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Coagulation and Reversal of Charge of Lyophobic Colloids by

Hydrolyzed Metal Ions
IV. Chromium(Ill) Nitrate and Perchlorate1' z

Department of Chemistry and Institute of Colloid and Surface Science, Clarkson College of Technology,
Potsdam, New York 13676
Received January 7, 1967

The coagulation and the reversal of charge of silver bromide sols by freshly pre-
pared and aged solutions of chromium(III) nitrate and ehromium(III) perchlorate
has been investigated. The aging was accomplished either by storing the chromium
salt solutions at room temperature or by heating these at 90°C. for various periods of
time. The "log. concentration chromium salt vs. pit" domains of coagulation and of
stabilization due to the reversal of charge have been determined. The results are dis-
cussed in light of the existing information on the hydrolysis and polymerization of
chromium(III) ion.

INTRODUCTION various hydrolyzed complexes of chromium

I t has been shown in the previous com- ion are formed when chromium salt solutions
munications of this series that the coagula- are (a) prepared b y dissolution of salts in
tion and reversal of charge phenomena of water, (b) reacted with base, (c) aged at
lyophobic hydrosols b y polyvalent metal room temperature, and (d) heated for various
ions are greatly influenced b y the hydrolysis periods of time in absence and presence of
products of these ions. Since various metal base. Complexes involving anions other t h a n
ions are subject to different eomplexing in O H - will not be included in the discussion
aqueous solutions and the hydrolysis species t h a t follows. I t has been established t h a t
are usually not known with certainty, it i s - - nitrate and perehlorate ions show no ten-
as a rule--impossible to predict the coagula- dency to form " p e n e t r a t e d " chromium
tion and reversal of charge effects caused b y species (2-4). Only c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) - n i t r a t e
the salts of these ions. Instead, systematic and -perchlorate have been used in this
investigations must be carried out in order work.
to determine the interaction of these ions Despite intensive efforts by m a n y investi-
with lyophobie colloids as a function of salt gators little definitive evidence is available
concentration, pit, age, etc. on the nature and the composition of hy-
The hydrolysis of c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) ion has drolyzed chromium species. Indeed, there is
been a subject of m a n y investigations owing a great deal of conflicting information with
primarily to the interests of leather chemists regard to the hydrolysis process of chro-
in the tanning properties of chromium salt m i u m ( I I I ) ion. E v e n the intensive change in
solutions. color from purple to green in the course of
There is ample experimental evidence t h a t the hydrolysis process does not seem to be of
1 Supported by the U. S. Army Research Office much use in the evaluation of the hydrolyzed
(Durham), Grant No. DA-ARO (D)-31-124-G656. species. I f one disregards a great m a n y specu-
Part III, see reference 1. lative conclusions which are common in

aqueous chemistry of chromium ion (5-7) many studies (2, 5, 10, 20-25). Sufficient
the following facts seem to be reasonably well evidence is available to indicate that reflux-
established .3 ing of chromium salt solutions in absence of
Chromium(III) salts hydrolyze immedi- base yields only dimers (2, 14, 16, 17, 24-26)
ately upon dissolution in water to form Cr2(OH)~ + or Cr2OH 5+ and trimers (2, 25)
CrOH ++ species (8-10). The values for the Cra(OH)~ + or Cra(OH)~ +. No hydrolysis con-
hydrolysis constant at 25°C. have been given stants are given for any of these species.
as K1 = 1.1 X 10-4 (11), 1.58 X 10-4 (12), Reports as to the time of heating required to
and 9.8 × 10-5 (8, 9). reach "equilibrium" vary considerably (2,
The hydrolysis is promoted considerably 10, 19, 20, 24, 25). It appears that after
by the addition of base. No precipitate is several days of refluxing the aging process
formed if the addition of strong base is less becomes so slow that a quasi-equilibrium
than one mole per mole of chromium salt may be assumed. There are also conflicting
(33.3 % basic). When more base is added reports as to the fraction of the chromium
chromium hydroxide will precipitate but salt that is hydrolyzed upon refluxing.
will eventually redissolve (13, 14). Clear Whereas in some eases complete hydrolysis is
chromium salt solutions were obtained even assumed (2, 10), in others less than 30%
with base content of over 2 moles per mole (20, 24) is believed to be in hydrolyzed form
of chromium (5, 14, 15). in solutions of approximately the same con-
There is some disagreement in the litera- centrations of chromic salts.
ture as to the nature of the hydrolyzed Solutions to which base is added before
species in ehromium(III) salt solution which heating appear to be still further hydrolyzed.
are <33.3% basic. According to Bjerrum Most of the authors assume the formation of
(9) the species are the same as in pure aque- more highly polymerized olated or even
ous solutions (CrOH ++) but in larger quanti- oxolated chromium polymers. No attempt
ties. Also a small amount of Cr(OH)2 + was was made to identify these species, which
detected. The latter, for example, never ex- apparently are polydisperse and therefore
ceeds 5.5 % in a 0.01 molar solution of CrCls. difficult to formulate.
Others have suggested olated polymerized It seems that no study of coagulation and
species, most frequently in dimeric form reversal of charge properties of chromic solu-
[Cr2(OIt)~ +, Cr204+] (10, 14-17). However, tions has been made so far. It was observed
the olation may be due to the aging of the that chromium salts interfere with coagula-
solutions because the measurements were tion of silver chloride in analytical chemistry,
done following various times of "equilibra- giving peptized, nonfilterable sols (zi). It was
tion." It has been known that chromium salt also found that complex chromium ions tend
solutions change on standing, and apparently to adsorb on various adsorbents (27).
Stiasny was first to suggest that olation In this paper a systematic study of
processes were responsible for these changes coagulation and reversal of charge phenom-
(5, 10). There is a great deal of conflicting ena of silver bromide sols by aqueous chro-
evidence as to the period of time necessary mium(III)-nitrate and -perehlorate solutions
for a solution to "equilibrate" by aging at is reported. The effects of pH, the age, and
room temperature (4, 10, 18, 19). It is most the mode of preparation of the solutions are
likely that aging is a slow and continuous investigated and the results interpreted in
process, resulting finally in precipitation of light of the hydrolysis processes. Complete
chromium hydroxide. No conclusive in- "cone. chromic salt-pH" domains are given
formation is available on the composition of for fresh and aged solutions of Cr(III)-salts.
the intermediate complex hydrolyzed spe- EXPERIMENTAL
Forced aging by heating the solutions of Materials. Chromium(III) nitrate (Fisher
ehromium(III) salts has been the subject of Certified Reagent) and chromium(III) per-
chlorate (K & K Rare and Fine Chemicals)
Water of hydration will be disregarded in the were used without further purification. All
discussion to follow. other chemicals were of the highest purity

grade. Only doubly distilled water from an centration to which nitric acid or sodium
all-Pyrex still was used for the preparation of hydroxide were added as necessary to adjust
solutions. The concentration of chromium to a desired constant pit. In part of the
salts stock solutions was determined by experiments the concentration of chromium
gravimetric analysis. salt was kept constant and the concentration
Silver bromide sols in statu nascendi were of acid or base was varied to systematically
prepared by mixing solutions of silver nitrate change pit. The final volume of all systems
and potassium bromide to give a sol con- after mixing was 10 ml., and all concentra-
taining 1 X 10-~ moles/liter AgBr and an tions are expressed in terms of this volume.
excess of 4 X 10-4 moles/liter KBr. Turbidity changes were measured with an
Aged silver bromide sols were prepared as Aminco light-scattering photometer using
described earlier (28). the 546 m~ mercury line. The data are re-
Preparation of Solutions. One-tenth molar ported as "scattering intensities" and are for
stock solutions of ehromium(III) nitrate or 10 min. reading. These "scattering inten-
ehromium(III) perehlorate were prepared by sities" are equal to turbidities when particles
weighing out the appropriate amounts of are small and the sols dilute.
solids and then analyzed for the concentra- Electrophoresis. Mobilities of the colloidal
tion of ehromium. All dilutions were particles were determined using the _-VIattson
obtained from these stock solutions using type cell as described earlier (28). These
doubly distilled water. For experiments car- measurements were carried out with aged
ried out at 3°C., the stock solutions were silver bromide sols and with sols in statu
prepared and kept at this temperature at all nascendi in presence of different eoncentra-
times. tions of fresh and aged solutions of chromium
No change in behavior of solutions aged nitrate and at different pH. Mobility
up to 10 days could be observed and there- measurements were made at room tempera-
fore these solutions are referred to as fresh in ture 10 rain. after mixing of solutions.
the subsequent discussions. Measurements of pH. A Beckman Model
For the study of aging effects, solutions of GS ptI meter with glass electrodes was used
various concentrations were kept at room and calibrated regularly with appropriate
temperature for periods of time up to one buffer solutions before and after each set of
year. These solutions will be called "time measurements.
Forced aging at elevated temperatures was
Figure 1 gives a number of coagulation
accomplished b y keeping 2 X 10-4 M solu-
curves for a negative silver bromide sol in
tions of chromium(III) salts in glass-stop-
pered Pyrex flasks at 90°C. for various
statu nascendi obtained with the same solu-
tion of chromium(III) nitrate aged at room
periods of time. Afterwards the solutions
temperature for various periods of time. The
were cooled quickly to room temperature and
critical coagulation concentration (c.c.e.),
all experiments carried out at 25°C.
determined by the extrapolation of the steep
Methods. Coagulation. The procedure for
part of the coagulation curve to zero turbid-
the determination of the eritieal coagulation
ity, remains the same for solutions aged for
concentration (e.e.e.) and the critical stabili-
up to 10 days. An identical c.c.c, is also
zation concentration (e.s.e.) has previously
found with solutions prepared and stored at
been described in detail (29, 30). The sys-
3°C. Since at this low temperature the aging
tems were prepared by mixing the contents
of a pair of test tubes from two series. One process is extremely slow, one can assume
that no significant changes have taken place
series of test tubes contained equal volumes
in chromium salt solutions kept for less than
of silver nitrate at constant concentration 10 days at room temperature. Older solutions
and chromium(III) nitrate (or perchlorate) show a significant shift towards a lower e.c.c.
in gradually varying concentrations. The The slow rate of chromium(III) ion hy-
other series eontained equal volumes of the drolysis at room temperature was observed
potgssium bromide solution at constant con- before (14, 16, 19), and our coagulation data

p.o~.NO.._0 i
o.~ o-~o-., r~ \~~-.. /
~ / ~ ~ /! \~ /

~Z 0"16
pH at C.C.C. \ I I . : ; i

t ; 41; \1~ i : ~ "1 ..o.

<°'°e --- 4:5--~,/I . I : : .'"
m . . . . 5.o ~/I; I ~~ / /"
. .

.... ~ i\1, I ~ • • .': "

:-..: i ! I ,, t.. i
-3.5 -4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5
F r o . 1. C o a g u l a t i o n c u r v e s of a silver b r o m i d e sol i n statu n a s c e n d i in t h e p r e s e n c e of v a r i o u s a m o u n t s
of c h r o m i u m n i t r a t e , 10 m i n u t e s a f t e r m i x i n g t h e r e a c t i n g c o m p o n e n t s . T h e age of t h e c h r o m i u m n i t r a t e
solution: -- f r e s h ; . . . . 8 d a y s old; . . . . . 2 m o n t h s old; . . . . . . 4 m o n t h s old; . . . . . . o v e r 6 m o n t h s old;
. . . . . . I y e a r old. S q u a r e s 3°C., circles 25°C. ; p t I at c.c.c, as i n d i c a t e d on t h e d i a g r a m . A g B r : 1 X 10-4 M,
p B r - : 3.4.

are in agreement with these findings. Co- Squares give the c.s.c, boundary and the
agulation results also indicate that the aging points were determined using a p H gradient.
process continues for periods of over one The boundary of the coagulation range of
year. The solutions aged for one year gave a chromium(III) nitrate solutions aged at
coagulation curve distinctly different from room temperature for 6 months is delineated
the rest of the curves. I t is impossible to say by triangles. For a given ptI the e.c.c, of
if this is entirely due to the hydrolysis of aged solutions is ahvays lower than that of
chromium ion or whether some other proc- fresh solutions.
esses have taken place (dissolution of glass, The coagulation concentration of fresh
etc.). solutions at low p H values ( < 3) is N 2.6 X
I t is also to be expected that the change in 10-5 M, which is characteristic for trivalent
p H will influence the e.e.e. Experiments were counterions (32). No reversal of charge is
carried out at various p H values using chro- observed even at the highest additions of
mium salt solutions of different ages. A sum- salt. This confirms the existence of CP + ion
mary of the results is given in Fig. 2, which as the predominant species. As the p H in-
shows the "log ehromium(III)-salt-pH" do- creases ( > 3 ) the e.e.e, also increases indi-
main for fresh and time-aged chromium salt cating the presence of lower charged species.
solutions. Circles give the e.c.e, data as ob- As was mentioned before CrOH ++ (and
tained with fresh ehromium(III) nitrate so- negligibly small amounts of Cr(OH)2 +) seem
lution and are reproduced from our to be the only hydrolysis products under the
preliminary report (31). Added are results experimental conditions employed. Using the
obtained at 3°C. with ehromium(III) nitrate mean value for the reported first hydrolysis
(blackened circles) and at 25°C. with fresh constant (8, 9, 11, 12), we can calculate that
solutions of chromium(III) perehlorate (di- at the c.e.e, at a pH of 3 about 9 % and at a
amonds). All these systems were obtained plI of 5 about 90 % of total chromium should
using a concentration gradient of chromium exist in hydrolyzed form. If this were the
salts and the results are quite similar. case the e.c.e, would have to be somewhat

r ---- agulation properties which can be explained

AgBr~l.[O-4M I~
pBr, 5.4 N ~" assuming the formation of olated species as
-2% r3'~-- has been suggested before (10). Previous
...a evidence indicated that the main hydrolysis
o* product is a dimer, Cr2(OH)~ +. Coagulation
A results indicate that in addition to the dimer,
~, ~~[] species of higher charges must be present.
At the lowest p H the e.c.c, corresponds to
....% A/,, counterion of 4 + charge, but this appears to
O D\
z be coincidental. Firstly, this would imply
5 that all of the chromium has been
o -4,C hydrolyzed, which is known to be false.
n~°°zC5 u//
Secondly, if solutions were completely hy-
drolyzed to Cr~(OH)~+, reversal of charge
EXTENDED COAGULATION REGION / I would take place at concentrations slightly
0 higher than the c.e.e., which does not occur.
Finally, a plateau in the c.c.c.-pH curve
would be apparent if only one species were
present. Olated species of charges higher
than + 4 in time-aged solutions were sug-
-6.0 gested by others, but neither previous work
2.0 :5.0 4.0 pH. 5.0 6.0 nor coagulation data can be used for their
FIG. 2. The log Cr(NO3)3 or Cr(C104)3-ptt identification.
domain for a silver bromide sol in statu nascendi The increase in c.c.c, with increasing p H
using fresh and time-aged solutions of chromium can be explained if it is assumed that olated
salts. Symbols: diamonds, fresh solution of Cr species in aged solutions become oxolated
(C104)3 at 25°C.; blackened circles, fresh solution upon addition of base, which leads to lower
of Cr(NO3)3 at 3°C.; open circles, fresh solution charged species. Thus, the entire process
of Cr(NO~)3 at 25°C. (points obtained using a during time aging and subsequent alkaliniza-
gradient of Cr(NO3)3); squares, fresh solution of tion can be presented in a simplified manner
Cr(NO3)~ at 25°C. (points obtained using a gra-
as follows:
dient of pH); triangles, solution of Cr(NO3)8
aged for six months or more. Measurements taken dissolution
10 minutes after mixing of the reacting compo- in w a t e r

nents. 2Cr+++ ~ ' 2CrOH++

aging NaOH
higher at pH > 4. Coagulation results would ' Cr2(OH) ~+, * Cr20~ +
indicate that about 70% of chromium is
hydrolyzed to Cr(OH) 2+. Obviously additional equilibria should be
When a sufficient amount of C r ( O H / + is written to account for the existence of other
present in solution, the adsorption of these hydrolyzed species.
ions causes charge reversal as given by The effect of forced aging by heating of
squares in Fig. 2. To confirm this, electro- chromium(III) nitrate solutions at 90°C. for
phoretic mobilities of an aged AgBr sol were various periods of time is presented in Fig. 4.
measured in presence of three different con- After only ~-~1 hour of aging at 90°C. the
centrations of fresh chromium(III) nitrate solutions show approximately the same in-
solutions. The results are given in Fig. 3 as a crease in coagulation ability as solutions
function of pH. As expected, with increasing aged for over 6 months at room temperature.
ptI the originally negatively charged sols Solutions heated for longer periods of time
become strongly positive. The zero point of coagulate at still lower c.c.e. In addition,
charge is higher the lower the concentration these solutions very strongly reverse the
of added chromium salt. charge of the silver bromide sol particles as is
Time-aged solutions show enhanced co- manifested in the sharp turbidity drop at
52 K R A T O H V I L AND M A T I J E V I C

Cr(NO~)~,: /
_ 2.0.10-4M

o~ / / / / / / / ~
~.-2- I
8.0. IO-SM
~-. 0 ~//////i/1~///////////////~
:~° 2- [0
5.0.1 -sin'"
"/////////////////"//////~ I

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

FIO. 3. Mobilities of an aged silver bromide sol (AgBr 1.10 -4 M; p B r - : 3.4) in presence of three differ-
ent concentrations of fresh solutions of chromium (III) n i t r a t e as a function of pH. H a t c h i n g represents
the coagulation range.

AgBr: I.IO-4M
/ ~ _ _ o __ o - - o --, pBr: 3.4
I ::l
O'. I.

t - 0.16
Z 5.7 - - 1-
-' 6.0
i B../L":.'i i
0.08 io. i \; i 5t

I<: i'i !
-4.0 -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0
LOG. M O L A R CONC. OF Cr(N03) 3.

FIO. 4. Coagulation curves of a silver bromide sol in statu nascendi in presence of chromium n i t r a t e
solutions aged by heating for various periods of time at 90°C. Points are obtained 10 minutes after mix-
ing the reacting components at 25°C. Time of aging of solutions: - - fresh solution; --- 50 rain.; . . . .
20 hr. ; . . . . . . 48 hr. ; . . . . 4 days. pH at C.C.C. as indicated on the diagram.

concentrations somewhat higher than the changes were observed if solutions were aged
c.c.c. B y extrapolation to zero turbidity of at 90°C. for more than 4 days.
the limit " B " one obtains the critical stabili- The change in p H exerts a considerable
zation concentration (c.s.c.). No significant effect upon the c.c.c, of the heated solutions.

0.24 /.~ ,--o AgBr : I • I0- 4M

1 pBr: 5.4


- 14.9-6.2/ / )~ i4..s IS.2 \2.2

g ~ c., ;17: . '. i1 \
Io ! \
m 5.2 6.8.."" /
=c.c. 6.6<~"
..." :/.Io I ~ ": i. i I I

o o .... ~.4r
..y.Y/:Jt 6.---k)-----:,o-.-8.-.6--o~o
l ,
-5.0 -5.5 -6.0 -6.5 -7.0

Fro. 5. Effect of pH upon the coagulation curves of a silver bromide sol in statu nascendi using chro-
mium nitrate solutions aged 4 days at 90° C.

Figure 5 gives a number of coagulation

curves obtained with c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) nitrate
II AgBr/Br-
pH, 57-5.9
solutions aged for 4 days at 90°C. but at I %
9-- .--o~ I j
different p H values. This was accomplished .-to..
b y addition of various amounts of nitric acid
just before the solutions were used for co- "~ 0.16
agulation. I n more acidic systems the c.c.c, is l :5
considerably lower. The effect of p H upon 7
c.s.c, is rather small.
For illustration, Fig. 6 gives three coagula- 0.06
tion curves obtained at the same p H at 25°C.
with the same c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) nitrate solu-
tion, which was (a) used fresh, (b) time aged
for 6 months, and (c) heated for 4 days at -4.0 -45 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0
90°C. I t is evident t h a t time-aged solutions LOG. M O L A R CONC. OF Cr(N%) 3

coagulate better t h a n fresh solutions but do FIG. 6. Coagulation curves of a silver bromide
not restabilize the sol b y charge reversal. sol in statu nascendi in the presence of chromium
Heated solutions coagulate at still lower con- nitrate solution: - - fresh; --- aged over six
centrations and strongly reverse the charge. month G at room temperature and .... aged 4
Figure 7 represents the "log Cr(NOa)a- days at 90°C. AgBr: 1 X 10-4M; pBr-: 3.4; pI-I:
p H " domain for c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) nitrate solu- 3.7-3.9. Readings taken 10 minutes after mixing
tions fresh and heated 4 days, respectively. the reacting components at 25°C.
The difference between the two is quite
remarkable. The c.c.c, of heated solutions is must be of charges higher than -+-4. In 60
considerably lower ( ~ 2 or more orders of hours refluxed solutions Hall and Eyring (2)
magnitude) and the charge can be reversed detected species of the composition Cr2OH s+
over the entire p I I range. All this indicates and Cra(Ott)~ +, whereas Finholt (25) sug-
t h a t heated solutions are extensively hy- gested the presence of Cra(OIt)~ +. Coagula-
drolyzed and contain complex species of tion data would then confirm the existence of
higher charges. At p H <3.5 complex ions such highly charged ions in heated chromium

pH at C.C,'C. AgBr/Br-

- -
......... 6.0

.... 7.6
i •[6

• -3.0

0 -4.0
$U \\ "i:.
(5 '.:' \\.,
o -04.~ -4.5 -5.0 -5.5 -6.0

J -5.0 FIG. 8. Coagulation curves of a silver bromide

sol in statu nascendi in the presence of "basic"
¢5 solutions of chromium (III) nitrate. Molar ratio
of salt to base: 1:1 - - 1:1.5 ...... , 1:2 ...... .
Coagulation curve obtained with chromium(III)
nitrate solution aged for 4 days at 90°C. without
added base is represented by . . . . . . . . Readings
taken 10 minutes after mixing the reacting com-
ponents at 25°C. pit at C.C.C. as indicated on the
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 ~O diagram.

FIG. 7• The log Cr(NO~)3-pH domain for a silver days at 90°C• without added N a 0 H . This
bromide sol i n statu nascendi using fresh solutions would indicate t h a t aging b y heating and
of chromium(III) nitrate (O), and solutions of basic making of solutions leads to formation
chromium(III) nitrate aged by heating at 90° C.
for 4 days ([:3) and 5 days (A). of similar or even identical olated species.
No a t t e m p t s were made to age "basic"
solutions. Work by other investigators has
salt solutions. Between p H ~ 3 . 5 and 5.5 a shown t h a t under such conditions rather in-
pIateau in c.c.c, is observed, corresponding volved polymerization processes take place
to -t-4 counterions. Over this range (2, 10) which are not easily understood.
Cr2(OH)~ + appear to be the predominant The present investigations have shown
species. The abundance in hydrolyzed ions is t h a t coagulation and reversal of charge of
substantiated b y the reversal of charge• lyophobic sols b y chromium nitrate solutions
A number of experiments were carried can be accounted for if hydrolysis is taken
out with the so-called "basic" chromium into consideration. These experiments con-
nitrate solutions• These are solutions to firmed again t h a t only hydrolyzed species are
which sodium hydroxide was added in defi- responsible for charge reversal. T h e y also
nite molar proportions• Stock solutions were show t h a t the coagulation of a lyophobic
prepared containing 0.1 moles/1, chromium- colloid is extremely sensitive to the change
(IIl) nitrate and NaOH to give molar ratios in charge of counterions due to hydrolysis.
of CP+: OH- 1 : i, 1 :1.5,and 1 :2.All solutions The consistency of the coagulation data with
were clear and of intense green color. The so the formulation of hydrolyzed species as
prepared solutions were then diluted prior to proposed by others for various conditions of
coagulation experiments. Figure 8 gives c h r o m i u m ( I I I ) solutions gives additional
three typical curves as obtained with 33.3 %, credibility to the existence of these com-
50.0 %, and 66.6 % basic solutions. With in- plexes.
creasing basieity both the e.e.c, and the c.s.e.
became lower. I t is interesting to note t h a t a REFERENCES
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