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Midterm Study Guide


 Ethnographic
 Previous excavation
 Local knowledge
Simple Random

 Not consistent
Stratified Random
 Areas focused on geography or what is located in it; then simple random

 Start random
 Then certain interval spaced
 Changes based on what is discovered in the first unit or two

Anthropology is a holistic discipline (True)

Archaeology uses geo and history in order to understand the world (True)
NAGPRA allows museums, universities, and government institutions to study Native American remains
(False) they intend to return them to Native Americans
According to lecture, the “study of human beings…” (Archaeology)
The Three Age System (C.J. Thomsen)
(States, Chiefdoms, Bands, Tribes) are included in Elman’s Service typology of human societies
The builders of the pyramids were treated like slaves and lived in poor conditions (False)
The date 8,000 BC is roughly equivalent to 10,000 BP (Add 2,000 to given date)
Franz Boas is the father is America Anthropology (True) [applied the scientific method and fought
against racism]
Feature in Archaeology (fire pit) [you can’t pick it up and carry it with you easily]
Which is not one of the four fields of anthropology [archaeology linguistic biological cultural]
What is looting (losing the context of where artifacts are because they are being gathered and sold
without further knowledge)
Hyperdiffusionism ( the idea that a cultural trait has a common world origin)
Archaeological excavations are destructive (true)
What are some of the jobs we can have as archaeologists (museums, Contract Archaeology
(construction), universities, tourism, research institutes)
What is the difference between a unilinear cultural evolution and a multilinear cultural revolution (Uni
savages  barbarianism  civilization all cultures works this way; multi same but at different speeds
Archaeologist need to worry about ethics (such as MAGPRA)
Pseudoarchaeologists what sells
Science seeks facts truths are interpreted, facts  scientific method
Tourism can have negative effects on archaeological sites (True)
Provenance and provenience (2, find something located in space, 1 where it came from)
What is science? (scientific method that seeks facts not truth; self-correcting set of procedures for
testing and correcting )
Lewis Henry Morgan believed that each culture developed and adapted to its environment (False;
environment is more multilinear) he believed that everything was unilinear
Who was Lewis Binford and why is he important ( father of preceputalism using the scientific method,
due to the environment you will go about your daily life a certain way; not really agency or choice of
people more about where you live)

What are some of ways Archaeologists look for sites?
 Local informants, environment, historical records, Lidar, how you would chose sampling
What do archaeologists use total stations for?
 To map things out
 Benefits: more accurate mapping by using satellites
 Downsides: expensive, heavy,
What is the Law of Superposition?

 Older bottom, newer on top

You would use a ____ to understand color of soil matrices.
 Munsell Chart: tells us what minerals
 Downside: every person sees color differently
What is bioturbation?
 Plants or animals disturbed the soil/artifacts
Wheeler box grid

 Survey method; leaves walls/walkways

What are the 3 scales of arch research? Which is the most important?

 Small, middle, large

 All important depending on the question you want to answer
What is liDar and why is it important
 Aircraft laser scanning; good for sites you can’t visit
 Downside: expensive, pay people to process it
Are computers and other technologies better than pens and paper
 Depends on what you are doing and what you can use
 Benefit of hand written: your back up for your computers
When analyzing stratigraphy, what things should you make note of?
 Color, texture, time period change
What is a secondary deposit?
 Things that are disturbed
What is a Harris Martix?
 Helps organize stratigraphy with number layers on the profile, then a box and line graph with
the corresponding numbers in their specified time
Why are typologies important?

 Can organize, but it is up to the individual/ questions

 Sort by: function, color, style, texture
Direct and indirect percussion and pressure flaking
 Stone technology
What are the different social grouping we can identify in the archaeological record?

 Individual, group, communities, societies etc. (page 120 in the book)

What are the 4 Paleolithic tool technologies?
 Oldwan, Acheulean, Mousterian, Blade
What is the difference between CRM arch and Problem Oriented Arch?
 Previous research, formulation, permission and funding, building a team, logistic camp and
provision, data collect, data processing and analysis, interpret, dissemination
 CRM do it because it’s going to get destroyed; time pressed; saving the materials

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