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Elubatel is an angel of Omnipotence.

In the Book of Moses, he is listed as an Angel of Omnipotence. According to the text there are
seven other angels of this class but very little information is given about them other than their

There are 8 angels of this class, Atuesuel, Ebuhuel, Elubatel, Tubatlu, Baulu, Talatu, Labusi,

When working with him ask him to be subtle and not turning everything at once. He likes to
change everything at once.

This is Gilberto’s approach: "PLEASE be gentle, limit to one thing at time, no earthquakes and
no Tsunamis in my life!!!”

For Protection work against demons and black magician that are trying to harm; then there is
no need to ask Elubatel to be gentle. The rougher he is the better, and the faster he could
destroy those demons and black magicians. So mote it be.

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