Cinderella (Revival Broadway 2013)

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Cinderella Music By Richard Rodgers Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2 Book by Douglas Carter Beane “Beauty in a woman is a rare treasure that will lways be adnired. Graciousness, however, is priceless and of even greater value. Without it rothing is possible; with it, cne can do anything.” o"Charles Perrault Revised for July/August Workshop Draft: 7-30-12 Protected by Copyright cast Ella Topher Sebastian varie Gabrielle Charlotte Jean-Michel ord Pinkleton Koighte, Peasante, Serfo, Tovnepeople, Ladies and Gentlenen of the Court, Giant, Griffin, Servants, etc. Act ONE. Scene 1 - A Rocky Glen. The rowdy cheer of a group of knights and page boys holding banners. They run in cluster across the stage. The oxchestra tremolos with the battle music, and we hear the sound of clashing metal. These guys are losing the battle. TOPHER enters. He is attractive, in @ goofy way, and he seems somewhat bored with the battle. Oh, did 1 forget to mention that his opponent is a giant? Not too enormous, just about three people tall. And when his sword hits ‘TOPHER’'s sword, sparks fly. The giant takes a swing at TOPHER and the prince falls to the ground ‘he giant throws his head back to laugh in victory. TOPHER leaps into the air, knocking the giant unconscious. The giant falls to the ground quickly, with « thud that makes all on the stace jump at once. All the other knights cheer. The music is even more triumphant as TOPHER runs to the top of the giant’s back ard holds his sword aloft. Silence from the knights as they await the great speech. ‘TOPHER I just wish Twas doing something more important with my life! (A general groan of dismay from the soldiers not this again. SEBASTIAN, the Lord Charcellor, an overly elegantly dressed man of the court, steps forward.) SEBASTIAN Worrying about that self-worth again, Prince Topher? TOPHER Tt all just comes too easily. Maybe I could be a philosopher king. Or a benevolent king. Or an artsy king. SEBASTIAN ‘The fact remains, sire - You will be king and very soon. When your sainted mother and father passed avay and left yoa in my charge, 1 promised them on your twenty-first birthday you would be prepared for your reign. (A page boy beings out the prince’s horse.) ToPHER I know, Sebastian, T know. And I guess I am ready to be a king. “The thing of it is7 1 just don’t even know who T am yet SEBASTIAN I’m sure it will come to you. Until then, might T suggest faking it? TOPHER Really? (Gets on horse) SEBASTIAN You wouldn’t be the first and you wouldn't be the last. LORD PINKLETON To the castle! (SEBASTIAN walks along as TOPHER rides on horseback. Page boys with banners and the knights march with them. The ‘Scenery changes behind them.) TOPHER Still. These questions. Nag me. Nag. (the horse whinnies. HE pats the horse's neck as he rides) No, not you, Buttercup, 1 just worry. (He sings:) ME, WHO AM 1? A FAR-PROM-PERFECT GUY A JERK WHO WANTS TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT BUT OFTEN DOES WHAT’S WRONG [A DRIP WHO'S VOICE 18 WAY OFF KEY BUT LOVES TO SING A SONG ‘A DOPE WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION BUT RAKES UP LIKE A LAMB BUT THE GUY 1 aw THAT's Horm Tt KNIGHTS HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT SLAYER OF DRAGONS PITTLESS TO OGRES DESTROYER OF GRIFFINS AND GIANTS NO FRIEND TO GARGOYLES NICE T0 THE NEEDY SPORTSMAN AND POET ‘TOPHER A DOPE WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION BUT WAKES UP LIKE A LAMB ME, WHO AM I? BUT THE GUY ray (They walk by a formation of rocks. The top of the rock, actually, turns out to be a griffin in repose. The griffin lunges back onte its haunches, opens its mouth and widens its talons TOPHER absently takes 2 cross bow and shosts the griffin dead. He rides on, whistling.) ‘TOPHER A JERK WHO WANTS TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT BUT KLWAYS DOES WHAT’S WRONG A DRIP WHO'S VOICE IS WAY OFF KEY BUT LOVES TO SING A SONG {He continues to sing on LA's, a half tone sharp.) ‘TOPHER LA LA LALA LA LA LALA LA (As the music continues, a dragon-circles over his head. The steam from his nose float down to the people on stage. TOPHER, still concentrating fon his place in the world shoots his sling siot, at the dragon. A load thud as the dragon falls Somewhere. Where we can’t see him. Saving the producers a fortune. Up off stage left. off Stage right we see a tail fall to the ground with 2 deafening thud) ‘TOPHER ME, WHO AMT BUT THE GUY T AM THAT'S WHO'M T NIGHTS (singing again) cos He’s WITTY SO DISARMING AND WE REALLY LIKE THE WAY HE HOLDS A ROOM, HE'S $0 CUNNING (OUR PRINCE CHARMING TOPHER HOW 00 1 FILL MY LIFE WITH MEANING? kwiceTS OH PSHAW, STR YOU'VE NO FLAW, SIR YOU'RE JUST THE THING (OUR FUTURE KING ‘THAT'S WHY WE SING THERE IS No ONE QUITE LIKE ~ TOPHER (Continues as the knights sing the counternelody) ME, WHO AM I? ‘AFAR FROM PERFECT GUY 1 JERK WHO WANTS TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT BUT OFTEN DOES WHAT'S WRONG A DRIP WHO'S VOICE IS WAY OFF KEY BUT LOVES TO SING A SONG [A DOPE WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION BUT WAKES UP LIKE A LAMB ME, WHO'M I you there! BUT THE GUY I AM THAT’ S Hort THAT'S WHO'M 1! kNiGHts [singing the countermelody with TOPHER) HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT SLAYER OF DRAGONS PITILESS TO OGRES DESTROYER OF GRIFFINS 2ND GIANTS NO FRIEND TO GARGOYLES RICE TO THE NEEDY SPORTSMAN AND POET ‘SWORDSMAN STATESMAN NIFTY DANCER SAILOR OF THE OCEANS SURVEYOR (OF THE MOUNTAINS AND CANYONS HE'S A PRINCE WHAT A GUY! WHAT A GUY! WHAT A GUY! WHAT A GUY! HE'S A PLAIN AND SIMPLE COMPLICATED FASCINATING GUY! (They end at a wishing well. The knights march off There, a young lady is pulling up a bucket fron the well! SEBASTIAN Inpoverished person! Fetch us sone water! (the girl turns around. It is ELLA.) ‘TOPHER Don’t talk to her that way. How do you know she’s poor? SEBASTIAN Look at her. She's filthy. Granted, she could just be neurotic with an aversion to water. But here she stands by a well. So you know where I'm putting my money. Poot, poor, poor (ELIA walks with a gourd of water to TOPHER.) ELLA Here you are, sire. ‘TOPHER Thank you, young lady. (TOPHER takes a sip of water.) SEBASTIAN Give her sone money. ‘TOPHER Really? ‘SEBASTIAN Yes! It’s charity! You have things and she doesn’t. You're going to give her some of your things, 30 she doesn’t have a revolution and take all of your things. (MARIE, a woman in rags, enters.) MARIE, Spare change, any spare change? SEBASTIAN ‘The moment charity is mentioned, out comes every lay about! TOPHER (handing MARIE a coin} Here you are, old woman. SEBASTIAN Be careful, my Lord, many of the very poor have weapons. LORD PINKLETON (Reaching for his sword, to MARIE) Be gone with you. ELLA NO! Good sir, that is merely Crazy Marie, she lives in the woods and comes to town only to gather what others throw away. she is gentle in every way. Sweet and delicate but. well, you know ~ (andicates crazy) marie (chewing on her hair) My hair tastes great, you wanna try sone? TOPHER She is harmless, I can tell. Lord Pinkleton, sheathe your shord. (to ELLA) You are a good friend to Marie. And a good friend is about the most wonderful thing in this world. SEBASTIAN “Friends, friends, friends,” might we ‘ourney on? ‘TOPHER Very well, my liege, (giving ELLA a coin) Be well, young lady ELLA I don’t want charity. I have my stepmother and stepsisters to take care of me. waRIE, open your eyes, honey. ELLA OK they're not doing a great job, but - TOPHER Take the coin then as 2 present, an admiration for a true Erlend in this world (TOPHER rides off, surroundec by SEBASTIAN and no less than four of the knights) MARIE ‘Thank you for saving my life dear Ella, I shall return the Favor. euLa I didn’t do it to have a favor returned (she is looking off to where TOPHER has left) waRiE I have @ shawl here that only has a few holes and smells of cabbage, you can wear it ELLA Not necessary -- what a handsone man that was, and so kind and generous: 10 varie ‘That is but not aman, that is Prince Topher, the slayer of giants and dragons. He is to be crowned king this very month. ELLA That man? A world leader? But he appears to have a heart, mind and soul, it can't be. Marie, you're crazy. arte Yes, T am. But that does not change the fact that he is our own Prince Topher - look on your coin, dear ELLA (ooking at. coin) why, it is him. From the left. Such silly ears. And the crown doesn’t help things, he should wear 2 floppy hat. (the women laugh warmly} Here Marie, please take this coin. Buy yourself something warn to eat. (as she hands the coin to MARIG, JEAN-MICHEL, a wild haired, bespectacled revolutionary enters.) JEAN-MICHEL Why is it always the very poorest who are the most generous? arte. Tt is Jean-Michel. He will spout gibberish now and bore ELLA (to MARTE) Be nice. (to JEAN-MICHEL) Good day, Jean-Michel JEAN-MICHEL And do you know why the poor are the kindest, Ella and Crazy Marie? arte No, but I have a feeling you are about to be most a JEAN-MICHEL Because it is a corrupt system, with 2 smashed moral compass. MARIE You will forgive me if I just stagger about and mutter [she does 50} JEAN-MICHEL ‘The day is soon coming when we will have a revolution! We will overthrow the rich, we will spread the wealth to the poor, we shail take the prince and behead him and ~ ELLA No! You will do nothing of the sort. The Prince is a good man, He is kind of face and generous and - JEAN-MICHEL oh, that is what the Lord Chancellor Sebastian would have us believe with his propaganda, but the Prince is a pig! ELLA That is not true. He is a fine and reasonable man. And I am sure if you have any problems you could talk to him, just as Iam talking to you. JEAN-MICHEL You're a foolish girl, how can you say such things? ELLA Because I have met him, and looked in his eyes. JEAN-MICHEL (locke at her incredulously and then bursts into laughter) You are as mad as Marie! varie (insulted) ey! JEAN-MICHEL You have heard the Lord Chancellor Sebastian's lies for so long =~ MADAME (off stage) Cinderella! a JEAN-MICHEL If you only knew what the revolution will bring, when the poor, as one, will rise and - MADAME Cinderela! arte hat ie Madame. (They don't get out of the way. There she is. MADAME enters, the very epitone of vanity and fashion. “The Cinderella March” is heard lightly under this) MADAME Cinderella, help me with my parcels this instant! Cinderella, help me with my packages! (she scrambles to do so) No one knows the extreme torture I am subjected to. I had a fitting today that stretched to nearly forty-five minutes. We all know how exacting Monsieur Balthazar can be. (Music Stops) Oh look. A homeless person and a radical in our front yard. Why can’t we just have lawn ornaments like the others? Charlotte, Gabrielle, cone daughters comet! (tusic begins) (GABRIELLE and CHARLOTTE enter) GABRIELLE We are here, Mama! CHARLOTTE We are exhausted being as beautiful as we look. GABRIELLE ‘Try it sometime! MADAME, Cinderella, lazy girl, come help your sisters with their shrewd purchases. Cinderella, take now this orange box! Yes, it contains Venetian glass. Who's jealous? Show of hands. Cinderella, It is a most amusing nane. I crack myself up. she eits by the cinders of the fire, and her name is Ella, So I call her Cinder-ella. I am well versed in the art of ridicule, Aren't 1, daughters? Fe] GABRIELLE very much so. CHARLOTTE She instructs us in the art of ridicule between four and Five each afternoon. waDAME Daughters wo mustn’© dally. We ohall be late for our session. Ridicule is practiced in all the finest courts. CHARLOTTE I can’t walt for the ridicule. I’m fairly itching to say something and make somebody cry. GABRIELLE Cinderella, do you need help with those packages? MADAME, Don’t help your sister, just stand there! cinderella, clean this porch. JEAN-MICHEL (to GABRIELLE) Gabrielle. 1 have brought from University, a book for you vith pictures of how people in other lands live. And how they govern. Norway, Italy, Japan. GABRIELLE I have mentioned my interest in these places only in passing. And you have brought a whole book. (blushing) ouit it, you. JEAN-MICHEL And four days from now I would like to take you on a date T'm organizing a soup kitchen. We need someone to stir. * GABRIELLE [A soup kitchen! And 1 so love to stir! and ladle! as WADAME Gabrielle! Do not talk to that man. We are teetering precariously between upper middle Class and lower upper Class. We cannot be seen with a liberal. {nto this house [GABRIELLE gives the book back to JEAN-MICHEL and runs into the house. MADAME follows her into the house) JEAN-MICHEL Insufferable rich snobs. I'11 take this book and burn it! varie Jean-Michel, instead of destruction, way not a pinch of kindness? Give Ella your book? JEAN-MICHEL ella? ELLA If it’s quite alright, Jean-Michel, I would love to look at your book of how other countries live. JEAN-MICHEL (hands ELLA the book) Then here, Ella. I shall go my ay alone and live my own Life. Im'a loner! You're coming with me, zight? waRIE, of course. JEAN-MICHEL od (WARIE and JEAN-MICHEL exit. BLIA looks at the book. MADAME opens the door) MADAME Cinderella? When you’ re done cleaning the porch with that sack of rags, you may begin preparing the dinner, setting the table, cleaning up after the meal, washing the dishes and then preparing our beds for sleep. And because I am not completely inhumane, before all this I will give you a five minute reat. And after that, we need you to pose as fan object of ridicule. That'll be fun. (Going into the house) Four minutes and fifty-nine seconds, four minutes and fifty-eight seconds. (ELLA walks over to her stool) ELLA Vary well, Madame, TT11 stay here on the poreh. [She opens the book and looks at a picture, turns the page, and sees~) ELIA T/M AS MILD BND AS MEEK AS A MOUSE WHEN T HEAR % COMMAND I OBEY BUT I KNOW OF A SPOT IN MY HOUSE WHERE NO ONE CAN STAND IN MY WAY IN MY OWN LITTLE CORNER, IN MY OWN LITTLE CHAIR I CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT TO BE ON THE WING CE My FANCY T CAN FLY ANYWHERE AND THE WORLE WILL OPEN ITS ARMS TO ME T/M A YOUNG NORWEGIAN PRINCESS OR A MILKMATD I’M THE GREATEST PRIMA DONNA IN MILAN 1/M AN HEIRESS WHO HAS ALWAYS HAD HER SILK MADE BY HER OW FLOCK OF SILKWORMS IN JAPAN T/M A GIRL MEN GO MAD FOR LOVE'S A GAME 1 CAN PLAY WITH A COOL AND CONFIDENT KIND OF AIR JUST AS LONG AS I STAY IN MY OWN LITTLE CORNER ALL ALONE LITTLE CHAIR I CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT TO aE I'M A TRIBE IN CALCUTTA I'M A QUEEN IN PERU I'M A MERMALD DANCING UPON THE SEA T/M R HUNTRESS ON AN AFRICAN SAFARI {IT'S A DANGEROUS KIND OF SPORT BUT IT IS FUN} IN THE NIGHT I SALLY FORTH TO FINO MY QUARRY AND I FIND I FORGOT TO BRING MY GUN T AM LOST IN THE JUNGLE 16 ALL ALONE AND UNARMED WHEN I MEET A LIONESS IN HER LAIR THEN I’M GLAD 70 BE BACK IN MY CWN LITTLE CORNER ALL ALONE IN MY O#N LITTLE CHAIR (the song ends.) ELLA (Ae we transition inte the next scene) TRA LALA LA LA LA LA LALA LA LA LALA T CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT TO BE TOPHER sits on a throne, uneasily. At another end, gathered around 2 table are SEBASTIAN and other political figures. TOPHER sings ~ TOPHER JUST AS LONG AS I STAY IN MY OWN LITTLE CORNER ELLA ALL ALONE TOPHER ALL ALONE ELLA IN My om 7 ‘TOPHER IN Me ont Bork LITTLE CHAIR LORD PINKLETON (sings) YOUR MAJESTY, YOUR MAJESTY A LIST OF THE LORDS ENTREATING THEE (no response} SEBASTIAN Hit him again. LORD PINKLETON YOUR MAJESTY, YOUR MAJESTY A LIST OF THE LORDS ENTREATING THEE ‘TOPHER A LIST OF THE LORDS ENTREATING HE WITH WHAT? LORD PINKLETON ‘A HUNDRED AND FIVE REQUESTS ‘TOPHER THAT SEEMS A LOT ‘SEBASTIAN 1/11 take this (to TOPHER) Prince Topher, the Lords and Ladies of the court all crave your council. We have been going over your plans for the coronation and in honor of your ascension; we have decided to cut taxes to the very wealthiest people of our kingdom. TOPHER But, Sebastian, wouldn't it be wiser to give a relief of the’ taxes for the very poorest people? SEBASTIAN You know, you would think so. Sut actually we've been doing it ever since your beloved mother and father died and it’s been going surprisingly well u (With that, a brick emashes through the window and there’ the sound of a riot outside. A political figure runs and looks out the window.) ‘TOPHER that was that? POLITICAL FIGURE The peasants are revolting! SEBASTIAN I'LL say. You’ re coming down to the wire here, your highness, might T have the imprimatur of your ring on this Dill to Lower the taxes? ‘TOPHER on, right. (He stamps the papers with his ring) SEBASTIAN And this to tax the emall business owners who now oun property. TOPHER That doesn’t seem fair, does it? SEBASTIAN It's very complicated. Do you really want me to go into (he offers the paper. TOPHER stamps it with his ring. A roar of protest trom outside) TOPHER What's all that yelling outside? SEBASTIAN Some people just aren't patriotic. T have this new law which forbids any treason against you, the palace, the Government, the church and several of the major banks. Did you want to - actually if you let me have the ring, it would save the trip. (TOPHER tosses the ring. SEBASTIAN stamps away. TOPHER looks out the window) TOPHER ‘They .. just hate us. They hate me. They didn’t hate my folks. Hom and Dad, they still love Mom and Dad. But mo ~ 19 SEBASTIAN Your parents had the good fortune to be royalty ina time of plenty ~ ANYBODY can be popular then. Bu: since their unfortunate denise, T have done my best to run this country. I’v2 done my best to raise you in the finest schools, falzonry ~ I took the time, but this - TOPHER I think they're getting over the one wall over there. ‘SEBASTIAN Perhaps ~ we are in need of — a large distraction. when times are poor and there is a cry for dividing the wealth, I believe most have found distraction might be used to placate the masses TOPHER What kind of dietraction? SEBASTIAN A royal wedding. ‘TOPHER Wow. And does that work? SEBASTIAN Like a dream every time. ‘TOPHER But, who will get married? SEBASTIAN Well .. you. TOPHER But that’s jast silly. I don’t know any girls. T went to an all-boys school off in the woods. And then attended an Alicnala inivarsity, on an (eland. Why did you do that to SEBASTIAN For this hapsy day - I am going to find you a bride ~ oh, happy the day! ‘TOPHER This is nonsense. How will you find me a bride? 20 SEBASTIAN T don't know, you've put me on the spot. Just off the top of my head, I’ve made no plans ~~ LORD PINKLETON (handing him a piece of paper) Here are the wedding plans from our last meeting. SEBASTIAN Thank you, Lord Pinkleton. (looks down at paper) Oh look, something just came to me. We shall have a magnificent ball. Dancing. Every eligible young woman who can afford a gown will be there. This is a wonderful selection process right there. If you can't afford a nice dress, you don’t have any business marrying a prince. Now. All the guests will be in masks. You will dance with every girl. At the stroke of midnight, everyone will remove their masks and you will have found your bride. King and queen on the throne. I am there to guide you through all. your decisions, it’s really a win win. ‘TOPHER How would any woman fall in love with me so quickly? SEBASTIAN Do you know how women Work? TOPHER I've studied anatomy. SEBASTIAN And somehow, no. There is something else about women you Bon't quite understand. What a woman wants i= what Se apparent: An attractive face, vast wealth and holdings, a title? You are groom bait. TOPHER hat about kindness and intellectual curiosity? SEBASTIAN Not so much, 2 ‘TOPHER and I gould fall in love quickly, then? SEBASTIAN You've been Listening to song lyrics again, haven’t you? I’ve warned you against this. This isn’t about love, this is about duty. TOPHER But, how ~ SEBASTIAN A valid question which we will answer sometime soon. Yow, Lord Pinkleton. I want you to tell this to all - a Pronouncenent — an announcenent. (He sings as the LORD PINKLETON scribbles) HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT ‘TOPHER Please don’t say my whole name! SEBASTIAN WINDEMERE, VEADIMIR KARL ALEXANDER TOPHER So embarrassing. SEBASTIAN FRANCOIS REGINALD LANCELOT. HERMAN ‘TOPHER Don't - Don't use that 22 SEBASTIAN ERMAN GREGORY JAMES IS GIVING A BALL SCENE 4 ‘The town square. ‘The peasants and serfs watch as JEAN-MICHEL overturns a soap box and jumps on top of it. He is one voice among many (grunting pigs, screaming children, arguing fish mongers) JEAN-MICHEL NOW IS THE TIME TRE TIME IS NOW NO OTHER TIME WILL Do! LIVE AND PLAY YOUR PART DON'T GIVE AWAY YOUR HEART DON'T TAKE WHAT THE WORLD GIVES YOU Fellow serfs and peasants! I come to you with a new way! Let us all, you and 1 and the poor people on the other Side of the river, unite and create a new world! (a crowd begins to gather) NOW IS THE TIME THE TIME TO LIVE NO OTHER TIME IS REAL! YESTERDAY HAS GONE TOMORROK 1S A GUESS TODAY YOU CAN SEE AND FEEL You work so hard, don’t you deserve what the rich have for nothing? TORNSPEOPLE yes! FOR YOU CAN'T JUST WAIT TO BE SERVED BY FATE ON A SILVER PLATE OR A TRAY 23 Now IS THE TIME THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE IS TODAY (LORD PINKLETON enters and rings his bell: Ding! Ding!) LORD PINKLETON ‘THE 2RINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE ?RINCE IS GIVIN A BALL HEAR YE! HEAR YE! ABAGL AND THAT'S NOT ALL! THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE PRINCE 1S GIVING A BALL HEAR YE REAR YE HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT JAMES TS GIVING A BALL ‘TOnNSPEOPLE HE'S GIVING A BALL? LORD PINKLETON THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL! 24 ‘TOMNSPEOPLE THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL! JEAN-MICHEL We have the time to choose what is important to us as a people! TOWNSPEOPLE (realizing they've forgotten about JEAN-MICHEL) ona. JEAN-MICHEL Non IS THE TIME! THE TIME TO ACT TORNSPEOPLE HE'S GIVING A BALL JEAN-MICHEL No OTHER TIME WILL DO! ToWNSPEOPLE THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL WOMAN INA WINDOW He's giving a what? TOMNSPEOPLE A BALLE Now 1S THE TIME ‘THE TIME 10 LIVE! A WOMAN what’ LL wear? JEAN-MICHEL NO OTHER TIME IS REAL LORD PINKLETON THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL 25 JEAN-MICHEL But! crow SHH .. HE'S GIVING A BALL! THE PRINCE IS GIVING A Oooh! LORD PINKLETON (reading the invitation) HIS ROYAL AIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT WINDEMERE, VLADINTR KARL ALEXANDER FRANGOIS REGINALD LANCELOT HERNAN ‘cROWD uh? LORD PINKLETON HERMAN! GREGORY AMES TS GIVING A BALL MADAME (spoken) (entering with GABRIELLE, CHARLOTTE and ELLA) The Prince is giving a what? TOWNSPEOPLE THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL [THEY dance] LORD PINKLETON REAR YE HEAR YE HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT JBMES IS GIVING A BALL TORWSPEOPLE HE'S GIVING A BALL! LORD PINKLETON AND THAT'S NOT ALL 26 TomNSPEOPLE on? LORD PINKLETON THE PRINCE INTENDS 70 FIND A BRIDE AND AT THE BALL HE WILL DECIOE SO IF YOUR DAUGHTER'S DREAMY-EYED GeT READY FOR THE BALL TORNSPEOPLE THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL! LORD PINKLETON HIS MAJESTY HAS THIS DECREE: To attend the ball, all one requires is an invitation and suitably fashionable attire! (a crowd gathers around the LORD PINKLETON as he hands out invitations) GABRIELLE I'LL WEAR MY GOWN OF SATIN JADE MADAME, cunning! ! CHARLOTTE AND ME, I'LL WEAR NY PINK BROCADE MADAME, Chic chic chic!! ELLA AND ME ~ MADAME, Nobody cares! LORD PINKLETON AND FURTHERMORE HIS MAJESTY. declares that the woman he chooses at tonight's ball will be his bride. And the ball shall be in masks, so the prince shall not be swayed by appearances of nobility. That means ANYONE can be the Queen! a WOMEN (to LORD PINKLETON) T HEAR HE WANTS A TALLER GIRL I ABAR HE WANTS A STRONGER GIRL 1 HEAR HE WANTS A SMALLER GIRL ALL ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL OMEN I WISH I WERE A BOLDER GIRL I WISH I WERE A YOUNGER GIRL I WISH I WERE AN OLDER GIRL ALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL ELLA I'VE WISHED A LoT OF THINGS I DON'T WISH ANYMORE BUT NOW I WISH A LOT OF THINGS I'VE NEVER WISHED BEFORE I WISH 1 WISH 1 WISH T WISH 1 WISH To THE T HAD T couLD 1 MIGHT 1 WOULD I WERE INVITED PRINCE'S ROYAL PALACE BALL! ‘TOWNSPEDPLE THE PRINCE TS GIVING & BALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL (Dance) WOMEN 1 WISH ~ 1 WISH ~ 1 WISH — Ook = AK 28 SEBASTIAN Madame. 1 crave your council. Tonight's ball will be in masks. There will be 2 dashing man in a red mask. And he- MADAME, Ts a jewel thier SEBASTIAN No, bright eyes. He is the prince. MADAME, The prince is a jewel thief? SEBASTIAN The prince is wearing a red mask. What color mask will your daughter Gabrielle be wearing? wapaME, Emerald green. SEBASTIAN Let us make sure that the emerald green mask and the red mask unite. JEAN MICHEL NOW 13 THE TIME THE TIME 70 ACT cRoKD WE HEAR YE WE REAR YE BUT THE PRINCE I$ GIVING A BALL SEAN MICHEL Now 1s THE TIME ‘THE TIME TO LIVE syne 29 cRoWD WE HEAR YE WE HEAR YE BUT HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS CHRISTOPHER RUPERT JAMES TS GIVING A BALL “IS GIVING A BALL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS LORD PINKLETON CHRISTOPHER RUPERT crowo WINDEMERE VLADIMIR LORD PINKLETON SLAYER OF DRAGONS cROKD KARL ALEXANDER LORD PINKLETON DESTROYER OF GARGOYLES crowo FRANGOTS REGINALD LORD PINKLETON SPORTSMAN AND PORT ‘cROKD LANCELOT HERNAN LORD PINKLETON BERMAN? crow. HERMAN! ALL GREGORY JAMES. TS GIVING A BALL (Dance) LORD _PINKLETON THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL a/a/z 30 ALL (overlapping) ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL ‘THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL A ROYAL BALL LORD PINKLETON HE'S GIVING A BALL! TONWSPEOPLE ‘THE PRINCE 18 GIVING A BALL! (the crowd dances off and as we see our now location the lone figure of Crazy Marie waddles by) MARIE FOL-DE-ROL AND FIODLE DEE OEE FIDDLE-DY PADDLE-DY FUDDLE ALL THE WISHES IN THE WORLO ARE POPPYCOCK AND TWADOLE THE PRINCE IS GIVING A BALL SCENE 5 Inside the house. Charlotte is standing at the stair knoll post, holding on for dear life, Cinderella pulls.on the strings of her bodice. Madame, wearing a large oversized smock, is putting the final touches on Gabrielle's hair. MADAME, Cinderella! when you've finished tightening delicate Charlotte's corset —~ ‘CHARLOTTE, Uuhnhh, I can taste my lunch. n MADAME swe mist move on to Gabrielle's hair, It is becoming, Z fear, a four hand operation. CHARLOTTE Cinderella! Did you iron my gown? MADAME I know my gown still has wrinkles in it CHARLOTTE But you should wear the gown with wrinkles, mama. Tt will match your face. MADAME (after a large gasp) That is.. without 2 doubt. sone of the finest ridicule T have ever heard. Oh the prince will be choosing you for a bride! Oh, my dearest daughters, the real ones, just lock ‘at you! when your father died, I swore T would raise you to be the envy of three counties. ‘Then I remarried, to a man I did not love, but for his money. He had a daughter from a previous marriage whon I do not love. Cinderella, your name goes here, Then he died. And now I have all his money. Anda chanbernaid in the bargain, so as you can see T’ve done pretty well for myself. Cinderella fetch the orange box!! Cinderella! Where ie that idiot girl? (she quickly does so. MADAME opens the box. AlL gasp in amazement. She pulls from the box we see a tiny elegant piece of Venetian glass) From Venice - @ piece of glass, spun to perfection. Nore valuable than dianonds. Venetian glass. All the fashionable hones have a collection. Each of us shall wear the tiniest bit of hand blown Venetian glass. Allow me to place this tiny bauble around the neck of my lovely daughter Charlotte. (she does so) CINDERELLA! Dress on, now. This is the night everything changes! Don’t you feel it, girls? Don’t you feel it? CHARLOTTE I don’t feel my fingertips. 32 MADAME No. what you ali feel is imminent connection. We will at last be royalty. CHARLOTTE I can’t breathe. Someone help me. PADAME, Exactly. And I place this bauble around the neck of my daughter Gabrielle. Beautiful, charming, elegant Gabrielle. The dangerous excitenent of the evening is that you will never know when the prince is there, for the entire ball shall be in masks. (placing the Venetian glass around GABRIELLE’ s neck. Whispering in her ear-) Bat I will tell you, my little emerald green mask. Keep your eye out for the man in the red mask. For that is the prince. The Lord Chancellor Sebastian has chosen you and has sent word that you are to meet the prince and becone his bride! Cinderella! GABRIELLE (covering her ear) ow! gar! MADAME Cinderella, how do they look? ELLA I don’t know how the prince will be able to choose between the tko of you. MADAME Again. No sense of ridicule. she would never be a success in court. Fetch the perfune! Cone two daughters that count, finish getting ready! 1/11 check on the carriage- (she opens the door, there is JEAN-MICHEL with two small bouquet.) Oh look, the left must now go doar to door to try ta sell their unpopular views JEAN-MICHEL Good evening Madame. Gabrielle? For the ball tonight I thought you would Like to take these wild flowers. I've picked them myself, {hands her the flowers.) 3 GABRIELLE ‘Thank you, Jean-Michel. They're so beautiful. JEAN-MICHEL (se then mands the second Bouquet to MADAME) For the mother of the most perfect girl in all God's creation. MADAME, (Looking down at the flowers being offered) Gabrielle. What are these things he presents to me? GABRIELLE (with delight) Wild floners. MADAME I thought we all agreed that things that appear in nature work against us. Be gone with you! (she takes GABRIELLE’s flowers and throws them back to JEAN-MICHEL) Leave and take your simple pleasures with you. (SHE slams the door in his face. To her daughters then) Ignore all distractions, we are determined to get ourselves ready and to that ball. Cinderella! Daughters you are marrying that prince. We don’t have time for love, love is for little people. Come here! ! MADAME 1 USED 70 LEND MY HEART TO QUICK ROMANCE; NOW 1 DEFEND MY HEART, 1 TAKE NO CHANCE, NO LONGER PLAY AROUND WITH CHILDISH HOPES ~ T KNOW MY WAY AROUND 1 KNOW THE ROPES. (SHE now works on both daughters getting them ready) I HAVE LOVED AND 1" VE LEARNED Nor 70 LEAP Ey FOR THE BAIT T HAVE LEARNED No? 10 LEAP BEFORE 1 LOCK. T HAVE LOVED AND I'VE LEARNED ‘THAT THE BAIT ‘THAT LOOKS GREAT MAY BE BAIT THAT WILL LANO ME ON A HOOK. NO MORE LEAPING, I'M WORLDLY WISE. I KEEP SWEEPING STARS OUT OF MY EYES T HAVE LOVED AND BEEN BURNED BY THE FLAME AND I'VE LEARNED HOW TO RUN WHEN I FEEL THE FAINTEST GLOW BUT! I WILL NEVER FORGET ALL 1 KNOW STOP NE! I’H FORGETING ALL I ANOW There ue are. Completed. Sacial ascension through Fashion! Off to the ball. Now sing back the lesson to me, daughters. Charlotte - remember to breathe, phrasing is everything! scene 6 outside of the house. As the song resumes, ELLA, MADAME and STEPSISTEAS exit into the garden. MADAME dose a bit of a spirited obligato. CHARLOTTE & GABRIELLE WE HAVE LOVED AND WB! VE LEARNED NOT TO LEAP FOR THE BAIT WE HAVE LEARNED NOT 70 LEAP BEFORE WE LOOK asasie 35 We HAVE LoveD AND WE'VE LEARNED THAT THE BAIT ‘THAT LOOKS GREAT MAY BE BAIT THAT WILL LAND US ON A HOOK MADAME ‘Two parts, Gabrielle on top. CHARLOTTE & GABRIELLE (they do so) NO MORE. LEAPING WE! RE WORLDLY AND WISE WE KEEP SWEEPING STARS OUT OF OUR BYES (MADAME Joins in, singing the obligato) VADAME, CHARLOTTE & GABRIELLE We HAVE LovED AND BEEN BURNED BY THE FLAME AND WE’ VE LEARNED HOW TO RUN WHEN WE FEEL THE FAINTEST GLO¥ CHARLOTTE § GABRIELLE SO! WE WILL NEVER FORGET ALL WE KNOW MADAME DARLINGS, DON’T FORGET! ALL 3 WHAT WE NOW KNOW! (As the ladies exit out the gate, JEAN-MICHEL enters from behind a tree with flowers, JIAN-NICHEL touches his Lip, tt is bleeding.) JEAN-MICHEL One of the flowers in the bouguet was a wild rose. Its thorn has scratched my face, Yes ~ I’m bleeding. And the prince has his magnificent ball. We will rise up and destroy this old way of living. a ELLA oh Jean-Michel, don’t say that. I've been reading your book of how people Live in other lands and I’m sure if you spoke with the prince he would understand and change things to make them better. JEAN-MICHEL Well why don’t you just go to the ball and ask him then? Or tell him - tell him that everything is changing very soon! Ha! You can’t! Because you're poor and all you have aze rags! (JEAN-MICHEL runs off) HAL ELLA (shouting after him) Jean-Michel! I could go to the prince and he might Listen tome! And if I had a ball gown, I think I might look quite presentable. (SHE puts away her father’s coat back into the sack of rags and sits in the stool on the porch, looks at her book of other countries and sings.) ELLA I AM IN THE ROYAL PALACE OF ALL PLACES I AMS CHATTING WITH THE PRINCE LIKE KING AND QUEEN AND THE COLOR OF MY TWO STEPSISTER’S FACES TS A QUEER SORT OF SOUR APPLE GREEN TAN COY AND FLIRTATIOUS WHEN ALONE WITH THE PRINCE T'M THE BELLE OF THE BALL IN MY OWN LITTLE CORNER ALL ALONE TN NY om LITTLE CHAIR Marte (from behind a tree) FOL-DE-ROL AND FLDDLEDY~UEs: FIDDLEDY FADDLEDY FODDLE ALL TAB WISHES IN THE WORLD ARE POPPYCOCK AND THADDLE! ELLA oh Crazy Marie. Are you mocking me with your gikberish? 38 MARIE FOL DE ROL AND EIODLEDY DEE FIDDLEDY FADDLEDY POODLE ALL THE DREAMERS IN ALL THE WORLC ARE DIZ2¥ IN THE NOODLE. ELLA So what i£ I do have a dream to see the prince again? And tell him what life in his kingdom is really 1ike? And what it could be. MARIE Exactly. And then to have him fall in love with you. BULA I never said that. And why do you come to visit me tonight? MARIE 1 gUST KNEW T WOULD FIND You IW THAT SANE LITTLE CHAIR IN THE PALE PINK MIST OF A FOOLISH OREAM ELLA I am being foolish. varie Then be foolish with me. What would you dream of? ELLA An invitation to the ball, I guess. MARIE {producing the invite Right here. There’s an invitation. ELLA But it's torn. MaRIE What else would you dream of? oh a white gown, I imagine. A beautiful white gown sewn up with pearls.” And jewels. Anda tiara of diamonds. 39 marie ‘And on your feet? ELLA ‘The most beautiful grosgrain punps, I'd imagine MARIE No. Better. The Venetian glass that your stepmother so loves in her trinkets and baubles. a entire pair of shoes made only of Venetian glass. ELLA oh how silly, I'd be the envy of all, But how would 7 get to the ball? varie Well this punpkin over here? ELLA yes? marie I/L1 turn it into a golden carriage. ELLA And these mice? Trapped in this cage? marie ‘The carriage, well, we have to have horses. ELLA And a raccoon as 2 footman and a fox as a driver. oh you are crazy, Marie. Why, in order to do that, you would have to be a fairy godmother. (WARIE rips off her rags and ragged cape. Underneath is the most beautiful gown. ELLA gasps.) ELLA Marie! But you're a crazy wonan! What are you doing in that beautiful gown? wate You'd be surprised how many beautiful gowns have crazy women in them. 40 ELLA Are you really my fairy godmother? MARIE But of course, my child. Actually, I’m everyone's fairy godmother. But you're the only one who's given me charity. Generosity. And kindness. And now, T must make all the dreams we joked about come true ELLA But that’s so improbable. Inplausible. want, IMPOSSIBLE FOR A PLAIN YELLOW PUMPKIN TO BECOME A GOLDEN CARRTAGE! IMPOSSIBLE FOR A PLAIN COUNTRY BUMPKIN AND A PRINCE 70 JOIN IN MARRIAGE! AND FOUR WHITE MICE WILL NEVER BE FOUR ‘WHITE HORSES- SUCH FOL-DE-ROL AND FIDDLEDY 000 OF course Is IMPOSSIBLE! BUT THE WORLD TS FULL OF ZANIES AND FOOLS WHO DON'T BELIVE IN SENSIBLE RULES AND WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SENSIBLE PEOPLE SAY AND BECAUSE THESE DAFT AND DENY-EYED DOPES KEEP BUILDING UP IMPOSSIBLE HOPES, IMPOSSIBLE THINGS ARE HAPP’NING EVERY DAY ELLA IMPOSSIBLE! MARIE IMPOSSIBLE! ELLA IMPOSSIBLE! MARIE IMeossiBLe! a ELLA IMPOSSIBLE! MARIE, IMPOSSIBLE! ELLA and MARIS IMPOSSIBLE! ELLA But if you could be @ beggar woma1 not five minutes ago and now are my fairy godmother, then anything is possible, MARIE T suppose so. ELLA You could change it 211. You could make it all happen. wnat, No, but you could change it. You could make it all happen ELLA Never. I couldn't. MARIE You're right. It's all so- IMposs1aLe FOR A PLAIN YELLOW PUMPKIN TO BECOME A GOLDEN CARRIAGE IMPOSSIBLE. FOR A PLAIN COUNTRY BUMPKIN’ AND A PRINCE TO JOIN IN MARRIAGE IMPOSSIBLE AND FOUR WHITE MICE WILL NEVER BE FOUR WHITE HORSES SUCH FOL-DE-ROL AND FIDDLEDY 000 OF COURSE 13 IMPOSSIBLE! a ELLA BUT THE WORLD IS FULL OF ZANIES AND FOOLS WHO DON’T BELIVE IN SENSIBLE RULES AND WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SENSIBLE PEOPLE SAY ELLA and MARTE AND BECAUSE THESE DAFT AND DEwY-EYED DOPES KEEP BUILDING UP IMPOSSIBLE HOPES IMPOSSIBLE THINGS ARE HAP?’ NING EVERY DAY (ARIE suddenly makes a wand appear. SHE points the wand at the pumpkin as sparks fly. The pumpkin, suddenly and magically, blows up like a balloon, eventually bursting into a carriage. SHE aims her wand at the mice in the cage, sparks fly, and the mice are suddenly replaced by horses, ‘The fox pokes its head out of the wood box and MARIE shoots her wand towards it - transforming it into a footman. Just then the raccoon pokes ite head out through a hole in a tree. MARIE shoots her wand at it and he is now a driver, MARIE shakes her wand, sparks fly, and ELLA is now dressed in @ beautiful white gown.) ELLA It's the most beautiful gown in all the land! warts And as promised, in our laughter.. glass slippers. (SHE holds up the glass shoes, places them on the ground, and ELLA eases into then) warts But Cinderella - 1 must tell you - all of this magic is very powerful, but it will end by midnight tonight. Now go ~ to the ball. In the nane of every girl who has wished to go to a ball in @ beautiful dress. In the Of every girl who has ever wanted to change the world she Lived in, Go! With the promise of possibility! (Ella clinbs in the carriage. It slowly rises in the air and beging its journey to che ball.) a ELLA IT's POSSIBLE IT’S POSSIBLE IT'S POSSIBLE 17's PossraLe 17S POSSIBLE FOR A PLAIN YELLOW PUMPKIN TO BECOME A GOLDEN CARRIAGE IT'S POSSIBLE FOR A PLAIN COUNTRY BUMPKIN TO JOIN A PRINCE IN MARRIAGE AND FOUR WHITE MICE ARE EASILY TURNED TO HORSES: SUCH FOL-DER-OL AND FLODLE-DY-DEE OF COURSE IS, QUITE POSSIBLE Scene 7 The treetops. (MARIE appears over ELLA’ head, Flying through the sky.) marie FOR THE WORLD IS FULL OF ZANIES AND FOOLS ELLA WHO WON'T BELIEVE IN SENSIBLE RULES MARIE AND WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SENSIBLE PEOPLE SAY ELLA and MARIE AND BECAUSE THESE DAFT AND DEXEY-EYED DOPES KEEP BUILDING UP IMPOSSIBLE HOPES IMPOSSIBLE THINGS ARE HAPPENING EVERY DAY ELLA I'S POSSIBLE! varie 19"S POSSIBLE! ELLA IT'S POSSIBLE! “4 vate, 177s possraLe! ELLA IP's PossTaLE! marie IT'S POSSIBLE! ELLA AND MARIE IT'S POSSIBLE! (ELLA climbs out of the carriage and approaches the castle doors. They swing open.| Scone ‘The ball. A gorgeous, lush scene of gowns, suits, and masks. Many of the masks have thenes (Like unicorns or sailboats). The gavotte is stately and a little boring. MADAME leads everyone and maneuvers her daughter GABRIELLE towards TOPHER. Not quite understanding what is going on, CHARLOTTE cuts in on the dance and is gavotting away with ‘TOPHER. cHartonne So which one is it? TOPHER linich one is which? CHARLOTTE Duh. The prince. Which is the Prince, I mean come on!!? hat do you think I'm here for, my health? TOPHER Well, a good time, 2 dance perhaps? 45 CHARLOTTE oh, grow a brain! 1 got royal marrying on my mind. So which one is he here? TOPHER Well, maybe it’s me. CHARLOTTE (a moment of thought, then} Not likely. You're no prince, you're ordinary. ‘TOPHER What makes you think I'm ordinary? CHARLOTTE We're doing a gavotte and you can’t even keep the beat fihen we get to the waltz, you're gonna trip over your two left feet and land on your flat Little bottom. End of discussion. in the dance, they change partners) TOPHER (ro CHARLOTTE) Hope to talk to you later. CHARLOTTE Ive moved on. (MADAME now negotiates GABRISLLE to TOPHER) TOPHER How de you do? GABRIELLE How do you do? TOPHER A lovely dance isn’t it, T hope my dancing is alright GABRIELLE oh your dancing is absolutely princely - oops I let that slip out TOPHER Ahh so you know. 46 GABRIELLE I would know a wise and handsome prince anywhere TOPHER The last girl did not know. (As WADAME glides by CHARLOTTE she whispers: in her ear} CHARLOTTE (too loudly) You're kidding! Well thanks for the heads up. UGH!!!! GABRIELLE I think she does now. (word is passed down the line of women that. TOPHER is the man in the red mask) TOPHER well. GnBRIELLE Se. TOPHER What can you tell me about yourself? GABRIELLE lihat would it please you to know, your highness? TOPHER What are your interests? GABRIELLE Why, whatever your interests are your highness. TOPHER OK. Creepy. (In the gavotte, CHARLOTTE glides by) CHARLOTTE i'm not done with you flat behind, I'm heading back for seconds. ‘TOPHER Beally cizepy. 48 ‘The tempo does not pick up, but ‘he movement does as each lady of the court cute in and tries to dance with TOPHER. TOPHER deals with young lady after young lady throwing thenselves at him. The zed mask is no Longer hiding anything. Everyone renoves their masks. As the party dances as one to one side of the ballroom, a rock is thrown throagh a window, the sound of jeering from the peasants. The mezbers of the court dance on. gust as the gavotte ends, BLLA appears. Everyone in the ballrson freezes at the site of her, struck by her enormous beauty. TOPIER, who has wound up back dancing with GABRIELLE, steps away, and walks towards ELLA. SEBASTIAN, seeing this, runs towards the center of the room. SEBASTIAN IT'S TIME FOR RIDICULE! EVERYONE! TAKE SIDES! (The party goers politely clap with their gloved hands and shuffle to either side of the room. ELLA is lost in the shuffle. TOPHER is looking for her.) (They make two large circles. Boy, girl, boy, girl. Sebastian sings:) EveRysoDY Now IT'S TIME FOR RIDICULE ALL IT" RIDICULE! SEBASTIAN THAT'S RIGHT ALL EVERY LITTLE FOIBLE LARGE OR MINUSCULE GETS RIDICULE TONIGHT! 488 (the circles begin to move) ROUND AND ROUND WE RE PATTERING, FALSELY FLATTERING HEAD TO HEAD. BLUFFING, BAITING, BATTERING, GO SHATTERING “TILL YOU'RE DEAD! SEBASTIAN ‘THAT'S THE JOY OF RIDICULE, ALL YES, RIDICULE. SEBASTIAN 10'S TRUEL ALL TRYING VERY HARD TO HEED THR GOLDEN ROE AND DO IT UNTO YOU SEBASTIAN ONE AND TWO AND THREE. (The music stops. AN OLDER WOMAN is stopped in front of CHARLOTTS) OLDER wouAN oh but my dear. I love that dress. No matter how many times I see it. (The room “Ooos" and applauds.) Why I remember when that dress was first in fashion, when Twas a young girl- CHARLOTTE Please do not speak of your childhood, as I have not. brought along a copy of the old tastament te Fallow along ALL (speak) (then ing) READY FOR THE SECOND ROUND OF RIDICULE! SEBASTIAN Don't BE A FOOL st ALL AMEN! SEBASTIAN EV'RY BIT OF CRUELTY THAT YOU LEARNED IN SCHOOL BRING IT BACK AGAIN ‘SEBASTIAN ONE AND THO AND THREE, (the music abruptly ends. Tt is YOUNGER MAN and an OLDER MAN} OLDER MAN Oh look, @ child. I can't wait to see what comes out of your mouth. Oatmeal? (rom the crowd: “Oooh.” “Well played.” “vicious beginning”, exc.) YOUNGER MAN 1am so... well actually .. I -- I know you are, but what am r (from the crowd: “fail,” “epic fail,” etc.) SEBASTIAN evr RvBopy! ALL (anxious, scared) HIP-HOORAY FOR RIDICULE GRoup 1 Grove 2 BALDEROASH! SUCCATASH! GRouP 1 Rove 2 TowyRor! HAH! SEBASTIAN rouceé ALL UTTERLY DELICIOUS HOW WE RIDICULE, WITH EV'RY HORD WE SAY! SEBASTIAN ONE AND TWO AND THREE, apa (The music stops. It is MADAME and ELLA) Age before beauty. You first, dear. (oohs” from the crowd) ELLA You have such a beautiful speaking voice. Have you ever considered singing? (Silence and muttering from the crowd.) MADAME (screaming) Say it -- what -- do it -- what?! The anticipation is killing me! Do the ridicule! Why do you say that? ELLA No reason. I just really like your speaking voice and just think you would sound really great singing a song. And I also like the feather in your hair. It’s a great color for you. MADAME, WHY. ARE, YOU, DOING THIS. TO. MEZEE?!! SEBASTIAN What is this bewitchery you practice? ELLA It's just kindness SEBASTIAN (warily) Kind-ness? ELLA Oh yes. Kindness is practiced now in all the great courts, Ridicule isn’t done anywhere anymore. It’s all Kindness now. Even in the French courts SEBASTIAN Kind-ness. ELLA ves, You know. Compassion SEBASTIAN ho are you, you strange woman? aan MADAME I don't know who she is but she is very very wealthy indeed, And did you see her feet? Shoes made of Venetian glass! My resentment is total. ELLA Kindness, You mist all try it. (A murmuring from the crowd. "Ne." “I don’t think 0." "Not I.” “I won't be the first.”) TOPHER I/11 be the first, Kindness, Isn’t Lt wenderful to have fa pleasant young lady such as yourself in our court? ELLA ‘Thank you. And it’s an honor to be at this wonderful party you are throwing. SEBASTIAN It’s like every time they speak a part of me dies (A LORD steps forvard) LoRD This room is filled with sone of the loveliest women T have ever seen. (A WOMAN steps forward) LADY. I just saw they have vanilla cake on the tuffet. I love vanilla cake! Thank you to whoever made it! A Guest This court is alive with laughter and warrth. A PARTY GOER It's Like it was during the reign of Prince Topher’s parents! A DIGNITARY 1A DUCHESS Those were glorious days ~ but so are these. Look at these magnificent quests! a hal! esisi2 82 GABRIELLE (steps forward and says to ELLA, grabbing her hand) You are so kind - thank you. You make me wish I were a better person. There's something somewhat familiar about you. What could that be? (ELLA turns to get away from GABRIELLE, there is TOPHER) ‘TOPHER T admire how you've changed everything around. and yet T’m so comfortable with you. I feel as if I’ve met you before. (Before ELLA can respond, the prince grabs her by the hand. Everyone is yelling words of kindness. The orchestea begins to play-) ‘TOPHER ‘TEN MINUTES AGO, T SAW YoU. I LOOKED UP WHEN YOU CAME THROUGH THE DooR. MY HEAD STARTED REELING: YOU GAVE ME THE FEELING THE ROOM HAD NO CEILING OR FLOOR. TEN MINUTES AGO, I MET YOU [AND WE MURMURED’ OUR HOW-DO-YOU-Do" s T WANTED TO RING OUT THE BELLS AND FLING OUT MY ARMS AND TO SING OUT THE NEWS: HAVE FOUND HER! SHE'S AN ANGEL, WITH THE DUST OF THE STARS IN HER EYES! WE ARE DANCING, We ARE FLYING, AND SHE’S TAKING ME BACK TO THE SKIES. IN THE ARMS OF MY LOVE I'M FLYING OVER MOUNTAIN AND MEADOW AND GLEN, BND T LIKE IT SO WELL THAT FOR ALL I CAN TELL T MAY NEVER COME DOWN AGAIN! I’m sorry to be so effusive, I’ve just met you. I’m not usually this way with someone I've just met. I'm more stand-offish. My nature. I always feel like a phony at these formal events, like I’m here under false pretenses. 33 ELLA Yes, so dor. TOPHER I guess it’s because both my parents died when I was very young, and I’m now being watched over by someone = who ~ I’m not quite sure has my best interests at heart. ELLA Sane here. Lost both parents. Legal guardian.well..t'm Sorry, you were saying? TOPHER My name is = ELLA Topher, short for Christopher. Yes, I know. TOPHER Have we met before? ELLA Yes, and we are seeing each other for the first time right ‘TEN MINUTES AGO I MET YOU, AND WE MURMURED OUR HOH-D0-YOU-DO" S. T WANTED TO RING OUT THE BELLS AND FLING OUT MY ARMS AND TO SING OUT THE NEWS: I HAVE FOUND HIM, T HAVE FOUND KIM! (they dance.) ELLA IN THE ARMS OF MY LOVE I'M FLYING OVER MOUNTAIN AND MEADOW AND GLEN AND T LIKE IT $0 WELL THAT FOR ALL 1 CAN TELL T MAY NEVER COME DORN AGAIN nora I MAY NEVER COME DOWN TO EARTH AGAIN! 3a (A tremendous waltz, everyone danzes back on. SEBASTIAN and MADAME join forces and find two dancers, GABRIELLE and a gentleman of the court, to separate TOPHER and ELLA by changing partners. ELLA and TOPHER quickly realize the partner change and individually respectfully decline the dance with their new partners and begin to search for one another. A couple of close calls are interrupted by SESASTIAN and MADAME arranging dancers into different directions, Finally in the arm crossover of a Virginia reel like step, ELLA and TOPHER touch hands and move on. But for just a second. They recognize the feeling of one ancter’s hands. ‘hey run back into one another's arms and dance. MARIE appears, waves her wand and the clock moves from 8:10 to 11:55.) cuorus TEN MINUTES AGO, 1 MET yOu AND WE MURMURED OUR HOW-DO-YOU-po' s T RANTED TO RING OUT THE BELLS AND FLING OUT MY ARMS AND TO SING OUT THE NEWS: I HAVE FOUND HER! SHE'S AN ANGEL, WITH THE DUST OF THE STARS IN HER EYES! WE ARE DANCING, WE ARE FLYING, AND SHE'S TAKING ME BACK 70 THE SKIES IN THE ARMS OF MY LOVE I/M FLYING OVER MOUNTAIN AND MEADOW AND GLEN, AND T LIKE IT SO WELL THAT FOR ALL I CAN TELL MAY NEVER COME DOWN AGAIN! T MAY NEVER COMB DOWN TO EARTH, (TopHER and ELLA kiss. The bell atarte to oteike twelve) ‘TOPHER Wait, I didn’t even ask you. What's your name? 38 ELLA Prince Topher. There’s something I must tell you. Your people are starving, and you are ignoring then. You must help then. You must TOPHER 1 don’t think that’s kind. How can you say that’s kindness? ELLA I’m telling you the truth, and that’s the kindest thing a friend could do for another friend. I have to go! (ELLA runs avay and is lost in the crowd. Everyone begins ripping off their masks and laughing in delight with one another.) TOPHER Wait! Young Lady! Where are you going?! wait! stop! Scene 9 The exterior palace staircas The carriage is waiting. ELLA runs down the staircase. The prince appears at the top of the stairs. ELLA trips and falls, losing one of her glass slippers. ELLA stands up. TOPHER and ELLA look at each other. ELLA runs back up, grabs her shoe, and runs inte the carriage, which rides away. The prince is left standing. TOPHER T don’t even know your name?! END OF ACT ONE 56 act Wo Scene 1 The staircase, innediately following. TOPHER (runs on} She has run off! The lady -- we must find her, she left in ‘a golden carriage! After her!! SEBASTIAN adam, we will take your carriage! MADAME We haven't the room! SEBASTIAN Leave one of your daughters behind thent TOPHER Hurry, after her, she is my destiny!!! (TOPHER and the men run off. SEBASTIAN, MADAME and GABRIELLE are gone. Just CHARLOTTE and the other ladies of the court, fon the stairs) CHARLOTTE But ~ but - (Looks at the other women) No, seriously, what just happened? Seriously? (sings as she takes off her shoes) iy WOULO A FELLOW WANT A GIRL LIKE HER A FRAIL AND FLUFFY BEAJTY WHY CAN'T A FELLOW EYER ONCE PREFER A SOLID GIRL LIKE ME SHE’S A FROTHY LITTLE BUBBLE WITH A FLIMSY KIND OF CHARI AND WITH VERY LITTLE TROUBLE T COULD BREAK HER LITTLE ARM!! 7 [she squeezes 2 lady of the court’s arm) LADY OF THE couRT ow ow CHARLOTTE WHY WOULD A FELLOW WANT A GIRL LIKE HER SO OBVIOUSLY UNUSUAL WHY CAN'T A FELLOW EVER ONCE PREFER A USUAL GIRL LIKE ME? A SECOND LADY OF THE couRT HER CHEEKS ARE A PRETTY SEADE OF PINK CHARLOTTE BUT NOT ANY PINKER THAN A ROSE 15 A THIRD LADY OF THE couRT HER SKIN WAY BE DELICATE AND SOFT CHARLOTTE BUT NOT ANY SOFTER THAN A DOE'S IS [A FOURTH LADY OF THE couRT HER NECK IS NO WHITER THAN A SWAN'S taoy SHE'S ONLY AS DAINTY AS A DAISY CHARLOTTE SHE'S ONLY AS GRACEFUL AS A BIRD 80 WHY IS THE FELLOW GOING CRAZY? CHARLOTTE AND THE LADIES OF THE COURT Ok WAY WOULD A FELLOW WANT A GIRL LIKE HER A GIRL WHO'S MERELY LOVELY WHY CAN'T A FELLOW EVER ONCE PREFER A GIRL WHO'S MERELY ME? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THE MAN? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THE MAN? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THE MAN? (She throws her shoe offstage) SEBASTIAN (enters with shoe on his head) Footwear is now falling from the sky!

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