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PRL 108, 257207 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUNE 2012

Storage-Recovery Phenomenon in Magnonic Crystal

A. V. Chumak,1,* V. I. Vasyuchka,1 A. A. Serga,1 M. P. Kostylev,2 V. S. Tiberkevich,3 and B. Hillebrands1
Fachbereich Physik and Forschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
School of Physics, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia
Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309, USA
(Received 5 July 2011; revised manuscript received 19 March 2012; published 20 June 2012)
The phenomenon of coherent wave trapping and restoration is demonstrated experimentally in a
magnonic crystal. Unlike the conventional scheme used in photonics, the trapping occurs not due to the
deceleration of the incident wave when it enters the periodic structure but due to excitation of the
quasinormal modes of the artificial crystal. This excitation occurs at the group velocity minima of
the decelerated wave in narrow frequency regions near the edges of the band gaps of the crystal. The
restoration of the traveling wave is implemented by means of phase-sensitive parametric amplification
of the stored mode.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.257207 PACS numbers: 75.30.Ds, 42.70.Ln, 42.70.Qs, 76.50.+g

The deceleration or even the full stop of light due to the As an alternative solution, in this Letter we show that the
modification of the light dispersion in photonic crystals storage-recovery phenomenon can be successfully realized
(PCs) has been a topic of intense experimental and theo- in an artificial crystal with a limited number of periods by
retical studies over the last decade [1–4]. A wave of light the use of a quasinormal mode (QNM) of this structure.
propagating through a PC couples with the internal stand- This mode is excited by the incident spin wave and con-
ing PC mode and generates a slow light mode. In terms of serves oscillation energy for a long time after the propagat-
the dispersion characteristics, this means that the slope of ing wave has left the MC area. Upon subsequent
the dispersion curve decreases at the edges of the band gaps parametric amplification, the internal mode irradiates part
which results in an extremely small value of the group of its energy back into the propagating spin wave allowing
velocity. It has been demonstrated that the slow light can be the coherent restoration of the stored signal. The restora-
used for time-domain processing, including buffering tion occurs near the edges of the MC band gaps in narrow
(storage and recovery) of optical signals, as well as for (1.2 MHz) frequency windows around QNM eigen-
an enhancement of nonlinear effects due to the spatial frequencies, which coincide with the local minima of the
compression of optical energy [3,4]. spin-wave group velocity.
Magnonic crystals (MCs) are the magnetic counterpart The magnonic crystal used in our experiment had been
of photonic crystals which operate with spin waves, i.e., the produced in the form of a stripe of a low-damping magnetic
collective oscillations of the spin lattice of a magnetic insulator (5:1 m-thick yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film)
material [5–13]. A wide range of parameters, which deter- with an array of parallel grooves chemically etched into
mine the spin-wave characteristics, can be periodically its surface [see Fig. 1(a)] [7]. The array comprises ten
modulated to form the MC. This and the possibility of 300 nm-deep and 30 m-wide grooves placed 270 m
fast dynamic control of these parameters [14,15] make apart (lattice constant 300 m). The bias magnetic field
MCs promising candidates for the fundamental studies as is applied along the stripe in order to form conditions for
well as for the transfer and processing of information in the propagation of backward volume magnetostatic spin waves
GHz frequency range. However, in spite of the consider- (BVMSWs) [16]. This type of spin wave was previously
able recent progress in MCs studies, neither spin-wave found to be an excellent signal carrier for one-dimensional
deceleration nor storage-recovery of a spin-wave-carried MCs [7,17]. The waves were excited and detected in the
signal has been demonstrated yet. This may be due to YIG film waveguide using microwave stripline antennas
significant intrinsic spin-wave damping, which limits the placed at equal distances from both ends of the grooved
maximum number of structure periods to 20 or so (see area and 8 mm apart from each other [Fig. 1(a)].
Ref. [16] and references therein). The small number of Microwave power of 0.3 mW applied to the input antenna
periods implies that the slope of MC dispersion does not was sufficiently low to avoid nonlinear effects which could
become zero at the edges of the magnonic band gap in potentially influence the input spin wave and storage pro-
contrast to the light dispersion at the edges of photonic cess. The measured transmission characteristic for the MC
gaps. Hence, rather than vanishing, the group velocity of along with the one for the reference unstructured YIG
spin waves only slightly decreases at the gap edges. This waveguide are shown in the Fig. 1(b). Several band gaps
makes the realization of storing a signal in a MC using the where spin waves are not able to propagate are clearly
slow spin-wave mode questionable. visible.

0031-9007=12=108(25)=257207(5) 257207-1 Ó 2012 American Physical Society

week ending
PRL 108, 257207 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUNE 2012

FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Sketch of the experimental setup.

The MC is fabricated in the form of YIG spin-wave waveguide
with 10 grooves on its surface. The rf pump magnetic field is
parallel to the bias field H. (b) Measured transmission character-
istics (the ratio of the output signal intensity to the input) of the
plane YIG film and MC for the magnetic field H ¼ 1800 Oe.
Several band gaps are seen.

The amplification of the signals stored in the magnonic

FIG. 2 (color online). (a) The normalized time profiles of the
crystal was realized by means of pulsed parallel electro-
restored signal measured at field H ¼ 1860 Oe for different
magnetic pumping. Quantum-mechanically, such a pump- pumping powers: Pp1 ¼ 50 mW, Pp2 ¼ 90 mW, Pp3 ¼
ing represents a three-particle process [18,19], in which 320 mW. (b) Measured and calculated dependencies of the
one photon of the pumping electromagnetic field splits into restored signal power and recovery time as a function of the
two magnons having half the pumping frequency and pumping power.
opposite wave vectors. This phenomenon has been previ-
ously used for spin-wave amplification, wave-front rever-
sal, and for the recovery of a microwave signal stored as a consequent process of saturation of the parametric ampli-
thickness spin-wave mode of a ferromagnetic film (see fication are responsible for the restored pulse character-
review [16]). In our experiment, a pumping microwave istics. A qualitative analytical theory of the restoration
magnetic field was concentrated in the grooved area of process of this type is given in [23], while a quantitative
the YIG stripe by a dielectric resonator [20] having a theory is presented in [24,25].
resonance frequency of 14.424 GHz. The measured and calculated dependencies of the re-
The storage-recovery experiment was performed in the stored signal power PR and of the recovery time tR on the
following way. A 100 ns-long microwave pulse of fs ¼ pumping power Pp are shown in Fig. 2(b). These data have
7:212 GHz frequency is applied to the input antenna in been obtained for a delay between the applications of the
order to excite a traveling spin-wave packet which prop- input signal and the pump pulse of 0:5 s (no qualitative
agates toward the output antenna. The time traces of the difference was observed when this delay time was varied
output signal are shown in Fig. 2(a). First, the output between 0:4 s and 1:4 s). The calculation has been
antenna receives a practically rectangular pulse without performed using the analytical formulas from Ref. [23]
any delay, caused by a direct electromagnetic leakage for the same parameters (the full lifetime of the stored
from the input antenna at the time t ¼ 0. Approximately mode is 230 ns, of the thermal mode 270 ns, and the
0:3 s afterwards, a pulsed signal carried by spin waves difference between the thermal amplitude level AT and
arrives at the output antenna. Well after this took place we the critical level of amplification saturation Acr is
apply a 10 s-long pumping pulse at the frequency of lnðAcr =AT Þ ¼ 10:25). It can be seen that the measured
fp ¼ 2fs ¼ 14:424 GHz [21]. This resulted in the appear- and calculated recovery time tR decreases and the restored
ance of an additional bell-shaped pulse at the output signal power PR increases with an increase in Pp . The
antenna. This is the restored signal. reason for this behavior is that an increase in pumping
The restoration mechanism used in our experiments is power results in a stronger parametric amplification but
the same as previously used to recover the signals stored in also leads to a faster saturation. The excellent agreement
standing thickness spin-wave modes in plane magnetic between the theoretical prediction and the experiment
films [22]. It is based on frequency-selective parametric gives a solid support to our understanding of the nature
amplification of a stored wave or oscillation. In a frequency of the restoration process in a magnonic crystal.
degenerated multimode system, the coherent stored mode Completely new and specific to the magnonic crystal is
is amplified simultaneously with thermally driven spin the fact that the MC mode, which is used in the experiment
waves. The competition between these modes and the for the signal storage, consists of two counterpropagating

week ending
PRL 108, 257207 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUNE 2012

FIG. 3. Dependence of the restored signal power on the input

signal phase. The signal and pump generators were locked in.

waves with strictly coupled phases. The phase of the wave

propagating toward the output antenna ’k is determined by
the phase of an applied microwave signal ’s . The phase of
the counterpropagating wave ’k is also ’s and is due to
the reflection inside of the Bragg lattice [26]. Importantly,
the parallel pumping, as a parametric process, also couples
two counterpropagating waves. The sum of their phases is
defined by the phase of the pump ’p : ’k þ ’k ¼ ’p þ
=2 [18,19]. Thus, the restoration process in a MC com-
bines two different mechanisms of coupling of two coun-
terpropagating waves, and the phase conditions for both
FIG. 4 (color online). (a) Transmission of the spin-wave signal
mechanisms should be met simultaneously. As a result, the
as a function of bias magnetic field (open circles for experiment,
characteristics of the restored pulse should be influenced line for theory). (b) Dependence of the group velocity vgr on the
by the phase shift between the signal wave and the field H. The slight decrease in vgr at the edges of the band gap is
pumping. visible. (c) Measured restored signal power PR as a function of
Indeed, we have experimentally registered the strong field H. One sees that the restored signal is visible only at the
dependence of the restored power (more than 15 dB) on edges of the band gaps.
the input signal phase [27] (see Fig. 3). The maxima and
minima of the restored signal power PR correspond to the approach [7,17] to model the field dependence of the
input signal phase ’smax ¼ ’p =2 þ =4 þ 2n and spin-wave transmission through the magnonic crystal. As
’smin ¼ ’p =2  =4 þ 2n, respectively (where n is an seen in Fig. 4(a), the simulated characteristics are in good
integer value). As a result, the phase distance between agreement with the experiment (parameters for the simu-
neighboring minima and maxima is exactly 90. The ob- lations were taken from [7]).
served phase dependence clearly demonstrates that the sig- We also calculated the group velocity vgr and compared
nal stored inside the MC is phase correlated to the input it with the experimental data [28]. From Fig. 4(b) one
microwave signal: in spite of the distortion of the time clearly sees that both the measured and the calculated
profile of the original pulse, its phase information is con- group velocities decrease at the edges of the band gaps
served. Furthermore, these results evidence the fact that a where the slope of spin-wave dispersion decreases. This
standing mode of a magnonic crystal consisting of the two decrease is 20% at most (for the first band gap where the
waves of opposite wave vectors participates in the storage- restored signal is maximal) and cannot be used in a
recovery process. slowing-down approach to store information for a reason-
In order to understand the nature of this mode, we have ably long time as in the case of photonic crystals [4].
compared the spectral characteristics of the magnonic However, as one can see from Fig. 4(c), the maxima of
crystal with the corresponding dependence of the restora- the restored pulse correlate well with the minima of the
tion efficiency. The power of the transmitted spin-wave group velocity [29]. The field width of the regions where
signal, the spin-wave group velocity vgr , and the power of the restoration takes place [see inset in Fig. 4(c)] is very
the restored signal PR are shown in Fig. 4 as a function of narrow (approximately 0.4 Oe) and is comparable with the
the applied magnetic field. As the experiment has been ferromagnetic resonance linewidth (0.5 Oe in our case).
performed for the fixed signal frequency fs , the variation in The appearance of the restored pulse at the band gap
the bias field in this case results in the variation of the spin- edges can be understood in the frame of the proposed
wave wave number. Therefore, Fig. 4(a) is practically a model which assumes that the storage of the spin-wave
mirror image of Fig. 1(b). We used the transfer matrix signal is based on quasinormal modes [30] of the magnonic

week ending
PRL 108, 257207 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 22 JUNE 2012

10 2 20
crystal. Any artificial crystal of finite length L presents an

- a)Tgr
(a) (b)

/ Tgr
open system which is coupled to the outside medium. n=1 15 n =4
10 1
n=2 3

Respectively, internal excitations of such crystal can be n=3

excited from outside (in contrast to normal modes of a 10

closed system) and, in turn, lose their energy by radiating 10 Group velocity
traveling waves. Mathematically, the time-evolution opera- minimum
tor of this system is not Hermitian anymore, and, conse- 10 -1
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
quently, the eigenfunctions are not normal modes but Coupling strength aTgr Coupling strength aTgr
quasinormal modes (QNMs) whose frequencies are com-
plex, ! ¼ !0 þ i!00 . The lifetime of a QNM is equal to the FIG. 5 (color online). Lifetime n (a) and frequency !n (b) of
inverse of the imaginary part of the frequency,  ¼ 1=!00 , the quasinormal MC modes in the first pass-band calculated for
and it can be substantially larger than the corresponding n ¼ 1  4 as functions of the MC band gap half-width a .
traveling time Tgr ¼ L=vgr in homogeneous medium. Frequencies in (b) are measured from the center of the band gap
Please note that  includes only the radiation losses, and !a . MC traveling time Tgr ¼ L=vgr , where L is the length of
thus is longer than the full lifetime. MC, is used as a normalization factor. The group velocity
Moreover, we would like to emphasize the principal minimum frequency near the band gap edge is shown by a
dashed line. The dotted line in (a) indicates the experimental
difference between the traveling time Tgr and the lifetime
conditions for the first band gap.
 for storage purposes. In the case of a traveling wave
packet, the storage time does not exceed the time Tgr at The storage is based on the excitation of the quasinormal
which the spin-wave energy completely leaves the mag- mode of the crystal rather than on the deceleration of the
nonic crystal. On the contrary, in the case of quasinormal propagating wave, which is only 20% at maximum in our
mode, the time  characterizes its decay rate only. Since case. The first quasinormal mode, which eigenfrequency
this mode does not propagate, and thus remains perma- coincide with the minima of spin-wave group velocity at
nently in the magnonic crystal, its energy is stored until the the edges of the MCs band gaps, has the longest lifetime
amplitude of this mode falls down to the level of thermal and, thus, conserves the signal energy and phase informa-
fluctuations. Consequently, the storage time can signifi- tion for a long time after the propagating wave has left the
cantly exceed the lifetime . MC. In order to restore the signal, the further parametric
The QNM eigenfrequencies can be found numerically as amplification of this mode is used. The dependence of the
complex eigenvalues of the crystal’s transfer matrix and restored signal power on the phase of the input wave
correspond to the local minima of the spin-wave group evidences simultaneous amplification of two phase-
velocity. In our magnonic crystal inside of each MC pass- coupled waves of opposite wave vectors and, thus, corrob-
band, there are nine QNMs located symmetrically relative to orates the role of the standing MC mode in the storage
the centers of the MC band gaps !a [see Fig. 4(b)]. Both the mechanism. The results presented here provide deeper
frequency and the lifetime of each of these modes strongly understanding of the storage-recovery mechanisms in pe-
depend on the spin-wave coupling with the groove structure, riodic lattices in general. Besides, they suggest a potential
which, in turn, is determined by the spin-wave reflectivity possibility of utilization of magnonic crystals for buffering
from the single groove and can be characterized by the half- or storage of microwave information.
width of the MC band gap a . These dependencies are We acknowledge financial support by Deutsche
presented in Fig. 5 for four modes from the first pass-band. Forschungsgemeinschaft (SE 1771/1-2) and the
One can see that the life time is maximal for the mode which Australian Research Council and technical support from
is closest to the band gap edge (n ¼ 1). Furthermore, for our the Nano-Structuring Center, TU Kaiserslautern. The au-
experimental conditions the frequency of this mode coincides thors thank M. Fleischhauer for helpful discussions.
with the global minima of vgr [see Fig. 5(b)]. Thus n¼1
QNM conserves energy for the longest time (n¼1 =Tgr ’ 5:3,
as Tgr ’110 ns and a ¼ 2  10 MHz for the first band
gap in our experiment) and can interact with the parametric *
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