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13 Classified and

ammunition types
by Philip Reed

Requires the use of the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types

Modern: 13
Classified and
Experimental Ammunition Types provides
players and GMs with more ammunition
that is designed specifically for use in a cin-
Military ammunition – especially that of a classified
ematic or FX campaign. These ammunition
or experimental nature – is carefully tracked by the gov-
types can also be included in a near-future or
ernment from manufacture to field use. Each case is
futuristic campaign. The GM must approve
stamped with the ammunition’s serial number, type, and
each type of ammo before it may be used in
source. Additionally, each and every round is stamped
a campaign.
with the year it was made and the factory (or, in the case
Of course, there’s nothing stopping the
of experimental rounds, laboratory) in which it was
GM from introducing an ammo type by
manufactured. These “headstamp” codes allow the mili-
shooting a PC with it – it’s mean but it will
tary to track the source of military ammo taken from the
certainly have the player characters search-
blackmarket and organizations not licensed to possess
ing for the source of the ammo.
such ammo.
With work and time, the military can often identify
RESTRICTED the individual responsible for the ammunition making it
from a military warehouse into the hands of unautho-
All of the ammunition presented in this
rized personnel. These headstamp codes can only be
PDF is considered military equipment and,
removed with a buffer and, even then, it is a difficult job
for that reason, extremely hard to find and
(successful Craft (mechanical) check required against
very much illegal. Classified and experi-
DC 25, a failed check renders the ammunition unus-
mental ammunition, just like all military
ammunition, is headstamped (see box) mak-
ing it easier for the authorities to track down These headstamp codes can often be read after the
– and eliminate – the source of such ammo round has been fired.
to the blackmarket.

13 Types of Ammo
The following 13 types of ammunition are suit- unarmored target hit by a DDR sustains not only the
able for most cinematic or near-future D20 Modern damage from being shot but also must check against
campaigns. One ammo type (mind control rounds) is the disease the round carried. The DC of the disease
designed for use in FX campaigns. GMs of more is increased by +1 for every 3 points of damage
realistic campaigns will get the most use out of the (round up) the DDR shot inflicted.
DDR, NSDR, and TI-HD ammo types. The round, hollowed out to accept the disease
solution, is treated as if it were hollow point ammu-

DDR (DISEASE DELIVERY ROUND) nition. If the target has armor or natural armor you
take a –1 penalty on attack rolls when using this
This ammunition carries trace amounts of a ammunition. However, you gain a +1 circumstance
selected disease (preferably injury though contact bonus on damage rolls.
diseases can also be loaded into a DDR). The disease DDR ammunition has a purchase DC of 4 + the
loaded into DDR ammunition is in a liquid solution purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar
and is injected into a cavity within the round. An caliber.

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types
PULSE RELEASE ROUND) One of the earliest successful ammunition
designs implemented in the field by Department-7,
EMPRR ammunition is designed to generate a glass rounds are lightweight, easy to sneak past
small electromagnetic pulse that knocks out com- metal detectors, and brutally devastating when
puters and other electronic gear. Due to the amount they’re used on an organic target. A shot with a glass
of electronic gear that must be installed, and the round doubles the damage due to the countless
limits of miniaturization, EMPRR rounds are only splinters of glass tearing into the target’s body.
available for .50 caliber rifles and machine guns and Glass rounds have no effect on an armored target,
10- or 12-guage shotguns. vehicles, building – in short, anything not flesh.
A shot fired with an EMPRR suffers a –1 penal- Treating the wound resulting from a glass round
ty on damage rolls but immediately generates a is more difficult, as the doctor must remove each
small EMP when it impacts a target. This EMP cov- plastic splinter separately. The Treat Injury DC for
ers a 10 foot radius area and all electronic and com- treating such a wound is increased by +6.
puter devices in range of the EMP blast – that are Slivers of glass remain in the gun when a glass
not properly shielded – are knocked offline for 1d4 round is fired, making it unreliable (see box, p. 7).
seconds. Additionally, there is a 15% chance that Each shot made with a glass round increases the
each affected device is permanently destroyed – weapon’s chance of failure by 5%. Each half hour of
beyond repair – by the electromagnetic pulse. special maintenance reduces the unreliability of the
EMPRR ammunition has a purchase DC of 4 + weapon, after glass rounds have been fired with it,
the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of by 5%.
similar caliber. The glass round concept was improved using
plastics (see below).

ETR (EXPLOSIVE-TIPPED ROUND) Glass ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the

purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar
ETR ammunition mounts a small amount of caliber.
plastic explosive in the round, set to detonate on
impact. The slight increase in weight makes the
ammo less accurate – –1 penalty on attack rolls. EXR #5194 (PLASTIC ROUND)
The explosive force of the round increases the dam- An old design still in use, plastic ammunition is
age of the shot depending upon the weapon’s origi- constructed of an extremely durable plastic mixture
nal damage range: designed to withstand the force of being fired by a
For firearms that normally deal 2d6 points of handgun. Plastic rounds are designed to splinter on
damage, ETR ammunition grants a +1 circumstance impact and, for that reason, are less effective against
bonus on damage rolls. For firearms that normally hard targets (other plastics, metal, brick, etc.)
deal 2d8 or 2d10 points of damage, ETR ammuni- inflicting only one-half their usual damage (round
tion grants a +3 circumstance bonus on damage down). When used on a soft target, such as organic
rolls. For firearms that normally deal more than tissue, the splinter effect of a plastic round grants a
2d10 points of damage, ETR ammunition grants a +1d4 circumstance bonus to damage.
+5 circumstance bonus on damage rolls. Treating the wound resulting from a plastic
ETR ammunition has a purchase DC of 3 + the round is more difficult, as the doctor must remove
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar each plastic splinter separately. The Treat Injury DC
caliber. for treating such a wound is increased by +5.
Plastic ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 +
the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of
similar caliber.

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types
Gray Round Radiation
Disease Type Incubation Period Initial Damage Secondary Damage
Radiation Injury DC 20 1 day 2 Con 1d3 Con

material makes the rounds lighter and faster, mov-

EXR #7628 (SEEKER ROUND) ing faster than high-velocity rounds (see left). The
increased speed of this ammunition type gives you
This round is actually a miniature rocket with a
homing system designed to track a small transmit- a +3 circumstance bonus on damage rolls.
ter. The round will make only the most minor of The composite material is slightly radioactive,
corrections in flight – +2 equipment bonus to attack and a victim hit by it must make a Fortitude check
rolls – and only if fired at a transmitter-carrying tar- to resist the effects of the radiation – treat it like a
get. When fired at a target that does not have a trans- disease (see above).
mitter carried on it the attack roll suffers a –4 penal- Luckily for the victim, the radiation dosage is
ty due to the weight of the round throwing off the quite mild – for each day after being shot by the
aim of the firer. round the DC of the radiation is reduced by 4.
The transmitter is microscopic and must be Gray ammunition has a purchase DC of 5 + the
ingested by the target. One transmitter is custom- purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar
designed for each case of 50 seeker rounds – a trans- caliber.
mitter will not work for rounds other than the ones
it has been programmed for.
Seeker ammunition has a purchase DC of 3 +
the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of
similar caliber. This purchase price also includes the (MIND CONTROL ROUND)
transmitter. Mind control rounds are only suitable to cam-
paigns that include FX powers.

EXR #8123 This round releases a serum into the target’s

bloodstream that works its way to the target’s brain.

(HIGH-VELOCITY ROUND) After one hour of being shot the target is more sus-
ceptible to mind-affecting powers and spells – the
An increased propellant charge launches this victim gets no bonus to saves to resist such effects
round at a more extreme velocity than standard and must roll an unmodified d20.
ammunition. The sound of a high-velocity sound is Mind control ammunition has a purchase DC of
louder, and carries further, than a standard round. 6 + the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of
The increased speed of this ammunition type gives similar caliber.
you a +2 circumstance bonus on damage rolls.
High-velocity rounds cannot be used in silenced
High-velocity ammunition has a purchase DC
of 2 + the purchase DC of the standard ammunition DESTROYER ROUND)
of similar caliber. The NSDR carries a liquid that, when it hits the
target, drops the target to the ground. The victim

EXR #9002 (GRAY ROUND) suffers the damage of the shot and is paralyzed for
2d6 rounds. A Fortitude save (DC 20) reduces the
Crafted from a plastic/metal composite material paralysis time by half (round up).
learned from captured Grays, the gray round is a The round, hollowed out to accept the paralysis
hybrid type of ammunition that combines alien agent, is treated as if it were hollow point ammuni-
technology with firearms advances. The composite tion. If the target has armor or natural armor you

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types
Nanite Round Sickness
Disease Type Incubation Period Initial Damage Secondary Damage
Nanite Injury DC 25 15 minutes 4 Con 1d6 Con

take a –1 penalty on attack rolls when using this The round, hollowed out to accept the liquid
ammunition. However, you gain a +1 circumstance nitrogen, is treated as if it were hollow point ammu-
bonus on damage rolls. nition. If the target has armor or natural armor you
DDR ammunition has a purchase DC of 4 + the take a –1 penalty on attack rolls when using this
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar ammunition. However, you gain a +1 circumstance
caliber. bonus on damage rolls.
LNR ammunition has a purchase DC of 3 + the

TI-HD (TITANIUM CORE ROUND) purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar

Ammunition crafted primarily of a super-dense, Note: LNR ammo must be kept in a custom
artificial titanium alloy, TI-HD rounds are heavier ammo case and, once removed from the case, will
and slower than average ammunition. TI-HD rounds function as described for only 15 minutes.
do not exceed the speed of sound and, unlike cold-
loaded ammunition (see p. 6) this decrease in veloc-
ity has no effect on the ammo’s damage (being off- TR-09-524D
set by the dense metal used in the rounds construc-
TI-HD rounds are silent – noticing the sound of This near-future ammunition is loaded with
a semiautomatic or automatic weapon firing TI-HD hundreds of tiny nanite engines, each one pro-
rounds requires a successful Listen check (DC 15). grammed to break down organic matter. The dam-
TI-HD ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + age of a nanite carrier round is reduced to one-half
the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of (round down) but forces the target – if unarmored –
similar caliber. to make a Fortitude check. The nanites are treated as
if they were a disease.

TR-08-743A If the target is brought into surgery before he

succumbs to the nanites the doctor must make a

(LIQUID NITROGEN ROUND) Treat Injury check (DC 35) to identify the nanites in
the victim’s system. This DC is reduced to 20 if the
Within this round, commonly called “the freez- doctor has information on the type of ammunition
er” by Department-7 field agents, is a miniscule the victim was shot with. A second Treat Injury
amount of liquid nitrogen. On the round after being check (DC 30) is required to halt the effects of this
hit by LNR ammunition the victim must make a ammunition and to destroy the nanites.
Fortitude check (DC 15 + the amount of damage Nanite carrier ammunition has a purchase DC of
caused by the shot) – failure means that the charac- 6 + the purchase DC of the standard ammunition of
ter loses an additional 1d4 hit points. A check must similar caliber.
be made each subsequent round after a failed check,
with the DC decreasing by 5 for each check), until
the character succeeds a check or the check DC
reaches 0 (whichever comes first). Each check fail-
ure inflicts an additional 1d4 points of damage.

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types
Additional Ammo
The following six types of ammunition – and the that normally deal more than 2d10 points of damage.
reliability rules – are reprinted from an existing open Some silenced weapons do not require cold-loaded
game content source. They have been included here for ammunition. However, using standard ammunition in
your convenience. these weapons imposes the same penalties on damage
If you would like an even larger selection of rolls as the use of cold-loaded ammunition (because
ammunition for use in your D20 Modern campaigns, the weapon slows the bullets speed in the same manner
be sure to consider Bleeding Edge: Ammunition from that cold-loading does).
Devil’s Workshop. Bleeding Edge: Ammunition Cold-loaded ammunition has a purchase DC of 1 +
includes 16 more types of ammunition and an assort- the purchase DC of standard ammunition of similar
ment of firearms modifications and ammunition carry- caliber.
ing devices. You can find it right now at www.rpg-
AET AMMUNITION If the target has armor or natural armor, you take a
–2 penalty on attack rolls when using this ammunition.
Accelerated energy transfer (AET) ammunition However, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on dam-
provides a +1 equipment bonus on damage rolls. Using age rolls (whether the target is armored or not).
AET ammunition makes a weapon unreliable (see Glaser ammunition has a purchase DC of 4 + the
box). purchase DC of standard ammunition of similar cal-
AET ammunition has a purchase DC of 5 + the iber.
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar
ARMOR-PIERCING AMMUNITION If the target has armor or natural armor, you take a
–1 penalty on attack rolls when using this ammunition.
If the target has armor or natural armor, you gain a However, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on dam-
+1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls when using this age rolls.
ammunition. However, you take a –1 penalty on dam- Hollow-point ammunition has a purchase DC
age rolls (whether the target is armored or not). equal to the purchase DC of standard ammunition of
Armor-piercing ammunition has a purchase DC of similar caliber.
1 + the purchase DC of standard ammunition of simi-
lar caliber.
COLD-LOADED AMMUNITION This ammunition grants a +1 equipment bonus on
attack rolls, but only when the weapon is fired on aut-
Cold-loaded ammunition is prepared with a ofire and 10 bullets are used in the attack. For instance,
reduced propellant charge so that the bullets do not this bonus applies if you make a standard autofire
exceed the speed of sound. For firearms that normally attack. If you use the Burst Fire feat, you gain the
deal 2d4 points of damage, cold-loaded ammunition bonus only if you choose to fire 10 bullets instead of
has no special effect. For firearms that normally deal the 5 normally required by the Burst Fire feat (firing
2d6 points of damage, cold-loaded ammunition impos- these additional bullets does not otherwise affect your
es a –1 penalty on damage rolls. For firearms that nor- attack or damage rolls).
mally deal 2d8 or 2d10 points of damage, cold-loaded Tracer ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the
ammunition imposes a –2 penalty on damage rolls. purchase DC of standard ammunition of similar cal-
Cold-loaded ammunition is not available for weapons iber.

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types

Some firearms are less reliable than others, and mal campaign, the GM can determine that an older
all firearms become less reliable if they are not well weapon obtained by the characters is already unreli-
maintained Of course, that’s true for all forms of able due to age. A weapon that has been sitting in a
equipment, and for other types of weapons as well. museum might not become unreliable for fifty years,
The game system assumes that characters carry out but one that has sat in the leaky trunk of an aban-
reasonable maintenance on their equipment in their doned car for a couple of months might be unreli-
rest time and between adventures. For this reason, able. This cause of unreliability only goes away if the
reductions in reliability aren’t normally a part of the weapon is overhauled. Overhauling a weapon is a
game rules. complex repair task (see the Repair skill description
In some circumstances, however, firearm relia- in the main rulebook for details).
bility can be a significant issue, and these rules are Damage: Any firearm that has taken 1 point or
presented for that reason. Reliability may be a factor more of damage is unreliable. This cause of unrelia-
if the characters spend a great deal of time in harsh bility only goes away if the weapon is repaired.
environments, if they tend to use cheap and shoddy Environment: A steamy jungle, dusty desert, or
weapons and ammunition, or if the setting (a post- similarly rough environment can make a weapon
apocalyptic campaign, for example) makes mainte- unreliable. Whenever the characters spend an
nance and upkeep difficult. extended period of time in an extreme environment
All firearms are normally considered reliable the GM can determine that firearms require extra
unless noted otherwise in a weapon’s description. No care to avoid becoming unreliable. When that’s the
special rules apply to reliable weapons. case, the characters must spend a half-hour per day
An unreliable weapon has a 5% chance of (per weapon) on extra maintenance. Any weapon not
weapon failure every time it is used. Each additional so maintained becomes unreliable. This cause of
separate cause of unreliability increases the chance unreliability goes away when the weapon receives a
of failure by 5%. For example, a weapon that is using half-hour of special maintenance.
unreliable ammunition and has been immersed has a Immersion: Immersion in water, mud, or other
10% chance of failure. liquids can affect reliability. Any time a weapon is
A character using an unreliable weapon checks immersed, it becomes unreliable. (Slight wetness,
for weapon failure before making the attack roll If a such as that caused by rain, is not sufficient to affect
d% roll is equal to or lower than the weapon failure reliability.) This cause of unreliability goes away
chance, the firearm has become jammed – the when the weapon is dried out, which takes 1 minute
weapon can’t be fired until the shooter takes a full- if the weapon is disassembled and dried by hand, or
round action to clear the jam. 6 hours if it is left to dry on its own.
A firearm can become unreliable from a number Unreliable Ammunition: Ammunition can
of circumstances, as outlined below. become unreliable due to age, damage, or environ-
Age: Age and heavy use can render a weapon ment, just as firearms can. A weapon firing unreli-
unreliable. While this should never be a factor able ammunition is unreliable. This cause of unrelia-
through the degree of time and use typical to a nor- bility occurs only when the weapon is used with
unreliable ammunition.

Modern: 13 Classified and Experimental Ammunition Types is copyright © 2004 Philip Reed. All text in this book is designated as open game
content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the author. d20 Modern™ is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a sub-
sidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission. Wizards of the Coast® is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary
of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission.

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Modern 13 classified and experimental ammunition types
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8 of 8
six more
ammunition types
by Philip Reed
This sequel to Modern: 13 Classified and
Experimental Ammunition Types provides
players and GMs with more experimental types
of ammunition for use in a cinematic or FX
The Ammo
The following 6 types of ammunition are
campaign. As with the original PDF, the ammu- suitable for most cinematic or near-future D20
nition types in this PDF can also be included in Modern campaigns.
a near-future or futuristic campaign. As always,
the GM must approve each type of ammo before
it may be used in a campaign. EXR #7012
Gas-filled shotgun shells are used to release
All of the ammunition presented in this PDF gas or toxin clouds that are centered on a target.
is considered military equipment and, for that Damage of a gas-filled round is reduced by 75%
reason, extremely hard to find and very much (round down) and a 5-foot cloud of gas is
illegal. Classified and experimental ammuni- released when the round strikes the target.
tion, just like all military ammunition, is head- Assuming the round is loaded with tear gas,
stamped (see Modern: 13 Classified and anyone caught in the cloud must make a
Experimental Ammunition Types) making it Fortitude save (DC 25) or be blinded and
easier for the authorities to track down – and stunned for 2d6 rounds. Other types of gas-
eliminate – the source of such ammo to the filled rounds may be available – check with
blackmarket. your GM for availability or various types and
the associated costs.

Modern: 6 More Experimental Ammunition Types is copyright © 2005 Philip Reed. All text in this book is designated as open game
content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the author. d20 Modern™ is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission. Wizards of the Coast® is a registered trademark of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission.

Requires the use of the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern 6 more experimental ammunition types
Gas-filled rounds are only available for shotguns. hit by a fear round sustains not only the damage from
Gas-filled ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the being shot but also must succeed a Will save (DC equal
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar to the amount of damage inflicted by the round). If the
caliber. save fails roll 2d4 to determine the number of rounds it
will take before the fear round takes effect, knocking the

EXR #8167 (BULL RUSH ROUND) target prone and leaving him cowering for 1d6+4 rounds.
Fear rounds have a purchase DC of 3 + the purchase
This advanced high-velocity round (see Modern: 13 DC of the standard ammunition of similar caliber. The
Classified and Experimental Ammunition Types) is cus- chemical agent that coats a fear round may be combined
tom designed to deliver extreme stopping power and its with other ammunition types – increase the purchase DC
wide, flat, rubber head converts that power to knockdown of the second type of chosen ammunition type by 3.
power. A bull rush round is just as loud as a regular high-
velocity round except that when it impacts its target the
damage rolled is treated as the round’s Strength modifier EXR #9165 (SHADOW ROUND)
for bull rush purposes – add the damage rolled to a 1d20 These hollowed-out rounds are loaded with the same
roll and if the round’s modified d20 result is greater than type of material used in smoke grenades. When they
the target’s then the target has failed the bull rush check. impact a target they inflict their damage and expel a thick,
A bull rush round will not push a target back more than 5 black smoke that covers a 5-foot radius centered on the
feet no matter how much the round’s modified d20 roll target. This cloud of smoke is treated like a standard
exceeded the target’s roll. Additionally, the target suffers smoke grenade.
a number of points of non-lethal damage equal to the The round, hollowed out to accept the smoke sub-
amount by which the round’s modified d20 roll exceeded stance, is treated as if it were hollow point ammunition. If
the target’s roll. the target has armor or natural armor you take a –1 penal-
Bull rush rounds cannot be used in automatic or ty on attack rolls when using this ammunition. However,
silenced weapons. you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on damage rolls.
Bull rush ammunition has a purchase DC of 1 + the Shadow rounds cannot be used in automatic
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar weapons.
caliber. Shadow ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar

EXR #8265 (FIRETONGUE ROUND) caliber.

This heavily modified shotgun shell belches forth a

stream of flame when fired, instantly turning the weapon IMS3 (IMMOBILIZER ROUND)
into a short-range flamethrower. The flame is 5-feet wide Department-7 first encountered the IMs3 during a
and 10-feet long and deals 3d6 points of fire damage to all particularly brutal mission in Columbia. A force of grays,
characters and creatures within the affected area. It is oth- hiding behind a mind-controlled drug lord, outfitted the
erwise identical to a standard flamethrower attack. humans under their control with IMs3 rounds. When the
Firetongue rounds are only available for shotguns. rounds slam into a target they shred, unleashing a myriad
Firetongue ammunition has a purchase DC of 2 + the of microfilament tentacles that wrap around the target’s
purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar cal- limbs, pinning him in place. The target must make a grap-
iber. ple check against the round – the round has a +12 to grap-
ple checks – and if the target fails he is pinned for 2d4

EXR #8919 (FEAR ROUND) rounds. After that time the tentacles lose their strength and
drop to the ground, releasing the target.
This otherwise-normal round is coated in a chemical Immobilizer rounds have a purchase DC of 4 + the
agent that seeps into the wounded target’s blood stream purchase DC of the standard ammunition of similar
where it rushes to the target’s brain and chemically unbal- caliber.
ances the target for a limited time. An unarmored target

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Modern 6 more experimental ammunition types
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each ele-
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in con-
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights junction with a work containing Open Game Content except as express-
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
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Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to
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tracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content dis- System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
tributed using this License. Coast, Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Beruce R. Cordell,
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this the Coast, Inc.: Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman,
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Williams, Rich Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes,
Open Game Content. Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Modern: 6 More Experimental Ammunition Types Copyright 2005
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights Philip Reed. Published by Ronin Arts,
to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
Modern: 13 Classified and Experimental Ammunition Types
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004 Philip Reed. Published by Ronin Arts, www.roni-
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPY-
RIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modify-
ing or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the Ultramodern Firearms d20, Copyright 2002, Charles McManus
copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Ryan.
Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, d20 Modern Weapons Locker, Copyright 2004, Wizards of the
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly Coast, Inc.; Author Keith Potter.

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