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A Non-planar CMUT Array for Automotive Blind

Spot Detection
Syed Abbas
University of Windsor

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Abbas, Syed, "A Non-planar CMUT Array for Automotive Blind Spot Detection" (2009). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 113.

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A Non-planar CMUT Array for
Blind Spot Detection


Syed Yasir Abbas

A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
through Electrical and Computer Engineering
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Applied Science
at the University of Windsor

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

© Syed Yasir Abbas
Author’s Declaration of Originality

I hereby certify that I am the sole author of this thesis/major paper and that no
part of this thesis/major paper has been published or submitted for publication.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my thesis/major paper does not

infringe upon anyone's copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any
ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other material from the work of other people
included in my thesis, published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in
accordance with the standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent
that I have included copyrighted material that surpasses the bounds of fair
dealing within the meaning of the Canada Copyright Act, I certify that I have
obtained a written permission from the copyright owner(s) to include such
materials in my major paper and have included copies of such copyright
clearances to my appendix.

I declare that this is a true copy of my dissertation, including any final revisions,
as approved by my committee and the Graduate Studies Office, and that this
dissertation has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other University or


A discretized hyperbolic paraboloid geometry capacitive micromachined

ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array has been designed and fabricated for
automotive blind spot monitoring application. The array is designed for a
frequency range of 113-167 kHz, beamwidth of 20±50 with a maximum sidelobe
intensity of -6dB. An SOI based fabrication technology has been used for the 5x5
array with 5 sensing surfaces along each x and y axis and 7 elevation levels. An
assembly and packaging technique has been developed to realize the non-planar
geometry in a PGA-68 package. Two new analytical models has been developed
to more accurately calculate the deflection profile of a thin square membrane and
capacitance change due to both external mechanical pressure and the
electrostatic pressure due to the bias voltage. The developed models incorporate
the effects of bias voltage, external pressure, fringing field capacitance and large
deflections. Both the models exhibit excellent accuracy when compared with
IntelliSuite™ FEA results.

To my parents with love


At the outset I bow before Almighty GOD, Omnipotent and Omnipresent without
whose blessing no human being can do anything. I wish to express my gratitude
to those who generously helped me to color the mosaic of this project with tiles of
their knowledge, expertise and memory.

I feel great pleasure in expressing my gratitude to my mentor Dr. Sazzadur

Chowdhury, who kept full faith in me. His encouraging supervision and
assistance in tracking down errors and omissions made it possible for me to
finish this work in time.

I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Raafat Mansour, for allowing me to

use the wonderful facility at CIRFE, University of Waterloo. I would also like to
thank Mr. Bill Jolley and Mr Siamakh Fouladi for there valuable inputs during my
stay at Waterloo. To my lab mate and a wonderful senior colleague, Dr. Md.
Mosaddequr Rahman, for his valuable inputs and discussions “☺”.

I would like to thank NSERC and Ontario’s Centre of Excellence (OCE) for their
financial support and also Canadian Microelectronic Corporation (CMC) and
IntelliSuite™ for there technical support.

I would also like to thank my Uncles and Aunts, Prof. Fazal Mehdi, Dr Alvera
Mehdi, Dr. Subodh Bhatnagar and Dr. Neerja Bhatnagar, for there immense love
and affection. I can’t close before thanking my sisters, the pillar of strength, and
I’m here just because of them.

Table of Content

Author’s Declaration of Originality iii

Abstract iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgment vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xii

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Goals 1
1.2 Background 2
1.3 State-of-the-Art 3
1.4 Limitations of the Current Models 4
1.5 Scientific Approach to Solve the Problem 5
1.6 Target Applications 6
1.7 Specific Research Objectives 9
1.8 Principle Results 10
1.9 Organization of Thesis 11

Chapter 2: Micro-Array Theory 13

2.1 Background 13
2.2 Array Geometrical Specification Determination 20
2.2.1 Array Sidelength 20
2.1.2 Number of Sensing Surfaces 21
2.1.3 Array Height 21
2.3 Array Design for Blind Spot detection 22

Chapter 3: CMUT Design and Simulation 26

3.1 Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs): Operating
Principle 26
3.2 New Analytical Model for Capacitance Change 28
3.2.1 Capacitance Change 28
3.2.2 Electrostatic Pressure 33
3.2.3 Center Deflection 35
3.2.4 Combined Load Deflection Model 36
3.3 CMUT Lumped Element Model 37
3.4 Design Performance and Verification 40
3.5 Beam Shapes 47

Chapter 4: Fabrication 51
4.1 Array Fabrication Details 51
4.2 Fabrication Process 54

Chapter 5: Assembly and Packaging 72

5.1 Assembly Details 72
5.2 Packaging Details 78

Chapter 6: Conclusions and Future Work 84

6.1 Conclusion 84
6.2 Future Work 86

References 87
Appendix A 91
A.1 Center Deflection Vs Biasing Voltage 92
A.2 Capacitance Vs Biasing Voltage 94
A.3 Lumped Element Simulation 96
A.4 Beam Shape Codes 99
A.5 Code for Generating Discrete Hyperbolic Paraboloid 101
Vita Auctoris 102

List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Blind Spot Detection Scheme…………………………………………..(7)

Figure 1.2. Parking Assistance Scheme……………………………………………(8)

Figure 2.1. Illustration of Synthesis Array Theory……………………………….(15)

Figure 2.2. Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Continuous)……………………………….…(16)

Figure 2.3. Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Out of Plane twist is α)………………….….(17)

Figure 2.4. Array Height Sampling ………………………………………………..(22)

Figure 2.5. Design A (7x7 Array)…………………………………………………..(24)

Figure 2.6. Design B (5x5 Array)…………………………………………………..(25)

Figure 3.1. Basic Structure of a Capacitive Sensor……………………….…….(27)

Figure 3.2. Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model of a Capacitive Type Acoustical

Sensor ………………………………………………………………….…..(37)

Figure 3.3. Center Deflection Vs Voltage…………………………………….…...(44)

Figure 3.4. Capacitance Vs Voltage…………………………………………….…(44)

Figure 3.5. Center Deflection Vs Pressure…………………………………….….(45)

Figure 3.6. Pull-In Voltage Curve obtained from IntelliSuite™ 3-D TEM ….…..(45)

Figure 3.7. IntelliSuite™ Generated Image of Diaphragm at Pull-In…………...(46)

Figure 3.8. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 113 kHz…………………………….........(47)

Figure 3.9. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 140 kHz……………………………….….(48)

Figure 3.10. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 167 kHz………………………………....(48)

Figure 3.11. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 113 kHz………………………………....(49)

Figure 3.12. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 140 kHz…………………………………(49)

Figure 3.13. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 167 kHz…………………...….…………(50)

Figure 4.1. Fabrication Material Legend. ………………………………….……...(52)

Figure 4.2(a). Step 1 Conceptual cross-section. ………………………………...(54)

Figure 4.2(b). Step 1 IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model. ……………………...(54)

Figure 4.2 (c). Actual Picture taken during and after the RCA clean fabrication

process steps respectively. ………………………………………………………...(55)

Figure 4.3(a). Step 2 Conceptual cross-section………………………………….(56)

Figure 4.3(b). Step 2 IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model. ……………………...(56)

Figure 4.3(c). Actual Picture taken before and after Metallization…………..….(57)

Figure 4.4(a). Single Sensing Surface Details (Conceptual) …………………...(60)

Figure 4.4(b). Complete Mask Details. ……………………………………….......(61)

Figure 4.4(c). Images after Photolithography. …………………………………...(62)

Figure 4.4(d). Optical Profiler Images (Etch Hole Dimension). ………………..(63)

Figure 4.4(e). Optical Profiler Images (Etch Hole Separation). ………………..(64)

Figure 4.5(a). Step 4 Conceptual cross-section………………………………….(65)

Figure 4.5(b). Step 4IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model………………………..(65)

Figure 4.5(c). Actual Picture taken after Metal Etch……………………………..(65)

Figure 4.6(a). Step 5 Conceptual cross-section………………………………….(66)

Figure 4.6(b). Step 5 IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model. ……………………...(66)

Figure 4.6(c). Optical Profiler Images after Silicon Etch (RIE) …………………(67)

Figure 4.7(a). Step 6 Conceptual cross-section………………………………….(68)

Figure 4.7(b). Step 6 IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model. ……………………...(68)

Figure 4.8(a). Step 7 Conceptual cross-section………………………………….(71)

Figure 4.8(b). Step 7 IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model…………………….…(71)

Figure 4.8(c). Actual Image after release. …………………………………….….(71)

Figure 5.1(a). Illustration of Short Circuit Condition…………………………..…(74)

Figure 5.1(b). Illustration After Non-Conductive Vertical Coating……….….….(74)

Figure 5.1(c). Illustration of Silicon Shim Wafer Inside a PGA-68. ………..…..(75)

Figure 5.1(d). Illustration of sensing surface over silicon shim wafer (Side


Figure 5.1(e). Illustration of sensing surface over silicon shim wafer (Top


Figure 5.2(a). Top View of PGA-68 Package………………………….………...(79)

Figure 5.2(b). Bottom View of PGA-68 Package. ……………………………....(79)

Figure 5.3. 5x5 Array Pin Connection Scheme (PGA-68 Package)…………..(81)

Figure 5.4. Complete 5x5 Array (Top view)……………………………..............(82)

Figure 5.5. Complete 5x5 Array (Side view)……..……………………..............(83)

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Beamwidth Control Parameter K Value…..…………………………(20)

Table 2.2. Array Specification (Design A)…………….…………………..……..(23)

Table 2.3. Array Specification (Design B)…….……….……………………..….(25)

Table 3.1. Transducer Design Specifications (7x7Array)..…………………….(42)

Table 3.2. Transducer Performance Specifications (7x7Array)..…….……….(42)

Table 3.3. Transducer Design Specifications (5x5Array)……………………...(43)

Table 3.4. Transducer Performance Specifications (5x5Array)..……….…….(43)

Table 4.1. SOI Wafer Specification………………………………….…….…….(53)

Table 5.1. Wire Bonding Diagram Details…………..……………….………….(80)

Table 6.1. Brain Scan Array Specifications..………………………….………..(86)

Chapter 1

1.1 Goals

Blind spot detection is critical for safe driving of vehicles during lane change
maneuvers as the side view and rear view mirrors don't provide complete
coverage of blind spots. A number of side impacts and rear-end collisions
happen due to a driver’s inability to monitor the blind spots. Some high-end
vehicles use vision based sensors like camera or stand alone ultrasonic sensors
to monitor blind spots. Due to high cost, low-end vehicles don’t have any blind
spot detection system that can tell a driver if the lane change is safe or not. Cost-
effective but high performance blind spot detection or monitoring system for
automobiles is highly desirable to save lives and property damage.
The performance of current vision based systems for blind spot monitoring
such as side view mirror mounted cameras or lasers are compromised in bad
weather. Current technology of electromagnetic radars is too expensive and they
need a rotating platform to scan the target area. Ultrasonic sensors are good for
short range proximity detection. An array of ultrasonic sensors can be used to
form a directional acoustical beam focused at the blind spot of a vehicle. These
solutions and their variants require significant processing power to be
implemented, adding to system cost, complexity and power requirements. The

time delay associated with the intensive processing requirements limits the use
of such beamformers in applications where real time implementation is crucial [4,
6]. A non-planar array of ultrasonic sensor that can provide an intrinsically
frequency independent constant beamwidth beamforming [4, 6, 10], can be used
to realize a cost effective blind spot monitoring system. MEMS based array will
take much smaller area and the system can be mounted on the side view
In this context, the goal of this research work has been defined to design
and fabricate a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array for
blind spot detection in automobiles. The microarray is to provide a broadband
frequency impendent beamforming capability without any microelectronic signal
processing. Complete design specifications of the CMUT array and individual
CMUTs will be carried out using lumped element and finite element analysis
(FEA) method to meet the requirements for the target application. The device
was then fabricated, packaged and tested for experimental verification.

1.2 Background

Beamforming is another name for spatial filtering where an array of

sensors together with appropriate signal processing can either direct or block the
radiation or the reception of signals in specified directions. Constructive and
destructive interference among the signals received by individual array elements
are utilized to control the main lobe size and shape while reducing or eliminating
side lobes. Both types of interferences are implemented using microelectronics
based digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms that introduces appropriate time
delays to the signals received by individual sensor elements to add signals

coming from a particular direction in phase while cancelling out the signals
arriving from undesired directions [1,2].
Achieving frequency-independent constant beamwidth beamforming in the
ultrasonic domain is highly desirable in acoustical ranging, directional speech
acquisition, automotive proximity detection system, acoustical imaging and many
other applications [5]. However, because the beamwidth of a linear or planar
array of ultrasonic sensors is inversely proportional to the frequency,
implementation of constant beamwidth broadband beamforming capability over a
wide frequency range is a major technological challenge [1]–[3]. Additionally,
computationally intensive, microelectronics based algorithms of different
complexities for beamforming and beamsteering limit the use of such
beamformers in applications where real-time information is crucial, for example,
blind-spot monitoring of an automobile using an ultrasonic sensor micro array.

1.3 State-of-the-Art

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the design of

MEMS based acoustical sensors [13]-[16]. A planar uniformly spaced 3x3
acoustical sensor microarray is presented in [40]. It is targeted towards hearing
aid applications for a frequency range of 350 Hz-18.0 KHz. The diaphragm is
made up of polysilicon-germanium (Poly-SiGe) and has a side length of 1.2 µm
with sensitivity of 10.2 mV/Pa.
Curvilinear MEMS based ultrasonic array, which is also commercially
available, is presented in [41]. It works on a center frequency of 4.0 MHz and has
128 elements. The fabrication is carried out on a planar substrate which is later
thinned to make it flexible enough to be mounted to a fixed backplate which
maintains the radius of curvature of the desired head. It has been experimentally

corroborated that the substrate bending doesn’t affect the performance of the
transducer array. This high performance device has shown that the technology
can deliver excellent results but fabrication challenges abound for these arrays.
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer based ring array has
been presented by [14]. This array is targeted towards medical imaging
applications especially related to B-mode operation, e.g. intravascular
applications. It works over a wide range of frequency and has 64 elements
spread over a radius of 2 mm with each element having a footprint area of
100x100 µm2 with a membrane thickness of 0.4 µm, metal electrode thickness of
0.3 µm and an air gap thickness of 0.15 µm. The 3-D images obtained
experimentally are of sufficient quality for practical applications.
A new methodology for fabrication of CMUTs is presented in [16]. The
transducer membrane and cavity are defined on a SOI wafer and on a prime
wafer, respectively. Then, using silicon direct bonding in a vacuum environment,
two wafers are bonded together forming the transducer. This new technique
offers many advantages over conventional surface micromachining. First,
forming a vacuum-sealed cavity is relatively easy since the wafer bonding is
performed in a vacuum chamber. Second, this process enables more control
over the gap height than the surface micro-machining does, making it possible to
fabricate very small gaps.

1.4 Limitations of the Current Models

All the above presented state-of-art-work uses some kind of external

digital signal processing to obtain the directional sensitivity. Additionally, it
appears that integration and packaging of the sensor microarray with additional
microelectronic circuitry necessary for frequency independent constant

beamwidth beamforming (FICBB) is challenging in terms of extra die space, low-
loss interconnection paths and parasitic capacitance. One possible approach to
address this issue is to exploit the geometrical properties of a surface that can
intrinsically enable a beamforming capability within a desired frequency range
without any microelectronic signal processing for beamforming [6, 10].

1.5 Scientific Approach to Solve the Problem

In [10], it has been established that a continuous aperture hyperbolic

paraboloid geometry transducer exhibits an intrinsic property of frequency-
independent constant beamwidth beamforming. The geometry exploits the time
delay in the medium instead of an electronic delay as used in conventional
beamformers to realize a beamforming capability. The design was realized in
macroscale, and experimental results were presented that verify the associated
mathematical model. The basic concept of intrinsic beamforming comes from
synthesis method [42].
The current fabrication technology does not support fabrication of a
continuous aperture hyperbolic paraboloid geometry CMUT array. However, [4,
6] suggested that planar technology CMUTs can be fabricated or assembled on a
microfabricated tiered geometry that can approximate a discretized hyperbolic
paraboloid surface. Such an array can provide an intrinsic constant beamwidth
beamforming capability that can match very closely with a continuous aperture
hyperbolic paraboloid geometry transducer.

1.6 Target Applications

The developed micro array is targeted towards blind spot detection in

automobiles and can be even extended for more complex high frequency
ultrasonic imaging applications like medical diagnostic applications. A narrow
ultrasonic beam from the non-planar capacitive micromachined ultrasonic
transducer (CMUT) array detects other vehicles in blind spots in real-time to warn
the driver or apply automatic changes to a vehicle’s dynamic control system to
avoid a collision or minimize collision damage. This will help in reducing the
number of accidents and increasing the safety of the driver and passengers. It
can also be used for parking assistance by mounting the CMUT array at the rear
end of a car as shown in figure 1.1 and 1.2.
The ultrasonic frequencies should be chosen to minimize signal
attenuation in the media and maximize the reflection from the target to allow a
large signal to noise ratio (SNR) enabling accurate classification. Also this
frequency range should not interfere with system operation and should not affect
humans or animals likely to come in proximity of the vehicle. Based on these
criteria a frequency range of 113-167 kHz was suggested in [12, 13].

Figure 1.1: Blind Spot Detection Scheme.

Figure 1.2: Parking Assistance Scheme.

Specific Research Objectives
1 To design a non-planar discretized hyperbolic paraboloid geometry
CMUT array for Blind-spot detection in automobiles using the theory
developed in [4]. The array is to provide a 20 degrees wide frequency
independent intrinsic beamforming capability in the 113-167 kHz
frequency range.

2 Develop a highly accurate closed-form analytical model to calculate

capacitance change and load deflection profile for CMUTs with
square clamped diaphragms, which accounts for the effects of
electrostatic pressure due to the bias voltage, fringing field
capacitance and large deflections.

3 To carry out analytical and finite element modeling of CMUTs to

optimize device geometry while achieving the target performance.
This includes the lumped element model used for reduced
geometrical complexity and early design parameter optimization.

4 To carry out fabrication simulation to verify the conceptual outputs.

Then develop a fabrication process table and necessary mask sets to
fabricate the device incorporating the fabrication constraints. Then to
carry out the actual fabrication at the Centre for Integrated RF
Engineering (CIRFE) at the University of Waterloo, Ontario.

5 Develop the assembling and packaging details for the microarray

including the pin-die connection scheme after selection of the
appropriate package and have the device assembled and packaged.

1.8 Principle Results

The principle results of this research work have been summarized as follows:-

1. The theory developed by [4] has been used to design capacitive

micromachined ultrasonic transducer based non-planar micro array. Two
separate design sets have been proposed, both for the frequency range of
113-167 kHz targeted towards blind spot detection in automobiles.
2. Design A is a 7x7 Array having 7 sensing surfaces along each x and y
axis, with 13 different elevation levels. The array side length and height is
12.04 mm and 3.18 mm respectively. The beamwidth variation is ±4° with
maximum sidelobe intensity of -6dB. Design B is a 5x5 Array having 5
sensing surfaces along each x and y axis, with 7 different elevation
levels. The unpackaged array sidelength and height are 9.0 mm and 2.1
mm, respectively. The beamwidth variation is ±50 with maximum sidelobe
intensity of -6dB.
3. A new analytical model has been developed to accurately obtain the
capacitance change and load deflection profile of a square clamped
diaphragm. This model incorporates the effect of biasing voltage, external
pressure, fringing field and large deflections.
4. A transducer level design and performance specification for both the
designs has been obtained using lumped element model. The 3-D
Theromoelectromechanical IntelliSuite™ based FEA has been conducted
to verify the results with excellent agreement.

5. The fabrication process has been simulated using IntelliFab module of
IntelliSuite™. After simulation, the actual fabrication process incorporating
the fabrication constraints has been developed in conjunction with Center
of Integrated RF Engineering (CIRFE) of the University of Waterloo. The
actual SOI based fabrication of the design B was pursued at CIRFE.
Design A was not pursued for fabrication owing to its complex assembling,
packaging requirements, and cost involvement.
6. The developed assembly and packaging methodology has been
implemented at the AdvoTech Company Inc., Tempe, Arizona, USA to
realize the CMUT microarray.

1.9 Organization of Thesis

The Thesis has been organized in the following way:-

In chapter two the array theory developed earlier is used to design the
array for the target application. The basic theory behind and the mathematical
model for designing discrete hyperbolic paraboloid is presented. The physical
parameters of the array have been evaluated using the existing theory. This
mathematical model is independent of fabrication technology.
Chapter three deals with the design and simulation of the transducer used,
i.e. CMUTs. Since the CMUTs work on the basic principle of capacitance
change due to a diaphragm deflection, a novel and easy to implement
mathematical model has been developed for rapid determination of the
capacitance change and diaphragm deflection profile. This model incorporates
the effects of biasing voltage, fringing field capacitance, external pressure,
diaphragm geometry and material properties. Lumped element modeling of the
CMUTs is also presented in this chapter. The results obtained through the

analytical modeling have been cross-verified with results from 3-D
electromechanical finite element analysis with excellent accuracy.
Chapter four deals in detail with the fabrication of the CMUTs. The
materials used, various fabrication steps and the involved recipes are provided.
The conceptual, simulation and actual photographs at various stages have also
been provided.
In chapter five assembly and packaging details of the final array has been
discussed in detail.
Chapter six makes the concluding remarks, discussions and future scope
of in this specific research area.

Chapter 2
Micro-Array Theory

In this chapter detailed design procedure to determine the array level

specifications of a discretized hyperbolic paraboloid geometry CMUT array for
the target automotive blind spot detection application has been presented. The
background of the theory used to develop the array shape and its macro model
has been reviewed in detail. Further, the design developed in [6] for MEMS
based implementation has been reviewed. Step by step details of the array level
design is presented. Once the desired operating frequency range, beamwidth
and acceptable beamwidth variation within the operating frequency range are
specified, the methodology enables to determine the geometric specification for
the array. Transducer level design has been discussed in detail in the next

2.1 Background
Different approaches to implement constant beamwidth beamforming
sensor arrays are available in [1, 5, 8-9]. However, all of them need complex
algorithms implemented using a digital signal processing engine to realize a
beamforming and beamsteering capability. Although these beamforming
techniques produce the desired results to acceptable extent; however, they are
complex in nature and the power, cost and time delay associated with the signal
processing microelectronics limit the use of such arrays in applications where

real time characteristic of the beamforming function is crucial. In [10], it has been
established that a frequency independent constant beamwidth beamforming
(FICBB) transducer array can be realized by exploiting the surface topology of
the array geometry instead of using a microelectronics based digital signal
processing beamforming engine. The basic idea behind this line of thought
comes from the Synthesis array theory [42].
Following the Synthesis array theory, a reasonably constant beamwidth
can be achieved if several basic Sin(x) /(x) beam patterns from a linear array of
close proximity transducers can be superimposed in a spatially deflected
manner. A graphical representation of the synthesis method [10] has been shown
is fig 2.1. Following fig 2.1, several delay lines are used to deflect the basic beam
patterns in such a manner that the resulting beamwidth of the array widens at the
same rate as the angular beamwidth decreases with frequency. Finally, by using
a phase correcting network, the beampatterns are combined in such a way that
the phase at the centers of all arrays becomes identical, or in physical terms, the
arrays become pivoted about their center.

Figure 2.1: Illustration of Synthesis Array Theory and its extension to exploit the
delay in the medium to realize a constant beamwidth capability.

A hyperbolic paraboloid surface, as shown in fig 2.2, satisfies the
requirement of intrinsic beamforming as suggested by [4, 6, 10]. A square
footprint hyperbolic paraboloid surface can be expressed in Cartesian coordinate
⎛ 2αx ⎞ (2.1)
z = y tan ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠
Where x, y and z are the Cartesian coordinates, L is the sidelength in terms of
wavelengths along the x and y directions, respectively and α is the amount of out-
of-plane twist in the z direction at the surface extremity measured in degrees from
the center of the surface as shown in fig 2.3.

Figure 2.2. A hyperbolic paraboloid surface.

Figure 2.3. Out of plane twist angle α in a Hyperbolic Paraboloid.

Assuming that the out-of-plane angle α is small, the generalized array factor
f (θ ,φ ) of a continuous aperture hyperbolic paraboloid geometry array in a given
direction (θ ,φ ) as referenced from the array normal can be expressed as [10]:
⎛ 2αxy ⎞
1 2 2 j 2πt ⎜ x tan θ + y tan φ + ⎟
f ( θ ,φ ) = ∫ ∫e ⎝ L ⎠
dydx (2.2)
LY − L −Y
2 2

where Y and L are the array sidelength along the y and x directions, respectively.
The parameter t in (2.2) is defined as:
t= (2.3)
tan θ + tan 2 φ + 1

In [10] it has been shown that the array has a reasonably constant directional
response value of 1 /( 2αL) for large values of L with a small out-of-plane twist
angle α . However, the array response calculated following (2.2) is valid only if
the out of the plane angle α is less than or equal to 10°. For larger values of α ,
mathematical assumptions made during derivations in [10] lead to considerable
error. In [10], (2.2) has been experimentally verified by measuring the array
response form a large continuous aperture hyperbolic paraboloid geometry
Since current microfabrication techniques are basically planar processes
that involve successive deposition, patterning, and etching of thin films, a
continuous aperture hyperbolic paraboloid geometry transducer array cannot be
fabricated using the capabilities of today’s microfabrication techniques. As a
solution to this problem of fabrication incompatibility, a discretized hyperbolic
paraboloid geometry transducer array has been suggested in [4, 6]. This
discretized array can provide an intrinsic constant beamwidth beamforming
capability that can match very closely with that from a continuous aperture
hyperbolic paraboloid geometry transducer. To obtain a discretized version, the

double integral in (2.2) has been expressed as the sum of an infinite number of
discrete points separated by infinitesimal intervals using standard spatial
sampling techniques, such as the Riemann summation [11]. After performing the
spatial sampling, the infinite summation can be reduced to a finite one of an
arbitrary number of levels. Out of the various Riemann Summation techniques
available, center based Riemann Summation was used in this case as it is good
for non-monotonic functions and its ability to calculate error bands. Following
[14], the center-based Riemann summation in one dimension can be expressed

b n
⎛ ⎛ 1⎞b−a⎞b−a
∫ f ( x) = lim ∑ f ⎜⎜ a + ⎜ i + ⎟ ⎟⎟ (2.4)
i =1 ⎝ ⎝ 2⎠ n ⎠ n

where n represents the number of discretization levels. The maximum error

resulting from this approximation is given as:

M 2 (b − a )

f ( x)dx − Amid ≤
12n 2

where, M2 is the maximum value of | f ′′(x ) | and Amid is the value of f (x ) at the

midpoint of the interval a-b.

Applying (2.4) to (2.2) twice, first along x axis and then along y axis, the
array factor for the discretized array can be derived as [6]:
M −1 N −1 ⎛ 2αx ' y ' ⎞
j 2πt ⎜ ( x ') tan θ + ( y ') tan φ + ⎟
f (θ , φ ) =
∑∑ e
m =0 n =0
⎝ L ⎠


⎛−L ⎛ 1⎞ L ⎞ ⎛ −Y ⎛ 1⎞ Y ⎞
x' = ⎜⎜ +⎜m + ⎟ ⎟⎟ , y' = ⎜⎜ + ⎜ n + ⎟ ⎟⎟ (2.7)
⎝ 2 ⎝ 2⎠ M ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎝ 2⎠ N ⎠
and M and N are the number of sensing surfaces in the x and y directions

2.2 Array Geometrical Specification Determination

2.2.1 Array Sidelength

The minimum sidelength S of the square footprint discretized hyperbolic

paraboloid geometry sensor array can be determined from the following relation
S= (2.8)
f lower

where c is the speed of sound in media and f lower is the lower bound frequency

in the operating range. K is the fitting parameter based on the amount of

acceptable beam shape variation. As the beamwidth decreases with an increase
in the frequency, empirical parameter K maintains the beamwidth within a range
of 1-100 variations for all the frequencies in a frequency range of
(f upper / f lower ) ≤ 40. Table 2.1 lists some of the values of K for different acceptable

beamwidth variation [6].

Table 2.1: Beamwidth Control Parameter K Value
K (Unit less) Beamwidth Variation (°)
3 7
5 5
8 2
10 1

2.1.2 Number of Sensing Surfaces

It has been observed that a linear relationship exists between the number
of sensing surfaces and the maximum operating frequency for a pre-specified
sidelobe power. Based on numerical simulation results, this relationship has
been formulated mathematically using a least-square data-fitting technique to
minimize the sidelobe power for all the frequencies in the target range below
some pre-specified level while optimizing the number of sensing surfaces M and
N in each direction.
The resulting equations (2.9) and (2.10) specify the number of sensing
surfaces per axis for a square footprint array for -10dB and -6dB sidelobe
powers, respectively
⎡ ⎛ S ⎞

M , N = ⎢5.69 × ⎜ ⎟ − 0.8637 ⎥ (2.9)
⎢ ⎜λ ⎟ ⎥
⎣ ⎝ upper ⎠ ⎦

⎡ ⎛ S ⎞

M , N = ⎢1.49 × ⎜ ⎟ − 0.8484⎥ (2.10)
⎢ ⎜λ ⎟ ⎥
⎣ ⎝ upper ⎠ ⎦

2.1.3 Array Height

The height of the array is directly related to the out of plane twist present
at the array extremities. The maximum height measured from the center of a
continuous aperture hyperbolic paraboloid geometry array can be determined
from the out of plane twist angle α as S.tanα, where S is the sidelength of the
array as determined in section 2.2.1. Figure 2.4 shows the relation in a graphical
A slight reduction in array height takes place due to the sampling point not
occurring at the extremity but at the center of the outermost sensing surface as

shown in fig 2.4. However this sampling error introduces an angular error of less
than 4.0% for arrays with more than 5 sensing surfaces per axis. This affects the
beamwidth by less than 1o [6].
The total height (H) for a discretized square footprint array geometry can
be determined using equation (2.11), which has been developed using a curve
fitting technique from numerical simulation results obtained using MatlabTM for an
out of plane twist angle of 100 [4] .
S .α
H = − 0.5215 × M −0.792 + 0.3762 ) 100

where M represents the number of sensing surfaces in each x and y axis.

Figure 2.4. Array height sampling

2.3 Array Design for Blind Spot detection

The array geometric design starts with the specifications of the desired
operating parameters such as frequency range, beamwidth, and acceptable
beamwidth variation. Once the specifications for these parameters are given, the
design methodology presented above enables one to determine the necessary
geometric specifications for the array in a straightforward manner.

For the target application of Blind spot detection in automobiles the
sensor’s operating frequency range should be 113-167 KHz and the maximum
sidelobe intensity of less than -6dB [12-13]. Based on these design requirements,
two separate designs, design A and design B have been proposed. Table 2.2
lists the determined array geometrical specifications for Design A and a
conceptual geometry of design A is shown in figure 2.5. Table 2.3 lists the
determined array geometrical specifications for Design B and a conceptual
geometry of design B is shown in figure 2.6. The fabrication and assembly
constraints have been discussed and incorporated in chapter 4.

Table 2.2. Array Geometrical Specification for Design A

Parameter Design A Unit

Operating Frequency Range 113-167 kHz
Beamwidth Control Parameter (K) 4 --
Beamwidth 20° ± 4° degrees
Array Sidelength 12.04 mm
Array Height 3.18 mm
Number of elevations 13
Sensing Surfaces per axis 7 -
Sensing Surface sidelength 1.72 mm

Sensing Surface’s

Figure 2.5. Conceptual geometry of Design A (7x7 Array). Sensors having the
same elevations have same color.

Table 2.3. Array Geometrical Specifications for Design B
Parameter Design B Unit
Operating Frequency Range 113-167 kHz
Beamwidth Control Parameter (K) 3 --
Beamwidth 20° ± 5° degrees
Array Sidelength 9.0 mm
Array Height 2.1 mm
Number of elevations 7
Sensing Surfaces per axis 5 -
Sensing Surface sidelength 1.80 mm

Sensing Surface’s

Figure 2.6. Conceptual geometry of Design B (5x5 Array). Sensors having the
same elevations have same color.

Chapter 3
CMUT Design and Simulation

This chapter describes the detailed design methodology adopted to design the
capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). The mathematical
models used to obtain the electrical design, mechanical design and performance
parameters have been discussed in detail. A highly accurate analytical model
has been developed to calculate capacitance change and deflection profile for
MEMS-based capacitive sensors with square membranes. The device
performance has been verified using IntelliSuite™.

3.1 Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers

(CMUTs): Operating Principle

Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) are basically

capacitive type sensors built with square or circular or hexagonal diaphragm
separated from a fixed backplate by a small airgap. Figure 3.1 shows the basic
structure of a CMUT with a square membrane. In this case we have used a
square shaped membrane owing to its higher fill factor. This type of sensors
enjoy the relative advantage of their small size, relatively high sensitivity, batch
fabrication capability, inherently low power consumption, low noise features, and
ease of IC integration [33-34].

Figure 3.1. Basic Structure of a Capacitive Sensor with a Square Membrane

When exposed to an acoustical sound wave or fluid pressure PExt , the

membrane deflects causing a decrease in the initial airgap d 0 that result in an

increase in the capacitance between the membrane and the fixed backplate. To
accommodate this increase in capacitance, charges flow from the battery
towards the sensor electrodes. When the pressure is withdrawn, the membrane
moves back to its undeflected position, the gap increases, and the capacitance
decreases. To match this capacitance change, charges flow away from the
sensor electrodes towards the battery. In this way, as the membrane vibrates
due to an incident acoustical wave or pressure, charges keep flowing to and
away from the sensor geometry. When an AC voltage is applied between the
electrodes in addition to the bias voltage, a sinusoidal vibration of the membrane
is obtained, also known as Transmitting mode. Thus, the same capacitive sensor
can be used both as a receiver and as a transmitter.

3.2 New Analytical Model for Capacitance Change
3.2.1 Capacitance Change

The capacitance between a VLSI on-chip interconnect of length L , width W and

thickness h separated from an underneath silicon substrate by a dielectric
medium of thickness d 0 can be expressed as [35]:

⎡W ⎛W ⎞
⎛ h ⎞ ⎤

C = εL ⎢ + 0.77 + 1.06⎜ ⎟ + 1.06⎜ ⎟ ⎥ (3.1)

⎢⎣ d 0 ⎝ d0 ⎠ ⎝ d 0 ⎠ ⎥⎦

where ε = ε 0ε r , ε 0 is the permittivity of free space and ε r is the relative

permittivity of the dielectric layer. The quantity ε 0 LW d 0 in (3.1) is simply the

parallel plate capacitance. The second term within the square bracket is a length
( L ) dependent adjustment parameter. The third term represents the fringing field
capacitance due to the interconnect width ( W ) while the fourth term represents
the fringing field capacitance due to the interconnect thickness ( h ). Equation
(3.1) can be rewritten to express the fringing field capacitances as a function of
the parallel plate capacitance in the form:

C =C 0 (1+C ff ) (3.2)

where C 0 is the parallel plate capacitance ( ε 0 LW / d 0 ) and C ff is the fringing field

factor expressed as:

d ⎛d ⎞ (hd 0 ) 0.5
C ff =0.77 o +1.06 ⎜ o ⎟ +1.06 (3.3)
W ⎝W ⎠ W

Equations (3.1)-(3.3) can be used to calculate the capacitance between the thin
square membrane and the fixed backplate of a CMUT as shown in fig. 1.1. As
the membrane is rigidly clamped at the edges and is supported by a dielectric
spacer, third term in (3.3) representing the fringing field factor due to the
membrane thickness can be neglected as the flux lines originating from the
membrane sides don’t have any path to terminate on the backplate. Thus, for a
square membrane with sidelength W = L=2a , the capacitance between the
undeflected membrane and the backplate can be expressed as:

ε 0 4a 2 ⎡ ⎤
⎛d ⎞ ⎛d ⎞
C =C 0 (1+C ff )= ⎢1+0.77⎜ 0 ⎟+1.06⎜ 0 ⎟ ⎥ (3.4)
d0 ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎥⎦

As in the undeformed case, the total capacitance of a deformed

membrane under external pressure is also contributed by two factors: the parallel
plate capacitance C Deform between the deformed diaphragm and the backplate,

and the fringing field capacitance CDeformCff which can be expressed as:

C =C Deform (1+C ff ) (3.5)

Since the edges of the membrane are rigidly fixed and don’t undergo any
deformation, and as the fringing field is contributed mainly by the charges
concentrated at the edges, the fringing field factor C ff can be assumed to remain
unchanged due to the deformation of the membrane and C ff can be calculated
using (3.3) as before.

Assuming that the diaphragms lies in the x– y plane, the parallel plate
capacitance between the deformed membrane and the backplate can be
calculated following [36] as:

C Deform = ε o ∫∫ (3.6)
d o − w ( x, y )

where w (x, y ) is vertical displacement of any point on the membrane located at

( x, y ) and can be determined from the center deflection w0 using the following

relation originally proposed in [37]:

⎛πx ⎞ ⎛π y ⎞
w( x , y ) = w0 cos⎜ ⎟ cos⎜ ⎟ (3.7)
⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎝ 2a ⎠

The above deflection shape function satisfies the boundary condition of zero

bending at the edges. It was observed in [38] that the cosine-like bending shape

as expressed in (3.7) does not describe the membrane’s actual bending shape

accurately. In order to better describe the bending shape of a thin membrane,

(3.7) was modified in [38] by adding two more terms as:

⎡ ⎛ x2 + y2 ⎞ ⎛ x2 y2 ⎞⎤ ⎛ π x ⎞ ⎛ π y ⎞
w( x, y ) = ⎢ wo + w1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + w2 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟⎥ cos⎜ ⎟ cos⎜ ⎟ (3.8)
⎝ a ⎝ a ⎠ ⎦ ⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎝ 2a ⎠
⎣ ⎠

where w1 and w2 are two arbitrary parameters expressed as multiples of w0 .

Using the energy minimization method, authors in [38] numerically determined

parameters w1 and w2 as:

w1 =0.4w0 ⎫
⎬ (3.9)
w2 =1.16w0 ⎭

Though the deflection shape function (3.8) shows excellent agreement with
experimental results for deflection profiles of thin diaphragms, investigation
shows it does not agree well with the deflection shapes of thick diaphragms that
behave more like plates. Further, (3.8) starts deviating for thinner diaphragms
with side length less than 1 mm. Authors in [36, 39] used the following deflection
shape function for clamped square diaphragm:

⎛πx ⎞ ⎛π y ⎞
w( x, y )=w0 cos 2 ⎜ ⎟cos 2 ⎜ ⎟ (3.10)
⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎝ 2a ⎠

This shape function also satisfies the two necessary boundary conditions
for a clamped square diaphragm, namely the zero deflection and zero gradients
in the deflection profile at diaphragm edge, expressed as [39]:

dw ⎫
w=0 and =0 at x=± a ⎪
dx ⎪
dw ⎬ (3.11)
w=0 and =0 at y =± a ⎪
dy ⎪⎭

Further investigations reveal that the deflection shape function presented in [38]
can predict deflection profiles for thin membranes with a better accuracy than the

deflection shape function presented in [39] when compared to FEA results.
However, though (3.10) is a poor match for thin membrane deflection profiles, it
satisfies the necessary boundary conditions for a clamped square membrane
[36, 39]. Therefore, following the approach adopted by the authors in [38], we
attempt to extend the deflection shape function in [39] with three more terms with
coefficients w1 , w2 and w3 . The resulting deflection shape function is as follows:

⎡ ⎛ x2 + y2 ⎞ ⎛ x2 y2 ⎞ ⎛ x4 + y4 ⎞⎤ ⎛ πx ⎞ ⎛ πy ⎞
w( x, y ) = ⎢ w0 + w1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + w2 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ + w3 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥ cos 2 ⎜ ⎟ cos 2 ⎜ ⎟ (3.12)
⎝ a ⎝ a ⎝ a ⎝ 2a ⎠ ⎝ 2a ⎠
2 4
⎣ ⎠ ⎠ ⎠⎦

where the coefficients w1 , w2 , and w3 can be determined for any specific design

space by comparing with the deflection profiles obtained experimentally or from

FEA analysis. For the typical design space for MEMS based capacitive type
sensors characterized by a square membrane thickness range of 1-3 μm and a
membrane sidelength range of 200-1000 μm, the parameters w1 , w2 , and w3

have been determined by comparing the results from (3.12) with 3-D FEA using
IntelliSuite™ for a wide range of device specifications and loading conditions as:

0.0013 ⎫
w1 = w0 ⎪
h ⎪

0.005 ⎪
w2 = w0 ⎬
h (3.13)

0.0021 ⎪
w3 = w0 ⎪
h ⎭

where h represents the membrane thickness.
The adjustable empirical parameters w1 , w2 , and w3 in (3.12) will

contribute to achieve higher accuracy and make it more suitable to fit deflection
profiles for any specific design space.

3.2.2 Electrostatic Pressure

As the DC bias voltage provides a means to realize a voltage signal having the
same dynamic characteristics as the incident acoustical or mechanical pressure,
the electrostatic attraction force associated with this bias voltage also causes a
deflection of the diaphragm. Thus at any time, the total deflection of the
diaphragm is the summation of the diaphragm deflection due to external pressure
and the diaphragm deflection due to the electrostatic pressure. Thus, the change
in capacitance is also a function of diaphragm deflection due to the electrostatic
Further, this electrostatic attraction force is nonlinear and increases with
the decreasing gap between the electrodes for a fixed voltage. When in
equilibrium, the total force acting on the diaphragm which is the sum of the
electrostatic and the external mechanical pressure will be equal to the elastic
restoring force developed in the diaphragm due to its deformation. Hence the
effect of Electrostatic force can’t be neglected while calculating the center
deflection and hence the capacitance change.
A number of closed-form solutions are available to calculate the deflection
of a square diaphragm under large deflection [38]. A simple analytical approach
to determine diaphragm deflection and capacitance change as a function of
applied pressure for square clamped diaphragms is available in [36, 39].
However, contribution of the bias voltage to the total deflection and thereby the

associated change in capacitance has not been considered in the previous
works. Moreover, in the previous works, a parallel plate approximation has been
used to calculate the capacitance before and after deformation. However,
investigation shows that fringing field capacitance associated with the diaphragm
edges also contribute to the total capacitance change during the deformation.
The developed electrostatic force after applying a bias voltage V can be
derived from the relation:

d ⎛1 2⎞
F = − ⎜ CV ⎟ = ε 0 aV ⎢
⎡ 2a
( 2a )


0. 265
⎣⎢ (d o − w) (d o − w)1.25 ⎥⎦
dx ⎝ 2 ⎠

Expanding the terms in the bracket in (3.14) using the Taylor series
expansion method about the zero deflection point of the diaphragm center
( w = 0) , neglecting the higher order terms, and after rearrangement one obtains:

⎛ 4a2 (2a) ⎞

⎛ 2
2 8a

(2a) ⎞
F = ε0V ⎜ 2 + 0.265 1.25 ⎟ + ε0V ⎜ 3 + 0.33125 2.25 ⎟⎟ w
⎜ (3.15)
⎝ do do ⎠ ⎝ do do ⎠

Thus the associated electrostatic pressure PE can be calculated from (3.15) as:

F εV
PE = = 0
⎛ 2a
⎜ + 0.265
(2a)0.25 ⎞⎟ + ε0V 2 ⎛ 4a
⎜ + 0.33125
(2a)0.25 ⎞⎟ w (3.16)
A 2a ⎜d2
⎝ o d o1.25 ⎟⎠ 2a ⎜d3
⎝ o d o2.25 ⎟⎠

where A is the area of the diaphragm. However, as the actual diaphragm motion
isn’t piston like and the deformation profile of the diaphragm takes a cosine
shape, maximum deflection w0 occurs at the center of the diaphragm. Thus,

replacing w by w0 in (3.16) one obtains the load deflection model of a square

diaphragm subject to a linearized electrostatic pressure due to an applied bias
voltage V .

3.2.3 Center Deflection

The load-deflection model of a rigidly clamped square diaphragm under large

deflection due to an applied uniform pressure PExt can be expressed as [19]:

σh 12 D Eh 3
Pext = C r 2 wo + C b 4 wo + C s f s (ν ) 4 wo (3.17)
a a a

where w0 is the center deflection, 2a is the diaphragm sidelength and h

represents the thickness of the diaphragm. In (3.17) E and v represent the
effective Young’s modulus and the Poisson ratio of the diaphragm material,
respectively. Cr, Cb and Cs are constants and are equal to 3.45, 4.06 and 1.994,
respectively and f s (ν ) , a function of ν , is given by [38]:

1 − 0.271ν
f s (ν ) = (3.18)
1− ν

In (3.17) D represents the flexural rigidity of the diaphragm and is expressed as:

Eh 3
D= (3.19)
12( 1 − ν 2 )

whereas the effective Young’s modulus E is expressed as:

~ E
E= (3.20)
1 −ν 2

where E represents the original Young’s modulus of the diaphragm material. In

equation (3.17), the first term on the right-hand side represents the deflection of
the diaphragm due to the residual stress; second term is the deflection due to
bending and the third term represent the deflection due to nonlinear spring

3.2.4 Combined Load Deflection Model

A combined load deflection model of the square diaphragm under electrostatic

and external mechanical pressure thus can be obtained by combining (3.16) and
(3.17). After combination and rearrangement, one obtains :

⎡ σh 12 D ⎤
C + Cb 4
E h 3 ⎢ r a2 ⎥
Cs f s (ν ) 4 wo + ⎢ 1 ⎛ 2
a a 0.25 ⎥ w
⎞ o
a ⎢− 2a ε0V ⎜⎜ 3 + 0.33125 2.25 ⎟⎟⎥

⎣⎢ ⎝ do d o ⎠⎦⎥

⎡ 1 2⎛ a a 0.25 ⎞⎤
− ⎢ PM + ⎜
ε0V ⎜ 2 + 0.265 1.25 ⎟⎟⎥ = 0 . (3.21)
⎣ 2 a ⎝ do d o ⎠⎦

Real root of the above third-order polynomial represents the center

deflection wo of the diaphragm subject to both electrostatic and external

pressure. Two other roots are imaginary and have no practical significance. Once
the center deflection is known, over-all deflection profile of the diaphragm can be
obtained using (3.12) and also the capacitance change using (3.6). This

methodology has also been used to obtain the pull-in voltage and the results
have been verified by FEA simulations.

3.3 CMUT Lumped Element Model

After determination of the array geometric specifications (Chapter two),

transducer level modeling is done to obtain the geometry of individual capacitive
sensors and optimize the performance of the sensor. Lumped element modeling
is used to reduce the geometric complexity to a manageable level for rapid
simulation and specification determination. The lumped element modelling is able
to optimize the performance of the individual transducers. This includes modeling
of all major sensor performance criteria such as, pull-in voltage, resonant
frequency, damping effects and load deflection characteristics [21, 23, 24].
The sensitivity of the CMUT depends mainly on the size and stress of the
diaphragm, thickness of the airgap, and the bias voltage.

Figure 3.2. Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model of a Capacitive Type Acoustical


The sensitivity and the frequency response of the CMUT can be calculated using
an equivalent analog electrical network model of the CMUT [21] as shown in
figure 3.2.
In Fig. 3.2, the acoustical force Fsound is modeled as an equivalent voltage

source and the radiative resistance is Rr . The air mass in contact with the
diaphragm subject to displacement is represented by M r . Theses parameters
are defined as [21]:

ρ0 a 4 ω 4
Rr = (3.22)
8 ρ0 a 3
Mr = (3.23)
3π π

Where ρ0 is the air density, a is the diaphragm sidelength, ω is the angular

vibration frequency 2πfc and c is the velocity of sound in the media at frequency
ω . The mechanical mass of the diaphragm M m and the diaphragm compliance

C m which is the inverse of the diaphragm stiffness (spring constant) are

expressed as.

32a 2
Cm = (3.24)
π 6 (2π 2 D + a 2T )

Mm =
π 4 ρ 2π 2 D + a 2T ) (3.25)

Where D is the flexural rigidity, and T is the tensile force per unit length.

Viscous losses in the air gap R g and in the vent hole Rh , and the gap

compliance C a , are given as:

12ηa 2 ⎛ α α 2 ln (α ) 3 ⎞
Rg = ⎜⎜ − − − ⎟⎟ (3.26)
nd 3 π ⎝2 8 4 8⎠

8ηha 2
Rh ≈ (3.27)
πnr 4
Ca = (3.28)
ρ0 c α 2 a 2

Where n is the hole density in the backplate, α is the surface fraction occupied
by holes, η is the air viscosity coefficient, d is the average thickness of the
airgap, h is the vent height and r is the effective radius of the vent holes. From
these definitions we can express the equivalent impedance Z t of the CMUT as:

R g + Rh
Z t = Rr + jω(M r + M m ) +
+ (3.29)
jωC 1 + jω( R g + Rh )C a

The total sensitivity St of the CMUT is defined as the output voltage Vo per unit

of incident acoustical pressure P and can be expressed as [21]:

V0 V a2
St = = b (3.30)
P jωdZ t

where Vb is the bias voltage.

The sensitivity presented above lumps the electrical and mechanical
components of the system together. This illustrates how the sensitivity scales
linearly with bias voltage, but doesn’t clearly show the mechanical sensitivity. By
separating the sensitivity model between the mechanical and electrical
components of the transducer, each component can be evaluated and optimized
independently [23]. The mechanical sensitivity can be given in μm/μN as:

Sz = (3.31)
1 1
Ca Cm

3.4 Design Performance and Verification

The theory discussed in the previous sections has been implemented using
Matlab™. The result for both the designs A and B have been presented in this
section. The IntelliSuite™ 3D electromechanical Analysis has been carried out
wherever appropriate. All the Matlab™ codes have been provided in Appendix A.
However it has to be noted that only design B (5x5 Array) has been persuaded
for fabrication owing to its less complex alignment and packaging requirements.
Table 3.1 and 3.2 provides the transducer design specifications and performance
specifications for design A (7x7 Array), respectively. Table 3.3 and 3.4 provides
the transducer design specifications and performance specifications for design B
(5x5 Array), respectively.
The new analytical model developed for capacitance change calculation
and deflection profile calculation has been verified using 3D
Theromoelectromechanical module of IntelliSuite™. Figure 3.3 shows the
relation between the center deflection and applied voltage whereas figure 3.4

shows the relation between capacitance and applied voltage. Both the results
have been verified by FEA simulation and are in excellent agreement with the
model developed. Figure 3.5 shows the relation between center deflection and
pressure at 18 volts biasing voltage. These results show that the effect of applied
voltage can’t be neglected while calculating either capacitance change or
deflection profile.
The sudden jump in the capacitance value seen in the range of 50-60
volts in figure 3.3 is due to pull-in. The pull-in voltage value obtained through the
mathematical model is 51.7 Volts where as through FEA (3D
Theromoelectromechanical Analysis Module of IntelliSuite ) is 51.2 Volts. The
two values are in excellent agreement with an error of less than 1%. Figure 3.6
shows the displacement versus voltage curve obtained through IntelliSuite™.
Figure 3.7 shows the IntelliSuite generated Image of the diaphragm at pull-in. It
has to be noted that only a quarter of the diaphragm is used for simulation owing
to symmetrical shape and henceforth reducing the processing time.

Table 3.1. Transducer Design Specifications (7x7Array)
Specifications Value Unit
Diaphragm per Tier 64 -
Diaphragm Thickness 2.0 μm
Diaphragm Air Gap 1.0 μm
Diaphragm Side length 215 μm
Number of vent holes 4x4 -
Vent Hole dimension 15x15 μm

Table 3.2. Transducer Performance Specifications (7x7Array)

Parameter Value Unit
Pull in Voltage 63.53 Volts
Unbiased Tier Capacitance 26.2 pF
Resonant Frequency 512.9 kHz
Diaphragm Area occupied by vent 7.8 %
Mechanical Sensitivity @140kHz 296.7 μm /N
Tier Sensitivity @140kHz 12.24 mV/Pa
Total Array Sensitivity @140kHz 599.8 mV/Pa

Table 3.3. Transducer Design Specifications (5x5Array)
Specifications Value Unit
Diaphragm per Tier 6x6 -
Diaphragm Thickness 2.0 μm
Diaphragm Air Gap 1.0 μm
Diaphragm Side length 225 μm
Number of vent holes 5x5 -
Vent Hole dimension 15x15 μm
Inter Dia. Spacing 20 μm
Bonding Space (edges) 175 μm

Table 3.4. Transducer Performance Specifications (5x5Array)

Parameter Value Unit

Pull in Voltage 51.72 Volts
Unbiased Tier Capacitance 16.12 pF
Resonant Frequency 480.19 kHz
Diaphragm Area occupied by vent 11.11 %
Mechanical Sensitivity @140kHz 301.61 μm /N
Tier Sensitivity @140kHz 14.24 mV/Pa
Total Array Sensitivity @140kHz 356.0 mV/Pa

Figure 3.3. Center Deflection Vs Voltage

Figure 3.4. Capacitance Vs Voltage

Figure 3.5. Center Deflection Vs Pressure

Figure 3.6. Pull-In Voltage Curve obtained from IntelliSuite™ 3-D TEM FEA

Figure 3.7: IntelliSuite™ Generated Image of Diaphragm at Pull-In

3.5 Beam Shapes

In order to simulate the beamforming capability of the designs, there array factors
(as given in chapter two) have been plotted using polar plots. Also to verify the
broadband beamforming claim, the beam shapes at various frequencies in the
desired range have been obtained. Figure 3.8-3.10 and figure 3.11-3.13 show
the beam shapes for design A (7x7 Array) and design B (5x5 Array) respectively.
The Matlab code for the same has been provided in Appendix A.

Figure 3.8. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 113 kHz

Figure 3.9. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 140 kHz

Figure 3.10. 7x7 Array Beam Shape at 167 kHz

Figure 3.11. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 113 kHz

Figure 3.12. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 140 kHz

Figure 3.13. 5x5 Array Beam Shape at 167 kHz

Chapter 4

This chapter deals in detail with the fabrication methodology used to fabricate the
Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUT). Each fabrication
step description has been provided with the operating conditions, used materials,
process type, conceptual cross sectional view and fabrication simulation result
from IntellisuiteTM. For proof of concept, the fabrication of 5x5 Array was carried
out due to its less complex alignment and packaging process. The whole
fabrication process was carried out at the Center of Integrated Radio Frequency
Engineering (CIRFE), University of Waterloo.

4.1 Array Fabrication Details

An SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) based fabrication process has been adopted. As

compared to other diaphragm material like Si3N4 and Polysilicon, the latest SOI
based technology has been preferred for the following advantages:
1. Higher switching speeds [25]
2. Higher quality factor
3. Lower value of residual stress
4. Thickness uniformity
5. Reduction in fabrication process complexity

6. Reduction in fabrication steps
7. Lower number of masks
8. Reduction of cost [26]

The microarray has 5 sensing surfaces along each x and y axis. The detailed
specification of the SOI wafers used is provided in Table 4.1. The complete
fabrication process consists of 8 major steps including dicing. The colors
associated with the materials used are shown in fig 4.1.

Figure 4.1. Fabrication material legend.

Table 4.1. SOI Wafer Specifications

Parameter Specification(s)
Diameter 150±0.2 mm
Crystal Orientation <100>
Overall Thickness 352±5 µm
Front side finished Polished
Back Side Finished Nanogrind @2000 mesh
Device Layer
Thickness 2±0.5 µm
Type/Dopant n/Sb
Resistivity <0.2 Ohmcm
Handle wafer
Thickness 350±5 µm
Type/Dopant n/Phos
Resistivity <5 Ohmcm
Buried Oxide
Thermal Oxide 1±5% µm

4.2 Fabrication Process
Step 1: RCA Clean

The wafers are subject to a RCA cleaning before any of the fabrication
process can be carried out. The purpose of the cleaning is to remove all organic
contamination, oxide film or heavy metal contamination from the wafer. The RCA
solution is prepared by adding 130 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide into 600 ml of DI
water. Then 130 ml of Ammonium Hydroxide is added to the same sample. The
sample is then heated to 70±50C using a hot plate. A Teflon holder is used to put
the wafer into the solution for 15 minutes. The wafers are then carefully placed
under de-Ionized (DI) water tap for approx. 5 minutes so that the RCA solution is
flushed out and then dried using a Nitrogen gun [27]. The conceptual,
IntelliSuite™ generated and actual photograph has been shown in figure 4.2.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2. Fabrication step 1 details, (a) Conceptual cross-section and (b)
IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model.

Figure 4.2(c). Actual Picture taken during and after the RCA clean fabrication
process steps respectively.

Step 2: Metal Deposition (Gold and Chromium)

The next step after cleaning is to deposit the conductive Gold (Au) layer.
Since gold can’t be directly deposited on Si device layer, chromium is first
deposited to act as an adhesion layer. A 25 nm layer of Chromium and then 200
nm of gold layer is deposited using electron-beam evaporation method.
IntelvacTM Nanochrome deposition system available at the CIRFE clean room is
used for the deposition of both chromium and gold. Chromium seed layer was
deposited at 20% power which gives a rate of 3.0 Å/sec and Gold conductive
layer was deposited at 30% power which gives a rate of 9.2 Å /sec. The two
processes are done in one duty cycle in order to avoid oxidation of chromium.
The conceptual figure, simulation result and actual fabrication image are shown
in figure 4.3 (a)-(c).

(a) (b)

Figure 4.3. Fabrication step 2 details. (a) Conceptual cross-section, (b)

IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model.



Figure 4.3 (c). Actual Picture taken before and after metallization

Step 3: Photolithography

After deposition of conductive metal layer, the next step is to develop a

pattern of etch holes on the diaphragm. These etch holes not only provide the
route for etching of the buried oxide (SiO2) but also help in reducing the air
damping during diaphragm deflection in receiving and emitting modes. The
fabrication constraint allow etch hole dimensions to be at least 15x15 µm
separated by a maximum of 30 µm [29]. Taking these constraints into account
and optimizing the number of etch holes such that the diaphragm plate is not
over perforated to result in a mechanical failure, a 5x5 array of etch hole on each
diaphragm were designed as shown below in the fig 4.4(a).
The process of contact photolithography is used to develop the pattern on
a positive photoresist AZ3312. This photoresist is spin coated at 3000 rpm for 30
seconds resulting in a thin film thickness of approx 1.0 µm. Then it is pre baked
(also known as soft bake) at 900C for 60 seconds. This step can also improve the
adhesion of the photoresist to the wafer, improve the uniformity of the photoresist
layer, and can improve the etch resistance for future processing steps [28]. Soft
baking also optimizes the light absorbance characteristics of the photoresist. Soft
bake is followed by Ultra-Violet exposure at 41 mW for 9 seconds. The mask
used is a chromium mask which can have a minimum feature size of upto 0.5
µm, way more than our limit. The detail drawing of the mask is shown in fig
After exposure, post-exposure bake of the wafer is carried out for 60
seconds at 900C. Post-Exposure treatment is often desired, because the
reactions initiated during exposure might not have run to completion. To halt the
reactions or to induce new ones, several post-exposure treatments are used. A
post-exposure bake may provide more vertical sidewalls compared with a hard

bake. This step will also improve the resistance of the photoresist to the
developer chemical.
The pattern is then developed using AZ MIF-300 solution by gently stirring
it for about 50 seconds inside the solution. Development transforms the latent
resist image formed during exposure into a relief image that will serve as a mask
for further subtractive and additive steps. During the development process,
selective dissolving of resist takes place. The soluble areas of the resist-coated
wafer are dissolved by a developer chemical. The pattern is now visible on the
wafer. The wafer is then washed with deionized (DI) water and is then dried
under a nitrogen gun.
After microscopic examination of the pattern, the wafer is then hard baked
at 1100C for 4 minutes to harden the pattern. The wafer is hard baked in order to
evaporate the residual solvents in the photoresist. In addition, this step hardens
the resist and prepares the resist for subsequent processing [28].
The images taken after photolithography have been shown in figure 4.4(c)
and the dimensions have been verified using an Optical Profiler (Wyko NT1100
series) (figure 4.4 (d)-(e)). The measurement results from the optical profiler
show that the etch holes have a side length of 14.7 μm with a separation of 30
μm. This verifies the accuracy of the photolithography and the etching process.

Figure 4.4(a). Single sensing surface details (Conceptual).

Figure 4.4(b). Complete mask details

Single Sensing Surface

Multiple Sensing Surfaces

Single Diaphragm

Figure 4.4(c). Images after photolithography.

Figure 4.4(d). Optical profiler images (Etch hole dimension).

Figure 4.4(e). Optical profiler images (Etch hole separation).

Step 4: Gold and Chromium Etch

After patterning of the AZ3312 photoresist, gold and chromium layers are etched
to expose the silicon on the etch holes in the diaphragm. The gold is etched by
submerging the wafer in a solution of potassium iodine for 10 seconds at room
temperature. The wafer is then rinsed with de-ionized (DI) water. The chromium
adhesion layer is then etched by submerging the wafer in a solution of dilute
aqua regia (3:1:2 HCl: HNO3: H2O) for 10 seconds at room temperature [30]. The
pictures of the wafer after gold and chromium etch have been shown below in fig

(a) (b)


Figure 4.5. Fabrication step 4 details. (a) Conceptual cross-section, (b)

IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model (c) Actual picture taken after metal etch.

Step 5: Silicon Etch

After the Gold and Chromium layer is etched, Silicon at the acoustical ports is
exposed for etching. Dry etching of Silicon is done using Reactive Ion Etching
process (Trion™ Phantom RIE). After various typical combinations of the recipe
were run, it was found that at Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Power of 200
Watts, RF power 25 Watts Pressure 50 mtorr, SF6 25 sccm and O2 5 sccm the
etch rate is appreciable and isn’t damaging the masking layers of photoresist as
well as Gold and Chromium layers. Higher value of ICP is used to attain higher
etch rate and hence to avoid longer stay of sample in the chamber. RF power is
used to keep the etching more anisotropic. The results after Silicon etch is shown
below in fig. 4.6 (a)-(c). The measurement results obtained from optical profiler
verifies that the silicon has been etched as the depth of the etch holes is more
than that of the silicon device layer.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.6. Fabrication step 5 details. (a) Conceptual cross-section, (b)

IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model.

Figure 4.6 (c). Optical profiler Images after Silicon etch (RIE).

Step 6: Dicing and Photoresist Removal

After the silicon has been etched and the devices are ready for release, it is
important to get the individual dies separated. This is done in order to avoid the
released devices from being exposed to the heat, pressure and water-jet thrust
during the dicing which may break the erstwhile released devices. The
photoresist layer is also stripped after the dicing process to protect the device
layer and to help in cleaning the dicing chip’s afterwards. Once the dicing is done
using the K&S 780 Dicing Saw (NanoFab, University of Western Ontario), the
dies are places in GelpakTM. This is followed by stripping off the photoresist
(AZ3312) using KWIK Strip solution. The dies are placed in KWIK Strip solution
for 2 hours at 650C and then in Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) solution followed by
deionized water [28]. The process has to be carried out with utmost care
because of the small size of the dies. Once the dies are taken out from the DI
water they are dried on napkins and place back in GelpaksTM. The pictures of
individual dies are shown below in fig 4.7.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.7. Fabrication Step 6 details. (a) Conceptual cross-section, (b)

IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model.

Step 7: Release and Critical CO2 Drying

After dicing, the diaphragms have to be released by etching the buried

SiO2. It is important to note that SiO2 is an amorphous material which etches
equally well in all directions (isotropic etching). The most commonly used etchant
is aqueous hydrofluoric acid (HF) solution, because of its high selectivity between
Si/SiO2. The chemical mechanism involved is given by the following equation

SiO2 (s) + 4HF (aq) → SiF4(g) + 2H2O

The most common form of the HF solution used is 5:1 Buffered Hydrofluoric
(BHF) solution, but it gives lower etch rate and would have required more than 3
hours to etch the required SiO2 [30]. This prolonged exposure of metal layer to
BHF could have affected the metal layer. In order to avoid this 49% HF solution
was used which has a very fast etch rate, about 2.3 µm/min for thermally grown
SiO2, which is harder to etch. After being placed in 49% HF solution for 5 minutes
30 seconds, the dies are gently moved to a deionized (DI) water bath. One
significant technological problem in surface micromachining is the unintended
adhesion of released mechanical elements to the substrate. When using a wet
release etch, the surface tension during drying can pull compliant structure
(beams or diaphramgs) into contact with the substrate, and during the final
drying, they can adhere firmly together. This phenomenon is generically called
stiction. Methods of avoiding stiction include [19]:
1. Use of Self-Assembled molecular monolayers (SAM'S) to coat the
surfaces during the final rinse with a thin hydrophobic layer, reducing the
attractive force,

2. Use of Vapor or dry-etching release methods, such as XeF2,
3. Various drying methods (freeze drying and drying with supercritical C02)
that remove the liquid without permitting surface tension to act, and
4. Temporary mechanical support of the moveable structure during release
using posts of photoresist or some other easily removed material.

After the dies are released, Supercritical CO2 drying was carried out to
avoid stiction of the devices. This was done using the Tousimis
Automegasamdri-915B, Series C Critical Point CO2 Dryer, available at CIRFE,
University of Waterloo. Supercritical CO2 drying process allows samples to be
dried without any surface tension, thus reducing the likelihood of stiction. This
process is typically used to dry samples that have been rinsed in de-ionized
water. The de-ionized water is replaced by methanol prior to the drying process,
and then the methanol is displaced by liquid CO2 as part of the drying process.
Before the dies can be placed inside the CO2 dryer chamber, the dies should be
placed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) baths for 8 minutes and this step should be
repeated at least three times [31]. Figure 4.8 shows the conceptual, IntellliSuite
simulation and actual photograph of a sensor after the diaphrams are released.

(a) (b)


Back plate Silicon


Figure 4.8. Fabrication Step 7 Details. (a) Conceptual cross-section, (b)

IntelliSuiteTM generated 3-D model (c) Actual Image after release.

Chapter 5
Assembly and Packaging

This chapter presents the assembly and packaging details of the Non-Planar
Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) Array. After the
fabrication and dicing of the CMUTs, they are then assembled using shim or
dummy silicon wafers to obtain proper vertical offset to realize the desired
discretized hyperbolic paraboloid geometry. After assembling, individual sensing
surfaces are electrically connected to the bonding pads of a commercially
available PGA-68 package using gold bonding wires. The assembling and
packaging of the final array geometry was carried out with the help of
AdvoTech™ Company Inc., U.S.A.

5.1 Assembly Details

Since state-of-the-art microfabrication processes are basically planar in nature as

discussed in chapter four, the individual sensing surfaces were fabricated as
planar devices as discussed in chapter 4. The individual sensing surfaces are to
be assembled in proper orientations and at proper height offsets to obtain the
shape of a discretized hyperbolic paraboloid geometry.
Silicon shim wafers or dummy wafers are used to obtain the necessary
height offset for the individual dies (sensing surfaces). To obtain different height

offsets, multiple shim wafers are used each of which has a thickness of 350 µm.
This value has been obtained by dividing the total array height with total number
of discrete elevations in case of a 5x5 array. To attach the SOI based sensing
surface to the shim wafers underneath, a conductive silver filled epoxy is used.
Conductive epoxy is used to provide a conductive connection between the
handle layer of SOI base CMUT and the Silicon shim wafer so that a common
electrical base point is obtained for all the dies instead of having separate
grounding for each of them. This also helps in reducing the pin connection
complexity. Another factor to be addressed here is that the vertical offset should
keep proper isolation between the two different voltage levels, which is the
biasing voltage and the ground level. At the top right corner of the lower level
CMUT, which is at biasing potential, there is a risk of potential electrical short
circuit with the base plate as shown in figure 5.1(a). To overcome this problem
another vertical coating of non-conducting adhesive has been used, as shown in
Figure 5.1(b).
The deposition of conductive and non-conductive adhesive on vertical and
horizontal side respectively has been carried out using Micro Alignment set up
with the help of AdvoTech™ Company Inc., U.S.A.
Figure 5.1(c) shows the Silicon shim wafer (Height Offset) assembled
inside a PGA-68 package. Figure 5.1(d) and (e) shows the side view and the top
view of the sensing surface arranged on top of Silicon shim wafer. The
Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Sensors are place on top of this using the
above described process and then connected to the package as described in the
next section.

Conductive Adhesive

Short Circuit
Biasing Potential

Ground Potential

Figure 5.1(a). Illustration of assembling and short circuit condition.

Conductive Adhesive

Insulator layer
Biasing Potential

Ground Potential

Figure 5.1(b). Illustration after non-conductive vertical coating.

Figure 5.1(c). Illustration of silicon shim wafer Inside a PGA-68.

Figure 5.1(d). Illustration of sensing surface over a silicon shim wafer (Side

Figure 5.1(e). Illustration of sensing surface over a silicon shim wafer (Top view).

5.2 Packaging Details
The package serves to integrate all of the components required for a system
application in a manner that minimizes size, cost, mass and complexity. The
package provides the interface between the components and the overall system.
The three main functions of the MEMS package are mechanical support,
protection from the environment, and electrical connection to other system
components [32].
The array has a dimension of 9.0x9.0 mm and a PGA-68 package has a
cavity size of 12.0 x 12.0 mm that can accommodate a maximum die size of
10.2x10.2 mm. Thus a commercially available PGA-68 package will meet the
requirements for the CMUT microarray. This detail was confirmed with Canadian
Microelectronic Corporation (CMC Microsystems). Figure 5.2 shows the PGA-68
package details. Another requirement of packaging is the definition of bonding
pads. In order to ease the assembly and interconnection process while avoiding
the orientation issue, each of the sensing surfaces has been fabricated to have a
175 µm wide symmetrical bonding ring (as shown in figure 4.4(a), chapter Four).
Thus the gold bonding wires can be bonded at any location on the symmetric
bonding pad.
The pin connection details of a PGA-68 package are shown in Table 5.1.
A pictorial presentation of the pin connection is also presented in figure 5.3. The
connection chart has been made considering the bonding tail and bonding pitch
factor and also the redundancy in case of longer connections with interior dies,
for example die A3 as shown in figure 5.3.
The actual device after complete Assembling and Packaging has been
shown in Figure 5.4 and 5.5. The device is now complete and ready for testing.

Figure 5.2 (a): Top View of aPGA-68 package.


Bottom View

Figure 5.2 (b). Bottom view of a PGA-68 package.

Table 5.1: Wire Bonding Diagram Details

Pin Die# Pin Die# Pin Die# Pin Die# Pin Die# Pin Die#

1 A1 9 B1 27 A5 57 B5 59 A3 5 O

3 A2 19 B2 31 A6 55 B6 41 A5 29 O

7 A3 25 B3 33 A7 43 B7 21 B4 39 O

63 A4 11 B4 37 A8 53 B8 45 B6 61 O

Figure 5.3. 5x5 array pin connection scheme (PGA-68 Package).

Figure 5.4: Complete 5x5 array (Top View).

Figure 5.5: Complete 5x5 array (Side View).

Chapter 6
Conclusions and Future Work

6.1 Conclusion

A successful design, simulation, and fabrication of a non-planar Capacitive

Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) array that can provide a
frequency independent constant bandwidth broadband beamforming capability
without any microelectronic signal processing has been carried out in this thesis.
Current beamforming solutions involve microelectronics based complex
algorithms, making these systems more complex and subject to processing time
latency. A discrete hyperbolic paraboloid shaped array which has intrinsic
beamforming capabilities and hence forth can provide a cheaper and less
complex solution for real time applications as compared to the currently available
solutions. The array has been designed for blind spot monitoring in a future
automotive collision avoidance system. The scientific approach of this research
work is based on the previous work [4].
Two different designs, A 7x7 array and B 5x5 array, operating in the
frequency range of 113-167 kHz, beamwidth of 20±50, and a maximum sidelobe
intensity of -6dB as suited for the target application has been carried out. The
array level and transducer level geometric specifications were calculated for
both. Due to the less complex assembly and packaging involved in case of 5x5
array, it was pursued for fabrication.

After simulation of the fabrication process using IntelliFab module of
IntelliSuite™, the actual fabrication of the array was carried out at CIRFE,
University of Waterloo. The latest Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) based fabrication
technology was used. Step by Step details of the fabrication process including
the materials used, process parameters and fabrication constraints have been
described in this work. The assembly and packaging details for the device have
also been developed and provided along with the necessary pin connection
schemes. A commercially available Pin Grid Array (PGA)-68 package has been
used as it provides the required die space cavity along with the sufficient number
of pins for connection. Advotech Inc. of Tempe, Arizona, USA followed the
developed assembly and interconnection scheme to package the non-planar
A new analytical model to calculate the deflection profile of a square
diaphragm capacitive sensor subject to both electrostatic and external
mechanical pressure has been developed and verified by comparing the results
with 3-D electromechanical finite element analysis with excellent accuracy.
Another analytical model has also been developed to calculate the capacitance
change of a square diaphragm capacitive type sensor subject to both external
mechanical and electrostatic pressure. The model incorporates the effect of
fringing field capacitance, bias voltage and spring hardening effects associated
with large deflections of a diaphragm. The model exhibits excellent accuracy
when compared with IntelliSuite™ finite element analysis (FEA) results.
Lumped element modeling of the capacitive transducers has been carried
out to reduce the geometric complexity to a manageable level for rapid simulation
and specification determination. The lumped element modelling is able to
optimize the performance of the individual transducers. The design and
performance parameters obtained were verified with IntelliSuite™ FEA results.

6.2 Future Work

One of the main concerns in MEMS technology is packaging. Although, a

commercially available package (PGA-68) has been used in this case but an
acoustical cover over the package is desired. This cover will be able to improve
the ruggedness of the device and make it less prone to ambient tampering,
contamination but the performance requirements for such a cover make it a
research challenge.
Also the same concept of intrinsic beamforming can be extended for
medical diagnostic applications as well. In case of brain scanning, where a
frequency in MHz range is used, we can have several such small arrays
encircling the area of investigation and hence an image can be generated for
further analysis. For a frequency range of 0.8-1.4 MHz, an array design has
been presented here in table 6.1. Further investigation in this area can help to
provide cheaper solutions in the field of medical diagnostic imaging as well.
Table 6.1: Brain Scan Array Specifications
Parameter For 21x21 Array Unit

Operating Frequency Range 0.8—1.4 MHz

Beamwidth 20° ± 4° degrees

Array Sidelength 2.55 mm

Array Height 0.84 mm
Sensing Surfaces per axis 21 -

Elevations 22 -

Sensing Surface sidelength 120 μm

Bias Voltage 12.0 Volts


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Appendix A

Matlab Scripts

A.1 Center Deflection Vs Biasing Voltage

% Center Deflection evaluation Using the proposed analytical method. (Chapter Three)
% Coded by:- Syed Yasir Abbas
% Date: - 26th June 2008
% Modified: - 24th April 2009.
clear all;
close all;
L=225e-6; % Sidelength in micrometer
a=L/2; % Half of side length
t=2e-6; %Thickness of diaphragm
v=0.35; % Poisson’s Ratio
E=160e9/(1-v^2); % Effective Young's Modulus in Pa
CD=[ ];
for m=0:6;
sigma(m+1)=(30e6); %Residual Stress in Pa
P(m+1) = 000 ; % Applied Pressure in Pascal
V(m+1)=10*m; % Bias Voltage Volts
d(m+1)= (1e-6); %Air Gap
% Solving the cubic equation for the Center Deflection (Combined Model).

A3= Cs*Fs*(E*t/a^4);
A0= -(P(m+1)+(eps0*V(m+1)^2/(2*a))*((a/d(m+1)^2)+(0.265*a^0.25/d(m+1)^1.25)));
W =roots ([A3 A2 A1 A0]);
for n=1:length(W)
if ((imag(W(n))== 0))
Wo =W(n);
CD(m+1)= Wo/(1e-6); % Center Deflection in micrometer
C(m+1) = dblquad(@cap,-L/2,L/2,-L/2,L/2,[],[],Wo);
Plot (V,CD,'b');
Xlabel ('Biasing Voltage(Volts)');
Ylabel ('Center Deflection (Micrometer)');

A.2 Capacitance Vs Biasing Voltage

% Center Deflection evaluation Using the proposed analytical method. (Chapter Three)
% Coded by:- Syed Yasir Abbas
% Date: - 26th June 2008
% Modified: - 25th April 2009.
clear all;
close all;
L=225e-6; % Sidelength in micrometer
a=L/2; % Half of side length
t=2e-6; %Thickness of diaphragm
v=0.35; % Poisson’s Ratio
E=160e9/(1-v^2); % Effective Young's Modulus in Pa
CD=[ ];
for m=0:6;
sigma(m+1)=(30e6); %Residual Stress in Pa
P(m+1) = 000 ; % Applied Pressure in Pascal
V(m+1)=10*m; % Bias Voltage Volts
d(m+1)= (1e-6); %Air Gap
% Solving the cubic equation for the Center Deflection (Combined Model).

A3= Cs*Fs*(E*t/a^4);
A0= -(P(m+1)+(eps0*V(m+1)^2/(2*a))*((a/d(m+1)^2)+(0.265*a^0.25/d(m+1)^1.25)));
W =roots ([A3 A2 A1 A0]);
for n=1:length(W)
if ((imag(W(n))== 0))
Wo =W(n);
CD(m+1)= Wo/(1e-6); % Center Deflection in micrometer
C(m+1) = dblquad(@cap,-L/2,L/2,-L/2,L/2,[],[],Wo);
C=C/10^-12; %Capacitance pF
Plot (V,C,'b');
Xlabel ('Biasing Voltage(Volts)');
Ylabel (`Capacitance (pF)');

A.3 Lumped Element Simulation

% Array Design Simulation.

% Coded by:- S Yasir Abbas
% Dated:- 29th Feb'2008.
clear all;
physical.Vb= 18; % Biased Voltage (Volts), according to car battery O/P.
physical.eta = 17.1*10^-6; % Air Viscocity.
physical.rhoO= 1.21; % Air Density.
physical.E = 1.6*10^11; % Young's Modulus.
physical.Rs =30*10^6; % Residual Stress.
physical.v = 0.35; % Poisson's ratio.
physical.epsO =8.85*10^-12; % Electrical Permittivity. = 2*pi*(140e3); % Operating frequency in rads/sec.
physical.P = 1; % Acoustic Pressure.
physical.Temp = 90; % System Temperature in Celsius.
physical.c= 343; % Speed of Sound in Air.
physical.a=.225e-3; % Diaphragm Side length in meter.
physical.d= 1*10^(-6); % Air Gap in meter.
physical.t= 2*10^(-6); % Diaphragm Thickness.
physical.rho= 2300; % Density of Diaphragm material.
physical.holes = 5*5; % Nos. of holes in perforated plate.
physical.elements = 6*6; % Elements per Tier
physical.rbh = 15e-6;

% Determine Lump model parameters from physical parameters and physical
% properties. Model given by [21,23] is used.
lump = genlumped(physical);
% Resonant Freq and Steady State response
%Determine mechanical steady state response with respect to frequency as
%well as undamped resonant frequency.
%Determine the electrical sensitivity as per Mastrnagelo paper
Smast = abs(mastrangelo(physical))*10^3; %Express in mV/Pa
% Determine capacitance of tier based on parallel plate approximation.
Cdia = (physical.epsO*physical.a^2/physical.d)*physical.elements;
%Percentage area of Diaphragm area occupied by vents.
% Determine Mechanical sensitivity and capacitance change by puers method

% generate report
disp( date );
disp ('_____Transducer Parameters______________________');
disp(['Diaphragm side length:' num2str(physical.a*10^3) ' mm']);
disp (['Diaphragm thickness: ' num2str(physical.t*10^6) ' micrometer']);
disp (['Air Gap /Buried Oxide thickness: ' num2str(physical.d*10^6) ' micrometer']);
disp('-----------Lumped Element Model Results------- ' );
disp(['Unbiased Tier Capacitance: ' num2str(Cdia*10^12) 'pF']);
disp(['Resonant frequency: ' num2str(Fres/10^3) 'kHz']);
disp('**********Sensitivity figures*********' );

disp(['Mechanical Sensitivity by puers method: ' num2str(Spuers.Sz*10^6) 'um/N @'
num2str(*pi*10^3)) 'kHz' ]);
disp(['Capacitance change (per Tier) by puers method: '
num2str(Spuers.deltaC_AC*10^15*physical.elements) 'fF/Pa @'
num2str(*pi*10^3)) 'kHz' ]);
disp(['Diaphragm Total Sensitivity by Resonance Method: ' num2str(Sop*10^3) '
(mV/Pa)/element @' num2str(*pi*10^3)) 'kHz' ]);
disp(['Diaphragm Total Sensitivity by Mastrangelo Method: ' num2str(Smast) '
(mV/Pa)/element @' num2str(*pi*10^3)) 'kHz' ]);
disp(['Total Tier sensitivity predicted between : ' num2str(physical.elements*Smast) '--'
num2str(physical.elements*Sop*10^3) '(mV/Pa) @'
num2str(*pi*10^3)) 'kHz' ]);
disp (['Percentage of diaphragm area occupied by vent holes: ' num2str(lump.alpha*100)

A.4 Beam Shape Codes

% Codes Provide polar plot of power in terms of theta and give

% a picture of mainlobe and sidelobe power.
% Coded by: Syed Yasir Abbas
% Last updated on 9th Feb'2008.
close all;
ML=2; %sidelength in terms of wavelength along X-axis (=3,113;=2.42,140;=2,167).
MY=2; %sidelength in terms of wavelength along Y-axis.
alpha =10*pi/180;
M=5; %Nos of sensors per axis
theta =(-90:2:90)*pi/180;
phi = (0:1:0)*pi/180;
pMain = zeros(length(ML),1);
pSide= 0;
for index= 1:length(ML)
Z= zeros(length(theta),length(phi));
for a=1:length(theta)
for b= 1:length(phi)
% Normalize Z
% Total Power from -pi/2 to pi/2.

%Power in Main Lobe from -alpha to alpha.
pMain(index)= trapz(ptheta, abs(pZ));
% Power in Sidelobe
mmpolar('RTickLabel',{'-6dB', '-10dB', '-1dB'});

A.5 Code for Generating Discrete Hyperbolic Paraboloid

% Discrete Hyperbolic Paraboloid plot for 5x5 array.

% Coded by:- SYED YASIR ABBAS.
% LAST UPDATED:-21st DEC'2007 .
grid off;
hold on;
for m = 1:length(X); %:length(x)
for n = 1:length(Y); %:length(y)
h=z(m,n)*h; %h,length(h),
s= x-0.5:(0.5/2):x+0.5;
w= y-0.5:(0.5/2):y+0.5;
[X,Y]=meshgrid(s,w); %length(X),
shading flat;

Vita Auctoris

Syed Yasir Abbas (Rizvi) was born in 1984 in Barabanki, India. He completed his
Bachelors in Electrical Engineering (B.Tech) from Z.H.C.E.T, Aligarh Muslim
University (India), in 2006. He received International Graduate Student
Scholarship at University of Windsor and also Siemens Budding Technocrat
Scholarship in India.


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