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The trial court erred in substituting its

judgment for that of defendant Secretary of
Public Works and Communications and in
G.R. No. L-17821 November 29, 1963
reversing the latter's finding that the stream in
question is a navigable river which was
PRIMITIVO LOVINA, and NELLY illegally closed by plaintiffs;
MONTILLA, plaintiffs-appellees,
HON. FLORENCIO MORENO, as Secretary of 4. The trial court erred in holding that the
Public Works and Communications, and Sapang Bulati is a private stream; and
BENJAMIN YONZON,defendants-appellants.
5. The lower court erred in not holding that
plaintiffs should first exhaust administrative
Gil R. Carlos and Associates for plaintiffs-appellees.
remedy before filing the instant petition.
Office of the Solicitor General for defendants-
The position of the plaintiffs-appellees in the court
below was that Republic Act No. 2056 is
REYES, J.B.L., J.:
unconstitutional because it invests the Secretary of
Public Works and Communications with sweeping,
This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of First unrestrained, final and unappealable authority to pass
Instance of Manila (Branch X), in its Civil Case No. upon the issues of whether a river or stream is public
41639, enjoining the Secretary of Public Works and and navigable, whether a dam encroaches upon such
Communications from causing the removal of certain waters and is constitutive as a public nuisance, and
dams and dikes in a fishpond owned by Primitivo and whether the law applies to the state of facts, thereby
Nelly Lovina in the Municipality of Macabebe Province Constituting an alleged unlawful delegation of judicial
of Pampanga, covered by T.C.T. No. 15905. power to the Secretary of Public Works and
The cause started by a petition of numerous residents
of the said municipality to the Secretary of Public Sections 1 and 2 of Republic Act 2056 provides:
Works and Communications, complaining that
appellees had blocked the "Sapang Bulati", a
navigable river in Macabebe, Pampanga, and asking Section 1. Any provision or provisions of law
that the obstructions be ordered removed, under the to the contrary notwithstanding, the
provisions of Republic Act No. 2056. After notice and construction or building of dams, dikes or any
hearing to the parties, the said Secretary found the other works which encroaches into any public
navigable river, stream, coastal waters and
constructions to be a public nuisance in navigable
any other navigable public waters or
waters, and, in his decision dated 11 August 1959,
ordered the land owners, spouses Lovina, to remove waterways as well as the construction or
building of dams, dikes or any other works in
five (5) closures of Sapang Bulati; otherwise, the
Secretary would order their removal at the expense of areas declared as communal fishing grounds,
shall be ordered removed as public nuisances
the respondent. After receipt of the decision, the
or a prohibited constructions as herein
respondent filed a petition in the Court of First
Instance of Manila to restrain the Secretary from provided: Provided, however, That the
enforcing his decision. The trial court, after due Secretary of Public Works and
hearing, granted a permanent injunction, which is now Communications may authorize the
the subject of the present appeal. construction of any such work when public
interest or safety so requires or when it is
absolutely necessary for the protection of
The respondents-appellants, Florencio Moreno, private property.
Secretary of Public Works and Communications, and
Benjamin Yonzon, investigator, question the
Section 2. When it is found by the Secretary of
jurisdiction of the trial court, and attribute to it the
following errors: Public Works and Communications, after due
notice and hearing, that any dam, dike or any
other works now existing or may there after be
1. The trial court erred in holding in effect, that constructed encroaches into any public
Republic Act No. 2056 is unconstitutional: navigable waters, or that they are constructed
in areas declared as communal fishing
2. The trial court erred in receiving grounds, he shall have the authority to order
evidence de novo at the trial of the case; the removal of any such works and shall give
the party concerned a period not to exceed
thirty days for the removal of the thereof is not acquirable by adverse possession
same: Provided, That fishpond constructions (Palanca vs. Commonwealth, 69 Phil. 449).
or works on communal fishing grounds
introduced in good faith before the areas we It is true that the exercise of the Secretary's power
proclaimed as fishing grounds shall be under the Act necessarily involves the determination
exempted from the provisions of this Act, of some questions of fact, such as the existence of
provided such constructions or works do not the stream and its previous navigable character; but
obstruct or impede the free passage of any these functions, whether judicial or quasi-judicial, are
navigable river, stream, or would not cause merely incidental to the exercise of the power granted
inundations of agricultural areas: Provided, by law to clear navigable streams of unauthorized
further, That should the party concerned fail to obstructions or encroachments, and authorities are
comply with the order of the Secretary of clear that they are, validly conferable upon executive
Public Works and Communications within the officials provided the party affected is given
period so stated in the order, such removal opportunity to be heard, as is expressly required by
shall be effected by the Secretary of Public Republic Act No. 2056, section 2.
Works and Communications at the expense of
the said party within ten days following the It thus appears that the delegation by
expiration of the period given the party Congress to executive or administrative
concerned: Provided, furthermore, That the agencies of functions of judicial, or at least,
investigation and hearing to be conducted by quasi-judicial functions is incidental to the
the Secretary of Public Works and exercise by such agencies of their executive
Communications under this section shall be or administrative powers, is not in violation of
terminated and decided by him within a period the Separation of Powers so far as that
which shall not exceed ninety days from the principle is recognized by the Federal
time he shall have been notified in writing or a Constitution nor is it in violation of due
written complaint shall have been filed with process of law. (3 Willoughby on the Const. of
him by any interested party apprising him of the U.S., pp. 1654-1655)
the existence of a dam, dike or any other
works that encroaches into any other public
The mere fact that an officer is required by law
navigable river, stream, coastal waters or any
to inquire the existence of certain facts and to
other public navigable waters or waterways
apply the law thereto in order to determine
and in areas declared as communal fishing
what his official conduct shall be and the fact
grounds: Provided, still furthermore, That the
that these acts may affect private, rights do
failure on the part of the Secretary of Public
not constitute an exercise of judicial powers.
Works and Communications without justifiable
Accordingly, a statute may give to non-judicial
or valid reason to terminate and decide a case
officers the power to declare the existence of
or effect the removal of any such works, as
facts which call into operation its provisions,
provided for in this section, shall constitute an
and similarly may grant to commissioners and
offense punishable under section three of this
other subordinate officer, power to ascertain
Act: And provided, finally, That the removal of
and determine appropriate facts as a basis for
any such works shall not impair fishponds
procedure in the enforcement of particular
completed or about to be completed which do
laws. (11 Am. Jur., Const. Law, p. 950, sec.
not encroach or obstruct any public navigable
river or stream and/or which would not cause
inundations of agricultural areas and which
have been constructed in good faith before s. 237. Powers to determine cases within
the area was declared communal fishing Statute. — One important class of cases in
grounds. which discretion may properly be vested in
administrative officers, which class is almost
an operation of the general rule relating to the
The objections of the appellees to the constitutionality
ascertainment of facts, consists of those
of Republic Act No. 2056, not only as an undue
cases in which a general rule or prohibition is
delegation of judicial power to the Secretary of Public
laid down and power is vested in an executive
Works but also for being unreasonable and arbitrary,
officer to determine when particular cases do
are not tenable. It will be noted that the Act (R.A.
or do not fall within such rule or prohibition.
2056) merely empowers the Secretary to remove
Power exercised under such statutes, calling
unauthorized obstructions or encroachments upon
for the exercise of judgment in the execution
public streams, constructions that no private person
of a ministerial act, is never judicial in nature
was anyway entitled to make, because the bed of
within the sense prohibited by the
navigable streams is public property, and ownership
Constitution. (11 Am. Jur., Const. Law, sec. prohibited constructions" on public navigable streams,
237, p. 952) and those of appellees clearly are in the latter class.

A direct precedent can be found in the "Bridge cases" It may not be amiss to state that the power of the
upholding the constitutionality of the U.S. River and Secretary of Public Works to investigate and clear
Harbor Act of March 3, 1899, that empowered (sec. public streams free from unauthorized encroachments
18) the Secretary of War to take action, after hearing, and obstructions was granted as far back as Act 3208
for the removal or alteration of bridges unreasonably of the old Philippine Legislature, and has been upheld
obstructing navigation. On the issue of undue by this Court (Palanca vs. Commonwealth, supra;
delegation of power, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled as Meneses vs. Commonwealth, 69 Phil. 647). We do
follows: not believe that the absence of an express appeal to
the courts under the present Republic Act 2056 is a
Congress thereby declared that whenever the substantial difference, so far as the Constitution is
Secretary of War should find any bridge concerned, for it is a well-known rule that due process
theretofore or thereafter constructed over any does not have to be judicial process; and moreover,
of the navigable waterways of the United the judicial review of the Secretary's decision would
States to be an unreasonable obstruction to always remain, even if not expressly granted,
the free navigation of such waters on account whenever his act violates the law or the Constitution,
of insufficient height, width of span, or or imports abuse of discretion amounting to excess of
otherwise, it should be the duty of the jurisdiction.
Secretary, after hearing the parties
concerned, to take action looking to the The argument that the action of the Secretary
removal or alteration of the bridge, so as to amounts to a confiscation of private property leads us
render navigation through or under it directly to the issue of fact whether a navigable
reasonably free, easy, and unobstructed. As portion of the Bulati creek had once traversed the
this court repeatedly has held, this is not an registered lot of the appellees Lovina and connected
unconstitutional delegation of legislative or with Manampil creek that borders said lot on the
judicial power to the Secretary. Union Bridge northwest before it was closed by Jose de Leon,
Co. vs. United States, 204 U.S. 364, 385, 51 Lovina's predecessor. The Secretary of Public Works
L. ed. 523, 533, 27 Sup. Ct. Rep. 367; has found from the evidence before him that,
Monongahela Bridge Co. v. United States, originally, the sapang (creek) Bulati flowed across the
216 U.S. 177, 192,54 L. ed. 435, 441, 30 Sup. property in question, and connected the Nasi river
Ct. Rep. 356; Hannibal Bridge Co. v. United with sapangManampil; that in 1926 or thereabouts,
States, 221 U.S. 194. 205, 55 L. ed. 699, 703, the Bulati creek was 2 meters deep at high tide and
31 Sup. Ct. Rep. 603. The statute itself 1/2 meter deep at low tide, and the people used it as
prescribes the general rule applicable to all fishing grounds and as a communication way,
navigable waters, and merely charged the navigating along its length in bancas; that former
Secretary of War with the duty of ascertaining registered owner, Jose de Jesus, closed about meters
in each case, upon notice to the parties of the course of the sapang Bulati that lay within the
concerned, whether the particular bridge lot in question by constructing dams or dikes at both
came within the general rule. Of course, the sides and converting the lot into a fishpond.
Secretary's finding must be based upon the
conditions as they exist at the time he acts. The appellees, on the other hand, rely on the 1916
But the law imposing this duty upon him registration plan of the property (Exh. C), showing it to
speaks from the time of its enactment. be merely bounded by the Bulati creek on the
(Louisville Bridge Co. v. U.S., 61 L. ed. 395). southeast, as well as on the testimony introduced at
(Emphasis supplied) the hearing of prohibition case (over the objection of
the Government counsel) that the Bulati creek did not
Appellees invoke American rulings that abatement as enter the property.
nuisances of properties of great value can not be
done except through court proceedings; but these The Court of First Instance found that "according to
rulings refer to summary abatements without previous the location plan, Exhibit "C", the "Bulati creek, on
hearing, and are inapplicable to the case before us which dikes and dams in question were constructed
where the law provides, and the investigator actually was a mere estero and could not be considered a
held, a hearing with notice to the complainants and navigable stream then." It is not explained how such
the, appellees, who appeared therein. It is noteworthy fact could appear solely from the plan Exhibit "C" (no
that Republic Act 2605 authorizes removal of the other proof being referred to), unless indeed the court
unauthorized dikes either as "public nuisances or as below so concluded from the fact that in said plan the
Bulati creek does not appear to run within the whom the statute had entrusted the case. It is
registered lot. The conclusion of lower court is not immaterial that the present action should be one for
supported by its premises, because by law, the prohibition or injunction and not one for certiorari, in
issuance of a Torrens title does not confer title either event the case must be resolved upon the
navigable streams (which are fluvial highways) within evidence submitted to the Secretary, since a judicial
registered property, nor is it conclusive on their non- review of executive decisions does not import a
existence, unless the boundaries of such streams had trial de novo, but only an ascertainment of whether
been expressly delimited in the registration plan (Act the executive findings are not in violation of the
496, sec. 39 cf. Palanca vs. Commonwealth, 69 Phil. constitution or of the laws, and are free from fraud or
449; Meneses Commonwealth, 69 Phil. 647), so that imposition, and whether they find reasonable support
delimitation of their course may be made even after in the evidence.1 Here, the proof preponderates in
the decree of registration has become final. In the favor of the Secretary's decision.
present case, in truth the very plan of the appellees,
Exhibit "C", shows parallel reentrant lines, around its Nevertheless, we, agree with appellees that they can
point 65 and between points 44 and that indicate the not be charged with failure to exhaust administrative
existence of a stream connecting the sapangBulati on remedies, for the Secretary's decision is that of the
the southeast and the sapang Manampil on the President, in the absence of disapproval (Villena vs.
northwest, and which the surveyor apparently failed Secretary of the interior, 67 Phil. 451).
delimit for some undisclosed reason. That the stream
was the prolongation of the sapang Bulati, that Finally, there being a possibility that when they
formerly flow across the registered lot, is also shown purchased the property in question the appellees
by the fact that appellees' plan Exhibit "C", the Lovina were not informed of the illegal closure of the
westward continuation the Bulati creek (west of point Bulati creek, their action, if any, against their vendor,
65), which bounds the registered lot, is labelled "Etero should be, and is hereby, reserved.
Mabao". The plan thus corroborates the previously
summarized testimony laid before investigator
In resume, we rule:
Yonzon and relied upon by the Secretary in his
administrative decision. Even more, appellees' own
caretaker, Yambao, showed investigator Yonzon the (1) That Republic Act No. 2056 does not constitute an
old course of the Bulati within the fishpond itself; and unlawful delegation of judicial power to the Secretary
this evidence is, likewise, confirmed by the cross- of Public Works;
section profile of the ground near the dams in
question (See plan Annex "AA" of Yonzon's Report), (2) That absence of any mention of a navigable
where the old channel of the creek is clearly stream within a property covered by Torrens title does
discernible. To be sure, appellees contend that they not confer title to it nor preclude a subsequent
were not shown this plan; but in their evidence before investigation and determination of its existence;
the court of first instance, they never attempted, or
offered, to prove that said plan is incorrect. (3) That the findings of fact of the Secretary of Public
Works under Republic Act No. 2056 should be
That the creek was navigable in fact before it was respected in the absence of illegality, error of law,
closed was also testified to by the government fraud, or imposition, so long as the said, findings are
witnesses, whose version is corroborated as we have supported by substantial evidence submitted to him.
(4) That ownership of a navigable stream or of its bed
Considering the well-established rule that findings of is not acquirable by prescription.
fact in executive decisions in matters within their
jurisdiction are entitled to respect from the courts in WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is
the absence of fraud, collusion, or grave abuse of reversed, and the writs of injunction issued therein are
discretion (Com. of Customs vs. Valencia, 54 O.G. annulled and set aside. Costs against appellees
3505), none of which has been shown to exist in this Lovina.
case, we agree with appellant that the court below
erred in rejecting the findings of fact of the Secretary
of Public Works.

The findings of the Secretary can not be enervated by

new evidence not laid down before him, for that would
be tantamount to holding a new investigation, and to
substitute for the discretion and judgment of the
Secretary the discretion and judgment of the court, to
DOCTRINE OF PRIMARY ADMINISTRATIVE JURISDICTION robbery-holdup and mauling committed on 22
December 1990.6 The complaint was corroborated by
Grace Commendador who witnessed the actual
G.R. No. 128305 March 28, 2005
incident and confirmed the statement of Catolico.7
On 22 August 1991, Catolico filed another
THE COURT OF APPEALS, NATIONAL administrative complaint with the Office of the Hearing
APPELLATE BOARD, Represented by its Officer at NAPOLCOM, Western Police District,
CHAIRMAN FEDERICO S. COMANDANTE and Manila, charging petitioner with grave misconduct for
the same incident which occurred on 22 December
1990.8 An investigation was conducted on this
administrative charge by the Office of the Hearing
Officer of NAPOLCOM. On 30 March 1993, the case
Philippine National Police and ESPIE S / L
CATOLICO, Respondents. was forwarded to the City of Manila’s People’s Law
Enforcement Board (PLEB) for adjudication.9
The PNP Inspectorate Division likewise conducted an
investigation on the charges filed. On 31 October
TINGA, J.: 1992, the Summary Dismissal Hearing Officer
(SDHO) recommended the dismissal of petitioner.
This petition assails the Resolution1 dated 10 January This recommendation was approved by Acting PNP
1997 of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the Chief and Police Deputy Director General, Raul S.
Decision2dated 25 October 1993 and Imperial (Acting PNP Chief).10
the Resolution3 dated 27 December 1993 of National
Appellate Board (Board), Third Division, National Petitioner appealed the 31 October 1992 resolution to
Police Commission (NAPOLCOM). The Board’s ruling the National Appellate Board (NAB) of the
in turn, which likewise affirmed the Decision4 dated 31 NAPOLCOM. On 25 October 1993, the Third Division
October 1992 of Acting PNP Chief and Police Deputy of the NAB, rendered a decision affirming the
Director General dismissing PO3 Felino Quiambao dismissal of petitioner from police service.11 The
from the police service. motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner was
denied in a Resolution dated 27 December 1993.12But
The operative facts of the case follow: it was only on 23 September 1996 when petitioner
received a certified xerox copy of the Resolution of
On 22 December 1990, at around 8:00 in the evening, the NAB denying his petition for reconsideration.13
Espie Catolico (Catolico) was walking along Capulong
Street in Tondo, Manila, inquiring as to the On 7 October 1996, petitioner filed a petition for
whereabouts of her housemaid Gynalin Garais who review with the Court of Appeals.14 On 10 January
left the house the day before. After having asked her 1997, the appellate court dismissed the petition for
neighbors and bystanders to no avail, an old woman review for lack of merit.
told her that a certain policeman was looking for her
as her housemaid was in his custody. She went to the The appellate court ruled that the petition did not state
area as directed by the old woman but there she was all the specific material dates showing that it was filed
allegedly accosted by petitioner, PO3 Felino within the reglementary period provided by law as it
Quiambao, a member of the Philippine National failed to state the date when petitioner received a
Police (PNP), Western Police District Command, and copy of the Resolution of NAB dated 27 December
five (5) other persons. Quiambao and his companions 1993, denying his motion for reconsideration of NAB’s
forcibly took Catolico’s handbag and carried away its decision dated 25 October 1993. It found out that
contents consisting of precious assorted NAB’s decision dated 25 October 1993 was received
merchandise, jewelry and other personal items worth by petitioner on 22 November 1993, and on 2
approximately Nine Thousand Pesos (P9,000.00). December 1993, he filed his motion for
Thereafter, petitioner forcibly herded Catolico to his reconsideration. The said motion, however, was
owner-type jeep and brought her to the dimly lit denied on 27 December 1993, but according to the
portion of North Harbor and, while thereat, he slapped appellate court, petitioner did not disclose the date
her on the face several times and warned her not to when he received such denial. The fifteen-day
look anymore for her housemaid.5 reglementary period for filing a petition for review with
the Court of Appeals started to run from such date.15
In view of the incident, Catolico filed a sworn
statement on 24 June 1991 with the PNP Inspectorate
Division, accusing petitioner and six (6) others, with
Further, the appellate court ruled that the issue of as errors which need to be rectified, to wit: (1) that the
which administrative disciplinary authority had appellate court ruled that petition did not state the
jurisdiction over the case was raised by petitioner only date when petitioner received a copy of
for the first time before it. He did not raise it before the the Resolution of NAB dated 27 December 1993 to
SDHO nor before the NAB. More importantly, it found determine if it was filed within the reglementary
that the PNP Inspectorate Division had original, period;23 (2) that the appellate court sustained the
exclusive and summary jurisdiction over the instant findings of the Acting PNP Chief and the NAB without
case, and that NAB did not commit any reversible first resolving and/or giving a reason why it was the
error in deciding the appealed case without Acting PNP Chief and neither the NAPOLCOM
a priori pronouncement as to which among the Hearing Officer nor the PLEB that had the power to
disciplinary authorities under Republic Act No. 6975 hear and decide the case;24 (3) that the appellate
had jurisdiction over the case.16 It also added that court sustained, through misapprehension of facts
NAB’s not having all the records requested by and/or contrary to evidence, the decision of NAB
petitioner after it had rendered its decision did not which was not based on the complete records of the
necessarily mean that it did not have such documents case;25 (4) that the appellate court ruled that the
at the time it rendered its decision.17Petitioner’s claim petition was not meritorious and sustained the
was further belied by the fact that Catolico was able to findings of the Acting PNP Chief and the NAB
obtain certified true copies of the relevant documents although such findings were arrived at without a
which the PNP Chief transmitted to the NAPOLCOM. hearing and absent substantial evidence;26 (5) that the
appellate court’s denial of the motion for
Additionally, the appellate court found that a perusal reconsideration was based on purely technical
of the annexes to the comment of Catolico would considerations;27 and (6) that the appellate court had
readily show that NAB resolved petitioner’s case been passive to Catolico’s surreptitious introduction
based on substantial evidence appearing on the into the records of the case evidentiary documents of
record before it.18 It observed that petitioner’s claim which petitioner was not furnished and to the latter’s
that his case was decided on the basis of an prejudice.28
incomplete record was merely an afterthought. Said
defense was not raised by petitioner in his motion for The petition is not imbued with merit.
reconsideration of NAB’s decision dated 25 October
1993.19 Likewise, petitioner was not denied due Readily glaring upon examination of the petition filed
process as he was afforded reasonable opportunity to by petitioner is its title "Petition for Review
be heard and to submit his evidence before the on Certiorari."29 The title would immediately lead us to
SDHO and to appeal to NAB the decision of the conclude that the petition is primarily anchored on
Acting PNP Chief dismissing him from the police Rule 45 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure.
service, the Court of Appeals ruled.20 Under this mode of appeal, only questions of law may
be entertained by this Court and factual issues raised
On 27 January 1997, petitioner filed a Motion for are beyond the ambit of this review. Yet, the issues
Extension of Time to File Motion for raised by petitioner in the petition are fundamentally
Reconsideration followed by the filing of his Motion for factual in nature which are inappropriate for
Reconsideration on 17 February 1997. On the same resolution via the mode of review he availed of.
day, the appellate court issued a Resolution denying
petitioner’s motion for extension of time. On 5 March However, a perusal of issues in the petition would
1997, it issued a resolution stating that the Motion for indicate that the petition is actually anchored on Rule
Reconsideration was merely "NOTED," 65 as the issues principally sought to assail the
the Resolution dated 10 January 1997 being already resolution rendered by the appellate court on the
final.21Hence, the instant judicial recourse. ground of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction.30
The primordial thrust of the petition seeks the reversal
of the decisions and resolutions of Acting PNP Chief, Nonetheless, even assuming that the petition was
the NAB and the Court of Appeals, all upholding the brought under Rule 65, the petition would still not lie
validity of the dismissal of petitioner from police as the implausibility of the grounds on which the
service, and his corresponding reinstatement in the petition rests are convincingly manifest and the grave
police service. abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction as the core of this mode of review is
Petitioner argues that the appellate court erred and strikingly wanting.
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction and/or with
grave abuse of discretion in holding that the petition is Grave abuse of discretion means such capricious and
not meritorious.22 He specifically assigns the following whimsical exercise of judgment which is equivalent to
an excess, or a lack of jurisdiction, and the abuse of WHEREFORE, finding no merit on this instant
discretion must be so patent and gross as to amount petition, the same is hereby denied.
to an evasion of a positive duty or a virtual refusal to
perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in A certified xerox copy thereof, duly
contemplation of law as where the power is exercised RECEIVED BY PETITIONER ON
in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 is hereto attached
passion or hostility.31 In certiorariproceedings under as ANNEX "M."35
Rule 65, questions of fact are not generally permitted,
the inquiry being limited essentially to whether or not A reading of the foregoing allegation, however,
the respondent tribunal had acted without or in excess disclosed the fact that on 27 December 1993, NAB
of its jurisdiction or with grave abuse of rendered a resolution denying petitioner’s motion for
discretion.32 These grounds under Rule 65 are not reconsideration. Although it would seem anomalous
attendant in the instant case. Even if we take this as it is unnatural that the purported resolution was
case as so exceptional as to permit a factual review, received only by petitioner on 23 September 1996, we
the petition at bar fails to persuade us to rule in favor are inclined to sustain petitioner’s assertion for the
of petitioner. same is supported by the certified xerox copy of the
resolution36 and the evidence is bereft of any showing
Petitioner contends that the appellate court acted with that will warrant a contrary conclusion. Thus, the
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess aforecited allegation substantially complied with the
of jurisdiction in holding that the petition was not requirements under Section 6. The appellate court
meritorious since the petition filed with the appellate believed that petitioner had already been served with
court did not state the date when petitioner received a a copy of the resolution prior to 23 September
copy of the Resolution of NAB dated 27 December 1996.37 Such a conclusion, however, is bereft of any
1993 to determine if the petition was indeed filed evidentiary basis and, thus, has no leg to stand on. It
within the reglementary period. There is reason basis is noteworthy that the date when petitioner received
for such contention. NAB’s resolution denying his motion for
reconsideration is material in determining when the
The petition with the appellate court by petitioner fifteen (15)-day reglementary period for filing a
substantially complied with Revised Administrative petition for review with the Court of Appeals starts to
Circular No. 1-9533. The pertinent portion of the run.38
circular reads,
The failure to specifically state in the petition on
SECTION 6. Contents of the petition. – The material dates such as the date when the resolution
petition for review shall (a) state the full or order denying a motion for reconsideration was
names of the parties to the case, without received is a ground for dismissal in accordance with
impleading the court or agencies either as Section 7 of the administrative circular and Rule
petitioners or respondents; (b) contain a 43.39 But the scenario is not present in the case at bar
concise statement of the facts and issues for the aforecited paragraph 18 of the petition filed
involved and the grounds relied upon for the with the appellate court reflected the date when
review; (c) be accompanied by a clearly petitioner actually received the resolution denying his
legible duplicate original or a certified true motion for reconsideration, which is 23 September
copy of the award, judgment, final order or 1996. Procedural rules must be liberally interpreted
resolution appealed from, together with and applied so as not to frustrate substantial justice
certified true copies of such material portions that this Court seeks to achieve.
of the record as are referred to therein and
other supporting papers; and (d) contain a Now, on substantial issues rather than on mere
sworn certification against forum shopping as technicality. The pivotal questions posed in this
provided in Revised Circular No. 28-91. The petition are whether the Acting Chief of the PNP had
petition shall state the specific material authority to conduct summary dismissal proceedings
dates showing that it was filed within the over members of the PNP and whether the summary
period fixed herein.34 dismissal of petitioner was sufficiently established by
the evidence on record.
The records reveal that the petition filed with the
Court of Appeals by petitioner provides the following, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6975 or the Department of the
Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, which
18. On December 27, 1993, respondent took effect on 1 January 1991, defines the structural
National Appellate Board rendered its components, powers and functions of the PNP as the
Resolution denying the motion in this manner: citizens’ guardian of peace and order and enforcer of
the law. The statute likewise delineates the (c) When the respondent is guilty of conduct
procedural framework in pursuing administrative unbecoming of a police officer. (Emphasis
complaints against erring members of the police ours)
organization. Section 41 of the law enumerates the
authorities to which a complaint against an erring Evidently, the PNP Chief and regional directors are
member of the PNP may be filed, thus; vested with the power to summarily dismiss erring
PNP members if any of the causes for summary
Section 41. (a) Citizen’s Complaints. – Any dismissal enumerated in Section 42 is attendant.
complaint by an individual person against any Thus, the power to dismiss PNP members is not only
member of the PNP shall be brought before the prerogative of PLEB but concurrently exercised by
the following: the PNP Chief and regional directors. This shared
power is likewise evident in Section 45.
(1) Chiefs of police, where the offense is
punishable by withholding of privileges, SEC. 45. Finality of Disciplinary Action. – The
restriction to specified limits, suspension or disciplinary action imposed upon a member of
forfeiture of salary, or any combination the PNP shall be final and executory:
thereof, for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) Provided, That a disciplinary action
days; imposed by the regional director or by the
PLEB involving demotion or dismissal
(2) Mayors of cities or municipalities, where from the service may be appealed to the
the offense is punishable by withholding of regional appellate board within ten (10) days
privileges, restriction to specified limits, from receipt of the copy of the notice of
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any decision: Provided, further, That the
combination thereof, for a period of not less disciplinary action imposed by the Chief of
than sixteen (16) days but not exceeding thirty the PNP involving demotion or dismissal
(30) days; may be appealed to the National Appellate
Board within ten (10) days from receipt
(3) People’s Law Enforcement Board, as thereof: Provided, furthermore, That the
created under Section 43 hereof, where the regional or National Appellate Board, as the
offense is punishable by withholding of case may be, shall decide the appeal within
privileges, restriction to specified limits, sixty (60) days from receipt of the notice of
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any appeal: Provided, finally, That failure of the
combination thereof, for a period exceeding regional appellate board to act on the appeal
thirty (30) days; or by dismissal. . . . within said period shall render the decision
(Emphasis added)40 final and executory without prejudice,
however, to the filing of an appeal by either
party with the Secretary. (Emphasis ours)
It is readily apparent that a complaint against a PNP
member which would warrant dismissal from service
is within the jurisdiction of the PLEB. However, Once a complaint is filed with any of the disciplining
Section 41 should be read in conjunction with Section authorities under R.A. No. 6975, the latter shall
42 of the same statute which reads, thus: acquire exclusive original jurisdiction over the case
although other disciplining authority has concurrent
jurisdiction over the case. Paragraph (c) of Section 41
Sec. 42. Summary Dismissal Powers of the
explicitly declares this point.
PNP Chief and Regional Directors. -
The Chief of the PNP and regional
directors, after due notice and summary (c) Exclusive Jurisdiction – A complaint or a
hearings, may immediately remove or dismiss charge filed against a PNP member shall
any respondent PNP member in any of the be heard and decided exclusively by the
following cases: disciplining authority who has acquired
original jurisdiction over the case and
notwithstanding the existence of
(a) When the charge is serious and the
concurrent jurisdiction as regards the
evidence of guilt is strong;
offense; Provided, That offenses which carry
higher penalties referred to a disciplinary
(b) When the respondent is a recidivist or has authority shall be referred to the appropriate
been repeatedly charged and there are authority which has jurisdiction over the
reasonable grounds to believe that he is guilty offense. (Emphasis ours)
of the charges; and
Clearly, the PLEB and the PNP Chief and regional PNP Inspectorate Division on 24 June 1991.
directors have concurrent jurisdiction over However, another case was filed by Catolico with the
administrative cases filed against members of the Office of the Hearing Officer, NAPOLCOM, WPD, on
PNP which may warrant dismissal from service. 22 August 1991. The charges filed with the PNP
Inspectorate Division were investigated, and on 31
This Court in Summary Dismissal Board and the October 1992, the SDHO recommended the dismissal
Regional Appellate Board, PNP, Region VI, Iloilo City of petitioner which was approved by the Acting PNP
v. Torcita41recognized the authority of both the Chief. Petitioner appealed the case to the NAB which
Summary Dismissal Board and the Regional affirmed the decision of the Acting PNP Chief. The
Appellate Board of the PNP, Region VI, Iloilo City, to motion for reconsideration was also denied. Thus, in
act on twelve (12) administrative complaints filed accordance with paragraph (c) of Section 41, the PNP
against C/Insp. Lazaro Torcita, even though the Inspectorate Division had acquired exclusive original
controversy occurred in 1994, after the effectivity of jurisdiction over the complaint of Catolico to the
R.A. No. 6975. The Court further declared that R.A. exclusion of other investigating body. It is as if the
No. 6975 defines the summary dismissal powers of second complaint filed by Catolico with the Office of
the PNP Chief and regional directors, among others in the Hearing Officer, NAPOLCOM, WPD, had not been
cases, "where the respondent is guilty of conduct filed.
unbecoming of a police officer."
Even assuming ex gratia argumenti that the Acting
Memorandum Circular No. 92-006 prescribes the PNP Chief and the NAB were bereft of jurisdiction to
rules and regulations in the conduct of summary rule on the complaint filed by Catolico, petitioner, at
dismissal proceedings against erring PNP members the earliest opportunity, neither raised the issue of
and defines conduct unbecoming of a police officer lack of jurisdiction before the PNP Inspectorate
under Section 3(c), Rule II, as follows: Division nor with the NAB but only before the
appellate court.43 Despite the existence of a
Conduct unbecoming of a police officer refers jurisprudential rule44 that jurisdictional question may
to any behavior or action of a PNP member, be raised at any stage of the proceedings, an
irrespective of rank, done in his official equitable exceptional rule has also been laid down by
capacity, which, in dishonoring or otherwise this Court bars a party from raising jurisdictional
disgracing himself as a PNP member, question on ground of laches or estoppel.45 Although
seriously compromise his character and the lack of jurisdiction of a court may be raised at any
standing as a gentleman in such a manner as stage of the action, a party may be estopped from
to indicate his vitiated or corrupt state of moral raising such questions if he has actively taken part in
character; it may also refer to acts or behavior the very proceedings which he questions, belatedly
of any PNP member in an unofficial or private objecting to the court’s jurisdiction in the event that
capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the judgment or order subsequently rendered is
himself personally as a gentleman, seriously adverse to him.46
compromises his position as a PNP member
and exhibits himself as morally unworthy to Petitioner also argues that the appellate court erred in
remain as a member of the organization.42 affirming the findings of the Acting PNP Chief and the
NAB, which was arrived at without hearing and
The same Memorandum Circular also defines the substantial evidence. We are not persuaded.
phrase "serious charge" as a ground for summary
dismissal of PNP members. This includes charges for Summary dismissal proceedings are governed by
commission of heinous crimes and those committed specific requirements of notification of the charges
by organized/syndicated crime groups wherein PNP together with copies of affidavits and other
members are involved, gunrunning, illegal attachments supporting the complaints, and the filing
logging, robbery, kidnapping for ransom, white slave of an answer, together with supporting documents. It
trade, illegal recruitment, carnapping, smuggling, is true that consistent with its summary nature, the
piracy, drug trafficking, falsification of land title and duration of the hearing is limited, and the manner of
other government forms, large scale swindling, film conducting the hearing is summary, in that sworn
piracy, counterfeiting, and bank frauds. Clearly, the statements may take the place of oral testimonies of
robbery-holdup and mauling incident which occurred witnesses, cross-examination is confined only to
on 22 December 1990 fall under the summary material and relevant matters, and prolonged
dismissal power of PNP Chief and regional directors. arguments and dilatory proceedings shall not be
In the case at bar, the complaint for grave misconduct
against petitioner was first filed by Catolico before the
Notably, the recommendation of the SDHO was the SDHO and the NAB as affirmed by the Court of
approved by the Acting PNP Chief whose decision Appeals are undoubtedly beyond review and
was affirmed by the NAB. The findings of the NAB conclusive upon this Court, they being triers of facts.
was also affirmed by the Court of Appeals. The The congruence in their conclusion forecloses any
unanimity in their conclusions cannot just be possibility of reversible error or misappreciation of
disregarded and their factual determinations are facts. Such being the case, we cannot but affirm their
conclusive upon this Court for the records show that common conclusion as petitioner failed to advance
petitioner was afforded reasonable opportunity to substantial and convincing evidence and arguments
defend his side, as he filed position papers to that will merit the reversal of prior decisions on the
substantiate his defense and arguments and even case.
filed motions for reconsideration to set aside adverse
decisions rendered against him. This opportunity to Finally, petitioner also argues that the appellate court
defend himself was more than sufficient to comply erred in being passive to Catolico’s surreptitious
with due process requirements in administrative introduction into the records of the case evidentiary
proceedings documents of which petitioner was not furnished and
to the latter’s prejudice. Sad to say, the matter is a
Well-entrenched is the rule that courts will not factual one which is outside the ambit of this mode of
interfere in matters which are addressed to the sound review. Besides, this issue was not even raised in the
discretion of the government agency entrusted with motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner with the
the regulation of activities coming under the special Court of Appeals.55
and technical training and knowledge of such agency.
Administrative agencies are given a wide latitude in WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered,
the evaluation of evidence and in the exercise of their the Petition is hereby DISMISSED and the Decision of
adjudicative functions, latitude which includes the the Court of Appeals dated 10 January 1997
authority to take judicial notice of facts within their AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
special competence.48
The instant case filed by Catolico is an administrative
case for grave misconduct against petitioner for the
alleged robbery-holdup and mauling incident that took
place on 22 December 1990. In resolving
administrative cases, conduct of full-blown trial is not
indispensable to dispense justice to the parties. The
requirement of notice and hearing does not connote
full adversarial proceedings.49 Submission of position
papers may be sufficient for as long as the parties
thereto are given the opportunity to be heard. In
administrative proceedings, the essence of due
process is simply an opportunity to be heard, or an
opportunity to explain one’s side or opportunity to
seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling
complained of.50 This constitutional mandate is
deemed satisfied if a person is granted an opportunity
to seek reconsideration of an action or a ruling.51 It
does not require trial-type proceedings similar to
those in the courts of justice. Where opportunity to be
heard either through oral arguments or through
pleadings is accorded, there is no denial of procedural
due process.52

In administrative proceedings, only substantial

evidence or that amount of relevant evidence that a
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support
a conclusion is required.53 Thus, findings of fact of
quasi-judicial agencies are generally accorded
respect and even finality by the Supreme Court, if
supported by substantial evidence, in recognition of
their expertise on the specific matters under their
consideration.54 Thus, factual determinations made by
G.R. No. 158455 June 28, 2005 (OSG), the "nullification" of TCT Nos. 131918
and 131919 and/or the reversion thereof to
SHERWILL DEVELOPMENT the Philippine Government, despite the fact
CORPORATION, petitioner, that the latter, sometime in 1927 or
vs. thereabout, sold and/or disposed of subject
SITIO STO. NIÑO RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, INC. lots, then covered by Original Certificate of
and/or NILDA DEVILLERES, and the LANDS Title (OCT) No. 684, pursuant to Act No. 1120
MANAGEMENT BUREAU, respondents. and other pertinent laws. Petitioner is the third
or fourth transferee and buyer in good faith of
DECISION the lots in question. Certainly, its titles (TCT
Nos. 131918 and 131919) have long become
indefeasible and conclusive, considering that
indefeasibility and conclusiveness of titles
accrue one year after the issuance thereof.5
This is a petition for review on certiorari assailing the
Order1 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
As part of its prayer for relief, the petitioner prayed
Muntinlupa City, Branch 205, dismissing Civil Action
that a writ of preliminary injunction be issued, ordering
No. 02-237 on the ground of litis pendentia and forum
the LMB to cease and desist from proceeding with the
hearings in LMB Case No. 7-98, a case pending
before it where petitioner’s titles to the subject lots
Petitioner Sherwill Development Corporation is the were being questioned by the respondents SSNRAI
registered owner of two parcels of land in Muntinlupa, and Nilda Devilleres. Thus:
Rizal. Lot 88 is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
(TCT) No. 1319182 consisting of 8,774 square meters,
WHEREFORE, petitioner most respectfully prays for
while Lot 86, with an area of 16,766 square meters, is
the following:
covered by TCT No. 131919.3 Both lots form part of
the Muntinlupa Estate, while the titles thereon were
issued by the Registry of Deeds of Rizal on (a) The immediate issuance of a writ of
September 24, 1913. preliminary injunction against LMB, ordering it
to cease and desist from hearing or continuing
its hearing of LMB Case No. 7-98; thereafter,
On October 16, 2002, the petitioner filed a
after due hearing, the issuance of another
Complaint4 for quieting of title against respondents
order making said injunction permanent; and
Sitio Sto. Niño Residents Association, Inc. (SSNRAI),
Nilda Devilleres, and the Lands Management Bureau
(LMB). The petitioner made the following allegations (b) The quieting of title of TCT Nos. 131918
in its complaint: and 131919, and the complete removal of any
and all clouds thereon, and the accompanying
declaration that said titles are indefeasible and
6. Since petitioner acquired subject two (2)
conclusive against the whole world, as in fact
lots in 1984, it has dutifully paid realty taxes
they are.
thereon. A copy of its latest tax-payment
receipt is attached as Annex "E."
Petitioner further prays for other reliefs which this
Honorable Court may deem proper to grant.6
7. In the late 1960s and the 1970s, and up to
the 1980s, unauthorized persons, without the
prior knowledge and consent of petitioner The trial court set the hearing of the prayer of the writ
and/or Mr. Lipio, by force, stealth and of preliminary injunction at 8:30 a.m. of November 22,
strategy, unlawfully entered and occupied the 2002.7On November 6, 2002, the private respondents,
lots covered by TCT Nos. 131918 and through counsel, filed a Motion to Dismiss8 the petition
131919. Among said unauthorized persons on the following grounds:
are members and officers of SSNRAI,
Devilleres included; (a) THE PETITION ITSELF IS FATALLY
8. Said LMB Case No. 7-98 is the first step of NON-FORUM SHOPPING DID NOT
respondents to disturb and/or cast clouds on SPECIFY AND/OR DISCLOSE THE
TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919, as in fact they PENDENCY OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE
are disturbing and casting clouds over said CASE, LANDS MANAGEMENT BUREAU
titles. From all indications, LMB is set to CASE NO. 7-98;
recommend to the Philippine Government,
[through] the Office of the Solicitor General
(b) PETITIONER IS GUILTY OF FORUM- identity of parties is therefore present. The cause of
SHOPPING; and action and reliefs sought in the two sets of cases are,
likewise, identical. The ultimate issue involved in both
(c) THERE IS ANOTHER ACTION PENDING is who between the parties has a better right to the
BETWEEN THE PARTIES INVOLVING THE properties covered by TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919
SAME SUBJECT MATTER AND FOR THE which are alleged in the LMB case to originally
SAME CAUSE. constitute a portion of the Muntinlupa Friar Lands
Estate titled in the name of the government. As to the
In its opposition to the motion to dismiss, the third requirement that the result of the first action is
petitioner averred that contrary to the private determinative of the second, it is true here inasmuch
respondents’ allegations, it did disclose the pendency as the Lands Management Bureau, public respondent
of LMB Case No. 7-98 in paragraph 3 of its petition, to herein before which the case earlier filed is pending,
wit: absorbed the functions and powers of the Bureau of
Lands (abolished by Executive Order No. 131) and is
mandated by law to implement the provisions of the
3. Said LMB Case No. 7-98 was filed on May 5, 1995
Public Land Act (Com. Act No. 141) which governs
and is, at present, being heard by [the] LMB thru
the administration and disposition of lands commonly
Hearing Officer Rogelio C. Mandar, the same Special
known as "friar lands," so an earlier recourse to it
Investigator-Designate who, on Feb. 12, 1998, wrote
would be an exercise of the doctrine of exhaustion of
the LMB Director thru the Chief, Legal Division,
administrative remedies, regardless of which party is
recommending "that an order be issued directing the
Surveys Divisions of this Office or its duly-authorized
representatives to conduct verification and relocation
survey" of subject lots. In effect, Atty. Mandar as such It is clear from the petition that what the petitioner
Hearing Officer has already prejudged the case in wants is for this court to enjoin public respondent from
favor of SSNRAI. A copy of the petition filed proceeding with the case before it and take over the
by SSNRAI (minus annexes) is attached as Annex same which it cannot and should not do.
"B," and that of Atty. Mandar’s letter consisting of
seven (7) pages (minus annexes), as Annex "C;"9 WHEREFORE, this case is hereby dismissed on the
grounds of litis pendencia and forum shopping. No
According to the petitioner, there was no identity of cost.
actions and reliefs sought in the two cases. The
petitioner pointed out that in LMB Case No. 7-98, the SO ORDERED.12
private respondents (as the petitioners therein) sought
the declaration of the nullity of the said titles issued in The petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration,
its favor, on their claim that their issuance was "highly which the trial court denied in an Order13 dated May
irregular and erroneous," and that the subject 29, 2003.
properties were not disposed of in accordance with
Act No. 1120, otherwise known as the Friar Lands Hence, the present petition, on the following question
Act. On the other hand, in SP Civil Action No. 02-237, of law: whether or not the grounds of litis
the petitioner’s right of action was based on the pendentia and forum shopping insofar as SP Civil
private respondents’ act of disturbing and casting Action No. 02-237 is concerned are applicable. The
clouds over TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919, petitioner puts forth the following arguments:
considering that such titles have long become
indefeasible and conclusive. 1. THE GROUNDS OF "LITIS PENDENCIA AND
The motion to dismiss filed by the private respondents COURT A QUO IN DISMISSING SP. CIVIL ACTION
was submitted for resolution on November 15, 2002.10 NO. 02-237 AND DENYING PETITIONER’S MOTION
In its Order11 dated February 24, 2003, the trial court IN FACT, THEY ARE NON-EXISTENT.14
dismissed the petition on the grounds of litis
pendencia and forum shopping. In so ruling, the trial 2. MOREOVER, AS ALREADY RAISED BY
court made the following ratiocination: PETITIONER IN ITS REPLIES TO RESPONDENTS’
As alleged in the petition filed with the LMB itself, RECONSIDERATION, LMB HAS NO JURISDICTION
quoted elsewhere in this order, and as shown in the TO TRY LMB CASE NO. 7-98 INASMUCH AS
copy of said petition attached to this petition, herein CASES LIKE THIS FALL UNDER THE EXCLUSIVE
petitioner is respondent therein and herein private ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OF REGIONAL TRIAL
respondents are petitioners there. The element of COURTS.15
To bolster its pose that no forum shopping and litis cites the ruling of the Court in Republic v. Carmel
pendentia exist, the petitioner invokes the ruling of the Development, Inc.17
Court in Silahis International Hotel, Inc. v. NLRC, et
al.,16 averring that when a party does not pursue The Ruling of the Court
simultaneous remedies in fora, there is no forum
shopping. The petitioner reiterates that the issue and At the outset, the Court notes that the petitioner
the causes of action in LMB Case No. 7-98 and SP assails an order of dismissal issued by the RTC, with
Civil Action No. 02-237 are different. It points out that direct recourse to this Court. It must be stressed that
it certainly is not "a party against whom an adverse in so doing, the petitioner violated an established
judgment or order has been rendered in one forum"; policy, one that is necessary to prevent inordinate
neither has it instituted "two or more actions or demands upon the Court’s time and attention which
proceedings grounded on the same cause." The are better devoted to those matters within its
petitioner further insists that the LMB has no exclusive jurisdiction, and to prevent further
jurisdiction to try LMB Case No. 7-98; it is the regional overcrowding of the Court’s docket.18 There is, after
trial courts that have original jurisdiction in such all, a hierarchy of courts which is determinative of the
cases. The petitioner points out that the private venue of appeals.19 This rule may be relaxed only for
respondents failed to file an action for nullification of special and important reasons clearly and specifically
TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919 within the one-year set out in the petition.20 The petitioner should thus
period from the date of issuance of the subject titles have filed its petition first before the Court of Appeals,
and are, therefore, barred from questioning the said conformably with this principle of hierarchy of courts.
titles. The petitioner further points out that the The Court notes that the petitioner failed to
certificates of title under the Torrens system of satisfactorily explain its failure to comply with or its
registration cannot be collaterally attacked. The non-observance of judicial hierarchy.
petitioner concludes that the trial court should not
have dismissed SP Civil Action No. 02-237, but
Even upon the merits of the case, the petition at bar is
instead should have given it due course.
still destined to fail for the following additional
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), for its part,
points out that the parties in both cases are identical.
First. Contrary to the petitioner’s contention, at this
It further points out that LMB Case No. 7-98 was filed
instance, it is the courts which should defer the
as early as 1995, and that the petitioner subsequently
exercise of jurisdiction on the matter. Jurisdiction
initiated SP Civil Action No. 02-237 obviously to
having been correctly assumed by the Director of
preempt the outcome of the case before the Lands
Lands over the parties’ conflicting claims, the case
Management Bureau. Hence, the trial court correctly
should, in accordance with law, remain there for final
dismissed SP Civil Action No. 02-237 on the ground
adjudication.21 After all, the Director of Lands, who is
of litis pendentia.
the officer charged with carrying out the provisions of
the Public Land Act, has control over the survey,
The OSG further contends that the determination of classification, lease, sale or any other form of
whether there was a violation of the Friar Lands Act, concession or disposition and management of the
the very issue raised in the two cases, is well within public lands, and his finding and decision as to
the authority of the LMB to investigate, it being the questions of fact, when approved by the Secretary of
agency of the government charged with administrative Agriculture and Natural Resources (now Secretary of
control over Friar Land Estates under Commonwealth Environment and Natural Resources), is conclusive.22
Act No. 2550. As such, according to the OSG, the
LMB has primary jurisdiction over the subject matter.
The power and authority of the Director of Lands were
The OSG points out that the petitioner’s resort to the
discussed in the recent case of Republic of the
courts is premature, considering that the LMB has
Philippines v. De Guzman.23 According to the Court,
primary jurisdiction over the matter.
the Director of Lands does not lose authority over the
land even upon the issuance of an original certificate
The OSG, likewise, avers that the petitioner is guilty of title over the same. Thus:
of violating Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court, on
certification against forum shopping. It points out that
… The authority of the Director of Lands to investigate
the petitioner’s representative, Roland Leslie V. Lipio,
conflicts over public lands is derived from Section 91
certified under oath that the petitioner "had no
of the Public Land Act. In fact, it is not merely his right
knowledge of any action pending before any tribunal
but his specific duty to conduct investigations of
or agency." It further points out that it cannot be said
alleged fraud in securing patents and the
that the petitioner was unaware of LMB Case No. 7-
corresponding titles thereto. While title issued on the
98, since it even filed an Answer therein on July 31,
basis of a patent is as indefeasible as one judicially
1995. To justify the dismissal of the case, the OSG
secured, such indefeasibility is not a bar to an and comes into play whenever enforcement of the
investigation by the Director of Lands as to how such claim requires the resolution of issues which, under a
title had been acquired, if the purpose of such regulatory scheme, have been placed within the
investigation is to determine whether or not fraud had special competence of an administrative body; in such
been committed in securing such title, in order that case, the judicial process is suspended pending
the appropriate action for reversion may be filed by referral of such issues to the administrative body for
the Government.24 its view. And in such cases, the court cannot arrogate
unto itself the authority to resolve a controversy, the
As a rule then, courts have no jurisdiction to intrude jurisdiction over which is initially lodged with an
upon matters properly falling within the powers of the administrative body of special competence,29 in this
LMB.25 case, the LMB.

On the petitioner’s claim that its titles to the subject Third. The trial court correctly ruled that the
lots have been rendered indefeasible, the petitioner’s action was barred by the pendency of the
pronouncement of the Court in Republic v. Court of proceedings before the LMB. For litis pendencia to lie,
Appeals26 is instructive: the following requisites must be satisfied:

It is true that under Section 122 of the Land 1. Identity of parties or representation in both
Registration Act, a Torrens title issued on the basis of cases;
a free patent or a homestead patent is as indefeasible
as one judicially secured. And in repeated previous 2. Identity of rights asserted and relief prayed
decisions of this Court that indefeasibility has been for;
emphasized by our holding that not even the
Government can file an action for annulment, but at 3. The relief must be founded on the same
the same time, it has been made clear that an action facts and the same basis; and
for reversion may be instituted by the Solicitor
General, in the name of the Republic of the 4. Identity of the two preceding particulars
Philippines. It is also to the public interest that one should be such that any judgment, which may
who succeeds in fraudulently acquiring title to a public be rendered in the other action, will,
land should not be allowed to benefit therefrom, and regardless of which party is successful,
the State should, therefore, have an even existing amount to res judicata on the action under
authority, thru its duly-authorized officers, to inquire consideration.30
into the circumstances surrounding the issuance of
any such title, to the end that the Republic, thru the
To the Court’s mind, these requisites are present in
Solicitor General or any other officer who may be
the instant case. For one, the parties in the LMB case
authorized by law, may file the corresponding action
and in SP Civil Action No. 02-237 are the same.
for the reversion of the land involved to the public
There is, likewise, identity of rights asserted and
domain, subject thereafter to disposal to other
reliefs prayed for. The petition filed by the private
qualified persons in accordance with law. In other
respondents SSNRAI and its President Devilleres
words, the indefeasibility of a title over land previously
before the LMB alleged that the lots in question had
public is not a bar to an investigation by the Director
been the subject of "double titling"; on the other hand,
of Lands as to how such title has been acquired, if the
the petition with prayer for preliminary injunction filed
purpose of such investigation is to determine whether
before the RTC sought the declaration from the court
or not fraud had been committed in securing such title
that TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919, in the name of the
in order that the appropriate action for reversion may
petitioner, are indefeasible and conclusive as against
be filed by the Government.27
the whole world. The resolution of the foregoing issue
would likewise require the presentation of evidence
Second. The OSG correctly invoked the doctrine of from the parties. Verily, the conclusion in one
primary jurisdiction in this case. Indeed, the courts proceeding would amount to the adjudication of the
cannot and will not resolve a controversy involving a merits on the other – that is, a favorable ruling from
question which is within the jurisdiction of an the LMB would have virtually removed any and all
administrative tribunal, especially where the question existing "clouds" from the petitioner’s titles to the
demands the exercise of sound administrative subject property; in the same vein, a declaration of
discretion requiring the special knowledge, the indefeasibility of TCT Nos. 131918 and 131919
experience and services of the administrative tribunal would preempt any ruling of the LMB on the matter.
to determine technical and intricate matters of
fact.28 The doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies
Indeed, the underlying principle of litis pendentia is
where a claim is originally cognizable in the courts,
the theory that a party is not allowed to vex another
more than once regarding the same subject matter
and for the same cause of action. This theory is
founded on the public policy that the same subject
matter should not be the subject of controversy in
court more than once in order that possible conflicting
judgments may be avoided, for the sake of the
stability of the rights and status of persons.31 The RTC
of Muntinlupa City, Branch 205, recognized this
doctrine when it dismissed SP Civil Action No. 02-237
to avoid the possibility of two contradictory decisions
on the question of the validity of the subject titles.

In any case, should the petitioner disagree with the

ruling of the LMB, it is not precluded from taking the
matter up to with the courts of law.

Fourth. To determine whether a party violated the rule

against forum shopping, the test applied is whether
the elements of litis pendentia are present or whether
a final judgment in one case will amount to res
judicata in another.32 Considering our pronouncement
that the requisites of litis pendentia barred the filing of
SP Civil Action No. 02-237, the RTC correctly
dismissed the same on the additional ground of forum

WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing, the petition

is DENIED for lack of merit. The Order of the
Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City, Branch 205,
dismissing SP Civil Action No. 02-237 on the ground
of litis pendentia and forum shopping, is AFFIRMED.

On July 21, 1986, petitioner filed a motion for
415 Phil. 645 reconsideration. Instead of resolving the motion, the
DECS Central Office directed the School Division of Cebu
CASTRO v. SECRETARY to comment on the motion.[5] The School Division
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.: Superintendent recommended that the motion be
resolved favorably. However, the recommendation was
opposed by the DECS Region VII.[6]

The principle of non-exhaustion of administrative

remedy is not an iron-clad rule. There are instances
when it may be pierced and judicial action may be Thereafter, in his letters dated November 5, 1988 and
resorted to immediately. July 19,1990, petitioner asked the incumbent DECS
Secretary to resolve his motion for reconsideration. But
his letters remained unheeded, thus, on October 4,
1995, petitioner filed with the DECS Central Office a
The present case is one illustration.
"Motion for Review Setting Aside/Modifying the
Decision of Regional Director of DECS Region VII."[7]
DECS Secretary Ricardo Gloria (respondent) referred the
Sought to be set aside in this petition for review on motion to the Regional Director of Region VII for
certiorari are the: (a) Decision[1] dated November 20, comment. On January 3, 1996, Regional Director Eladio
1997 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 60, Barili, Cebu C. Dioko issued a 2nd Indorsement sustaining the
dismissing Gualberto Castro's petition for mandamus; decision of Assistant Superintendent Concillo, thus:
and b) Order[2] dated January 5, 1998 denying his
motion for reconsideration.
"This Office sustains former Director Concillo's decision
that respondent Castro is guilty of Disgraceful and
The factual and legal antecedents are as follows: Immoral Conduct but posits the belief that the proper
penalty as provided by law be meted out for him. In the
Honorable Secretary is vested by law the power to
Porfirio Gutang, Jr. filed with the Department of review, reaffirm, modify or reverse decisions of a lower
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) a complaint for office.[8]
disgraceful and immoral conduct against petitioner
Gualberto Castro, a teacher in Guibuangan Central
School, Barili, Cebu. It was alleged that he has an illicit In his 3rd Indorsement dated March 6, 1996,
affair with Gutang's wife, petitioner's co-teacher at the respondent Secretary denied petitioner' s motion for
same school. review.[9]

After hearing or on August 28, 1984, the DECS Regional Thrice thwarted, petitioner filed a petition for
Office VII, through Assistant Superintendent Francisco mandamus with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 60,
B. Concillo, rendered a decision declaring petitioner Barili, Cebu, imploring that judgment be rendered
guilty of the offense charged. He was meted the penalty ordering respondent Secretary or anyone who may
of dismissal from the service.[3] The DECS Central Office have assumed the duties and functions of his office (1)
affirmed Concillo's decision in an Indorsement dated to reduce his penalty from dismissal to one (1) year
March 25, 1986.[4]
suspension; 2) to consider the one (1) year suspension petitioner. However, certiorari is the remedy to correct
as already served considering that he has been out of errors of judgment which are grave and arbitrary and
the service for more than ten (10) years; 3) to reinstate not mandamus.
him to his former position; and 4) to pay is back
salaries.[10] On November 20, 1997, the trial court
rendered the herein assailed decision dismissing the Mandamus will not lie to order the reinstatement of the
petition on the ground of non-exhaustion of petitioner in his former position as Elementary Grades
administrative remedies. It ruled that petitioner should Teacher as it was not yet established that he is entitled
have appealed to the Civil Service Commission before to or has legal right to the office.
coming to court, thus:

In the case of Manalo vs. Gloria, 236 SCRA 130, the

"Considering that the Civil Service Commission has the petitioner's claim for "backwages" could be the
power to review on appeal the orders or acts of appropriate subject of an ordinary civil action as
respondent, petitioner has failed to exhaust mandamus applies when there is no other plain, speedy
administrative remedies. Non-exhaustion of and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.
administrative remedies implies absence of cause of
action. Where a remedy is available within the
administrative machinery, this should be resorted to
before recourse can be made to the courts. The
In the case at bench, the Court after a judicious study
doctrine of primary jurisdiction does not warrant a
and analysis on the case, has no other alternative than
court to arrogate unto itself the authority to resolve a
to DENY the present petition for lack of merit.
controversy the jurisdiction over which is initially lodged
with an administrative body of special competence.
(Vidad v. RTC of Negros Oriental, Branch 42, 227 SCRA
271). SO ORDERED."[11]

Mandamus - If appeal or some other equally adequate Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but was
remedy is still available in the ordinary course of law, denied.
the action for MANDAMUS would be improper.
Sherman Vs. Horilleno, 57 Phil. 13; Fajardo Vs. Llorente,
6 Phil, 426; Paquio Vs. Del Rosario, 46 Phil. 59; Manalo Hence, the present petition for review on certiorari.
v. Paredes, 47,938; Castro Revilla Vs. Garduno, 53 Phil.
934; Rural Transit Co. Vs. Teodoro, 57 Phil. 11.

Petitioner insists that, "when the question to be settled

is purely a question of law, he may go directly to the
Special Civil Actions against administrative officers proper court so that he can have proper redress." For its
should not be entertained if superior administrative part, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) contends
officers could grant relief. Cecilio vs. Belmonte, 48 Phil. that petitioner's adequate remedy was to appeal the
243, 255. decision of respondent Secretary to the Civil Service
Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Executive
Order No. 292. Since petitioner failed to exhaust
From the facts it is clear that the penalty of dismissal administrative remedies, his petition must be dismissed
from the service was erroneously imposed upon for lack of cause of action. Also, the OSG argues that
the remedy of mandamus to compel payment of back Commission, the principle of exhaustion of
salary does not lie unless petitioner's right thereto is administrative remedies need not be adhered to when
well defined. This is based on the general proposition the question is purely legal." This is because issues of
that a public official is not entitled to any compensation law cannot be resolved with finality by the
if he has not rendered any service. administrative officer. Appeal to the administrative
officer would only be an exercise in futility.[18]

The petition is impressed with merit.

Thus, in the ultimate, the resolution of this case hinges
on whether or not the following is a question of law or a
The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies question of fact - Is dismissal from the service the
calls for resort first to the appropriate administrative proper penalty for the 1st offense of disgraceful and
authorities in the resolution of a controversy falling immoral conduct?
under their jurisdiction before the same may be
elevated to the courts of justice for review. It is settled
that non-observance of the doctrine results in lack of a It is settled that for a question to be one of law, the
cause of action,[12] which is one of the grounds allowed same must not involve an examination of the probative
by the Rules of Court for the dismissal of the value of the evidence presented by the litigants or any
complaint.[13] of them. And the distinction is well known. There is a
question of law when the doubt or differences arise as
to what the law is on a certain state of facts. There is a
The doctrine is not absolute. There are instances when question of fact when the doubt or differences arise as
it may be dispensed with and judicial action may be to the truth or the falsehood of alleged facts.[19]
validly resorted to immediately. Among these
exceptions are: 1) When the question raised is purely
legal; 2) when the administrative body is in estoppel; 3) In the case at bench, petitioner no longer disputes the
when the act complained of is patently illegal; 4) when administrative finding of his guilt for the offense of
there is urgent need for judicial intervention; 5) when disgraceful and immoral conduct. It is settled and final
the claim involved is small; 6) when irreparable damage insofar as he is concerned. What petitioner only
will be suffered; 7) when there is no other plain, speedy impugns is the correctness of the penalty of "dismissal
and adequate remedy; 8) when strong public interest is from the service." He is convinced that the proper
involved; and 10) in quo warranto proceedings.[14] penalty for the first offense of disgraceful and immoral
conduct is only suspension from the service.
Undoubtedly, the issue here is a pure question of law.
Truly, a petition for mandamus is premature if there are We need only to look at the applicable law or rule and
administrative remedies available to petitioner.[15] But we will be able to determine whether the penalty of
where the case involves only legal questions, the litigant dismissal is in order.
need not exhaust all administrative remedies before
such judicial relief can be sought.[16] In Cortes v.
Bartolome,[17] a case involving a petition for We find for petitioner.
mandamus, we ruled that "while it may be that non-
judicial remedies could have been available to
respondent in that he could have appealed to the then Petitioner has all the reasons to seek the aid of this
Secretary of Local Government and Community Court since it has been clearly established by evidence
Development and thereafter to the Civil Service that he is a first time offender. Section 23, Rule XIV of
the Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. immoral conduct within the purview of Section 36 (b)
292 (Otherwise known as the Administrative Code of (5) of Presidential Decree No. 807, otherwise known as
1987 and other Pertinent Civil Service Laws)[20] the Civil Service Decree of the Philippines, for which
provides: respondent may be subjected to disciplinary action.
Memorandum Circular No. 30, Series of 1989 of the Civil
Service Commission has categorized disgraceful and
"Sec. 23. Administrative offenses with its corresponding immoral conduct as a grave offense for which a penalty
penalties are classified into grave, less grave, and light of suspension for six (6) months and one (1) day shall be
depending on the gravity of its nature and effects of imposed for the first offense, while the penalty of
said acts on the government service. dismissal is imposed for the second offense. (Emphasis

The following are grave offenses with its corresponding

penalties: Inasmuch as the present charge of immorality against
respondent constitutes the first charge of this nature,
the Court shall at this instance suspend respondent for
six (6) months and one (1) day.
xxx xxx

Again, in the 1997 case of Ecube-Badel v. Badel,[24] we

(o) Disgraceful and immoral conduct <1st Offense,
imposed the penalty of suspension for one (1) year
Suspension for six (6) months and one day (1) day to
without pay against respondent David Badel for his first
one (1) year; 2nd Offense, Dismissal.>"
offense of immorality.

As correctly pointed out by petitioner, the proper

It is worthy to note that even DECS Regional Director
penalty for the 1st offense of disgraceful and immoral
Eladio C. Dioko stated in his 2nd Indorsement dated
conduct is only suspension for six (6) months and one
January 3, 1996, that while he sustains Director
(1) day to one (1) year. In fact, this has been the
Concillo's decision, "the proper penalty as provided by
consistent ruling of this Court. In Aquino v. Navarro,[21]
law (should) be meted out for him." The Regional Trial
a secondary guidance councelor in a public high school,
Court also echoed the same sentiment, thus:
was merely suspended for disgraceful and immoral
conduct. In Burgos v. Aquino,[22] the Court suspended
a court stenographer for six months for maintaining
illicit relations with the complainant's husband and for "From the facts, it is clear that the penalty of dismissal
perjury in not disclosing in her personal information from the service was erroneously imposed upon
sheet she has a daughter as a result of that relationship. petitioner. However, certiorari is the remedy to correct
Similarly, in Nalupta Jr. v. Tapec,[23] a deputy sheriff errors of judgment which are grave and arbitrary and
was suspended for six months and one day for having a not mandamus."
relationship with a woman other than his wife by whom
he has two children. Thus:
Anent petitioner's prayer for the payment of back
salaries, we find it to be without legal basis.
The act of respondent of having illicit relations with
Consolacion Inocencio is considered disgraceful and
The issue regarding payment of back salaries during the suspension to have been fully served. He must,
period that a member of the civil service is out of work therefore, be REINSTATED to office immediately.
but subsequently ordered reinstated is settled in our
jurisdiction. Such payment of salaries corresponding to
the period when an employee is not allowed to work SO ORDERED.
may be decreed if he is found innocent of the charges.
However, if the employee is not completely exenorated
of the charges [25] such as when the penalty of
dismissal is reduced to mere suspension, he would not
be entitled to the payment of his back salaries. In Yacia
v. City of Baguio,[26] the decision of the Commissioner
of Civil Service ordering the dismissal of a government
employee on the ground of dishonesty was immediately
executed pending appeal. But, on appeal, the Civil
Service Board of Appeals modified that penalty of
dismissal to a fine equivalent to six months pay. This
Court ruled that the employee's claim for back wages,
for the period during which he was not allowed to work
because of the execution of the decision of the
Commissioner, should be denied.

The general proposition is that a public official is not

entitled to any compensation if he has not rendered any
service. As he works, he shall earn. Since petitioner did
not work during the period for which he is now claiming
salaries, there can be no legal or equitable basis to
order the payment of such salaries.[27]

Thus, we reduce the penalty of dismissal imposed upon

petitioner to suspension for a period of one year
without pay. Considering that he has been out of the
service for quite a long time, we feel he has been
sufficiently punished for his offense. We, therefore,
order his reinstatement.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The

Regional Trial Court's Decision dated November 20,
1997 and Order dated January 5, 1998 are SET ASIDE.
The penalty of dismissal imposed upon petitioner is
reduced to one (1) year suspension from office without
pay. In view of the length of time petitioner has been
out of the service, we consider the penalty of
G.R. No. 111107 January 10, 1997 respondents filed a letter of reconsideration dated
June 28, 1989 of the June 22, 1989 order of
LOEONARDO A. PAAT, in his capacity as Officer- Executive Director Baggayan, which was, however,
in-Charge (OIC), Regional Executive Director denied in a subsequent order of July 12,
(RED), Region 2 and JOVITO LAYUGAN, JR., in 1989.2 Subsequently, the case was brought by the
his capacity as Community Environment and petitioners to the Secretary of DENR pursuant to
Natural Resources Officer (CENRO), both of the private respondents' statement in their letter dated
Department of Environment and Natural June 28, 1989 that in case their letter for
Resources (DENR), petitioners, reconsideration would be denied then "this letter
vs. should be considered as an appeal to the
COURT OF APPEALS, HON. RICARDO A. BACULI Secretary."3 Pending resolution however of the
in his capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 2, appeal, a suit for replevin, docketed as Civil Case
Regional Trial Court at Tuguegarao, Cagayan, and 4031, was filed by the private respondents against
SPOUSES BIENVENIDO and VICTORIA DE petitioner Layugan and Executive Director
GUZMAN, respondents. Baggayan4 with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 2 of
Cagayan,5 which issued a writ ordering the return of
the truck to private respondents.6 Petitioner Layugan
and Executive Director Baggayan filed a motion to
TORRES, JR., J.: dismiss with the trial court contending, inter alia, that
private respondents had no cause of action for their
failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The trial
Without violating the principle of exhaustion of court denied the motion to dismiss in an order dated
administrative remedies, may an action December 28, 1989.7 Their motion for reconsideration
for replevin prosper to recover a movable property having been likewise denied, a petition
which is the subject matter of an administrative for certiorari was filed by the petitioners with the
forfeiture proceeding in the Department of respondent Court of Appeals which sustained the trial
Environment and Natural Resources pursuant to court's order ruling that the question involved is purely
Section 68-A of P.D. 705, as amended, entitled The a legal question.8 Hence, this present petition,9 with
Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines? prayer for temporary restraining order and/or
preliminary injunction, seeking to reverse the decision
Are the Secretary of DENR and his representatives of the respondent Court of Appeals was filed by the
empowered to confiscate and forfeit conveyances petitioners on September 9, 1993. By virtue of the
used in transporting illegal forest products in favor of Resolution dated September 27, 1993,10 the prayer for
the government? the issuance of temporary restraining order of
petitioners was granted by this Court.
These are two fundamental questions presented
before us for our resolution. Invoking the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
remedies, petitioners aver that the trial court could not
The controversy on hand had its incipiency on May legally entertain the suit for replevin because the truck
19, 1989 when the truck of private respondent Victoria was under administrative seizure proceedings
de Guzman while on its way to Bulacan from San pursuant to Section 68-A of P.D. 705, as amended by
Jose, Baggao, Cagayan, was seized by the E.O. 277. Private respondents, on the other hand,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources would seek to avoid the operation of this principle
(DENR, for brevity) personnel in Aritao, Nueva asserting that the instant case falls within the
Vizcaya because the driver could not produce the exception of the doctrine upon the justification that (1)
required documents for the forest products found due process was violated because they were not
concealed in the truck. Petitioner Jovito Layugan, the given the chance to be heard, and (2) the seizure and
Community Environment and Natural Resources forfeiture was unlawful on the grounds: (a) that the
Officer (CENRO) in Aritao, Cagayan, issued on May Secretary of DENR and his representatives have no
23, 1989 an order of confiscation of the truck and authority to confiscate and forfeit conveyances utilized
gave the owner thereof fifteen (15) days within which in transporting illegal forest products, and (b) that the
to submit an explanation why the truck should not be truck as admitted by petitioners was not used in the
forfeited. Private respondents, however, failed to commission of the crime.
submit the required explanation. On June 22,
1989,1 Regional Executive Director Rogelio Baggayan Upon a thorough and delicate scrutiny of the records
of DENR sustained petitioner Layugan's action of and relevant jurisprudence on the matter, we are of
confiscation and ordered the forfeiture of the truck the opinion that the plea of petitioners for reversal is
invoking Section 68-A of Presidential Decree No. 705 in order.
as amended by Executive Order No. 277. Private
This Court in a long line of cases has consistently administrative forum to which they seek to avail, as
held that before a party is allowed to seek the they did avail, in the resolution of their case. The
intervention of the court, it is a pre-condition that he letter, reads, thus:
should have availed of all the means of administrative
processes afforded him. Hence, if a remedy within the xxx xxx xxx
administrative machinery can still be resorted to by
giving the administrative officer concerned every If this motion for reconsideration does
opportunity to decide on a matter that comes within not merit your favorable action, then
his jurisdiction then such remedy should be this letter should be considered as an
exhausted first before court's judicial power can be appeal to the
sought, The premature invocation of court's Secretary.24
intervention is fatal to one's cause of
action.11 Accordingly, absent any finding of waiver or
It was easy to perceive then that the private
estoppel the case is susceptible of dismissal for lack
respondents looked up to the Secretary for the review
of cause of
and disposition of their case. By appealing to him,
action.12 This doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
they acknowledged the existence of an adequate and
remedies was not without its practical and legal
plain remedy still available and open to them in the
reasons, for one thing, availment of administrative
ordinary course of the law. Thus, they cannot now,
remedy entails lesser expenses and provides for a
without violating the principle of exhaustion of
speedier disposition of controversies. It is no less true
administrative remedies, seek court's intervention by
to state that the courts of justice for reasons of comity
filing an action for replevin for the grant of their relief
and convenience will shy away from a dispute until
during the pendency of an administrative
the system of administrative redress has been
completed and complied with so as to give the
administrative agency concerned every opportunity to
correct its error and to dispose of the case. However, Moreover, it is important to point out that the
we are not amiss to reiterate that the principle of enforcement of forestry laws, rules and regulations
exhaustion of administrative remedies as tested by a and the protection, development and management of
battery of cases is not an ironclad rule. This doctrine forest lands fall within the primary and special
is a relative one and its flexibility is called upon by the responsibilities of the Department of Environment and
peculiarity and uniqueness of the factual and Natural Resources. By the very nature of its function,
circumstantial settings of a case. Hence, it is the DENR should be given a free hand unperturbed
disregarded (1) when there is a violation of due by judicial intrusion to determine a controversy which
process,13 (2) when the issue involved is purely a legal is well within its jurisdiction. The assumption by the
question,14 (3) when the administrative action is trial court, therefore, of the replevin suit filed by
patently illegal amounting to lack or excess of private respondents constitutes an unjustified
jurisdiction,15 (4) when there is estoppel on the part of encroachment into the domain of the administrative
the administrative agency concerned,16 (5) when there agency's prerogative. The doctrine of primary
is irreparable injury,17 (6) when the respondent is a jurisdiction does not warrant a court to arrogate unto
department secretary whose acts as an alter ego of itself the authority to resolve a controversy the
the President bears the implied and assumed jurisdiction over which is initially lodged with an
approval of the latter,18 (7) when to require exhaustion administrative body of special competence.25 In Felipe
of administrative remedies would be Ismael, Jr. and Co. vs. Deputy Executive
unreasonable,19 (8) when it would amount to a Secretary,26 which was reiterated in the recent case of
nullification of a claim,20 (9) when the subject matter is Concerned Officials of MWSS vs. Vasquez,27 this
a private land in land case proceedings,21 (10) when Court held:
the rule does not provide a plain, speedy and
adequate remedy, and (11) when there are Thus, while the administration
circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial grapples with the complex and
intervention.22 multifarious problems caused by
unbriddled exploitation of these
In the case at bar, there is no question that the resources, the judiciary will stand
controversy was pending before the Secretary of clear. A long line of cases establish
DENR when it was forwarded to him following the the basic rule that the courts will not
denial by the petitioners of the motion for interfere in matters which are
reconsideration of private respondents through the addressed to the sound discretion of
order of July 12, 1989. In their letter of government agencies entrusted with
reconsideration dated June 28, 1989,23 private the regulation of activities coming
respondents clearly recognize the presence of an
under the special technical knowledge Sec. 68. . . .
and training of such agencies.
xxx xxx xxx
To sustain the claim of private respondents would in
effect bring the instant controversy beyond the pale of The court shall further order the
the principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies confiscation in favor of the
and fall within the ambit of excepted cases heretofore government of the timber or any forest
stated. However, considering the circumstances products cut, gathered, collected,
prevailing in this case, we can not but rule out these removed, or possessed, as well as
assertions of private respondents to be without merit. the machinery, equipments, implemen
First, they argued that there was violation of due ts and tools illegaly [sic] used in the
process because they did not receive the May 23, area where the timber or forest
1989 order of confiscation of petitioner Layugan. This products are found. (Emphasis ours)
contention has no leg to stand on. Due process does
not necessarily mean or require a hearing, but simply A reading, however, of the law persuades us not to go
an opportunity or right to be heard.28 One may be along with private respondents' thinking not only
heard, not solely by verbal presentation but also, and because the aforequoted provision apparently does
perhaps many times more creditably and practicable not mention nor include "conveyances" that can be
than oral argument, through pleadings.29 In the subject of confiscation by the courts, but to a large
administrative proceedings moreover, technical rules extent, due to the fact that private respondents'
of procedure and evidence are not strictly applied; interpretation of the subject provision unduly restricts
administrative process cannot be fully equated with the clear intention of the law and inevitably reduces
due process in its strict judicial sense.30 Indeed, the other provision of Section 68-A, which is quoted
deprivation of due process cannot be successfully herein below:
invoked where a party was given the chance to be
heard on his motion for reconsideration,31 as in the
Sec. 68-A. Administrative Authority of
instant case, when private respondents were
the Department or His Duly Authorized
undisputedly given the opportunity to present their
Representative To Order Confiscation.
side when they filed a letter of reconsideration dated
In all cases of violation of this Code or
June 28, 1989 which was, however, denied in an
other forest laws, rules and
order of July 12, 1989 of Executive Director
regulations, the Department Head or
Baggayan, In Navarro III vs. Damasco,32 we ruled that
his duly authorized representative,
may order the confiscation of any
forest products illegally cut, gathered,
The essence of due process is simply removed, or possessed or abandoned,
an opportunity to be heard, or as and all conveyances used either by
applied to administrative proceedings, land, water or air in the commission of
an opportunity to explain one's side or the offense and to dispose of the
an opportunity to seek a same in accordance with pertinent
reconsideration of the action or ruling laws, regulations and policies on the
complained of. A formal or trial type matter. (Emphasis ours)
hearing is not at all times and in all
instances essential. The requirements
It is, thus, clear from the foregoing provision that the
are satisfied when the parties are
Secretary and his duly authorized representatives are
afforded fair and reasonable
given the authority to confiscate and forfeit any
opportunity to explain their side of the
conveyances utilized in violating the Code or other
controversy at hand. What is frowned
forest laws, rules and regulations. The phrase "to
upon is the absolute lack of notice or
dispose of the same" is broad enough to cover the act
of forfeiting conveyances in favor of the government.
The only limitation is that it should be made "in
Second, private respondents imputed the patent accordance with pertinent laws, regulations or policies
illegality of seizure and forfeiture of the truck because on the matter." In the construction of statutes, it must
the administrative officers of the DENR allegedly have be read in such a way as to give effect to the purpose
no power to perform these acts under the law. They projected in the statute.33 Statutes should be
insisted that only the court is authorized to confiscate construed in the light of the object to be achieved and
and forfeit conveyances used in transporting illegal the evil or mischief to be suppressed, and they should
forest products as can be gleaned from the second be given such construction as will advance the object,
paragraph of Section 68 of P.D. 705, as amended by suppress the mischief, and secure the benefits
E.O. 277. The pertinent provision reads as follows:
intended.34 In this wise, the observation of the Solicitor responsive to present
General is significant, thus: situations and
But precisely because of the need to
make forestry laws "more responsive It is interesting to note that Section 68-
to present situations and realities" and A is a new provision authorizing the
in view of the "urgency to conserve the DENR to confiscate, not only
remaining resources of the country," "conveyances," but forest products as
that the government opted to add well. On the other hand, confiscation
Section 68-A. This amendatory of forest products by the "court" in a
provision is an administrative criminal action has long been provided
remedy totally separate and distinct for in Section 68. If as private
from criminal proceedings. More than respondents insist, the power on
anything else, it is intended to confiscation cannot be exercised
supplant the inadequacies that except only through the court under
characterize enforcement of forestry Section 68, then Section 68-A would
laws through criminal actions. The have no Purpose at all. Simply put,
preamble of EO 277-the law that Section 68-A would not have provided
added Section 68-A to PD 705-is most any solution to the problem perceived
revealing: in EO 277, supra.35

"WHEREAS, there is Private respondents, likewise, contend that the

an urgency to seizure was illegal because the petitioners
conserve the themselves admitted in the Order dated July 12, 1989
remaining forest of Executive Director Baggayan that the truck of
resources of the private respondents was not used in the commission
country for the benefit of the crime. This order, a copy of which was given to
and welfare of the and received by the counsel of private respondents,
present and future reads in part, viz.:
generations of
Filipinos; . . . while it is true that the truck of your
client was not used by her in the
WHEREAS, our forest commission of the crime, we uphold
resources may be your claim that the truck owner is not
effectively conserved liable for the crime and in no case
and protected through could a criminal case be filed against
the vigilant her as provided under Article 309 and
enforcement and 310 of the Revised Penal Code. . .36
implementation of our
forestry laws, rules and We observed that private respondents misread the
regulations; content of the aforestated order and obviously
misinterpreted the intention of petitioners. What is
WHEREAS, the contemplated by the petitioners when they stated that
implementation of our the truck "was not used in the commission of the
forestry laws suffers crime" is that it was not used in the commission of the
from technical crime of theft, hence, in no case can a criminal action
difficulties, due to be filed against the owner thereof for violation of
certain inadequacies in Article 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code.
the penal provisions of Petitioners did not eliminate the possibility that the
the Revised Forestry truck was being used in the commission of another
Code of the crime, that is, the breach of Section 68 of P.D. 705 as
Philippines; and amended by E.O. 277. In the same order of July 12,
1989, petitioners pointed out:
overcome this . . . However, under Section 68 of P.D.
difficulties, there is a 705 as amended and further amended
need to penalize by Executive Order No. 277
certain acts more specifically provides for the
confiscation of the conveyance used authority, or
in the transport of forest products not possess timber or
covered by the required legal other forest products
documents. She may not have been without the legal
involved in the cutting and gathering of documents as required
the product in question but the fact under existing forest
that she accepted the goods for a fee laws and regulations,
or fare the same is therefor liable. . .37 shall be punished with
the penalties imposed
Private respondents, however, contended that there is under Articles 309 and
no crime defined and punishable under Section 68 310 of the Revised
other than qualified theft, so that, when petitioners Penal Code . . .
admitted in the July 12, 1989 order that private (Emphasis ours;
respondents could not be charged for theft as Section 1, E.O. No.
provided for under Articles 309 and 310 of the 277 amending Section
Revised Penal Code, then necessarily private 68, P.D. 705 as
respondents could not have committed an act amended)
constituting a crime under Section 68. We disagree.
For clarity, the provision of Section 68 of P.D. 705 With the introduction of Executive Order No. 277
before its amendment by E.O. 277 and the provision amending Section 68 of P.D. 705, the act of cutting,
of Section 1 of E.O. No. 277 amending the gathering, collecting, removing, or possessing forest
aforementioned Section 68 are reproduced herein, products without authority constitutes a distinct
thus: offense independent now from the crime of theft
under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal
Sec. 68. Cutting, gathering and/or Code, but the penalty to be imposed is that provided
collecting timber or other products for under Article 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal
without license. — Any person who Code. This is clear from the language of Executive
shall cut, gather, collect, or Order No. 277 when it eliminated the phrase "shall be
remove timber or other forest products guilty of qualified theft as defined and punished under
from any forest land, or timber from Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code" and
alienable and disposable public lands, inserted the words "shall be punished with the
or from private lands, without any penalties imposed under Article 309 and 310 of the
authority under a license agreement, Revised Penal Code". When the statute is clear and
lease, license or permit, shall be guilty explicit, there is hardly room for any extended court
of qualified theft as defined and ratiocination or rationalization of the law.38
punished under Articles 309 and 310
of the Revised Penal Code . . . From the foregoing disquisition, it is clear that a suit
(Emphasis ours; Section 68, P.D. 705 for replevin can not be sustained against the
before its amendment by E.O. 277) petitioners for the subject truck taken and retained by
them for administrative forfeiture proceedings in
Sec. 1. Section 68 of Presidential pursuant to Section 68-A of the P.D. 705, as
Decree No. 705, as amended, is amended. Dismissal of the replevin suit for lack of
hereby amended to read as follows: cause of action in view of the private respondents'
failure to exhaust administrative remedies should
Sec. 68. Cutting, have been the proper course of action by the lower
gathering and/or court instead of assuming jurisdiction over the case
collecting timber or and consequently issuing the writ ordering the return
other forest products of the truck. Exhaustion of the remedies in the
without license. — Any administrative forum, being a condition precedent
person who prior to one's recourse to the courts and more
shall cut, gather, collec importantly, being an element of private respondents'
t, remove timber or right of action, is too significant to be waylaid by the
other forest products lower court.
from any forest land, or
timber from alienable It is worth stressing at this point, that a suit for
or disposable public replevin is founded solely on the claim that the
land, or from private defendant wrongfully withholds the property sought to
land, without any be recovered. It lies to recover possession of personal
chattels that are unlawfully detained.39 "To detain" is
defined as to mean "to hold or keep in custody,"40 and WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED; the
it has been held that there is tortious taking whenever Decision of the respondent Court of Appeals dated
there is an unlawful meddling with the property, or an October 16, 1991 and its Resolution dated July 14,
exercise or claim of dominion over it, without any 1992 are hereby SET ASIDE AND REVERSED; the
pretense of authority or right; this, without manual Restraining Order promulgated on September 27,
seizing of the property is sufficient.41 Under the Rules 1993 is hereby made permanent; and the Secretary of
of Court, it is indispensable in replevin proceeding DENR is directed to resolve the controversy with
that the plaintiff must show by his own affidavit that he utmost dispatch.
is entitled to the possession of property, that the
property is wrongfully detained by the defendant, SO ORDERED.
alleging the cause of detention, that the same has not
been taken for tax assessment, or seized under
execution, or attachment, or if so seized, that it is
exempt from such seizure, and the actual value of the
property.42 Private respondents miserably failed to
convince this Court that a wrongful detention of the
subject truck obtains in the instant case. It should be
noted that the truck was seized by the petitioners
because it was transporting forest products without
the required permit of the DENR in manifest
contravention of Section 68 of P.D. 705 as amended
by E.O 277. Section 68-A of P.D. 705, as amended,
unquestionably warrants the confiscation as well as
the disposition by the Secretary of DENR or his duly
authorized representatives of the conveyances used
in violating the provision of forestry laws. Evidently,
the continued possession or detention of the truck by
the petitioners for administrative forfeiture proceeding
is legally permissible, hence, no wrongful detention
exists in the case at bar.

Moreover, the suit for replevin is never intended as a

procedural tool to question the orders of confiscation
and forfeiture issued by the DENR in pursuance to the
authority given under P.D. 705, as amended. Section
8 of the said law is explicit that actions taken by the
Director of the Bureau of Forest Development
concerning the enforcement of the provisions of the
said law are subject to review by the Secretary of
DENR and that courts may not review the decisions of
the Secretary except through a special civil action
for certiorari or prohibition. It reads:

Sec. 8. REVIEW — All actions and

decisions of the Director are subject to
review, motu propio or upon appeal of
any person aggrieved thereby, by the
Department Head whose decision
shall be final and executory after the
lapse of thirty (30) days from the
receipt of the aggrieved party of said
decision, unless appealed to the
President in accordance with
Executive Order No. 19, Series of
1966. The Decision of the Department
Head may not be reviewed by the
courts except through a special civil
action for certiorari or prohibition.
G.R. No. L-16969 April 30, 1966 On May 5, 1959, while this case was still pending in
the lower court, the three-man committee created to
R. MARINO CORPUS, plaintiff-appellant, investigate the 1958 administrative charges against
vs. plaintiff reported to the Monetary Board that if found
MIGUEL CUADERNO, SR., defendant-appellee. no basis to recommend disciplinary action against him
and therefore urged that he be reinstated. But on July
Rosauro L. Alvarez, for plaintiff-appellant. 20, 1959 the Monetary Board resolved that:
G. B. Guevara, R. P. Guevara and E. S. Tipon, for
defendant-appellee. After an exhaustive and mature deliberation of
the report of the aforesaid fact-finding
MAKALINTAL, J.: committee, and representations of both
complainants and respondent, through their
respective counsel; and, further, after a
This is a suit for damage commenced in the Court of
thorough review of the service record of the
First Instance of Manila, where plaintiff asked for half
respondent, particularly the various cases
a million pesos and defendant, on his counterclaim,
presented against him, object of Monetary
for one and a half million. After trial the court
Board Resolution No. 1527 dated August 30,
dismissed the complaint and awarded P1,000.00 to
1955, which all involve fitness, discipline, etc.
defendant. Plaintiff appealed directly to Us in view of
of respondent; and moreover, upon formal
the amount claimed by him.
statement of the Governor that he has lost
confidence in the respondent as Special
During the time pertinent to this case defendant was Assistant to the Governor and in charge of the
Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines. On Export Department (such position being
January 13, 1949 Corpus was appointed Economist in primarily confidential and highly technical in
the Department of Economic Research of said bank. nature), the Monetary Board finds that the
Thereafter he received promotions in position and continuance of the respondent in the service
salary. By 1954 he was Director of the Department of of the Central Bank would be prejudicial to the
Loans and Credit and Rural Banks Administration. On best interest of the Central Bank and,
December 15, 1954 a number of employee of the therefore, in accordance with the provisions of
bank filed an administrative complaint against him. Section 14 of the Bank Charter, considers the
Upon their petition he was suspended from office on respondent, Mr. R. Marino Corpus, resigned
February 8, 1955. After investigation he was found as of the date of his suspension.
guilty on five counts and upon recommendation of the
Governor was penalized with suspension without pay
On March 22, 1960 the lower court rendered the
from February 8, 1955 to August 30, 1955, the date
decision appealed from, absolving Cuaderno from
the Monetary Board of the bank rendered its decision.
liability but ordering Corpus to pay damages, as
aforesaid, the allegation of libel having been duly
On August 31, 1955 Corpus received a letter from proven.
Cuaderno informing him that be had been "reinstated
in the service of the bank" with the designation of
Appellant now avers that the lower court erred in
"Technical Assistant to the Governor." On January 17,
holding (1) that appellee is not liable for damages for
1956 he was appointed Special Assistant to the
illegally causing his suspension and eventual
Governor, in charge of the Export Department.
removal; and (2) that appellant had committed libel
against appellee.
On March 7, 1958 several of his co-employees in the
same department filed an administrative complaint
In connection with the first issue it is pertinent to state
against him, alleging a number of acts of
that the question of legality of appellant's removal by
misfeasance. The Monetary Board, upon
resolution of the Monetary Board of July 20, 1959 has
recommendation of the Governor, suspended him on
been decided by Us in another case (G.R. No. L-
March 18.
23721, March 31, 1965). We found there that he had
been removed not for any of the charges in the
On March 25, 1958 Corpus instituted the present administrative complaint against him in 1958 —
action, alleging that his suspension was unwarranted charges as to which no specific findings were made
and had been brought about by Cuaderno's malicious by the Monetary Board — but by reason of loss of
machinations. The latter's counterclaim, after the confidence by the Governor of the Bank; and held that
denials and special defenses in his answer, alleged loss of confidence alone is not a sufficient and
that the complaint had been filed maliciously and that legitimate cause for removal even if the position
plaintiff had committed libel against him. involved, as in appellant's case, belongs to the
category of policy-determining, primarily confidential We first take up the question of appellant's removal
or highly technical positions referred to in the from office as a result of the administrative complaint
Constitution. In that case, therefore, We ordered filed against him in 1958. The removal was embodied
appellant's reinstatement in the service. in a resolution of the Monetary Board, upon appellee's
recommendation as Governor of the Bank. The
The question here now is whether appellant's removal procedure adopted was in accordance with the
was the result of malicious machinations on the part provision of the bank charter that the Monetary Board
of appellee, as alleged in the complaint. Appellant shall "on the recommendation of the Governor,
starts by saying that Cuaderno harbored a feeling of appoint, fix the remunerations, and remove all officers
professional jealousy against him because he was a and employees of the Central Bank." (Section 14,
much solicited guest speaker on economic matters — R.A. 265.) Under this provision the Board has the
a subject appellee considered his forte; and that on power to adopt or reject the recommendation. The
one occasion, during a hearing in Congress, appellant decisive action belonged to the Board, not to
gave testimony contrary to that which appellee had appellee.
given, thus putting the latter in a bad light.
Resentment according to appellant was followed by In speaking of the action of the Board, this Court said
overt acts, thus: Appellee induced a number of bank in G.R. No. L-23721, supra: "we do not believe that in
employees to file the administrative complaints of opining that the position of Corpus was one
1955 and 1958. The 1955 complaint was dated dependent on confidence, the defendant Monetary
January 20, but as early as January 11 appellee saw Board necessarily acted with vindictiveness or
to it that an investigating committee was created by wantonness, and not in the exercise of honest
the Monetary Board. And before appellant was given judgment."
a chance to explain his side he was suspended, upon
appellee's recommendation, on February 8, 1955. The record does not show that it was appellee who
Appellant was not given a chance to read the charges instigated either or both of the administrative cases
against him except during the trial of the instant case. against appellant. The 1955 complaint was filed by
After the investigation appellant received a letter from ten bank employees, while the one in 1958 was filed
appellee, informing him of his reinstatement, but by eighteen of appellant's subordinates in his
without mentioning the fact that he had been found department — persons who would naturally be
guilty and given the penalty of suspension without expected to feel greater loyalty to appellant, their
pay. Appellee even congratulated him on his immediate superior, than to appellee. None of the
exoneration. To completely convince appellant of this, complainants in the first group were in the second
appellee ordered the preparation of the "back salary" group. No acts are attributed to appellee from which it
check corresponding to appellant's period of may be inferred that he convinced all or a large
suspension, only to have the check cancelled later on. number of them to file the charges.
After the second administrative complaint was filed in
1958 appellee hastily convened an extraordinary Appellant stresses the fact that in the first
meeting of the Monetary Board in order to magnify the administrative case, even before the complainants
false charges against appellant although appellee filed their complaint of January 20, 1955 the Monetary
knew that the meeting was violative of the Central Board had already created an investigating
Bank charter, because the object of the meeting, as committee, based on "papers presented by the
aforesaid, was not stated in the call, and the object Governor." The resolution to that effect was passed
actually stated did not justify an extraordinary meeting January 11, 1955. The evidence shows, however, that
at all. To lull appellant into a false sense of security, the complainants charged appellant as early as
appellee simply notified him, by letters, to prepare December 15, 1954, reiterated their complaint on the
comments on the administrative charges, leading him following December 26, and again on January 3,
to believe that he had all the time to do so, but 1955. The complaint of January 20, 1955 was only a
afterwards appellee suddenly changed his tactics and more formal and detailed narration of the charges.
directed the secretary of the Monetary Board to
demand that appellant answer the charges as soon
In any event, some of the charges were
as possible. And on March 18, 1958 appellee
substantiated. True, appellant was absolved of
informed appellant that he had been suspended
negligence in the performance of official duties and
effective that day. The corresponding letters and
dishonesty, but he was found guilty on five other
notices were delivered to appellant at his house by
counts, namely: (1) physical maltreatment of a co-
the bank's security guards, who were in uniform and
employee; (2) use of insulting language; (3)
fully armed — a manner of delivery that proved
oppressive treatment of subordinates; (4)
humiliating to appellant.
promulgation of unreasonable office regulations; and
(5) defiance to the Monetary Board. Under the
circumstances, malice can hardly be imputed to Concerning the alleged humiliating manner in which
anybody in the formulation of those charges. the communications from the Monetary Board were
served upon appellant, we fail to see how appellee
Appellant says it was only during the trial of the may be held responsible. The bank's security guards
present case that he read a copy of the 1955 who delivered them may have been in uniform and
administrative complaint against him. We are hard put armed at the time, but it does not appear that they did
to believe this. One who is thus charged, and anything to call the public's attention to the import of
suspended by reason thereof, would lose no time the messages they were carrying. If they acted in an
finding out what the charges are. And after the oppressive and high-handed manner, it is they and
administrative investigations had been terminated and not appellee who should be made to answer.
appellant received a letter informing him of his
restoration to office, he would want to know whether Appellant says that after appellee had lulled him into a
he had been exonerated or not. The fact is that he false sense of security in connection with the 1958
requested appellee to intercede for him in convincing case, the latter suddenly pressed him to file his
the members of the Monetary Board to amend the answer without first furnishing him a copy of the
resolution imposing upon him the penalty of complaint. The record fails to substantiate this
suspension without pay — a fact which certainly does grievance. The complaint was filed on March 7, 1958.
not jibe with his alleged ignorance of the charges of Appellant received a letter from Deputy Governor
which he had been found guilty. Castillo asking him to appear at the Central Bank at 9
in the evening of March 10, 1958, to furnish the
Contrary to appellant's claim, it was not appellee who Monetary Board with certain information. According to
was responsible for the cancellation of the check appellant, when he went to the meeting hall as
covering the period of his suspension. In fact appellee directed he found nobody there except the Board
was the one who had the check prepared on Secretary, Attorney Filomeno Sta. Ana. In the
September 6, 1955, just before he left on a trip to afternoon of March 14, 1958 appellant received a
Istanbul; but as appellant himself stated in a letter- letter from Sta. Ana asking him to answer the
complaint he sent to the Presidential Complaints and charges. Appellant apparently did not reply to the
Action Committee the check "was subsequently letter. Then on March 17, 1958 Sta. Ana, upon
cancelled upon orders of Acting Deputy Governor appellee's instructions, again sent appellant a
Castillo on the strength of the Monetary Board memorandum asking him to submit his answer
resolution which was prepared after Governor without delay. Instead of answering the charges, or
Cuaderno's departure on September 6th." This is asking for a copy thereof if he did not have a copy, as
confirmed by appellant's witness, Jose Carmona, who he now claims, appellant had his subordinate,
was Chief Accountant of the Central Bank at the time. Orlando Villanueva, write a letter on March 18, 1958,
telling Sta. Ana that "Mr. Corpus has instructed me to
Neither was appellee responsible for appellant's inform you that his lawyer, Atty. Rosauro Alvarez
preventive suspension in connection with the two (Roseller Lim and Rosauro Alvarez Law Offices) is
administrative cases against him. The pertinent now sick with flu and is asking for time." Considering
resolution of the Monetary Board shows that it that appellant had engaged a lawyer to defend him,
suspended appellant (in 1955) "after being appraised his allegation of ignorance of the charges deserves
(sic) of the findings and observations of the scant credit.
Committee created on January 11, 1955 on the
matter at its present stage." The Board was then All that may be said about appellee's actuations is
acting on complainants' petition dated January 3, that he lost confidence in appellant in view of the
1955, precisely urging appellant's suspension. charges filed against him in 1958; and although they
Likewise it appears that in the 1958 administrative were not substantiated, appellee believed in good
case the complainants filed, on March 12 of that year, faith that such loss of confidence was sufficient
a motion for the immediate suspension or relief from reason to recommend appellant's removal.
office of appellant; and (to quote from the
corresponding resolution) "after a lengthy and mature We come now to the question of libel, which is the
deliberation on the matter and upon the subject of appellee's counterclaim. The statements for
recommendation of the Governor, the Board, by which appellee seeks damages from appellant
unanimous vote, decided to suspend from office appeared in the March 21, 1958 issue of The Manila
effective today, March 18, 1958, Mr. R. Marino Chronicle, as follows:
Corpus." Both acts of suspension were by the
Monetary Board, not by appellee. If appellee CORPUS TALKS OF "INTRIGUER "
recommended suspension, he did so in the
performance of his duty as he saw it and not in
pursuance of an insidious scheme against appellant.
A suspended Central Bank official yesterday PNB then; CB legal counsel Natalio Balboa,
said that a high-ranking CB official, who was who was in the PNB legal department; CB
dismissed for malversation from the Philippine chief accountant Jose Carmona, who was
National Bank before the war, intrigued and also in the PNB accounting department, and
instigated the filing of charges against him. others like Primitivo Lovina, president of the
Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines;
In an interview, R. Marino Corpus, who was PNB President Arsenio Jison, Manuel
suspended the other day as special assistant Marquez, president of the Commercial Bank
to the CB governor and head of the CB export and Trust Company, and Alfonso Calalang,
department asserted that the "intriguer" was President of the Bankers Association of the
"dismissed from the PNB when my father, Philippines.
Judge Rafael Corpus, was president of the
bank. In disclaiming liability, appellant points out that in the
aforequoted news item it does not appear that he was
Corpus was suspended on the basis of an speaking of appellee.
administrative complaint filed by 18 of the 78
employees of the CB export department. In order to maintain a libel suit it is essential that the
victim be identifiable (People vs. Monton, L-16772,
In a previous interview, Corpus preferred not November 30, 1962), although it is not necessary that
to comment on his suspension beyond saying he be named (91 A.L.R. 1161). It is enough if by
that "time will tell who instigated the charges, intrinsic reference the allusion is apparent or if the
and why." publication contains matters of description or
reference to facts and circumstances from which
Yesterday, Corpus called for the ouster of the others reading the article may know the plaintiff was
CB official he was referring to, averring that intended, or if he is pointed out by extraneous
this official was automatically disqualified by circumstances so that persons knowing him could and
the CB charter from holding a position in the did understand that he was the person referred to.
Bank which calls for "high moral integrity."
While no name is mentioned in appellant's defamatory
When this story hits the streets, the CB official statements, the following circumstances mentioned
who will be cussing me and will be pushing therein make the object ascertainable: (1) the person
hard to have me disqualified from the CB will in question was a high ranking Central Bank official;
be the one who instigated the charges against (2) he was formerly an official of the Philippine
me, Corpus added. "He will stop at nothing to National Bank, and at the time had something to do
run me down, because now that he is with sugar centrals; (3) his identity is known by the
exposed, he is automatically disqualified by persons named therein; and (4) he was the one who
the charter of the bank from holding a position instigated the aforementioned charges against
which calls for high moral integrity." appellant.

Recalling how this CB official was dismissed All these circumstances point to appellee. It is
from the PNB before the war, Corpus said the established by the evidence that at least two other
man was discovered "milking" a sugar persons who read the article readily realized that it
referred to appellee. Asked how he immediately
arrived at such a conclusion, Manuel Marquez
explained that "there is a paragraph in the article
The suspended CB official added that
which says that this CB official was dismissed from
President Quezon ordered this official's
the PNB before the war, Corpus said the man was
dismissal because he felt that the moment he
discovered milking a sugar central;" and that "the only
(Mr. Quezon) was convinced a government
official who is at present in the Central Bank and who
official holding a position of trust was unfit to
was with the Philippine National Bank prior to the
remain in public service, out he would go.
establishment of the Central Bank, who, to my
knowledge, was in some way or another connected
ASK THEM with the Sugar Central was Governor Miguel
Cuaderno." Aside from appellee, two Central Bank
Pressed for the identification of the official he officials who were also with the Philippine National
was referring to, Corpus said the following Bank were Natalio Balboa, who was in the legal
would be in a position to reveal who the department thereof, and Jose Carmona, who was in
person was: CB Governor Miguel Cuaderno, the auditing department. Balboa testified that he knew
who was assistant general manager of the
the article was about appellee for the following relating to him. Here, more than one third person
reasons: identified appellee as the object of the libel.

Because, as I said, the first paragraph of the Appellee has not appealed from the decision of the
article it refers to "Intriguer" and I know no lower court and therefore his prayer that the amount
other, Mr. Corpus is referring to "intriguer" to of damages awarded to him be increased must be
Mr. Cuaderno because I know that he was denied..
trying to prevail on Mr. Cuaderno to stop the
administrative investigation against Mr. The judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs
Corpus, when he failed to prevail on Mr. against plaintiff-appellant.
Cuaderno because the other employees are
pressing the complaint and the complaint was
submitted to the Monetary Board, and he
made the conclusion that it was Mr. Cuaderno
as the intriguer, that is the first part of it. The
second part of it is that he was dismissed from
the Philippine National Bank by President
Quezon. President Quezon will not dismiss
any official of the Philippine National Bank
other than the President, Vice-President,
General Manager, and Assistant Manager. He
would not dismiss the other executive officials
or the legal counsel or others, it must be the
Philippine National Bank Board of Directors.
The third of it is that milking a sugar central,
there is no other person connected with the
sugar central but Mr. Cuaderno, with the
Bataan Sugar Central. I was connected as
Secretary of the Ma-ao Sugar Central and
there was no complaint and we only met once
a month, so, all those there and my opinion
was not based on one single item of the
article, it was all those three and the rest of
the article may be.

Appellant pointed particularly to Marquez and Balboa

as among the persons who could identify the Central
Bank official he was speaking of, and both declared
that the article referred to appellee. Furthermore, five
days after he gave the press interview, appellant
instituted the present action wherein he accused
appellee of having instigated the administrative
charges against him — a fact which obviously proves
that he was speaking of appellee when he made the
derogatory statement complained of.

In view of the evidence just considered, We cannot

apply here the rule in Kunkle vs. Cablenews-
American, 42 Phil. 757, relied upon by appellant, that
the publication of a matter of a defamatory nature in a
newspaper, without naming or accurately describing
the person to whom the reprobated acts are
attributed, will not give rise to a civil action for
damages at the instance of a person claiming to be
the injured party, unless it appears that the
description of the person referred to in the defamatory
publication was sufficiently clear that at least one third
person would have understood the description as

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