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PUBERTY - NORMAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The beginning of the increase in growth velocity is about age 11 in boys and
9 in girls but varies widely from individual to individual.
To assess growth and development during puberty it is critical to evaluate
sexual maturity ratings as these correlate to normal growth and also The peak height velocity occurs at a mean of 13.5 years in boys and 11.5
physiologic changes. Sexual maturity ratings include breast development in years in girls.
females, genital development in males and pubic hair development in both
males and females. Pubertal growth accounts for about 20% of final adult height, a total
averaging 23-28 cm in females and 26-28 cm in males.
The average growth spurt lasts 24-36 months.
Many of the body's hormones influence growth, such as growth hormone,
thyroxine, insulin, and corticosteroids (all of which influence growth rate), Growth during the year of PHV in the normal female averages 9 cm/yr and
leptin (which alters body composition), and parathyroid hormone, 1,25- varies normally from 5.4 cm to 11.2 cm. In the normal male, the PHV
dihydroxy-vitamin D, and calcitonin (all of which affect skeletal averages 10.3 cm/yr and varies normally from 5.8 cm to 13.1 cm.
mineralization). However, the key hormone in growth is GH which is
mediated by growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin Males on average are 12-13 cm taller than females primarily because of the
(SS). Growth hormone secretion is increased by GHRH and decreased by 2-year delay in bone closure as compared to females. This accounts for
somatostatin. Both growth hormone levels and IGF-I (somatomedin-C) about a 10-cm difference between the two sexes; in addition, males also
levels rise during puberty. The increase is most marked during mid and late have 2-3 cm more of growth during their growth spurt.
puberty and correlates best with pubertal stage, bone age, and time from
peak height velocity (PHV). WEIGHT

The maturation of bones is influenced by thyroid hormones, adrenal Weight velocity increases and peaks during the adolescent growth spurt.
androgens, and gonadal sex steroids, mainly estrogen. An excess secretion
of these hormones can lead to advanced bone maturation, and at the time Pubertal weight gain accounts for about 50% of an individual's ideal adult
of puberty, deficiency causes delay. body weight.

At puberty, both sex steroids and growth hormone participate in the The onset of accelerated weight gain and the peak weight velocity (PWV)
pubertal growth spurt. The ending of the growth spurt is secondary to attained are highly variable. (Normal weight for age percentile curves are
epiphyseal closure, due to the action of the sex steroids. available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6525
Belcrest Road , Hyattsville , MD 20782-2003 . They can also be obtained on
An increase in physical size is a universally recognized event of puberty. the CDC website at: .
Average growth velocities decrease from the first year of life until puberty
from 25 cm/year during the first year of life to 5-6 cm/year during years 5 to Differences in Growth Spurts between Males and Females
10. During puberty height velocity increases and peaks during the
adolescent growth spurt. Landmarks include: PHV occurs about 18-24 months earlier in the female than in the male.
PHV in females averages 2 cm/yr less than in males. The BMI declines until ages 4-6 years and gradually increases through
adolescence and adulthood. Children with an earlier increase in BMI are
PWV coincides with PHV in males, but PWV occurs 6-9 months after PHV in more likely to have increased BMIs in adulthood. BMI tables can be
females. obtained from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion (
Prediction of Mature Height
Lean Body Mass
While predicting adult height is a difficult task, individuals have used both
the bone age in calculations or a measure using midparental height as most Lean body masses decreases in females from about 80% to 75% at maturity
individuals have an adult height that is within 2 inches of the midparental while in males it increases from about 80% to about 90% at maturity due to
height. This is calculated using: an increase in skeletal muscle mass. In females the percentage of body fat
For girls:
Skeletal Mass
(father's height - 13 cm) + mother's height
2 The increase in skeletal muscle mass during puberty is critical and peak
bone mass is achieved by early adulthood (the lifetime "bone bank").
For boys: Epiphyseal maturation occurs under the influence of estradiol and
testosterone. The assessment of this skeletal maturation (bone age) is an
(father's height + 13 cm) + mother's height excellent index of physiological maturation and assessment of growth
2 potential.

BODY COMPOSITION Assessment of sexual maturity ratings are listed below:


o Genital stage 1 (G1) : Prepubertal
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important measure for assessment of  Testes: Volume less than 1.5 mL
appropriate weight for height  Phallus: Childlike
o Genital Stage 2 (G2)
BMI is determined as follows:  Testes: Volume 1.6-6 mL
 Scrotum: Reddened, thinner, and larger
Metric Formula:  Phallus: No change
o Genital Stage 3 (G3)
Weight in kilograms ÷ height in meters ÷ height in meters = BMI  Testes: Volume 6-12 mL
 Scrotum: Greater enlargement
English Formula:  Phallus: Increased Length
o Genital Stage 4 (G4)
Weight in pounds ÷ by height in inches ÷ height in inches X 703 = BMI  Testes: Volume 12-20 mL
 Scrotum: Further enlargement and darkening
 Phallus: Increased length and circumference o Pubic hair stage 5 (PH5)
o Genital stage 5 (G5)  Adult type and quantity, extending to medial
 Testes: Volume more than 20 mL surface of thigths
 Scrotum and phallus: Adult
 Females Sexual Maturity Ratings: female pubic hair stages
o Breast stage 1 (B1)
 Breast: Prepubertal; no glandular tissue
 Areola and papilla: Areola conforms to general
chest line
o Breast stage 2 (B2)
 Breast: Breast bud; small amount of glandular tissue
 Areola: Areola widens
o Breast stage 3 (B3)
 Breast: Larger and more elevation; extends beyond
areolar parameter
 Areola and papilla: Areola continues to enlarge but
remains in contour with the breast
o Breast stage 4 (B4) click for full-size image
 Breast: Larger and more elevation
 Areola and papilla: Areola and papilla form a mound MALE SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT
projecting from the breast contour
o Breast stage 5 (B5) Male sexual development generally begins with the attainment of stage G2,
 Breast: Adult (size variable) at an average age of 11.6 years (range 9.5-13.5 years). The first physical sign
 Areola and papilla: Areola and breast in same plane, of puberty in 98% of males is testicular enlargement. Ejaculation often
with papilla projecting above areola occurs during SMR3 while SMR4 is often associated with fertility but may
 Male and female: pubic hair occur during SMR3. Puberty takes about 3 years to complete but may range
o Pubic hair stage 1 (PHI) from 2 to 5 years. The typical sequence of pubertal events in males is seen
 None below which demonstrates the usual late occurrence of peak height velocity
o Public hair stage 2 (PH2) at an average SMR of 4. The typical sequence is adrenarche, beginning of
 Small amount of long, slightly pigmented, downy growth spurt, testicular development, beginning of pubic hair, peak height
hair along the base of the scrotum and phallus in velocity
the male or the labia majora in females; vellus hair
versus sexual type hair (PH3)
o Pubic hair stage 3 (PH3)
 Moderate amount of more curly, pigmented, and
coarser hair, extending more laterally
o Pubic hair stage 4 (PH4)
 Hair that resembles adult hair in coarseness and
curliness but does not extend to medial surface of
Sequence of pubertal events in males: occurrence of peak height velocity at an average SMR of 2 and the late
occurrence of menarche at an average SMR of 4. Menarche occurs in 19% of
adolescents during PH3 and in 5 6% during PH4. There is little or no
correlation between adult height and either age of onset of growth spurt,
age of PHV, velocity at peak, or pubertal height gain. However, there is a
correlation between adult height and the height at onset of growth spurt or
height at PHV.

Sequence of pubertal events in females

click for full-size image


In most females, the beginning of a breast bud is the first physical sign of
puberty. While the traditional mean age of female sexual development was
in the early 11s, over the past decade in developed countries, this age has
been decreasing. For example, in the United States , the mean age of onset
of breast development is 8.87 years for African-American girls and 9.96 click for full-size image
years for white girls. The mean ages for the onset of pubic hair are 8.78
years and 10.51 years, respectively. Potential reasons for this decrease in There are wide variations of puberty between individuals and these are
age of onset, while unknown, might include improved nutrition, increasing discussed in B1.
obesity, hormonal exposures and other environmental/societal alterations.
There may be important future consequences of earlier maturation with Interviewing and communicating with adolescents
regards to teen behavior, sexual activity and pregnancy as well as future
lifetime health consequences of early sexual maturation such as potential " The style and personality of the practitioner and his/her philosophy of
increase risk of breast cancer. medical care are considered to be most important in the medical care of
adolescents. The practitioner should be mature and open-minded. He/she
During puberty, the female's breasts develop and the ovaries, uterus, should be genuinely interested in teenagers as persons first, then in their
vagina, labia, and clitoris increase in size. The uterus and ovaries increase in problems, and also in their parents. He/she should not only like teenagers
size fivefold to sevenfold. Completion of puberty in females averages 4 but must also feel at ease with them. He/she should be able to
years but can range from 1.5 years to 8 years. In the average adolescent communicate well with his/her patients and their parents. The practitioner
female, the growth spurt starts about 1 year before breast development should help to enhance family communication while assuring confidentiality
and this is followed by an average of 1.1 years until PHV and then followed when requested around personal issues."
in an average of 1 year by menarche. The typical sequence of pubertal
events in females is seen below which demonstrates the usual early
( Adapted from: Committee on Care of Adolescents in Private Practice of the  Chatting for brief period about the teens outside activities including
Society for Adolescent Medicine). hobbies or school.
 Letting the teen talk for awhile on topics or areas they feel like
talking about.
 Treating the adolescent's comments seriously
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE OFFICE VISIT  Moving from less threatening health subjects such as review of
systems to more difficult topics such as sexuality and drugs.
There are a few important guidelines in working with teens:  Exploring the issues that concern the teen - not only those concerns
of the parents.
Liking the Adolescent - Important for the clinician working with adolescent
to like adolescents. If the clinician has an aversion to adolescents and their Ensuring confidentiality - It is critical to insure a sense of confidentiality
problems, it is likely best to refer this age group to another colleague. with the teen. In this regard the health care practitioner should be familiar
with those laws and regulations that cover consent and confidentiality
Involving the family - The family is a critical component in the care of an among minors in their particular country, state, province or other locality.
adolescent and it is important for the clinician to introduce himself or The limits of confidentiality should also be discussed. Parents should also be
herself to the family. It is also important to spend time discussing the aware of these confidentiality guidelines.
concerns of the parents. While more of the visit may be spent with the
adolescent alone, it is important for the parents, in most cases, to be Acting as an advocate - Since the adolescent may have had encounters with
included at some point in the visit. This might be at the beginning, end or some adults who have been non-supportive, this is an opportunity for the
both depending on the age of the adolescent and the complexity of the clinician to stress the teen's positive attributes, characteristics and abilities.
problem. At the end of the visit, the clinician should summarize the findings This is not the same as supporting high-risk behaviors.
and plan with the teen and if the parents or guardians are involved,
summarize issues that can or must be discussed with family members. Listening and displaying interest - Listening closely to the teen can be a key
Although the adolescent may be the primary patient, the parents cannot be to developing rapport. This can include being cautious in giving advice when
overlooked. Parents' input and insight are crucial, for in a real sense the asked, trying to understand the teen's perspective and staying focused on
family is the patient. what the teen is telling you. Demonstrating concern and interest is also
helpful in establishing rapport.
It is also important to consider that the definition of a family has changed
and there may be many possible family constellations including blended Discovering the hidden agenda - It is very common for an adolescent to
families, stepfamilies, adoptive families and foster families. Family cultural present with a complaint that does not represent the major issues that the
and ethnic backgrounds are also critical to helping to understand the teen teen is concerned about. It is also common that parents may present
and their family. concerns that are not the major issue for the teen. For example, a teen may
come in complaining of a headache or acne, but is really concerned about
Establishing rapport - It is important but not always easy to establish being pregnant or having a sexually transmitted infection. It is critical for the
rapport with an adolescent during the first visit or several visits. Helpful clinician to be aware of these other issues that may be more threatening to
suggestions include: the teen's health then their chief complaint. A review of the HEADSS
assessment below can help elicit this information.
 Introducing yourself to the teen and parents or guardians.
Using a developmentally oriented approach - While it is important to cover tobacco. It can be useful to begin questioning with a less invasive approach
areas of sex, family, peer group, and drug use, the clinician must keep in such as: "I know that drugs are fairly common on school campuses. What
mind the developmental state of the adolescent. A 12 year old pre-pubertal drugs are common on your campus?" and "It is not uncommon for some
male would not be asked the same questions in the same manner as would teens to try some of these drugs. Have any of your friends tried them? and
be asked a 18 year old fully mature male. "How do you handle the situation when your friends are using drugs? Do
you ever try?
Information gathering - There are several methods that might be used to
elicit both health information and psychosocial information. Traditionally Sexuality Is the teen dating and what are the degree and types of sexual
this is through one and one interviews. Another method is a health experience? Is the teen involved with another individual in a sexual
assessment form. Examples for adolescents from the AMA Guidelines for relationship? Does the teen prefer sex with the same, opposite, or both sex
Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) are at http://www.ama- (es)? Has the teen had sexual intercourse? This is also to find out how many partners the teen may have and also a history of both sexually transmitted
lifestyles/adolescent-health/guidelines-adolescent-preventive- infections and contraceptive use.
services.shtml . There has been a growing interest in using computerized
techniques to help assess health status in both teens and adults. In some An approach might be to ask something like: "Laurie, I mentioned that I
studies, this may even be preferred by many teens. One approach that was might be asking some questions that were personal but very important to
developed at Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles is to obtain psychosocial your health. Again, this is information that I will be keeping confidential. The
information using the HEADSS interview. This includes the topics of Home, area I want to discuss has to do with relationships. Are you going out with
Education, Activities, Drugs, Sex (activity, orientation, and sexual abuse), anyone right now?" and something like: " As you know, there are many
and Suicide. This includes questions such as: teens who are sexually active. By that I mean that they have had sexual
intercourse. There are also many teens who have chosen not to have sexual
Home Where is the teen living? Who lives with the teen? How is the teen intercourse. How have you handled this part of your relationship with Bill or
getting along with parents and siblings? with other boys you have dated?

Education Is the teen in school? What classes is he or she doing well in? Suicide Has the teen had any prior suicide attempts? Does the teen have
What goals does the teen have when he or she finishes school? If the teen is any current suicidal ideation?
older out of school, the practitioner should ask about employment.
Sexual Abuse or Physical Abuse These can be critical areas to ask about
Activities What does the teen do after school? What does the teen do to particularly in adolescents with any significant problems in the areas listed
have fun and with whom? Does the teen participate in any sports activities? above such as family dysfunction, change in school grades, lack of friends,
Community or Church activities? What are the teen's hobbies? This may be substance abuse, early onset of sexual activity, history of suicide attempts
an opportunity to explore issues of seat belt safety or bicycle helmet safety. or runaway behavior.

It is useful to reassure confidentiality again before questions about drugs Interview tips: Help interview tips with adolescents include:
and sexuality.
 Shaking hands with the adolescent first.
Drugs What types of drugs are used by the teen's peers or family members  Avoiding lecturing and admonishing.
use? What types of drugs does the teen use and what amount and  Focusing on the initial history taking on the presenting
frequency and is there intravenous use? This includes both alcohol and complaints/problems.
 Having a positive attitude towards the adolescent pressed for time, doing the history at the first visit and the physical
 Avoiding judgmental responses - taking a neutral stance examination on another day is a reasonable approach.
 Avoiding medical jargon
 Being attentive, genuine and empathic Billing : In regions where teens may be required to pay for their visit or the
 Identifying who has the problem (i.e., is this problem the teen's parents will receive a bill, arrangements should be discussed early.
concern or the parents'). Confidentiality can become a problem in certain billing situations and may
 Avoiding writing during the interview, especially during sensitive require special arrangements. The adolescent must realize that an insurance
questions. payment may result in parents finding out about visits and the diagnosis;
 Criticizing the activity, not the adolescent and highlighting the however, a neutral diagnosis can be used in most situations.
Availability of educational materials : It is helpful to place books,
Physical examination : The physical examination may provide another pamphlets, hot line numbers and reliable web site information in the
opportunity to teach the adolescent about their changing body. waiting room or office on topics such as puberty, sexually transmitted
Reassurance about normal findings may also be helpful. Sometimes the true diseases, sexuality, and contraception.
chief complaint is disclosed during the examination.
Note taking: The practitioner should take as few notes as possible during
Closure: When the history and physical assessment are complete, the the interview.
clinician should give the teen a brief summary of the proposed diagnosis
and treatment. Issues that should be discussed with the family should also PARENTS
be addressed at this time. Also at this time resources should be discussed
and a follow-up appointment made as needed. The adolescent should also Often parents come to the health care professional with requests for help
have time to ask final questions. with parenting their teens. Helpful suggestions include:

OFFICE SETUP Guidelines for parenting

The space that adolescents are seen for their care can also be helpful in  Listening to the teenager
their overall care.  Treating his or her comments seriously and avoid minimizing a
Space: Adolescents prefer not to be treated as children and the more  Being flexible
private their space and waiting area the better. Materials in the waiting area  Avoiding power struggles
and clinical offices appropriate for their age group is helpful. The  Showing interest in the teen and their activities
examination table should not face the door and curtain should be available  Spending time together both working together and having fun
for privacy. If possible the desk in the office should be oriented so that the together
health-care provider sits beside the desk, not behind it.  Showing trust in the adolescent
 Avoiding comparison with other teenagers
Appointments : Time can be a problem with the adolescent visit particularly  Avoiding lecturing or moralizing
for the first visit. More time should be allotted for this visit to allow for  Avoiding overreacting, especially reaching conclusions based only
discussing their past medical and psychosocial history. If the clinician is on appearance, dress, or language.
 Avoiding phrases such as: "The trouble with you is...." or "How could A dolescents are at maximal growth velocity and change and may be more
you do this to me?" or "Is that all? I thought it was something vulnerable to social risks such as drugs, risks of parts of sexuality, domestic
important." Or "in my day" or "That's a dumb thing to say" violence, and poverty.
 Stressing positive attributes of the adolescent.
 Respecting each other's privacy Modern family issues such as less intact families and less extended families
 Keeping a sense of humor add additional challenges.
 Resolving conflicts together. Decisions that occur in the home about
the adolescent should involve the adolescent's input and may The violent messages added through the media add to the challenges.
involve the whole family.
Invulnerability: Adolescents feelings of invulnerability also add to the risks
House Rules: House rules may help a family work together better. These that teens place themselves.
include the expectations for behaviors for the family to live together as a
group. It is helpful to have these rules worked out with input from the Confidentiality Issues
whole family and for them to be written down. The rules should be fair and
consistent with associated consequences if the rule is broken. Teens may be The rights of minors and in particular adolescents can be confusing.
eager to participate in the establishment of such rules when they find out Adolescents are individuals who have more mental capacity for decision
that they might include a rule such as "no one will enter someone else's making than younger children but are not yet full adults. There are many
room without knocking first." Rules are mainly needed for teen or family specific areas regarding consent and confidentiality that are particularly
member behaviors that are a problem and there should be a maximum of 5 difficult for teens, parents, health care professionals and lawmakers. These
- 10 rules. Some examples include: usually surround areas of reproductive health, mental health and substance
abuse. There are also significant differences between countries and
 Dinner will be at about 6 PM and everyone is expected to be home individual states or provinces within countries regarding particular laws of
and ready to eat at that time. adolescent rights to consent and confidentiality.
 Family members are expected to speak courteously to each other.
 Before opening someone's door, knock and wait for an answer. Over the last several decades the legal framework that applies to the
delivery of adolescent health care has changed in several ways.
Other parenting issues include:
 The United Nations has enacted the UN Convention on the Rights of
As teen's peers become an increasingly important influence and the teen the Child ( or see
seeks more independence, parents must adapt to change in relationship summary below)
with their teen.  Courts have recognized that minors, as well as adults, have
constitutional rights.
Experimentation by teens: Important for parents to remember that while  All states in the U.S. have enacted statutes to authorize minors to
teens may experiment with many types of behaviors, most teens accept give their own consent for health care in specific circumstances.
their parent's basic values. Parents can set firm, fair and explicit limits  The financing of health care services for all age groups and income
around teens behavior. levels has undergone major change

Parents must not overreact to rejection of one or both parents by the teen In the United States , the rights of adolescents took a major step with Gault
for a time period. in 1967, in which the United States Supreme Court stated that "neither the
Fourteenth Amendment nor the Due Process Clause is for adults alone."  emancipated minors
However, most specific legal provision that that affect adolescents' access  married minors
to health care are contained in state and federal statutes or in “common  minors in the armed services
law” decisions of the courts.  minors living apart from their parents
 and in some states "mature minors"
It becomes essential that health-care practitioners treating adolescents
have a clear understanding of the legal framework within their particular Not all states have statutes covering all of these services. Some of these
country or state including checking: statutes contain age limits, which most frequently fall between ages 12 and
age 15 years. A state by state analysis is available at:
In most states and countries, children under 18 have legal status that differs As theses vary
from that of adults. Several areas are of particular concern. These include: from country to country and state to state, clinicians are advised to check
laws in their own area.
Informed consent describes the process during which the patient learns the
Who is authorized to give consent for health care and whose consent is risks and benefits of alternative approaches to management and authorizes
required? a course of action proposed by the clinician. Informed consent has both
ethical and legal derivations. Informed consent also implies that the
In general, U.S. law requires the consent of a parent before medical care can individual has the mental capacity to given informed consent.
be provided to a minor. However, there are numerous exceptions to this
requirement. These may include: Assent: Under specific legal circumstances, adolescents may receive
confidential care and may give informed consent for recommended care. If
 Consent by someone other than a biologic parent - such as a foster the legal circumstances do not allow a minor to consent for medical
parent, a juvenile court, a social worker, or probation officer treatment, the minor¹s views and opinions can still be respected by
 Emergency situations where care may be provided without prior obtaining assent. This respects the decision-making skills of a minor by
consent to safeguard the life and health of the minor. allowing them to participate in the decision.
 Specific legal provisions in particular states that allow minors to
consent for specific areas of care. Some of these include PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY
 Contraceptive care
 Pregnancy related care Aside from consent, there is also the issue of confidentiality of services. This
 Diagnosis and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) includes who has the right to control the release of confidential information
 Diagnosis and treatment of either human immunodeficiency virus about the health care, including medical records, and who has the right to
(HIV), or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). receive such information?
 Diagnosis and treatment of reportable or contagious diseases
 Examination and treatment related to sexual assault There are numerous reasons why it is important to maintain confidentiality
in the delivery of health-care services to adolescents. These include:
 Counseling and treatment for drug or alcohol problems
 Counseling and treatment for mental health issues.
 The needs of clinical practice: Confidentiality is often needed to
facilitate adolescents seeking necessary care and also in providing
In addition, many states have given consent rights to minors who have
accurate, candid and complete health information.
special status. These include:
 Developmental Needs: Confidential discussions and disclosure help by others. It is far more difficult to protect the confidentiality of written
support the adolescents' growing sense of privacy and autonomy. medical records.
 Safety Issues : There are also times that confidentiality/consent is
important to protect teen from humiliation and discrimination that It is important to understand local regulations regarding the release of
could result from disclosure of confidential information. medical records of adolescents. One should understand that many or most
hospitals and clinics will release minors medical written chart information to
There are numerous country and local regulations that can affect this parents with parental consent without requiring the permission of the
confidentiality. Because of the potential for many conflicting regulations, minor adolescent. This may break the confidentiality of information with an
clinicians are advised to check on local regulations that apply to adolescent.
confidentiality with minors. It is important to check out:
Although usually bound together in clinical encounters, confidentiality and
 What information is confidential (since it is confidential information consent are different. Confidentiality can occur during an encounter
that is protected against disclosure)? whether or not specific informed consent for a treatment or intervention is
 What information is not confidential (since such information is not given. For example, pregnancy options may be confidentially discussed
protected)? before informed consent is given for a pregnancy intervention.
 What exceptions are there in the confidentiality requirements?
 What information can be released with consent? PAYMENT
 What other mechanisms allow for discretionary disclosure?
 What mandates exist for reporting or disclosing confidential A last issue that arises with consent and confidentiality is occasionally that
information? of payment of services. Who is financially liable for payment and is there a
source of insurance coverage or public funding available that the adolescent
Legal Limits of Confidentiality can access. The fact that a minor has the right to consent and confidentiality
It is important to balance the moral needs of protecting the rights of the of services does not necessarily guarantee payment, nor confidentiality of
adolescent with the legal and ethical obligations to breach this the information if insurance is used. In addition, some consent laws specify
confidentiality in selected instances. There are circumstances in which it is that if a minor is authorized to consent to care, it is the minor rather than
neither possible nor appropriate to maintain the confidentiality of the parent who is responsible for payment.
information for legal and other reasons. These include situations in which
the adolescent poses a severe risk of harm to himself or herself or to others, A source of payment is essential whether an adolescent needs care on a
and cases of suspected physical or sexual abuse for which there is a legal confidential basis or not. Adolescents are uninsured and underinsured at
reporting requirement. There are also specific laws in some geographic higher rates than other groups in the population and those adolescents
areas that require parental notification in certain circumstances, even if the living below the poverty level are at the greatest risk for lacking health
care is based on a teen's own consent. Finally, when confidentiality must be insurance. This can present a significant barrier to care.
breached for ethical or legal reasons, the adolescent should be informed.
Medical Records
Confidentiality protections apply not only to verbal communications but
also to written information contained in medical records. Patients, who are Overall the UN Convention:
permitted to consent to their own health care, should be allowed to review
their own medical records and to protect their medical records from review  Reinforces fundamental human dignity
 Highlights and defends the family's role in children's lives Article 16: Children have the right to their own privacy.
 Seeks respect for children – but not at the expense of the human
rights or responsibilities of others Article 17: Both parents have the main responsibilities for bringing up their
 Endorses the principle of non-discrimination . children but governments are expected to recognise that some parents may
 Establishes clear obligations need help to care properly for their children if they are both working.
 If a decision is being made by any organisation about a child or
youth, then their interests must be considered when making the Article 19: Children must be kept safe from violence and they must be kept
final decision. safe from harm.

Article 4: Governments have made a commitment to live up to the Article 20: If children cannot live with their family, they must be properly
Convention's standards looked after in some other way, for example, by another family or in a
children's home. The child's religion, race, culture and language must all be
Article 5: Governments must value and support parents and other adults in considered when a new home is being chosen for the child.
their roles as carers. Parents and others have a responsibility to listen to
children/youth and vice-versa. Article 21: Children being adopted must only be adopted under very strict
rules which ensure that what is happening is in their best interests.
Article 6: Children have the right to life and must have the best possible
chance to develop fully Article 22: States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that children
who are seeking refugee status or who are refugees shall receive
Article 7: Every child has the right to a name at birth and the right to appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance.
become a citizen of a country.
Article 23: Governments shall recognise that a mentally or physically disable
Article 8: Governments must be committed to respect children's right's to child should enjoy a full and decent life.
preserve their nationality and identity
Article 24: Children have the right to be as healthy as possible. If they are ill,
Article 9: Children can only be separated from parents if it is in their own they must be given good health care to enable them to become well again.
best interests and if that happens, then someone who is an interested party The Government must try to reduce the number of deaths in childhood and
must be given the opportunity to take part in proceedings and have their to make sure that women having babies are given good medical care.
views heard.
Article 25: If a child is cared for by a local authority, the authority must
Article 10: States shall act quickly and in a positive and humane manner in review the children's situation regularly.
applications by families for reunification.
Article 26: Governments should recognise that children have the right to
Article 11: As they mature, children have the right to freedom of thought benefit from social security type of benefits.
and religion.
Article 27: Every child has the right to expect an adequate standard of living.
Article 15: Children have a right to join organisations and to meet with each The Government shall help parents to achieve this for their children.
other. They can also take part in meetings and peaceful gatherings.
Article 28: Every child has the right to free education at primary school Article 40: Children who have committed a crime, or who are alleged to
level. Different kinds of secondary school education should be available for have committed a crime, should be shown respect for their human rights by
children. For those with ability, higher education should also be provided . those who are dealing with them. They should have access to appropriate
help including legal assistance.
Article 29: Schools should help children develop their skills and personality
fully, teach them about their own and other people's rights and prepare Article 41: If a country's own law better meets the rights of the child than
them for adult life. the Convention does, then the terms of the Convention will not apply.

Article 30: Children have the right to access their own culture, use their own The Government must publicise the Convention to parents and young
language and practice their own religion. people throughout their country.

Article 31: Every child is entitled to rest and play and to have the chance to European Convention on Human Rights
join in a wide range of activities.

Article 32: The Government shall protect children from doing work which Position Paper on Confidential Health Care: Society for Adolescent
could be dangerous or which could harm their health or interferes with their Medicine
education. Journal of Adolescent Health 1997;21:4008-415
Article 33: The Government shall take measures to protect children from ers&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=2597
dangerous drugs.
Highlights of position paper:
Article 34: The Government shall protect children from sexual abuse.
 Health providers should inform adolescent patients and their
Article 35: The Government shall take measures to protect children from parents, if available about the requirements of confidentiality,
being abducted or sold. including a full explanation of what confidential care entails and the
conditions under which confidentiality might be breached.
Article 36: Children shall be protected from all sorts of exploitation which  Health providers must remain flexible when delivering confidential
can damage their welfare care to adolescents. Blind adherence to absolute confidentiality, or
absence of confidentiality (in deference to parental wishes), is
Article 37: No child shall be subject to torture or inhumane treatment or neither desirable nor required by ethics or law.
punishment.  Health providers should develop a disclosure plan for those
adolescents who are deemed not to have capacity to give informed
Article 38: The Government should respect and ensure respect for rules of consent or for whom disclosure of information to responsible adults
international humanitarian law applicable to children during armed becomes necessary which involves adolescent wishes about the
conflicts. No child under 15 can be enlisted into an army. manner in which information is shared.
 Confidentiality considerations regarding record keeping are
Article 39: The Government shall promote physical and psychological necessary. Health providers must consider the manner in which
recovery and social reintegration for victims of neglect, abuse or torture. written and electronic medical records might be available to parties
in ways that verbal communication are not, and in ways that would unsafe driving etc.). As lifetime habits may form during this age group, it is
be objectionable to adolescent patients. an important time to implement health promotion and preventive services.
 Expanded efforts are needed to increase the education of health
professionals regarding the laws and regulations in their jurisdiction Evidence based research on preventive services guidelines is only in its
relating to confidentiality and informed consent for adolescents. In infancy. This is an important area of research given the limitation on health
addition, specific training is needed to increase providers' skills in resources and the focus on evidence-based medicine.
effectively and appropriately incorporating confidentiality into
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy on Confidentiality in Adolescent (Adapted from Elster AB. Comparison of recommendations for adolescent
Health Care (RRE9151) clinical preventive services developed by national organizations. Arch
Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998;152:193. )
Key points in this policy include:
 Clinicians should make every reasonable effort to encourage the
adolescent to involve parents
 The adolescent will have an opportunity for examination and
counselling apart from parents ACIP recommendations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Confidentiality will be preserved between the adolescent patient Health guidance for teens
and the provider as between the parent/adult and the provider. Normal development Yes Yes Yes Yes No
 The adolescent must understand under what circumstances (e.g., Injury prevention Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
life-threatening emergency), the provider will abrogate this Nutrition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
confidentiality. Physical activity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dental health Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Confidentiality of Health Care: Canadian Paediatric Society - Adolescent
Medicine Committee Breast or testicular self-
Yes Yes No Yes No
Health Screening Skin protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Health guidance for
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Goal: To promote optimal physical and mental health, and to support parents
healthy physical, psychological, and social growth and development. Screening/counseling
Obesity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
As many of the common morbidities and moralities of adolescence are Contraception Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
related to preventable health conditions associated with behavioral,
Tobacco use Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
environmental and social causes, it is important that preventive services for
this age group reflect these issues. It is important to both reinforce positive Alcohol use Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
health behaviors (e.g. exercise and good nutrition) while discouraging Substance use Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
potentially health-risk behaviors (e.g. unsafe sexual practices, smoking, Hypertension Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Depression/suicide No Yes Yes Yes No
Eating disorders No Yes Yes Yes No  Lack of health care providers trained and interested in caring for
School problems No Yes Yes Yes No adolescents
Abuse No Yes Yes Yes No
Solutions include a broader base of health care settings including private
Hearing Yes Yes No Yes No
physicians' offices, within health maintenance organizations (HMOs), in
Vision No Yes No Yes No school-based health clinics, in family planning clinics and in public health
Tests clinics.
Tuberculosis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Papanicolaou test Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Other useful information regarding prevention strategies in adolescents
HIV infection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes include:
STDs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Position Paper on Clinical preventive Services for Adolescents from
Cholesterol Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Society for Adolescent medicine:
Urinalysis No Yes No No No
Hematocrit No Yes No No No on_Papers&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=1464
Periodicity of visits Tailored Annual Annual Annual Tailored  The United States goal in Healthy People 2010 for adolescents at:
Target age group (yr) 13-18 11-21 11-21 11-21 11-24

AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians Some of these include:

AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
AMA - American Medical Association  Consistent use of seat belts while driving
BF - Bright Futures  Never driving while drinking or using drugs
USPSTF - US Preventive Services Task Force  Consistent use of condoms if sexually active
 Never smoking
Overall, the guidelines of the various groups are more similar than different.  Eating a prudent diet
One difference between the recommendations is the periodicity which for  Getting regular aerobic exercise
GAPS, BF, and the AAP are annual visits for preventive services versus the
USPSTF and AAFP which recommend visits every 1-3 years based on the QUESTIONNAIRES AND OTHER HEALTH SCREENING TOOLS
specific needs of the individual.
There are several ways to obtain screening health information from teens
Blockades to preventive services to adolescents include:
 Interview during the routine examination. Use of the HEADS
 The concept that adolescents are "generally healthy" and do not psychosocial intake profile is helpful as outlined in section: A4
need services  Screening forms - These can often complement the personal
 The reluctance of adolescents to seek care interview. The GAPS screening forms are available at the AMA web
 Low reimbursement rate site
 Lack of confidentiality  Computer Aided Screening and Assessment: There has been
 Transportation problems increased interest in this technology for assisting in screening.
Further work needs to be done on the best programs and ways to LABORATORY TESTS
implement this technology.
Few laboratory tests are needed to screen adolescents. These might
The history should include include:

 Past Medical history including  Hemoglobin: Recommended at first encounter or at the end of
 Childhood infections and illnesses puberty.
 Prior hospitalizations and surgery  Routine urinalysis recommended at first encounter with an
 Significant injuries adolescent however up to 1/3 rd of healthy adolescents will have
 Disabilities small amounts of proteinuria.
 Medications, including prescription medications, over-the-counter  Sickle cell screening in African American youth should be done if the
medications, complementary or alternative medications, vitamins, individual has not previously tested.
and nutritional supplements.  Targeted or routine cholesterol screening should be done.
 Allergies  Sexually active adolescents should be screened for gonorrhea and
 Immunization history chlamydia. If indicated by risk profile, syphilis serology and/or HIV
 Prior developmental history and mental health history screening should be offered.
 Family history including  Tuberculosis screening with PPD should be done based on
 Health status and age of family members assessment of individual risk factors and recommendations of the
 Significant physical or mental illnesses in the family local health department.
 Psychosocial profile - See A4
 Review of systems IMMUNIZATIONS

The physical examination should include: An immunization history should be obtained and immunizations should be
updated. This age group still has significant rates for non-immunization.
 Height, Weight, Vital Signs - Body mass should be calculated. Schedules are available from the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) of the CDC. Specific countries and areas should examine the
 Vision Screening
recommendations of their area as these vary from country to country and
 Hearing Screening
even state to state. The current U.S. recommended immunization schedule
 Sexual Maturity Rating
is available at In addition, international travel information is
 Skin exam
available at:
 Teeth and Gums
 Neck exam for thyromegaly or adenopathy Potential needs in adolescents include dT booster, MMR, hepatitis A and B,
 Cardiopulmonary and varicella.
 Abdominal exam
 Musculoskeletal Part of the GAPS project has been to develop both methods of assessment
 Breast exam and interventions. GAPS recommends the use of the mnemonic G-A-P-S -
 Neurologic: Cursory unless specific neurologic problem
 Genitalia in males and pelvic exam as indicated in females Gather information - Screen for problems
Assess further - If a problem identified then assess level and nature of risk
Problem Identification - Work with teen toward agreement on the problem services/suicide-depression-resources.shtml
and to make changes
Other useful links are available at the adolescent health section of AMA at
Specific Solutions. - This involves helping the teen with self-efficacy, giving including
the teen support, solving problems in working toward a solution and
shaking on a contract.  healthy people 2010 recommendations for
A publication from the AMA, GAPS: Clinical Evaluation and Management  Adolescent health resources and links
Handbook, includes fully developed algorithms for each of the GAPS
recommendations ( http://www.ama- Bright Futures The Bright Futures (BF) guidelines for the health care supervision of infants,
children, and adolescents were published in 1994 and represent the work of
expert panels convened through a collaboration of the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the
Web Sites Medicaid Bureau of the Health Care Financing Administration. The
guidelines are both evidence-based and based on expert opinion. They are
Available websites with preventive health guidelines include: available at:
Department of Health and Human Services: American Academy of Pediatrics
Recommendations on periodic health examinations based on the health
risks of specific age groups. The recommendations are evidence based or The AAP has also reviewed the preventive care for children and adolescents
expert opinion based. and published revised recommendations in 1995. These recommendations
represent “a consensus by the Committee on Practice and Ambulatory
GAPS - Guide to Adolescent Preventive Services - American Medical Medicine in consultation with national committees and sections of the
Association American Academy of Pediatrics.” In 1996, the AAP also released Guidelines
These are the comprehensive guidelines puts in place by the AMA's Division for Health Supervision III which more comprehensively describes the
of Adolescent Health. The recommendations are called GAPS - Guide to elements of health supervision visits for children and adolescents.
Adolescent Preventive Services. GAPS recommendations cover both the
content and delivery of health care to adolescents. Several web sites are However, currently the AAP is working with Bright Futures through two
available: cooperative MCHB grants to help facilitate usage of Bright Futures among
child health professionals and the public. The new web site starting in June
For survey questionnaires: 2003 will be:
guidance-suicide-depression.shtml The American Academy of Pediatrics recent guidelines are posted at
For actual recommendations http://www.ama-
These are from March 2000. Biological sex is determined based on chromosomes, gonads, and
hormones. In general, gender identity or sense of masculinity and femininity
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is established during this period also. During this period there is low physical
AAFP offers age-specific recommendations for periodic health examinations and mental time spent on sexuality issues.
for healthy patients. The AAFP recommendations are derived from the
USPSTF report by the Commission on Public Health and Scientific Affairs of Early Adolescence
the AAFP. The website is at: This period is characterized by:

Also available are:  Early pubertal developmental changes

 Curiosity and concern over one's body and one's peers
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care  Sexual fantasies are common as well as beginning of masturbation activity
 Most sexual activity is nonphysical such as phone conversations
World Health Organization  Middle Adolescence

SEXUALITY This period is characterized by:

It is not always comfortable for a clinician to deal with sexual issues of  Full physical maturation including menstruation in females
adolescents. Suddenly the 6 or 8 year old child that has been coming in for  High sexual energy with more emphasis on physical contact
ear infections or rashes is turning into an adult. In the process the teen is  Sexual exploration activity including dating, kissing, casual
developing both physical changes but is becoming much more interested relationships of both coital and noncoital nature
and involved in their sexual identity and relationships. An additional part of  Denial of consequences of sexual behaviors
this is dealing with the consequences of sexual behaviors including sexually Late Adolescence
transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, clinicians must be aware
that all teenagers are sexual beings whether or not they are sexually active This period is characterized by:
and also that teens engage in sexual activities other than vaginal
intercourse. The reality is that sexual development and behavior does not
 More expressive and less exploitative sexual behaviors
start during adolescence or adulthood, but with childhood sexual curiosity.
 More intimate sharing relationships
It is critical for health-care providers caring for adolescents to understand
sexuality during the teenage period and to be familiar with ways to deal
Adolescents are filled with questions about their sexuality including?
with teenagers' questions, feelings, and problems.


 Is masturbation ok?
Preadolescent period:  Am I ready for a sexual relationship or intercourse?
 How do I say no?
 What is safe sex?
 What is contraception?
 Am I gay?  Avoid joking about sexuality
 Admit personal discomfort
SEXUAL BEHAVIORS  Have available resources including books and pamphlets or web
Given the need, do physicians address issues of adolescent sexuality?  Respect the adolescent's privacy
 Be aware of community resources.
In a recent CDC news release (PACT5, December 8, 2000) it was found that
in a survey of 15,000 high school students from the U.S., only 43% of MEDICAL PROBLEMS
teenage females and 26% of teenage males discuss pregnancy or sexually
transmitted infections with their physicians during routine exams. ABDOMINAL PAIN

UNWANTED SEXUAL EXPERIENCES Chronic abdominal complaints are a frequent concern or complaint of
adolescents and young adults. One definition is three or more separate
Unfortunately not all adolescent sexual involvement is consensual. episodes of pain that occur over a 3 - month period. In most cases of
recurrent abdominal pain in adolescents, no specific organic problem is
 Over 80% of females in grades 8-11 and over 2/3 of males found. The prevalence is as high as 5-10% or more of all adolescents.
experienced unwanted sexual comments or actions in 1993.
 Sexual intercourse in young adolescents in particular may not be Differential Diagnosis includes:
voluntary. Data presented by the Alan Guttmacher Institute
indicates that about 74% of women who had intercourse before age  Functional abdominal pain often related to stress and eating habits.
14 and 60% of those who had sex before age 15 report having had The pain tends to be periumbilical, crampy and nonspecific without
sex involuntarily (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994 radiation. It usually does not wake adolescents. There may be
associated nausea and vomiting, headaches, fatigue, dizziness and
Suggestions to help adolescents better deal with their sexuality include: diarrhea. It does not usually cause weight loss or other systemic
symptoms. It distinction organic abdominal pain usually includes
 Listening to teen's feeling and concerns and tempering ones own more localized pain and may awake the teen from sleep.
reactions.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Pain is usually colicky in nature and is
 Parents can exert a strong positive influence, not through usually more common in older adolescents and more common in
moralizing, lecturing, or invasion of privacy, but through helping the females.
adolescent in his or her decision-making process.  Lactose intolerance which is associated with crampy abdominal
 Timing: Because sexuality begins in childhood, it is important to pain, diarrhea, flatulence and belching
treat sexuality as a natural part of life from birth onward. Given this  Gynecologic conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, mittleschmerz,
perspective, it is much less awkward to have discussions about ruptured ovarian cysts and pelvic inflammatory disease.
sexuality when children grow up.  Musculoskeletal conditions like costochondritis or muscle wall strain
 Education: Adolescents should be informed and knowledgeable -  Hepatitis and pancreatitis
with the aid of parents, school, or community resources in areas  Gastrointestinal infections such as giardiasis
including basic reproductive anatomy and physiology, basic sexual  Referred pain from lower lungs such as pneumonia or spinal cord
functioning, health consequences of sexual intercourse, decision tumor
making skills
 Gastrointestinal disease such as peptic ulcer disease, inflammatory slipping rib syndrome, fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet obstruction and
bowel disease or obstructed bowel. metatstatic bone disease.
 Systemic conditions : Occasionally systemic conditions in  Psychogenic including stress, hyperventilation and depression
adolescents may lead to abdominal pain such as diabetic  Pulmonary causes including cough, asthma, pneumonia, pleural
ketoacidosis, sickle cell crisis, effusion, pleurodynia, pneumothorax, acute chest syndrome with
sickle cell disease and acute pulmonary embolism.
Diagnosis  Gastrointestinal including reflux, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis,
An organic disease is usually suggested by the history, physical examination  Trauma to ribs
and results of screening laboratory tests. The history should include pain  Breast lesions or mastitis
description, family history, current stresses and relationship to pain. It may  Cardiac conditions such as mitral valve prolapse, pericarditis,
be helpful to have teen keep a pain and dietary diary. The examination myocarditis and rare congenital problems
should include height and weight and growth charts, careful examination of  Less common problems also include herpes zoster
abdomen for tenderness, rebound, hepatosplenomegaly or masses. Signs of
systemic diseases should be looked for and a pelvic examination if indicated. The diagnosis is usually based on history and physical examination.
Screening laboratory tests include CBC, sedimentation rate, urinalysis, basic Important historical items include characterization of pain, precipitating and
chemistry panel and liver enzymes. In addition, stool samples for occult alleviating factors, recent activity, trauma, recent infections, associated
blood, ova and parasite may be needed. Other helpful tests might include symptoms and recent stress. Physical examination includes vital signs, chest
stool alpha-antitrypsin test as screen for IBD or protein losing enteropathy wall palpation, cardiopulmonary examination, breast examination and
as well as plain film of abdomen and H.pylori antibody titer. More abdominal examination. Most adolescents will not require any further
complicated or invasive tests might be needed depending on initial laboratory tests and usually an electrocardiogram and chest radiograph are
evaluation. normal. Symptoms that should be of particular concern to the clinician
include acute chest pain precipitated by exercise, pain that interferes with
If the diagnosis of functional abdominal pain is made, the clinician will need sleep or associated with dyspnea, palpitations, dizziness or syncope.
to explain to the need the meaning of this disorder. In addition, the clinician
needs to explain that the symptoms are real but can result from emotions FATIGUE
and feelings. The clinician can use the example of blushing, a physiological
response to the feeling of embarrassment. The teen should be reassured Another common complaint among teens is fatigue. This may be a common
that they can return to their activities and school. complaint from parents who may be concerned that their teens seem to not
be doing enough. It is less common to have teens complain of severe
CHEST PAIN fatigue. The most common cause of fatigue in teens is nonorganic
representing a reaction to stress, anxiety or depression. Causes include
As many as 5% of adolescents in medical clinics complain about chest pain. psychosocial causes (stress, anxiety, depression), inadequate sleep, dieting,
In contrast to adults, acute chest pain in adolescents is rarely of cardiac pregnancy, medications, infections, allergies, systemic diseases (renal,
origin. However, many teens fear having a heart attach or having cancer. anemia, malignancy, collagen vascular diseases, thyroid dysfunction,
The common causes of chest pain in adolescents includes: diabetes mellitus, IBD) and chronic fatigue syndrome.

 Musculoskeletal including precordial "stitch", muscle strain, The evaluation should include careful review of systems, medical history,
costochrondritis, Tietze's syndrome and much less commonly psychosocial history including alcohol and substance use and sleep history.
History suggestive of organic causes include fatigue that increases during By age 12 about 66% of adolescents have had headaches and this increases
the day, that decreases with rest, history of fever, weight loss, night sweats, to 75% by age 15. About 25% of migraine headaches begin during childhood
arthritis or lymphadenopathy. The physical examination may point to an and adolescence. After age 12 headaches become more common in
organic problem. Many teens will not require any laboratory tests but if females.
there is any questions, a screening evaluation might include, CBC with
differential, urinalysis, mononucleosis test, sedimentation rate and perhaps Differential Diagnosis
a screening chemistry panel. Other tests would be based on the history and
examination.  With acute severe headache
 Febrile patients: meningitis, brain abscess, sinusitis, other infections
Chronic fatigue syndrome  Afebrile patient: Subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral
hemorrhage, post-seizure headache, severe hypertension, acute
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a clinically defined syndrome for adults dental disease, or acute orbital disease
that is characterized by new onset, severe, disabling fatigue and a  With episodic, recurrent headaches and complete recovery
combination of symptoms highlighted by self-reported impairments in between episodes
concentration and short-term memory, musculoskeletal or joint pains, sleep  Muscle tension type headaches - Associated with bandlike, bilateral,
disturbances, headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes and post steady pain and usually lack nausea, vomiting, photophobia or
exertional malaise. Diagnosis excludes uncontrolled chronic illness, past or neurologic symptoms
current mental illnesses like depression, bipolar affective disorder or  Classic Migraine: Classic migraine is associated with aura, unilateral
anorexia nervosa. The criteria for adults can be found at the CDC web site at throbbing headache and also nausea and/or vomiting. Photophobia, and then going to the CFS family history and history of motion sickness are common.
definition. However, there are no accepted criteria for CFS in adolescents.  Common migraine is similar to classic but lacks aura and may be
The etiology and pathophysiology is controversial and unknown. It has been bilateral.
linked to various viruses and may be associated with various immunological  Migraine variants include hemiplegic migraine, confusional
abnormalities. The evaluation is similar to that discussed for general fatigue. migraine, abdominal migraine and ophthalmoplegic migraine.
Treatment has involved reassurance, low-dose antidepressants,  Cluster headaches - Associated with burning or pain behind one eye
psychotherapy and physical therapy. with sudden onset also rhinorrhea, lacrimation and conjunctival
injection on same side.
HEADACHES  Chronic headaches but continuous or increasing in intensity after
Recurrent headaches are also a frequent problem in adolescents and young  Intracranial mass lesions, hydorcephalus, post-lumbar puncture
adults. Almost 75% of teens by age 15 have experienced headaches. Most headaches, pseudotumor cerebri, depressive headaches, post-
recurrent headaches in adolescents and young adults are not associated trauma, local extracranial disease, pregnancy, chronic meningitis,
with severe organic pathology. However, they may be signs of stress, substance abuse, obstructive sleep apnea.
anxiety, or depression. This is in contrast to a isolated single very severe
acute headache that may be a sign of organic disease. Most headaches are a
result of either vascular dilation, muscular contraction, traction of structures
or local inflammation.
In diagnosing the cause of headaches, the history is the primary diagnostic
tool with examination being also key. The history should include onset,
pattern and chronology of the pain, associated symptoms, preceding
symptoms or visual symptoms, precipitants including stress, illnesses, foods, The most frequent problem in teens is insomnia involving either trouble
medication and caffeine. Medications can be important including analgesics, falling asleep, staying asleep or awakening too early. Treatment involves
birth control pills and tetracycline. Substance abuse history and stress identifying any organic problems and psychosocial stresses. Important
history is important as well as history of migraines in the family. The interventions include counseling, regularizing bedtime hours, relaxation
physical examination includes a good general examination with a careful techniques, daily exercise, curtailing caffeine and alcohol and avoid daytime
neurological examination. In general, teens with recurrent headaches and naps.
separated by periods of complete recovery rarely need further laboratory
evaluation. Neuroimaging is indicated in the acute severe headache or
increasing constant headache or teens with abnormal neurological


It is generally better to take medications sooner in the onset of the

headache than later. Reassurance in most teens and families is a key issue.
A headache diary can be helpful in eliminating triggering events or foods.
Helpful interventions in tension headaches include relaxation exercises,
simple analgesics or combined analgesics with both acetaminophen and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Migraine headaches may
respond to elimination of certain triggering items as well as stabilizing
caffeine intake. Medications include simple analgesics, antiemetics,
sedative-analgesic combinations, ergot derivatives, and the triptan
medications for acute severe migraine headaches. Prophylactic treatment
can include beta-blockers, antidepressant medications, low dose non-
steroidal medications, anticonvulsants (valproic acid and phenytoin),
calcium channel blockers and clonidine.


Sleep problems can be a common problem in teens as either a major

complaint or on the review of systems. Problems can include insomnia,
hypersomnia (narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness) and
parasomnias (nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking and nocturnal
enuresis). Adolescents require about 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep per night
but actually get far less. Early teens sleep about 9 hours, mid adolescents
about 7 1/2 hours and late adolescents about 7 hours. Teens with sleep
problems should be asked about the type of problem, frequency, duration,
daytime symptoms, family history, age of onset, bedtime habits, prior
treatment, psychosocial history and medications and drug history.

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