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Cass Lake - Bena Middle School

PLC Agenda and Note Taking Form


Four Critical Questions of a PLC (DuFours):

What is it we want students to learn?
How will we know if they learned it?
How will we respond if they do not learn it?
How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are already proficient?

Our Mission and Values

To bring about improvement in academics and school climate by developing and implementing best
practices, ensuring two-way communication, and collaborating with colleagues.
· We value foundations that inspire collaboration.
· We value wellness.
· We value school atmosphere that inspires pride in self, school, and community.
· We value learning that inspires achievement.

Team Mission (aligned to building mission):

● We value learning the that inspires a love of learning
● We value hands-on experiences
● We value that science incompases all subjects and all things in the known world
● We value a growth mindset

Team Norms: Our PLC will be productive, punctual, prepared, and all will participate.

Team SMART Goal: As a group, our Nature of Science and Engineering Strand will grow
from and average score of 4.04 to 5.0 in 5th grade MCA test and from 3.4 to 5.0 in the 8th
grade MCA test. (5 is recognized as meets standards)

Date: 12/19-12/20 Begin Time: 7:41 End Time: 8:25

Team Members Present: Melissa, Amanda, and Team Members Absent: Matt (absent from school)

Items for Discussion: Person responsible: Description/outcome:

Further discussion on Amanda, Linsey, Team will continue to work on plans for effective
common words. Began and Melissa scaffolding within the common Nature of
working on scaffolding Science and Engineering standards across grade
skills/concepts in Nature of levels.
Science and Engineering.
Report on labs and skills we Melissa, Amanda, Amanda: For a Christmas craft 6th Grade is
are working on in class and Linsey making thermometers which is to continually
address the conduction, convection, radiation
standard that we agreed to focus on at the start of
start of year.
Linsey: Students are meeting many literacy
standards while writing an adaptations essay.
This essay will be five paragraphs long, also it is
the project assessment for the adaptations unit.
Melissa: Students are making anemometers to
use as tools as they gather weather data for a

Filling in common word and Nature of Science and Engineering

starting to scaffold in a
shared document

Highlight strategies/skills/indicators of success that apply:

Strategy addressed to achieve Skills addressed to achieve SMART Indicator(s) of Success - Formative
SMART Goal Goal and/or Summative Assessment Data

Q.A.R. Citing Evidence Do Now (describe)

T.H.I.E.V.E.S. Summarization Verbal check-in (describe)

Reciprocal Teaching Questioning Written assignment (describe)

Other: Explaining Thinking Quiz (describe)

Other: Test (describe)

Exit ticket (describe)


Needs from administration: More curriculum mapping time would be nice.

Needs from instructional coach(es): More copies of the 3rd-5th Item Specs

Plan for next meeting: learning target scaffolding

Resources team members should bring to the next meeting:

Meeting notes should be submitted to: team members, Principal, Ass’t Principal, instructional coaches, Denise

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