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J Am Acad Audiol 4 : 384-391 (1993)

Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo with

Indeterminate Cerebellar Lesion : Case Report
Susan Lynn*
Robert Brey*

Of the numerous causes of dizziness, those that represent a life-threatening condition are rare . Physicians
guard against missing these rare but serious conditions while controlling the cost of the evaluation of
who present with dizziness . This case study involving a 41-year-old female was written to illustrate
importance of systematic case history taking and of obtaining an ENG. The patient presented with classic
symptoms of benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) . The managing physician performed an MRI, which
showed a cerebellar lesion . Results of a biopsy were negative . The patient's symptoms persisted, and she
travelled to our clinic for further assessment . An ENG demonstrated a classic response to the Dix-Hallpike
maneuvers, and a canalith repositioning maneuver was performed. The positioning dizziness resolved,
when contacted several months later, the patient stated she had remained asymptomatic .
Key Words: Benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV), Dix-Hallpike maneuver, ENG, Epley

enign paroxysmal positioning vertigo acterized by torsional nystagmus beating up

(BPPV) can be one of the easiest types and toward the undermost ear. Thus, head-
B of dizziness to detect and to alleviate. hanging-right produces counter-clockwise rota-
The dizziness is easily reproduced during the tory nystagmus and head-hanging-left produces
examination, with overt and specific signs. clockwise rotatory nystagmus . The response is
Barany (1921) first described the syndrome, accompanied by dizziness, which duplicates the
which consists of a "burst" ofdizziness accompa- patient's chief complaint. If the nystagmus is
nied by nystagmus, evoked exclusively by as- purely rotatory, it is not recordable with con-
suming specific head positions. Dix and Hallpike ventional electro-oculography, because the posi-
(1952) listed specific criteria to be met before tively charged cornea and negatively charged
applying this diagnosis . Their list included the retina do not deviate horizontally during the
following: (1) a history of dizziness occurring rotatory eye movement . In our experience, the
with head movements; (2) occurrence of dizzi- nystagmus can often be recorded in either the
ness accompanied by torsional nystagmus when vertical or the horizontal channel (or both),
the head was moved into the offending position ; because it is rarely purely rotatory. We have,
(3) response latency of 5 to 15 seconds; (4) a however, rarely evaluated anyone who became
substantial diminution of the response within dizzy during the left or right head-hanging
30 seconds; (5) possible reversal of the nystagmus maneuvers who did not also have easily visual-
upon return to the sitting position from the ized nystagmus at the same time . Therefore, we
offending position ; and (6) reduction in response routinely perform Dix-Hallpike maneuvers with
intensity upon repeat trials . Any patient whose eyes open and fixed, in a lighted room . If the
responses do not meet these criteria should not patient's history is typical of BPPV, but the test
be considered to have BPPV . result is negative (i .e ., no dizziness and no
Using the recommended method of direct nystagmus), we ask the patient if dizziness was
observation of eye movements during the Dix- expected with this type of movement . If the
Hallpike maneuver, the classic response is char- response is affirmative, we repeat the Dix-
Hallpike maneuver, perhaps moving more
quickly and waiting longer in the head-hanging
*Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota position . Occasionally, a positive response is
Reprint requests : Susan Lynn, Eisenberg 3F, Mayo then evoked. If not, the patient may be in a
Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905 period of spontaneous remission. It is then im-

Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo/Lynn and Brey

portant to inquire about when the most recent cerebellar lesions (Fernandez et al,1959) . There
symptoms occurred . is some question, however, as to whether the
Many patients with BPPV present with a resultant nystagmus is rotatory, with the upper
stereotypical description of brief, true vertigo pole beating toward the undermost ear (Baloh
that occurs only with quick movements. Char- et al, 1979b) . Speculation that BPPV may have
acteristic situations when this might occur are central causes appears to be based upon the
turning in bed or reaching up to retrieve some- coexistence of a lesion within the central nerv-
thing from a high shelf. Some clinicians advo- ous system, found at the same time the patient
cate performing the Dix-Hallpike maneuvers complained of positional vertigo. Thus, there is
only if the patient has a history suggesting a no strong evidence of any causal relationship
position-related problem. In our experience, between a central lesion and BPPV.
however, BPPV patients may report atypical A primary weakness in the evaluation and
types of dizziness or chronic imbalance as their diagnosis of these patients is that the definitive
major complaint. They may initially deny hav- criteria set forth by Dix and Hallpike have not
ing any motion-related dizziness. After provok- been strictly or rigorously applied by all inves-
tigators (Mohr, 1986). Another potential weak-
ing a positive Dix-Hallpike response, during
ness is that the examiner who evaluates the
which the patient reports the typical "burst" of
patient makes the determination of these crite-
dizziness, the patients often comment that they
ria based upon subjective observations . The
do get this dizziness too, but that they are not
subjectivity of these judgments may cause vari-
troubled by it, since they have learned to avoid
ation from examiner to examiner, based on their
it . Other patients may report position-related
experience in determining the direction of the
dizziness, but may describe the dizziness in an fast phase ofnystagmus and on patient coopera-
atypical manner . Descriptions we have heard tion at the time of the test . Such problems must
include "floating," "sinking," "dying," or just be Dept in mind when reviewing records for a
momentary lightheadedness . A physician or given patient or when evaluating literature on
audiologist might be easily misled by such de- BPPV .
scriptions . In our caseload, between 5 and 10 percent of
the patients have a final diagnosis of BPPV,
ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS based upon a classic Dix-Hallpike response .
Other facilities report prevalences of 10 percent

A n excellent review of BPPV was presented

by Mohr (1986) . He reviewed convincing
(Drachman and Hart, 1972) to 17 .5 percent
(Barber, 1984). In view of the frequency of
evidence suggesting that the posterior semicir- occurrence and the wide variety of descriptions
cular canal is the specific site of dysfunction in of the problem, the Dix-Hallpike maneuver is
most patients with BPPV. Surgery to destroy best used as a standard test in the assessment
the function of the posterior semicircular canal, of the dizzy patient. The procedure typically
either by plugging the canal or by severing the takes less than 5 minutes to perform, and could
posterior ampullary nerve, has been effective in be performed as part of a routine clinical assess-
eliminating BPPV. Parnes and McClure (1991) ment, as it requires no special equipment other
have described visualizing free-floating parti- than an examining table.
cles in the posterior semicircular canal during Even though the demonstration of BPPV
canal-plugging surgical procedures . The exact with the Dix-Hallpike maneuver is straightfor-
ward for an experienced examiner, it is not
cause ofBPPV, however, remains undetermined .
uncommon that patients who have complained
Various investigators (Stahle and Terins, 1965 ;
of positional dizziness have been misdiagnosed
Herndon et al, 1976 ; Katsarkas and Kirkham,
or have remained undiagnosed. Such outcomes
1978 ; Baloh et al, 1987) have examined coexist-
occur in part because patients seek medical help
ing findings for groups of patients with BPPV .
for their dizziness from physicians within a
While the vast majority have no other known
variety of different specialties . Unfortunately,
pathologies, some patients have a concurrent physicians vary widely in their knowledge about
diagnosis ofdisturbances such as endolymphatic dizziness and its assessment . Some physicians
hydrops, acoustic neuroma, labyrinthitis, a his- may not have easy access to objective tests of
tory of head trauma, or surgical procedures . A vestibular function. Further, individuals per-
few have concurrent central problems . Animal forming these tests (including audiologists) have
experiments have demonstrated paroxysmal po- a wide range of skill in performing and inter-
sitioning nystagmus subsequent to inducing preting the tests accurately.
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 4, Number 6, November 1993


n March of 1992, a 41-year-old female

came to our clinic after unsuccessful and
unusual evaluation and treatment for dizziness
elsewhere. She stated that in the spring or
summer of 1988, she had experienced brief
episodes of vertigo, as well as chronic, on-feet
imbalance, which disappeared in about 1 month
without treatment. In May of 1990, she experi-
enced a recurrence of the symptoms . Her dizzy
spells had never lasted more than a few mo-
ments and had always been precipitated by
motions such as rolling over in bed to the left
and getting out of bed in the morning. She
stated that her symptoms had not varied from
1990 to the time of our evaluation . She con-
sulted a physician in her home town, who or-
dered a magnetic resonance image (MRI) and an
audiogram, but no vestibular tests (Fig. 1) .
Audiometry indicated normal hearing, bilater-
Figure 2 MRI indicating a right cerebellar lesion just
ally . Contralateral acoustic reflexes were re- posterior and lateral to the fourth ventricle (see arrow) .
ported as normal .
MRIs were done in July of 1990 and in
March, May, and November of 1991 (Fig . 2) . All a stereotaxic biopsy of the lesion, which showed
MRIs demonstrated a lesion in the right cer- normal cerebellar tissue . Following the biopsy,
ebellum just posterior and lateral to the fourth her speech was slurred, and she noticed diffi-
ventricle with no mass effect, and there was no culty with her coordination . Her motion-related
enhancement with gadolinium . She underwent dizzy spells persisted.
Neurologic evaluation within our clinic
demonstrated normal mental status, language,
Frequency in Hertz blood pressure, and cranial nerve function. She
177 750 500 1000
7000 7 .000 e~ 8000
had a slight dysarthria, and her muscle stretch
m reflexes were present. She also showed a termi-
a nal tremor and reduction of alternating motion
- ---- ---- ---- -+- -+-- ~- - E
O rates in the right upper extremity. Brainstem
auditory evoked potentials were normal . It was
70 2
u il ur ~'1 Z~l ' 1
S 50
concluded by the managing neurologist that the
- cerebellar lesion probably represented a con-

genital cyst, which would continue to produce

no symptoms .
L 70 The patient was referred to our department
so for vestibular evaluation . Electronystag-
mography (ENG) and computerized dynamic
x 100 posturography tests were conducted (Fig . 3) .
110 The warm water caloric irrigations demon-
- 1 1
strated strong and symmetric responses (right,
67 degrees/sec, and left, 55 degrees/sec) . Gaze
testing, visual pursuit, fixation suppression,
Speech Audiornetry Signal : VILV, CID W-22
and ocular saccades were all well within normal
Speech Reception Thresholds : RT : 5 dB HL
LT : 5 dB HL limits (Fig . 4A-C). There was some mild, direc-
tion-fixed, right-beating positional nystagmus
Speech Reception Scores : RT : 100% Cad 40 dB SL
LT : 100% Ca3 40 dB SL with eyes closed and alerting in the supine,
head-left, and head-hanging positions (Fig . 5A-
Figure 1 Audiometric results, including pure-tone
thresholds and speech audiometry .
C) . The computerized dynamic posturography

Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo/Lynn and Brey

28"1-92 Id : 188 Figure 3 Caloric responses for

warm water irrigations at 44°C
,Right Cool Peak SPU : *** */see -Left Warm Peak SPU : 55 */see for 30 seconds, using 250 mL wa-
80 -

W 40 -
} 20 -
f .
W _20-
a -40 -

Right Warm Peak SPU : -66 '/sec ,Left Cool Peak SPU : */see
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 029 4 . 6989109124
Caloric Weakness "*"*
Directional Preponderance -

test was normal for both the motor and sensory The maneuver we used is called the canalith
portions of the test (Fig. 6A, B) . repositioning procedure, first reported by Epley
The Dix-Hallpike maneuver demonstrated in 1980 . A more refined procedure was de-
a classic response in the head-hanging-left posi- scribed by Epley (1992) as follows (Fig. 7) :
tion . The response consisted of paroxysmal, 1 . The patient is seated on a table so that
clockwise nystagmus, which began approxi- when laid back, his/her head will extend
mately 5 seconds after assuming the position . off the end 45 degrees toward the affected
The response was accompanied by the patient's ear. In this position, it is essential to wait
report that she was dizzy and that the sensation a minimum of 30 seconds for the delayed
duplicated the spells she had been having. The response . (We have seen responses de-
response was much weaker on the second trial. layed as much as 40-50 seconds for some
There were no other positions tested that pro- patients .)
voked the patient's symptoms ofdizziness . Based 2. Following cessation of the nystagmus, the
on these observations, a diagnosis of benign head is rotated 90 degrees (45 degrees off
paroxysmal positioning vertigo was made, and center, away from the affected ear). The
a maneuver to relieve the symptoms was per- patient is kept in this position for a dura-
formed . Today, 7 months later, she reports peri- tion equaling the delay in the response
odic slurring of her speech, but her position- plus the duration of the nystagmus (T sec
related vertigo has completely resolved . = delay + duration).

CALORI C Riyht Ear/Wa :ra 2 0-Ma1-92 Id : 188 Figure 4A Normal results for
fixation suppression during
R20 ~ calorics .
R1 0
w J

., . . . . . . . . . . 1:,53 , .
Number of beats : 67 SPU= -7 .6


w 40-
0 0-


-80 ~
RC= * ::*** LC= *a**a RW= ***** LW= 55 .8

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 4, Number 6, November 1993

ZH1av-92 Id : 188 Figure 4B Normal results for

smooth ocular pursuit

. .- .- . . - MS-,J
e e9 500
Frequency= 8 .29 Hz R Gain= 8 .94 L Gain= 8 .9 9 Phase Shift= -9 .9 "

3. The patient's head and body are then ro- ing the head as erect as possible for 48 hours,
tated 135 degrees from the supine position avoiding excessive head movements (especially
(the patient rolls over onto the shoulder in the vertical plane), and not lying with the
opposite the affected ear), and that posi- affected side down for 9 days . Complete instruc-
tion is maintained for another like time tions are found in the Appendix . When these
period, i.e ., T sec . instructions have been completed for the speci-
4. Maintaining the same head position, the fied length of time, the patients are asked to
patient is then raised slowly to a sitting return to normal activities without movement
position and held there for T sec. restrictions .
5. The patient's head is then turned forward
and down 20 degrees for T sec. SUMMARY

The patients are asked to visually fixate in

each position . These five steps are repeated
until there is no nystagmus or subjective dizzi-
A patient having a classic history and
clinical findings for BPPV was reviewed .
Vestibular testing was bypassed initially in
ness in any of the positions . favor of MRIs and led to neurosurgery for what
Written instructions are given to the pa- appeared to be a benign, congenital cerebellar
tients and discussed with them after completing cyst . Further testing at our facility demon-
the maneuver . These instructions include keep- strated results consistent with classic BPPV.

2"ar-92 Id ; 188 Figure 4C Normal results for

saccadic eye movement testing.



30 20 18 816-2 -


Ki ntwara
.- . i Lefiw
J~_ 20 10-B'r 10 20 30

Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo/Lynn and Brey

POSITIOHAL~Supine/EC Z"ar-92 Id: 188 Figure 5A Recording demon-

-1 strating right-beating positional
nystagmus obtained with eyes
closed and alerting in the supine
position .

Number of beats : 22 SPII= -4 .6

0102030405860788690100110 28-1
1=1 6
SPU= -4

Figure 5B Recording demon-

POSITI OHAL~HeaA Lt/EC a:-9 Id. 188 strating right-beating positional
R20- nystagmus obtained with eyes
closed and alerting in the head-
R10- left position .

.. ... . . . . .. . .
Number of beats : 26 SPU= -3 .6


W 10

W 0

a -l0

01020204e206070809010011012013r'71_4 6
SPU= -3

IYIf.9~/IILfl1BI~Ti ":AStrSIStt/I~ll Z"aT-92 Id : 188 Figure 5C Recording demon-

strating right-beating positional
nystagmus obtained with eyes
closed and alerting in the head-
hanging position .

Numbe r of beats : 16 SPU= -4.4

Slo w Ph ase U e l oc ir v

0110263040506B7Be09BfaAIt o12'n~t'a da
SPU= -5

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 4, Number 6, November 1993



=or mw°a~eor
= o.: ., -av: wuw.Q;
.se s..r++a..-°wn.,.m or .: w. m, .~
Weight Symmetry Weight Symmetry Equilibrium Score

Sensory Analysis Strategy Analysis COG Alignment

r r

° soM ~s

Adaptation - Toes Up Adaptation - Toes Down


0 0 0

Eart.ns- .-c.naQN*,aa, -- ti~.VUn ...rv.n

- ~,ES:--Dr R- zo- sar - .- . .u

Figure 6 Computerized dynamic posturography test results for the motor and sensory conditions.

Positional vertigo was satisfactorily resolved Dix M, Hallpike C . (1952) . The pathology, symptoma-
with a canalith repositioning procedure . This tology and diagnosis of certain common disorders of the
vestibular system . Proc R Soc Med 45 :341-354 .
observation implies an unlikely relationship
between the patient's symptoms and the cer- Drachman D, Hart C . (1972). An approach to the dizzy
ebellar lesion . This case illuminates the impor- patient . Neurology 22 :323-334 .
tance of ENG with Dix-Hallpike testing. It Epley J. (1980) . New dimensions of benign paroxysmal
should be emphasized that the treatment proce- positional vertigo . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 88 :
dures described here should be applied only 599-605.

after the presence of BPPV has been confirmed. Epley J. (1992). The canalith repositioning procedure: for
This particular form of patient management treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
should not preclude comprehensive medical as- Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 107:399-404.

sessment to rule out any coexisting, treatable Fernandez C, Alzate R, Lindsay J. (1959) . Experimental
pathology. observations on postural nystagmus in the cat. Ann Otol
Rhinol Laryngol 68:816-829 .

REFERENCES Herndon J, Haug 0, Horowitz M, Lynes T. (1975). Benign

paroxysmal positional vertigo : a clinical study. Ann Otol
Baloh R, Honrubia V, Jacobson K. (1987) . Benign Rhinol Laryngol 84:218-222 .
positional vertigo: clinical and oculographic features in
240 cases . Neurology 37 :371-378 . Katsarkas A, Kirkham T. (1978). Paroxysmal positional
vertigo: a study of 255 cases. J Otolaryngol 7:320-330.
Baloh R, Sakala S, Honrubia V. (1979a). Benign paroxys-
mal positional nystagmus. Am J Otolaryngol 1:1-6 . Mohr D. (1986) . The syndrome of paroxysmal positional
vertigo: a review . West J Med 145 :245-250 .
Baloh R, Sakala S, Honrubia V. (1979b). The mechanism
of benign paroxysmal positional nystagmus. Adv Parnes L, McClure J. (1991) . Free-floating Endolymph
Otorhinolaryngol 25 :161-166 . Particles: A New Operative Finding During Posterior
Canal Occlusion . Paper presented at the Meeting of the
Barany R . (1921) . Diagnose von Krankheitserscheinun- Eastern Section of the American Laryngological,
gen im Bereiche des Otolithenapparates . Acta Otolaryngol Rhinological, and Otological Society, February, Philadel-
(Stockh) 2 :434-437 . phia, PA .

Barber H. (1984) . Positional nystagmus. Otolaryngol Stable J, Terins J. (1965) . Paroxysmal positional
Head Neck Surg 92 :649-655 . nystagmus : an electronystagmographic and clinical study.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 74 :69-83 .

Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo/Lynn and Brey

Figure 7 "Positions for the canalith repositioning procedure (CRP), targeting left
posterior semicircular canal (PSC). Dark figure, side view ; boxes, operator's exposed
view of left labyrinth, showing gravitating canaliths. Semicircular canals are
labeled. S (Start), patient is seated, operator behind, oscillator(') applied. 1, Head is
placed over the end of the table, 45 degrees to the left (canaliths gravitate to center
of PSC) . 2, While head is kept tilted downward, it is rotated to 45 degrees right
(canaliths reach common crus). 3, Head and body are rotated until facing downward
135 degrees from supine position (cannaliths traverse common crus). 4, While head
is kept turned right, patient is brought to sitting position (canaliths enter utricle).
5, Head is turned forward, chin down 20 degrees. General: Pause at each position
until induced nystagmus approaches termination, or T s (delay + duration) if no
nystagmus. Keep repeating entire series (1 through 5) until no nystagmus any
position pg. 401 ." (Reprinted from Epley J. [1992] . The canalith repositioning
procedure: for treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg 107:401-404 . With permission from Dr. John Epley and Otolaryngology-
Head and Neck Surgery.)
'Note: Oscillator was not used while carrying out maneuver for patient reviewed.


Patient instructions for the Epley Maneuver :

1. For the next 2 days and nights (48 hours), try to move your head and body as a unit
you should keep your head completely ver- without excessive turning of your neck.
tical. To sleep, you might sit in a recliner 3 . Do not sleep on the side that generates your
chair, but do not lie all the way back; just far dizziness for an additional week . You might
enough to support your head. You might pin a pillow to that shoulder to keep you
devise a support for your head by purchas- from rolling over on it during the night. For
ing a neck brace or by pinning two pillows example : if your right ear down is causing
next to your head . the problem, then sleep on your left side or
2. Next, please avoid any head movements stomach.
upward or downward for the next week and

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