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Lindsey Williams

Mr. Campbell

15 December 2017

Religion II

Saint Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was a woman that was very set in her ways, but had enough time to

worship God. She is very inspiring to me because she shows that everyone has enough time in

their life to show God the respect that he deserves. Mary Magdalene God her name because she

lives in a Gentile town called Magdala. She was said to be very beautiful and proud before

meeting Jesus and repenting. It is often said that Mary Magdalene was "a woman from whom

seven demons had gone out." In other accounts she was said to be a prostitute, but in all

accounts, she was said to be a sinner before repenting. For this reason, she was cast down in

society and regarded as lowly.

The well-known story of Saint Mary Magdalene starts off when she sought Jesus out in

the home of a Pharisee. She washed his feet with her tears and dried then with her hair. Many of

the guests were appalled that Jesus would let such a sinner touch him, but Jesus dismissed these

thoughts and forgave her because he saw the sorrow and repentance in her eyes. When many of

Jesus's most faithful disciples turned their backs on Jesus in his hour of need, Mary Magdalene

did not. She followed Jesus to Golgotha and stated at the foot of the cross during the whole

crucifixion the body of her Lord from the cross and laid it in the tomb. Mary Magdalene went to

the tomb of Jesus early on Easter Sunday morning to anoint the body of Jesus with spices. She

was the first to see Jesus' body missing from the tomb. The repentant Mary Magdalene was the

first person the risen Jesus had appeared to.

Mary Magdalene had many similar qualities with other women, even today's modern

women. One of her major quality traits that women from today's culture share is the self-

awareness. A good woman should know who she is and accept every part of herself as beautiful.

Self-awareness being self-assurance which is huge in our society today. The choices she made in

her life that made her deal with these traits are things that help us to compare ourselves to Saints

and how they are just like us in many ways. The other trait that she demonstrates to us is her

independence throughout her life. Independence of a women means a woman who doesn’t

require anything else to fulfill her sense of self. She is confident in her own life and constitutes a

complete person regardless of whether she is involved in a relationship or not.

In Conclusion, Saint Mary Magdalene was one of the most well-known followers of

Christ. She was one of the first ones to witness Jesus’ resurrection and announce it to the other

followers. Mary Magdalene was the most famous followers of Jesus and always had a place in

her heart for him because of the compassion she showed for him. She was one of the most

tremendous saints of the Bible. She showed relevant examples of mercy and grace and that’s

what I love most about her. I feel she is a great selection for me because to me she demonstrates

that you don’t always have to be perfect to have a loving relationship with God. I know I am not

perfect and my family and I don’t always make it to church on the weekends, but I know that I

have the time to make sure he is still present in my life and that I find the right amount of time

for him.

Works Cited

Online, Catholic. “St. Mary Magdalene - Saints & Angels.” Catholic Online, Catholic Online,
“Who Was Mary Magdalene?”, Smithsonian Institution, 1 June 2006,

“Religions - Christianity: Mary Magdalene.” BBC, BBC, 20 July 2011,

“MARY MAGDALENE - Friend, Disciple, Witness to Jesus.” Women In The Bible,

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