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2012 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 16-19, 2012


Zhihui Zheng, Hanxizi Zhang, Bo Wang and Zhifeng Gao

Abstract²In this paper we propose a traffic sign recognition

system using an on-board single camera for Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS), including detection, recognition
and tracking. We combine RGB ratios based color segmentation
with automatic white balance preprocessing and
Douglas-Peucker shape detection to establish ROIs. Scale and
rotation invariant BRISK features are applied for recognition,
matching the features of the candidates to those of template
images that exist in database. Tracking-Learning-Detection
(TLD) framework is adopted to track the recognized signs in
real time to provide enough information for driver assistance
function. This paper presents lots of experiments in real driving
conditions and the results demonstrate that our system can
achieve a high detection and recognition rate, and handle large
scale changes, motion blur, perspective distortion and various
illumination conditions as well.
Figure 1. Flow chart of traffic sign detection, recognition and tracking.
In this paper, we propose a real-time traffic sign detection,
Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) is a driver support recognition and tracking system using mono-camera mounted
function which can be used to notify and warn the driver on a moving vehicle as shown in Fig.1. After color
which restrictions may be effective on the current stretch of segmentation and shape detection, the detected candidates are
road. The system can help the driver to maintain a legal speed, passed on to a template matching stage to determine the
obey local traffic instructions, or urban restrictions. The bright content of the sign. We first use a modified TLD framework to
color and simplified pictograms of traffic signs make them tackle the problems mentioned above. Section II provides an
easily comprehensible and perceivable. It appears as a very overview of related work. Section III outlines the color
attractive topic of research and many different approaches segmentation and shape detection algorithm. Section IV
have been proposed in the literatures to address traffic sign introduces the BRISK feature matching method for traffic sign
recognition. recognition, followed by the robust TLD tracking method in
Section V. Discussions and results of the proposed method are
There are five main difficulties inevitably in traffic sign
given in Section VI. Section VII provides a brief outlook on
recognition for real applications. (a) Clutter backgrounds.
future implementations.
There are interferences which are similar to traffic signs in
color or in shape in the urban environment. (b) Variable II. RELATED WORK
illumination conditions due to bad weather. (c) Perspective
distortion. Shape of a traffic sign is mutative according to the Automatic traffic sign recognition may be based on the
shooting angle. (d) Large scale changes. While the vehicle characteristic colors and shapes of the traffic signs rigidly
moves, the size of traffic signs in live images varies a lot. (e) positioned relative to the environment. Existing techniques for
ADAS needs a response in real time. traffic sign recognition utilize at least two steps, one aiming at
detection and the other one at classification.
Regarding the detection problem, the three main solutions
are color-based, shape-based and those combine both color
F. Z. H. Zheng is with the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and and shape. For color-based methods, a pre-segmentation is
Decision of Complex Systems, Ministry of the School of Automation, employed by a thresholding operation on a color
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China (e-mail: representation, such as RGB space[ 1 ] and its linear or
zhengzhihui009@qq.com ). non-linear transformations (HSI[2], HSV[3], CIELab[4], etc.).
S. H. X. Z. Zhang is with the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and
Decision of Complex Systems, Ministry of the School of Automation, Although very fast, these techniques are not able to cope with
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China (e-mail: significant color variation due to changes in illumination. For
zhxz422@163.com ). shape-based methods, most proposed techniques are based on
T. B. Wang is with the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and extraction of edge or corner points, followed by Hough
Decision of Complex Systems, Ministry of the School of Automation, Transform[5] or Fast Radial Symmetry Transform[6] in order
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China (e-mail:
to look for several sign shapes (circular, triangular, octagonal,
F. Z. F. Gao is with the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and etc.). These techniques exhibit limitations when traffic signs
Decision of Complex Systems, Ministry of the School of Automation, appear in cluttered urban environment backgrounds or have
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China (e-mail: gzf@bit.edu.cn ).

978-1-4673-3063-3/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 704

(a) (b)
(a) red channel segmentation (b) blue channel segmentation Figure 5. Douglas±Peucker direction cumulative algorithm
in Fig.2 (b) in Fig.2 (b)

(a) circle (b) octagon

(c) image with black-yellow signs (d) black channel segmentation

Figure 3. Results of color segmentation

others will be further processed in the next shape detection

C. Shape Detection (c) rectangle (d) triangle
Figure 6. Traffic sign detection results
After color segmentation, we take a shape detection step to
exclude interferences with the similar color. In our proposed
If d < 0 $% LV WKH ILQDO output curve where 0 is a threshold.
system, Fast radial symmetry transform is used to detect
,I G ! 0 UHSHDW the first step on curve AC and CB as shown in
circles, and the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to identify triangle,
Fig.5 (b). d1 is the distance between furthest point D and line
rectangle and octagon.
AC and d2 is the distance between furthest point E and line
In[6], fast radial symmetry transform operator is adopt to CB.
visual speed sign recognition. In our paper we use a direction
Traverse all the points on the contour, and we can get the
cumulative matrix l to add appropriate constraints,
approximate polygon of the contour. As this process is based
excluding the effects of interfering with the target. [0°, 360°]
on the number of polygons borders, it has a stable output even
is divided into 8 subintervals. Every pixel in l corresponds
when traffic signs have a perspective distortion. The results
to a couple vector
after shape detection are shown in Fig.6.
l L> 5l á 6l á 7l á 8l á 9l á :l á ;l á <l ? (4)
where 5l represents the votes from the first subinterval [0°, IV. TRAFFIC SIGN RECOGNITION
45°], 6l represents the votes from the second subinterval The proposed recognition scheme includes two steps:
[45°, 90°] and so on. The center of a circle should receive BRISK features extraction and matching. Before recognition,
votes from multiple directions. As shown in Fig.4, the center all the detected ROIs found in the detection step are
point C receives votes from 9 directions, l : ; L normalized to be the same size of 80 h 80 pixels as the
>tásásátásárásás?. If the votes of a pixel are only from one of templates. Although BRISK is a scale invariant feature, the
the suELQWHUYDOV WKH SL[HO¶V ORFDWLRQ LV QRW WKH FHQWHU RI D normalization step makes the matching much more accurate.
A. Feature Extraction
In order to improve the efficiency of computation, we
employ BRISK [19] feature descriptor instead of the popular
SURF. BRISK is considered to be one of the fastest rotation
and scale invariant features currently available, whose
detection and descriptor computation is typically an order of
magnitude faster than SURF, simultaneously exhibits
competitive performance. The two main stages of the BRISK
Figure 4. Sketch map are scale-space keypoints detection and binary bit-string
Douglas±Peucker algorithm: The algorithm recursively descriptors extraction.
divides the line. One example of the recursion is shown in In the keypoints detection step, we use the AGAST
Fig.5. Treat A on the original curve as the first point and B as detector[20] to detect keypoints in octave layers of image
the last point. Firstly, we connect A and B, and find the pyramid as well in layer in-between, which is able to adapt the
farthest point C on the curve to line AB. Denote d as the pattern size at runtime and more applicable for changing
distance between C and AB, as shown in Fig.5 (a).

environments. Points of interest are identified in both the
image and scale dimensions using AGAST score. The exact
location and true scale of each keypoint are obtained in the
continuous domain via quadratic function fitting.
To extract the descriptor, a sampling pattern consisting of
points lying on appropriately scaled concentric circles at the
neighborhood of the keypoint is constructed. The feature (a) original image pair for matching. (b) matching result, red circles are
direction is determined for retrieving rotation-normalized the AGAST keypoints detected,
descriptor. Finally, the binary BRISK descriptor is obtained and green lines are the ones
from assembled pair-wise brightness comparison results. In matched corretly.
Figure 9. BRISK feature matching result
our experiments, instead of the pixel-wise comparison, we
employ 9×9 patch-wise comparison to reject noise. Fig. 7
shows the process of AGAST keypoints detection in scale
space. Fig. 8 is the modified BRISK sampling pattern with N =
81 patches.

Figure 7. Scale-space interest point detection

Figure 10. Tracking-Learning-Detection of traffic signs combining a
short-term tracker, an object detector, and an online model.


The Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) method was
designed for long-term tracking of arbitrary objects in
unconstrained environments. The system consists of a short
term tracker, a detector based on randomized forest, an online
model based on template matching. The object is tracked and
simultaneously learned to build a detector that supports the
tracker once it fails. The detector is built upon the information
from the first frame as well as the information provided by the
In this paper, we extend the original TLD scheme to
multiple targets tracking, and propose a traffic signs tracking
Figure 8. Sampling pattern
system as illustrated in Fig.10. The detection and recognition
stages give the initial targets for the tracking framework and
B. Feature Matching the modified TLD algorithm tracks the signs robustly and
In order to reduce the matching time, we divide all the instantaneously while the vehicle moves. The Lucas-Kanade
template signs into seven groups and store their BRISK tracker is adopted for short term tracking and tracks the signs
features in different databases based on their color and shape from the position in the previous frame. The randomized
information as presented in Table. I. During the detection of forest detector exhaustively scans the ROIs and outputs all
candidate regions, we attach each region a label according to promising candidates. Among the candidates provided by the
its color and shape information. Then each candidate region short term tracker and the detector, the best one decided by the
image is matched by individually comparing each feature online object model is the target sign. Others are used as
from the specify catalog database. The image in template negative samples for training both the randomized forest and
database which gives the maximum number of keypoint the online model. Positive samples drawn randomly around
matches is identified as the target class. A BRISK feature the object position are also used for training both models.
matching output is illustrated in Fig.9.

which demonstrate that our matching algorithm exhibits
VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS competitive scale and rotation invariant performance with
Our experimental data consists of more than two hours of SIFT and SURF, while the detection and descriptor
video sequences, which are acquired from a video camera computation speed is typically an order of magnitude faster
mounted on a moving vehicle. The sequences contain 649 than SURF, which is shown in Table. IV.
Chinese traffic signs mentioned in Table I. in both highways
and urban environments, involving different illumination C. The Experiment of Traffic Signs Tracking
conditions and other effects such as rotation, occlusions, In the experiments of urban environments, when the
different vehicle velocities, etc. The processing computer has detection and recognition of traffic signs are confirmed in
a 2.8GHz CPU and 3GB of memory, and the Visual C++ 2008 three successive frames, the initial location and recognition
integrated with OpenCV 2.3. information are transferred to the tracking module. Fig. 12
shows the tracking results of two individual video sequences
A. The Experiment of Traffic Signs Detection with our method. The top-left corner is the target area with the
We evaluate the performance of our system with and trajectory drawn in red. From Fig. 12 (a)-(c) we can see that
without AWB and the compared detection rates are shown in the speed limit sign has large scale changes, various
Table. III. The test samples include 1396 images in different illumination conditions and motion blur. The forbidden sign in
driving conditions and the total number of traffic signs in these Fig. 12 (d)-(f) has large appearance changes, perspective
images is 1643. distortion, vehicle vibration and also with large scale changes.
Our system deals with those problems well.
System with AWB without AWB
The proposed method has excellent traffic sign detection,
Detection Rate 93.77%(1540/1643) 73.17%(1202/1643) recognition and tracking results in challenging driving
environments with large scale changes, various illumination
conditions, motion blur and perspective distortion, etc. The
B. The Experiment of Traffic Signs Matching main contribution of our approach is the first use of BRISK
feature based template matching and the TLD framework in
We compare our traffic sign matching algorithm with the the area of traffic sign recognition and tracking. Future work is
most common features such as SIFT, SURF,ORB and BRIEF to implement the mentioned algorithm in embedded hardware
(implemented in OpenCV 2.3) in three folds: the scale platforms such as TI DaVinci DSP or FPGA.
invariant performance, the rotation invariant performance and
the computation time. The results are given in Fig.11(a)-(b),
Scale Invariantness Rotation Invariantness
100 100
80 80
our algorithm our algorithm
70 70
Correct matches(%)
Matching rate(%)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Scale Angle in radians

(a) Scale Invariant Performance (b) Rotation Invariant Performance

Figure 11. Using a given source image we generate a synthetic test data and transform images corresponding feature points. The transformation algorithm
depends on the particular test. For the rotation test case, we rotate the source image around its center for 360 degrees. For scaling, we resize the image from
0.25X to 2X size of original.


Keypoints Number 1648 1635 1436
Detection Time(ms) 1194.91 183.673 23.91
Descriptor Extraction Time(ms) 6128.66 205.019 24.43
Total Time(ms) 7323.57 388.692 48.34
Average Time(Each Keypoint)(ms) 4.443 0.237 0.033

(a) frame 28 (b) frame 75 (c) frame 134

(d) frame 35 (e) frame 125 (f) frame 153

Figure 12. Traffic signs tracking results in real traffic scenes with various conditions such as large scale changes, motion blur, illumination changes and
appearance distortion. The yellow circles show the target with tracking confidence score and the red curves are the trajectory of the signs. The frame ID and
tracking frame rate are shown at the bottom left of the picture. The positive and negative examples learned online model are shown on the right and left most
columns respectively.

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