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Fees for the exams and other services

Associate and Fellowship qualifications

The current fees and charges (which are subject to change) are given below.
These are for exams that you sit, and for other education services provided to you, after 1 March
If you have paid the reduced membership subscription you are eligible to pay the reduced fees

Session based exams – April and September

Full rate

CT stage: £220.00 per subject ST stage: £305.00 per subject

CA1: £595.00 SA stage: £305.00 per subject

For non-members wishing to sit subject CT1 the fee is £260.00

Reduced rate

CT stage: £115.00 per subject ST stage: £155.00 per subject

CA1: £300.00 SA stage: £155.00 per subject

For non-members wishing to sit subject CT1 the reduced rate fee is £140.00

Online exams

CT9 Business Awareness

Online exam £540.00

Online exam (reduced rate) £320.00

CA2 Model Documentation, Analysis and Reporting

Online exam £450.00

Online exam (reduced rate) £260.00

CP3 Communication Practice

Online exam £310.00

Online exam (reduced rate) £160.00

June 2017
UK Practice Modules

P1-P6: £145.00

Subject SA0 – Dissertation subject

SA0: £1,340.00 Payable in two stages

CERA seminar

Seminar fee: £500.00

Exemptions from exams

Full rate

CT stage: £175.00 per subject

CA1: £475.00 CA2 and CA3: £360.00 per subject

ST0: £270.00 ST1-ST9 stage: £245.00 per subject

Reduced rate

CT stage: £90.00 per subject

CA1: £240.00 CA2 and CA3: £210.00 per subject

ST0: £140.00 ST1-ST9 stage: £125.00 per subject

Work-based skills – final sign off fee

Fellowship: £100.00 Associateship: £75.00

Professional skills training

OPAT: Free of charge

Professional Skills Course: Free of charge (For those re-sitting: £150.00; for non-members: £200.00)

Exam appeals

All exam subjects £200.00

Work-based skills appeals £200.00

June 2017
Exam counselling

Full rate

Report only CA1: £160.00 CA2 & CA3: £150.00 ST & SA subjects: £120.00

Report with conference

CA1: £255.00 CA2 & CA3: £255.00 ST & SA subjects: £210.00

Reduced rate

Report only CA1: £60.00 CA2 & CA3: £75.00 ST & SA subjects: £60.00

Report with conference

CA1: £125.00 CA2 & CA3: £120.00 ST & SA subjects: £125.00

June 2017

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