Emergency in Accident: Student

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Team 1:

1. Ade Septi Handayani as Ns. A

2. Adela Sari as Student
3. Alqna Miftasyah as Nurse
4. Via anggraini as Nurse B
5. Widya Fuji Aldina as The Woman
6. Yanti Saputri as E-Nurse

In Merdeka, there is traffic accident. The accident cause woman is unconscious. The
patient is bleeding and also injured. When the accident happened, one student was walking
around there. The student saw it, and helped her.
Student : “ Miss, miss are you okay? Can you hear my voice ?”

The woman still unconcious, the student seeking help as soon as.
Student : “help, help, help everybody please help me, there is unconscious woman in

accidentally, there is a Nurse come in there. The nurse checked the woman as soon
Nurse : “what happen?, can I help something?”
Student : “ yes miss, can you help her miss. She is unconscious and also she is
“ I don’t know what I will do?”
Nurse : “ oh my god, i will check her first, and you can help me to contact the nearest
Student : “ok miss”

when the nurse checked the wowan, the student was calling the nearest hospital
E-nurse (I) : “hallo, good morning, DIV Hospital from emergency room. Can I help you?”
Student : “Yes miss, I am Ani. I want to informed you about the traffic aciddent in
Merdeka. The accident cause a woman is unconscious with bleeding and
also she has injury.Can you send your emergency team to help her as soon
as miss?
E-Nurse(I) : “ Ok miss Ani, I will send our emergency team in your location. Thank’s for
you Information”

E-Nurse(I) asked her team to went to the location of traffic accident

E-Nurse(I) : “ Ns. A and Ns. B Please go to Merdeka because there is traffic accident
cause Woman is unconscious and also she is bleeding cause many wound.”
Ns. A & Ns. B : “ok miss, will be there as soon as”
E-Nurse(I) : “ ok, don’t forget to bring anything that you need in there”
Ns. A : “ all already”

In the traffic accident location, nurse afford CPR to safety her woman before team
emergency come.
Nurse : “ have you finished to call the nearest hospital?”
Student : “ finished, they will be in here as soon as”
Nurse : “ ok, now you help me to stop the bleeding. Please put my handkerchief on
my bag, Make a knot and blend it don’t forget to afford a pressure when
you blend it. Have you understand?”
Student : “ like that miss?”
Nurse : “ all right”

The emergency come....

Student : “miss look at that, emergency team come”
Ns. A : “ may I help you?”
Nurse : “ i’m nurse too, the bleeding didn’t want to stop and also the woman still
Unconscious, I afford CPR 4 ciclus”
Ns. B : “may I continue to afford CPR miss?”
Nurse : “ Yes miss, I feel so tired. Please continue it miss”
After the team emercgency afford 5 ciclus CPR, they was checking of woman
Ns. B : “ i will check carotis artery”
: “papable carotid pulse. And now look, listen, feel the breathing
Ns.B : “ clear, chest movement, breath and sounds of breath all ready.
Ns. A : “ are you sure?”
Ns.B : “yes, I’m sure”
Ns. A : “ ok, if like that give she recovery position first after that we will move her to
Ns. B : “ok Every body, can help me to move she to ambulance now?”
Every body : “ Ok “
Ns. B : “please you put on the her feet, and you on back side and you on chest side.
And I will give instruction to move here slowly”
Evey body : “yes”
Ns.B :”ready guys?”
Every body : “yes”
Ns. B : “ one, two, three, move her”
“Ok good job”

The emergency team was move the wowan to ambulance, and they went to DIV
hospital to shearch more resusitation. In the DIV hospital, the woman got resuscitation. The
woman use IVFD for fluid resuscitation, monitor installed in her body. But at the time, the
woman still unconscius.
Three days later, the woman conscius slowly...
Nurse A : “good morning miss, have feel better today?”
The Woman : “yes nurse,”
Ns. A : “today, I’m going to clean your wound. The wound has three days, if the
wound is not infection and it can make you comfortable miss.
The woman : “oh, I know but Ns. Is it pain?”
Ns. A : “ just little, but don’t worried miss.”
The woman : “ ok if like that”
Ns. A : “ ok miss, i have finished to clean your wound, what dou feel now?”
The woman : “ i feel be better than more”
Ns. A : “ ok miss if like that, any something can i help you again?”
The woman : “oh thank you so much, I think enough Ns. A”
Ns. A : “ if you need something you can call me in the nurse station or you can press
the Bell”


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