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Submitted by:

Cabasa, Cristine
Alarin, Russell May
Primrose, Chrisette
Gerona, Hannah
Kikuchi, Kelly

Submitted to:
Ms. Jesa Marikit

Submitted by:

Cabasa, Cristine
Alarin, Russell May
Primrose, Chrisette
Gerona, Hannah
Kikuchi, Kelly

Submitted to:
Ms. Jesa Marikit

Online Shopping is a popular because of the convenience it offers. Here are the following steps
to access online shopping. First is to search a product or a thing using Google Shopping. Second,
Find an item you like using Google shopping, Third, search via Google. Next/ search for and buy
a product from a website, Then, add product to your basket, then continue shopping or buy your
product, Lastly Checkout and pay.


Tsunami is defined as a series of waves in bodies of water cause by displacement of a large

volume of water generally in an ocean or a large lake.

Cause and Effect

What are the common possible causes of bullying? According to Brainy that come people who
do bullying, they think bullying can make them cool. Because of this phenomena, people who
was bullied are now experiencing embarrassing moments, awkwardness, depression and low
self-esteem that may lead to to suicidal attempts.


Who are these women who changed the world? Here are the following women who made the
world more colorful. Hillary Rodman together with Oprah Wintney, next Selena Gomez along
with Serena Williams, next is Nikki Haley, Jenifer Yuh Nelson and Cassie De Peol. This
according to time magazine


Prose can be classified into two main types. The first type is non-fiction and the second one is
fiction. Non-fiction examples are Journal, Diary, Bible, Biography, and etc. The next one is
fiction examples for these are Fable, Parable, Myth, Legend, Epic, and many more.


My ideal house is simple as I can imagine. I want it around 1000 Square meters away from the
city which is full or polluted areas. Inside of it must be painted with color white. At the back of
our home, there should be a garden with a playground on it. I want my ideal house to be my
beautiful home along with my handsome husband and cute little babies.

Mandatory minimum sentencing is wrong because it is a form of discrimination and many people
receive very long sentences for minor crimes. We should overturn mandatory minimum
sentencing rules and give judges more discussion.

Problem Solution

The most common problem that 3rd world countries or even most countries is flooding. How can
we stop flooding? Here is a way to stop flooding. The creation of more wetlands which can act
as sponges, soaking up moisture and wooded areas can slow down waters when rivers overflow.
These areas are often destroyed to make room for agriculture and development. Halting
deforestation and wetland drainage, reforesting upstream areas and restoring damaged wetlands
could significantly reduce the impact of climate change on flooding, according to the
conservation charity.


There are a lot of dangerous habits that people in our society have been through. Here are some
examples of dangerous habits. The first and most common one is smoking, next is drinking or
underage drinking, and last but not the least is drug abuse.

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