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Introductory Outline for PanLogoist Cartography

October 2017
1. The purpose of Cartography for an Apokatastasis
2. Provide examples of previous, success stories.

The Purpose of PanLogoist Cartography

3. “Map of everything as it pertains to you”.
4. “When we truly know ourselves the ‘issues’ that plague us begin to fall away”.
5. Apokatastasis: Defined.
6. Quote from Ralph H Blum
a. The Book of the Runes.
7. Essay on Panology.
8. William Barrett quote from Irrational Man which depicts the “Importance of Panologists”.
9. Von Kenebel quote from Better than Gold depicting the code for the PanLogoist.
a. My addition, “The medicine of PanLogoist Cartography is to eradicate fear and
counteract shame through the practice of True Empathy and Active Solidarity and
replacing it with confidence and love”.
10. Universal Narcissism
11. Universal PTSD
b. Universal Dissociative Fugue Disorder
12. True Empathy
13. Active Solidarity
14. “Tomorrow is just an excuse away”. Billy Corgen quote from his song 33.
15. Ennina and the Minoan religion.
16. My mantra that begins with, “But forward I remain…”

What We Do
1. Cartography of your past
a. Identify all divergence from your True Path by identifying the events and
monuments of regret or that you define as “life-changing”.
i. Identify all false-conditioning.
ii. Identify any:
1. Regrets
2. Guilts
3. Embarrassments.
4. False Perceptions
5. Conditioning
6. Programming
7. Shame
iii. Identify any “curses” that have been assigned to them.
1. Social
2. Religious
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Other
2. Create a map of the Percipient.
a. Identify their Primordial Self
b. Identify their True Will
c. Identify their True Path
3. Cartography of any linked cultures, beliefs, history, mythologies, etc.
4. After Creating the Cartography of the Past and the Primordial Cartography the Percipient
and the Cartographer should have a clear view of who the Percipient is upon Apokatastasis.

Freeing the Shadows: Etymology and Perceptions

1. Ask Percipient to define “Sin”.
2. Explain the definition and purpose of Etymology.
3. Explain the importance of Etymology.
a. When a word was used to identify something, upon its first origination, the word
literally meant what it was intended to identify or define. Now, to find the definition
of a word, one must search through the dictionary to discover the definition(s) of
word(s) found within the definition(s) of the intended word(s)’(s) definition.
4. Circle back around and tell about the “Myth of Sin”
a. Tiamat
b. Tiamat & Apsu
c. Tiamat and the “Monsters of the Pantheon”.
d. Tiamat and Marduk.
e. Marduk
i. Marduk’s fear
ii. Marduk’s transforms into Yahweh
iii. Yahweh’s exodus
iv. Yahweh’s creation of Eden
1. Adam
2. Eve
3. His fear of uprising
4. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
5. Explain the intention of freeing the True Yahweh from the man-made, Yahweh (who is
embodied with Narcissus).
6. The Tears of Lucifer Part 1
a. Lucifer’s oath of vengeance
7. Sin the goddess
a. Oppression
b. Eradication of feminine power.
c. Eradication of pagan faiths (i.e. serpents and women).
8. The Tears of Lucifer Part 2
a. Lucifer finds Eden.
b. Eve
c. Lucifer’s Song for Eve
d. Lucifer becomes the Serpent
9. Yahweh, (Gas) Light of the World.
a. Intention to separate us from ourselves and the Divine.
b. The True Yahweh is being hidden in the Shadows as well.
c. Yahweh must be freed too.
d. Narcissus
e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
f. Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome
g. Gaslighting
h. Universal Narcissism
i. Universal Shame
ii. Control
iii. Propagation of Shame Culture
10. Bring the story full-circle. Explain the science of False Light damaging the Skye and how
Nightfall protects it.

The Evolution of Etymology & Sentient Perception are Parallel

1. The Evolution of Perception is illuminated through the evolution of language. Etymology is
the vessel in which we can trace this Corrosion.
2. The evolution of our language and the words we use is directly related to the climate in
which we live. By “Climate”, I am referring to the literal climate, environment, political
climate, economic, rule, oppression, our Psyche, and all else in the universe around us.

A Cartography to an Apokatastasis
Identify and Develop the Percipient’s Compass Rose.
Throughout the process of the Cartography Sessions, the Cartographer challenges the Percipient to
begin the practice of reconditioning their perspective to align with the following principles.

1. The Divine Purpose

a. Create
b. Celebrate
c. Experience
2. Individual Responsibility
a. We are only responsible for the ways in which we allow ourselves to perceive the
information that we receive and how we project them outwardly. Everything else is
someone else’s fuckign problem.
3. Compass to Healing
a. True Empathy
b. Active Solidarity

The Intention of PanLogoist Cartography

1. To encourage a committed practice to Active Solidarity.
2. To educate and nurture a commitment to the practice of True Empathy.

The Jargon of PanLogoist Cartography

1. Why Jargon?
a. Attempting to use a universal and neutral language which can identify any concept
of spirit or cognition without creating defense or offense.
2. Storytelling
a. Narrative and Dramatic Storytelling jargon.
3. Cinema
4. The Non-Submersible Units
5. Nautical
a. Mere fun.
6. Cartography
a. Topological
b. Topographical
c. Cartographical
7. Compass Rose
a. The barometer of Heart. Our guide. The things from which we build our scale.
8. Music Compositions
a. Overview of a Fugue.

Absolution of Cartographic Sessions


The Ethics of the Cartographer

1. Dismissal of Self
2. Confidentiality
3. Avoid Conjecture
4. Transparency with any conjecture or personal insights. Even from a n intuitive place.
a. Information
b. Guidance
c. Insight
5. Direction of Cartography is entirely up to the Percipient.
6. No advice or service may be given without the verbal approval or request of the Percipient.

The Expectations for the Percipient

1. Follow through
2. Be honest
3. Dismiss any falsely perceived expectations of self and/or Cartographer.
a. Verbalize these concerns before assuming their accuracy.
i. Challenge Cartographer
ii. Be vocal.
iii. Ask questions.
4. Always challenge your Cartographer.
5. Seek to fully align yourself with your Self.
6. Be vocal.
7. Ask for needs, wants, desires.

Request from Me to My Initial Percipients

Consider permitting me to use stories, methods, revelations, etc. that are arrived at through the
practice of developing your Cartography.

If this is approved, permit a conversation between us to identify and confirm your boundaries and
personal requests pertaining to what your comfortability is with this concept.
Due to PanLogoist Cartographer remaining in a stage of development and without professional
constructs there is no expectation or request for compensation from the Cartographer of their

The Percipient may, on their accord, elect to make gifts of any form if desired. These can consist of
tangible items, service trades, or even monetary value.

If compensation is going to be provided to the Cartographer it is requested that it is identified after

the Intake Process commences. If the Percipient would like to make an additional gift or gifts to the
Cartographer, it is requested that the Percipient vocalizes the intention and follows through with the
intention. The vocalization of these intentions should be done during the Assessment Sessions.

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