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A Thesis Paper
Submitted to the
Department of Management Studies

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the award of the degree

Department of Management Studies,

Faculty of Business Studies,
Jahangirnagar University

August, 2017

2nd Batch


Nafiza Islam
Assistant Professor

Department of Management Studies,

Faculty of Business Studies
Jahangirnagar University

August, 2017
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh iii

Group Profile


Course Title: Contemporary HRM: Bangladesh and the World

Course Code: HRM- 510

Prepared for:
Nafiza Islam
Department of Management Studies
Jahangirnagar University

Prepared by: The Group „RIPTIDE‟

2nd Batch
Department of Management Studies
Jahangirnagar University

Rawnak Tasnim (Group Leader) ID-1318
Sifat Sultana Shaolin ID- 1310
Nadira Sultana Tasmi ID- 1317
Nazia Islam ID- 1319
Soniya Hoque ID- 1320
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh iv

Letter of Transmittal

August 7, 2017

Nafiza Islam
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies
Jahangirnagar University

Subject: Submission of thesis paper on „the present status of work life balance for
women: a study on private commercial banks’.


We are the group RIPTIDE from 2nd Batch of Department of Management Studies, Faculty
of Business Studies of Jahangirnagar University have conducted this study as a partial
requirement for the course, ‘Contemporary HRM: Bangladesh and the World’ included
in the MBA program.

We have the pleasure in submitting our thesis paper on „the present status of work life
balance for women: a study on private commercial banks’ to you. We have tried to
enclose all the needful areas of discussion and follow your instructions thus the final paper
is next to you.

We hope that the paper will reflect our Learning during the research and you will find it in

Thank you.



Rawnak Tasnim
On behalf of „RIPTIDE‟
Department of Management Studies
Jahangirnagar University
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh v


We the group members of „RIPTIDE‟ declare that we conducted this research on „the

present status of work life balance for women: a study on private commercial banks’

based on primary data. This thesis comprises no substantial that has been given in to

before, in full or portion, for the prize of any other educational diploma or degree, if not

indicated this thesis is our own work.


1. ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

2. ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

3. ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

4. ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

5. ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh vi


First of all we would like to be thankful to Allah. Our humble gratitude is extended to the

female employees of different commercial banks for trusting us with their personal

information and giving us their precious time to meet our queries.

A special thanks is due to our supervisor, our mentor Nafiza Islam who provided us with

appreciation, support and inspiration throughout the process involved in completing this

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh vii

Table of Contents
Group Profile....................................................................................................................................... iii
Letter of Transmittal ........................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................... ix
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................................... x
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Objective of the Study ............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Scope and Limitation ................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.1 Scopes of the Study ............................................................................................................ 5
1.4.2 Limitations of the Study ..................................................................................................... 5
Literature Review ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 What Are We Doing? ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Work-Life Balance .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Identity through work ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Role of gender and family .................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Article Review ........................................................................................................................ 11
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Work Distribution Gantt Chart................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Sources of Data ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Primary Sources ............................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Secondary Sources ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Population Parameter .............................................................................................................. 18
3.4 Sample size ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5 Sampling Design ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 Methods and Instruments Used in Data Collection ................................................................. 19
3.7 Data Processing and Data Analysis......................................................................................... 19
Women in Banking Sector ................................................................................................................ 20
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh viii

Data Presentation and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 24

Summary of Findings ........................................................................................................................ 60
6.1 Findings of the Research ......................................................................................................... 61
6.2 Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................................................. 64
Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 66
7.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 67
7.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 68
7.2.1 To the Human Resource Management Department ......................................................... 68
7.2.2 To the Employees............................................................................................................. 69
7.2.3 To the Government .......................................................................................................... 70
7.2.4 To Future Researchers...................................................................................................... 71
References ......................................................................................................................................... 72
References ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Annexes............................................................................................................................................. 76
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh ix

List of Tables

No. Name Page No.

1. Gantt Chart Of The Research And Thesis Paper 17
2. Respondent Age Pie Chart 18
3. Respondent Working Hour Pie Chart 25
4. Respondent Travel Time Pie Chart 26
5. Respondent Marital Status Pie Chart 27
6. Respondent Partner’s Employment Status Pie Chart 28
7. Respondent Number of Children Pie Chart 29
8. Respondent Child Care Support Pie Chart 30
9. Respondent Time Spent With Child Bar Chart 31
10. Respondent Parent Teacher Meeting Bar Chart 32
11. Respondent Dependents Bar Chart 33
12. Respondents’ Time Spent with Dependents Bar Chart 34
13. Respondents’ Take on Work Life Balance Bar Chart 35
14. Respondents’ Take on Work Related Stress Bar Chart 36
15. Respondents’ Take on Time Spent at Work Bar Chart 37
16. Quality time conflict Bar Chart 38
17. Work Related Depression Bar Chart 39
18. Work Related Stress Management Pie Chart 40
19. Work-Life Balance Policy Pie Chart 41
20. Work-Life Balance Policy Provisions Pie Chart 42
21 Work-Life Balance Supporting Factors Pie Chart 43
22. Work-Life Balance Obstacle Factors Pie Chart 44
23. Work-Family Commitment Supporting Factors Pie Chart 45
24. Work-Family Commitment Obstacles Pie Chart 46
25. Additional Work Provisions Pie Chart 47
26. Work-family Involvement Bar Chart 48
27. Work-family Involvement Suitability Bar Chart 49
28. Health check-up Bar Chart 50
29. Health check-up Bar Chart 51
30. Diet Management Bar Chart 52
31. Preferred Food Bar Chart 53
32. Refreshment/Snacks Bar Chart 54
33. Work-Out Bar Chart 55
34. Time Spent in Work-Out Pie Chart 56
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh x

35. Work-Out Place Pie Chart 57

36. Work-Life Balance Policy Customization Pie Chart 58
37. Work-Life Balance Effectiveness Pie Chart 59
38. Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to HR 68
39. Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to Employees 69
40. Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to the Government 70

List of Figures

Table Page No. Table Page No.

Table 1 25 Table 19 43
Table 2 26 Table 20 44
Table 3 27 Table 21 45
Table 4 28 Table 22 46
Table 5 29 Table 23 47
Table 6 30 Table 24 48
Table 7 31 Table 25 49
Table 8 32 Table 26 50
Table 9 33 Table 27 51
Table 10 34 Table 28 52
Table 11 35 Table 29 53
Table 12 36 Table 30 54
Table 13 37 Table 31 55
Table 14 38 Table 32 56
Table 15 39 Table 33 57
Table 16 40 Table 34 58
Table 17 41 Table 35 59
Table 18 42
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 1

Executive Summary

We the group RIPTIDE of the 2nd batch of Department of Management Studies of Jahangirnagar

University have conducted this research on „the present status of work life balance for women:

a study on private commercial banks’.

Objective of this study was to find out the present scenario of work life balance in banking sector

for the female employees in particular and test some presumed hypothesis.

For this study we have taken 48 female bank employees as sample. Among whom The sample

of the study covers 48 female employees from different private commercial banks all of whom

work in day shifts. The ages of the respondents varied from 25 to 49. Even though there were age

variances majority of the female employees were in their thirties, which means most of them

have young kids and old parents and in-laws dependent on them for care. For conducting this

research we have collected information through structured questionnaire and for analyzing we

used IBM SPSS version 23.

This study shows that most of the banks of Bangladesh do not have proper policy for work life

balance so employees are feeling work and family life conflict and these problems are more

visible among those who have dependents. It also shows that the work life balance is not as

much important to the respondents who are unmarried and do not have anyone dependent on

them. This research recommends developing specific policy of work life balance, creating

awareness about this policy to the employers of the bank because making a balance between

work life and personal life is a critical issue for both male and female employees.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 2

Chapter 1
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 3

1.1 Background of the Study

Balancing the work with life has always been a concern to those who are interested in the

quality of working life and the connection it has to the broader quality of life. Work life balance

related debates are very hot topic in the contemporary debates because with the growing

responsibilities in the corporate world it is becoming harder and harder to ensure employee job

satisfaction. Factors like highly advanced information technology, long term work strategies,

worldwide customer relationship management, time management and ensuring maximum level

of efficiency at the same time can cause great pressure of work. To mitigate this pressure and

ensure highest level of employee dedication it is a must that employees are balancing their

personal life with the work.

Recent researches show that the current approach of the management towards work life

balance in the private commercial banks is mainly pessimistic. Maximum national banks are

absolutely regardless of this topic. Only some multinational banks are showing their concern on

improving the balance of work and personal life to maintain the employee motivation. As the

people here in Bangladesh are not aware of the human rights properly, management is ignoring

its importance more or less. Different socio economic barrier like corruption and extremely high

rate of competiveness in the job market are also causing the delay of work life balance

awareness. However to achieve the organizational goals, keeping the human resource morale up

is a must and to improve human resource morale balancing work and life is extremely crucial.

Management should always consider the nature of the work and employee backgrounds

while creating and updating the organizational policies to ensure one hundred percent dedication

and participation on the employee‟s part. Socioeconomic and political conditions are most of the

time unstable in Bangladesh perspective.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 4

Management should ensure that the organizational policy is a perfect fit balancing all

these challenging factors.

1.2 Objective of the Study

1.2.1 Broad Objective

The main objective of our study is to identify the present condition of work life balance in the

banking industry of Bangladesh for the women working there. In analyzing the situation we tried

to find out whether or not they are enjoying the factors that affect the work life balance of the


1.2.2 Specific Objective

 To learn about the Work Life awareness among the female bankers

 To see if the banks of Bangladesh have work life balance policy or not

 To determine more about their Work-time and Free-time

 To Find out if they have time to fulfill their responsibility towards their family

 To know more about complexities of a working mom

 To know about their involvement in their family conditions

 To find out how they manage family time with working spouses

 To discover whether they get time for self-development or not

 To determine whether the female bankers are able to balance their work and personal life

or not

 To ascertain the effects of work related stress among the employees

 To discover some factors that might help in balancing work-life

 To learn more about employee self-development initiative among the female bankers
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 5

1.3 Hypothesis

Aligned with our research objectives we developed some hypothesis that we aimed to test in our

research. The hypotheses are-

H1: Maximum female employees of bank don‟t get time to sped for self-development or


H2: Maximum female employees do not get enough family time

H3: Maximum banks do not have specific work life balance policy that is customizable

according to employee need

H4: Around half of the Bankers feel the urge to leave their jobs

1.4 Scope and Limitation

1.4.1 Scopes of the Study

 Our study is conducted on the female employees of Bangladesh

 Our study is conducted on the employees of the private commercial bank

 Maximum respondent are from Dhaka area

1.4.2 Limitations of the Study

Earning real life experience and concluding a paper on that takes lot longer than a period of three

months. The time limitation was one of the key constraints in creating this paper. There were

also a few other limitations.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 6

The crucial limitations of this study are-

 Limited time frame

 Limited resources

 Communication problem

 Lack of cooperation from respondents

Within this limited period and resources it was a bit hard to track all the facts and information

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 7

Chapter 2
Literature Review
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 8

2.1 What Are We Doing?

We are the group RIPTIDE from 2nd Batch of Department of Management Studies, Faculty of

Business Studies of Jahangirnagar University have conducted this study as a partial requirement

for the course, „Contemporary HRM: Bangladesh and the World‟ included in the MBA program.

We are conducting our research on „the present status of work life balance for women: a study

on private commercial banks’‟ this study reflects our Learning during the study.

2.2 Work-Life Balance

Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and

ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/

meditation). This is related to the idea of lifestyle choice.

The work–leisure dichotomy was invented in the mid-1801s. Paul Krassner remarked that

anthropologists use a definition of happiness that is to have as little separation as possible

"between your work and your play". The expression "work–life balance" was first used in the

United Kingdom in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual's work and

personal life. In the United States, this phrase was first used in 1986.

2.2.1 Identity through work

By working in an organization, employees identify, to some extent, with the organization, as part

of a collective group. Organizational values, norms and interests become incorporated in the self-

concept as employees increase their identification with the organization. However, employees

also identify with their outside roles, or their "true self". Examples of these might be

parental/caretaker roles, identifications with certain groups, religious affiliations, align with

certain values and morals, mass media etc.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 9

Employee interactions with the organization, through other employees, management, customers,

or others, reinforces (or resists) the employee identification with the organization.

Simultaneously, the employee must manage their "true self" identification.

In other words, identity is "fragmented and constructed" through a number of interactions within

and out of the organization; employees don‟t have just one self.

Most employees identify with not only the organization, but also other facets of their life (family,

children, religion, etc.). Sometimes these identities align and sometimes they do not. When

identities are in conflict, the sense of a healthy work–life balance may be affected. Organization

members must perform identity work so that they align themselves with the area in which they

are performing to avoid conflict and any stress as a result.

2.2.2 Role of gender and family

Work–life conflict is not gender-specific. According to the Center for American Progress, 90

percent of working mothers and 95 percent of working fathers report work–family conflict.

However, because of the social norms surrounding each gender role, and how the organization

views its ideal worker, men and women handle the work–life balance differently. Organizations

play a large part in how their employees deal with work–life balance. Some companies have

taken proactive measures in providing programs and initiatives to help their employees cope with

work–life balance.

The conflict of work and family can be exacerbated by perceived deviation from the "ideal

worker" archetype, leading to those with caretaker roles to be perceived as not as dedicated to the

organization. This has a disproportionate impact on working mothers, who are seen as less

worthy of training than childless women.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 10

Many authors believe that parents being affected by work–life conflict will either reduce the

number of hour one works, where other authors suggest that a parent may run away from family

life or work more hours at a workplace. This implies that each individual views work–life

conflict differently.

Research conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute (KRI) evaluated how male and female

workers perceive work–life balance and found that women are more positive than men in how

they perceive their company‟s efforts to help them balance work and life responsibilities. The

report is based on the analysis of data drawn from a representative sample of 10,000 U.S.

workers who were surveyed through Work Trends, KRI‟s annual survey of worker opinions. The

results indicated a shift in women‟s perceptions about work–life balance. In the past, women

often found it more difficult to maintain balance due to the competing pressures at work and

demands at home.

"The past two decades have witnessed a sharp decline in men‟s provider role, caused in part by

growing female labor participation and in part by the weakening of men‟s absolute power due to

increased rates of unemployment and underemployment" states sociologist Jiping Zuo. She

continues on to state that "Women‟s growing earning power and commitment to the paid

workforce together with the stagnation of men‟s social mobility make some families more

financially dependent on women. As a result, the foundations of the male dominance structure

have been eroded."

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 11

2.3 Article Review

Joel Sirma (2015) piloted a research where he wanted to find out the relationship between

work life balance, and employee (women) performance. Among the total population he took a

sample size of 64 employees. Structured questionnaires based on the research questions were

used to collect data. According to the research, the major factor of the work life balance &

women employee performance is the annual leave in their work schedule. This factor keeps a

highly positive relationship between work & worker. Besides this the flexible working

arrangements, flexible hours, part time, etc. also have the vital effect in the UN women‟s

performance. Like other leaves sick leaves, parental leaves have also the great impact on

employees work life balance & their performance.

Smithson & Stokoe (2005) lead a research on the work life balance on “Negotiating

Genderblind Terms in Organizations”. The research aimed to indicate the gender equality, work-

life balance and flexible working. The researcher here chose to go with two set of data collection

procedure .The first came from individual interview and the second sampling process is 40

participants aged 25-55 took interview. Both sets of data were recorded and the talk was

transcribed word-perfect.

The analysis explores the ways participants construct their occupational contexts as

gendered and how gender „creeps into‟ talk about organizations in complex and subtle ways. By

investigating the ways that participants construct and negotiate ideas about the role of gender in

the workplace, we can begin to understand how organizations become gendered and are

maintained as gendered.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 12

Marie Crozier-Durham, Master of Education, Victoria University (2007) conducted a

research on the work life balance of the school leaders located in the state of Victoria, Australia.

The research aimed to identify the strategies that school leaders use to achieve better balance in

their lives and work. The researcher here chose to go with judgmental sampling by selecting a

purposive sample of eight school principals. As the research focuses on studying personal

experience, emotions and environment she chose qualitative research and interviewed her sample

to get first hand data for her study. The research results show that a varied range of

demographic, political, social, organizational and most of all individual factors play a vital role

in establishing work life balance for school leaders. This study also highlights some strategies

that are very important for school principals‟ work life balance like positive improvement of the

system and the culture toward them as well as establishing positive examples of work life

balance to guide in the future.

Malgorzata Kluczyk, School of Business, National College of Ireland (2013) conducted

this research to assess the impacts of work life and family life conflicts among the private sector

workers in Ireland. This research focused on finding out the impact the personal and

professional life conflict has on the overall wellbeing of the worker where wellbeing denotes the

degree of satisfaction in family life, work life and the psychological distress that the worker


The researcher here conducted a quantitative research applying convenient method of

sampling with the sample size of 114 people working on private sector of Ireland. Researcher

used a questionnaire to collect data. The author here identified the negative impact that poor

work life balance imposes upon the family life, job satisfaction and psychological health.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 13

This study found that the major causes behind poor work life balance are inflexible work

schedule and excessively long working hours. This study also suggested that higher level of

work life balance can be ensured by providing adjustable work schedule, childcare/ eldercare and

other family friendly supports like these. The author recommended some further studies related

to the connections among work-family conflict, work life balance, psychological distress etc.

Dr. Orogbu Lilian Obiageli, Dr. Onyeizugbe Chinedu Uzochukwu & Chukwuemeke

Deborah Ngozi (2015) lead a descriptive research among the commercial banks in Lagos State,

Nigeria with the sample size of 262 bankers. The research found that there is a highly positive

relationship between leave policy and service delivery. Leave policy motivate employee ability

to deliver services efficiently and effectively as well as increase the perfection of their work


Yadab and Dabhad (2013) piloted a comparative study among the working women of

some Govt. colleges and national institutes of Bhopal in education sector and nationalized banks.

This was a descriptive survey study where Primary data was collected through self-structured

questionnaire. The study shows the women‟s perception about the work life balance in

education and banking sector. Many factors affects the satisfaction and balance of Working

Environment, work and life, psychological factors, type of job, job satisfaction, family

background, schedule at home and life stage.

Newaz & Zaman (2012) conduct a research on the work life balance, work conflict,

flexible working schedule in private commercial banks of Bangladesh. The research objective

was to find out the present scenario of the work-life balance policy in private banking sector of

Bangladesh and to divide the employees of the private banks in Bangladesh into different groups

to help banks customizing their work-life balance policy according to the needs of these groups.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 14

The research examined the outcomes of and influence on increasing efficiency demands

among customers and employees, lack of flexible working environment for employees, too much

work load, and lack of highly skilled professionals in organizations. The researcher used both

primary and secondary data and a sample of 220 (149 male and 71 female) which is selected

from different department from 10 banks and divided them into cluster 1, cluster 2, and cluster 3

for the study. The research recommends government to take initiative to make it one of the rules

by introducing work life balance policy and ensure participation of all employees to implement

the policy successfully. The research also recommends to educate the line managers by the top

management to implement the policy and management should train employees on time

management to develop productivity as well as improve the work life balance scenario in the


Gregory and Milner (2009) conducted a research on the work life balance as “A matter of

choice”. The research examined the outcomes of, and influences on, the lack of balance between

work and personal life, as well as the work–family conflict or interference, work–family

accommodation, work–family compensation, work–family segmentation, work–family

enrichment, work–family expansion and, of course, work–family balance. They interviewed their

sample to get first hand data for study.

The research results show that a varied range of causes influence against a backdrop of

globalization and rapid technological change, an ageing population and concerns over labor

market participation rates, particularly those of mothers at a time when fertility rates are falling.

This study also highlights some strategies that are very important for day to day‟s work life

balance like positive improvement of the system and the culture toward them as well as

establishing positive examples of work life balance to guide in the future.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 15

This research also recommends putting highest attention on providing personal and

professional support to the employers so they can contribute more to their profession as well as

the society.

Thulasimani, Duraisamy & Rathinasabapathi (2010) lead a study on work life balance

among the RMG sector managers of Tamil Nadu state. The Research showed the importance of

providing a good work life balance among mid-level management of garment sector as managers

will not be able to motivate workers for better outcome if they are imbalanced or stressful.

Taking 500 managers as sample, they concluded that the reasons of imbalance in work life are

career ambition, mismatch with family desire, increasing responsibility on the personal front

with age, job insecurity. They recommended some strategies like time allocation, controlling

interruption and distraction, seizing the weekend, scheduling the activities, dropping the

prejudices etc. to achieve work life balance.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 16

Chapter 3
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 17

3.1 Work Distribution Gantt Chart

15-05-17 25-05-17 04-06-17 14-06-17 24-06-17

Data Collection
Background research
Introduction and Literature review
Research objectives and limitations
Start date
Organizations' background
Data analysis and findings
Reference and Index

Figure 1- Gantt Chart Of The Research And Thesis Paper

3.2 Sources of Data

3.2.1 Primary Sources

We mainly used primary data which we collected with structured questionnaire from employees

of different banks and their different branches of Bangladesh.

3.2.2 Secondary Sources

We used a range of textbooks, research paper, journals and publications of other authors for

theoretically framing the study outcomes. This study was aimed at defining and determining the

condition of the work-life balance among the female bankers of Bangladesh and we used data

related to this from-

 Previously preserved data, various publications of EBL

 Similar thesis paper of other authors

 Internet etc.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 18

3.3 Population Parameter

In this study the population is the whole of female employees that are currently involved in the

Banking industry of Bangladesh in an executive position.

3.4 Sample size

The sample of the study covers 48 female employees from different private commercial banks all

of whom work in day shifts.

The ages of the respondents varied from 25 to 49. Even though there were age variances majority

of the female employees were in their thirties, which means most of them have young kids and

old parents and in-laws dependent on them for care. Respondent of 43-49 years old respondents

were low in number.

Figure 2- Respondent Age Pie Chart

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 19

3.5 Sampling Design

Here we chose non probability, convenient sampling for the research. Our group members and

other group members contacted the respondents personally and surveyed for data via face to face

interview, over the phone, social network, emails.

3.6 Methods and Instruments Used in Data Collection

Work-Life Balance is complex task; it is tough to figure out all the challenges in balancing their

work and family life within the vastly spread functions that the Female bankers face in such a

short time. Each employee here differs from each other in many aspects including their

experience, interests, job expectations, family environment, non-work requirement and their

perceptions related to the balancing of these two. By preparing this paper, we tried to highlight

the current condition of Work-Life balance among the female bankers of Bangladesh.

In this research we mainly used primary data which we collected using structured questionnaire.

In the questionnaire, for demographic information we provided options to choose from.

3.7 Data Processing and Data Analysis

We used IBM SPSS version 23 for analyzing and processing the data.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 20

Chapter 4
Women in Banking Sector
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 21

Now a day, success of an organization totally depends on human resources division. A

fundamental part of human (Male and Female) life is to spend in the workplace of any

organization. A country‟s overall development depends on the equal contribution of male and

female. With 56 private banks and a host of non-banking financial institutions, Bangladesh‟s

banking sector has been adding 2% to the GDP with an annual growth of 10%. The industry

currently employs 7491 female bankers, around 13% of the total human resources pool. This

disparity is further highlighted in the World Economic Forum‟s report, The Global Gender Gap

Report, where Bangladesh ranks 68th. However, women are making significant progress with

many women acquiring high-ranking positions in banking. ICE Business Times converses with

female bankers about the prospects and challenges of the industry.

Total population of Bangladesh is 14, 97, 72, 364 and the ratio of male and female are

100:103 (Population and Housing Census 2011). Women are about half of the direct and indirect

labor forces and thus half of the development of Bangladesh depends on them. Very recently

women are trying to involve themselves as employees of different financial institutions

especially in banking sector. In any economy of a country, banking sector plays a vital role for

overall development of agriculture, small business and different industries of a country.

Bangladesh is on its way to development. Banks, particularly private commercial banks have

significant contribution in the development process.

There are almost 47 private commercial banks in Bangladesh (Banking Diploma

Examination) and here lots of female employees‟ are working.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 22

According to a Bangladesh Bank (BB) data, around 13.08% of women work at entry

level in the banking industry, but less at mid-level 8.58% and 4.44% work at senior management

level In the banking sector, about 15.57% of women employees are there in the below-thirty age

group. The percentage of female Board Members totaled came to only 9.73% in 2011.

Banking industry of Bangladesh remains man-dominated as the banks are not recruiting

woman employees following Bangladesh Bank's (BB) circular, the observers say. According to

a recent study conducted by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), instead of

increasing overall women's employment and their participation in important decision-making

roles dropped to 12.91 percent in 2016 from 13.73 percent a year earlier.

The report also found a negligible ratio of female executives in senior positions, a meager

8.56 percent in 2016, of which 5.37 percent for departmental heads and 8.62 percent as branch

managers. The study titled Human Resource Management of Banks 2016 was conducted on 25

banks out of 57 and looked into various aspects of human resource management in the banking

industry in Bangladesh.

The study found that banks spent on training only 0.50 percent last year as a percentage

of total operating expenses. In 2016, the average training expense per employee was Tk 3,000

which is similar to previous year. The survey also unveiled that 71 percent banks did not carry

out any psychological test in 2016. It shows that per employee operating income dropped to Tk

1.11 million in 2016 from Tk 1.51 million in 2015. Diversity at the workplace had become a hot

topic all over the world over the last few years. An increasing number of companies and

industries were making a conscious effort to ensure greater participation of women and of other

less representative groups in their workforce.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 23

Seeking anonymity, a BB official told The Asian Age, "Many new banks are not

recruiting women employees following Bangladesh Bank's order. That's why the ratio of women

bankers is not increasing." He further said, "The drop out female staff from entry-level to senior-

level was also significant as banks were usually reluctant to promote women due to male-

dominated attitude." Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Former Managing Director, Pubali Bank Ltd and

supernumerary professor of the BIBM said, "The number of female bankers is increasing, but

they are not in line with the number of their male counterparts."

SK Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank, told the Asian Age, "The

ratio of woman employees in banking sector may dip one year more but the number may

increase next year. He said, "We have already given order to banks for recruiting women as per

Bangladesh Banks circular. But if the ratio of women bankers slashed in broad, we will sit with

the bank authorities to resolve the matter again."

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 24

Chapter 5
Data Presentation and Analysis
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 25

Normal Working Hours in a Days

Table 1
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 7-8 hours 8 16.7 16.7 16.7
8-9 hours 31 64.6 64.6 81.3
9-10 hours 9 18.8 18.8 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 3- Respondent Working Hour Pie Chart

Out of 48 respondents, 31 respondents answered that 8-9 hours is normal working hours is a day

and the other 2 options that is 7-8 hours and 9-10 hours almost same 8 & 9 respondents agreed

with this.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 26

How many hours a day spend on traveling to work

Table 2
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Less than half an hour 8 16.7 16.7 16.7
Nearly one hour 26 54.2 54.2 70.8
Nearly two hours 13 27.1 27.1 97.9
More than two hours 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 4- Respondent Travel Time Pie Chart

Out of 48 respondents,26 respondents answered that nearly one hour is spend on traveling to
work a day ,13 respondents answered that nearly two hours ,8 respondents reply that less than
half an hour and 1 respondents answered that more than two hours spend on traveling to work .
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 27

Are You Married?

Table 3
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 43 89.6 89.6 89.6
No 5 10.4 10.4 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 5- Respondent Marital Status Pie Chart

among them 43 are married and with family of their own and 5 are unmarried or are single.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 28

If your partner is Employed?

Table 4
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Yes 40 83.3 83.3 85.4
No 7 14.6 14.6 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 6- Respondent Partner’s Employment Status Pie Chart

Out of 48 respondents, 40 respondents answered yes and other 7 respondent partner is not

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 29

Do you have children?

Table 5
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 14 29.2 29.8 29.8
2 21 43.8 44.7 74.5
3 1 2.1 2.1 76.6
No 11 22.9 23.4 100.0
Total 47 97.9 100.0
Missing System 1 2.1
Total 48 100.0

Figure 7- Respondent Number of Children Pie Chart

Out the married respondents, 21 respondents answered 2, 14 respondents 1, 1 respondent

answered 3.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 30

Being an employee who is helping to take care of children

Table 6
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 11 22.9 22.9 22.9
Spouse 5 10.4 10.4 33.3
In-Laws 15 31.3 31.3 64.6
Parents 5 10.4 10.4 75.0
Servants 11 22.9 22.9 97.9
Day care Centre 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 8- Respondent Child Care Support Pie Chart

Out of 48 respondents, 15 respondents answered that their in-laws help in taking care of the kids,

11 respondents said they have servants,5 respondents answered parents and another 5 answered

spouse Here 1 respondent answered day care center.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 31

How Many Hours in a day do you spend with your Children?

Table 7
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 10 20.8 20.8 20.8
2-3 hours 10 20.8 20.8 41.7
3-4 hours 10 20.8 20.8 62.5
4-5 hours 13 27.1 27.1 89.6
more than 5 hours 5 10.4 10.4 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 9- Respondent Time Spent With Child Bar Chart

Out of 48, 13 answered 4-5 hours, another 10 answered 2-3 hours and another 10 answered 3-4
hours and 5 respondents answered the spend more than 5 hours spend in a day with their
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 32

Do you regularly meet with children's teacher to know progress?

Table 8
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 11 22.9 22.9 22.9
once in a week 9 18.8 18.8 41.7
once in two weeks 4 8.3 8.3 50.0
once in a month 16 33.3 33.3 83.3
once in a six months 5 10.4 10.4 93.8
once in a year 3 6.3 6.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 10- Respondent Parent Teacher Meeting Bar Chart

Out of 48,16 respondents answered once in a month , 9 answered once in a week ,5 answered
once in a six month,4 answered once in a two week and 3 answered once in a year to meet
children‟s teacher to know progress.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 33

Do you take care of

Table 9
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Old People 18 37.5 37.5 39.6
Dependent Adults 10 20.8 20.8 60.4
Adults with Disabilities 2 4.2 4.2 64.6
children with disabilities 3 6.3 6.3 70.8
None 14 29.2 29.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 11- Respondent Dependents Bar Chart

In 48 respondent, 18 respondent answered they take care of old people which is the highest result
and the lowest result is adults with disabilities where 2 respondent answered. 14 people among
the 48 answered nugatory which means most of them have additional responsibility of taking
care of family members.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 34

How many hours do you spend with them (to take care)?
Table 10
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 13 27.1 27.1 27.1
Less than 2 hours 18 37.5 37.5 64.6
2-3 hours 12 25.0 25.0 89.6
3-4 hours 3 6.3 6.3 95.8
4-5 hours 1 2.1 2.1 97.9
More than 5 hours 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 12- Respondents’ Time Spent with Dependents Bar Chart

In this bar chart we see that „less than 2 hours‟ is high where 18 responded „4-5 hour‟ and „more
than 5 hours‟ both bar is lowest where only 1 respondent answered. Which shows that among
those who take care of people most of them spend less than 3 hours a day on the people
depending on them.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 35

Do you generally feel you are able to balance your work life?
Table 11
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Yes 32 66.7 66.7 70.8
No 14 29.2 29.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 13- Respondents’ Take on Work Life Balance Bar Chart

In this bar chart most people are answered most of them able to balance their work life. Which is
not surprising because those who are feeling too much trouble balancing their work cannot
continue to do their job.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 36

How often do you think or worry about work?

Table 12
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never think about work 3 6.3 6.3 6.3
Rarely 9 18.8 18.8 25.0
Sometimes 32 66.7 66.7 91.7
Often 2 4.2 4.2 95.8
Always 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 14- Respondents’ Take on Work Related Stress Bar Chart

In this bar chart , „sometimes‟ people are worry about their work which respondent are 32 and
lowest result are „often‟ and „always‟ where only 2 respondent. Maximum of the people have to
worry about their work or work related things sometimes or other.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 37

How do you feel about the amount of time spend at work?

Table 13
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Very Unhappy 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Unhappy 9 18.8 18.8 20.8
Indifferent 15 31.3 31.3 52.1
Happy 23 47.9 47.9 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 15- Respondents’ Take on Time Spent at Work Bar Chart

In answer to the question whether the respondents were happy with the amount of time they
spend on work or not, among our 48 respondent most of them were indifferent or happy. Only
one seemed to be extremely unhappy which might be the result of some other issue.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 38

Do you ever miss out any quality time with your family/friends because of
work pressure?
Table 14
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Rarely 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Sometimes 29 60.4 60.4 62.5
Often 16 33.3 33.3 95.8
Always 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 16- Quality time conflict Bar Chart

In this bar chart, the result is „sometimes‟ where most of the respondents worry about work
sometimes while spending quality time with their family/friends because of work pressure.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 39

Do you feel tired or depressed because of work?

Table 15
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Never 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Rarely 5 10.4 10.4 12.5
Sometimes 32 66.7 66.7 79.2
Often 7 14.6 14.6 93.8
Always 3 6.3 6.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 17- Work Related Depression Bar Chart

Bar chart result shows that almost 32 respondent are sometimes feel tired or depressed because
of work and only 1 respondent never feel like that. Which means that work related depression is
not very uncommon among the female bankers.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 40

How do you manage stress arising from your work?

Table 16
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yoga 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Meditation 2 4.2 4.2 8.3
Entertainment 21 43.8 43.8 52.1
Music 17 35.4 35.4 87.5
Others 6 12.5 12.5 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 18- Work Related Stress Management Pie Chart

In this pie chart we see, 43.8% respondent managed their stress by entertainment, 35% by
listening to music or some other activities that help in stress release.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 41

Does your company have a separate policy for work-life balance?

Table 17
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Yes 18 37.5 37.5 37.5
No 25 52.1 52.1 89.6
Not aware 5 10.4 10.4 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 19- Work-Life Balance Policy Pie Chart

Among all respondent 37.5% employee have different policy in their organization for work life
balance and 52.1% have no policy. and the shocking part is10.4% are not even aware about that
they should have some policy for balancing their work life in their organization.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 42

What are the provisions under the policy?

Table 18
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 28 58.3 58.3 58.3
Flexible ending time 2 4.2 4.2 62.5
Flexible house in general 6 12.5 12.5 75.0
Holidays/paid time off 10 20.8 20.8 95.8
Job Sharing 1 2.1 2.1 97.9
Others 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 20- Work-Life Balance Policy Provisions Pie Chart

About 4.2% get flexible ending time , 12.5% get flexible house facilities besides 20.8% get paid
for holidays. Remaining percentage are equally distributed between job sharing and other
provisions of work life balance policy.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 43

Do you personally feel any of the following will help you to balance your work life?
Table 19
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Flexible staring hours 7 14.6 14.6 18.8
Flexible finishing time 8 16.7 16.7 35.4
Flexible hours, in general 12 25.0 25.0 60.4
Holidays/paid time off 7 14.6 14.6 75.0
Job Sharing 5 10.4 10.4 85.4
career Break/Sabbaticals 1 2.1 2.1 87.5
Time-off for family
5 10.4 10.4 97.9
Others 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 21- Work-Life Balance Supporting Factors Pie Chart

Among 48 respondents majority believe that Flexible starting hours, finishing time, flexible
hours and Holidays help to balance work life where 10.4% believes Job sharing, 2.1% believe
career break and rest believe that others will help to balance work life balance.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 44

Do any of the following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?
Table 20
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Long working hours 26 54.2 54.2 54.2
Compulsory overtime 9 18.8 18.8 72.9
Meetings/training after
11 22.9 22.9 95.8
office hours
Others 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 22- Work-Life Balance Obstacle Factors Pie Chart

There are some issues which tend to be the obstacles in the way of maintaining work life
balance. More than half of the respondents said that it‟s long working hours which hinders the
work life balance. And rest said that compulsory overtime and after office meetings are
responsible for this cause.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 45

Do any of the following help you in balancing your work and family commitments?

Table 21
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Working From Home 4 8.3 8.3 12.5
Technologies like cell
11 22.9 22.9 35.4
Being able to bring children to
3 6.3 6.3 41.7
work on occasions
Support from colleagues at
13 27.1 27.1 68.8
Support from family members 15 31.3 31.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 23- Work-Family Commitment Supporting Factors Pie Chart

There are some flexibility which helps employees to balance work and family commitments.
Among 48 respondents 31.3% said that support from family helps a lot while 27.1% said its
support from colleagues at work which helps. 22.3% believe that technology helps to maintain
work and family commitments. Rest of them said it‟s working from home and being able to
bring children to work place helps them.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 46

Do any of the following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?

Table 22 Cumulative
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Technology such as Laptop/cell
phones 7 14.6 14.6 14.6

Frequent traveling away from home 8 16.7 16.7 31.3

Negative attitudes of peers and
12 25.0 25.0 56.3
Colleges at workplace
Negative attitudes of supervisors 10 20.8 20.8 77.1
Negative attitudes of Family
7 14.6 14.6 91.7
Others 4 8.3 8.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 24- Work-Family Commitment Obstacles Pie Chart

There are some other issues which hinder employees to balance work and family commitments.
Majority of the respondents said that it‟s the negative attitude of peers and supervisors which
hinders most in the working life which rate is more than 45%. Technology and negative attitude
of family members are mentioned as other reasons by each 14% of the respondents. While rest
believed that frequent traveling away from home causes problems.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 47

Does your organization provide you with following additional work provisions?

Table 23 Valid Cumulativ

Frequency Percent Percent e Percent
Valid 5 10.4 10.4 10.4
Telephone for personal use 9 18.8 18.8 29.2
Counseling services for employees 8 16.7 16.7 45.8
Health Programs 7 14.6 14.6 60.4
Parenting or family support programs 2 4.2 4.2 64.6
Exercise facilities 1 2.1 2.1 66.7
Relocation facilities and choices 6 12.5 12.5 79.2
Transportation 9 18.8 18.8 97.9
Others 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 25- Additional Work Provisions Pie Chart

Among 48 respondents more than 36% said that they get to use telephone for personal use and
there are transport facilities for them. 16.7% get counseling service, 14.6% get health program,
4.2 get family support program and 2.1% get exercise facilities.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 48

Does your organization encourage the involvement of your family

members in work-achievement reward function?
Table 24
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Yes 8 16.7 16.7 20.8
No 38 79.2 79.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure26- Work-family Involvement Bar Chart

In work achievement reward function 79.2% employees don‟t get the opportunity to involve their
family members in their organization where 16.7% get the opportunity.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 49

Does your organization have social functions at the times suitable for
Table 25
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Yes 11 22.9 22.9 27.1
No 35 72.9 72.9 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 27- Work-family Involvement Suitability Bar Chart

72.9% employees said that their organization have social functions at the time suitable for
families while 22.9% disagreed.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 50

Does your organization provide you with yearly master health checkup?
Table 26
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Yes 11 22.9 22.9 25.0
No 36 75.0 75.0 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 28- Health check-up Bar Chart

Master health checkup is very important for female employees. Among 48 female respondents
75% said that they didn‟t get any master health checkup facilities from their company while
22.9% said yes.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 51

Do you suffer from any stress related diseases?

Table 27
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Hypertension 9 18.8 18.8 20.8
Obesity 6 12.5 12.5 33.3
Diabetes 1 2.1 2.1 35.4
Frequent headaches 16 33.3 33.3 68.8
None 15 31.3 31.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 29- Stress Related Disease Bar Chart

Many female employees suffer from stress related diseases. When they were asked they
mentioned that 18.8% were suffering from Hypertension, 12.5% from obesity, 2.1% from
diabetes, 33.3% from frequent headaches and 31.3% said that they don‟t suffer from any stress
related diseases.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 52

Do you take special initiatives to manage your diet?

Table 28
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Yes 17 35.4 35.4 39.6
No 29 60.4 60.4 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 30- Diet Management Bar Chart

Female are usually very diet conscious. But due to work pressure they can‟t take special
initiatives to manage diet. Among 48 female employees 60.4% said that they didn‟t take any
special diet initiatives while 35% said that they took.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 53

What is your preference for food?

Table 29
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Carrying homemade food 36 75.0 75.0 79.2
Dieting on vegetables and
2 4.2 4.2 83.3
choosing less Calorific
2 4.2 4.2 87.5
Choosing organic food 1 2.1 2.1 89.6
Food from organizations
5 10.4 10.4 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 31- Preferred Food Bar Chart

We see here highest rate of preference for female employees is carrying homemade food to the
office which is 75% of total. 10.4% prefer to have food from cafeteria, while others diet on
vegetables and fruits, choose less calorific food and have organic food.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 54

How often will you have refreshment drinks/snacks in a day?

Table 30
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
None 1 2.1 2.1 6.3
Once 22 45.8 45.8 52.1
Twice 17 35.4 35.4 87.5
Thrice 4 8.3 8.3 95.8
More than three times 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 32- Refreshment/Snacks Bar Chart

The rate of having refreshment drinks/snacks of female employees once in a day is 45.8% , while
35.4% have twice , 8.3% thrice and 4.2% more than three times. Only 2.1% seemed that they
didn‟t have any drinks/snacks in a day.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 55

Do you spend time for working out?

Table 31
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 2 4.2 4.2 4.2
Yes 18 37.5 37.5 41.7
No 28 58.3 58.3 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 33- Work-Out Bar Chart

We can see in this graph that among 48 respondents 37.5% spent time working out. But 58.3%
said they didn‟t at all. The working hours of the employees don‟t leave much of a scope for
working out or physical exercise.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 56

How many hours do you spend for working out?

Table 32
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 30 62.5 62.5 62.5
Less than half an hour 1 2.1 2.1 64.6
Half an hour 11 22.9 22.9 87.5
Half an hour to one hour 5 10.4 10.4 97.9
More than one hour 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 34- Time Spent in Work-Out Bar Chart

The employees who said they spent time working out were also asked about the hours they spent
for working out. Most of them said they spent at least an hour, the rate was 62.5% while 22.9%
said they spent half an hour. Only 2.1% said they spent more than one hour.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 57

Where do you usually prefer to do your workouts?

Table 33
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 30 62.5 62.5 62.5
Residence 9 18.8 18.8 81.3
Walking 8 16.7 16.7 97.9
Others 1 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 35- Work-Out Place Bar Chart

The 48 respondents were asked about their preference of workout place. Among them 18.8% feel
comfortable to work out in their residence and 16.7% workout by walking and rest of 2.1% takes
other measures.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 58

Do you feel work life balance in the organization should be customized to

individual needs?
Table 34
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 3 6.3 6.3 6.3
Strongly Agree 23 47.9 47.9 54.2
Agree 17 35.4 35.4 89.6
Indifferent 3 6.3 6.3 95.8
Disagree 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 36- Work-Life Balance Policy Customization Bar Chart

When they were asked if work life balancing in the organization should be customized to the
individual needs 47.3% strongly agreed with the idea while only 4.2% disagreed. 35.4% only
agreed and 4.2% remain indifferent.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 59

Do you think that if employees have good work-life balance the

organization will be more effective and successful?
Table 35
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 8.3 8.3 8.3
Yes 42 87.5 87.5 95.8
No 2 4.2 4.2 100.0
Total 48 100.0 100.0

Figure 37- Work-Life Balance Effectiveness Bar Chart

And finally female employees were asked if they thought having good work life balance the
organization could make impact on their career & that would be more effective and successful.
In that Issue 87.5% agreed with the idea while only 4.2% didn‟t agree that good work-life can
make any change.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 60

Chapter 6
Summary of Findings
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 61

6.1 Findings of the Research

 Even though the working hour is 8 hours, most of them have to work an hour or so extra

to keep up with their work.

 Most of the respondents spend 1-2 hour travelling to their work place. 1 to 2 hour travel

every day during the rush hour takes a toll on the body and mind. Even if they try to

avoid these by finding a home near the branch, it might not always be a convenience for

the family. Bankers also get transferred after a certain period of time which also create

some inconvenience.

 Almost 90% of the respondents were married and among them 77% kids, and 83% have

spouses who are also employed which means they both have to leave for their jobs at

some point. Dual career crisis is not very uncommon in this type of cases. And

traditionally even if husband and wife both are employed, it is still the responsibility of

the woman to look after the household, the wellbeing of the kids and the elderly.

 Most of the respondents who are mothers rely on their in-laws, servants or their spouses

in taking care of their children. The concept of day care center is not very common

among the respondents and none of the banks provide day care service for the working


 Most of the respondents with kids find out time to meet with the teachers of the kid to

keep up to date with the knowledge about their academic progress.

 Around 79% of the respondents have people dependent on them and more than 62% get

even less than 3 hours a day to take care of them.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 62

 Maximum of our respondents worry about their work in their free time sometime or

other, they miss out on quality time spent with friends and family sometimes or often but

still only 20% are actually unhappy with their time spent at work, others seemed to be

happy or indifferent.

 67% of our respondents said that they sometimes get depressed because of work and 66%

respondents suffer from some kind of stress related disease like frequent headaches or

hypertension but only 22% of the respondents said that their company provide them with

yearly master checkup.

 60% of our respondents do not have a proper diet plan and 58% do not invest any time in

working out or doing any kind of physical exercise. Those who actually do work out

maximum of them spend only half an hour in that. Within this time they walk or do some

small activities.

 Even though the female bankers don‟t have a specific diet plan most of the time, a

majority of 75% like to carry homemade food which they prepare earlier that day or the

previous day to work and only 10% actually use organization‟s cafeteria. Maximum of

the respondents had refreshment drinks or snacks once or twice a day.

 18.8% of the respondents said that they get telephone for personal use and transportation

facilities, 16.7% get counseling services, 14.6% get health support and 12.5% get

relocation facilities and choice only 2 of the respondents get parenting and family support

program from the organization.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 63

 Among the sample organizations only 37.5% actually have a specific policy for work life

balance. According to the respondents the provisions under the policy 20% include

holidays/ paid time off and 12.5% include flexible housing. The policies seemed to lack

some necessary provisions like flexible ending time, job sharing or customizable support.

 According to the respondents these should help them in balancing their work-life in this

respective order flexible working hours, flexible finishing time, flexible starting time,

holidays/paid time off, job sharing, time off for family engagements etc. These are some

employee friendly provisions of work life balance policy. Not necessary that one

employee needs them all because that is not reasonable to the organization, which is why

a customizable option for individual employee is required.

 87% of the respondents agreed to the fact that good work life balance is compulsory for

effective and successful performance of the organization and 83% of the respondents

agreed or strongly agreed to the fact that work-life balance should be customized

according to individual needs.

 Most of the female employees feel that long working hours, meetings/ trainings after and

compulsory overtime is hindering them in balancing work and family commitments

which they feel can be lessened by support from the family and colleagues and use of


 Negative attitude of the colleagues, supervisor and family, frequent travels for work often

hinder family commitment for the employees.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 64

 79% respondents said that their organizations don‟t encourage involvement of family in

any kind of work-achievement award functions. 73% of the respondents said their

organizations don‟t even have any social program that is suitable for family involvement.

 Finally, almost 67% of the employees feel they are able to balance their work and family

life. Which is not shocking because majority of the women that are employed in the

corporate job sector are balancing their work and personal life, otherwise they would

have left the job. Because responsibility towards the family comes before career for the

women of Bangladesh.

6.2 Hypothesis Testing

Aligned with our research objectives we had some hypothesis that we aimed to test in our

research. Now we will check these hypothesis on whether they were correct or not according to

the data we collected in this study.

 H1: Maximum female employees of bank don’t get time to sped for self-development

or recreation

- From this study we have gathered that the female employees working in private

commercial banks have to work 8-9 hours every day along with their family

involvements like taking care of the children and the elderly. Which leaves them little

or no time to spend on self-development.

They don‟t have time to do physical exercise or take some development measures for

their future career growth. Their recreation is limited to some music and watching

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 65

 H2: Maximum female employees do not get enough family time

- Which is also quite true. They don‟t have the luxury to enjoy a little quality time with

the family because of the long working hour, work related stress, after work training

or meeting or inhospitable environment in the work place.

 H3: Maximum banks do not have specific work life balance policy that is

customizable according to employee need

- This hypothesis has also been proved to be true but on the positive side almost thirty

eight percent of the organization does have a work life balance policy which is an

improvement on the condition considering the fact that work life balance is a

relatively new concept.

X H4: Around half of the Bankers feel the urge to leave their jobs

- This hypothesis has been proved to be wrong because most women have responded

that they are quite happy at their workplace and are able to balance their work life.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 66

Chapter 7
Conclusion and Recommendations
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 67

7.1 Conclusions

In terms of Work Life Balance most of the academicians and researchers have conducted their

research on industrial workers, service organization‟s employees and other sectors. Few attempts

have been taken in case of measuring the condition of Work Life Balance of female bank

employees. Nowadays female participation is encouraged in workplace, especially in the

financial institutions like private commercial banks where suitable environment has been

perceived. To sustain the increasing part of employees (female employees) it becomes important

to measure the Work Life Balance of female employees. The equal contribution of male and

female in any financial organization especially banking organization is very important for the

development of overall economy of a developing country like Bangladesh.

Better work-life balance results in a better level of job satisfaction. Soon it might be a growing

concern for the employees for choosing their preferred Career choice. Banking as a career is a

very promising, that‟s why many candidates fight for banking recruitments. Whether the bank is

small or large, public or private, there is an opportunity to make the working condition better for

the employees which can contribute in driving organizational productivity. A better work life

balance policy will increase the stakeholders‟ value and the organizational performance as well.

Banks that understand this important point will be able to create an ideal workplace that

employees want. In case of female employees, this issue is much more important because they

have to be fully invested in their family life as well as their career and work. That‟s why the

organization must ensure that they are doing their best to ensure employee satisfaction. Clearly

there is a need for a policy to address this critical issue. A policy to ensure smarter way for

working and a feasible workload is want every bank have to follow to find the best employees

from the market and nurture them for the greater benefit of the company.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 68

7.2 Recommendations

7.2.1 To the Human Resource Management Department

Human Resource department of any organization is responsible for making sure that the

organization has worker friendly environment. We have made some recommendation in the light

of our research data. They are-

 Specific Work-life balance policy should be developed to ensure maximum level of job
 Work life balance policy should be customizable to individual needs of the employees.
 Work environment should be female friendly empowering to women
 Employees should be given self-development opportunity and counseling.
 Health support and healthy meal plan should be included in the organization
 Organization should include the family in work achievement award functions because it
improves employee morale and sense of pride on their job.

 Work life balance policy

 Customizable individual  Female friendly work
policy environment

 Including Family into work


 Health Support and
 Self-development opportunity
healthy meal plan
and counseling


Figure 38- Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to HR

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 69

7.2.2 To the Employees

Employees are also very much responsible for balancing their work and family life properly.

They can take some measures to achieve this balance like-

 Employees should find time to invest in their personal development

 Try to better manage their family commitment during the weekends.

 Try to work these type of issues with their supervisor to customize the work support they


 Try to explain about their work to the family, so that they can understand about their

work and be more supportive

 Communicate with supervisor

 Communicate work with
about individual needs

 Manage family

 Invest time in personal

commitments during


Figure 39- Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to Employees

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 70

7.2.3 To the Government

The government has the ultimate power to bring about the necessary change or to enforce proper

conduct in the corporate climate of a country. We have made some recommendation to the

government as well. They are-

 Work Life Balance should be included in the legal compliance requirement for every


 Government should promote a more female friendly corporate culture

 Government should impose a policy upon the private and public banks that encourages

posting of husband and wife not too far from each other

 Government should take promotional measures to remove workplace sexism.

 A fixed working timetable should be enforced by the law for public and private

organizations and the government should see to its proper compliance.

 Work life balance policy as

 Fixed timetable
legal requirement

 Promote female friendly

corporate culture

 Policy for spouse posting

 Remove sexism from



Figure 40- Prioritization Matrix of Recommendation to the Government

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 71

7.2.4 To Future Researchers

Our studies did not mostly match with our hypothesis which could be because of our lack of

quality sample, or simply the lack of awareness among the people. Present job market condition

could also be a contributing factor in this case. The authors would like to recommend for further

researches -

 We conducted our study on the sample we found in convenient method, which could be

the reason of misleading results; we recommend further study based on more reliable


 Even though our research scope was whole Bangladesh, our survey was based mainly on

branches within Dhaka. We recommend a more inclusive research with sample from

around the country

 We recommend a research on how work life balance and employee satisfaction correlate

to the performance of the organization.

Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 72

Chapter 8
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 73


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Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 76


Questionnaire on Work Life Balance

1) Age:-
2) Gender: - Female
3) Designation:-
4) Nature of Org: - Bank
5) How many days in a week do you normally work?
a) Less than 5 days b) 5 days c) 6 days d) 7 days
6) How many hours in a day do you normally work?
a) 7-8 hours b) 8-9 hours c) 9-10 hours d) 10-12 hours e) More than 12
7) How many hours a day do you spend traveling to work?
a) Less than half an hour b) Nearly one hour c) Nearly two hours d) More than
two hours
8) Do you work in shifts?
a) General shift/day shift b) Night shift c)Alternative
9) I) Are you married?
a) Yes b)No
II) If yes, is your partner employed?
a) Yes b) No
10) I) Do you have children?
a) Yes, no. of children____________. b)No
II) Being an employed man/woman who is helping you to take care of your children?
a) Spouse b) In-laws c) Parents d) Servants e) Crèche/day care centers
III) How many hours in a day do you spend with your child/children?
a) Less than 2 hours b) 2-3 hours c) 3-4 hours d) 4-5 hours e) More than 5
IV) Do you regularly meet your child/children teachers to know how your child is progressing?
a) Once in a week b) Once in two weeks c) Once in month d) Once in 6
months e) Once in a year.
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 77

11) I) Do you take care of?

a) Older people b) Dependent adults c) Adults with disabilities d) Children with
disabilities e) none
II) If yes, how many hours do you spend with them?
a) Less than 2 hours b) 2-3 hours c) 3-4 hours d) 4-5 hours e) More than 5
12) Do you generally feel you are able to balance your work life?
a) Yes b) No
13) How often do you think or worry about work (when you are not actually at work or traveling
to work)?
a) Never think about work b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often e) Always
14) How do you feel about the amount of time you spend at work?
a) Very unhappy b) Unhappy c) Indifferent d) Happy e) Very happy
15) Do you ever miss out any quality time with your family or your friends because of pressure
of work?
a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often e) Always
16) Do you ever feel tired or depressed because of work?
a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often e) Always
17) How do you manage stress arising from your work?
a) Yoga b) Meditation c) Entertainment d) Dance e) Music
f) Others, specify_________.
18) I) Does your company have a separate policy for work-life balance?
a) Yes b) No c) Not aware
II) If, yes what are the provisions under the policy?
a) Flexible starting time b) Flexible ending time c) Flexible hours in general
d) Holidays/ paid time-off e) Job sharing f) Career break/sabbaticals
g) Others, specify________.
19) Do you personally feel any of the following will help you to balance your work life?
a) Flexible starting hours b) Flexible finishing time c) Flexible hours, in general
d) holidays/paid time offs e) Job sharing f) Career break/sabbaticals
g) time-off for family engagements/events h) Others, specify_________
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 78

20) Do any of the following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?
a) Long working hours b) Compulsory overtime c) Shift work
d) meetings/training after office hours e) Others, specify_________________
21) Do any of the following help you balance your work and family commitments?
a) Working from home b) Technology like cell phones/laptops c) Being able
to bring Children to work on occasions d) Support from colleagues at work
e) Support from family members f) Others, specify___________.
22) Do any of the following hinder you in balancing your work and family commitments?
a) Technology such as laptops/cell phones b) Frequently traveling away from home
c) Negative attitude of peers and colleagues at work place d) Negative attitude of
supervisors e) Negative attitude of family members
c) Others, specify___________
23) Does your organization provide you with following additional work provisions?
a) Telephone for personal use b) Counseling services for employees
c) Health programs d) Parenting or family support programs e) Exercise facilities
f) Relocation facilities and choices g) Transportation
h) Others, specify______________.
24) Does your organization encourage the involvement of your family members in work-
achievement reward functions?
a) Yes, specify the name of such program__________ b) No
25) Does your organization have social functions at times suitable for families?
a) Yes, specify the name of such programs____________ b) No.
26) Does your organization provide you with yearly Master health checkup?
a) Yes b) No
27) Do you suffer from any stress-related disease?
a) hypertension b) obesity c) diabetes d) frequent headaches
e) none f) Others, specify______.
28) I) Do you take special initiatives to manage your diet?
a) Yes b) No
Work Life Balance of the Female Employees of Bangladesh 79

II) What is your preference for food?

a) Carrying homemade food b) Dieting on vegetables and fruits c) Choosing less
calorific food
d) Choosing organic food e) Food from the organizations cafeteria f) Spicy/Junk food
g) Others, specify__________.
III) How often will you have refreshment drinks/snacks in a day?]
a) None b) Once c) Twice d) Thrice e) More than three times
29) I) Do you spend time for working out?
a) Yes b) No
II) If yes, how many hours?
a) less than half an hour b)half an hour c) half an hour to one hour
d) more than 1 hour
III) Where do you usually prefer to do your workouts?
a) In your organizations health centers b) Residence c) Nearby Gym d)Walking
e) Others, specify_____________.
30) Do you feel work life balance policy in the organization should be customized to individual
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Indifferent d) Disagree e)
Strongly disagree

31) Do you think that if employees have good work-life balance the organization will be more
effective and successful?

a) Yes b) No

If so how?

Thank You for your time.
Mobile No:
Name of your Organization:

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