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Amazing Facts Europe

Total Member Training Program

Summary Outline

"Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed
and encouraged. Every church should be a training school for Christian workers." Ministry of
Healing, p. 149

Amazing Facts Europe, through the Total Member Training (TMT) Program, seeks to
contribute to the growing of the churches in Europe and supporting the Total Member
Involvement initiative of the General Conference by providing solid training and tools of
evangelism to help church members fulfill the mission of given to all of us by Jesus:

„Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, . . teaching them to observe all things whatsovever I
have commanded you. . . „ (Matt. 28:19, 20)

In every church the members should be so trained that they will devote time to the winning of
souls to Christ. T6. 436

Overview: What Is The Total Member Training Program?

The Amazing Facts Europe TMT Program is not a „hype“ or „entertainment“ program for a long
weekend. Instead, it is program designed to inspire and assist Church members (and pastors) to
carry out the fundamental job of the Church: reaching out to other people around us with the truth
of Jesus Christ, and to help the Church sustain this vital work long-term.

Over the past several years, Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism Europe (AFCOE-Europe), which is a
part of the ministry of Amazing Facts Europe, has been training many people, young and older, in the
tools of personal Gospel and Health evangelism. (You can find more information about AFCOE-
Europe at with activity updates on Facebook) Graduates of the AFCOE-Europe
classes have participated in the past in evangelistic training programs in churches around Europe.

The TMT program expands the availability of this hands-on training by brining to your Church, upon
request, a small group of young people who have been trained in the tools of personal evangelism at
AFCOE-Europe. The TMT Team will come to help train your Church members in Outreach to others
in your community. The TMT program brings both hands-on help in Outreach and trains members in
giving Bible studies; in addition, there is a long-term follow-up of the initial training, with visits by
TMT Training Teams to help sustain your church members in this vital work.

„The Lord desires that His word of grace be brought home to every soul. His work was largely
made up of personal interviews. … Through that one soul the message was often extended to
thousands. We are not to wait fort he souls to come to us; we must seek them out where they
are. When the Word has been preached from the pulpit, the work has but just begun. There are

multitudes who will never be reached by the Gospel unless you carry it to them.“ (E.G.White,
Christ´s Object Lessons, p. 228, Go Into the Highways and Hedges.“

Why Personal Evangelism Training of Church Members?

There are two very important purposes or goals in the TMT Training Program: first, to train church
members in the basic personal evangelism tools so that other people in your community may be
reached through the work of the Holy Spirit; and second, to encourage and revitalize Church
members, because by doing His work – by spending our time for others in His vineyard – we
ourselves become blessed and spiritually energized.

"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: . . . For God, who commanded the light to
shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light to the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor 4:3, 6)

What Does The TMT Training Program Cost?

The TMT evangelistic Training Teams sent to local churches consist of between 4 to 6 committed
AFCOE-Europe graduates. The Team members are located in different countries around Europe and
will travel to your Church for the TMT program training and follow-up. Because most Adventist
churches in Europe have very limited budgets, Amazing Facts Europe (AFE) arranges and pays the
costs of flights or other transport for Team members to come to your Church. We ask that local
churches provide for local ground transportation, lodging and meals for the Team members. The
initial TMT training session at your church generally is scheduled for 6 days (Wednesday
arrival/Monday departure, but this is flexible depending on local requirements). We ask for
donations to help with flight travel costs, which is totally discretionary. We know that Jesus will
provide everything needed – including funds – to carry out His work.

„We are not put on this earth to care merely for ourselves, but we are required to participate in the
great work of salvation by living the self-sacrificing, selfless, useful life of Jesus Christ.” (1
Testimonies, p.325)

How Does the TMT Training Get Started?

In order to bring Total Member Training to your Church there must first be a decision by your Church
members and leadership to send us a request. This means that your Church members should be well
informed about the TMT Program, described below, and have information about the initial training
(6 days) and the structured follow-up TMT program elements. Church members should come
together and pray earnestly about this after they have been informed about the content and
purposes of the evangelistic training offered by the TMT Program. The Church leadership can then
request that a Training Team be scheduled to come to your Church.

How Does The TMT Program Work?
Once a request from your Church is received, the TMT program coordinators will discuss many
planning details with your Church leadership, and fix acceptable dates for the initial TMT Ttraining.
The TMT Program Timeline and Activities are summarized in the attached Outline.

„You are not to shut yourself up to yourselves, and be content because you have been blessed with a
knowledge of the Truth. Who brought the truth to you? Who showed the light of the world to you?“
E.G. White, Rev. & Herald, 14 Aug 1888.

“I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea thy law is within my heart. I have preached righteousness
in the great congregation, lo I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, thou knowest;I have not hid Thy
righteousness within my heart, I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation – I have not
concealed thy lovingkindness and Thy Truth from the great congregation.” Ps 40:8-10

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