How To Scan Directly Into Word 2010 and Excel 2010: Alt I P S

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How to scan directly into Word 2010 and Excel

Yes, you can scan directly into Word 2010 from your scanner — all you have to do is start Word, have an open document, and
then press the Alt key followed by the letter i, then the letter p, and finally the letter s — so the sequence is Alt i p s and up
pops your scan dialog (that is if you have a scanner already installed in your PC).

Microsoft officially wants you to think that in Office 2010, if you want to insert something you scanned, you can do so only directly
through OneNote 2010, or using the software that came with your scanner. In the earlier versions of Word, you could scan directly
into a Word document from your scanner. This capability has been removed as of Office 2010 and there is no ribbon button for
scanning nor command you can add to your Quick Access Toolbar.

However, Microsoft left some functionality in both Word 2010 and Excel 2010 that make it easy to scan directly into these
programs and you don’t have to do any special programming to use it.

Again, and in more detail, to scan directly into Word 2010 all you have to do is start Word, have an open document, and then
press the Alt key followed by the letter i, then the letter p, and finally the letter s. So the sequence is Alt i p s and up pops your
scan dialog.

A dialog box will pop up at the top of Word as soon as you press Alt and i that lets you know that you are typing a menu key
sequence from an earlier version of Office. 5/4/2013

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