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Tenses Rumus Contoh

Simple am/is/are + past participle The crafts are made of wood.

am/is/are + being + past
Present Continuous The room is being cleaned.
Perfect has/have + been + past participle Your requests have been approved.
Simple was/were + past participle The mansion was built in 1990.
was/were + being + past
Past Continuous Your gown was being washed.
Perfect had + been+ past participle The fence had been painted in green.
Simple will + be + past participle The packet will be sent immediately.
Future will + have + been + past The article will have been read ninety
participle times.

1. Simple past tense

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam simple past tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-2 + direct object S (direct object) + was/were + past participle +/- by … (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb. Bagaimana dengan intransitive verb? Kalimat
dengan intransitive verb mungkin dapat dipasifkan jika memiliki prepositional
phrase (lihat: Passive Voice pada Intransitive Verb). Subject pada passive voice merupakan
object of preposition pada active voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-2int + preposition + object S (object of preposition) + was/were + past participle +
of preposition preposition +/- by … (agent)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Simple Past Tense

Beberapa contoh kalimat passive voice dalam simple past tense adalah sebagai berikut.

No. Active Voice Passive Voice

Sunmark Press printed the first book in The first book was printed in 2005 by
2005. Sunmark Press.
(Sunmark Press mencetak buku pertama (Buku pertama tersebut dicetak pada tahun
tersebut pada tahun 2005.) 2005 oleh Sunmark Press.)
2 Someone left the letter when he was away The letter was left when he was away from
from his desk. his desk.
(Seseorang meninggalkan surat tersebut (Surat tersebut ditinggalkan ketika dia jauhd
ketika dia jauh dari mejanya.) ari mejanya.)
Sardines and rice were eaten for dinner by
Tio ate sardines and rice for dinner.
3 (Tio makan sardin dan nasi untuk makan
(Sardin dan nasi dimakan untuk makan malam
oleh Tio.)
They just talked about mental health. Mental health was just talked by them.
4 (Mereka baru saja membicarakan tentang (Kesehatan mental baru saja dibicarakan oleh
kesehatan mental.) mereka.)
Yesterday, the hotel was stayed at by my
Yesterday, my father stayed at the hotel. father.
(Kemarin ayah saya tinggal di hotel tersebut.) (Kemarin hotel tersebut ditinggali oleh ayah

2. Simple future tense

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam simple future tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S (direct object) +will + be + past participle +/- by …
S + will + verb-1 + direct object
S + am/is/are going to + bare infinitive + S (direct object) + am/is/are going to + be + past
direct object participle +/- by … (agent)

Agent (pelaku aksi) pada passive voice pada kedua kemungkinan tersebut
merupakan subject pada active voice. Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana
memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum dipasifkan.

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Simple Future Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
I will wash the dishes. The dishes will be washed.
(Saya akan mencuci piring.) (Piring akan dicuci.)
They are going to invest a small amount of their A small amount of their money is going to
money in the stock market. be invested in the stock market.
(Mereka akan menginvestasikan sedikit uang (Sedikit uang mereka akan diinvestasikan
mereka di pasar saham.) di pasar saham.)
Dino will show you something interesting. You will be shown something interesting.
3 (Dino akan menunjukkan padamu sesuatu yang (Kamu akan ditunjukkan sesuatu yang
menarik.) menarik.)
His assistant will prepare and edit your legal Your legal documents will be prepared
documents. and edited.
(Asistennya akan mempersiapkan dan (Dokumen-dokumen hukummu akan
memperbaiki dokumen-dokumen hukummu.) dipersiapkan dan diperbaiki.)
He is going to meet a new client tomorrow. A new client is going to be met tomorrow.
(Dia akan bertemu seorang klien baru besok.) (Seorang klien baru akan ditemui besok.)

3. Simple present tense

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam simple present tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S (direct object) + is/am/are + past participle +/- by …
S + verb-1 + direct object
S + modal + bare infinitive + direct S (direct object) + modal + be + past participle +/- by …
object (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum
dipasifkan. Kalimat dengan intransitive verb mungkin dapat dipasifkan jika
memiliki prepositional phrase (lihat: Passive Voice pada Intransitive Verb). Subject pada passive
voice merupakan object of preposition pada active voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-1int + preposition + object S (object of preposition) + is/am/are + past participle +
of preposition preposition +/- by … (agent)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Simple Present Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
Pregnant women should eat dark chocolate Dark chocolate should be eaten regularly by
regularly. pregnant women.
(Wanita hamil seharusnya makan coklat (Coklat hitam seharusnya dimakan secara
hitam secara teratur.) teratur oleh wanita hamil.)
People make books from trees. Books are made from trees.
(Orang membuat buku dari pohon.) (Buku dibuat dari pohon.)
My parents treat me like a baby.
I am treated like a baby by my parents .
3 (Orang tua memperlakukan saya seperti
(Saya diperlakukan seperti bayi oleh orang tua.)
You can use the photos for free. The photos can be used for free.
(Kamu bisa menggunakan goto-foto (Foto-foto tersebut dapat digunakan secara
tersebut secara gratis.) gratis.)
The right side of the bed is often slept on by
He often sleeps on the right side of the bed. him.
(Dia selalu tidur di sisi kanan tempat tidur.) (Sisi kanan tempat tidur sering ditiduri

4. Past perfect tense

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam past perfect tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + had + past participle + direct S (direct object) + had + been + past participle +/- by …
object (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
They had used poison gas in World War I. Poison gas had been used in World War I.
1 (Mereka telah menggunakan gas beracun (Gas beracun telah digunakan dalam perang
dalam perang dunia pertama.) dunia pertama.)
Sally had read two hundred books Two hundred books had been read by Sally
before graduating from the college. before graduating from the college.
(Sally telah membaca dua ratus buku sebelum (Dua ratus buku telah dibaca oleh Sally
lulus dari kampus tersebut.) sebelum lulus dari kampus tersebut.)
He had helped you so many times. You had been helped so many times.
(Dia telah membantumu berkali-kali.) (Kamu telah dibantu berkali-kali.)

5. Present continous tense

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam present continuous tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + am/is/are + present participle + S (direct object) + is/am/are + being + past participle +/-
direct object by … (agent)
Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Present Continuous Tense

No Active Voice Passive Voice
The surveyor is using the digital theodolite. The digital teodolit is being used.
(Surveyor sedang menggunakan teodolit digital.) (Teodolit digital sedang digunakan.)
She is not cutting the grass now. The grass is not being cut now.
(Dia tidak sedang memotong rumput sekarang.) (Rumput tidak sedang dipotong sekarang.)
TV is usually being watched when I
You are usually watching TV when I come.
3 (Kamu biasanya sedang menonton TV ketika
(TV biasanya sedang ditonton ketika saya
saya datang.)
I have no idea know why he is wearing the I have no idea why the shirt is being worn
shirt to sleep. to sleep.
(Saya tidak tahu kenapa dia menggunakan (Saya tidak tahu kenapa kemeja itu
kemeja itu untuk tidur.) digunakan untuk tidur.)
Where are they presenting the product?
Where is the product being presented?
5 (Dimana mereka memeresentasikan produk
(Dimana produk tersebut dipresentasikan?)

6. Berikut rumus passive voice dalam past continuous tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + was/were + present participle + S (direct object) +was/were + being + past participle +/-
direct object by … (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
My friend was baking bread when I came. Bread were being baked when I came.
1 (Teman saya sedang memanggang roti ketika (Roti sedang dipanggang ketika saya
saya datang.) datang.)
Some workers was maintaining the toll road at The toll road was being maintained at this
2 this time yesterday. time yesterday.
(Beberapa pekerja sedang melakukan (Jalan tol sedang dipelihara kemarin.)
pemeliharaan jalan tol kemarin.)
She was cleaning the kitchen floor while the The kitchen floor was being cleaned while
children were playing in the living room. the children were playing in the living room.
(Dia membersihkan lantai dapur ketika anak- (Lantai dapur dibersihkan ketika anak-anak
anak bermain di ruang tamu.) bermain di ruang tamu.)
They were discussing exchange rates at 7 Exchange rates were being discussed at 7
o’clock this morning. o’clock this morning.
(Mereka sedang mendiskusikan kurs pukul 7 (Kurs sedang didiskusikan pada pukul 7
pagi ini.) pagi ini.)
The human resource manager said that he was The human resource manager said that my
still processing my documents. documents were still being processed.
(Manager SDM mengatakan bawhwa dia masih (Manager SDM mengatakan bahwa
memeroses dokumen saya.) dokumen saya masih diproses.)

7. Passive Voice dalam Past Future Tense adalah

Untuk lebih memperjelasnya, silahkan lihat skema pada gambar di bawah ini :

Jadi, rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat Passive Voice dalam Past Future Tense adalah
sebagai berikut :

S + Would Be + V3
Contoh pembuatan kalimat Passive Voice dalam bentuk positive :

Active :

 They would learn English.

 We would buy a dictionary
 He would visit his family

Passive :

 English would be learned by them.

 A dictionary would be bought by us
 His family would be visited by him

Apabila contoh kalimat Passive Voice diatas dirubah menjadi kalimat negative dan interrogative,
maka akan menjadi seperti berikut ini :

(-) English would not be learned by them

(-) A dictionary wouldn't be bought by us
(-) His family wouldn't be visited by him

(?) Would English be learned by them?

(?) Would a dictionary be bought by us?
(?) Would his family be visited by him?

Bila contoh-contoh kalimat past future tense di atas dibentuk dengan "To Be going to" maka
akan menjadi seperti di bawah ini :

Active :

 They were going to learn English.

 We were going to buy a dictionary
 He was going to visit his family

Passive :

 English was going to be learned by them.

 A dictionary was going to be bought by us
 His family was going to be visited by him

Bila kalimat pasif yang dibentuk dengan "To be going to" di atas dirubah dalam bentuk negatif
dan interrogative, maka akan menjadi seperti di bawah ini :

(-) English was not going to be learned by them

(-) A dictionary wasn't going to be bought by us
(-) His family wasn't going to be visited by him

(?) Was English going to be learned by them?

(?) Was a dictionary going to be bought by us?
(?) Was his family going to be visited by him?

Demikian Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kali ini. Bila anda ingin menambahkan atau bertanya
mengenai materi pelajaran di atas, silahkan tinggalkan komentar di bawah ini.
8. Berikut rumus passive voice dalam present perfect tense:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + have/has + present participle + S (direct object) + have/has + been + past participle +/-
direct object by … (agent)

Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb, dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice in Present Perfect Tense

No. Active Voice Passive Voice
Great slides has been prepared for the
He has prepared great slides for the presentation.
1 (Dia telah mempersiapkan slide yang baik untuk
(Slide yang baik telah dipersiapkan untuk
presentasi tersebut.)
presentasi tersebut.)
We have verified your application. Your application has been verified.
(Kami kami akan memverifikasi aplikasimu.) (Aplikasimu telah diverfikasi.)
Someone has used my credit card to buy airline My credit card has been used to buy
tickets. airline tickets.
(Seseorang telah menggunakan kartu kredit saya (Kartu kredit saya telah digunakan untuk
untuk membeli tiket pesawat.) membeli tiket pesawat.)
I have sent the document already.
The document has been sent already.
4 (Saya telah mengirim dokumen tersebut
(Dokumen tersebut telah dikirim.)
My father has just given some money to me. Some money has just been given to me.
(Ayah saya baru memberi uang kepada saya.) (Uang baru saja diberikan kepada saya.)

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