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Narrative text

Name :Indah Fitriliany

Class :1
Number :1510302080

Another night In Istanbul

When you realize you want to spend the rest of life with somebody,you
want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible


A night in the city of light was more beautiful than another night in other city around the
world, the sparkling stars hangs in the corner of the entire galaxy, South Asian wind was blowing
up to my face and asked me “what happend to me” only silence can be found at that time, the sun
has been sleep a few minutes ago. I fond of the history of Turkey and especially of Istanbul was
form Constatinople,the capital city of Byzantium by Ottoman kingdom,it makes me love Turkey .
I am crazy with Istanbul since I met one perfect person ,the semit man,who told me that Istanbul
is not the capital of Turkey,even though its number-one tourist destinations and show me the
amazing side of Istanbul.I love him so much,he is my husband,I mean Abdill.

I smiled in the midnight because I was in front of my hapiness. The hapiness next to me
was Abdill. I looked at Abdill eyes. I smiled to him.He told me that he dear to me. Every time he
said he loved me, I smiled. I asked him, what love meant to him. I really wanted to know how he
felt about our love and how he would describe it.I felt anxious with him,what should i do to know
what the definition of love based on his opinion,does he love me?

The day is same as usual day,he went to his office at 7.00 in the morning.He kiss on
me,said that he love me more than anything and then left me alone. As usual I cleaned up my
home and keep my garden beside my home.I wash dishes in the kithcen,I wash the clothes and
then I wait for him in the living room.The next day is not different with the day before.But in the
day,i thought that “does my husband love me or not?does he have other wife there?did I make
mistake and other question something like that”.
.I feel tired to do my activity in our home.In the middle of the day.This question has been
disturb me for about a week.Until I find my husband sit on the living room in the midnight.He
asked me to accompany him with his work.He told me that he will fly to Egypt to complete his

“ I will work in Egypt for about a week”he said to me

I am on silence

“do you listen to me?”

Silence for a while,he repeated his sentence that he will work in Egypt.

And then I asked to him

“Do you love me?”

He left me on the sofa in living tears run down on my cheeks, i cried in gasps.In
the morning I become angry with him.I don not what he want,I have been clean up our home
everyday to make him happy on our home.I have been cooking the delicious meals for him,and I
do anything which makes him happy and then right now he hurt me.What should I do?In the next
day,he went to the aiport alone. I felt calm a long of the day ,I do my activities as usual until one
night in Istanbul make my tears out because the plane to Egypt had accident and until right now
have not found but right now I found a letter near my engagement’s ring.

To :Jasminne

“Love reminds me of the verse from the Qur’an:

“And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in
tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts). Verily in that are signs for
those who reflect.” [AR Room 30:21]

My love, the deep meaning of love is not found in the depths of forests, neither in the depths of the
oceans and seas. Rather it is deeply enveloped inside our hearts. To love is to sacrifice your own self for
the comfort of your beloved. Love means everything to me. True love is embedded inside our hearts. Its
sweetness can be experienced when we love someone for the sake of Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala. We seek
happiness through His pleasure. What is a love, which is not done for the sake of Allah which dies when
one dies? However the true love for the sake of Allah is honored on the Day of Judgment. It is when the
loved ones remain in Jannah together forever.

Your Love, is love based on you)


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