction schedules. At this time, it is not feasible to implements system
change in VTiger to address this gap.


Learner Analysis

Primary Audience
 COMPANY X Project Managers
 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents

Secondary Audience
 COMPANY X & Lightning Bug LED Executive Teams
 COMPANY X Procurement Agents

General Learner Characteristics

 Male and female learners
 Caucasian, African American and Native American learners
 Lightning Bug LED Procurements Agents have been in the lighting industry for
20 plus years.
 Lightning Bug LED Procurement agents have electrical technical degrees.
 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents are proficient in logistics including
material procurement processes.
 COMPANY X Project Managers generally have construction management
backgrounds (education and/or experience),
 COMPANY X Project Managers have 2-25 years of experience in energy efficiency
construction project management, including materials and subcontractor

Entry Characteristics
 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents have been trained in the ETiger
procurement system (accounting & ordering software system) and know how to
place purchase orders with the LED manufacturing companies.
 COMPANY X Project Managers know how to place product orders with Lightning
Bug LED Procurement Agents.
 COMPANY X Project Managers have not been trained in the ETiger procurement
system and do not understand the link between the VTiger System and the
product delivery dates.
 Both COMPANY X Project Manager and Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents
understand how lighting product orders relate to providing the customer
accurate construction schedules.

Contextual Analysis

Orienting Context
Both groups of learners have a vested interest in improving the procurement process and
product delivery date communication since they will financially benefit from improved
performance. Although each group has specific responsibilities related to the procurement
process, no group claims responsibility for the communication breakdown related to the
performance gap.
 COMPANY X Project Managers are held accountable for project schedules, which
affects revenue, customer satisfaction, future sales and overall Company reputation.
 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents are measured on correct product, product
quantity and delivery.
 COMPANY X Project Managers currently perceive that it is the Lightning Bug LED
Procurement Agents responsibility to communicate project delivery times.
 Multiple instances of internal communication failure have occurred resulting in
inaccurate construction scheduled and subsequent product delivery failure. Both
groups and the executive team have expressed the need to improve the

Instructional Context
The training will be held in a webinar setting. Several sessions will be held during normal
business hours over the course of a two-week period to accommodate the schedules of all
learners. An COMPANY X LED lighting subject matter expert will deliver the training
content after a comprehensive review with the instructional designer.

Technology Inventory
All targeted learners have mobile computers and cell phones with webinar capabilities.

Transfer Context

Training content will be utilized frequently by both COMPANY X Project Managers and
Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents in their normal job duties.
 LED lighting procurement is utilized daily by Lightning Bug LED Procurement
 COMPANY X Project Managers
 An COMPANY X subject matter expert will be available for post training support.


Application of Learning Theories
Since the target audience for this instruction consists of working adults, adult learning
theories will be a major consideration. Clear course objectives will be developed to aid the
adult learner in setting their expectations for the course. It is anticipated that the target
learners will be extremely motivated since the outcome of the training will directly impact
their earning potential. Based on feedback from the learners’ management team, the group
is expected to be self-directed and willing to contribute meaningful knowledge to the
training session. Based on this, it is my intent to include real work examples an, hands on
exercises to make the instruction significant to the learner.

Application of Motivational Theories

The link between both customer satisfaction and personal financial reward will be included
in the instruction to serve as motivation to the learners. Schedule attainment & customer
satisfaction is directly tied to COMPANY X Project Managers and Lightning Bug LED
Procurement Agent bonus structures. In addition, Keller ARCS model of motivation can be
applied. Methods to gain attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction will include:
 Attention: Provide examples of actual customer feedback and inaccurate
construction schedules. encourage active participation and provide hands on
 Relevance: Draw from the learners’ experience, explain how the knowledge will be
applied and how it will be useful in the future.
 Confidence: Provide learning objectives, course perquisites, learner feedback.
 Satisfaction: Explain how the knowledge will be and the financial benefits of desired

Impact of a Diverse Audience on Instruction

Neither the gender, age, ethnicity or accessibility of the learners is expected to impact the
instructional design; however, the use of jargon and slang will be avoided in the
instructional content. Acronyms will be fully defined, when used. Visual reference will be
included, when appropriate to aid in the transfer of context. A pre-course communication
will be sent asking learners to indicate if any special accommodations are needed prior to
the start of instruction.

The Instructional Designer interviewed a Company subject matter expert to identify the
information to complete Mager’s four step Goal Analysis process (Mager, 1997). A
Procedural Analysis flow chart will be developed as a training aid in the content development
stage of this project.

Goal Analysis

Original goals:
The goal of the instruction is to provide construction schedules to customers that reflect
product shipping dates for all LED products being installed.

An initial list of what the learners need to say or do to achieve the goal was created from the
SME interview (not included).

 Submit product orders

 Find product shipping dates for product in stock

 Communicate product shipping dates

 Determine if more product is needed

 Build shipping dates into construction schedules

 Write construction schedules

 Provide purchase orders

 Check product inventory levels

 Order more product

 Determine shipping dates for additional product

From this list the complete sentences were written for each expected performance.
Performance expectations that are currently being met and or were redundant were
removed from the list. The sentences were then sorted according to assigned responsibility
and order of function as seen below:

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement agents need to look up LED product shipping dates
and inventory levels from the V Tiger System.

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents need to identify when LED products have
different delivery dates.

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents need to identify when product quantity is
less than the current inventory level for each LED product ordered.

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement agents need to place purchase orders for the
difference between ordered quantity and inventory level for each LED product

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents need to obtain new shipping dates when
additional LED products are ordered due to discrepancies in LED ordered and
inventory quantities, within 48 hours of identifying the inventory level discrepancy.

 Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents need write the shipping dates for each LED
product on the bottom of the purchase orders and submit the purchase orders to the
Project Managers within 48 hours.

 COMPANY X Project Managers need to read the shipping dates for each LED product
provided on the bottom of the purchase order provided by the Purchasing Agents.

 COMPANY X Project Managers need to write construction scheduled that reflect the
delivery dates for each LED product to be installed.

From this Goal Analysis, the following instructional Goal, Terminal and Enabling Objectives
have been identified:

Project (Instructional) Goal

Instructional Goal: Given different LED product orders, construction schedules will be
provided to the customer with 100% accurate product delivery dates, as communicated by
the LED product manufacturer.

Terminal and Enabling Objectives:

 Provide Accurate construction schedules to the customer. (Cognitive Domain)
o Given a multiple LED product purchase order, that contains the product
delivery dates, write an accurate construction schedule within one week and
deliver it to the customer. (Level 6 of Bloom’s Taxonomy – Creating)

 Provide LED product delivery dates to the Project Managers. (Cognitive


o Given an COMPANY X product order and access to the V Tiger System,
identify (point to) the delivery dates and current inventories for each LED
product. (Level 5 of Bloom’s Taxonomy – Evaluate)
o When LED product inventories are less than the amount ordered by the
customer, place a purchase order for the difference needed within the same
business day. (Level 5 of Bloom’s Taxonomy – Evaluate)
o Upon receipt of the purchase order from the manufacturer, write the dates on
the purchase order and forward it to the Project Manager within 48 hours.
(Level 6 of Bloom’s Taxonomy – Creating)


Title of the unit/module: “Ensuring an accurate delivery Date.”’

Target audience: The target audience for this project are the COMPANY X Project Managers
and the Lightning Bug LED Procurement Agents.

Terminal Objective: Provide LED product delivery dates to the Project Managers.
(Cognitive Domain).

Pre-instructional Strategy: The pre-instructional strategy for this module will be in the
form of an Overview.

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method

Bloom’s (What would learners (Group
Taxonomy do to master this presentation/lecture, self-
objective?) paced, or small group)

Given an COMPANY X Level 5 Learners will Small group virtual

product order and access to -Evaluate 1)Be shown screen education setting
the V Tiger System, identify shots shot of the V
(point to) the delivery dates Tiger inventory
and current inventories for screen. 2)Be shown
each LED product. examples of product
orders. 2)Review
the steps in
the Process Flow
Diagram handout".
When LED product Level 5 Learners will Small group virtual
inventories are less than the -Evaluate 1)Be shown product education setting
COMPANY X product order, order examples.
place a purchase order for 2)Be shown screen

the difference needed within shots shot of the V
the same business day. Tiger inventory
screen. 3)Be shown
examples of correct
and incorrect
purchase orders.
4)Review the step in
the Process Flow
Diagram handout”.
Upon receipt of the purchase Level 6 - Learners will 1) Be Small group virtual
order from the manufacturer, Creating shown examples of education setting
write the dates on the correct and
purchase order and forward incorrect purchase
it to the Project Manager orders
within 48 hours. communicating
delivery dates.
2)Review the step in
the Process Flow
Diagram handout”.

Supporting Content: A process s flow diagram was created to help learners understand
the step involved in procuring LED light products

Company X LED Lighting Procurement Process

Mager, Robert F. (1997) Preparing Instructional Objectives (3rd ed.). The Center for Effective

Maslow, A. H. (1973). Motivation and Personality (3rd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing Effective
Instruction (7th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Rosette, A. (1999). Analysis for human performance technology. In H.D Stolovitch & E. J.
Keeps (Eds.), Handbook of performance technology: Improving and organizational
performance worldwide (pp. 139-162). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer


Please see the final project rubric at: and the
reflection paper rubric at:


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