PD Session Oct 16 2017

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CBE Teacher PD

Safely Connecting Students with the Outdoors

Taking students on field trips is rewarding and enriching. It requires expertise, knowledge and experience leading
trips in the outdoors. Understanding your safety protocols is essential. In this PD session designed specifically for
ENVOE, Physed and all teachers who want to use Alberta Parks authencit learning landscape, Jeremy Mackenzie,
Kananaskis Country’s Public Safety Team Lead, will provide an overview of the Public Safety program in the
Kananaskis Region highlighting lessons learned from working with schools. For those teachers not comfortable
leading trips on their own, Vicki Perkins, the Environmental Education Coordinator for Kananaskis Country, will
outline opportunities for teacher supported trips and provide insight and clarification on required permits. As the
official hosts of this session, Colleen Lee and Pete Prescesky will showcase the Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning
Centre as a possible overnight venue for your trips while providing information on their locally developed, accredited
water, winter, equine and stewardship courses they offer.

Presenters: Jeremy Mackenzie, Public Safety Specialist Team Leader, Kananaskis Region
Vicki Perkins, Environmental Education Coordinator, West Kananaskis Region
Colleen Lee and Pete Prescesky, Program Coordinators, Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning Centre

Date: Monday, October 16, 2017

Time: 9 am – 1 pm

Location: Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning Centre, Bow Valley Provincial Park

Directions: From Calgary, follow Hwy#1 west approximately 85 km to signage for Bow Valley Provincial Park. Take the
exit for the Park which is also Hwy#1x. Take the first left turn into Park Entrance. Follow road for 2-3 km and turn left
following signs for the Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning Centre.

What to Bring: Bag lunch and clothes to be outside for a one hour walk/lunch break.

How to Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/safely-connecting-students-with-the-outdoors-by-alberta-parks-


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