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7th Grade

St. Maarten Academy P.S.V.E

Unit: Managing Myself

Directions: On the line to the left of each definition listed in column A, write the letter of the
term it represents from column B. (10points)


1. The ability to set boundaries and limits, stop and A. Coping Style
think before you act, choose how you act, and listen B. Daily Hassle
to and obey yourself (_____) C. Fight or flight response
2. Increased focus and awareness of the present D. Impulse
moment (_____) E. Major events
F. Mindfulness
3. Weakness that you possess that make it difficult to G. Self-control
resist (_____) H. Stress
4. A sudden desire to do something using done with I. Temptations
minimal thought (_____) J. Willpower

5. Help you mobilize in case of a true emergency to

get you out of danger (_____)

6. How your body responds to any kind of demand


7. Regular frustrations involved in day-to-day life


8. The “big ticket” items that happen in life (_____)

9. A strategy one uses in order to deal with their

problems (_____)

10. Self-discipline and determination (_____)


Directions: Choose the correct word or phrase that best completes the statement.
(10 points)
11. “I can’t take this anymore” is an example of ___________________
12. The two chemicals associated with stress is cortisol and ___________________
13. Divorce in the family is an example of ___________________
14. What can be done mentally to reduce stress and prolong life? ___________________
15. “Don’t do something I will regret later” is an example of ___________________

Unit: Managing Myself

16. Anger, fear, stress and ____________ are feelings one should
be aware of. ___________________
17. Tim gets angry when someone bangs on the door. The banging
is his ___________________
18. Counting from 1 to 10 when angry is a way to ___________________
19. What causes heart disease, high blood pressure and other
health risks when held on to for a long time? ___________________
20. What is a technique that can be used for positive thinking? ___________________


Directions: For each of the following questions, circle the letter that best completes the
statement or answer the question. (16 points)

21. The ability to set boundaries and limits, stop and think before you act, choose how
you act, and listen to and obey yourself is

A. Anger Management
B. Mindfulness
C. Proactive self-control
D. Reactive self-control

22. A sudden desire to do something using with minimal thought is

A. A feeling
B. A form of social support
C. A temptation
D. An impulse

23. A strategy one uses in order to deal with their problems is called

A. A coping Style
B. A trigger
C. An impulse
D. Willpower

Unit: Managing Myself

24. Abuse drugs and alcohol or ignore the problem

A. Avoidant coping style

B. Emotional-focused coping style
C. Problem-focused coping style
D. Social support coping style

25. Regular frustrations involved in day-to-day life is

A. Daily hassles
B. Impulse
C. Major events
D. Temptations

26. Flight-or-fight responses, which help you mobilize in case of a true emergency to get
you out of danger are caused by

A. Cool-Headed Thoughts
B. Hot-Headed Thoughts
C. Impulse Control
D. Stress

27. Refocusing on pleasant thoughts, rethinking a situation in a more positive way,

denial, wishful thinking and relaxation is

A. Avoidant coping style

B. Emotional-focused coping style
C. Problem-focused coping style
D. Social support coping style

28. Take action to correct or minimize the problem which diminishes the negative

A. Avoidant coping style

B. Emotional-focused coping style
C. Problem-focused coping style
D. Social support coping style

Unit: Managing Myself

29. Weakness that you possess that make it difficult to resist are

A. Mindfulness
B. Self-control
C. Social support
D. Temptations

30. Help from their friends and counselors to help them deal with the situation.

A. Avoidant coping style

B. Emotional-focused coping style
C. Problem-focused coping style
D. Social support coping style

31. Antoine has applied for a job at an electronics store. The job pays really well, and
Antoine hopes to get experience fixing computers and installing software. He is a
finalist for the job, but the person in charge decides to hire someone with more
experience than Antoine. He is really disappointed because he needs a job and he
really wanted it. Antoine goes back to his house, gets a bottle of tequila, and drinks
the whole thing.

Which style of coping is Antoine using?

A. Avoidant
B. Emotion-focused
C. Problem-focused
D. Social Support

32. Veronica just met a guy named Jamal, and she is sure he will be her future
husband. “I just know he’s the one. I am going to be his wife,” she tells her friends.
She flirts with Jamal, talks to him, and pretty much does everything to let him know
she likes him. Then one day she sees him walking with his arm around another
woman. Her friend tells her that the other woman is actually his wife! Veronica is
crushed and doesn’t know what to do. She thinks about Jamal and then realizes that
their love probably wasn’t meant to be. She starts to focus on whom she will meet
next, daydreaming about the day she finds true love.

Which style of coping is Veronica using?

A. Avoidant
B. Emotion-focused
C. Problem-focused
D. Social Support

Unit: Managing Myself

33. Dante is an 11-year old boy growing up in a neighborhood with abandoned buildings,
drug dealing, and violence. His mom doesn’t let him play outside after school
because she is afraid he will either get into trouble himself or be the victim of
someone else’s trouble. He often goes to bed hungry at night, without much to look
forward to the next day. But Dante has a dream of moving somewhere nice and
making a good life for himself and his family. He knows the only thing he can do
now to make things better is to study hard and not get into trouble. He gets good
grades in school and makes plans for how he will have a better life. Whenever he
feels really down, he talks to his favorite teacher at school, and she helps him stay

Which style of coping is Dante using?

A. Emotion-focused
B. Problem-focused
C. Social Support
D. All of the above

34. Vanessa love to write poetry and is working on her own book of poems. One day she
sits down, filled with ideas for her next poem. Just as she starts to write, the ground
starts to shake – not an earthquake, but a construction crew tearing down the
building across the street. Jack hammers are banging, bulldozers are rolling, and
Vanessa can’t even gather her thoughts. She takes a deep breath, closes her window,
gets her headphones, put on some soothing music, and soon the words are coming to
her like raindrops from a cloud.

Which style of coping is Vanessa using?

A. Avoidant
B. Emotion-focused
C. Problem-focused
D. Social Support

Unit: Managing Myself

35. Lee and his best friend, Michael, were walking home from high school on a sunny
Wednesday afternoon. They stayed in the crosswalk as they crossed a major
intersection, but Lee wandered off to the left just a little as he approached the
sidewalk. At the same time, a car was making a right turn. The driver didn’t see Lee
(he was not in the crosswalk), and the car slammed right into him. Lee was rushed
to the hospital with broken bones and other injuries. For three days it looked like he
would get better, but then he took a turn for the worse and died on Sunday morning.
Michael was heartbroken at the loss of his friend. He founds comfort with his
friends, his family, and with Lee’s family. He continued to visit Lee’s family during
the holidays for many years to come.

Which style of coping is Lee using?

A. Avoidant
B. Emotion-focused
C. Problem-focused
D. Social Support

Use the following paragraph to answer questions 9 and 10. Read the paragraph and circle
the best response to the following statement or question.

Jackie is 10 pounds overweight. In order to be healthy, she has set a goal to lose 10
pounds in three months. Jackie knows that her greatest weakness is desserts, so she tries
her best to avoid them. Jackie is on her second month and making great progress. Her best
friend Josh invited her to a party, Jackie is nervous about sticking to her goal but decides to
go. While at the party, a piece of double fudge chocolate cake is placed in front of her. Jackie
looks at the cake and begins to lick her lips. She reaches for the cake thinks for a moment,
hands it back to the server and says, “No Thank You.” Jackie begins to smile to herself.

36. Jackie is exercising ___________________.

A. Anger Management
B. Proactive Self-control
C. Reactive Self-control
D. Social support

37. What did the cake represent in the story?

A. A feeling
B. A form of social support
C. A temptation
D. An impulse

Unit: Managing Myself


Directions: Read each of the following statements. If the statement is true, circle the T. If
the statement is false, circle the F. (10 points)

T F 31. When someone thinks before they act, they are exercising self-control and
impulse control.

T F 32. Anger is a natural emotion usually accompanied by physical reactions.

T F 33. Getting fired from a job is an example of a daily hassle.

T F 34. Red face, sweating, increased heart rate are all feelings related to hot-
headed thoughts.
T F 35. “This will be over soon” is an example of a hot-headed thought.

T F 36. Self-control is something you can work at and become better in.

T F 37. Counting to ten is an anger trigger.

T F 38. Someone who drinks when there is a problem is using an emotion-focused

coping style.
T F 39. Someone who takes action to minimize a problem is using an avoidant
coping style.
T F 40. Affirmations and impulsivity are techniques used in positive thinking.


Directions: For each of the following statements say whether they are Cold-Headed
Thoughts or Hot-Headed Thoughts. (13 points)

41. I can work this out. _____________________________

42. I’d better get away fast. _____________________________
43. Stay calm – don’t get upset. _____________________________
44. Don’t do something I will regret later. _____________________________
45. I can’t stand this. _____________________________
46. Focus on the future and what I want. _____________________________
47. I can get away. _____________________________
48. I can’t take this anymore. _____________________________
49. I know how to control my anger. _____________________________
50. I’m going to hurt this person. _____________________________
51. This will soon be over. _____________________________

Unit: Managing Myself

52. What is it I have to do? _____________________________

53. It doesn’t matter what I do. _____________________________

Directions: For the following statements, write Good or Bad to indicate whether the
statement make a good study habit or a bad study habit. (7 points)

54. Taking your agenda home every day: ________________

55. Not doing your homework: ________________
56. Studying for a test using flash cards: ________________
57. Watching TV while doing your homework: ________________
58. Using your phone while doing homework: ________________
59. Waiting for the day before to study for a test: ________________
60. Finding a quiet place to do your homework: ________________

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

61. Write three affirmations that you can use for the following categories: (6 points)

62. What is positive thinking? (2 points)


Unit: Managing Myself

63. Name a benefit of positive thinking. (2 points)


64. What is it about every individual that makes it difficult for them to resist
temptation? (1 point)

65. Give three reasons how self-control can be beneficial for your future success.
(6 points)

Directions: Read the following scenarios and answer the questions.

63. Jeremy needed to ask his mother if he could go to a friend’s house but she was on the
telephone. He had the impulse to interrupt her.

a. What would be the consequences of giving in to this impulse? (2 points)


b. What would be the benefits of not giving in to this impulse? (2 points)


Unit: Managing Myself

64. Shawn asked his mother if he could go to Tantra night club for a party. His mother
said that he was not allowed to go because it would end too late. Shawn felt angry
with her decision.

a. Write a cool-headed thought that can help Shawn. (1 point)


b. Create a calm down strategy consisting of at least three actions that Shawn
can do to calm down. (3 points)

Directions: Read the story and answer the questions.

Sara’s Story

Juan Lopez told detectives he just couldn’t take it anymore – “I was at the breaking point. The baby
just wouldn’t stop crying, and I just lost it.” “Losing it” meant shaking his four-month-old daughter,
Sara, four or five times. The baby stopped crying and fell asleep. But when Juan’s wife, Marta, came
home, she realized something was terribly wrong. She rushed Sara to the emergency room, where
doctors said she had “shaken-baby syndrome.”

Sara is now 10 years old. She suffered severe brain damage. She cannot speak or eat solid foods. She
is blind because of damage to her optic nerve. She needs oxygen to breathe at night. In the five
seconds I took to shake her, her life was ruined. Juan knew it was bad to shake the baby, but in a
moment he shook Sara not only out of frustration but because he was thinking irrationally. After the
baby stopped crying, he realized what he did was wrong and that he should have walked away. But
it was too late to undo the damage. Sara’s life was forever changed. Not only did Juan suffer a
lifetime of guilt, he was also convicted of felony child neglect, fined $10,000, and sentenced to five
years of probation.

65. What hot-headed thought did Juan have before he shook the baby? (2 points)

Unit: Managing Myself

66. How has Juan impulsive actions affected Sara? (5 points)

67. What are two positive or cold-headed thoughts could Juan have used to replace his negative
thought? (2 points)
68. What were the consequences for Juan’s actions? (2 points)


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