Quantitative Analysis

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Dice Jaccard TN FN TP FP MSD

1 0.9020281 0.8215403 4652887 2949 484703 102341 0.0874312

2 0.8652798 0.762549 5147534 6554 72706 16086 0.1111313
3 0.9222523 0.855722 4736053 25062 433703 48062 0.1337241
4 0.9481745 0.9014562 4749394 8601 444856 40029 0.0984592
5 0.9424209 0.8911114 4630722 29941 545501 36716 0.1659274
7 0.9259345 0.8620838 4801380 40370 380610 20520 0.2998805
8 0.9511391 0.9068306 4722913 5866 471522 42579 0.2023051
9 0.9482226 0.9015431 4668842 26676 517520 29842 0.1004048
17 0.9639424 0.9303946 4815456 2446 397673 27305 0.0708867
16 0.8870587 0.79704 4704912 14817 428782 94369 1.1265696
21 0.9176128 0.8477675 4732881 3549 594703 103241 0.0847312
22 0.9249551 0.8603875 5462887 6545 609403 92341 0.0711545
23 0.9873729 0.9750607 6157534 3124 751061 16086 0.0618153
24 0.966477 0.9351287 6754653 2300 466503 30062 0.2035411
25 0.9481745 0.9014562 5479394 8601 444856 40029 0.1135485
26 0.9568463 0.9172631 5715722 15941 805501 56715 0.2354899
27 0.9307159 0.8704104 5411380 20345 368510 34520 0.0931543
28 0.9886244 0.9775046 4522913 8745 535522 3579 0.0658741
29 0.9750235 0.9512643 5668842 15678 615234 15842 0.0678168
30 0.979856 0.9605075 4755325 3456 458723 15405 0.0678911
31 0.9679732 0.9379341 6750912 1150 539782 34569 0.0597841

FN= Pixels classified as lung in ground truth, but not classified as lung by algorithm.
TP= Pixels correctly classified as lung in ground truth and by algorithm
FP= Pixels not classified as lung in ground truth, but classified as lung by algorithm.
TN= Pixels not classified as lung in ground truth and by algorithm.

Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN) measures the ovelap, but can be equal to 1 for a poor segmentation much bigg

Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)

The sensitivity of a test (also called the true positive rate) is defined as the proportion of people with

The specificity of a test (also called the True Negative Rate) is the proportion of people without the d

Positive predictive Value = True Positive Rate / (true positive rate + false positive rate)*100
For this particular set of data:
Positive predictive value = a / (a + b) = 99 / (99 + 901) * 100 = (99/1000)*100 = 9.9%. That means t
Jaccard similarity coefficient score

The Jaccard index [1], or Jaccard similarity coefficient, defined as the size of the intersection divided b

The Matthews correlation coefficient is used in machine learning as a measure of the quality of binary
Residual MS RMS HD HD2 MHD(DSC) Sensitivity Specificity PPV
0.2809069077 0.1417126 9.1104336 13.469863 0.9020281084 0.9939527 0.9784782 0.8256672
0.268346995 0.0657133 5.9160798 11.256731 0.8652797943 0.9173101 0.9968847 0.818835
0.4545144315 0.1180987 8.9442719 8.395332 0.9222523471 0.9453707 0.9899538 0.9002377
0.7101846958 0.0963091 7.5498344 17.685497 0.9481745462 0.9810324 0.9916422 0.9174464
0.5392572344 0.1127555 9.3273791 12.321591 0.9424208683 0.9479687 0.9921336 0.9369376
1.3291812648 0.1077676 9.0553851 19.335211 0.9259344857 0.9041047 0.9957444 0.9488445
1.0500671933 0.0961257 7.5498344 13.78769 0.9511391453 0.9877123 0.9910651 0.9171778
0.5728493914 0.1038266 9.591663 16.002312 0.9482226322 0.9509809 0.9936489 0.9454803
0.4537165447 0.0753296 5.6568542 15.347091 0.9639424213 0.9938868 0.9943617 0.9357496
2.8035521346 0.1443107 8.660254 13.866362 0.8870587018 0.9665982 0.9803368 0.8196142
0.2517069077 0.1118126 4.7320798 8.395332 0.9176127684 0.9940677 0.9786521 0.8520784
0.26841512 0.1235487 9.6079783 13.335211 0.9249551489 0.9893741 0.9833776 0.8684121
0.451654456 0.0781262 7.8344353 10.273791 0.9873729074 0.9958578 0.9973944 0.9790314
0.45312456 0.0658413 6.6854240 7.52114 0.9664770326 0.9950939 0.9955692 0.9394601
0.5786416 0.0948313 5.7690160 13.562374 0.9481745462 0.9810324 0.9927476 0.9174464
1.1568431 0.0961871 6.9442710 14.876169 0.9568463429 0.9805939 0.9901749 0.9342218
0.268413 0.1238131 7.5385130 11.876462 0.9307159499 0.9476797 0.9936613 0.9143488
0.4863135 0.0629131 5.3521140 9.9763843 0.988624364 0.9839325 0.9992093 0.9933612
0.3485813 0.0594163 8.3521140 11.89763 0.9750235343 0.9751503 0.9972132 0.9748968
0.5783156 0.0461317 7.4983440 12.398933 0.979855966 0.9925224 0.9967709 0.9675088
0.3246833 0.0761341 4.3352110 6.337383 0.9679731512 0.997874 0.9949054 0.9398121

or segmentation much bigger than the ground truth. Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) is therefore the necessary counterpart of the sens

proportion of people with the disease who will have a positive result. In other words, a highly sensitive test is one that cor

n of people without the disease who will have a negative result. In other words, the specificity of a test refers to how well

sitive rate)*100

100 = 9.9%. That means that if you took this particular test, the probability that you actually have the disease is 9.9%.
the intersection divided by the size of the union of two label sets, is used to compare set of predicted labels for a sample

re of the quality of binary (two-class) classifications, introduced by biochemist Brian W. Matthews in 1975. [1]
0.9993666 0.8957055 97.991753
0.9987284 0.8645301 99.568176
0.9947361 0.9149267 98.60527
0.9981923 0.9437259 99.072456
0.9935758 0.9352956 98.728619
0.9916621 0.9199533 98.838615
0.9987595 0.9468362 99.075985
0.9943188 0.9422114 98.922005
0.9994923 0.96138 99.432545
0.9968606 0.8792887 97.917442
0.9992507 0.9100026 98.034916
0.9988033 0.918469 98.397615
0.9994929 0.9858607 99.722712
0.9996596 0.9645471 99.553844
0.9984328 0.9443859 99.18582
0.9972188 0.9509014 98.89813
0.9962544 0.9258446 99.059686
0.9980702 0.9872779 99.756959
0.997242 0.9722511 99.500918
0.9992738 0.9779732 99.63957
0.9998297 0.9658453 99.512463

sary counterpart of the sensitivity, but it can be equal to 1 for a very poor segmentation that does not detect the object of interes

ensitive test is one that correctly identifies patients with a disease. A test that is 100% sensitive will identify all patients who

of a test refers to how well a test identifies patients who do not have a disease. A test that has 100% specificity will identify

ve the disease is 9.9%.

edicted labels for a sample to the corresponding set of labels

s in 1975. [1] It takes into account true and false positives and negatives and is generally regarded as a balanced measure w
detect the object of interest at all.

ill identify all patients who have the disease. It’s extremely rare that any clinical test is 100% sensitive. A test with 90% sen

00% specificity will identify 100% of patients who do not have the disease. A test that is 90% specific will identify 90% of p
as a balanced measure which can be used even if the classes are of very different sizes. The MCC is in essence a correlati
itive. A test with 90% sensitivity will identify 90% of patients who have the disease, but will miss 10% of patients who have

ecific will identify 90% of patients who do not have the disease and 10% of patients who do not have the disease
C is in essence a correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted binary classifications; it returns a value betwe
10% of patients who have the disease.

have the disease

s; it returns a value between −1 and +1. A coefficient of +1 represents a perfect prediction, 0 no better than random pred
o better than random prediction and −1 indicates total disagreement between prediction and observation. The statistic is a
servation. The statistic is also known as the phi coefficient. MCC is related to the chi-square statistic for a 2×2 contingency
stic for a 2×2 contingency table
Dice Jaccard TN FN TP FP MSD
1 0.8661708 0.7639342 4614174 7362 480290 141054 0.400776
2 0.8010348 0.6681052 5150655 17644 61616 12965 0.1678642
3 0.8450776 0.731718 4713698 71553 387212 70417 0.3890373
4 0.8999952 0.818174 4711218 18465 434992 78205 0.5606595
5 0.7821491 0.6422372 4624146 178068 397374 43292 0.3748482
7 0.8593255 0.7533485 4795670 84075 336905 26230 0.4715236
8 0.8152389 0.688104 4578152 19986 457402 187340 1.0593923
9 0.8772412 0.7813265 4607636 47863 496333 91048 0.9255476
17 0.8425046 0.7278686 4688780 40287 403312 110501 0.9776421
16 0.9352325 0.8783443 4791516 3666 396453 51245 0.6313683
21 0.9442631 0.8944114 5142670 12121 113101 1231 0.7453683
22 0.8257612 0.7032311 4231604 8853 344316 136451 1.1460678
23 0.8733996 0.7752523 5295203 12577 569405 152495 1.2161267
24 0.8883309 0.7990965 4309270 2349 560193 138491 0.6932713
25 0.8392277 0.7229908 3447312 48753 842465 274032 0.7594751
26 0.8445603 0.7309428 3421380 101461 1034151 279206 1.1556692
27 0.94779 0.9007613 3194207 249392 3454641 131213 1.1093899
28 0.9027491 0.8227372 4283279 160323 1354511 131513 2.0169944
29 0.9434108 0.8928832 5257779 185820 3132013 189919 1.0744613
30 0.817572 0.6914349 6157233 34584 356210 124381 0.168716
31 0.8982761 0.8153368 5678137 24403 653649 123640 0.438138
Residual MRMS HD HD2 MHD(DSC)Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
1.5315426 0.1682501 10 13.983891 0.8661708 0.9849032 0.9703371 0.7729857 0.998407
0.5466285 0.0764081 6.5574385 8.3461608 0.8010348 0.7773909 0.9974892 0.8261622 0.9965861
1.1014627 0.1645559 9.2195445 11.681404 0.8450776 0.8440313 0.9852811 0.8461264 0.9850472
1.8966602 0.1357878 8.4261498 15.800165 0.8999952 0.9592795 0.9836713 0.8476121 0.9960959
1.035329 0.2054777 10.759071 10.816654 0.7821491 0.6905544 0.9907247 0.9017578 0.9629196
1.5659718 0.1450483 9.797959 17.166421 0.8593255 0.8002874 0.9945602 0.9277679 0.9827706
2.311087 0.1988575 10.908712 11.135062 0.8152389 0.9581347 0.9606882 0.7094342 0.9956535
2.5382765 0.1627734 9.7467943 13.243882 0.8772412 0.9120482 0.9806227 0.8449933 0.989719
2.3158131 0.1695893 8.7177979 11.921393 0.8425046 0.9091815 0.9769755 0.7849393 0.991481
2.0299463 0.1023398 7.9372539 12.986839 0.9352325 0.9908377 0.9894182 0.8855367 0.9992355
2.265277 0.1123431 6.4613154 9.138343 0.9442631 0.9032039 0.9997607 0.9892331 0.9976486
2.265277 0.2960821 11.83216 12.175171 0.8257612 0.9749327 0.9687616 0.7161806 0.9979123
2.791659 0.2303827 8.6023253 13.553996 0.8733996 0.9783894 0.9720074 0.7887588 0.9976305
1.2780002 0.2669001 11.004926 11.224972 0.8883309 0.9958243 0.9688628 0.8017831 0.9994552
1.7760955 0.2997 11 13.092807 0.8392277 0.9452962 0.9263621 0.7545609 0.9860549
2.7977637 0.2694559 11.269428 19.928251 0.8445603 0.9106552 0.9245509 0.7874104 0.9711991
1.9409262 0.2824681 10.86278 16.11521 0.94779 0.9326701 0.9605424 0.9634082 0.9275781
4.3835861 0.2976264 12.083046 20.152707 0.9027491 0.8941646 0.9702108 0.9115001 0.9639205
1.9607419 0.267706 10.246951 16.851837 0.9434108 0.9439936 0.9651378 0.9428288 0.9658645
0.546871 0.076161 5.64641 8.64912 0.817572 0.9115032 0.9801992 0.7411916 0.9944146
1.894133 0.1387341 8.46264 15.79813 0.8982761 0.9640101 0.9786893 0.8409343 0.9957207
0.8584086 97.169189
0.7984555 99.41618
0.8302425 97.292137
0.8919502 98.156166
0.7675198 95.777893
0.8507288 97.896099
0.8048917 96.04557
0.8632053 97.350483
0.8294759 97.123947
0.9312911 98.952656
0.9439911 99.746599
0.8209052 96.922324
0.8645125 97.262342
0.8791724 97.188992
0.8034699 93.002045
0.795987 92.128796
0.8920987 94.585567
0.8698805 95.078341
0.9089123 95.713449
0.8099023 97.617577
0.8880958 97.715326

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