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The Word of God1 at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection2

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, let there be on earth as
in heaven, for the man’s life comes in man from Me, and the man is indebted to the heaven for
his life in him, for the life of his body, which is from the earth.

I strengthen Myself as a true God that I am, and I work with power, for My word is
God’s power, and happy are the weak, those that are feeble, those who are knocked down by
powers, for when they are this way, I will be the One Who can work at that time. When the man
is strong within himself, I cannot work through him those things that are Mine, but when he is
weak, I am that power in him and that which is over him, by his gentleness and humility through
which he comes before Me in order that I may work upon him. Amen.

I embrace you, My people, with a day of the feast of resurrection. The memory of My
resurrection, if the man remembered this day and all that had accompanied it for My confirma-
tion as the Son of My Father Sabaoth, incarnated on the earth, then the man would speak about
this day and wonder from the bottom of his being and he would become God by grace, for great
is the grace which has been shown in that day on the earth and over the man. Oh, the man needs
fondness, but most of it, he needs wisdom from heaven, mind from above, for whoever is not
born from above, that one is like those on the earth, and his mind keeps him only and only on
to the earth.

It is a feast of resurrection in heaven and on earth, but in order that this may be on
earth as in heaven, the man should be with God on earth in all those of this heavenly feast, and
he had to be alive like the living God, and he has to be resurrected from among all the dead,
just as I am, and to be a godly angel between earth and heaven, as I am. Amen.

Oh, people of My word! My word has made you into My people. It has in it the
spirit of the birth from above over the man. It has the spirit of the resurrection in it, and
by it everything has become new and all those that are old pass away when the spirit of
My word is working. However, when the man stands before the breath of My mouth, when he
stands without his making of this word that is making of man, then the man remains in his old
things from his parents and he does not allow to be born from above, since he, hearing does not
hear, and believing does not become a man born from above by the fruits of this word.

Oh, Jerusalem, how shall I be able to work on the earth as in heaven? Oh, the Romanian
country is under the cleansing fire, about which I spoke that it will come down on it for the
washing of the land of My coming with the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth.
I have brought about the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire on the earth, but My country
minds only its own things that do not mean God, and I, the Lord, I have put it to whitening and
cleansing, for I have got into its midst My word of fifty years, and it sleeps when I spend the
wedding within it with a feast of resurrection, a table of Holy Spirit on its hearth. I have let it
known by the word of fire that it may wake up My chosen one from it in order that he
may pray for it so that I may reconcile it to Me and to bring it first to repentance and then
to resurrection. I have got into its midst My chosen one, Irineu, (The bishop John Irineu of

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.


Bistriţa, r.n.), the one by whom I have established on its land a church working of Holy
Spirit upon it. I have let it know long ago to wake up the one whom I have established as
its intercessor, so that I may give her the little garment of righteousness by its repentance
for its alienation from God, and I will not be merciful on it until it establishes this son
before Me, whom I have ordered to reconcile it to God, that is, My Romanian Country.
Its king has come, My anointed one over it, and He has asked Me why there is so much suffer-
ance, so much pain upon My country and his country? I have answered him that it is the
country of My second coming on the earth and that I wash it away from all its dirt in
order to prepare it to be a land of resurrection and of My glory over the nations. I have
answered its king that I have struck it because it has left My calling behind and that it have kept
in the stocks the one whom I chose over it to pray for it, for its birth from above, for its repent-
ance and for its clothing within the garment of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, My country, as long as you do not stand up to get up for Me the one who is in
the stocks, the one who is set by Me to pray for you, as long as he is kept shut, not being
able to breathe with his mouth your reconciliation with Me upon you, as long as those who
pretend to be My church (Romanian Orthodox Church, r.n.) have kept him in the darkness,
while it has wandered away on its own before Me and not after My life full of grace, as
long as My chosen vessel will stay without My work given upon him for you, My country
in the end of the time, that long you will suffer and this is the answer which I will give to
your king who has been crying to Me for your forgiveness, for a comforting spirit upon
you, My Romanian country, My country and his. Behold, those who are great and are called
My church and yours in you, wander away on their own, but My church is the man full of the
Holy Spirit, full of the word of the Holy Spirit upon nations. The rulers of the church in you
seek after their ranks and because of their wandering away and their haughtiness, My wrath
comes upon you, as it is written into the Scriptures. (See the selection topic: „The true church3”,

Oh, get up to your resurrection, My country, My dear Romania! Get up and wake up the
one who sleeps having been shut in the stocks! He has got a gag in his mouth so that he may
not speak and that his voice may not be heard over the hills in order that these may come into
flower and turn green under the rain of My word, which makes them all again, for this new
making of the world is written into the Scriptures. I could give you birth from above by the
spirit of comfort, My country, but you do not know the whisper of My comfort which prepares
for you your new birth to be My new born one among the nations, oh, country of brightness!
The prophets that prophesied that you would be Mine will get up to receive their inheritance in
you. Daniel, the prophet, will also get up, the one through whom, I, the Lord, prophesied
about you that you will be on earth and that many will crush you so that you may be born
again and to take after Me; this prophet will stand up to receive in you the joy, which he
has believed and waited for. (See prophecies about New Jerusalem, r.n.)

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Oh, I am with the mystery of the feast of the resurrection upon you, My country from
the end of the time. The Lord is King by the word in you. Your kingdom on the earth is not
from this world, but it is from above instead, from heaven, and it is written about you to
be a queen over the nations by My word into your midst. My word in you is the river of
life. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life4”, r.n.) It springs up life from
heaven over the earth, and it is king, for it is the word of the Holy Spirit, and it has the
feast of its Pentecost in you. I have been crying with a river of the Holy Spirit upon you for
fifty years, country of My coming, and the man on the earth, who has heard of your election,
tries to praise himself over you. However, I come down on a day of resurrection feast, My and
your, epistle of the Holy Spirit and I call you to drink of the river of life. Its riverbed is from
heaven and down to earth, from those that are invisible and those that are visible, from
the invisible world and to the visible one. Its spring is My mouth and the little garden over
which I, the Lord, the Word, speak from your midst. Wake up at My voice and make peace
with Me and wake up the one who will speak out before Me the act of your repentance
and birth from My word, which flows into your midst, for you are the fallow land with a
treasure in it, and I am deprived of man into your midst.

I speak over the one that is established to lead you, Romanian country, and I tell him
this: do not forget, you, who are the helmsman of My ship, of My queen Romanian country, do
not forget that I have overcome through the earnest prayers, by the lifting up of the hands to
Me of those that have been God’s sons into the Romanian nations, the sons of My word of fifty
years over the Romanian land, for I told them on the day when I overcame for you, to ask from
Me to set you as the helmsman of My ship on which it is written: Romanian country, and then
I overcame, and as for you, be now My helmsman according to My plan. Bow and receive
from My mouth. I have come with an epistle of the Holy Spirit over the Romanian country. It
is now under the whip of My wrath to cleanse it from the sin of lawlessness that is on it and to
have it as a cleansed bride for the feast of the resurrection and of My coming with a table of
new age on its hearth. The cross that is pressed on My shoulders by the rulers of the church by
the sin on the earth makes Me suffer a great deal. The earth groans with a painful groaning
because of the sins on it. I want to reconcile the earth with the heaven, and the man to the Father
Sabaoth, to draw all to the Father, as I promised two thousand years ago that I would do. I have
been waiting for the one that I promised for the Romanian land and then for the salvation of the
nations. I have been waiting for the one that I chose, My chosen Irineu, a son of the Romanian
people, a son dear to Me and to My saints, and I wait for him to get up from his sleep and to
declare the coming of My mercy upon the Romanian country, for it is beaten because of those
who sit over it on My behalf, as they say. The rulers of the church do not do My will, but
they do their own will instead and they are only after seats and ranks, but I have not sent
them to do this, but, by their own consent, they have set themselves into My place, with their
work. However, the one chosen by Me, I have chosen from among them and sent him to them,
but they did receive him and they put him into chains instead and put a gag into his mouth so
that it may not be heard his sweet voice which has called the man to Me and to My glory into

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the midst of the Romanian people. I have spread the news over the Romanian country, that I,
the Lord, wait for its repentance, for its faith, for its holiness and for its walking into My ways,
to be able to come with its salvation and with a new age upon it, for the people in it do not have
any power to give its salvation, because I do not fulfill the man’s plans, but rather I fulfill Mine.
Amen. And to the one who took the place of My elected Irineu, I tell him and I ask him in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit to take out from the bonds the one
chosen by Me and to establish him as the intercessor and the praying man for the Romanian
country, and I will hear him and I will release mercy and glory over this land and over the
people on it. Woe to those who frustrate My plans which are made out from eternity, be-
cause it was from the foundation of the world that I made out the glory of the Romanian
country in the end of the time, a country which has set My table at My coming from the Father
now, so that I may be able to make the world again and to sit on the seat of judgment and
making, and to declare My word over the earth.

Behold the history of My word of fifty years on the hearth of the Romanian land!
And then many nations will hear and will come to worship and they will drink of My glory
and they will receive resurrection and a spirit of testimony at that time.

Behold the book of My word by which I keep its feast of Pentecost on the Romanian
land! (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005)5, r.n.) I,
the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the mother Virgin, had ful-
filled fifty years of word on the hearth of the Romanian people (1955-2005, r.n.). The na-
tions will hear and will come near, but the Romanian country is in My hand. No one with-
out God will endure over it. I have come down with an epistle of the Holy Spirit upon it, and
to you, the one who are set as a helmsman upon it, I tell you to be careful at the word of My
mouth, for the sea is troubled, and you need to have power from Me and to be an unsleeping
helmsman at the helm of My ship, because I will save the world from its sins by it, and then
I will establish a new age on the earth; I will establish a New Jerusalem, as it is written
into the Scriptures. Do not be unfaithful but faithful, for I wait for the voice of the one who
will lift up prayers to Me from before the Romanian people, and I will listen to his prayer for
the comfort and for the resurrection and for the salvation of this nation. Amen. (See the selection
topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan6”, r.n.)

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Now, I leave you under a spirit of resurrection, My country. I have spoken upon you on
a day of feast of the memorial of My resurrection, for I have got into My hand My heavenly
plan that I am going to fulfill it, and it is written in it your glory from Me and the feast of your
resurrection and your new being in the end of the time. You will be in My image and after My
likeness by those who will be God’s people on your land, for their fate is in My hand, and I am
the Word of God and I give the good news about Me over you with My new name, written into
the Scriptures two thousand years ago, and it is written this way into the Scriptures: «And His
name is called the Word of God». (Rev. 19/13, r.n.). Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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